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Oregon . Youre from michigan now. Im going to stick with the big ten. You know the big ten has really surprised a lot of folks. I got to say, go ohio state. Verge bernero, lansing, michigan food togood to have you with us torrentnight. Thats the ed show. Politicsnation begins with al sharpton. Thanks for tuning in. We start with breaking news for the hunt of the woman seen in this video and up to six other terror cell members who French Police say could be at large. This security video shows the widow of the gunman who attacked the jewish grocery in paris last week. The video is from an airport in istanbul, turkey. Authorities say she had traveled from france to spain before flying to turkey on january 2nd. Taking a domestic flight to the syrian border. And then slipping into isiscontrolled territory in syria on january 8th. The same day her husband shot a Police Officer in the south of paris. Now the search is on for her. Plus, according to ap, up to six others linked to the terror cell including a man who was seen driving her car. Also today, a new video has emerged showing the Grocery Store gunman pledging allegiance to isis. All of this comes as a group claiming to be aligned with isis hacked into the twitter and youtube accounts for u. S. Central command. Posting proisis messages. The pentagon says it was not a Security Threat and that no classified information was revealed. But a day after over a million people rallied in paris, that city is still on edge and police are flooding the streets looking for other potential terrorists. Joining me now is marcadis, a former department of defense counterterrorism analyst, and evan coleman, nbc news terrorism analyst. Thank you, both for being here. Thanks reverend. With the widow escaping into syria, are authorities worried that others in the cell will do the same . Right, oh, splut ly absolutely. The authorities french authorities named, essentially theyre unnamed. We dont know who they are, what their capabilities or who they they are. At this point, when you notice a press release from the french authorities that doesnt provide detail, that speaks to something because we assume that the french dont necessarily know who theyre looking for, of course. And its maybe more of a signal to other Law Enforcement organizations throughout the world that hey, these people are alive and well as far as we know. We dont know if theyre operatives, we dont know if theyre in a support network type role. And its quite possible at this point they could be trying to flee the country. Evan, we dont know who they are, but do we have a sense of how large this paris terror cell could be . No, but even before the announcement by french authorities we already had an idea there was some support infrastructure, a support cell that must have existed because, of course, you have the video of mr. Coulibaly. The video has been edited. It shows the end of the hostage siege. Someone edited this video of mr. Coulibaly was already dead. Somebody uploaded the video. The video was in french. It was not issued by isis but somebody else who speaks french. Thus, theres a very strong conclusion there that theres somebody left in france who had access to this video who is in contact with mr. Coulibaly and who decided to upload this and lets not forget mr. Coulibaly in the video talks about how he provided the kouachi brothers several thousand euros to carry out their plan. Where did he get that money from . Did he have that money on his own or get it from somebody else . Was he a conduit for something . Right. Jim, the widow who is now in syria, hayat boumeddiene, has spoken many times weve come to learn to the widow of one of the magazine attackers. One report says there was constant and sustained communication, according to paris chief prosecutor who said the two women spoke on the phone more than 500 times last year. Does this speak to how tightknit and serious this cell might have been . Yes, reverend al thats a great point. What it speaks to is Operational Security and terrorist cells whether theyre just a few people in paris or whether its a large international organization like al qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula or al qaeda core in afghanistan, pakistan puts a high premium on the idea of maintaining Operational Security. Communications are tightly controlled between cell members. In this case the two wives could have been used as surrogates so there was no direct telephonic or email link between members of the actual cell that Law Enforcement authorities could have picked up on. And especially because the members of this cell had criminal records, and had done time in jail. So they would have that would have been highly suspicious. And so by using the wives who had no criminal records, so as far as we know you know details pending, that speaks to a level of remaining anonymous. To Law Enforcement authorities. Evan, two attackers appear linked to isis while the other two cited