Another option would involve a cost but not the view so we choose this one. Should the city decide to use this option after the g o bond election and after the evaluation is vetted and approved. Its interesting weve been clearing the way for the wholesale produce project we have a pressing and immediate need to store vehicles at this site on 19 adams. A thats within the zoning of public works dr 2. The site contains 44 thousand 2 hundred and 10 square feet on the roof. You have that in our package of 19 per square foot per year. It was adopted in fiscal fourteen and 15 for this lease if you have any questions, ill be happy to answer them colleagues, any questions. Well move to our budget Analyst Report members on page 20 of our report we report that the cities costs including rent for the proposed lease for the 17 month period from august 1st, 2013, through august 2014 would be the fund that have been appropriated by the board of supervisors in the 13 and fourteen and fourteen, 15 budget on or page 21 of our report we noticed that the proposed lease to purchase the 1995 evans facility would require the board of supervisors approve as mr. Updyke stated. Colleagues, any questions seeing none, weeping well open this up for Public Comment seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, any questions or comments . This is item 5201413 and fourteen consolidated plan goals. Okay. We have brian chu from our Mayors Office. Good morning brian chu with the Mayors OfficeHousing Committee development. As we do every year we take this opportunity to simply review the 5 Guiding Principles for our rfp that is our way of raefgs the fund for our Energy Solutions entrant and our house file if a aids program. Again, as you see our 5 goals are family goals that are selfsufficient and neighborhoods are stable and Homeless Individuals live in longterm housing and theres housing that is permanent and their tlooif in the community. Those are in line with our 5 year consolidated plan. I use this opportunity to give you an up to date to talk the funding levels. As you know were on a continuing resolution with congress, however, the actual enemies that have been authorized Going Forward for neiman the president s budget request bill and the senate bill just to give an idea for our house file if a funding is all 3 versions are relatively flat although the house has a slight decrease the homeless programs would be flat across the programs and this is for new Affordable Housing there would be a decrease from 9 hundred 98 million down in the house version was funded and perhaps most dramatically on the Community Block rent program that effects the largest number of our nonprofits its a tad over 3 billion and the house reduced it down to 6 billion so almost a. 45 persecute. I doubt that will go forward. In some ways i feel it is probably going to be another version of people coincident agree on anything that was status quo. Well be releasing just before thanksgiving the proposals will be did you before the christmas break and returning to you probably in midapril in budget and finance for you to have a chance to review all our funding recommendations and we do every year okay. Thanks many chu colleagues, any questions or comments . Lets open this up for Public Comment. Seeing none, Public Comment is closed. Colleagues, we have a motion to move this forward. Okay mr. Clerk call item 3 have the Human Relations Agency to enter a Loan Agreement to renovate the bed for a homeless shelter. Okay. Colleagues that has been introduced and were joined by our colleague in district 100 so supervisor cowen. Thanks everyone for coming out and i you appreciate you inviting me. Im not able to stay for the entire Public Comments i wasnt prepared for f this to be called before item 3. This is first came to my attention when the human agency and hope asked me to offer a resolution for a state grant fund. At the time i expressed my concerns about the facts i saw no discussion about the proposal prior to the city submitting their application for new york with the property owner. Were accepting money from the state for a facility thats going to have an impact on a neighborhood a thats it theres been zero conversation around. Its next door to the consult of Human Services also known as mother browns kitchen. Its an asset in the community and doing work that not that i can recall has been left undone. They permitted the need services to a population that is struggling. Rex their contributions mother brown has been embraced for years. Theres a big difference between diane that mother brown currently provides and a 24 hour shelter. Given theres been no outreach process with the application i personally conducted two Community Meetings and salty heard more concerns about the proposal then support. This issue has split the community. All the concern you may hear today, i have i still have a number of concerns that are to be revolved. The city should have conducted outreach and engaged stakeholders about this proposal before they applied for the state funds. No one that i spoke with participated in the process. Its not acceptable to conduct no Community Process around it and frankly i dont think of any community it would be tolerated clapping second issue of concern is the site use and appropriateness. The site those funds have been secured for doesnt currently have residential uses so theres been a