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The president convenes a bipartisan meeting at the white house and senators and congressmen and acts like hes going to do something, tells them youre afraid at the nra and then the next day he has this meeting with the nra and tells them what they want to hear. He is a businessman that sells real estate at inflated prices. He tells them what they want to hear and does nothing. Not to mention that he always mentions chicago when hes talking about gun violence, it was not a black senate or a congressman in a room thats talking about it. I will get back to that later in the show. Joining me now is our democratic strategy, the former president of young democrat americans and National Editor of accuracy in media. Thank you both for joining me this morning. Lafayette me ask you carrie, how do you have a conversation about Gun Legislation and saying in light of this massacre, vicious and sensitive and everything you can think of thats scary and despicable that happens in florida and before that texas and las vegas and everyday in chicago and other places. You dont even really talk about banning assault weapons. You are talking about raising the age, does it make a difference if your kids are endangered with an 18yearold with an ar15 or the 22yearold. That ar15 is the issue. Reverend, it is good to be here. Is it possible to find a compromise, i believe if tlas wi there is a way, there is a will. With the ar15, so we need to keep in mind in terms of how guns are actually used. So i can keep firing and firing and that handgun cannot. You also have what it does when it hits and you have the binary. Reverend, here is the issue. It is not about about banning gt is about enforcing the problem. People should not shoot when they dont have the right to buy. The university of chicago found that only 3 of gun crimes that happens in chicago is from legally purchased guns. 97 of gun crimes in chicago is illegally. So everyone though they may have them illegally in chicago, you can go and buy them legally in other states and transport them, is that not right . Yes, i mean the biggest problem with chicago, they have a lot of conservatives like to use that as an example a lot have weaken by the general assembly. About 60 of the guns have been confiscated in chicago are not in chicago because they have been bought in indiana and states that dont require having some sort of id to be able to purchase a gun and then you have gun show loopholes when you dont have to have background checks. All state and not only illinois, only 11 gun crimes are committed by legally obtained guns. Let me try this again and i will let you answer. You are conservative which is good and your protrump, your rational is we should not ban assault weapons and wiping people out because most of the people being wiped out are buying legal weapons. That does not add up and make sense. This has been a failure of law enforcement. What happened in florida is a failure of law enforcement. What was the failure . The failure was he was allowed to purchase that gun. Exactly, he could not bought it if there is a he had Mental Illness. The police came to his house like 26 or 30 times. That should have been the red flags. If the gun was not there, a mentally ill person that should not missed the signal could not purchase the gun. Is that not the issue . Thats one of the issues, certainly he shows a lot of signs and he obviously, you know, somebody was going to commit a shooting in our schools, you know thats certainly where the system definitely failed him. There are cases where individuals dont show any signs of Mental Illness and theyre able to purchase these guns because there are loopholes allowing them without getting any form of background checks. There should be no reason. I grew up in southern virginia where you have a lot of folks practice responsible gun ownership. You dont need a semiautomatic rifle for shooting. If you need one to go hunting, you are not a very good hunter. You shoot up an animal with an ar15 over and over again, you dont need that stuff anyway. Let me ask you another question. Mr. Trump, how do you have a meeting on gun control and no blacks in the room when uconn standpointly referring to chicago when you talk about gun control. You do have senator tim scott. Fantastic guy. Big fan of him. Tim scott is not invited and not member of the black caucus. How do you have an all white meeting but you have referenced chicago. Everyone y even you and youre sensitive and nice of protrump, even you finding that we are trying to have an inclusive conversation here. I agree that the conservative movement and the Republican Party needs to do more. Earlier this week, i interviewed Michael Steele of the issues around cpact. I agree that conservative Movement Needs to do more to the communities. The conversation around enforcement, this is the problem. If we create a ton of new laws around gun enforcement, how do you balance this new laws in the bookmaking sure we have justice reforms. If you slam all the laws and lock everyone up for holding guns, would