al qaeda in yemen. Heres what a senior cia veteran said. This is a distinction without a difference. The super bosses may be wrapped up in these ideological fights but the followers really are not. How much does that distinction matter . No offense to the person who said that. This is a person who hasnt been reading isis propaganda. This message about the fight between isis and al qaeda or aqap is not an issue that is simply percolating between the top leaders of the organization. This is something thats reaching even englishspeaking members of this group. The last englishspeaking mass inging magazine put out by isis there were ten pages of the magazine dedicated to saying terribly nasty things about al qaeda, aqap, and all of their senior leaders. Theres no doubt that almost everyone in these organizations understand they dont like each other. Anyone that doesnt understand that distinction is not paying attention to any of their propaganda whether its in arabic arabic, whether its in english, whether its in french. That point is absolutely clear. Jim, let me go to this hacking of two social media sites, u. S. Central command. Even if no classified information was revealed could this still inspire other attack attackers to take action . Oh well sure. Any time anybody does something as significant as hacking into a large and wellknown u. S. Military command, you never know whos going to be inspired by it. But i think the important point that we really have to draw from it is the individuals who claimed to do it claimed to have, be linked to isis. At this point, this is sort of the other side of the koibcoin that evan was just talking about. We dont know who these guys are. We dont know exactly what their highest end cape nltabilityies are. So yes, they had initial success. By claiming an affiliation to a larger terrorist organization, which to be clear, they may not have at all, but by claiming that affiliation, that allows them to pick up more recruit ss, picked up by media. Were talking about them now. That provides the opportunity for more money and more prestige down the line. I want to turn to violence in nigeria, evan. The Terror Group Boko Haram massacred 2,000 people in a village last week. And there are reports that theyre now using 10yearold girls as suicide bombers. Reuters reports, two suspected child suicide bombers blew themselves up in a market in northeast nigeria on sunday. The second apparent attack in two days using young girls strapped with explosives. Yeah this is horrific. Were not hearing a lot about this. This unbelievable. Its a level of barbism that even isis as extreme as they are, its difficult to imagine isis using child suicide bombers. Unfortunately part of the problem is because theres been so much focus on whats happening in france, for good reason unfortunately were losing sight of other things going on. From isis perspective, if you ask them wloshtshether or not using a 10yearold as a suicide bomber is okay. They dont subscribe to any ideology other than death. Jim, wheres the world global outreach here . 2,000 people. Little girls strapped and used as suicide bombers that dont even know they have the bomb on. Absolutely the world has to be outraged with france but shouldnt the world be just as outrage ed outraged at whats going on in nigeria . Rerndthis is the same group that kidnapped small schoolgirls and Still Holding them as far as we know. This is an unbelievable level of barbarism. Whether its boko haram, isis aqap whether its al qaeda. What we dont do in this country is have a serious conversation about how were going to stop radical asian in countries that have ungoverned territories. How do we do things like promote education, promote Democratic Institutions promote viable Political Parties . Yes, we have a hard security piece. But in the long term we also need to sustain our fight against terrorism in a lot of these soft power tools that we can use to address the problem at the core. Because if were just usinge inging bombs and guns and theres a time and place for that because there are evil people in the world who deserve to be met with that kind of force we also have to address the root causes and no matter where in the world were talking about, thats what we should do and when were outraged about all of these things, thats where we have to begin to address a lot of our energy. Im going to have to leave there. That is clearly what im saying. We cannot have selective outrage. What has happened in france is despicable. And what is happening in nigeria is equally despicable. 