Transcripts For SFGTV Police Commission 21016 20160213 : vim

SFGTV Police Commission 21016 February 13, 2016

Recognizing that our neighborhood it unique and praurmentd low scale character of buildings 3 stories or less and one of the densest the city the snapshot use of development that will disrupt the neighborhood besides density what benefit does that design bring to the neighbors the pacific avenue mcd requires a 45 percent rear yard setback of a maximum height of 6, 7, 8 feet or less the project sponsor is arguing that retention the walls around the property will exempt the prop if the prevailing code this argument should states a nonconforming use and any structures occupied shall not be extended whether the proposed development is determined to be nonconforming or not the prevailing code should require the building to be brought up to code and pacific avenue is a trillion wide this 3 times the normal width of 20 to 25 foot wide and the wide it perimeter of block one 85 the massing of 40 feet the massing at 40 feet mid block it is e gregarious and should sho everyone were asking please destine a building more consistent with the pacific avenue mcd it is an option and it is a feasible option we request you deny the required variances and enforce the codes required for this low the three request to maintain the neighborhood light our air and open space that is the Community Fought for in 2007 and was passed by the board of supervisors and the Planning Commission i thank you, very much. Calling four speakers in support of dr requester calling names . Commissioner president fong and honorable commissioners thank you for the opportunity im awning a awe draw next door to the mid block warehouses i used to live on mccormick but one of the mid block warehouses id like to focus on the pacific avenue mcds rear yard the legislation that passed in 2007 creating the mcds required a 4 percent rear yard setback that may seem large but the requirement was consciously developed with the pacific avenue corridor between polk and the subject property is one of four warehouses or garages between go blocks in addition other buildings including the variance the 45 percent requirement was created with an eye to the ultimate development of those properties allowing for growth in a way that opens up the inner block providing Life Enrichment Committee for oil neighbors that is an exception to the rule with the garages and accepting the project sponsors argument to render the speak up on pacific avenue mcd i respectfully ask you not pass this for the mcd mr. And mrs. Please accept you are request for discretionary review and deny the sponsors request thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please a good Evening Commissioners my name is norm im the larkin neighbor im the representative for the neighbors of larkin street many or elderly and cant come theyve asked me to speak on their behalf and signed a letter of opposition my family has lived on pacific avenue and larkin street in fact, both of my familys will impacted by the project and many neighbors on larkin street that has been there for 2 or more generations my even family has been there 3 generations my family is trying to have homes for generations to come as cultural to pass the homes to each generation larkin street neighbors have currently a 25 foot wall behind them the proposed project as represented will have a 6 to 5 foot wall were on the down sleep slope of the property well have a concrete wall and the harrison courtyards puts people a lot of on behalf of the neighborhoods this creates a noise issue being above us the project being above us gives the effect of a louder system mounted on a pole with the sounds downward a 45 setback will amplify the noise please give us the sixth district of 45 feet thank you. Good Evening Commissioners, i own the property on the southeast corner of the project site this is going to be the second brand new building on the block after you are building this is went through dr hearing 5 years ago you took the local recommendations regulations with dont intent we provided 45 percent rear yard and then the residential lot and built blow the lot and retained the side yard and sixth district to match the other buildings we let the sun and light into the back of the buildings buildings on the setsdz of ma cardiac arrest this didnt measure up to what is polk on the site we just heard about the blocking the light of the back of the buildings on larkin the shaded area represents the new building twice the height it is extend backwards and creating that slot between buildings here is a visible view of a red area the building to be built that has the height and width and blocking all the windows on larkin street one thing that is very important to us the rear yard open space the south part of the block here as reasonable rear yard open space because of the two warehouses buildings and only three or four percent open space that has permeable soils the unique feature of the block because of the mccormick alley the center the rear yard space where the two warehouses building is important because it is the only place to extend the rear yard to the front and the back of the building on larkin, hyde and ma alcoholic their 90 degrees if that structure will be compromised did plans are not accurate they show an exception the back and rear yard w asked the project sponsor not to do development the open space a in center the building area we dont feel the design of the front facade office that much of the old building it is a static building. Sir, your time is up. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good work my name is michelle im a Property Owner and a membership the pan in a a sixth involved in the development of the pacific avenue mcd spent many long evenings sdukz what the neighborhood wanted and work with the Planning Commission the contents the nonconforming use was of great discussion we knew that would impact. Maam, for clarity our speaking on behalf of as an individual; right . An individual yes. The consensus thought is of the nonconforming units of the group was that any nonconforming building that was significantly revised dense fizz height or exterior calls needs to meet the pacific avenue neighborhood commercial district requirement this final product was thoroughly discussed asia vetdz and depraved in 20074 by the board of supervisors and im requesting that the commission oppose this project as it didnt meet the pacific avenue mcd requirement that were legislationed in 2007 thank you commissioners im betsy in that narrow alley moourng lived there. 