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The powerplant thisseevning. And stick with fox 45 for continuinggcoverage. Well championship. Hrough theeafc we haveeour crews up in new england tonight to ry to get a look behind nemy lines. We didnt see too much patriot fever up there. And thh fans confident. They say thhy dont picky about the ay they do it 5352 its not fun to beat a team so bad, you at least want with my heart racing, and e e really e intoo t. 3 we finally saw patriots spirit. Wing some 3 ann even though new you can stiil trash talk those paariots ans. Tweet yoor thoughtsson the game and se the haah tag patriotssbeat doon. You can see hat other ravens fans are saaing. And what patriots fann are ssying in rettrn. By going to foxbaltimore dot com. Click on rrysslasttride. The city of baltimore is glowing in purplletonight if you were driving in thh ciiy earliir. You got aaspecial treat. Three hotels produced a spectacular laser light show this one was onnthe side off the haabor east marrrott. It showcased ray lewis famous dance. The light showwwas such a hit last fridayy. They ade tonight. Bigger and better 3 and were following rays last ride all thh way to the superdome in new orleans. See our stories on the ravens playoffs. Hear raw aad find other web links by. Going to our website. Foxbaltimore dot com. Click on the rays last ride banner on our homepage. State heallh Officials Say the eason firstt lurelated death of child has been confirmed n maryland. Hey say a baltimorearea child who died inndecember tested positive for iifluenza. Flu vaccine thatssmade a new awwthhuta eggs or the influenzz virus. To 49yeersold. Experts say it ses a faster pmanufacturing process. Nd protects against three some stunning reveeations on the first day f testimony in the misconduct trial of Anne Arundel County executive john leopolddee patricia medlinnwas called to the witnnss stand today. Medlin oversaw leopolds daily sccedule. She explained how leopolds security detail was ordered to kkep his new girlfriend a good testiiony about officers vein pmonitoringgthe placement of campaign signs. But, thh most shocking testimony ame as drain hhr bosses catheter o bag that was ssrapped to his aakle 22to 3 times a daa for nearly a year. Medlin feaa shed lose her job. Onee formmr staff member just hopes medlins ttstimony leads to a conviction. 21147 47 its theeright officials to be hhld d accountable and its not fiar just becauss you are a person of power you use that power to perhaps use it to intimiddtee others tt make people do thingg that arent in tteii joo descriptioon 21 48 01 p21 48 01 leopoll is on trial for chaages of miiapproppation and misconduct in offiie. A car crash injures two Baltimore Police officcrs and program. We first rrported ion this story as breaking news last night on the late editionn itthappened along west stend street just ssuth of t ank stadiummthe fficers were in a on by another vehicle. They d pere taken to the hospital, and are eepected to be okay. The driver of the other ccr ssffered inor injuries. A federal grand jury has indicted baatimore cciy police. Offiier. Kendell richburr is aacused of being part of connpiracy to possess aad diitribute heroin cocaine and marrjuana. , 3richburg also faces several gun charges. Charges. If convicted on all pounts he could face life in 3 governor omalley unveils detailsof a series of public safett bills. Inncuding onee to restrict the saleof ccrtain weapons. Surrounded by policc chiefssand lawmakers. The governor says hewill eek a an on militarystyleessault capacity to ten maaazine weapons. Limiting magazzne requiringthose buying handguns to obtain a license. And pay governor has also included 22million dollars in his public sshooos. E securrty in overnor tte risk will peverrgo away but it could well be that the actions we newtown. pipkin at the nd of the day, whether tte governor likes it nor not, gun owership is an individual right anddhhs making it difficult for those who donnt have means to be able to do it. Another bill wouud ssreegthen bbckggound ccecks of the mentally illl. Who have a historyof viollnce. 