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Walter reed medical center. President trum top day choosing to spend this mothers day golfing while his aides scramble to defend mounting scandals. Kelly sad letters insensitive comments about senator john mccain continue to make waves and news. Sadler said mccains opposition to the president s pick to be cia director doesnt matter because, hes dying anyway. Thats according to sources with direct knowledge of that remark. Theyre defending sadler. A source familiar says that she said i stand with kelly sadler. And that same report claims that press secretary Sarah Huckabee handers is ha sanders with the leak. They say this is unlikely to be lost on her. Nbcs jeff bennett joins me from the white house with the latest. Jeff, hope me with the strategy here. There is the comment reprehensible as it was. The white house choosing not to engage on that. It was first reported by the news service. Highlighting the naktfact that leak occurred. What are sources telling you about why the white house wont apologize for what was a pretty egregio egregious remark . I think it is instructive to reset a bit and look at the book ends. The week ban with malania trump releasing a campaign to encourage kids to put kindness first in their lives and ending with the white house digging in heels over this crass remark of a Communications Staffer made about john mccain. Now to your question, a source familiar says the white house has been reluctant to punish kelly sadler or maybe a public apology in part because the president himself zparnlgdispar john mccain in a way that are degrees worse than what kelly sadler said. Take a look at this interaction between White House Deputy spokesperson hogan gidly and the personalities on fox and friends. As you watch this remember fox news is trump friendly tv. Do you think that was kind . Look, i wasnt in the meeting. You heard the comment now. Pardon me. Was it kind . Yeah, but i dont know if the comment was even made or not. I cant confirm it. So youre denying she said it . Im saying i wasnt in the meeting. I cant talk about that. It was a private meeting in the white house. She came to the meeting to apologize. Was it kind . I heard that as well. Look, those comments whether they were made or not made, there were reports in there to too about the internal workings of that meeting that just shouldnt be made public. So a fairly tortured explanation there. We know, of course, as you mentioned by this reporting that White House Press secretary Sarah Sanders and other Top White House officials like mercedes are more upset about the leak of sadlers comment than the substance of what was said. The press team itself is leaking like a sieve doesnt reflect well in the white house. There is some reporting we should mention that when kelly sadler reached out to megan mccain by phone, megan told her she needed to apologize publicly and asked if she would do it. Sadler said she would. She clearly has not. Now in the last hour, i reached out to megan mccain directly. She didnt want to share anything beyond what she already said on the view. So as we sort of head to this coming week, keep an eye out for an apology and for any staffing changes in the White House Press shop, david, since white house staffers are quikly learning that the Defense Strategy for this scandal isnt really working well. Set the table. I want to know what sources are saying about this moment about this remark, whether or not its a turning point. What is the reaction been to what played out over the last few days . The reaction across the board is we clearly crossed yet another threshold in the degradation of our public political discourse. And in almost the same breath when people talk about what kelly sadler said, they point to what the president said about john mccain. I think most infamously the president mocking mccain during the campaign for saying something similar to, you know, i respect people. I like people who werent captured. The president mocking john mccains pow status. There is a sense of frustration and disappointment about this current moment, david. Jeff, thank you very much. Jeff bennett there joining us from the white house. And kelly sadlers comments are the latest example of insensitive or crude comments made by President Trumps inner circle. It is not just democrats takingish would you that perceived lack of civility. Take a look at what Lindsey Graham had to say this morning. Its pretty disgusting thing to say. If it was a joke, it was a terrible joke. I just wish somebody from the white house would tell the country that was inappropriate. Thats not who we are. And the Trump Administration and john mccain can be criticized for any political decision hes ever made or any vote hes ever cast. But hes an american hero. And i think most americans would like to seat Trump Administration do better in situations like this. It doesnt hurt you at all do the right thing. Joining us now, ai white house supporter for the daily beast. Let me start with you here. I listen to Lindsey Graham there, senator graham speaking the friendship and long standing friendship ep has with senator john mccain. Thats what comes through to me. He defending reprehensible comments made about his friend. What is the state of friendship in washington, d. C. . We focus on what was said behind closed doors here and those reprehensible remarks . What is your perception here of the role of civil discourse in washington, d. C. Today . I think that ship has sort of sailed. Look, senator graham there was talking about how he would like for the Trump Administration to do better in situations like this. I know