Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore 20121116 : vi

WBFF Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore November 16, 2012

Body washes with paper that reacts like skin. If others can strip this paper, imagine how harsh they can be to your skin. Oh my gosh. [ female announcer ] dove is different. Its new breakthrough formula changes everything. New dove. This is care. The latest thing to wear with beautiful tops. Beautiful underarms. Wear with toga tops, yoga tops, and vavavoom tops. Dove go sleeveless makes underarms soft and smooth in just five days. Effective protection. Beautiful result. Friday, noveeber 16th 3 its ur fox45 thankk iveaway giveaway were giving away every hour,everyday on fox45 morning news thrrugh thanksgivi. Ttanksgiving. 3 you have 15 minutes to call us at 4104814545 to claim your p prize want to get your ame in the box . Go to facebook dot com slaah foxbaltimmre and click on contests to fiil out the rules. On contests to fiil out the rules. 3 3 3 p3 3 3 p3 hes the mannat the center f news reports nd headliies. The forrer cia director embroiled in scandallafter admiitiig to an extramariial affair. This morning. Generrl David Petraeus will be on capittl hill. To testify about what he knows about the attack in benghazi, libya. Tom rodgers is here with the other questions thht might other top ssories. Good petraeus will ttstify before both the house and senate ccosed doors today. Tees behind 3 ptoday. It is possible lawmaker will question if petraeus affair may have compromised natiinal security. Which petraeus denies. He s expected pto tell lawmakers that he suspected almost immediatell. The attack was the work of ansar l sharia. An al qeda affiliitee petraues is also expected to say he had no dirrctt involvement with the talking points used by ambassador susan in the days after the attack. Shes bben under firr for suggesttng the attack was protests against an pntimuslim filmm a Bowie State University student. Accused of stabbing her roommate to death. Is found aaot giltyy of all 7 pharges againss her. Her. The deccsion was hhnded down by a juryylast night. Aaexis simpson was on trial. Accused of murderrng dominique fraaier in september of 2011. Prosecutors say the two got into n argument over loud just ttying to defend herself. A woman who wws pullee from house fire in reisterstown. Has died from her injuries. Phe fire broke out wednesday morning. At a houss on bllke court. When firefiggtees arrived at the sccne. They found 59yearld karen diener trapped on the seccnd floor. She suffered burns o halffof time later at the hhspital. R fire officials are still working to determine what some dramattc new video has juut been releasedd. By the hoboken. Showwng the out of devastating ffooding caused by super storm sandy. You can see train stations underwater. Its storm. And booh stations still remmiinsuspended. 3 the boss issgeetiig in the holiddy spprit. Hessgearing up to hold at a benefit concert. To helpp with the recovery effort from superstorm sandy. Bruce springsteen is just one of tte celebrities lending a voicc to the show. Which willlbe held on decemmer 12th at Madison Square garden. Other stars incllde pauu mccartney, billy joel, aliiia it seems somewhat fitting thaa one of the biggest movies of the year opened up in the middle of the night. Especially when you consider it is about vampires. Were talking about twilights finaa movie joel d. Smith is live in white marsh where the late night next show starts very soon. Good morning joel d. , what arr people saying . Theettilight saga breaking 33 3 3 live in wwite marrh, joel d. Smmth, foo 44 mmrning news. 3 coming up. Crrssing guards. Are being removed from adozensa of reaaon why. Minutes from now. And if your name is angela robinssnn. You haveeless than 10 minutes to call. To claim your 100ollar viia gift card. If you dont. Well draa anotter name in our youre watching fox 45 good day baltimorr. 3 bump out 3 3 3 setting ecords. With the s birth of heir triplet boys. Thats because ffr the first time ever. The triplets 20 pounds at birrh. E total of birthhthe previius record foo triplets was just over 18 po all becauss of how much she ate. They say eaainn for two, you really were eating ffr four . . I was eating for like 17 the mother admits he needed to eat about a6thousand caloriesa a day duuing her pregnancy. 3 3 3 3 3 website t Fox Baltimore dot urr com slashhmorning. Sister. The target of discriminatton . What tsa agents searrhed for on her. At an airpprt. Plus in our hometown hotssot. Its more than just art. How these aintings help whhre you can go to buy onn. Day baltimore. Fox 45 good break 2 [ male announcer s commerct about getting fios; its about getting fios. That moment after you finally got it, that you actually get it. When you can see blades of Artificial Grass in their full glory, you get it. Or the first time you download a twohour movie in two minutes, you get it. Because once youve got it, you get it. [ female announcer ] its faster. Its better. So, what are you waiting for . Now you can get fios internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two year agreement. Act now and well add a special bonus 300 back. Its an amazing holiday deal. Dont wait, this is a limited time offer. Fios brings you internet ranked the fastest in the nation, and the best tv picture quality. Its 100 fiber optic, 100 different from cable. Get fios for an amazing price online, just 79. 99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two year agreement. And dont forget your special bonus 300 back. Or get this great price with no annual contract. Hurry. This holiday deal ends soon. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities go to verizon. Com greatdeal today. At 8009746006 tty v. Thats verizon. Com greatdeal. And see why millions have chosen fios over cable. At 8009746006 tty v. Thats verizon. Com greatdeal. Piece of art. The baltimore station is hostiig its 4th an fundraiser. Steve stenersen from the baltimore station joons uu for this mornings hometown hotspot. How is thee involved in this event . How does the fundraiser support your orrgnizations support your on . Fundraiser supporttyour Organizations Mission . Is it too late to restarr ith art is being heed tonight ovvmber 16th from 6 00 p. M. 9900 p. M. T the church oo the redeemer. For more inffrmation log on to Fox Baltimore dot com ssash morning coming up. Up. A sshool rinciple roof of his school. Well e explain why hh dii it. And that s not an aarplane, hat is not a helicopter, those are not birds. I cant iientify it. And a bizarre sighting. Under investigation. Where this unidentiiied objecttwas spotted. And how tte faa is responding. Youre watching fox 45 good day baltimore. break 3 auo auo take kg coming up. Thats beyones coming up. Coming p. That beyones 3 sister, solange, right there. Why shes making headlines. Airport. Youre waaching fox 45 good day baltimore. break 4 3 3 3 s visaagiftcards every hoorr r through thanksgiving. Thanksgiving. 3 pyou havee15 minutes to call u at 4104814545 to claim our p prize want to get your name in the box . Go to facebook dot ccm slash ffxbaltimooe and lick on contests to fill out the form and read the official rules. 3 195 map starting today. Dozens of Baltimore City interssctions will no longer have school ccossing guards. Why he changgs were put into affect. Along with yourr otter top stories. The Citys Department of transportation will be reeoving crossing uards from 66 of its 466 innersections. Interrections. City officials claim the decision is based on p federal standard. Which says a crossing guard is only needed at an intersectioo if ann 350 cars per hour. But on the busy streetssof east baltimore. Parents say its a matter of life and death. Thess kids need a ccossing guard, in morning time, hose watch kids, they need an adultttey move her is the city goinn to pay for ffneral costs . A lottof kids are going to get hitt greenmont is one of busiest crosswalks out theree there ddspite arguments from parents. The ciiy stands by its decision. A long nighttfor a bel airr school principal. Who spent sleeping on the roof of the sch. School. Mr. Ccok. The principal of prospecc miil students that if they exceeded their goal of raising onny for the pta. He would see. They did. The good news is. He asnt completely plone. Students brought cookies, douggnuts. Handd warmmrs and bedtime stories to keep him busy throughout the pight. Pauthorities are continuing to invvstigate some bizarre footaae. Just recently captured in colorado. 3 it shows an unidentified over denver. A local resideet shoo this video froo a hilltop north of the city. Sayingg thh fastmoving objects appear around nooo at least a feww times a week. A local news cameraman set up in the same spot. And got similar video. Experts say. Ts hard to pinpoint what it could be. That is not an airppane, that is nnt a helicopter, those aae not birds. I cant identify it. P they knoo of no airccaft in the area at the ttme the videes were shot. Beyonces sister is making national headlines. After her afro wig was assarcheda by tsa agents. Pagents. The incident happened at an aiport in miami. Miami. Solange knowles tweeted. I kid you ot his just happened to me. And hen a woman who hhd her afro searched y the tssa. She then tweeted discrimfronation. If one of our coworkers is especially tired today. Or we might have the reason why. The last movie in the mega successful franccise twilight premiered overniggt. Thousands of fans accoss ur showings. O the late night 3 pand joel d. Smith is live aa the amc theatres in white marsh with the first reaction to the film. And some ppeasons it still mighttnot be the last one ood morning joel d. Ddthe ttilight saga breakkng dawn part 1 earned 283. 5 breaking ddwn 2 beggns rolling p. M. Thursday; by friday morring, itt ill be playyng in predicting a more conservative Domestic Opening and says breakiig dawn is tracking more in line with lass yeers breaking dawn part 1, whicc grossed 138. 1 milllon on the same weekend a year go. Factors in its final filmmii the seriis, which should generate additional heat, and the north ammrican box generating stronn esults foo popular event titles. P3 3 p3 3 3 3 another excitinggweek. Here fox45. 22 26 07 14 pp say what joel poinsettia joel hang oo, hang onn hang on pontte debate e had going onn aii. That haddjoel running for backup. And if your name is bradley driscoll. You have lesssthaa p0 minutes to call. To claimm your 100dollar visa gift card. As part of our thanks giveaway contest. Contest. Youre watching foo 45 good day baltimorr. break 5 . o ad lib meteorologist coming up. Up. The best foods. Or dealing wiih hypertensson. Wwat to order when youre eating out. 22 26 02 32 say what otspot snakes emily norah, yourr makiig me nervous. Im going to step away here. Here. And thinns get a little dangerous this week. At fox45. The face plant moment. That became a opic of discussion. Youre watching fox 45 good day baltimmre. break 6 [ male announcer ] s commercial is not about getting fios; its about getting fios. That moment after you finally got it, that you actually get it. When you can see blades of Artificial Grass in their full glory, you get it. Or the first time you download a twohour movie in two minutes, you get it. Because once youve got it, you get it. [ female announcer ] its faster. Its better. So, what are you waiting for . Now you can get fios internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two year agreement. Act now and well add a special bonus 300 back. Its an amazing holiday deal. Dont wait, this is a limited time offer. Fios brings you internet ranked the fastest in the nation, and the best tv picture quality. Its 100 fiber optic, 100 different from cable. Get fios for an amazing price online, just 79. 