Already some republicans are blasting his request, claiming it doesnt go far enough while others claim he doesnt understand the threat. The words radical islamic terrorism do not come out of the president s mouth. The word jihad does not come out of the president s mouth. If you are not aware of what youre fighting youre not going to defeat it. The president has been fighting terrorist groups since he took office. Hes fully aware of the threat. But some republicans seem unclear about what side hes on . Not only did he vilify christianity, but he actually made a case to defend radical islam. I was at israeli function and aipac function couple weekends ago a he one of our great friends there said congressman webber, were not sure the president has israels back. And i said friend were not sure hes got americas back. Its ugly and a distraction from the issues that really matter including taking out this brutal group. This is a Difficult Mission and it will remain difficult for some time. Its going to take time to dislodge these terrorists, especially from urban areas. But our coalition is on the offensive. Isil is on the defensive and isil is going to lose. Joining me now is congressman Jackie Speier democrat of california. She served on the House Armed Services committee and the Washington Post Jonathan Capehart. Thanks for being here. Thanks rev. The president says isis is going to lose. Can we beat them under the strategy he sent you today . Well first of all, he needs to be applauded for sending an authorization for the use of military force to the congress. There are some of us on the democratic side that while we applaud him are concerned about the openended nature of the proposal. So, yes, we can defeat isil. We will defeat isil. But im not going to be one who supports putting troops back on the ground. And while the president has said and has made it clear that we are not going to have enduring offensive Ground Troops the question really is arent we going to have troops on the ground . And we already have 3300 on the ground. Right. So theres still much that needs to be worked out with the war powers resolution, the authorization that he has sent to congress. Thats very interesting, congresswoman, saying some democrats are considered that its too openended because republicans are criticizing him saying its not openended enough. Well, its really very clear. You could put Ground Troops on the ground in iraq and syria in this proposal as long as its for defensive purposes or you could put offensive troops on the ground as long as it is not enduring. So i would disagree with the republicans that they think its not giving the president enough latitude to work within. It gives him a great deal of latitude. Jonathan the republicans are squabbling about the president s request but will they vote against it . Thats a good question. Speaker boehner said there will be hearings on this and its a good thing that there will be debate on capitol hill about the president s request. But the idea that were in this fight against isis or as the president calls it isil and that the congress would for the give the president the authority to go after these people who have killed americans, who have killed japanese who have killed other citizens from around the world, i think it would be a stunning dereliction of duty. You know congresswoman, weve learned that there are 20,000 foreign fighters who have gone to join isis and other extremist groups. That includes at least 3400 from western nations and 150 americans. I mean these numbers, congresswoman, are staggering. How long will it take to destroy isis . Well i think the president and certainly general dempsey and others have said this is not a shortterm engagement. This will take two to three years. And while we all are very interested in making sure that we move swiftly to degrade isil it is not happening overnight even though we have already bombed over 2300 sites alone by u. S. Forces in the region. Jordan has now joined forces with us as well. We really need to make sure this coalition stays in tact and that there are Ground Troops from other countries engaged as well. Now, jonathan a lot of republicans say the president put too many limits on his request. Heres speaker boehner. I believe that if were going to authorize the use of military force, the president should have all the tools necessary to win the fight that we are in. And then alabama congresswoman mel brooks said quote, i hate to think that this president is favoring another vietnamlike action. Jonathan, i mean what do republicans want . Do they want Ground Troops but they just wont say it . You know thats what it sounds like. As the congresswoman said the president s request of Congress Says there could be troops on the ground for rescue operations, for i might have this wrong, correct me if i have this wrong, congresswoman, sort of forward offenses. So is there a problem with what the president wants is that he put a threeyear time limit on it. You know democrats some democrats ive seen have criticized the president s request because its too broad. They see it as too openended. So the two sides are going to have to come together and recognize that you know the president is trying to tread a very fine line here. He is leading a warweary nation but he has to still continue to fight this war against people