3 3 good news for the university f maryyands marching band. The band will be pennsyyvania avenue on mooday. Today, the 225members off the band were given new uniforms which ill make their deeut at the president ial inauguration. The band beat baads for the honnr. Seniors say this will be a major milestone in their lives. Psttdeet this will beemy pery last performance with the pmightyysound of marrland caus im graduating in may student i think it shoos a lot of the prideewe have in this unnversity. And oor state stttt the first president ial parade the university of 3 maryland performed in was in 1917. Ffr pressdent wooddow wilson. Anothee day of bad news for cyclist lance armstrong. Hes getting little sympathy pffer coming clean about ddping in an interviiw with pprah winfree. The 7time tour using a variety of performance enhancing drugs. He saii, at the time, it didnt feell wrong. And confessed to bullying people who ttied to tell the trrth about his behavior. If i didnt like hat someeody in my own head, whether i viewed that asssomebody being disloyal or a friend urning on you orrwhaaever, i tried to control that and sayythats a 3 the admissioo will be cossly pfor armstrong. Hes already been ssripped of his tour de frrnceetitlee and the olympic medal he wwn in 000. He is the second part of the interview with oprah airs ptonight. And a good day for tigers at a wildlife park in scotland. It turns out they lovv the sow pand thhy seem to be thh only ones ennoyinn a majjr cold spell in that country. Scottish forecasters ssy more snow is on the way. 3 p3 no snow for us and some weekend. Heres emily gracey with her first look at the skywatch forecast. 3 you can get your mooning news pann weather. Seven days a week right here on fox45. Fox45 morning news weekenns launches tomorrow. It will e broadcaster Marianne Banister and meteorooogist Tony Pagnotti will bring youuthe weather. The show reeieres saturday at 6 am. And sunday at 7 am. 3 coming up. Its one of the crises in decades. E 3no commmn sense. How a. Teenager decided tt pickka fight inside a police station. And the chance of a lifetime for batman fans. Wherr you can placc bid on the original batmobile. Tteehostage crisis in algeria the hostage crisis in algerii continues. As the first images aad interviews with some of those who made it out alive start flowing in. As amy kellog reports. The militants rr now threaaening wager a deal for two Americans Still held captive. 3 crisis has died. In the hostage that ne american llte word tonight kellogg, fox news. In london, amy kellogg, fox news. 3 platt word tonight that one has died. New details in the hoax linebacker mantie teo nn te was grief stricken by the death of his girlfriend lennay kekua, whod repprtedly diedd out. She never existed. Teo claims hh was thh victim of a sick joke. But diint say who wassbehind it. Now, the deadspin reporter ho broke the story is pointing ttothiss mmn. Onaiah twoeyysosopo. Friends and fammly say he created the girlfrrend and spreaded hh myth online. Thhy told us that he has been onliie profile for seeeral other people in its trap but phat they caught on way earliie than manti teo did. Did. Relatives also say that eo two kkew each other. And the a recorr heat wave in australia is creating severe fire conditions across the country. A large aad past moving ushfire doubled in size oday hundreds of residents continue to evacuate. Officcals say the fire is expected to burn for aa least is in the forecast anytime t 3 soon. With temperatures reaching a record breakinn one hhndred fourteen degrees on ponday. 3 some decent weathee foo the weekend. But bitter cold is wwy. Heres emily gracey with 3er skywatch forecast. Paying a 14 thousand dollar taa billlwith coins. The reason a california thought it was a good idea. Common sense says dont pick a fight insiie a police st. Station. But thats just poolce station. 3 station. Fight inside a says dont pick aacommon sense commoo sense says dont pick aafight inside a police st. Station. But thats just what a mesa, arizonaathis Surveillance Video shows the teen thhowing punches at ssveral officers. He had to bb tased to be be brought under control. The teen waa poiggnally arrested or attackknggfour rootc members on his higg school campus. And paying a huge tax bill with change doesnt seee like a good ideaabut califorria disageees. Disageees. He paiida 14 thousand dollar property tax pbillwith coins. Larry gasper ssys the act of change was part of his oneman protestt he ann pay half of the bill the pounty refused to take the money. Telliig him he had to coom back with all of it. So he did in change. Gaaper says i had to borroww some mooey , ive issed a few ppayments on my home toopay for my taxes for this piece of property my grandkids piggy banks my money , my change and a loo of people have offered to help a bit. Bbt. The clerk was surprised quarters. But brought l in a few people tt make sure all the change added up correctly. The county suggests that people anota pay theirrtaxxs in change but will accept payment as long as its in the full amouut. 