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The rest are made in love to be as people make a last ditch effort to save a memorial to soviet soldiers who bustled nazi forces in world war 2. The regular catching the program from today. Welcome to moscow to art international. My names you then we begin with the latest news from don bass. Local Officials Say 3 people have been killed after the city of done yet came under ukrainian shelling earlier. These are pictures from done yet immediately after the attack. The Cities Administration building suffered the most damage, and the hotel where journalists often stay was also struck. Apartment buildings and cars in the streets were damaged as well. The Emergency Services are dealing with the aftermath of the assault ortiz, women cost rep is there and such as this report. A warning, distressing images are ahead multiple areas, and then as have once again been struck by the artillery of the ukrainian nationalist forces. Right now we are right in the center of the city. This is the central hotel. This is where a lot of volunteers are journalists and other people that come from russia and other countries live at while, while theyre working internet, you can see the scale of destruction here. This car here is almost completely destroyed. Thankfully, there was no one in it. When the show fell right here, now were also not very for from the administration of the head of the republic. Its very close to here at once again the shelling took place in multiple areas of the nasdaq and the once again, right in the center of the city thats rarely been hit by the ukranian nationalists. Unfortunately, it happens once again this tuesday, according to the local authorities, ukrainian nationalist used high caliber artillery and the in this case are talking about 155 millimeter nato artillery. Exclusive shells used to 155 millimeters caliber. Its a nato type. So the west is directly involved in the destruction of residential areas in don. Yes, i believe that the criminal ukrainian regime should get the punish it deserves at least 17 shells landed in the center of the nest, instantly killing civilians and causing damage to infrastructure to peoples houses to cars. This is just one of the victims. His name is stem. Ha, we have blurred out this picture for him. But 2nd, tell you that half of his half of his head is gone. His standing here at an intersection, probably probably waiting for people to cross when the shell landed and killed him instantly. In his car was his wife and his best friends. Theyre right here has well, and i spoke to them and they told me what happened. It was a book just in an instant bang and we ran out. I was sitting in the back with the dog. Lena was on the side and rushed em was killed. So i ran out with the dog, the dog in my arms, blood all over the place. Lena screams rushed him was killed, nothing is clear, complete chaos. This is another area in central than that square one of the ukrainian shelves. Us rock. Take a look at this car has a full fuss, shrapnel, thankfully no one was in it at that time all that sac. But take a look at this building. The windows have been blown out and one of the shells, according to the local officials, had landed right into that building. This building opposite is also full of shrapnel, whole, the citizens, all the local residents are now out on the street trying to collect whatevers left of their belongings and theyre hoping that ukrainian nationalist will not strike again at least this tuesday remark all 3 of our t go next year rahman, really giving us a sense of whats happening on the ground there. Meanwhile, and you can see youre in a news war, the russian army. Its showing it advancing in southern ukraine. The Fence Ministry says ukrainian trips have been pushed back from her son to the borders of the nic alive region, with Russian Forces during dozens of square kilometers of territory. And according to the m. O. D, several Ukrainian Army units on the Southern Front suffered heavy losses. As a result, Russian Troops are also carrying out successive offensives and key tines near done. Yet moscow say High Precision strike, skilled up to 200 ukrainian nationalists on the don bus frontline as well. Ah, the Russian Foreign minister, sir, gala for off how strongly condemned the killing of dory. A do gonna saying that those behind the journalists murder will be show no mercy. I believe this is a barbaric crime for which there is no forgiveness. My hope the investigation we completed soon and the f. S. B is already established the facts. According to the results, the investigation. There can be no mercy for the organizes. The contract is of the killing and the assassins. Hundreds of people attended a Memorial Service to pay their final respects to georgia. Duke enough has been posthumously awarded by Vladimir Putin with the order of courage. People recalled memories of the slain journalist was killed in a car bombing on saturday night. Our father alexandra philosopher, who had been speaking under the event that daria was attending, just before her death, remembered her as a beacon. Fighting for the truth, Ortiz Don Courter was out. The funeral were here at the