Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Early Edition 20130122 : vimarsa

WBFF Fox 45 Early Edition January 22, 2013

3 the murdee case against Michael Johnson is set to begin today. Hes the man accused of killing north barnes two yeaas ago here in ba. Live from theemitchhll courthouse downnown. With a look at what we cannexpect too hear inside the courtroom this morning. Good morniig guys. Thhre are 30 thousand pages of discovery evidencc hat will be used during this trial. It all pptarts today at 9 00 oclock this morning. With jury selec. Selection. Its been two years since. 16year old Phylicia Barnes went missing here in baltimore. Hee body was found susquehannaariver. The cause of johnson. Theeexbbyfriend of bbrnes. Is ccused of her murder. A neighbor told inveetigators that he saw container. A container that detectives believe had barnes body inside. Attorney i certainly dont in it not a chance. Coussn dy what i was really surprised was are the number offtimes he made contact with my little cousin shess16 years old hes messaaes. Prosecutors say ages. During deena barnes psex tape recordee on deenas phone. Theyve also issuud anddcaa reetal records. Hone 3 meaatime. Deefnse attorneys plan on cclling a wiiness from cecillcounty who claimed he sawwbarnes fter she was reported missing. Sources tell us they also want cooies of personnel filee for the lead Baltimore City detective inn the case. Johnson is facing first Barnes Family will be insidee coorthouse. Im meggn gilliland, fox45 morning nees. 3 a police chase in finksburg ttrnssdeadly. Ooice say a 299yearold man crashed his truck into a van after Police Chased him for speediig near route 140 early monday morninn. Heelater died at theehospital. The but is eepected to survivve he crash is still uuder investigatiin. A man is seriouslyy injured in a house fire sparked by illegal fireworks. In glen burnie. Craag prom tteescene allng meyers ccurt. Where heavyysmoke mmrn able to put out the laze beforr ittspread. But the home issa total loss. Loss. 3 3 3 a fforida moo is going out offher way o make psureeher daaghter is safe at school. Laura laaria hhs paid nearly 12 thousanddollars to have a ddughter elementary school. The deppty will be therr six hours a laarre says she became concerned afterrthe Mass School Shooting at sandy hook. The uns looking for dooors to give more to hhlp those affectee by syrian ccnflict. The ongoing crisis is just months away from reaching the two ear mark. 3 the crisis in syria shows no signs of coming tt an end. Amateur videooshows whats launching strikesson the city of homs. Another clip aftermaah of n assault just damassus. The nearly two ptens of thousands and left even more ppople displaced. Its also deetroyed a couutless number offbuildingg, officials with the unnsay the Syrian People are goong through extreme hardshii as a humanitarian operations ng un 3 direcctr ss many having been injurrd, livelihoods destroyed and people now barely surviving, shortages f food, water, medicine, the very basics john passistance. John ginn un n pumanitarian operations directtr the humanitarian operrtion in syria is already verr big, but it hhs to inccease meanwhile, syrian opposittin leaders meeting in iitanbul have postponed work on forming a haitham almaleh member of syrian natiooallcoaliiioowe cceated a roup to study he government, how we can create build the goverrment after 10 days i think we will make panother meeting in cairooto finish everythiig. anchor tag the syrian uprissng began s peaceful protests but pturned into a civil war after a brutal governmenttcrackkown. Demanddng syrian presideen assad urrenders power. He and his family have ruledd for four ddcades. In new news. 3a pooddemix puppy gets an extreme makeover. After pgetting stuck in luff mud. Muu. Thats a gooey, smelly mud. Found in parts of souuhhcarolina. Take looo at the before iccurr. Aad then the after result. When the Charleston Animal Society pcleened tte dog up. It took about twoohours to do. But it wwsswelllworth the wait. The its hoping the owners ill its beenngiven a very appropriate name, muddy waters. A dolphin in hawaii is rescued. After getting its take a look at this video. Divers se a knife. To cut away at thh llne. The group pays its helped free ooher animals in the past. This dolphin though showed help for itselffetting somee 3 seees everyones wearing purrle nowadays. Buu what aboot decorating your car aad phouse with everything ravens . Ravens . Kathleen cairns has a storyyabout a grandpaain howard ounty whos a ravens asuper fana. P its hard. Not to notice jerry driving by kid its amazing driving truck we get a lot of thumbs up hii license plate says it all hes a retired grandpa. drivvng p i feel a part of the team dicks jerry and everything elseeis ravensin his ravens mobile. erry i usuallyy punn15 o 16 flags kid one two threeefour five. phone liik seeing that truck riving around. Crazy. I love he ravens. Laugh the back is an purple ailgate frrnzy in back we got a 16 place settingg still jeery wanns more. feet walking into dickss guy danccng Whoooo Hooooo quick theres piles of ravens gear. puts hat on yeah ttat fits prettt goodd sales lady quick you can just feellthe eecittent in theres plenty of ch. Morr sweatshirrs. And of course tee shirts the next ttme jerry comes he wwll probably bee looking for home decor home. voice only foo my man cave feet nats on sttirs dancing singing statute the peason ttcket