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Welcome back to dateline extra. Im craig melvin. Detectives were convinced garrett kopp was involved in the family shooting, and they didnt think he acted alone. But with no evidence tying chris to the crime, they needed a confession to connect chris to the case. Could they get garrett to come clean . Returning to our story, here is Keith Morrison. Detectives Larry Bellevue and art manning had a theory to explain the shooting of john sutton and the murder of his wife susan which was that Christopher Sutton hired his dopesmoking buddy, garrett kopp to kill his parents. It was really just a theory. While the case against kopp was fairly strong, remember the murder weapon was found in his possession. The evidence against christopher was circumstantial. Little more than guilt by association. The samoa boot camp may have given christopher a motive. But. I certainly needed more than that to make the arrest. I decided it was time to act. We are going to need a confession, i believe. Given what they had against kopp, detectives gambled the shooter may roll over on the son. He denied all. That wasnt my gun at all . It wasnt my gun. Looks like well beep here a long time today. And they were. Hours and hours. Do you know how the house was set up. I said i dont believe you did this on your own. Give me the reason as to how chris got you to do this . He basically said look, you have to look out for me and my family, because im afraid of him. Was is going to kill him . Yes. If he didnt do this, chris was going to take care of him and his young son. I cant believe it, but thats the excuse he gave. Having given himself an excuse. Kopp confessed. Said christopher was behind it all. Gave him the gun. Money to buy the black clothes. Hired him as the a hit man. Did he formulate this plan or was it a combined effort between the two of you . He did. What plan did he tell you . What did he want you to do. Go in the back door, walk in, and shoot him. Did it upset him to tell you this story . No, not really. Not that i could tell. Did he seem relieved he had told someone. No. During this time i was talking to him. He was pretty calm talking about it. After the confession, kopp was charged with first degree murder. He was allowed to see his father, his girlfriend and then his son and then taken off to jail. So case closed . Youd think given what composite told the detectives in there. But it did not give them what they needed to arrest christopher. There is a feature in florida law which says that the things a person says in a confession about somebody else could be labeled as hearsay. They needed more. So they turned to the person closest to christopher, his fiancee, Juliet Driscoll, the two were engaged to be married in a few weeks. Dress bought, invitations in the mail. She sat there and said i dont know anything about it. Christopher doesnt tell me. Didnt tell her anything . Or so she said. That was my reaction, and i didnt buy it. I guess not. Because he went on grilling this young woman for more than 12 hours. At the end of which, the detective played to her heart, her relationship with susan and john sutton. I said, look, susan really cared about you. She basically thought of you as a daughter. This woman didnt deserve to die like this. John doesnt deserve to be blind the rest of his life. And i know for a fact that garrett did this under the direction of christopher. Finally she started crying. And i go, i think i might have her. With the tears came a story, what christopher had said to her that just might nail him for murder. His parents deserve to die for taking years out of his life. She said this went for years. She interjected i knew it was going to happen. I just didnt know when. That night they put juliet who was living with christopher, into protective custody. The next day i prepared an arrest warrant for Christopher Sutton. And a female officer paid a visit to christophers father home alone. She says, well, i have good news and bad news. And the good news is that we have arrested the assailant. Hes admitted it. The bad news he has inculpated your son and said your son set him up. I go, man, oh, man. That was a bad night. A real bad night. What was it like to hear that . Was it a shock or did you have some kind of an idea . It was 50 emotions all at the same time. One of which is well, i finally know. Two was, i cant believe this. John, ever the attorney, wanted to know what the evidence was, had the reports read to him, and was convinced. I think that i was some where in between being completely only and upset and somewhere i knew he had done it. Melissa so grief stricken wasnt focused on who did it so much as what she had lost. A lot of people chase the killer. I think i chased missing my mom. Police are looking for 25yearold Christopher Patrick sutton. And christopher was nowhere to be found. Day after day as police looked for him. John sutton had time to think and remember. One