who are not only threatening our National Security but are destabilizing a very important region of the world. Congresswoman, i mean let me cut to the chase. Do republicans want boots on the ground . Do they want another iraq war . Oh theres no question they want boots on the ground. They just dont want to say it. And in some respects i have not seen a war engagement that they havent wanted to be in. You know just a couple of years ago they wanted us to go fully into syria. They want us to go into libya. I think they are very interested in seeing us engage in many hot spots around the world. We dont have the bandwidth to be in every hot spot around the world and we have to be very clear at what is in fact at risk for our nation. When our homeland is being threatened, then we absolutely need to protect it. When we are trying to be the police force for the entire world, we have to think twice. Jonathan weve heard that there could be weeks, even months of debate on this issue. Heres what the president said about that. I believe this resolution can grow Even Stronger with the dignified debate that this moment needs. We can show our troops and the world that americans are united in this mission. Jonathan do you think we can have a dignified debate on this . The answer is no but when it comes to putting men and women of the armed forces in harms way, especially in a new fight against a new enemy, that will put aside the mindless bickering of the last six years and be very sober about the conversation that they are going to have on capitol hill. Well its a huge huge issue, huge situation that affects us all. Were going to really stay on top of it. Congresswoman Jackie Speier Jonathan Capehart thank you both for your time tonight. Thank you for the invitation. Coming up, dramatic moments in the american sniper murder trial. What did kyle text about his killer moments before his death . Plus how jeb bush is fighting inequality while charging 100,000 a plate at a fundraiser. And saying goodbye to jon stewart. What his amazing run has meant to comedy and tv news. I was not elected to serve one party. You were not elected. All that plus 25 years since Nelson Mandela walked out of prison and into history. Stay with us. Fact. Fastacting advil is designed with an ultrathin coating and fast absorbing advil Ion Core Technology stopping headaches and other tough pain. Fast. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil. With pain relief, were all at the corner of relief is good. And fast relief is better. Good thing walgreens gets you in and out in no time. So you can find relief fast, with Solutions Like advil. At the corner of happy and healthy. Were tracking breaking news after three deaths of Muslim Students open the university of North Carolina campus. Police say their best information at this point is a parking dispute led to the triple shooting tuesday evening. And that it doesnt appear related to the victims fate. Though authorities are looking at the suspects computer and email and interviewing neighbors. That suspect, 46yearold Craig Steven Hicks is being held without bond. He appeared in court today charged with three counts of firstdegree murder. This afternoon, his wife said the victims faith played no role. I cant say absolutely with this incident had nothing to do with religion or victims fate but was related to the longstanding parking disputes. But family members of the victims say they want the shootings to be investigated as a hate crime. We are still in a state of shock and will never be able to make sense of this horrendous tragedy. We ask that the authorities investigate these heinous murders as a hate crime. The shootings today inspiring an outpouring of support for the victims on social media, including this trending image, a blue ribbon with the muslimlivesmatter. Yes, they do. Well be following this story. By 1914 the Dodge Brothers quit the Ford Motor Company and set out on their own. They believed in more, than the assembly line. They believed driving was a holy endeavor. A hundred years later, the Dodge Brothers spirit lives on. [ female announcer ] we help make secure financial tomorrows a reality for over 19 Million People. [ susan ] my promotion allowed me to start investing for my retirement. Transamerica made it easy. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. Transform tomorrow. Developing news tonight, Opening Statements in the american sniper murder trial. Eddie ray routh is accused of killing chris kyle the reallife sniper from the hit film and along with that he was accused of killing his friend chad littlefield in 2013. Prosecutors say ralph gunned down both men at texas gun range. They had taken him there as part of a way to help with the ptsd he got after serving in the marines. Ralph used two guns to shoot the men more than a dozen times and that he used drugs earlier that day. You used marijuana that morning and he drank whiskey with it. And he admits that he murdered these two men, that he took drugs and alcohol that morning and that he knew what he was doing wrong. But his defense says hes suffering from a severe mental disease. He was in a grip of a psychosis, a psychosis so severe at that point in time that he did not know what he was doing was wrong. He thought he had to take their lives because he was in danger. Now a jury will decide whether ralph knew