zoning issue we have to deal with. The city is going to have to rezone this rfp and its a process that raises several concerns l about the public works dr space. I dont know if anyone has had an opportunity to read the proposal. I have heard a number of different reports proposed for the site its only recently ive seen and its not clear was it 24 hour drop in center is going to look like. The city is i recently heard that the city is going to close other shelters in the bay view. Province e providence which its open theres been very little conversation and ive yet to receive the facts. The khan proposal makes it difficult to support or noted support it. I want to say that the bayview has Homeless Services we have a shelter and to my knowledge its not to full capacity. We have Services Provided by mother brown that assist homeless citizens this is not a new issue not a classic in my backyard. Were talking about a community that is embarrassing a very fragile population. We have a misdemeanor done meal program and ive not seen any appropriate existing services whether examinations is warranted. No detail is point number 5 sorry. No detailed on how to address the negative impacts on the neighborhood. Calls for services and please services not only to mother brown but to Friendly Liquor store. This is where the city is pouring Million Dollars dollars and Public Safety and quality of life enhancement and finally, were good evening beginning to get our fair share of resources. In the last few months weve had two robberies on the corner. Im not saying this is a causeandeffect im highlighting the friend of mine effect were highlighting a fragile part of our population in a fragile community. We know there is an impact of having i havent seen theres loitering or funds for Public Safety. I firmly believe this proposal there would be a significantly more talk about this. Alley i know that many of the neighbors are ready to have a discussion about the homeless population. My inability is not about being homeless. I think we have have a citywide conversation in how to provide Better Services across the city so all of san francisco, california shoulder the responsibility of serving others clapping. also, we need to have a conversation citywide about the involvement of neighbors and advocates should be at the table but that conversation isnt happening and the cities secured the funds theres no flexibility to discuss alternative locations because the process the city conducted thats why im here today. Colleagues, you know, because of this issue ive articulated earlier and despite the specific nature of the grant i ask you not support in item. You can hear the passion in my voice i support this item clapping so the neighbors excuse me. Excuse me. Everybody we have a policy of no applause here if you wish to support or have option we have a well triedandtrue procure i can wave your hands but please everyone in this chamber and be respectful of everyone in this chamber we deserve a comprehensive evaluation and an open dialog if not we can have a discussion on another location. Lets be clear this is not an indictment whether their honoring their mission or not this is an opportunity for us to begin to have a serious dialog around community planning. And if you guys are going to move it forward at least not with a recommendation. Mr. Chair, i have some questions for the sf s a when its priority we have a few speakers. Good morning, supervisors. Director of Human Services director agrees. Were seeking approval to expand an emergency housing if anything of forgiveable lien for 8,978,000 to open a homeless shelter that is next to mother browns kitchen. Its located mother browns kitchen is on the corner of having an dike and kitchen. The Resource Center is located on a block that has several industrial warehouses well hear today. I want to rewind about 2 and a half years since supervisor cowen talked about this. It was late in the summer about 2011 i went out to visit with mother browns kitchen and what i noticed when was simply not acceptable. Really not acceptable from a view of humiliate. I saw 70 or 80 chairs in an upper crowded space with no ventilation. I saw Homeless Individuals with their heads down in the cafe because they had no place to rest. I asked about the chairs and i was told folks sleep upright in those chairs. Its not what it was designed to do. The architecture work was not designed for sleeping but those folks had no alternative. I walked next door and noticed a vacant warehouse. The owner is the same owner who owns the drop center. I said theres money coming in 3 months lets make this a shelter. This was probable july or august of naivete. The application was did you august 2012. So i made the decision to move forward and recognizing theres no time we had to put together the grant and the cost estimates would it would do to rehab it. Sometimes humanity has to trumpet the process and i made the decision this time it needed to be. We applied for the grant and received the grant. Im calling it a grant. We ieshtd conversations about the lease. Thats the story of how it evolved. When we look at the need for the shelter in the bayview theres clearly one. We do a bio analysis and what we found was we count both shelter homeless and unsheltered homeless so folks who are living on the street as well. We found for the first time there were more individuals living