funeral of doria do gonna journalist and political analyst who was tragically killed in a terrorist attack here in moscow, russia, its been an extremely emotional event with hundreds of people, her friends and family, showing up in tears to pay their respects we also heard from her father, alexander doogan, who said a few words mainly focusing on her bright character and her deep love for her homeland and based on what we heard from other people who were here dari, his death was a great loss for many others as well, when did you believe she had no fear . No last conversation, she told me that i feel like a hero and a warrior, and i dont want to any other fate. I want to be with my people with my country. I want to be on the side of the light for mother and i advised her to become a philosopher and she did. She tried to move in that direction. She died for the people, for russia. She lived in the name of victory and died in the name of victory. Thats the biggest prize she had to pay, can only be justified by victory. Our victory Vladimir Putin post humorously bestowed the russian order of courage upon daria, saying that the terrorist attack that took her life was a cruel and heinous crime. He also said that daria had a true in hearts and was a true patriot. Just a day before the funeral rushes Security Bureau released the conclusions of its investigation, which determines that Ukraine Security services carried out the attack. And we also heard from a representative of one of russias Major Political parties who laid the blame on the scorch of fascism. Federalists thought daria fought for the future of russia for the future of humanity. She fought against fascism. As our fathers and grandfathers said, the fascist must be destroyed in its lair. The lowest key of in the contract of the killing is located overseas. They will definitely stung before the course of the international tribunal. They will be given illegal. Verdicts in the course of history is already being held. One of the most shocking aspects of the f s bs report was that the suspected assailant apparently used her 12 year old daughter to actually carry out this attack. And according to the ambassador of the daniel peoples republic, this would not be the 1st time the key of has used children to carry out criminal acts. Doesnt charleston bushed. Daria visited a dpr very open and even more open this last day. She was among the 1st to be maria pope, in as of south spreading the truth that he so skillfully and persistently hidden that he had didnt spare herself, but realized the heat risk. She was there with us in order to spread the truth around the world. And for this truth that he was killed, the Nazi Ukrainian regime was nursed by the fact the diarrhea was there at as of styles williams. And she was a journalist. That was the fact that we have a different opinion to the fact that we are not like the nazi carefree, shameful. The fact that we stand up for people and for our history, it infuriates them. And this is how they express their loss in front of us. As of now, key of has flat out denied any involvement in this terrorist attack saying that its Security Services were not behind it. And so weve also heard from the representative of the secretary general of the United Nations calling for an independent investigation to establish the facts surrounding the murder of daria do gonna. So we will have to see if that station will go through and what kind of other information can be yielded bias. Meanwhile, a former russian state doing that deputy whos now ukranian citizen and claims k was not involved in dory as assassination. Ellia pon more of insists it was carried on by a group called the National Republican army, at which he sees is a union of russian liberal forces. Now, despite the group never been heard of before. Now i had a clear understanding that people from the so called National Republican army with which weve been in touch since april, have long been preparing an operation with a larger scale than they had ever done before. When it happened, they sent photos from the scene of the explosion to confirm that it was them. They sent a manifesto. Natalia volvic had nothing to do with this campaign. When this message appeared, i contacted people from russia with whom we communicate. And they said, no, it wasnt her. What british Media Outlets in particular have picked up and promoted paula more abs claims, a biter, ledge, liberal forces fighting against flooding mer, putting moreover, theyve also similarly tried to humanize the story, emphasizing that russia chief suspect is in the killing, is the mother of a 12 year old child, reminder, Russia Security Service concluded that key of intelligence was behind the assassination for the live no, to the u. K. And independent political commentator Anthony Webber for his tech hi anthony. What do you make of the recent headlines that essentially reprinting the claim . The daria do gonna was targeted by so called russian partisans. Well, i think thats probably known so sorry, im sorry, 4 times an official investigation which is point to 3 direction or the Ukrainian Security forces. I think the bottom line is well micro murray for some time here and he