27 years i ask you respectfully deny the variances for this proposed design youve seen this 1459 is unusual the internet and unusual having two buildings of the sized of 1469 that intersect two mid block so we concerned about today is not just the impact of 1469 but a precedent that will be set for others roadhouses warehouses the area of that great scale i wanted to show you a couple of pictures this is looking at from the all alley. This is looking from within the alley back towards larkin street where ive drawn the line is the back of the 7 and 9 mccormick going straight across as you can see the promoted part of front of that project goes right here and this is the current height of the building the county those buildings on larkin will be plaintiffs next in order those windows will be blocked that is going to be blocked and the light in in this building their concerned about Life Enrichment Committee to show you our suicides were on the opposite side in 1419 backs our lot and this is our view and weve made the most of it is the same height as the building of 1469 this our current light of this building this is another building on hyde street so keeping this height of the existing building is going do block credible light were never going to get that rear yard benefit in order to use that as not public space but the open space there well be a privacy fence going up not only noise potential but also were going to lose yet more light if we put a fence and going to go out and look at it straight up and sometimes seeing the sky from where we are thank you. Commissioner president fong and members the Police Station my name is kathleen im chair the housing and zone powering is russian Hill Association weve submitted and letter in support of discretionary review we want to bring a couple of things to to your attention so this is an opportunity attire the neighborhood it to make a positive contributions to the 22 residents that surrendered unfortunately 9 plan didnt rise to the challenge this i guess we just the pre19 to sanborn map we sent around to you this looks like 16 structures in that area and those structures sheds i dont know what they were were and calling your attention the open space that is around the perimeter the fact that the post earthquake apartment particularly those on larkin had a lot of light and air in 1920 the areas consolidated and unfortunately at that time, no provision for light and air considerations for light and air so what is a this is the perimeters fortunately it was on this second story high so not a lot of blockage it didnt cause that much problems for the people on larkin jonas if you can do the overhead okay. You or. Not an unusual situation mr. Madden kooushgz within the blocks that are of the same mass that are posed for development and looking to you for direction 5 years ago the refraining Community Association was in meeting with the commission and trying to to save the garage we lost we told you i remind you 80 such garages of that massive site and most of them in district 3 the focus on this projects are request you look at the impact on larkin we have people whos property abuts the windows are 6 feet 9 inches the massing and maybe up to 10 feet those people will be looking at a 50 foot takeover we quasi thank you courtney your time is up. Good Evening Commissioner president fong and members im ralph an architect in is an rose and a long time firstborn of robin and many months ago robin asked me to interpret the disdain and salute it against the. Sir if you were rained our opportunity to speak was the 10 minute presentation, however, a 2 minute rebuttal you may use. As a friend and to help robin and others to understand what is proposed and as im a formal chair the Design Review braid boarding the city of san radios thats i understand. I understand but if robin tucker is representing at her request our evaluating the project. Lets continue you speaking. Okay. Thank you. As an architect i believe in development and i believe in higher density i think the site is appropriate change higher dense i think what is really at issue here is what andrew touched on the chapping in an nonconforming building and adding Housing Units within the rear yard set back i think when we spoke to the developer his comment was to not time to remove the rear yards but those minor inconvenience is a that improves the liveability and the fact that building is a 3 site long building and is being promoted and 4 stories casts a shadows open pacific avenue it will reduce the amount of light and air on the street and casts a shadows on the Northern Properties pa so pacific avenue has two travel lanes and 1 parking lane a building of this mass is over onerous and with that, i would ask you to give me and ask the developer to come back with a more predicament building a great opportunities to help heal the neighborhood. Thank you. I have been more speaker cards in support of the request you dr requester. Thank you all thank you for your time obviously be partiality im gabt my thoughts ive lived at 1864 larkin apt 4 for that 20 years and around the corner the larkin and pacific although it didnt directly impact my view or light i must say an vince convenience is subjective term and historically ive seen a small home across the street with a yard become a singlefamily home, of course, it is is not a large encroachment of the condos in the space that will roam for parking and take up i understand my building that will be you see people come outside in their bluecoats but take that building and it is a structure and turn it into luxury condos is unnecessary and unhonorable i know that is the physical boundary there was a long term neighborhood residents it highly overstates our neighborhood