2,000 lives, little girls. Whether it is in france whether it is in nigeria, the world must respond with the same passion. Had we done that with bin laden when he first struck in kenya, maybe he wouldnt have got to the united states. We should stop terrorism and savagery wherever we find it oers it might find us. Jim arkadis and evan kohlmann, thanks for your time tonight. Thanks, reverand al. President obamas fight for fairness is having a rather odd effect on republicans. And a story we told you about, two new mexico police shooting and killing a homeless man. Do it. Get on the ground. Get on the ground now get on the ground. Get on the ground. Tonight, the officers are facing charges. And George Zimmerman arrested in florida. Well tell you why. And could he see jail time . Please stay with us. Yep. This is the one. Can we go for a test drive . Oh sure, ill be right back. Thanks. Leather, running boards. Carmax quality certified low, nohaggle price 5day money back guarantee. Thats great. And, a roof rack for the kayak we dont have a kayak. We could get a kayak. Ready to roll . Yes, we are. With more than 35,000 cars nationwide carmax has the perfect car for. Everybody. Carmax. Start here. [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. Wow [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbells chunky soup. Its new chunky beerncheese with beef and bacon soup. I love it. And mama loves you. Something odd is happening in the gop. Some of their top president ial contenders are starting to sound less like this president and more like this president. Whats going on . Thats next. Enthusiast. Mmm, a perfect 177degrees. And thats why this road warrior rents from national. I can bypass the counter and go straight to my car. And i dont have to talk to any humans, unless i want to. And i dont. And national lets me choose any car in the aisle. Control. Its so, whats the word . Sexy. Go national. Go like a pro. These ally bank ira cds really do sound like a sure thing but im a bit skeptical of sure things. Whys that . Look what daddys got. Ahhhhhhhhhh growth you can count on from the bank where no branches equals great rates. Alright, so this tylenol arthritis lasts 8 hours, but aleve can last 12 hours. And aleve is proven to work better on pain than tylenol arthritis. So why am i still thinking about this . How are you . Aleve, proven better on pain. The u. S. Economy is improving, but theres one area where we still desperately need to see gains. Its the issue president obama called the defining challenge of our time. A dangerous and growing inequality in lack of upward mobility that has jeopardized middle class americas basic bargain. That if you work hard you have a chance to get ahead. I believe this is the defining challenge of our time. Fighting in inging inequality. A pillar of the obama presidency. He ran on it and he won on it. Vast majorities are behind this fight. Now were seeing something funny happen on the right. Heres the Washington Post headline today. Both parties agree economic mobility will be a defining theme of 2016 campaign. The polls highlights marco rubio and rand paul trying to join the conversation on fairness. Jeb bushs new pac is talking about the difficulty of achieving the American Dream and focusing on middle class wage stagnation. And shared prosperity. And even mr. 47 , himself, mitt romney says if he runs again, one of the issues hed like to address is poverty. Now, i applaud this idea but the question is do you really believe it . After decades of pushing tax cuts for the rich and trickledown economics, will anyone take this seriously . Joining me now are Jared Bernstein and joan walsh. Thank you both for being here. Thanks rev. Thank you, rev. Joan, mitt romney wants to talk about poverty and jeb bush is fighting for fairness . Are we in the Twilight Zone . Weve got these two plutocrats who now want to fight each other for whos going it be the president of the 1 , talking about fairness. I think its really unfair rev, because what youre see in the Republican Party now is a recognition that yes, poverty is a problem, income equality is a problem, stagnating wages is a problem. Theyve blocked everything this president has tried to do. Everything. They will not give him an increase in the minimum wage they passed a smaller stimulus than he wanted. They will not give him the Infrastructure Spending he wants. They will not give him an immigration bill. Immigration reform is really important to wages because when we legalize people or give them some legal foot hold in this country, they have a little bit more of standing to push back when theyre being treated unfairly. And so theyve fought his appointments to the National Relations labor board. Theyve fought everything they can do something about stagnating wages. When you raise these examples, jared, let me ask you, what policies can president obama work on to narrow the income gap . Specific policies. Interestingly, hes done a fair bit already even without congress. Deferred deportations fits right into joans point about immigration. Hes raised the minimum wage for federal contractors. There are at least three things that would be on the agenda that have had some little bit of bipartisan agreement. One is infrastructure investment. The other, im blocking on the other one right now. Ill get to it in a second. But the point is that the president has some nominal support for these ideas, but he hasnt had the kind of support that Congress