event in particular which perhaps hed suppressed. It happened nine years earlier when christopher was just 16. It was the deciding factor in sending him off to samoa. Susan was going through christophers room. And found a handwritten note planning our murder. What did it say . Well it talked about killing us for insurance. A week after a warrant was taken out for his arrest, police found christopher and brought him to the miamidade homicide bureau. There he learned that both his alleged coconspirator, garrett kopp and his fiancee Juliet Driscoll had somehow implicated him. I showed him certain excerpts out of Juliet Driscolls statement. I knew it was going to happen. I just didnt know when. At that point he immediately began to sob, put his head on the table and said im [ bleep ]. But did that mean he was guilty . Or merely that he understood the police believed he was guilty . He made comments like, there is no magical way i can tell you where to go to find the truth. Christopher sutton and garrett kopp were charged with first degree murder, possible Death Penalty case. Both pleaded not guilty. And john sutton got busy. He had a mission, two, in fact. One to seek justice no matter what that might mean for his son. And the other, perhaps even more impossible, to simply see again. Coming up, garrett kopps con investigation should be enough to put him behind bars, but did prosecutors have enough to convict Christopher Sutton . This was a circumstantial case. When blind justice continues. Blind justice continues. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. [kno king] memories. What we deliver by delivering. 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Eliquis, the number one cardiologistprescribed blood thinner. Ask your doctor if eliquis is whats next for you. Welcome back. Garrett kopp had confessed to police that he was the gunman in a murderforhire plot to kill john and susan sutton. Who was the mastermind behind the crime . It was their own son chris, said garrett. Both men were charged with firstdegree murder. John was staggered by his sons alleged betrayal, yet this remarkable man was determined to move on with his life, and as it turns out, a new love. Here again is Keith Morrison with more. John sutton had survived gunshot wounds to his head. The death of his wife and his own sons arrest for murder. And to top it off, he was blind, apparently permanently. It still is unbelievable. I mean, its like a big, bad dream. A nightmare from which there was no awakening. But john, if you hadnt noticed by now is a determined man. He had been a champion swimmer in college. Now he swam again. He had been a skier. Now he learned to ski blind. He fell in love again. With a woman named kathy henry. How did you meet her . Blind date. Haha. Am i supposed to laugh at that line. Yeah, its true. What has it meant to you to have her with you . Is has meant a great deal. Its just tremendous. I wish i could see her. And he went back to the thing he had always done best. He went back to court to practice law. We did not sue for breach of that contract. Where his blindness became not exactly the handicap some opponents seemed to expect. I like to put myself down. So i say, poor old blind guy, you know, im just trying to do the best i can. Then i go in and memorize the citations and let them decide if i know what im doing. And he was able to keep up with a busy work load, even winning a 9 million judgment for one of his clients. The blindness, i just couldnt even imagine. I dont even, i cant even try to think what that would be like. Its heavy. Memorizing things and going into court, what is that a pretty determined guy. Yeah, i agree. But adapting, even successful adapting using a talking typewriter for example. Wasnt enough for john sutton. As he waited for his sons long delayed trial he pursued with Something Like an obsession, a quest to regain his eyesight. And most people might have given up by then. Cant do anything. Live with it. Not even close. Not you . No. I wont take no for an answer. At some of the best hospitals in the country, sutton had been told there was simply nothing to be done. The bullet had destroyed his optic nerve. He would be blind for life. The bullets had permanently destroyed his optic nerve. John had heard about a landmark break through at harvard affiliated Research Institute in boston where a renowned researcher had regenerated the optic nerve in mice using Stem Cell Therapy and drugs, human trials would be next. One step up. And so in march 2008, almost three years to the day after his son was arrested, sutton and his girlfriend kathy were on the cold rainswept streets of boston on the way to an appointment at scapins. Okay. There is a chin rest in front of you. A doctor evaluated suttons unintact eye and discovered even though the nerve was destroyed, the rest of the eye, theoretically, at least, could work. My son is in jail, charged with first degree murder. They listened to the awful story of the