right from wrong when he pulled the trigger. Joining me now, our texas criminal defense attorney brian weiss and former prosecutor and host of judge faith, judge faith herself. Thanks for being here. Thank you. Judge faith, based on their Opening Statements how will prosecutors try to show that ralph knew what he was doing . Well they are going to go forward with the evidence. You can tell in their Opening Statements they are getting out ahead of the game on the Mental Illness defense that the Defense Attorneys are trying to put forward here. And they address it headon. They said even if he suffered from Mental Illness, he knew what he was doing was wrong. So they are going to look at the facts and argue the facts. Look what he did, look at the crime that he committed and what he did afterwards. He ran away. A person who knows when theyve done something wrong, what do they do . They run and hide. He went to his relatives. He did tell his relatives that he killed someone but he didnt go to the police or stay at the scene. They are going to use those factors to say, yes, he committed a terrible crime and knew what he did was wrong. Brian, this is a tall order for the defense. Whats the main argument they want the jury to hear . Well i think, rev, theyve got to craft a narrative that this small town texas jury can understand. And theyve got to tell this jury that while every crime is a tragedy, every tragedy is not a crime. And that when their client acted in a moment of madness and ended the lives of these two men, he was simply incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong and that our judicial heritage is rich in the notion that no matter how heinous the crime, we dont convict people who are insane at the time that they engage in that conduct. Faith, the defense introduced Text Messages that kyle and littlefield sent each other after they met ralph, kyle wrote, quote this dude is straight up nuts. And littlefield replied, hes right behind me. Watch my 6. Thats military jargon for watch my back. How will the defense use those messages . That was when the three were together going to the shooting range. The key issue is when he committed the crime. So there you have chris kyle and his friend talking about this guy being nuts just before ralph kills them. So they are saying which helps the defense, that he was so he was suffering from some type of psychosis, so much so that even kyle comments on it right before they get to the shooting range. Brian, we want to play part of the 911 call made by ralph sister and her husband. Listen to this. He was recently diagnosed with ptsd. With what . Ptsd. Ptsd . Yeah, posttraumatic stress disorder. Oh, okay. Okay. And hes been acting real weird from that. He just got out of a Mental Hospital actually. Now prosecutors mentioned this call today. How will it play into their argument, brian . Well theres going to be testimony of this defendants repeated stays in psychiatric facilities in this psychiatric backstory that would seem to suggest that he could insane. But what this jury is going to be instructed on is that doesnt make any difference. His decision to drink and take drugs is not a defense to the ultimate prosecution. And the fact that he may have had the psychiatric backstory, well, like they say in west texas, rev mashed potatoes dont mean gravy. You can form intent in an instant and if at the time this defendant pulled the trigger he could understand the difference between right and wrong, then theres only one verdict and thats guilty of capital murder. Faith, the movie american sniper didnt come up in Opening Statements. Did that surprise you . No it shouldnt come up. And i would imagine, rev, that when they selected the jury they probably selected people who had not seen the movie and had not read the book because you dont want jurors forming an opinion about the case based on facts theyve heard outside of the testimony in the courtroom. So this movie should not come up in the trial. The defense talked about ralphs drug and alcohol use. Does that make a difference here brian . Well again, it provides context, if you will, rev, but this jury was told during jury selection that this defendants voluntary intoxication is not a defense to capital murder. And while it may provide context, it is not going to be a legitimate legal defense. The only way that this defendant avoids conviction for capital murder is a jury believing the defense narrative that at the moment he pulled the trigger and ended the lives, again, of an American Hero and his friend, that he was incapable of distinguishing between what was right and what was wrong. Now, you mention a small town. This trial is happening in erath county population less than 40,000. You know this area well. Whats it like to try a case in a small texas county town . Well theres good news and bad news. The good news is youre always going to be able to find a parking spot and eat in the courthouse square. The bad news is i guarantee you that District Attorney alan nash knew a bunch of the jurors that came in on that jury panel. Why . Because in a small town and a county like erath, their kids play Little League together they go to walmart together and the Home Court Advantage that any prosecutor has in any criminal case becomes that much more dramatic in a small town and small county. Im going to have to leave it there. Dont forget faith, mashed potatoes dont mean gravy. Brian wice and faith jenkins, thank you for your time tonight. Thanks, rev. Coming up would you pay 100,000 to have dinner with jeb bush . Even some on wall street are shaking their heads. And did this really happen . Did that really happen . Sadly, it did. Jon stewart is leaving thethe daily show. Thats ahead. How many times a week does biden show up in a wet bathing suit to a meeting . Just ballpark figure . I had to put out a president ial directive on that. You have to put towels down. 