Really needs to get behind him. And thats whats been missing. Joan the i mentioned the Washington Post piece that said republicans wont engage on economic mobility. It quoted a republican strategist. Republican strategist who said you talk to any pollster on the democratic side or the republican side theyre in complete agreement on the idea that there has to be an economic populous message. Then it comes down to are there Credible Solutions and is there a credible candidate . Will we be Credible Solutions from the gop . Who do democrats need to do to stay ahead on this issue, joan . I think the democrats can stay ahead rather easily reverend al. The Republican Party, i want to give paul ryean credit to Pay Attention to the issues. Their solutions are warmed over tax credits, warmed over empowerment zones. These ideas going back to jack kemp that were tried, you know, and maybe tried with very good intentions but really didnt move the needle on unemployment and particularly inner city unemployment. So, you know im not saying the democrats have been perfect on this issue, but they are definitely putting a lot more meat on the bones of fairness strategy and a raise the wages strategy. Let me ask go ahead jared. First of all, let any just say that the ideas that have had some suggestion of some bipartisan movement, i mentioned infrastructure, theres also an increase in the eitc for childless workers. Thats a tax credit for lowincome workers. And some sounds that universal prek, quality prek for kids could be on the agenda. Weve not Seen Real Movement toward them. Look, i want to echo something you guys is been talking about. Its one thing to say i feel your pain, visavis unequalinequality and mobility. Remember, that was something mitt romney said he didnt want to talk about. Now we have jeb bush saying im happy to talk about it. Its a very different thing to articulate the policy agenda. And so far all that ive heard from these republicans is our agenda is growth its more growth, how do we get that growth . We try to make life more advantageous for those at the top. So its really just a change in the rhetoric at least thats what it sounds like to me with trickle down at the end of the road. Thats the problem because you cant say i feel your pain when i dont feel that you have the capacity to feel my pain. The Washington Post profiled a recent focus group in denver that was asked about potential 2016 candidates. They had mixed opinions on jeb bush and Hillary Clinton. But people on both sides of the aisle had great things to say about elizabeth warren. They called her sincere, knowledgeable, capable, and she was a popular choice as a next door neighbor. Shes best known, of course for talking about fairness. Listen to this. We believe that no one should work full time and still live in poverty. That means raising the minimum wage and we will fight for it. The stock market and gdp continue to go up while families across this country are getting squeezed harder and harder. So the way i see this is we can whine about it we can whimper about it or we can fight back. Im fighting back. Im ready to fight back. Are you ready to fight back on this . Why is it so appealing, joan . You know i saw her speak last week rev at the raising wages conference that the aflcio put on. Shes gotten so much better. Im not critiqueing her like a theater critic but her delivery changed. I saw her bring people in the crowd to tears when she talked about her mother. After her father lost her job, her mother puts on her best dress and high heels is crying and goes to sears and gets minimum wage job which at that point was high enough to support a family. Let me ask you, then, if shes gotten better and that effective, is there no scenario where she would run . I mean does no really mean no . Give me a scenario that you think would possibly make her enter the race. I really dont think she would run if Hillary Clinton rin runs. Shes trying to push Hillary Clinton toward a more progressive stance. I really believe, we talked about this before, i belief she want wants to be a powerhouse in the senate and has the ted kennedy seat, a position of power in the community. I dont see her wanting to but if clinton didnt run, all bets are off. I mean, look senator warren is really steering the debate in directions that it needs to go. And thats a tremendous contribution so far. Ill also say this, what i heard in the comments you just played was basically getting on offense, and a lot of us are really just tired of playing defense. Tired of jutst sitting here and explaining why trickledown supply side tax cuts dont work. What shes suggesting we do now is come up with a set of ideas that actively try to reconnect, that create the policy agenda that can reconnect middle class prosperity to Overall Economic growth. Now, as i said the other side says, well its just all about Overall Economic growth. Thats obviously necessary but its not sufficient. What i hear liz warren saying is lets create that policy architecture, that connective tissue that will raise the middle class. Joan walsh and Jared Bernstein, thank you both for your time tonight. Thank you. Still ahead, George Zimmermans new runin with the law. Well tell you what he was arrested for and whether he could finally go to prison. 