and takeawa takeaways from the value of neighborhood. Okay. Any other speakers in support of dr requester . Sure. Leave them right there. Put them right there. Any other speakers in support of dr requester okay project sponsor. Good afternoon with reuben, junius rose representing the project sponsor this code cant be what we read from the planning code to the extent it is unclear the planning code says is Zoning Administrators job to make sure that is needed to pacific avenue and the mcd zone was created 9 years ago and amended on 13 occasions but what the code says today in this case no ambiguity what the code is intending to provide on the overhead if you look at the actual section one 34 it is intended to sure the continuation of the established mid block open spaces the 2007 rediscovering rezoning is those originals in our packets and they talk about for instance, preserving the character neighborhood and the code section for the specific mcd protecting the rear yard patterns and ive pulled up a dictionary the word preserve to maintain something in its state and protect to preserve something no where the code does the the president of the rear yard setback talk about creating an open space mid block open space where one didnt exist on the overhead American People area of the site we do not have an existing mid block open space where the property is if we increased the building envelope our the volume within the 45 percent rear yard yes, well be asking for something that is inconsistent with the intent but this is not the case we have an exist building, however, were not increasing or enlarging it within the 4 to 5 percent rear yard, in fact, were doing the opposite the mid block area were lore lowering by 10 feet so in short i mean are we preserving the existing setback pattern like the code calls absolutely we improving the existing conditions nothing here inconsistent with the intent of the code with respect to the rear yard the same 9 years ago it was 65 and now 45 were proposing the height that the paramount if in neighborhoods ems to the architect now. Good evening, commissioners james planning architects the greenest building is already builds as you may know on the pacific avenue site it is occupied by concrete and Industrial Buildings that covers the lot by withholding. Sfgovtv the overhead. Those are a good continue condition to keep tons of concrete out of landfill that had been under the termslessly drive to the neighborhoods we begin at pacific avenue for the 45 percent setback line as you can see by the materials we plan to use high quality materials for the streetscape we have setback walls 5 feet and for the neighbors privacy few fargo windows and those are at clear story height will be frosted next, we have an open green space people 25 percent of the lot depth located on the raffle 10 feet above grade and kit it down and possible up to 10 feet and have the small industry at the rear housing and two more units i dont understand the 45 percent line no part of new construction of the parapet walls the neighbors have been live with will status quo be a round of applause if you look at the shadow studies youll see at the rear no other shadows casted by the neighbors to the left and right of property thank you very much. Calling for speakers in support of project sponsor calling names . Good evening he live across the street on pacific avenue we have been there 6 years and the structure is right cross and a lot of windows facing the property in question there is two components that wed like you to consider in your decision one is would actually happens the evening and at night in front of those buildings to be honest it is disgusting we see prostitutes, we see Homeless People that have to sleep there, there is a lot to be said for making change i very much understand the concerns but the change is necessary to clean up that neighborhood from those unwanted incidents we actually have to go so far to install a Security System to get rid of graffiti on the wall and clean up the front porch quite a bit from urination and id like to add one thing to that is we too on the other side on the north side will be impacted by losing views we enjoy but we believe that this space on pacific avenue that is currently used doesnt make sense and actively it is a beautiful neighborhood the neighborhood playground run and a lot of new stores and changes ideal im sorry but we believe that make sense to have 7, 8, 9 units to provide the housing we desperately need from the neighborhoods that is out dated so thank you for considering question. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good Evening Commissioner president fong and members my name is dean beach im on his partner we live across the street from the 1469 weve lived there 6 years and as mentioned at least ones per month drug dealers and prostitutes and homeless cabinets that is sad and at times pedestrian urinating or defecating in front of the building on our building and im sure some of the people the room that opposite this project hsa have seen that as well 24 block is primarily residential daycare believe with that will not e radicals did problems but improve the desegregate of the neighborhood we hope youll for your time. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good Evening Commission my name is geary nelson a retired architecture if usf i live the district im pleased for the support ive managed many contradiction projects over the last 20 years there were built by the gentlemans Construction Company i consider his work to be the highest quality im impress that the design and scale of the project that is appropriate and as i understand makings for the surrounding neighborhood i encourage the commission to approve as opponent im a certificate californias disaster professional the Assessment Project matt haney i have train it inspect building after an earthquake when the next year earthquake occurs the city should think encouraging projects to be built as soon as possible i would note in yesterdays he chronicle supervisor peskin supported the 62 Housing Units two blocks from this sit

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