way john lost his eyesight. They explained to him the Amazing Things they were doing here like growing corneas in a petri dish and working on optic nerve regeneration. John took it all in, amazed. And for the first time, since the shooting, he felt a surge of positive excitement. And a little germ of hope lodged itself in his stubborn mind. You were thinking, maybe they can do it for you. I said i am in the right spot. He talked to the leading researcher working on optic nerve repair. Have you done any studies with severed optic nerves. He peppered them with questions like he was crossexamining witnesses. Mike gilmore, then president of skapins offered him a glimmer at least of hope. We will be able to regenerate an optic nerve not so much a question of can we, when can we . And it was a good news bad news sort of day. I do not want to mislead you or provide false hopes. Yes, there might be a cure, but perhaps not for five or ten years or more, quite possibly too late for john sutton. Okay. How soon depends on how much funding we can get, how many scientists we can put behind the problem to solve it. Sutton told the doctors he would somehow help make it happen. He wrote checks. He joined the board of directors. John sutton. He offered himself as a voice of hope for desperate patients. Even though it may never help him, as long as he lives. He is okay with that . There is a chance that that we may not be able to restore his vision. There is a chance on the other hand, we may. If he doesnt get behind it. He does know that were not going to move it as fast as we could. Well, its my pleasure to be here today. As you will hear i almost didnt make it here today. Sutton traveled the country speaking at fundraisers using what he calls his shock and awe presentation to tell his story, complete with his 911 call and news footage. The body of susan sutton. I want to flip this tragedy, this catastrophe into a positive. Meanwhile, in miami, it was decision time. The alleged shooter, garrett kopp, had finally agreed to plead guilty and testify against suttons son christopher. In exchange for a 30year sentence and no Death Penalty. Sutton confronted the killer the day he entered a plea. During the next days, months, years, 20 years, 30 years, i want you to think about what you planned and what you did that night, you can be assured that with my blindness, every minute of every day, that i will not forget you. All rise, please. With that the murder trial of Christopher Sutton could begin. Now, florida law again, now prosecutors could use the sworn testimony in court of both of the girlfriend and the hit man. But even with that, the case was as prosecutor Kathleen Hogue knew all too well, rather weak. This was a circumstantial case, extremely circumstantial. Really based on motive. John sutton wanted the law to convict his son of murder. But was christopher actually guilty . Coming up, in court, a killer returns to the scene of the crime. What did you do at the end of the hallway . Proceeded to shoot. When blind justice continues. Continues. Have you seen my glas . Ive always had a knack for finding things. Colon cancer, to be exact. And i find it noninvasively. No need for time off or special prep. It all starts here. You collect your sample, and cologuard uses the dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers. You can always count on me to know where to look. 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And the chilling stories they would share would leave the courtroom stunned. With more of our story, here is Keith Morrison. Summer time in miami. Pounding heat, blinding sun. Unavoidable except of course inside. All rise, please. Six years inside a cell in the county jail had produced a doughy Christopher Sutton by the time his trial finally began. It was july 2010. The son charged with hiring the hit man who murdered his mother, blinded his father. And here he sat apparently confident, highly prepared, ignoring most of the time the surviving members of his family, a scant to feet away. You know, we locked eyes, but i have nothing to say to him. Melissa sat with her father, their father. Front row seat. Prosecutor karen keagan told the jury a horror story. The states version of what happened. The man for whom the gunman had signed on to commit a doublemurder. A man who was intimately familiar with john and susan sutton. That man their son. Christopher sutton. Then graphic evidence. A crime scene soaked in blood and littered with bullet casings. The medical examiner placed knitting needles in a mannequin to show where susan was shot six times. Her son took a deep breath, recoiled, dreadful. But, how would the state prove that christopher was behind it all. Raise your right hand. She will administer the oath. For starters, this man once worked with christopher, was an occasional pot customer too, but was shocked he said when christopher asked him a certain question. What did the defendant ask you . He asked me if i knew of