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For every way you make chicken noodle soup, make it delicious with swanson®. It was a story we first brought you last year. A homeless man gunned down by police in new mexico. That case launched a federal investigation and now murder charges against two officers. Well talk about that in tonights justice file. [container door opening] what makes it an suv is what you can get into it. [container door closing] what makes it an nx is what you can get out of it. Introducing the firstever lexus nx turbo and hybrid. Once you go beyond utility theres no going back. She inspires you. No question about that. But your erectile dysfunction that could be a question of blood flow. Cialis tadalafil for daily use helps you be Ready Anytime the moments right. You can be more confident in your ability to be ready. And the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like needing to go frequently or urgently. 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As press as Police Release a dog on the mans body. The lawyer for one of the officers called the charges not justified. The lawyer for the other says theyre a shame. You know, much of the same thing there from both lawyers. I guess have different takes on this murder charge. Faith, lets start with you. Well, when you look at this case, look at the context of whats been going on with the Albuquerque Police keydepartment. This is one of the Police Departments the Justice Department decided to investigate because of the allegations of excessive use of force by the police. Last year, rev, in april, the Justice Department released its findings of this police department. It said that they did use excessive force, and sometimes fatal force all too often and that there was a complete lack of training among the police force in terms of when these officers were deciding to use deadly force. In this case the prosecutor decided not to go before a grand jury. She decided to file an information, just like what angela corey did down in florida with the George Zimmerman case and trayvon martin. Skip the grand jury altogether. Decide to file information based on this video and their investigation, they decided that murder charges were warranted. And im sure in the backdrop of what happened in new york with the eric garner case and there being video, and still no true bill no indictment in the case the prosecutor decided the best move was for her to move forward on her own. But ken, you think this is more of a copout . Well theres another take to this too. Everything that she just said was correct, faith is correct, however, another way to look at this is that most of the time when a prosecutor presents a case to the grand jury there is an indictment. And, in fact, if there is not an indictment, its usually because the prosecutor led the grand jury to not indicting. So in this instance instead of taking responsibility and bringing it to the grand jury and getting an indictment, another way to look at it is the prosecutor did an open charge and it goes now before a judge in a special hearing, and at the hearing, the judge now has the responsibility to find whether theres probable cause or not to charge the officers and then lay it over for trial. So if this judge decides theres not probable cause, there will be no further trial for these officers. So that is a possibility in this case. There may not be a trial depending on what happens at this hearing. All right. We will stay on top of this. I assure you. Now to a new arrest of George Zimmerman. Police arrested him late friday night and charged him with aggravated assault for allegedly throwing a wine bottle at his girlfriend. Hes now out of jail on bond. In 2013 zimmerman was acquitted of seconddegree murder and manslaughter in the death of trayvon martin. Since then hes dealt with police several times. In november 2013 his thengirlfriend said he pointed a gun in her face smashed her coffee table, and pushed her out of the house. No charges were filed. A few months earlier, his exwife said he threatened her with a gun and said he punched her father. No charges were filed. This weekend, zimmermans lawyer was asked why his client keeps having runins with police. I dont like to speculate about emotional things either. Its clear he hasnt been very lucky with the ladies the last few months. But beyond that no i dont have a comment. Zimmerman filed a defamation suit against nbc news, but a judge dismissed that claim last summer. He has since appealed the decision. Ken, your reaction . Well my reaction first of all, is disgust. You know after three arrests for Domestic Violence what we get from mr. Don west is a joke . You know thousands of women are killed or beaten or badly