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I wanted to see him squirm. Apparently the health care. Org website a glitch is all of them. He made us laugh but when the occasion called for it he knew how to comfort us too. I wanted to tell you why i grieve. But why i dont despair. If comedy is tragedy plus time, i need more time but i would really settle for [ bleep ] less tragedy. I know very few people who go into comedy you know as an act of courage, mainly because it shouldnt have to be that. It shouldnt be an act of courage. More than anything else jon stewart is a brilliant comedian and his no holds bar style is what had us all laughing for nearly two decades. Theres a six foot pole made out of beer cans. Its florida. Youre lucky theres not a stripper named christmas swinging on it. I apologize. I apologize. No disrespect. I apologize. Lets continue with the meeting. Are you [ bleep ] . A [ bleep ] fork . Ah no by the way, math you do as a republican to make yourself feel better . Is a much better slogan for fox than the one they have now. Jon, we already miss you. Joining me now, our radio host Stephanie Miller and whose comedy album just came out today on itunes. And msnbcs toure. Thank you both for being here. Thank you. Thanks rev. Stephanie, whats your reaction to the big news . Well number one, you are right, he is irreplaceable. Number two, all i know is i made a list of top seven replacements for jon stewart and i will not tramp on his cold body for a shameless plug. It will be interesting to see what direction the daily show goes. Toure, were you as shocked as i was . I was extraordinarily shocked to look at all that this man has brought. He was a prime news source for a lot of them. When you think about the folks that he brought into the economyour attention, on and on and on, you think about the sort of muscular liberalism, he was a proud liberal, unapologetic you didnt see a lot of that on television, especially outside of this place. He loved to attack politicians but even more than that he was a media critic and sort of the most interesting media critic he always had fun with politicians and newsmakers. Lets watch this. Do you have a favorite shake for that home office . Do you like that would you like that office would you like that corner or not to have corners . You know i think that the world is so complicated, the fewer corners i know your father is backstage and hes very proud of you. But would he be mad if i adopted you . We would both very much like Bruce Springsteen to hug us. Yes. And he did hug me recently. Did he really . Yes. How many times a week does biden show up in a wet bathing suit to a meeting . Just a ballpark figure. I had to put out a president ial directive to stop that. I have to say, he looks pretty good. Thats what you were talking about, toure. Yeah, all of that stuff. Who else could talk to christie and obama and malala and the conversations he had with bill oreilly, no one will forget what he did on crossfire, before the early iteration of that show which destroyed that show and changed cable news. Now stephanie, its remarkable that on the same day the news came of Brian Williams being suspended and jon stewart retiring two of the biggest names on the news wont be in air. In brian cases, at least for a while. Thats pretty amazing, dont you think, steph . Reverend i think my favorite comment, ironically on the Brian Williams thing came from jon stewart, finally someone is being held accountable with regard to a lie regarding iraq. You know when Brian Williams is responsible for the death unnecessarily of american soldiers and innocent iraqis over lies about weapons of mass destruction, then we can talk. Yeah. And thats the nerve that jon stewart is able to hit and for a Younger Generation i think more people trusted jon stewart than a lot of news anchors. So its ironic isnt it . And we can do a whole show on clips but as a native new yorker, i think sarah palin and donald trump taking her to pizza in new york is one of the best things ive seen. Check this out. Donald, if youre taking an esteemed visitor to get real new york pizza, familias is not it. We had great pizza. That was real new york pizza. No no its not. Unless a real authentic new york pizza can also be found in terminal four of the phoenix sky harbor airport. I apologize. I apologize. No disrespect. I apologize. Lets continue with the meeting. Are you eating with a fork . A [ bleep ] fork . I want to see your longform birth certificate. I dont think you were really born in new york. You cant beat that. I love his impression of Lindsey Graham as a turtle and Lindsey Graham he did and i couldnt wait for that. We have to go to 2016 without jon stewart. And stephanie, you remember what it was. I enjoyed doing the show. Watch this. First of