any hit men that would kill his parents. What reason or explanation did he give you . He said his parents were worth about 500,000 to 1 million. Worth a lot more, actually. With house, insurance, law practice, christopher stood to inherit millions. So, was money a motive . Or was it the stint apt the boot camp in samoa or both . The detective told the jury he tried to find out when he questioned christopher. I said did you hate your parents that much . And his answer . He said you tell me. You just dont know. But did that answer the question about guilt or motive . Or would she . Ms. Driscoll, if youll come forward. Stand in front of our clerk here, please. When juliette, once his fiancee and the love of his life walked by him in the courtroom, christophers eyes welled up. He hadnt seen her in years. Now her testimony could send him away for life. What did the defendant tell you about getting his parents killed or taken care of . Same thing i have been hearing for the last six years. Which was he could find someone to kill them . Find somebody they deserved it. This wasnt easy for juliette. As she called the last time she saw susan sutton, the night of the Birthday Celebration a few hours before she was killed. We went over, it was me, chris, john, susan, and teddy. We had dinner. Do you remember that melissa was there . Or do you need a minute . This may be a good time for a break. That night, whether juliette knew it or not, christopher and his drug dealing hit man, garrett kopp were already leaving a trail for detectives, a trail of phone call, 17 in all. One just an hour after the murder as christopher and juliette left the Movie Theater that august night. The state will call garrett kopp to the stand. Here was the man on the end of the phone. The man who said he did it, garrett kopp. 25 years old. Short, scruffy. The selfconfessed killer shuffled into the courtroom and told a horrifying tale how christopher instructed him to enter the house through a sliding glass door near the pool. How he made a sketch of the house to guide garrett down a hallway that john to john and susans bed rooms. What did you do at the end of the hallway . Proceed to shoot. Who did you shoot at first . John. Circumstances that mr. Sutton . Yes. Where was mr. Sutton when you shot at him initially . On the bed. And what did you see mr. Sutton do when you shot him . Flip off the bed. After you fired at mr. Sutton, what did you do . Proceeded to shoot in the other room. And who was the person with whom you were in a plan to shoot john and susan sutton . Chris sutton. And what do you remember the defendant telling you about how much money you might expect to get . Upwards of 100,000. Until this moment, john sutton had been a spectator at his sons trial, his thoughts and feelings his own. But he was a victim too. Staying out of it wasnt an option for him. And now came the moment he had both dreaded and demanded. He testified against his own son. First about the night his world went dark. The only thing i saw was for an instant a snap, i didnt see the gun, but in an instant, bam, and then, the next thing you knew, i woke up and i was on the floor. John sutton answered the questions as if the defendant sitting before him was a man he had never met, as if this was not the boy he had raised from birth. Neither father nor son displayed the slightest emotion. It doesnt make any sense to to get on the witness stand and cry in front of the jury it can cause a mistrial. So, i dealt with it. I did what i had to do. So he did, but was he right about his son . Did the state really have the puzzle solved . Or had its key witness been forced to lie . Now it was the defenses turn, and christophers exfiancee was looking to set the record straight on what she said and did not say to police. Coming up they told me if they didnt hear what they wanted to hear that they were going to arrest me instead. What would that do to the when blient justice continues. Justice continues. Maid . Uh, im not the. Is she an alien, is she a spy . Shes always here, someone tell us why why, oh, why shes not the maid we wanted because im not the maid but shes the maid we got again, im not the maid. I protect your home and auto. Hey, campbells. Whos your new maid . I protect your home and auto. The lexus es. Every curve, every innovation, every feeling. A product of mastery. Lease the 2019 es 350 for 389 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Verizon got us vip tickets three feet away from justin timberlake. And to say vip is an understatement, because i sawww justin timberlake. He literally looked into the phone and started dancing well, he was already dancing locked eyes and continued dancing. Every now and then, im like, wait, did that happen . gasps ive got photos of it, it must have. vo get more music on us with verizon up, the rewards program that gets you vip tickets. Plus, get a free galaxy s10e when you buy one, and 400 when you switch. Only on verizon. Im richard lui