injured in Domestic Violence cases in this country and to make a joke about a third arrest for a client not being lucky with the ladies i find that offensive and maybe mr. West should look into another line of work. As for mr. Zimmerman, this is now the third time hes been arrested. And were going to see if the process plays out this time and if, in fact theres going to be a trial to determine whether or not hes guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Faith, it seems in all of these incidents it deals with some violence. Right. And guns. Well i mean listen George Zimmerman keeps having to defend himself from women and children apparently. This is actually the fourth Domestic Violence case against him and he has killed a teenager. So this is someone whos had repeated contacts with the law. He has a pattern. And patterns about people dont lie. Unfortunately, you know, this is one of those cases where this young woman whos involved has already said she doesnt want to go forward or press any charges but when the Police Stopped her, she was so distraught she did give a statement and they did take her statement. She told what happened. George zimmerman has already said shes the one that threw the wine bottle at him. It was the other way around. He is always having to defend himself against these women who apparently, according to him, keep making up things to try to get him in trouble. So again, if the young lady says ken, that she doesnt want to go forward, will these charges be dropped as weve seen before . Well, thats a very i just need a quick answer. The quick answer is no. If the victim doesnt want to go forward and the state cant get her to go forward, theyre not going it haveto have a case and the charges will be dropped again. Ken and faith, thanks for your time tonight. Straight ahead, is it time to break out the binders full of women again . Mitt romney is talking about running for president. Plus an amazing story developing. Could general petraeus be facing criminal charges tonight . And commons file a golden globe speech on why summer is bigger than a movie. Conversation nation is next. [ narrator ] mama sherman and the legion of super fans. Wow [ narrator ] on a mission to get richard to his campbells chunky soup. Its new chunky beerncheese with beef and bacon soup. I love it. And mama loves you. Next. Expected wait time 55 minutes. Your call is important to us. Thank you for your patience. Waiter vo in the nation, we know how it feels when you arent treated like a priority. We do things differently. Well take care of it. Vo we put members first. Join the nation. Thank you. 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Huffington post live host and democratic strategist, taradowdell. Thank you, all, for being here. Thanks for r having us rev. Are the trees the right height in 2016 . Yes, mitt romney is back in the headlines for a possible third run for president. Romney was in new york and told a small group of donors people ask if i really want to be president. Yeah, i want to be president. But just six months ago, he was saying this. Im not running for president. I said that so many times. As you know we just had this conference here in park city utah. I brought a number of the 2016 contenders here to meet with my fundraisers. Had i been running, i wouldnt be doing that. Krystal, do you think hell get in and what happens if he does . Well, first of all, i dont know that its exactly breaking news that mitt romney wants to be president. I think mitt romney has always wanted to be president. I think mitt romney always will want to be president. But thats a different question from whether he actually gets in this race. Its hard for me to imagine with as crowded as the field looks to be with likely jeb bush with potentially Chris Christie with potentially scott walker that he would actually want to get in and lose again. Lets say he does. Lets game it out. I think that this primary is even more challenging for him to get through than the last one that he was barely able to survive with people like Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum who arent exactly the alist contenders. So thats why i think its hard to imagine him subjecting himself to that again. But the problem that im hearing some people say is that he really does not want to see jeb bush be out there. Theyve got a little little disagreement between the two. Well a lot of things i dont want as well but sometimes i dont get everything i want as well, reverend. Look, for me its like a stray cat just constantly coming back and clawing at the window. We dont want you. Im sorry. We told you twice we dont want you, but he has to keep on coming back. Its no secret that the Republican Party doesnt want a replay of 2012 doesnt want a bunch of crazy candidates, right . They do want to throw their weight behind candidates who are somewhat more conservative and maybe more conventional. But theyre not going to go back to him. Theyre not going to go back to a guy who is a guaranteed