its a cliche to say that the fish starts rotting at the head. But in terms of the men sitting in the oval office of one donald j. Trump, he made the mccain comments about him not be a war hero because he was captured which is a slap in the face to p. O. W. S everywhere who are not named john mccain but after the charlottesville atrocity, he famously said that in the hoard of nazis, there were very fine people there. Never apologized for it. During the campaign, he said that as president he would want to ban muslims from entering this country until we figure out what was going on. Never apologized for that. When it comes to kelly sadler making a comment or a joke as dpikable as it was, its more of a symptom of the president , she and so many other people in the administration serve and the presidency of this time. If were going to get up in arms about crassness coming from the Trump White House, i mean, to repeat myself from earlier, i think that ship sailed. Kevin, you read the piece by jonathan swan. We all have. And in it reportedly Sarah Huckabee sanders expressed dismay this conversation was distracting from some achievements the white house would like to tout. Given that and given what we heard from senator graham why is this white house so his tanlt to move on from this moment by apologizing for the remarks . Thank you for having me. This is an important conversation to have given that its mothers day and civility in washington, i would agree i dont see much civility anymore in the washington political beat on either type of stories these days. Look, i think the bottom line for this administration is that according to source thats i speak with inside and outside of the white house as well as folks who worked on the campaign is that Trump Administration largely believes with some exceptions that winning means never having to say youre sorry. That, of course, faced deep pushback from republicans and democrats alike this week on capitol hill. We heard from senator linlddsey graham, paul ryan, also praising senator john mccain who many really all really believe is a profile in courage. Lets also discuss what this was about in the sense that this is about the nomination. Gina, of course, is President Trumps nomination to lead the cia. She is someone who has gotten the support of centrist republican senator Susan Collins and joe manchin who is up for reelection in West Virginia in 2018. Senator john mccain said he does not support her nomination because of her previous remarks and policy positions on torture. There are many people not only within the Democratic Party but Republican Party who really feel that senator john mccain obviously given his heroic experience has a voice in this debate. Let me have you comment on that. I appreciate what kevin is saying. There i looked at the statement that gina released after the statement after senator mccain issued his statement opposing that nomination. And she said she was grateful for im summarizing here, the thought he put into her nomination. The way that he approached it. What does that say about how insulated this white house is . When you look at the response here, is this sour grapes . Is this a reaction to him not supporting the nomination of haskell . I think it was widely expected this would be a nomination he would not get behind. I think kelly is saying the quiet part loud and the loud part quiet. As crass as the joke or whatever she wants to call it that she made, it was flekting a political reality within the Trump White House that, a, they cant count on john mccains vote on this to confirm gina because of his strong positions and the red line hes drawn on the issue of torture. And also just the political calculus within the west wing that john mccain may not be around much longer even if they could count on him. And in terms of the com shop in general this is Trump Administration operation that is leaky for a long time. It has been saddled with rounds upon rounds of knife fighting, particularly in the post hope hicks power vacuum that people were trying to fill. So you can certainly expect more stuff like this in the weeks if not years to come. Kevin, i mentioned that the perceived ins lartst white house, i wonder how that transfers to policy with the relation with the legislative branch. Let me read a tweet from the president. He wrote this, the senate should get funding done before the august break or not go home. All in caps. Wall and Border Security should be included. Also waiting for approval of 300 nominations, worst in history. Democrats are doing Everything Possible to obstruct. All they know how to do, stay is his command there at the end. There is some tone deafness as i read that on the part of the president when you look at the reaction to the comments, again reportedly made by that aide about senator john mccain. This is a hurdle here to getting policy made, to getting work done in washington. Well, i think also what it does is President Trump trying to separate himself from a Republicancontrolled Congress ahead of midterm elections in which the political map is looking a bit more advantageous to democrats in the house. Its a bit more up in the air in the senate. And so i think that this would appear to be a maneuver of sorts to say, hey, congress, get your work done. As unpopular as law makers are right now, as President Trump is, if you look at the polling, Congress Also remains deeply unpopular as well. So there is a bit of a calculus here. This is a crucial couple of weeks for this administration from a geopolitical stand point around the world. Of course, june 12th, that singapore immediating with kim jongun and also comes at a time of