with your hours top stories. House Judiciary Committee chairman jerry nadler saying the evidence of obstruction of justice by President Trump laid out in the Mueller Report is impeachable if proven. But nadler, whose committee would hold impeachment proceedings said he would still want more investigations before pursuing that path. And thousands of notre dames parishioners gathered at other churches on sunday to celebrate easter less than a week after fire consumed the iconic monument. For now, back to dateline. Welcome back to dateline extra. Im craig melvin. During Christopher Suttons trial, his former fiancee told the court she repeatedly herd him threaten to kill. It was a betrayal the exgirlfriend was eager to explain. We return once again to Keith Morrison. She tells them it takes a special sort of skill to face a man facing firstdegree murder. And in miami, Bruce Fleisher has honed the skill as well as anyone. But what he could see right away knew it long before the trial was that the scene in that courtroom was about as bad as it could be. Because there they were, just feet apart. His client and a blind father. The survivor of Christopher Suttons alleged plot to kill his parents. The fact that john sutton survived and was blind to me was the greatest prejudice in the case. There he was right behind the bar the whole time. The jury would hear something bad and they would look over at john sutton. They had to be thinking, this poor man, look what he has to go through life with. For the victim, fleisher knew he must display only sympathy. So instead, he would attack the Murder Investigation itself, the way the police came up with their two star witnesses, Juliette Driscoll and garrett kopp. After all, without them, the states case was weak. Why do you suppose they came forward anyway . Because they were forced to. Or so reasoned fleisher. Juliette driscoll, for example, why did she tell Police Christopher talked about killing his parents. They eventually tell her if you dont tell us, what we want to know, youre going to be arrested in this murder conspiracy. And what does she do . She tells them what they want to know. Please have a seat over here. In fact, the defense attorney got juliette to admit the state wouldnt even have had that if detectives hadnt intimidated and threatened her. They told me if they didnt hear what they wanted to hear that they were going to arrest me instead. They threw my purse across the room. They slammed their hands on the desks. Did they tell you for first degree murder. They told me they would arrest me for murder. And you eventually told them what they wanted to hear . After 13 hours, yes. Before christopher was arrested the two planned a wedding and honeymoon in samoa, of all places. Which begged the question he was going to take the lives of his parents, why would you stay with him and why would you marry him . I cant think of how many times i have heard somebody say, oh, my god i hate this person so much i could kill them right now. When you hear it for six straight years, you just dont believe it. Finally, juliette testified that detectives lied when she told them i knew it would happen i just didnt know when. I never believed he was going to do it. Thats why the whole thing with my statement. That i knew he was going to do it. Which i have said i didnt know he was going to do it. I am still confused about the whole matter. I dont know if he did it or not. Nobody knows what really happened except for him and garrett. Thank you. Thats what i have been saying. So, why not just play a tape of the interrogation. Well, they couldnt. The police didnt record a word of their long talk with Juliette Driscoll. She said certainly he said those things, but whether he did it or not is up in the air as far as im concerned. Right. I think that gives rise to a major reasonable doubt in this case. But remember, garrett kopp, the confessed shooter testified he was merely christophers puppet on a string when he killed susan and tried to kill john. How do you get a jury to doubt a Statement Like that . We now had to go after him with hammer and tongs. Oh, and he did. Fleisher went after garrett and the cops. Every time you denied being involved in this, they got aggressive with you didnt they . Somewhat. Theyre just like, got pushy a little bit. Got pushy. They walked over to you and pushed you a little bit on the shoulder. Getting in my face. Did they touch you . Leaned up against me. Like this . Yeah. When nay got close to this, what were they saying, garrett, garrett. Garrett. Something like that. You need to tell us, something, garrett. Because theyre going to fry your ass in the electric chair. Excuse me. Excuse me. Thank you, mr. Fleisher. Is that an objection . That is an objection. The question is, is that what they said to you . Something like that. Im going down for murder. Youre going down for murder. Im going to get the Death Penalty. You are going to get the Death Penalty. What finally made you