you have more incarcerated individuals . Which is why, atima, needs to have blacks in the room because sure you can have a ban on as t assau assault weapons. We had a ban on assault weapons from 94 to 2004. This is not something that we are unfamiliar with. One of the big issues is addressing in places like chicago where they have seen a lot of their lives be repelled where they see a lot of gangs get a hold of guns by using folks having clean records to have those guns. Youre only going to have conversations that affect one community if you dont have all communities most affected like the Africanamerican Community at the table. This president has been clear that hes cracking down on gun violence. How . He said it but tell me what he did, how . With ms13 and multiple task force. And he said when you arrest these people, dont be so nice to them. Thats not a policy. Let me ask you something carrie, you are a nice young lady and we mercedes may disagree. Are you embarrassed as a trump suppo trumps supporter, he joked about it. It is unimaginable to have a place that gets out of control. Are you talking about hope hicks . I am talking about hope hicks and his soninlaw cannot even get through Security Check and his staffs and i am talking about a president thats one day saying the nra and the next day slipping their men in the dark. This is all in one week. Reveren reverend, with regards to hope hick hic hicks, shes been supporting this president for two years. We are talking turnover. We are talking about white lies. The whole rob porter situation, i found it to be disappointing coming from he apparently talked about this elsewhere, this situation had been reported by his exwives to the Mormon Church and they did nothing about it. There were multiple failures around what happened with rob porter, this was the issue with hope hicks. Thats what did her in. Overall, this president was brought into office because people wanted change. They wanted this disrupter, for my progressive friends, if you dont understand what the American People wanted, they want to shake up the system, you need to understand thats how this president is operating and i am proud of what hes done. Carrie, first of all, he lost by 2. 8 million votes, he won in the electoral college. He won according to the constitution. I am a constitutionallist. The American People that voted did not want what he brought and shake up what we got. Do you ever think of Sarah Huckabees job. You try to put a good face to it. It does not work. Agree to disagree. The Network Announce that it will support the march taking place on march 24th in washington, d. C. , along with sister rallies around the country. This is a moment that has a possibility of change. Coming up, a new report shows this great country is split into two societies divided by race and money, surprise . Be right back. [phoneing] with esurance photo claims, you could have money for repairs within a day. Wow that was really fast. Thats insurance for the modern world. Esurance. Click or call. You wouldnt accept from any one else. Why accept it from your allergy pills . Flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. Flonase. In 1968, president Lyndon Johnson surveyed the damage caused by dozens of violent protests in the nation of black community. A Fact Finding Commission led by illinois governor, to get to the heart of the violence, it is causes than preventions. The findings was stuck and what supported by american history, sub standing housing and infurior education. Created a disfranchisement that exploded on americas streets. This week we saw a new report from the Economic Policy of institute following up on the 1968 data and confirming that those same conditions remained unimproved and if not worsen since the report was published. As that report then, still appeared to be quote, moving towards two societies, one black and one white, separate and unequal. Joining me now valerie wilson, director of Institute Program of ethnicity and the economy. And our washington correspondent for the Philadelphia Tribune and newt curt, who wrote this week of the environmental racism thats choking people. Thats coming from the trumps epa. Valley, let me go to you first, the report, in a very scary way says in many areas such as unemployment high incarcerations and black homeowner ship, we had 41. 1 and we only have 41. 2 right now. Black incarceration of 604 is worst now and 1,730 per 100,000. Black unemployment we were at 6. 7 of unemployed and we are at 7. 