loser. If they want conventional, they go with jeb or theyll go with Chris Christie. Tara youre the political strategist at the table tonight. If hes in who does that help, who does that hurt on the republican side . Well first i want to say i think mitt romney will run. The only circumstance under which i think he does not run is if the powers that be the people, the king makers in the Republican Party, the big donors, the people who control the conservative media, if they sit him down and say, dont run, thats the only eventuality under which i think he doesnt run. So he runs unless the powers that be in the party tell him dont run . I think so. I should have called rush before the show. But tara do you let me tell you why i think he will run. Because number one, he wants this really really bad. Number two, i guarantee you he has done the Vulnerability Assessment of that field. Remember, he has Chris Christies vetting paperwork. So he knows what skeletons are in that closet beyond what we already know about him. Number three if you look at the field without even doing a Vulnerability Assessment which i think he did because he has the money to do it. If you look at the field, jeb bush has bad financial dealings. When that comes out, hes going to be in trouble. Krystal . Tara the problem there, though republicans think they should have been able to beat obama with a ham sandwich last time. That was in their mind. It was their race to lose. He lost it. Its hard to recover that for the establishment donors and get them back. Look where the energy is. The gop is invigorated at a Grassroots Tea Party level. They think they made a mistake the last two times by going with these big conventional guys. I dont think theyll make the same mistake again. Im trying to get my brain around are we ready for more of this . Let me show you what well be in store for. So we went to the company and said, look you cant have any illegals working on our property. Im running for office for petes sake. I cant have illegals. 47 of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. They brought us whole binders full of women. Rick, ill tell you what. 10,000 bucks . 10,000 bet . Corporations are people my friend. I mean, i mean do we really think americas waiting with bated breath for more of that . New yorko, i mean, just playing that clip would be enough to dis abuse any republicans from saying hes enjoying maybe we should have, maybe we could have. Ultimately we know they know he was not a good candidate and is a very bad fit. Very last josh i got to move on, but let me ask this. Could one of the more celebrated leaders in our history be facing criminal charges . The New York Times reported the fbi and Justice Department prosecutors have recommended bringing felony charges against david petraeus. The prosecutor is saying the general may have improperly disclosed classified information to his biographer paula broadwell. Who he admitted to having an affair with. Some from both sides of the aisle already defending him. Attorney general holder is keeping quiet on whether petraeus will face criminal charges. Tara petraeus said he never provided classified information to miss broadwell. Should he be charged . Well if people can prove otherwise that he has, in fact committed a felony. If there is proof he did, in fact, do that hes committed a felony. Hes a celebrated figure whether people like him or not. Hes a celebrated figure in american politics. I will say this. If charges are brought against him, he has no one to blame but himself. Josh . This is one of the most secretive administrations. Theyve gone after so many whistleblowers, gone after so many leakers. Obama administration is atrocious when it comes to this sort of stuff. I say, yes, dont pursue him. Dont prosecute him. But also pardon snowden. You know forget about being so paranoid about the secrecy of this government. We have more top secret documents being issued at the moment thatn we have in americas history. Quit with all of this paranoia. He was director of the cia. Thats a very, very different situation. We cannot have a situation in this country where there are two criminal justice systems depending on how important and powerful you are. Apply to everybody. People who were tortured unconstitutionally stay with me. When we come back we go to the Golden Globes and a speech to remember from rapper, common. Theyre coming. What do i do . You need to catch the 4 10 huh . The Equipment Tracking system will get you to the loading dock. There should be a truck leaving now. I got it. Now jump off the bridge. What . In 3. 2. 