mounting tension between israel and iran and syria. So a lot of back and forth here around the world and moving parts. Lets also note chinas role in all of this, chinese delegation of trade representatives from the treasury counterparts due in washington this week. Kevin, thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you for joining me on the program. President trumps attorney back on damage control over his comments. The commander in chief denied major merger. The Rudy Giuliani remix, the president s role in that d. O. J. Decision. As we go to break, saturday night lives deal on the consultant deal in question. According to a report, Michael Cohen was paid 600,000 by at t to advise them on their 85 billion merger. At t could not be reached for comment because they use at t. You wouldnt accept an incomplete job from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. Im mark and i quit smoking with chantix. I was a heavy smoker for 26 years. I smoked a pack and a half a day and i was able to quit with chantix. I never thought that i could quit, but i did. Along with support, Chantix Varenicline is proven to help people quit smoking. Without a doubt, chantix reduced my urge to smoke. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. 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One more way comcast is working to fit into your life, not the other way around. President trumps lawyer is doing the best to walk back a pair of comments that drew criticism saying the president had no involvement in the justice departments decision to block the at ttime warner merger even though trumps long time attorney received consulting fees from at t. Rudy giulianis comments contradict those that he made earlier when suggest that President Trump did have some involvement in that. He said i want to be clear that the president did not intervene. Hes also changing direction on the topic of the president s potential it isdown with special Council Robert mueller after saying the meeting was a d distirvegt pos silt. It would being delays until after the june 12th summit because i wouldnt want to take his concentration off something far, far more important. We turn to a pair of veteran reporters to cover this topic extensively. Jonathan is an msnbc political analyst with the associated press. I want to ask you about your interviews. Your interview centered on the Mueller Investigation. Tell me how he walked it back since. Sure, so initially lets recall that he said that the decision they wanted to make a decision on whether or not the president would sit down with special counsel by may 17th which is the one Year Anniversary of muellers appointment. This is a topic some of controversy within the president s legal team. Whether or not the president the president is sort of a lone voice among his advisors who actually want to go through with this interview. Most of his legal team suggests this is a mistake. They fear that giuliani is using purjury trap. There is some real concern. This is President Trump is not the most disciplined speaker. As one long time trump adviser said if he got in a resume with mueller, he would perjure himself three time. There is fear he would say the wrong thing, whatever it might be and he might not stick to the script. In my interview with giuliani on friday, theyre punting that time line. Not only would there be no interview if it happens at all, there would be no interview before the june 12th north korea summit in singapore, honestly, he said they may not make a decision as to whether there would be an interview until that june 12th date. So this is giving themselves more time to prepare. Giuliani also suggested because the president s folk us is elsewhere, namely on north korea, theyve done no preparation for that possible interview and you suspect they want to do a lot before arguably the most important moment of this presidency. Youre interview focused on the at ttime warner merger. What did he say to you about the role the president played and how has Rudy Giuliani tried to walk things back since that conversation . Thats amazing. I started out the conversation was about Michael Cohen. And all the money he was getting and what he had done for the money and what sort of discussions he had with the president. And according to giuliani, he made it sound like cohen had did not have any discussions with the president at all. As a matter of fact, look at what at t wanted and, in fact, the president stopped it. There is no contact. The president has nothing to do with these decisions. Thats a d. O. J. Thing. And then giuliani when i followed up with him, said well, you know, the administration blocked it. The d. O. J. But the implication here was and not just implication, he flat out said that the president was involved in stopping this thing. Now, that was friday afternoon. I think jonathans interview was later and he started the new version of that. But, yeah. Its been interesting. I think the mayor is an unreliable narrator in all of this. Thats where i want to take this. Were fortunate to have spoken to both of you. Jonathan, what is your sense of the role that Rudy Giuliani is playing here . Right out of the gate he was especially garlous. He did thanlt vit interview wit news. Then there a conversation saying it was supposed to be very small. I remember a interview with Sarah Huckabee sanders, he is the point person. He is not supposed to be expounding on foreign policy. The president was so excited when he brought on giuliani a few weeks ago. He was tired of the talk he couldnt bring on a big name lay lawyer. He wanted someone to be the answer to Stormy Daniels lawyer and allowed a