give them some information. Saying that juliette was confessing in the other room. They told me i was going i was going to go to jail for murder already. So i ended up confessing. There was no doubt that kopp committed the murder. But maybe the case against christopher wasnt quite so watertight after all. Maybe christopher himself could set the record straight. Were calling chris sutton. Would jurors listen . Accused of murdering his mother and blinding his father, a son weeps on the stand, but who are those tears actually for . Coming up. I was what they called in denial. Do you need a break . Yeah. When blind justice continues. E have, weve earned. The unmistakable lexus is. Lease the 2019 is 300 for 329 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Run with us on a john deere 1 series tractor. Beacuse changing your attachments, should be as easy as. What about this . Changing your plans. Yeah. Run with us. Search john deere 1 series for more. 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Chantix reduces the urge so when the day arrives, youll be more ready to kiss cigarettes goodbye. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Stop chantix and get help right away if you have changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions, seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking, or lifethreatening allergic and skin reactions. Decrease alcohol use. Use caution driving or operating machinery. Tell your doctor if youve had Mental Health problems. The most common side effect is nausea. Quit smoking slow turkey. Talk to your doctor about chantix. Judge, we are calling chris sutton. Jurors had to be deeply cure curious about the man accused of putting a hit on his parents. For one thing, in his button down shirt and wire rim glasses, he looked more law student than murder suspect. And besides, for two weeks theyd watched his careful note taking, his whispered asides to his attorney. He felt he was wrongfully prosecuted. The only way we could tie up a lot of things and actually prove things or disprove things is by him testifying. Give me the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I do. How would he convey his innocence . First, by describing his hospital vigil, a concerned son on the night of the shooting. Did he acknowledge that you were there . Yeah, he could squeeze your hand but couldnt speak. How did you feel when you saw your father at the Ryder Trauma Center . Shocked, hurt, worried, scared. Not that christopher was claiming to be a perfect son. In fact, he told the jury he was a drug dealer. Garrett kopp was one of his best customers but had good reason to turn on him. Why . Because years earlier, christopher said, he turned Police Informant to get drug charges dropped. And who did he finger . Garrett kopp. What happened if anything with your relationship with garrett kopp after he was arrested . I didnt speak to him for a while. Or he didnt speak to me i should say for a while. Was he mad at you . Yes. So was it payback time now . Yes, says christopher it must have been. Thus his theory of the murder. Christopher said he had nothing to do with it. Told the jury he never asked kopp to kill his parents. Kopp made it all up. The police had it all wrong. What really happened he said, was that kopp stormed into the house that night to steal christophers hidden stash. Boxes full of drugs. How much marijuana did you store in these boxes . In the top box, two pounds. What was the value of that . 7,000. In fact the very day of the murder, said christopher, a hopped up kopp called him again and again, desperate to buy drugs. Christopher told him between his mothers Birthday Party and a movie that night, he couldnt do it. Why did you tell him that you couldnt get the drugs . Overruled. I told him i left it in my room at my parents house. Thats what gave kopp the idea where to go to get the drugs. That still doesnt explain why he would in cold blood murder and attempt to murder these two people. He went to get the drugs. He found the suttons home. And they could recognize him. He panicked. He was in a drug stupor and he shot them both. So if you were garrett kopp, wouldnt you try to implicate the man who turned you in to police . Here is the thing, said christopher. He can understand kopp turning on him, but juliette, his own fiancee . When he heard what she told police, he said he broke down in tears. Not because of what she said, but why she must have said it. As soon as he started reading parts of juliettes statement, yeah, i started crying. Why were you crying . Objection. Overruled. I was crying because the woman i was going to be marrying in five weeks lied to safe herself. Tears of frustration too, said christopher, how could he defend himself against lies when his Police Interrogator kept accusing him of murder. I told him he will not believe anything i say. And twist my words to use them against me, you know. Like he did with juliette. Because there is no proof that i did