5 unemployment now. I mean the numbers dont lie, valerie. You are absolutely right, thank you reverend sharpton for having me on. We found that despite the tremendous gains and education that we have seen for africanamericans, for example, 1968 over half of africanamerican adults graduated and today that number is less than 9 . Today is nearly a quarter. Despite those educational gains, we see much less progress on economic areas of lives. Unemployment and homeowner ship, we are seeing some slight absolute progress in terms of wages and income but not nearly the progress that we would expect on equality with whites. Now, Charles Ellison and you and i talked about this one. People like leaders out and c l calling but, these facts, we are trying to put life under facts that these things still existed and needed to be dealt with. In many ways, it justifies a lot of activism that we have done. It is heartbreaking that we have to do it and people are ignoring the data and we are talking about real human lives of incarceration and unemployment as well as not having the ability to deal it at home. This is for real stuff. Good morning reverend and it is always great to be with you. It proves that this is never been a trivial conversation. This is a real conversation thats backed up by data so it is encouraging on that scale but it is very discouraging when you see that we made a little bit of progress perhaps on paper based on certain macro indicators but we have not reached any parody really. When you dont have any parody, you see a society thats grossly unequalled so how much progress have we made . I am concerned of the median wealth gap. Black median wealth is 17,000 and white median wealth is 171,000. Despite all that progress, it seems like it is never enough particularly when wage growth, okay, so there may be some parody as well as black white wage growth but when you have inflation growing by 604 . 604 since 1968, it is like we can never catch up in terms of wage group. We are already behind in wage group. As dr. King says he fought so black folks have the right to go to lunch counters and now he had to fight to make sure they can afford the lunch. This is what we are dealing now with valley and our colleagues report. I saw in your these that black children are nearly twice likely exposed to smog and toxins than white children and leading to respiratory diseases early in life. We are talking about children now. Yeah, you look at the asthma number comes directly from that exposu exposure and many more times likely to die or have extreme complications from. All of that is from pollution, the original commissioners report did not get into this. This was not on the leading edge of consciousness in 1968 of pollution and the idea of industrialization. The idea that over the following decades, it became clear that the Environmental Justice movement was a key cause of thinking about in the 50year sense of what is the unequal and where is the disparity coming from. Now, you have infant mortality rate than white community. You see the life span gap is still there and a lot of that is landfills and hazardous waste. They all are things that contribute to, not just to the health gap but to the wealth gap as well. When you look at this valerie, when we look at 50 years ago and the Current Commission came out and it was front and center and johnson was president and others dealt with it, your report almost had no reaction at all from the white house and no plan of action and in my judgment on undisputed but the attention given it had not been what we need particularly when we looking at the gravity of the situation that should be documented in here. Right, i think we know that this administration is tone deaf when it comes to issues related to race. We know a month or so ago, the president was bolstering about the fact that black unemployment is the lowest it has been under his administration, much of that credit would not be due to him since the black Unemployment Rate has been declining for the last four years. Much of that improvement i would credit to the Federal Reserve under the previous chair, janet yell yellen. So everyone the boast about the rate of 7. 5 among blacks are a bit tone deaf. That 7. 5 is still double the white unemployment. And as high as it was in 68. Thats why we see people with that are raising the issue and saying that therefore we must vote. There is a real basis for continued engagement and activism caused the factual and racism and a divided society is still alive. These barriers still exist. They are persistent and profound, we need a set of solutions here. We need to be aggressive and we cannot depend on the administration and washington, there is so much dysfunction thats already there on capitol hill and in the white house. We have to recapture and regain power in the state legislatures, we are also going to have to refocus and recalibrate political power. I mean black political power on the local level. It cannot be black elected officials on paper, organizations also have to be a bit more creatively selfsufficient and innovated in terms of being active in the community and raisiing awarenes. Let me go to van because i am losing time. I read just about everything you write. The environmental blog you wrote is so precedent and yet so ignored. It is right in your face and no one talks about it and i would say it is more eloquently than you do. I appreciate that. I think it is got to be legislative now. We are looking now at a world where this is becoming, Environmental Justice is becoming the leading edge of political consciousness i think in communities of color. I think thats where the act of politics are going