all, hunger strikes agree with you. You look magnificent. Well they didnt give me any of the barbecue sauce. You never won any election. How can you go from there to president . Thats exactly why you should vote for me because im not responsible for the last meal. You shouldnt have to be objective. Thats exactly right. Im jon stewart. That doesnt look like you. And you try to do a give and take but you knew you were going to lose. You know i have nef seen you more cuddly and ive always seen you cuddly. It takes a rare talent to make sarah palin look even more dumb than she is. He is a genius. He will be missed. Thank you both for your team. Catch toure on the cycle weekdays at 3 00 p. M. On msnbc. Still ahead, the sad news about the Little League team that won our hearts. Should the kids be punished for the adults mistake . Also, jeb bush follows up his new focus on poverty by charging 100,000 a plate. And the terror scare you didnt know about at president oems first inauguration vo after 50 years of designing cars for crash survival, subaru has developed our most revolutionary feature yet. A car that can see trouble. And stop itself to avoid it. When the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. Not honda. Not ford or any other brand. Subaru eyesight. An extra set of eyes, every time you drive. Toenail fungus . Dont hide it. Tackle it with new fdaapproved Jublia Jublia is a prescription medicine proven to treat toenail fungus. Use jublia as instructed by your doctor. Once applied jublia gets to the site of infection by going under, around and through the nail. Most common side effects include ingrown toenail, applicationsite redness itching, swelling, burning or stinging, blisters, and pain. 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Powers back on. Quick thinking traffic lights and self correcting power grids make the world predictable. Thrillingly predictable. What makes thermacare different . Two words it heals. How . With heat. Unlike creams and rubs that mask the pain, thermacare has patented heat cells that penetrate deep to increase circulation and accelerate healing. Lets review heat, plus relief, plus healing, equals thermacare. The proof that it heals is you. Time now for conversation nation. Joining me tonight, host of the docket on shift msnbc seema, democratic strategist Jimmy Williams and president of the Bernard Center for women of politics michelle bernard. Thanks rev. How much would you pay to have dinner with former Florida Governor jeb bush . Well, if youre heading to the park avenue home of private equity mogul henry kravitz, youre shelling out 100,000 a head for that honor. Someone said i shook my head when i heard the number. People close to the former governor say the goal is to eventually reach between 100,000. I dont think i ever ate 100,000 at his dinner table. And the other great irony of this is hes not doing it in des moines, in national new hampshire, hes not doing it here in south carolina. Those are called early primary states. If he tried to charge anyone 100,000 at a fundraiser, im pretty sure it wont go over so well. So hey, if were going to have conversations about economic populism and economic patriotism, what better place to do that than on wall street. But michelle, if were raising 100,000 per person on wall street aside from the fact that the figure is certainly something that is makes you take a double take does it affect the policies that he will in fact advocate since hes getting money from people that have their own theories about income inequality and economic issues. Heres the two things that this impacts. Not only does it mean that you believe that their chances of winning are reasonable but it is reasonable to expect that that person that is giving the money is going to make demands that affect Public Policy to their benefit. Yep. And if you are the person who lives in section 8 housing, that lives in a neighborhood where their schools are awful, where you have no Grocery Stores and where you have very little ability to take care of yourself, let alone your children, no one, you cant pay to go to a fundraiser and there is no politician out there, at least as far as i can see right now that is running for on the republican ticket that is going to hear your voice and hear what it means to be a member of the working poor in this country. Rev, i just want to point out that kravis private equity firm, his Fourth Quarter profits fell 94 . Its going back to what you said earlier, that there is this quid pro quo. Of course its going to affect whatever policy decisions that jeb bush makes. Also id love to remind everyone how jimmy used to be a republican strategist. So i definitely take everything that jimmy says on this topic. All right. Now to a scary terror revelation. On president obamas inauguration in his book David Axelrod wrote about to right the statement telling axelrod, quote, meet him right before the ceremonies in the Speakers Office and give it to him. Hell put it in his pocket in case its needed. Thankfully it was a false alarm. But what a fascinating look inside the presidency. Imagine the president in that moment with that letter a fascinating revelation right . You know reverend i read the excerpt from the book and, frankly, it just sent chills up my spine. We it is a reminder that in this post 9 11 world, we are never safe. You