critical voice from the president of the president and trump said, i want someone like that. He didnt get a cabinet position. He was still in trumps circles. And that became his choice. He was very excited about it initially. That faded some. He still likes the idea of giuliani being out there, being aggressive, fighting with the media and so on. He likes a lot less how hes done it and how this has gone. He really muddled the waters on a number of issues. What Michael Cohen did with the lobbying firm. He was weighing in about the release of the north korean hostages day before the u. S. Government secured their release. Hes been talking about iran and so on. The president has grown sort of frustrated with giuliani as have many people in the white house who feel like you see Sarah Sanders day after day at the podium being asked to clean up some of the things that giuliani said. Now certainly in our reporting people we talked, to the president is not willing to ready to make a move to dismiss jew lany. But giuliani, but there is hope he can be more displinld. On that point, again, you watch the Daily Press Briefings with Sarah Huckabee sanders, an effective tool she deploys time and time again. Shes not going to comment on the investigation to donald trump. Shez goi shes going to leave that to his personal team. How much is he complicated that work by wading into the other issues . Maybe he doesnt realize hes not supposed to say anything. Talk to the outside counsel. Its what youre saying, talk to the hand. She doesnt want to talk about it. Giuliani is offering thoughts on many different issues as jonathan says. It is helpful for us. It gives us material. He does a lot of interviews. Hes going to dallas for his Housing Development thing that hes doing. On the other hand, the lawyer actually handling a the love legal stuff, has anyone talked to flood . I dont know that hes given a single interview. Maybe thats by design. And maybe Rudy Giuliani is supposed to say stuff whether its actually true or not. I dont know. There is a point that time when the white house decides that it is more trouble than its worth to keep cleaning up after the outside counsel than front end counsel and help answer the questions they dont want to answer. Last point. Time is going to come. How close are we to that point . Are they doing this interview as they have been doing and talking as much as he has been . I think the west wing staffers are beyond that point. Tendst day, only one persons opinion matters. And it matters. Its a truism with trump that youre in your job until youre not. Any west wing adviser and he is lied to them repeatedly and bringing on that and he still has the job. At least for now, rudy trump likes that and you wouldnt bet it to be a long term solution. This news cycle through the week and he interviewed Rudy Giuliani. Thank you very much for the time. Youre welcome. Home at last, three americans. Theyre now back with the loved ones. How the return and its a summit in singapore. I like it, i love it, i want some more of it. I try so hard, i cant rise above it dont know what it is bout that little gals lovin. Applebees new bigger bolder grill combos. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. [muswe were built on it. vo we know the value of trust. 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According to a walter reed spoeshgz person, all three were grateful, in good spirits and coping well. In a Statement Released yesterday, north korea pledged to dismantle the Nuclear Test Site by may 25th. President trump expressed his gratitude calling it a very smart and gracious gesture. The comments come one month before President Trump and kim jongun are spejed cheduled to n singapore. Joining me Jerry Connolly of virginia. He is a member of the Foreign Affairs committee. He represents the 11th district. Congressman, i have to start there. I understand one of the detainees is a resident of your district. I believe he lived in fairfax county. Im glad hes home. What are you watching for as we head to that summit in singapore . I want to play a bit of tape here. Mike pompeo talking about his meetings with jim jong un. Lets take a listen. The conversations are professional. He knows he knows his brief. He knows what he is trying to achieve for the north korean people. He is able to deal with complexity when the conversation requires it. Hes paying attention to what the world is saying. Was there any mention of the exchange of insults going back and forth . No. Mike pompeo saying that kim jongun is a regular watcher of fox news. Let me ask you to react to what you heard there from the secretary of state about those meetings and about his estimation of the leader President Trump is going to meet with in a few weeks time. I hope President Trump is well briefed. He doesnt read anything and he doesnt have a full team in place. We dont have an ambassador in seoul. We dont have an assistant secretary for arms control or for the region. We got a brand new secretary of state and a brand new National Security adviser. So im a little nervous about how well briefed our leader is going to be. We have had denuclearization agreements and a bilateral in 2012. All of them collapsed after agreeing because the North Koreans reneged. So we need to be careful. We also need to set our expectations at the level we wish to accomplish. And that is absolutely denuclearization, absolutely verifiable from inspections. As i talk to experts, what a number of them are worried about is the president is going to go to this summit and not have parameters in place. Veteran diplomats said when you go to a meeting like this, and there havent been many