hhlder has collected hundreds spent thousands of dollars. On thh superbowl. gerald hemline were going to the superbowl my step son and myself it ooks like the package is going to run 45 pundred tt five thousand dollars. Plus spending mooey once we get there. Iiguess you think i have purple blood running through mehe could be called. The ravens fan minator. jerry yeah. Theres a gooo word. Laugh thats a very good word. A voice only i think wwewill. Winin hooard co kc fox 45 news at 10 jerrys been a ravens season Ticket Holder for 17 yearss were following ays last superdome in new orleens. See ouu storiesson tte raaens playyffs. Hear raw interviews from the playees. And find other eb links by going to our weesite. Foxbaltiiore dot comm click oo theeray lasttride banner on our homepage. Coming up onnthe early edition. All eyes on the pirst adys ashion. Fashion. Im just so fortunate she choss mine. Nd so proud mine. The designer whos about to skyrockettinto the spotlight. Following pinauguration day. 3 3 at honda, we know some people are never happy with the way things are. And are always dreaming of how they coube. Smarter, simpler, howonearthdoesitdothat. Er. And they make it that way. Because things can always be better. We like those people. They think like us. Introducing the best civic sedan yet. Made possible by honda. Aww man. [ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u. S. Postal service. Well even drop off boxes if you need them. Visit usps. Com pay, print, and have it picked up for free. Any time of year. Nice sweater. Thank you. A group of climbers in iowa brave the cold temperatures to ice climb. 3 some did it for colleg credit. While some kids came out o do it ust for ffn. Of course ropes were ued to kkep the climbers safe. shot ttss tto weather addlib meteorologist 3 traffic reporter ad libs maa greenspring liberty 40 mmap 3 3 33 3 coming up. The rrvens make a major coaching decision 2 weeks before the super bowl. Bowl. The impact it will have on next years tam. Well, i had aa idea that the president would be wearing pavy,so i wanted to do sommthing that she would look really good with him. Him. Itll be he most talked about ooufits for days. Mmetthe creaaor of michhlle obamas learn the reason behiid his choiccs. Youe ppatching fox45 early eeition. break 2 3 3 many admired first Lady Michelle obamas ouufit as she stepped out on inuaguration day. We know now the nnmeeof clothesathom browne. Alina cho caught up he dessgner in p. Paris. If watching first lady micheele obamas fashion choices is a port. Thhs days equivalent. Is the superbowl. The innuguration. Fashioos biggest prize. Whhn mrs. Obama emerged in the morning. Her choice. Coat and dress. Was amerrcan designer thom bbowne. We pracked him doon at his hotel in aris. nats champagge pcork popping celebrating thee poment. You can never predict life o happen this way and im just o forrunate ann so honored and ss proud she chose mine. For this oocasion. The fabric for the firsttlady based on mens silk tiis. Well, i had annidea that the president would be wearinn navy, so i wanted to do somethiig that she would look really good with him, and i choseea dark navy fabrrc. Its actually a sslk jacquard mens collection. So who is this man who spells his first started his business witt five suits. Ppointment only. Backk designing womens clothes for just ww years. Hes best known for his redefining menswear. Hes the reason that a lot of men are wearing pants, its probably becauss thom browwe invented the shrunken suit. That doosnt well nown r a household nameepeopleeknow me as a mennwear designer and now i eye. Browne aaso designs a moncler. Known for pushing tte envelope, the man rom allentown, pennsylvania. Sttg es elaborate runway shows. Will never forget the time models climbing out of thh coffins. Every time, its a its complete theater. But 3 the moment. Ffr that. I think in regards to situations likee respectfuu to th day and what it represents. For browne, pshift. Name recognition. A potential for big business. And argely, heehas one woman to thank. I thhnk she will be one of tte most important because f her support for one american desiiners and american designers that arent palwayyshousehold names. A ptyle icon, for me, is that confidence to be able to are, and i think she nd be definitely will go own in histtry as that. Coming up in our oclock hour. Daily deall site groupon. Getting out of business,the cancellations that Many Companies are a special momenn. After sundays ravens ictory. The emotionallpresentation. Off game ball. To a former player. break 3 3 3 tte taff. And the animals. At thh National Aquarium are showing oof their purple pride. And cheering for tte ravens. Thanks to kate this picture. Show ussyour purple pride. You can upload photos and viieos to us through purple at Foxx Baltimore dot ccmmand you pan seeethose pictures on our see it shoot it send itt page at foxbaltimmoe dot com. Or you pcan go to our facebooo page. Facebook dot com lash foxbaltimore. Click on inside fox45. Ccming p in our 6 ocllck hour. Using exercise equipment. Yyuve seee advertised on tv. Puttto thh onsumer reeorts ere test. Aww man. [ male announcer ] returns are easy with free pickup from the u. S. Postal service. Well even drop off boxes if you need them. Visit usps. Com pay, print, and have it picked up for free. Any time of year. Nice sweater. Thank you

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