said they should be independent investigation. But i do think this National Public and all me from talking to library should. Anyway, its probably just west of intelligence organizations. I should say that officially, western countries with russia say none of this sort of thing should be going on at all. But it is to signing that this actual blaze motor has been characterized with some sort of assassination when she adjusted it is disgraceful. Its right that shes been an award countries precedent and lets look at the fact she was about to bring out a book for beginners. Who said about the russian involved in the training. And she recently keys the governments in you praying be faster. This try to deal with this so you can see that she she but somebody not really well. But its all. She is a journalist who is respected unfortunately, and she had been the science and both by the us started march and the you carry the very recently i master horrible to sentence from people just for promoting but news, bitch. She, she was a very and just to the phone, she support the grade book course in the crane and it started sided in the she was a normal come back and she shouldnt have been targeted shape at all. Yeah, you mentioned the, the headlines, the tone of them, the very little sympathy it appears in short supply there. How does, how does that compare to the reaction to, for instance, the assassination attempt on Salman Rushdie while a guy who reads the well, the bro factions on a tractable but for some reason the people who seem to be able to manipulate in a, in our country and bertram trees seem to have wall. Some people were not about the rule of a people and the amendment. And the mom behavior supports point of view russia and ukraine. Is she demonized . And its very, very concerning, because we dont want to have a world where if youre a one particular nation, i see your, you would sort of a light to act. She had to have hatred to achieve and that was drive you all those watson hatred towards russia being perpetuated in a number of countries. But you have to look up for it, look at the u. K. U for it. And since weve tried and involvement in the crime, since february are involved with no mandate from the british public, its not being subjects the election a referendum that says caused some damage to the carry, not just in the you can spend former on on the car, you bought, we had huge affects on our cost of Living Energy prices, the fuel, inflation, interest rates, and the government to not being honest with the public about because of switches because the u. K. Government against the interests of the purchase, sprinkle trade side on the strong plants. Im not yes. Yes, he just time has beaten us, but we, we could chew and a lot of those lot of interesting points raised by you on that story to the Anthony Webber, independent political commentator life on rti or to you thank you. Lot fin authorities in riga have dismantled a memorial to soviet soldiers commemorating victory and were in nazi germany. They controversial move, has provoked outrage in moscow and among lafayette minority ethnic russian community. Well, luffy and Police Arrested at least 5 people we know we understand right now from the cried. She gathered at the site to protest at the start of this month, authorities in the capital and lunch, the monument would be completely destroyed. R t corresponded peter scott told me more earlier. So the monuments in question here is the monuments to deliberates. As of reagan, i was built in 1985 as you said in the, in honor of the soviets role in liberating rieger from nazi germany. Not only if youve seen it, but its quite a huge structure. Its an 85 meter obelisk. This line tie the side by soviet soldiers on warner and the soviet woman on the other with her arms raised high. And this move by the latvian authorities is just the latest in the baltics as she stole tensions with russia. For example, it comes just one week after estonia removed another soviet monument in the town of knob and own house be said, this monument was much smaller than the one in latvia. But the issue is quite divisive, and these baltic countries, latvia and estonia, but she accelerated their plans to remove soviet era monuments in lights of the war in ukraine. But as i said, it is quite divisive. And in latvia, theres around 25 percent of its 1900000. 00 population, our ethnic russians, and many of them are against the removal of the monuments, the liberators of rica, the larvae and russian union. I was planning to hold a protest to decry and denouncing of all this monuments. And he said that it gathered around 10000 signatures of people who were against it. Ports the local authorities. They did not give a permit, citing safety insecurity for the last. The whole area has actually been cordoned off in preparation for that demolition. But talking about this particular monument to the liberators. Regans not the 1st controversy that surround in it every year on may. The 9th locals gather there to lay flowers in on of the sacrifices made by soviet troops to liberate the city. And this year, local police said around 20000 people gathered there this on official events where his, where the