meetings like this, but each leader fleedz to know whatneeds to know whats on table and what is not. What cannot be on the table as President Trump meets with kim jongun . I certainly think that full diplomatic relations, full economic relations lifting all sanctions. That cant be on the table until very clear milestones have been met. So lets not turn around and do the same, mr. Trump, for north korea. I want to get your reaction to what the president has been saying about this summit and about the leader of north korea. Ill read from one of the tweets he has written recently. North korea announced theyll dismantle Nuclear Test Site this month. Ahead of the big summit meetding on june 12th. Thank you. A very smart and gracious gesture. Ill ask you about that last fras in particular. It represents a change in tone. A change in rhetoric. There is something orwellian about trumps complete 180 degree turn oren north korea and the leader. This is a brutal regime. A repressive regime. They have murdered people overseas and, of course, within their own country. This leader hes talking about, you know, blew away by execution his own uncle who was a senior military leader and then had his half brother poisoned to death in an asian airport. This is not a nice guy. We may have to do business with him. But lets keep our eyes wide open about what were dealing with. I think a lot of people are nervous that in his eagerness to cut a deal, President Trump will forget about the human rights which is considered one of the worst in the world in north korea. I have to ask you about senator john mccain and the comments that reportedly made about him and what weve seen in terms of reaction from the white house since those comments were reportedly made. Im going to read a tweet that you sent a short while ago. Our politics may be different. But john mccain is an american hero. The vile and repugnant attacks weve seen from white house staff and the far right are disgusting. And show how small they are next to this honorable man. Youve been in Congress Since 200 t 2009. You lived in the Greater Washington area for longer than that. Are we seeing a change here when it comes to comedy, when it comes to how members of different parties get along with each other, when it comes to civility in the Nations Capital in sn . Is this a turning point . I think it is a new low coming from a white house that has had a number of record lows. To really actually dismiss somebody publicly in such a incensive way who is very, very gravely ill and to actually dismiss him because hes dying anyhow is something that is beyond the pale of anyones politics in our country. Anyones. And the white house should have run not walked to not only apologize but to hold that individual, kelly sadler, accountable. And the fact they choke on an apology as recently as today in the sunday talk shows, i think says everything about this white house and absolutely lowers the bar in our political discourse. I think that is most unfortunate. Congressman, last question here. Just about the gulf that seems to exist between the capital. Its a mile away from the white house. But it seems like often those two places are worlds apart. What does this say . Democratic colleagues of yours, republican colleagues of yours are joining you in calling for the white house to do something about this comment. The white house isnt doing it. How insulated is this white house . I think its very insulated and also sort of house of horrors, rale righight, working man that is such an extreme narcissist he has no feeling for the people that give him loyalty. Anybody could be next is sort of the toxic mentality in that white house. And in that bubble of trying to survive, i think they lose contact with other parts of the world they need to function in including capitol hill. So at least on subject of john mccain, we can agree in capitol hill there has to be some accountability for the ugly, vile words that we heard from kelly sadler. Unfor the fatly, the white house doesnt get unfortunately, the white house doesnt get that. That is congressman Jerry Connolly. Thank you very much. My pleasure. One year later is the russia probe close to ending . A special counsel Robert Muellers investigation approach whats is major milestone. Offerw rates on home loans. But if thats not enough, we offer our price match guarantee too. And if thats not enough. We should move. Our home team will help you every step of the way. Still not enough . Its smaller than id like. Well help you finance your dream home. Its perfect. Oh, was this built on an ancient Burial Ground . Okay. Then well have her cleanse your house of evil spirits. Well do anything, spiritual chatter seriously anything to help you get your home. Ally. Do it right. To help you get your home. Its just a burst pipe, i could fix laugh no. With claim rateguard your rates wont go up just beacuase of a claim. I totally couldve. wife nope switching to allstate is worth it. I Donald John Trump do solemnly swear. The wall street journal is reporting today that a lawyer for the president arranged a onehundredandthirtythousand dollar payment to a former adult film star a month before the 2016 president ial election. That i will faithfully execute. There was no knowledge of any payments from the president and hes denied all these allegations. The office of president of the United States. The raid late today of President Trumps personal lawyer and friend Michael Cohen fbi agents took a host of documents, including some related to cohens onehundredandthirtythousand dollar payment to porn star Stormy Daniels and will to the best of my ability. Giuliani has just dropped something of a bombshell on that onehundredandthirtythousand dollar payment. Funneled it through a law firm and the president repaid it. Oh, i didnt know that he did. Oh, i didnt know that he did. Yep. Preserve, protect and defend. Hell get his facts straight. The constitution were not changing any stories of the United States. People lie. So help me god. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. Welcome back. President trump boasting about his stamina on the campaign trail two years ago but had a facetoface talks with north koreas leader, the president s personal Attorney Says he is too busy to sit down with an interview with Robert Mueller for now. Lets dig into where we are now one year into the russia investigation. Joining me now, the former assistant special watergate prop prosecutor and msnbc analyst and msnbc terrorism analyst and author of the plot to hack america. Were approaching this anniversary date. Clearly Rudy Giuliani and his team want us to appreciate it as a milestone. Theyre going to cause a stir on that day. Draw some attention to the fact this has gone on for a year. Remind us wrf weve come here over the last year. You know, this story goes on. Its two years old. I mean its just the one Year Anniversary of the investigation. So if he wants to draw attention to that, he is going to find that this is not going to be a positive media event for him. I mean, i wrote this book 20 months ago. Thats how long this whole thing has been going on almost the time since donald trump said russia if youre listening, please release Hillary Clintons hacked emails. I dont think this is going to help the president in any way, shape, or form. And well remind how many years it took the major investigations. I believe Scooter Libby was four years. And, you know, watergate was much longer. Let me pull up here before i turn to you nick what we learned about the trump organizations outreach to russia. I use organization there loosely. Donald trump jr. Organizing that infamous meeting at trump tower. George pop dop list setting up meetings of his own and what do you watch for here as we round the corner here into the second year . I think were looking for two big indictments. First one is going to be a speaker relating to break in at the National Democratic committee where emails were stolen. And used by the russians with the campaign. Help trump get lekted. Thats a big one. The second big one has to do with the conspiracy to use facebook, social media to suppress the Hillary Clinton vote by using Cambridge Analytica and using fakes in to keep the clinton voters from going to the polls. All it took were 60,000 voters and three states to turn that election. Malcolm, we revisited the dossier yesterday. Senator john mccain had an excerpt from the book published in the wall street journal in which he detailed his trip to nova xoecha. Talked about when he first received that document from a british official and what he did with it. Go to hell he said to his critics for him handling that over. How salient is that now . How do you record gard it now . The vor sieve us areness of this and the administration and members of congress who were just brutally attacking the validity of the steel document, now coming from the intelligence community, if my opposition starts attacking a document that we are using as sort of a road map, youre almost validating the document itself. You know, there is a little joke that russians are validating it by killing the suspected sources in the steel dossier. So that being said, i think the more that they go after this document and certainly things are being checked off in there that were true. You have to remember very early on john brennan had made it clear that and james comey, that they had independently verified at least two pages of bullet points of things in the steel dossier from other sources that were not christopher steel. That being said, you know, i think one of the big breakouts for this year would be what were those bullet points that we know through u. S. Intelligence and Law Enforcement are facts that the Mueller Investigation has been using as part of his road map . Nick, how big were the peculiarities of these . What are you watching visavis the grand jury process . I think what were watching now is this kind of the interplay with the subpoena that may ultimately be served upon donald trump and his socalled willing in is to go in and give an interview. I mean, i think theyre just trying to delay the whole process. But youve got kind of two messages from the administration. Youve got Rudy Giuliani saying well, you know, were going to do this after the korean summit. And then youve got the Vice President pence saying lets get it overwith right away. I mean what you have here is a legal principle that once mueller comes down with his major indictments, its going to be a lot harder for him to subpoena donald trump because you cannot use a grand jury subpoena to gather evidence to prove your case at trial. Its only to be used to gather evidence, to present an indictment to a grand jury. So you got a period of time here where we dont really know whats going on, how soon mueller is going to have the indictments returned. We do know that the search warrant that was executed on his personal lawyer Michael Cohen is probably slowed things down a bit because theres a lot of material to review there. In fact, this makes malcolms point completely with respect to the steel investigative reports because you got in there information about Michael Cohen going to prague with three other people. You have information in there about Michael Cohen and the russians dividing up the money that is