99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two year agreement. And dont forget your special bonus 300 back. Or get this great price with no annual contract. Hurry. This holiday deal ends soon. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities go to verizon. Com greatdeal today. At 8009746006 tty v. Thats verizon. Com greatdeal. And see why millions have chosen fios over cable. All my life ive known dirt, filth, stealin, and lyin, and lord, the only thing that appeals me these days, as of right now is you. I hear you now and i can even touch you because i have your living word here in my hand. And thats when my life changed. Old things are passed away and behold all things become new. and i said, lord, thats me some not so friendly things are trending for kids and we arent talking about on baird joins us this morning h with more. What is causinn the hypertension . How caa we fix ii . What should we do when we out . To learn more about to learn more doowhen we are what should we it . How can we fix tte hypertension . Hat is caasing more. What is ccusing the hypertensiin . How can we fix pt . It . . Ow can we fix , it . What should we do when wee are eating out . Out . To learn more about hypertension in children pog on to Fox Baltimore dot com lash morring. Cooing up next. Onathans the talker of the week. Week. 01 01 9 58 weather kid jonathan turn around, there you gobutt to01 1 41 46 actually, lets do a big loop phre, letssdo this. The other hilarioos moments that kept us laughing. In this weeks say whattyyure watthing fox 45 good day baltimo this week. Things get a fox45. Bbtween snakess. Face plants. Aad a fiesty debate abouu the word poinsettia. Were happy e made it through another week. Week. But there were some funny mmments. Tuckee in theee too. Too. One of them . Jonathans directional skillss skills. This morning. Ww share with you some of the moments that had us all what . hat . 3 22 23351 588say what bitter tom patrice thats very pretty s you wake up at a6630a aad get ready to get your ddy 22225 59 23 pppsay what joel poinsettii meg you know jool, i say thhyre calling it poiisettiaa but theyre too high to defend ttemselves, so its reallyy poonsetta. Kid jonathan turn around, there you go 22 26 07 14 pp say hang on, hang on, ang on22 23 56 03 say what bitter tom tom laughs at the 6 30 wakeup . 01 01 44 46 weather kid jonathan actually, ets do this. pppsay what joel poonsettia joel hey, one of plants are these agaii . What very happy tom rodgers 01 01 44 48 weather kid jonathan and turn around like this, and point right there 22 24 15 41 say what bitter tom tom ot 01 01 59 59 pdo thht move again, were s ponna turn aroundwinders patrice 100 dollar viska, whyy cant iitalk right now . Nods his head22 24 01 33 say what winders tom today 22 24 21 01 saa what onathan weathee kid tom jonathan said you had some moves but man 22 25 07 00 say what biyea falls meg e had bit ago. 22 24 15 27 say what joel d. Smith you see him right there 22 25 21 45 say what biyea fallss pat he just behind the set so that we would not see joel candace hey, joellt hey 22 24 44 04 say what prime real estate tom that some priie eal 22 25535500 say joel this s dangerous tv, wea everybody. 22 24 33 0 say nervous. Im going to step makee whppun [ male announcer ] this commercial is not about getting fios; its about getting fios. That moment after you finally got it, that you actually get it. When you can see blades of Artificial Grass in their full glory, you get it. Or the first time you download a twohour movie in two minutes, you get it. Because once youve got it, you get it. [ female announcer ] its faster. Its better. So, what are you waiting for . Now you can get fios internet, tv and phone for just 79. 99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two year agreement. Act now and well add a special bonus 300 back. Its an amazing holiday deal. Dont wait, this is a limited time offer. Fios brings you internet ranked the fastest in the nation, and the best tv picture quality. Its 100 fiber optic, 100 different from cable. Get fios for an amazing price online, just 79. 99 a month guaranteed for two years with a two year agreement. And dont forget your special bonus 300 back. Or get this great price with no annual contract. Hurry. This holiday deal ends soon. Call the Verizon Center for customers with disabilities go to verizon. Com greatdeal today. At 8009746006 tty v. Thats verizon. Com greatdeal. And see why millions have chosen fios over cable. At 8009746006 tty v. Thats verizon. Com greatdeal. Deer causing traffic accidents. How the danggr inn states. On fox 45 news at were waiting. Go, go, go. Gordon meet the duggar family. All 21 of them. I never dreamed in a million years that all of this would happen. Gordon gohan go behind the scenes with the stars of

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