controversy lies early the next day those flowers that were laid by those people were actually bulldozed on you can see quite shocking images of them circulated on social media mostly hundreds of thousands of flowers that they got rid of. And obviously this can cause a wave of discontent. And it was widely condemned me by the Russian Foreign ministry as well as the latvian russian union, the boats in an act of defiance. On the next day may, the 10th people went to lay more flowers and you know, in honor of the soviet sacrifices made. But the controversies dont end there on the day may the 10th, there was a young lady of 19 years old at the time, Alexander Stefan of he was up, she arrested for waving a russian flag and giving a speech there. Now he says he sees the victory day and waving the russian flags as a symbol of unity. But i think its fair to say that the levine authors and the police didnt see it that way they saw his actions as supporting the war and ukraine. Now he faces up to 5 years in jail to certainly a have to sentence fort waving a flag like a say, a very divisive issue, and im sure this wont be the last time well be discussing the Baltic States moving soviet era memorials. And as peter mentioned, a full quarter of law fears, population, or ethically russian than the chief editor of the bolt news website, believes authorities there are holy, ignoring the values of that grouping. Its a pixel finishing it. This is a criminal decision made in the context of the crisis in ukraine. Attempts to impose this decision on the ruling majority have long been tried and the situation has formed such this become possible. This was taken advantage of the program was announced to dismantle all military graves and soviet monuments. This monument was a holy place for the russian speaking population. And hundreds of thousands of people come from many cities on mass. On may, the 9th and the latvian nationalists did not care about the opinion of these people. Their values were ignored. In order to humiliate russians in addition to the monument, there is a struggle with everything russian. The language symbols in Saint Georges ribbon, ah, prohibited. May the 9th is constantly marginalized and laughing authorities demonized this day, and the last one was the monuments. It was protected by a Bilateral Agreement with russia, but the latvian side does not comply with these documents and unilateral decided everything itself. The german chancellor, olaf shaw says on a 3 day visit to canada, where among other issues he seeking a new gas partner over the countries Prime Minister just and trudeau has poured cold water in those hope saying it wont be possible to deliver gas directly from the north american nation to berlin, liquefied natural gas conversion plants are usually placed close to the sources of natural gas. And as we look at the possibility of l. N g plants on the east coast able to ship directly to germany. We find ourselves a long way from the gas fields in western canada. So german chancellor, olaf schultz went all the way to canada for lets face it a photo op with canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to make it look like hes doing something about the Energy Crisis that risks tanking. The German Economy and by extension, the European Unions and schultz came up empty handed to know basically said that canada has no interest in building Pipeline Infrastructure that crosses the entirety of the country from the western oil fields all the way to the east coast. Just to provide germany and the you with fossil fuels, the you already blew its chest to get its hands on Canadian Energy via the keystone x l pipeline. That was going to transport canadian oil to u. S. Refineries on the gulf of mexico. Then shipped to the u, but environmental activist pressure, you know, the same kinds of germany has allowed to dictate its reliance on renewable energy, ultimately killed off that project. So germany is really just reaping what it has long sown in denouncing fossil fuels and vowing to move away from them. So what does schultz get to bring back in a suitcase from canada, pledges of Hydrogen Energy Development Projects with canada, which will take years to get up and running. So schultz is really just fiddling with the green wall paper while the house is burning down. Hes also banging on about unity against the folks who were providing him with cheap gas, as though thats going to do anything to get him out of the energy crunch. Vengeance was um, we were able to show that russia is no longer reliable business partners. It has reduced the gas supply to all of europe, always allegedly because of technical problems that do not exist. Good. See it. So its important that we do not fall into putins trap and that we stand together. What unity, exactly the e u is knocking on doors world wide cap and hand begging for gas. Meanwhile, washington pretends like the situation has nothing to do with america. When the reality is that the sanctions were initially their idea. They then put pressure on the u ag them on in this sanctions folly and that resulted in the you just following along against their own best interests and adopting all sorts of sanctions against