to be spinning. Well have more folks talking about polluters and where we cite these factories and companies and how it affect communities of color. It happened in flint and it happened in Hurricane Katrina and harvey and maria. This is going to be the fact of life the next 50 years going forward. I am going to have have to lever it there. Thank you valerie and john ellison and vann. Still ahead, a gubernatorial, a Confederate Monument backfires in her face. I will tell you why and how, i will explain, you are watching politics nation. Art. It can be sculpted in beautiful detail. Or painted in luxurious strokes. And in rare cases. Both. Hnew litter . Lled this no. Nobody has its unscented vo new tidy cats free clean unscented. Powerful odor control with activated charcoal. Free of dyes. Free of fragrances. Tidy cats free clean. When no scents makes sense. Cohigher ad higher parents arent perfect, but then they make us Kraft Mac Cheese and everythings good again. So thats the idea. What do you think . I dont like it. Oh. Nuh uh. Yeah. Ahhhhh. Mmmm. Oh. Yeah. Ah. Agh. Ddd. No. Hmmm. Uh. Huh. Yeah. Uh. Huh. In business, there are a lot of ways to say no. Thank you so much. Thank you. So were doing it. Yes. 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The things we do every single day that puts ourselves in harms way, and to have a partner that is so skilled at what they do is indispensable, and i couldnt ask for a better partner. South carolina is gearing up for its gubernatorial primary this june and the republican governor there is facing three gop challenges. Among them, former state official, Katherine Templeton who has not shied away from embracing her family heritage. For example, during a time hall last year, she promised if elected not to quote, rewrite history. Keeping the Confederate Monument in plain site. She doubled up last night. Take a listen. I think it is important to note that my family did not fight because we had slaves. My family fought because the federal government were telling us how to live. We did not need them to tell us how to live way back then. So you can imagine a full carton of egg on her face last week when the South Carolina newspaper found that one of templeton cease direct ancestors owned no less than 66 slaves before the start of the civil war. A high number even for that era translating today to nearly 1 million in property. When asked on Family History of owning other human beings, she insisted that she was not aware of that confederate history, quote, this campaign is about the future and not the past she said on tuesday. Past is prolong, folks and the morally convenient idea that resistance to government should trump the moral baseline of not defending slavery is one of the fictions that brought White Nationalism back to the forefront. Well, that and this presidency. Miss templeton as you said this week, you quote, embrace your family once and all but what an ugly and spread the contact of the infected. As races have been finding out for roughly the last 40 years. 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It is a striking omission because while the president again for now has signalled a surprising break from his party on gun rights, hes also never fail to use black gun deaths in cities like chicago. Yet next to none of his policy shift addressed the need of the black Community Devastated by gun violence long before the tragedy. Joining me now is Texas Democratic congresswoman, Sheila Jackson lee, thank you for being with us, congresswoman. Thank you reverend. Let me tell you why i am so agitated when there is no blacks on the table when hes constantly referring to chicago and atalking about gun violence. It is not members of congress that are black are not on the community dealing with this gun legislative issues. In fact, i have done the research, congresswoman, i hold in my hand eight bills, sponsored or cosponsored around Gun Legislation that you sponsor or cosponsored in this congress. Eight that you sponsored are cosponsors. Were you invited in this meeting. No, sir, not at all. Congressman kelly comes from chicago as a strong voice of the violence of her city and the mother that suffered, clyburn. His district has issues on preventing gun violence and as you indicated, i introduce the first bill dealing with a seven day waiting periods on ammunitions, automatic guns and silencers and the 21 years age group. The point of the Congressional Black Caucus is that we have the wholistic approach just a few days ago, reverend, i walked in the streets in my community while a mother experienced a shooting of her children of a fiveyearold and eightyearold whos now in Critical Condition and a 12yearold was with them and not wounded. A few blocks away was another shooting, of course, we hear this constant friday from gun violence since this nation has 88 guns per 100 people, 33,000 people are shot by guns. We understand it ranges from the automatics and emsemiautomatics. If the president and congress are going to look at the Mass Shootings, my heart goes out and i met with those students at parkland