anything. Because i know i didnt do anything. So there it was. Another theory for the jury to consider. But there was one more thing the defense had to do if possible knock down the allegation that his banishment to samoa had given him a motive to kill his parents. What you are about to see as christopher described the program probably wasnt in the defense strategy. A level 2 is allowed to go to the bathroom on his own, is allowed to have some more privileges. And then something in the memories on that island struck a nerve. How were you feeling physically during that time . I was what they called in denial. Do you need a break . Yeah. Strange. Stoic for the rest of his testimony. Yet in the process of trying to dismiss samoa as a murder motive he cried about his experience there. So, revealing . Attorney fleisher put the best spin on it he could. I think that showed his honesty as a witness. I cried when i got off the plane. When court resumed. Christopher told the jury that while he was initially upset about being sent to samoa, he got over it, made the best of it. When his parents and melissa and came to visit, they all had a wonderful time together. Hardly a dysfunctional family in the story the photos told. Were you happy to be with your parents . I was very, very happy to see my parents. I loved them very much. He had given the jury an alternative. He tried at least to diffuse the samoa motive, enough . Not nearly, said prosecutor keagan. What motive did garrett kopp have to go in and attempt to assassinate both those people . None. What motive did Christopher Sutton have to want both his parents dead . Plenty. And whats the story here . They have the statement of garrett kopp. The drugcrazed, little thug, who gives this story to save himself from the Death Penalty. And the coerced statement of Juliette Driscoll. Where is the evidence in this case . What do they have . Nothing. Seven men, five women on the jury. And real doubt in the air. When he first started saying his testimony, he put it out of my mind. Coming up, the jury speaks. We, the jury and so does Christopher Sutton. Sure, i could have been a better guy. When blind justice continues. When blind justice continues. For people 50 and older colat average risk. Ing honey have you seen my glasses . Ive always had a knack for finding things. Colon cancer, to be exact. And i find it noninvasively. No need for time off or special prep. It all starts here. You collect your sample, and cologuard uses the dna in your stool to find 92 of colon cancers. You can always count on me to know where to look. Oh, i found them i can do this test now ask your doctor if cologuard is right for you. Covered by medicare and most major insurers. Welcome back. The defense in the Christopher Sutton murder trial insisted their client was an innocent man and the testimony against him was all lies. The shooter, who claimed to be a hired hitman pointed the finger at chris out of revenge, chris lawyer claimed. His exfiancees statement was coerced. And that boot camp, chris took to the stand to claim it wasnt so bad. But had his testimony help or hurt his case . Here with the conclusion of our story is Keith Morrison. Now you may deliberate. And all rise. Not an easy task these people were given. Did Christopher Sutton mastermind a plan to kill his own parents . We battled about it for a while. Who knew those 12 were butting heads all day and split down the middle that. Went home. It was mostly garrett kopp they had trouble with. How could they believe a coldblooded hitman who rats on a friend to save his own skin. He is making a deal because he doesnt want to go to the Death Penalty. Which could mean what . You cant believe what he says because he is an opportunist . Yeah. The next day that. Try it again. Sweat in the air conditioned hallway. At 7 00 p. M. , two words set the hall abuzz. A verdict. John and Melissa Sutton took their seats in the front row. Bring in the jury, please. Christopher sutton stood stoned faced as jurors streamed in. Thank you, be seated. Were those tears from some members of the jury . Ladies and gentlemen, i understand you have reached a verdict. Judge Stanford Blake read the verdict. State of florida versus Christopher Sutton, we the jury in miamidade, florida, find the defendant Christopher Patrick sutton, as to count one, guilty of first degree murder as charged in the indictment. Guilty. With that christophers head snapped back as if he had been struck. As to count three, guilty of attempted first degree felony murder. Melissa wept. Her father, their father, locked his jaw, stared ahead, sightless. Sentencing would be immediate. John sutton was offered time to speak. And years of stoic resolve crumbled. Regardless of the result, this is a bad case. We are now were now at five years, 11 months, i lost susan, i lost Christopher Long before christopher did not look at his father. Had he done so he would not have seen tears. The bullets that tore into his head left