know many of us were so worried on Inauguration Day 2009, that our newly elected in our first africanamerican president in history might be in danger because of domestic terrorism and now were realizing that not only was that fear plausible but it was also plausible that we could have been subject to another act, a foreign terrorism and its frightening and sad. It also occurred to me because i remember watching him that day and it was freezing out there. Right. And how cool and calm he delivered the inaugural address. We had no idea he had a letter exactly. To make a statement and had been warned of a possible terrorist attack. That is our president , rev. Hes always cool and calm. But could you imagine what kind of message that would have sent on the inauguration of our first black president , that instead of giving the inauguration speech he would have had to have read that letter possibly putting millions of people including himself and his staff in danger and what message does that send to the world of the leader of the United States . Yeah. Jimmy, you know axelrod didnt write in the book that was written on the note. Right. Maybe the president will reveal that. If he writes a book once he leaves office. Which i hope he does. That would be very interesting about all of the meetings he had in the white house with the republicans that didnt go so well. But back to what michelle said i was in the capital complex on nine neen 9 11 working as a Senate Staffer and i knew that our lives had changed forever. The idea that we could walk freely even as staff, fast forward to 2009, a very different world, a very different president. The system to keep him safe and everyone around him, it was in place and it worked and im very proud of that. Finally, another cheating controversy hits the world of sports except this time its pants size pintsize, Little League size Little League baseball stripped of their championship of its title and suspended its coach for using players who live outside of the area that the team represents. The organization found Team Officials went to neighboring districts to scope out players and build a socalled super team. Today, the catcher for the team made a statement. Me and my teammates, we work hard all year long and we went down there to play baseball and we werent involved in anything that could have caused us to be stripped of our championship but we do know that we know that we are champions, our parents know that we are champions and the team knows were champions and chicago knows were champions. This is an incredibly disappointing story. But should the kids pay for the adults mistakes . No but they are. They are going to have to pay for their mistakes by not being able to move forward with their team. This is a tiny lesson in their large lives and they will move forward and their talent and skill will see them through. Im going to have to leave it there. Were out of time. Thank you for joining conversation nation. Make sure you watch the docket on shift by msnbc on tuesday at 11 00 a. M. Eastern. When we come back 25 years after Nelson Mandelas long walk to freedom. John and horace dodge launched their first car in 1914. But they were not only business partners, they were brothers. Competitive. Stubborn. And always pushing each other, the way only brothers can. One hundred years later, their spirit lives on. Whats that thing . I moved our old Security System out here to see if it could monitor the front yard. Why dont you switch to xfinity home . 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[ alex ] transamerica helped provide a lifetime of retirement income. So i can focus on what matters most. [ female announcer ] everyone has a moment when tomorrow becomes real. Transamerica. 25 years ago today, the world stopped and watched as Nelson Mandela was finally released from prison. Walking out a free man. The entire country of south africa rejoiced, poured out into the streets. In capetown they sang and danced and cried tears of joy. Mandela was free and he had a message of reconciliation, not revenge. He had one clear goal above all, end apartheid. We call on our people so that a promise to us of democracy is uninterrupted. We have waited too long for our freedom. He was a freedom fighter, peacekeeper and a visionary, never bitter for the years he spent in prison. He won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and in 1994 he became the first black president in countrys history. I was in south africa to observe that election and i had the honor to meet mandela on a number of occasions. As i thought about this 25th anniversary today, i thought of mine American Civil Rights hero reverend joseph lowry. He always said sharpton theres a difference to be famous and great. To be great is how you use your fame. If youre good you can get famous. But if you seek to be great is what you use your fame for. Nelson mandela did not only rise about his enemies but above the entity. Hardball starts right now. War power. Lets play hardball. Good evening. Im Chris Matthews in washington. President oem played the bugle. He asked for a declaration of war against the terrorists of isis, the authorization for use of military force against the Islamic State of iraq. Will the Congress Give it to him . Will dchl oves have faith in

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