used to hide the hackers that hacked into the russian into the Democratic National committee. Now where else would you good tha would you get that money . We learned there is a slush fund being administered by cohen. So the question is how many such slush funds were there . How many other llcs did cohen set up . I know there are more than the one that we know about. So i think what were sitting on or at least the government is sitting on now is a treasuretrove of very valuable evidence that could very well break open this entire case this year. We have to leave it there. Thank you both. Thanks very much for your time. Appreciate it. Hand picked by the president to bring peace to the middle east. Jared kushner back in israel as the u. S. Prepares to move the embassy. Has his role in the region been downgraded to simply ceremonial . Woman i stay active by staying in rhythm. And to keep up this pace, i drink boost optimum. Boost optimum with 5 in 1 advanced nutrition helps support muscle, energy, bone, normal immune function, and vision. Boost optimum. Be up for life. Boost optimum. With expedia you could book a flight, hotel, car and activity all in one place. To most. Most people. Like. But on the inside, i feel chronic, widespread pain. 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Joining me now is msnbc National Security analyst john mclaughlin. He was acting director of the cia. Let me start just by asking you if youre of the belief if you share the belief espoused by the current u. S. Ambassador to israel that by doing this, by moving the embassy from tel aviv to jerusalem youre clearing the table a bit, removing a nonstarter from the conversation and in effect accelerate the Peace Process by having that off the table. Well, david, its possible to make that case. But i think if the palestinians are included in the argument, the case is weakened because we have always hesitated to move that embassy in order to suggest that we werent prejudging in any way the conflicting claims of israel and the palestinians to various sites and pieces of land in the jerusalem area. So, by moving it, the ambassador does have a point, but on the other side of that argument i think we have to weigh just as equally the fact that the palestinians will now not view us as an honest broker in this dispute as they always have. John mclaughlin, i wonder just what your take is on what this region looks like today. There have been parts of it that have changed rather radically here in recent months. There is this relationship between israel and saudi arabia that didnt exist just some months ago. How much has it changed and do you agree with the characterization that we see tinder box here . There is a lot at stake when it comes to the future of the middle east thats changed. Well, david, there is a lot of dry tinder lying around in the middle east these days and it has changed dramatically over the last lets say ten years. Certainly from the middle east that i worked on 10, 15 years ago. Just to run through some of the ways in which its changed, the syria crisis has i think given russia and iran a dramatically greater role in the middle east than theyve ever had before. Russian diplomacy in the middle east has been extraordinarily active. Youll notice that netanyahu is most recently visited moscow. On top of that, the withdrawal of the United States from the Iran Nuclear Agreement i think signals a big change in that its a break with our allies on a vital piece of middle eastern policy. The fact that the saudis and the iranians have stepped up their proxy competition all over the region, in syria, in yemen, and elsewhere. And all of these things come together. Add to that mix the fact that turkey, a nato ally, a traditionally someone we could embrace closely and still do, but today nonetheless, is very much against what we are trying to do in working with the kurds in syria. So, all of these forces are, are conspiring, i think, to make the middle east much less predictable than it was five or ten years ago. Very quickly here, i want to ask you about north korea. The former secretary of energy said when you look at north korea, it could make iran look easy. Thats what he said to the new york times. In the 30 seconds we have left here, im curious just sort of what youre watching for as we approach that summit in singapore. Im watching for two things, and i think the former secretary is probably correct here. The two things im watching for are what do we learn about what the North Koreans mean by denuclearization. We know what we mean. Get rid of all those nuclear weapons. They probably mean, among other things, dilute or remove the Nuclear Umbrella of protection that we provide for south korea and other allies in that region. And the second thing and the second thing id watch for is whether or not they are well prepared to respond to our requests for other things. Sure. John mclaughlin, thank you very much. John mclaughlin of Johns Hopkins university. Appreciate your time. More news is coming up next on msnbc. E lot more. E lot more. Thats why i switched to the spark cash card from capital one. With it, i earn unlimited 2 cash back on everything i buy. Everything. And that 2 cash back adds up to thousands of dollars each year. So i can keep growing my business in big leaps whats in your wallet . Woman i stay active by staying in rhythm. And to keep up this pace, i drink boost optimum. Boost optimum with 5 in 1 advanced nutrition helps support muscle, energy, bone, normal immune function, and vision. Boost optimum. Be up for life. Can be a big bad problem that byou could spread to. 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