on the street can i there were more individuals living on the street in bayview we counted 12 hundred and 74 thats a point on would particular night in january. The second was was district 6. So what are the services when youre talking about street homeless. There are no shelters in district 10. The pro dense church has offered space in the evening hours. Those are mats in the floor of a church. Theres no meals or showers they pack up their stuff every morning pr the current 11 hundred beds we have 3 shltsz south of market and 3 in the tenderloin. Theres 11 hundred shelter beds nothing permanent in the bay. Youre going to hear about the array of services we have in district 10 we have some support of housing sites. But we dont have anything for being able used for single adults on the street. It would add 247 beds so people wouldnt have to leave in the morning. Its next to a resource drop in center right next door that offers meals, some Case Management and life skills training and cooperation with other services in the city. Its a nice nexus for daytime services. Process wise what we intend to do is provide a bed everything lines up we would secure through a competitive procurement service. We have them fund the prevail fund currently its around 500,000 and well ged god and precede. Since supervisor cowen mentioned there is no public process prior to h s submitting the process and i explained that. However, in 2013 theres been several Community Meeting in the office of hope the director has facilitated them. On the South East CommunityCommission Meeting one was in march 5th in the Bayview Police department. The mayor met with a bunch of business folks before introducing this resolution. So there has been some dialog. Supervisor as you know in discussion with our aids. So should this pass the full board the mayor will introduce two additionally measures. The special district legislation that would specifically exempt this location from the use of the area now. The lease will be heard at the Land Use Committee and they will go through the Planning Commission so there are several other opportunities for the public input you subject to this discussion today. Ill including conclude with that thank you, supervisor cowen and supervisor mar. Oh, supervisor moore can go first time and i want to jump in and ask mr. Roker to talk about this and i take it wondering they point out to at least 83 duplicates but if you could explain why the numbers are accurate. Sure. Weve done this count since i believe 2007 although i think we did one in 2005. This is when we began the formal count we solicited volunteers to go out on a particular night in january and visually count folks that they see on the street that they presume or homeless. I mentioned the folks that are sheltered hospital east and jail. But the numbers you see per district were identified by volunteers and in terms of the numbers if anything one of the city officials that is charged with the homelessness thats not a reason to inflate the numbers. In terms of the increase 2011 we saw 11 hundred and 51 homes in the bayview and 1278 in 2012. Theyre very close to 2012 and 2013. And the notation that i inflaltd the numbers is in exchange any scrutiny how does is it compare to other areas. The tenderloin has gone down it was about 12 hundred and again, im going unsheltered. And its been steeled increasing and then 2013 almost 13 hundred. The mission is another high impact neighborhood. Again fairly steady throw in did few hundred rage we are seeing the increase in the bayview can i say when Catholic Charities work with envy office to open up a shelter for children and mothers it seemed there was really Good Community engagement. Of course, theres some people who dont want homeless or children or mothers in their district but we work closely with so many groups to be supportive and now a lot of people give support. Im wondering it seems from the data there wasnt that level of care in going out to reach for specify cowen and community groups. I see a Dividend Group in the room by why isnt that that kind of approach like in my district like i said imperative this is a face deadline. I didnt disor our agency didnt decide but about three or four weeks before the contraction was did i. Its a grant and we have to give money back if we dont use it. And like i said well have the dial. Weve cited, you know, several drop in centers and a cough of other shelters and the process is also or can be stenos but as long as you have an open dialog weve established Community Advisory panels to make sure theyre aware every step of the way. Although we applied for this money in 2011 were still early in the placing process. The designation hadnt been heard yet so there are a lot more opportunity for dialog. Theres no contract with any service provider. So its sort of late we received the grant 2012 and we keep getting extensions but recognizing it was a rocky start to the Community Process we in the office of hope are certainly welcome and feel its necessary to continue the dialog should this resolution move forward. Supervisor cowen. I wanted to also just to acknowledge this is a face timeframe this is not a cause. Its unfair to say there was no public process because of the face timeline. Thats disingenuous. You mentioned my office has been in touch since late of last year thats correct but i have email transitions saying quote