john sutton unable to cry. I lost my eyesight. How was it in that courtroom. It needs to be over. Raw. Personal. Heres the judge. Its ironic for me. I have a son who was born the exact same day as Christopher Sutton. When i heard his date during the trial, i remembered the joy of bringing my son home just like mr. Sutton had. So at this time, as to count one, mr. Sutton, the court poses a sentence of life in prison, without the possibility of parole. And that was that. Christopher sutton will die in prison, a result he found so shocking, he decided he needed to explain that they got it so very wrong. The verdict did seem to be a big surprise. Yeah, i definitely wasnt expecting to be found guilty. I mean, i was shocked, you know, to know you didnt do something, yet to have people feel you did. The words fairly gushed from his mouth as if it wasnt time to say everything that needed to be said. A lot of this comes down to there is me and there is garrett and then everybody else is talking about what i did years before or or maybe after or even juliette. The only people that could know anything are christopher and garrett. This idea that he would break in looking for drugs. Yeah, absolutely. You wouldnt have drug theres. I had stuff in my bedroom still that i was moving out and in of that bedroom. Garrett kopp helped me move that stuff. Do you need water . No, im okay. The jurors told us christophers tears on the witness stand when he talked about samoa made some of them believe his incarceration there on the island was a motive for murder. You seemed kind of broken up talking about the camp, but not so broken up when you talked about your parents death. When i initially talked about it, it would be hard. The program i have done my best to seal that away and forget about it. The first time i sat there in a long time and, thought, wow, what really did happen there. How do you feel about your dad now . Im devastated that he said things against me that are bad, you know. But my dad turning on me in hard times isnt anything new. Then he talked about his circumstances, his fate and his selfcontrol abandoned him. The way it is said right now, this is home, you will never get out. At some point in time, if you have integrity inside yourself you have to stand up for what you believe in even if your life is on the line. How does that feel . Its hard. Its hard to know i will go to jail for something i didnt do. You know, i am not going to sit here and deny that i had problems with my parents or, any of that stuff happened. Thats why i wanted to get up there and explain. Explain to the people, that you know i may not be the best person. Im sure i could have been a better guy, you know, i was try, and i didnt have anything to do with this. I didnt create the system. Im just stuck in it. Trapped. Thats why i will fight all the way to the end. Like, i will always maintain my innocence. John sutton still recalled the suit he wore when he brought Christopher Home from the hospital, and thou it would all come to this. When we last sat down with him, he shared his thoughts he did his best to raise. What about christopher . Do you still think of him as your son . I guess technically he is. But some day i may go see him ancon front him. Say what were you thinking of . You know . What a stupid criminal ridiculous crazy thing all this was. Reconciling if it ever comes is a long, long way. That aint happening. No way. No way. Get up. Its complicated says melissa. Ridiculously difficult. But what choice does she have . I have a brother, you know. Im not going to ignore that fact, you know. I have a billion family pictures with him. A brother who blew up your whole family . But in the same picture i have a mom who passed away, a brother who is in jail, a dad who is blind. Thats my family. Thats kind of kind of what it is. But at the same time, you know, i believed he did what he did. I have no intention of ever speaking with him again. Life indeed did go on. Melissa moved up north and found a career in media services. The detectives retired from the force. Bellue adopted a little boy just look john sutton did all those years ago. And john sutton continued to pursue his dream to see again. Are you prepared or has it sunk in that youre going to be blind for the rest of your life . Well, thats not my plan. I may not be that smart, but, boy, i am motivated. I mean the enthusiasm coming out of you is kind of inspirational. Im ready to roll. I got plans for this eyesight. And thats all for this edition of dateline extra. Im craig melvin. Thanks for watching. My dad on the phone told us jenny was gone. A house in flames. The body of a woman inside. We have a body. I need a medic. But it wasnt the fire that killed her. She was dead before it started. Accidents will happen. This was no accident. Who wanted her dead . Her boyfriend said he knew. Theres people after us. What does that mean . Theyre trying to gets

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