1. Are you kidding me . Go. Right on time. Right now, over 20,000 trains are running reliably. We call that predictable. Thrillingly predictable. Thought i told you to stay off our turf. Were back with our panel, krystal, josh, and tara. Now to the golden globals and a powerful acceptance speech from rapper common who won with john lend for their original song featured in selma. The first day i stepped on the set of selma i began to feel like this was bigger than a movie. As i got to know the people of the Civil Rights Movement i realized i am the hopeful black woman who was denied her right to vote. I am the caring white supporter killed on the front lines of freedom. I am the unarmed black kid who maybe needed a hand but instead was given a bullet. I am the two fallen Police Officers murdered in the line of duty. Selma has awakened my humanity. Josh, what do you make of that acceptance speech . I think its a powerful reminder of the fact that art is not distinct and different from the rest of our lives. Right . That at its best its able to reflect and comment on and make us think about the way that we engage with the world. The way that we engage with each other. I think there are a lot f filmof films that have been powerful that this way this year. I think its been a good year for hollywood. In spite of all the crazy, silly, summer blockbusters, there have been a few films that remind of us that. That speech was a perfect way of bringing bringing tara, ive seen the film and i think particularly at these times that so much social justice movements, some of which im involved in i think it really put a lot of context to where we find ourselves in some of the broad discussions that are happening now around race and Civil Liberties and civil rights and crime. Well sadly, weve come on the one hand weve come a long way, but on the other hand sadly, we see so many parallels as we stated with this film and what is happening today, and i think his speech in particular was so important because he talked art everyone suffering and one of the most poignant wonderful parts of the Civil Rights Movement is everyone came together. Not everyone but most people came together to support the movement. But i think if you watch the film, you find that it was a lot more divided than people thought. Thats right. Even in the black community, krystal. They didnt want dr. King to come to selma. What is he doing here . There were some against nonviolence. I think a lot of people have seen a sanitized version and this film showed it was not much less divisive than it is right now. And its easy to find yourself on the wrong side of history if youre not careful and if youre not thinking art that moral arc of the universe. Looks back it seems inevitable and obvious, yes, this is going to happen. Going back to that moment it was so tenuous and so divided. I love what common said though. He said when i stepped on the set and i knew this was more than a movie. And that is hollywood at its best. Telling those stories that are more than just, you know, a fun i actually like that he i like that he identified that he was the kid that was unarmed and reached out for a hand and got a bullet, but he was also the two Police Officers that was killed in the line of duty. He was giving equal balance to where weve got to deal. Ive got to go krystal, josh and tara. Thank you all for your time tonight. Thanks. Ahead, five years after the earthquake in haiti, the comeback and the struggles. Next. We need a bigger car. Hi, hows it going . Whatever youre looking for, start by testdriving nearly every make and model all in one place. Carmax. Start here. Constipated . Yea dulcolax tablets can cause cramps but not phillips. It has magnesium and works more naturally than stimulant laxatives. For gentle cramp free relief of occasional constipation that works mmm mmm live the regular life. [ fishing rod casting line, marching band playing ] [ male announcer ] the rhythm of life. [ whistle blowing ] where do you hear that beat . Campbells healthy request soup lets you hear it in your heart. [ basketball bouncing ] heart healthy. Great taste. [ mm. ] [ tapping ] sounds good. Campbells healthy request. Mm mm good. ® timely tonight, five years ago today, devastation in haiti. When a massive earthquake hit haitis capital and two days later the world got its first view of the destruction. Daystaying alive is the only priority. People are scavengeing the rubble for food and water. As one aid worker put it together, money is worth nothing right now. Water is the currency. An estimated 230,000 people were killed by the quake. Another 1. 5 million were displaced. Today there is much improvement. Parts of hate it are better and there are new roads and new cars in the city. Hotels and updated hospitals have been built. But other parts remain untouched. At least 200,000 people live in hillside camps like these with no running water, electricity, or sanitation. Nbc news interviewed this 32yearold man living in a camp who said he is worse off after the earthquake than before. A total of 13. 34 billion was raised for relief. This 4 billion has been allocated by the u. S. Government. The other 9 billionplus has yet to be used. Global Development Analysts say a lack of accountability and transparency means hundreds of thousands of haitians have not gotten the help they need. The world rushed in to help

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