3 3 te batmobile on the Auction Block. The great bargain the nearry 40 years agoo 3 [ male announcer ] now at your neighbororhood subwa the big hot pastrami melt. We perfected the pastrami sandwich filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. All piledhigh on our signature freshly baked bread. Made hot, toasty and just for you. And dont be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapenos or crisp green peppers. Get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today subway. Eat fresh. Haaddbatman fans the grabs. The car from the Television Series starring adam west is hitting the Auction Block in cottsdale, arizona tomorrow. The car designer bought the Lincoln Futura with its bubble top for aooedollara in customized the car for the on the popular show for two ed years in the mid1960s. Now the batmobile is expected to rake in seven plesaent this weekend. But some very cood weather is on the way heres emily gracey with hee ssywattc. Forecast. P you can ,3 you can be in harge of your own p iradar is now available at foxbaltimmre dot com. Use the inttractive tools to prack coming storms down to your street. Go to foxbaalimore dot com and click onnirrdar dean pees is willing to go tt extreme measures to stop tom brady. The former olyypic athlete he wants to sign to next in sports unlimited. 3 3 3 th [ male announcer ] now at your neighbighborhood sub the big hot pastrami melt. We perfected the pastrami sandwich filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. All piledhigh on our signature freshly baked bread. Made hot, toasty and just for you. And dont be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapenos or crisp green peppers. Get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today subway. Eat fresh. Late edition thanks for patching. Now heres sports unlimiteddwith morgan adsit. Every game plan ssarts wiih the quarterback. They are the only ones to touch the balll pvery snap. Ravens eneey number one for sunday. Tom brady. Andoh at home. Hes a 3time super bowl champ. 2time super bowl mvp. We get it. Eyes. His wife, even the hotter. Hes perfect. Except when facing the ravens. Since 2008. Brady is 3and2 against baltimore. 1and1 in the playofff. 7 inteeceptionn. To 5 touchdown last 2 playoffs game. 09 season and laattyears afc but the ravens know better. Tom brady caa be unstopable at times. That why theyrr flirting with a backup game ppan. Hire tonna harding. laughter if they were sprayy wattr outside the bus and hope it freezes. Is. I went against him p thhre in practice ffr everrbeen around. He can give you this little boyish look on tv, but he is a ery, very, very competitiie guy. 3 guy. 3 the ravens go from a no chance innheck playoff team. To you better watch out. And all it tooo waa coming back in the double ooertime. On the road. In the divisional roundd. T oneeseed denver. Now the ravens head to neww england. For the afc team. Right in the mmx to call themselves the best on february 3rd. I think we feel like we are us. I think when you play with definittly gives you a leg up just in cass the othhr team isnt necessarily playing with aae not; i am sure thattmost y 3 of the time they re. But if anythhng, it may give youua little bit of an advantage just because in order to be succcssful in this league and really in anything, you have to have that confidence. Right now, we are Walking Around with a little bit of that. Ravens injury report. 4 players listed as Dannell Ellerbe dealing with ankle aad back problems. Vonta leacc bad knee and ankle. Bernard pierce didn look the same against the game early with a knee the injury. Receiver and special teaaer david reed also liiited with a thhgh injury. Stay put for at least another seasonn. And avoid arbitration. Arbitratioo. The os s agrred wieeerss chris davis, and t matusz. The big move was for wieters. Who has expressed he wants a ong term deal with baltimore. Wieters will makke5point5 millionn this season. Compared to wieeers set personal bests with 23 hommruns, 83 rbi. Pbtting 244. And caught 32 ba the majors. Phigh school game of the eek tiie. Brought to you by varsity sports networkkdot com. Com. Glenelg ccuntry and ookland mills. Game tied at 52. 4th quarter. Seniir daniel mccoy good,dragons up 2. Lavon long driving hard inside. Count the bucket ann phe foul. Scorpions y 1. Under a minute left. Glenelg needs a bucket. Kevin boyd stripped. Scorpions run the floor, joe zayatz lays it in, Oakland Mills up. Last chance drives but long. Plants. And takes the ccarge. Ookland mills holds on. 5756 final. Thats all for sports ggodnight. Im morran adsit. [ male announcer ] now at your neighborhood subway the big hot pastrami melt. We perfected the pastrami sandwich filled with hot, juicy pastrami, pickles, yellow mustard and bubbly melted cheese. All piledhigh on our signature freshly baked bread. Made hot, toasty and just for you. And dont be afraid to put your spin on this deli style deliciousity add your favorite ingredients, like spicy jalapenos or crisp green peppers. Get to your local subway and taste some perfect pastrami today subway. Eat fresh

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