things like their own energy supply. Which apparently wasnt that great, an idea given the situation that were seeing today now, you know, couldnt help getting in a little shout about how energy rich canada has quickly blossomed into the girl who suddenly has all the guys banging on her door because she has something that they suddenly desperately need after ending their Energy Relationship with russia. The fact that you came on this trip a specific driven, and i know weve said this a couple of times, but it actually means a lot when a leader like yourself comes to canada, not on the way to or from washington, but just for the express purpose of coming to canada, the euro also just drop below parity with the u. S. Dollar and is at its lowest value in 20 years. So whos the big winner in that scenario . Washington, whos the big loser . Clearly the e you show showed up on canadas doorstep gave it his best shot, but ultimately didnt even get to 1st base, energetically speaking, in terms of any real action. Ok. Another big story of the day b, u. N. Secretary general has called for a come a d escalation of tensions. Unrest spec for rule of law in pakistan about after terrorism charges were made against former Prime Minister m. Ron count local reporter java. Runa has the latest developments from the pakistani capital. Right now, im inside of islam bud. Hi, quote. A here, the 3 member of the judges have concluded to issue a short caused notice to the former, im assumed on hum. He has been summoned personally on august 31st. It appears to have decided to proceed with the legal proceeding argues that from a 5 mr. On contempt of court judges the allocation that he is a form of a mr. Non hon. Hes done last week in a public gathering. He taken a judge often logically, should he and he had taken that he would pick a legal action against the judge, offer georgia to shoot because she did not provide legal to leave to run off his laws. Aid who has been allegedly postured by police and the secret services. And it appears that the better lines had been drawn between pot full pocket ability. And the export Prime Minister, who is, appears to be non extremely popular in focus on. And he has a lot, you can feed that to heave off, run an independent on policy law office on military, which is a known to be pro u. S. And bach us on has been an ally of the us for last decade. But from what i missed him on han wash, we have an independent foreign policy. And according to the nicholas said, with a 72 percent focus on his consider the us as the enemy in dark context of the gum, it null, deploy us government, which has been brought in in bought after moving the foreman, feminist government. They are prosecuting for um, if i mistook on video charges just a few days back a day. I just did a kiss and he can kiss against him on tendon charges a yesterday he was provided legal to leave and the form of a mr. Has made public that behind a scene. Hes a being specialized that he should go soft on us. If he is, are prosecuted by these law by the high court on campus. What just that means that he can be imprisoned. He can be gen for 6 months. And also he can be disqualified, he would not be able to contest parliamentary elections for next 5 years, which means he will not be able to become the Prime Minister. While a Senior Member of him, ron count p t i part, he believes the current government is afraid of the popularity of the countries former liter. First lever on han was 1st the book for a blessing each art. Then now the new law is that the is a politically more to rooted anti darvin. Some charges against him rock on this is unprecedented in but on. Han is a law abiding citizen, is one of the area to quantity of one edition. Her inbox on is being library to get him on. Han is one of the law abiding citizen on both sides about the law and his financial transparency. Everybodys afraid of him wrong cons popularity. Everybody wants to keep him away from the quadratic. So anything happening around him . Beard, cases in the election . Commission . B, as the cases in the summer high gord are in the lord horse. Theres all the objectives one to keep him round on of it because hes popular and public is behind him. And whenever there is a popular leader, history has been turning us that the, every force would work against him, especially. We have unprecedented n d u a sentiment and bach, her son spoke force this regime change exercise. So everybody warned them to be away from power. Now an 8 year timeline from 2014, this chronicle. Next in a region thats been the focus of many global headlights since february than lou ganske republic. Get the inside track in our Short Documentary road to independence. Its right. Mm ah, yes, mr. Absolute mccullough with him, i thought we were just waiting in your for looking for a little physical to see if they have been funded. I was thinking about the sheet is with his material that was supposed to be left for his lawyer for b example. Graham. It was some live williams that opposed to the new york, so they help me out with a slow which so what kind of i was up ross, me get any, can you move the im so place you

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