and i love them and support all of them. We support them. We support them and Mass Shootings are a heinous crisis. Just one point, we have more shootings than three or four times 9 11 per year. We know this is tragic including that mass shooting. To the president if hes going to be serious, he has to look at wholistically at gun violence thats perpetrated by gangs or individuals who dont have the resource to steer their lives in another direction. Yeah, and i might add that you have three blacks in the senate, you have harris who was an attorney general in her state. Absolutely. You have cory booker who was the man of new jersey that had to deal with gun problem and certainly the president should trusted having senator tim scott of a member of the senate and a republican of the trump supporter. Let me ask you this also, you have been mobilizing and organizing and dealing with these issues, you had a big notch yesterday in houston. I am showing it as we talk about this. You have been talking about this march, look at those numbers that showed up. Whats going on . Let me congratulate candace and nisha. You can see the crowd and including my remark, i challenge women of the power they have. I let them know of their walking history. We talked about gun violence and that mother who lost, who suffered from the shooting of her children and other mothers who are bending over funeral caskets of their children. I talked later of the mothers of the movement, i dont want them to be forgotten of their children loss in gun violence, these children are prepared and fighting in schools, i want to congratulate them. There were so many beautiful women, a range of colors are ready to fight this fight. We want to president to listen to us and include your family and mothers and daughters. I went to a school where a young man says to me you got to be right. That young man says you got to pack in order to survive in order to survive. Thats what he meant. I learned that i got to deal with that young man where he is and i got to save his life and i got to save those who committed suicides. 33,000 deaths a year and twothirds of those gun deaths, suicide victims, we got to stop the killings. These are issues that we are wrestling with everyday, thank you congresswoman lee. Thank you for having me. The oscars are tonight. How political is it going get . Be right back. Because they dont relieve nasal congestion. Flonase allergy relief is different. Flonase relieves sneezing, itchy, watery eyes and a runny nose, plus nasal congestion, which pills dont. Flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances. Most pills only block one. And 6 is greater than 1. Start your day with flonase for more complete allergy relief. Flonase. This changes everything. 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Films like black panther and the horror film, get out is up for multiple oscars tonight. Joining me now is Chris Witherspoon and Rebecca Theodore of films and televisions critic. Let me go to you, first, chris. You know many of us have been critical of the exclusion of blacks in the academy on the oscars, theyre included years ago. Theyre included this year. Theyre not all too white but will they get it right, white or black, in terms of their selection tonight . Who are you rooting for . What do you think is going to happen . First of all, i have to give you props. You were on the earlier side, an ambassador of the oscar so white movement. I was here. You said change has to happen. I feel like the academy is making strides in that direction. Who im rooting for tonight is jordan peel in get out. Hes making history as the first black person to be nominated for best picture, best original screen play and best director. So i think were seeing and embracing diversity in the academy. Theres more to go, but i think were going in the right direction. Rebecca, youre one of the best in the business and you told me whoever wins the spirit award usually wins best picture for the oscars. Jordan peel did win the spirit award. I dont know. You know everything you talking about. Right. Usually at the Spirit Awards the last four best pictures that have won at the Spirit Awards have won best picture at the oscars. We have get out who won best picture last night. Im thinking that it might be a tie between that, shape of water and three billboards. One of those three. Im definitely rooting for get out. You know, i have a personal thing where im watching tonight for mary j. Blige. Ive known her for many years, many years, watched her growth. She represents those of us that have had to overcome odds. She wins tonight i think ill do the hallelujah dance at home. Shes already made history. Shes the first person to be nominated for an acting category and also original song. I think her being there tonight, shes a winter. Yeah. I think as far as looking at the nominees this year, were making a little bit more progress. We have yancy ford whos the first trans director up for the best director nominee and Rachel Morrison who shot mud bound is the first woman cinema to go gra 49er. Rece. And kunan ninjani. He wrote the screen play for big six. Black panther is not up because it came out late. Not eligible yet. What i was referring to with black panther and get out, it was one of the things we heard when we were all from our various platforms pushing for more black inclusion in hollywood is that black films and black panther and get out has smashed that. White, black, all films every category they have not only kept up but broke through and exceeded so that excuse is long gone. I think that get out and black panther and so many films are redefining what a black film is, what a black film is in hollywood and that they cant sell that with that old idea. Get out was made for 5 million. It made 255 million. That doesnt happen. Right. Black panther no one saw it as 777 million. As of friday it was 780 million. I dont think anyone saw it coming. Absolutely. Nobody saw it coming, and those that pushed and said it could happen are vindicated, including you and i and all of us that have really tried to deal with that. And the pioneers that kept the movement going. Dont forget, you have to mention another young man this evening is denzel washington. I call him a young man because were the same age. Hes the most nominated oscar nominee as a black man in washington. And a great guy. Rebecca, thank you. Chris, always good to see you. Up next, my final thoughts. What would our Founding Fathers want us to do about this president . Im tom steyer, and when those patriots wrote the constitution here in philadelphia, they had just repelled an invading foreign power. So they created the commander in chief to protect us from enemy attack. The Justice Department just indicted 13 russians for sabotaging our elections. An electronic attack on america that the chief investigator called warfare. So what did this president do . Nothing. And is he doing anything to prevent a future attack . The head of the fbi says no. This president has failed his most important responsibility protecting our country. The first question is why . What is in his and his familys business dealings with russia that he is so determined to hide, that hed betray our country . And the second question is why is he still president . Join us today. We have to do something. Discover card. I justis this for real . Match, yep. We match all the cash back new cardmembers earn at the end of their first year, automatically. Whoo i got my money hard to contain yourself, isnt it . Uh huh let it go whoo get a dollarfordollar match at the end of your first year. Only from discover. 53 years ago today people marched across the pettis bridge in selma, alabama, calling for the right to vote to be protected for all citizens. Amelia boykin was tear gassed and reverend Jose Williams of dr. Kings organization and john lewis were beaten, and every year, even since 65 when the Voting Rights act was signed, people go back to commemorate and remember that day. Ill never forget just three years ago i was among those that went. I preached a sermon and one of the moments ill never forget, i marched with the first black president and his wife, with john lewis going across that basement to commemorate the Voting Rights act. I was too young to have marched in 65, but now the Voting Rights act is at risk. It is no longer a memorial or commemoration today, it is a day of challenge because if were really going to do something about gun control, if were really going to do something about continued racism in the criminal justice system, homeownership, gap in employment, we are going to have to vote in people that will do it and the only way we can deal with it is Voting Rights. Deal with it by dealing with gerrymandering, deal with it by these new voting repressive moves. Today is not a day to remember selma, today is a day to make sure they dont forget. We will not let them go backwards. Theyve already taken out a major part of the Voting Rights act. We must do a major part by protecting the vote, coming out and voting. If they can take tear gas and beatings and even killings, black and white to get us the right to vote, we can take a little time to go and use that vote to deal with these issues. That does it for me. Thanks for watching. Ill see you back here next sunday. Now to my colleague, alex witt. Another very important message, rev, from your studio pulpit. Thank you so much for that. Thank you. Have a good sunday. Very good morning to all of you. Im alex witt at msnbc headquarters. 9 00 a. M. In the east and 6 00 in the west. President ial mood. New reports about dark days at the white house after a roller coaster week involving at least three Key Administration players including hope hicks whos on her way out. Theres new scrutiny on what she refused to tell the House Intelligence Committee when they asked her about russia. This is the return of the cold war. Hot talk over a new cold war. What do Vladimir Putins threats amount to and why no public reaction from the white house . An expert on the russian leader joins me. The escalating rhetoric over tariffs. Who are e

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