Transcripts For WCAU Meet The Press 20160717 :

WCAU Meet The Press July 17, 2016

Ill talk to secretary of state john kerry. Ask joining me for insight and analysis this special sunday are, nbc special news correspondent tom brokaw. Former political director for president george w. Bush, sarah fagan. Julian reid, and Salem Radio Network host hugh hewitt. Welcome to sunday and meet the press the Republican National convention. Frns from cleveland, ohio, this is a special edition of meet the press. Good day from cleveland, ohio. Were here at the quicken loans arena one day before the Republican National convention begins. Were going to get to all the political excitement thats building here in a moment. But first we begin with some troubling breaking news out of baton rouge, louisiana, where at least three Law Enforcement officers have been killed and three others wounded today in what the mayor there has described as an ambushstyle attack. At least one suspect has been killed. But investigators say a manhunt is now on for at least two other suspects who they believe were involved in the shooting. It all began with an emergency call reporting shots fired less than a mile from Police Headquarters in baton rouge. Police do remain at the scene. Right now theyre using a robot to check for any possible explosives near the body of the suspect, who was killed. The city of baton rouge, of course, in recent weeks has been at the center of a nationwide outcry over the use of police force against africanamericans after officers there were caught on camera fatally shooting a man named alton sterling in the parking lot of a convenience store. The Justice Department has opened an investigation into whether sterlings civil rights were violated. However and this is important its not clear whether that incident is related to todays incident. We will continue to follow all the latest developments in baton rouge as we get them. But now we turn to politics and the Republican National convention. Weve got brabd new nbc news wall street journal poll numbers to share. They show Hillary Clinton holding a small but steady five point lead over donald trump, 4641. It is exactly where the two candidates stood a month ago, and that was before the fbi report on secretary clintons emails. Trump hasnt been able to take advantage. His that theyve somehow chosen a candidate who violates almost every prescription laid out in the partys autopsy after mitt romneys defeat. The Republican Party has gone from sort of staid and staleresl to being the hottest party right now anywhere in the world. In the wake of mitt romneys loss, Republican Leaders acknowledged that their party needed to rebrand and turn around a losing streak in president ial years. I think that we had some biologically stupid things that were said in the last election. The autopsys prescription, grow the party. First, avoid alienating womens voters with comments like this. I went to a number of womens grupz and said can you find folks. But trump has widened the gender gap. Frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, i dont think shed get 5 of the vote. Second, stop driving away minority voters. The answer is selfdeportation, which is people decide that they can do better by going home. Instead of embracing latinos, the fastestgrowing demographic, trump has reopened the scars of failed republican attempts at immigration reform. Ill use the word anchor baby. Excuse me, ill word the word anchor baby. Third, fix the perception that the gop does not care about ordinary people, summed up in the line that many republicans believed lost romney the election. There are 47 of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. There are 47 who are with him, who believe that they are victims. But while Party Leaders focused on winning swing voters mitt romney didnt get, they missed the brewing economic angst and cultural resentments of many members of their own party. Bottom line, the rnc didnt autopsy why Republican Voters didnt like the Republican Party. If we talk about marginal tax rates and earned income tax credits and things that people that dont have any money dont think about. So we need to talk to them and with them instead of past them. Thats what the partys autopsy got wrong. In a Washington Post poll released this spring, nearly half of Trump Supporters said whites were losing out to other racial groups, leaving trump an opportunity to exploit the deep anger at republican elites. Were getting the hell beat out of us and its going to stop. And were going to bring our jobs back to this country. Were going to make product again. Were going to lift our wages. And remaking the party in his own image. Well, earlier today i spoke with the chairman of the Republican Party, Reince Priebus, and began by asking him whether the new ticket of trump and pence is missing an opportunity by not doing what every other ticket has done in previous elections, campaigning together right away in front of the american people. At least what ive been seeing on tv, theyre everywhere. I think anything trump does gets a lot of attention. I think he did yesterday. I thought that mike pence did a great job. I think hes a perfect pick, i think, for donald trump. Hes a great complement to donald trump, experienced, governor, leadership in the house, all of the things that i know that donald trump wanted to check, he did it. Im excited about next week. Does mike pence make it so that monday night at this convention where there could be, you know, a minority report or some never trump stuff, does mike pence help calm that down in your opinion . Thats a good point. I really think it does. I know that there are some delegates that were slower to come around than others, but what ive heard from a lot of the delegates is a lot of praise about pence. A lot of the conservatives were very happy about it. I know leadership in the house and the senate very happy with the pence pick. So good for donald trump, its good for the party, its good for our country. You know, when did you come around on donald trump . And i say it this way because you were, as the referee, you would be tough on him when he said some things that you thought was damaging to the party. But you eventually came around. What did it take . Well, i mean i think it took, number one, i really got to know donald trump. But number two, its a binary choice. Its Hillary Clinton or donald trump. This silliness with never trump, i mean whos your nominee, guys . Whos your vp . Whos raising money . Its a fantasyland. So for me a vote for anyone other than donald trump is a vote for Hillary Clinton. But i also got to know donald trump. The donald trump i got to know is a nice, gracious i mean quite frankly even in private listens, sometimes pretty quiet. How come you dont see that guy in public . Youre not the first person to say this. Ive told him and the campaign, and i think im very much a part of that operation, if the public sees the donald trump that ive gotten to know in private, he will not be stopped. But he doesnt ever present that person. But what youre seeing with the pence pick, i think the last few weeks have been very good for him. I know what hes thinking about the convention and the future. I think he understands it fully, the pivot to the general. Hes never run before for anything. He has been in primary mode for a year and it was a tough, bruising situation. I think its just taken longer to pivot. I think hes pivoting. As you know, the autopsy report from 2013, i know you dont technically call it an autopsy, but its been known as that, about why mitt romney lost. You guys outlined a bunch of things having to do particularly with outreach to minorities, outreach to young voters. This platform seems to run counter to the recommendations of the 2013 committee that looked into whats wrong. Its not its not reflecting any of those points, whether its on immigration, whether its outreach to latinos, samesex marriage. What happened . Well, nothing happened. The principles of the party are the same. We believe in traditional marriage, we dont believe that we believe in life that starts at conception, equal protection and the 14th amendment. Thats our thats our beliefs as a party, but it doesnt mean that you dont shower people with grace and love and respect. Thats something that ive always talked about. But the autopsy really is about engaging in black, hispanic, asian communities, being a fulltime party, investing in data has donald trump done that . I think hes done much better at it. I think hes come around a lot since a few months ago. I think he understands it. I know where his hearts at, i can tell you. And i think people are going to start seeing that. Theres two things in the platform that may im curious if youre comfortable with it. Theres one in a draft that said children raised in a traditional twoparent household tend to be mentally and physically healthier, less likely to engage in crime. Every child deserves a married mom and dad. Its implying somehow that children of samesex couples are more likely to be addicts, to engage in crime. Do you mean to have it imply that . No. It means the best scenario for kids is a loving mom and dad. However, it doesnt mean at all that single parents, that samesex parents, that any parents in america cant love a child and cant raise a child and that child cant be successful and loved. I mean so it doesnt mean that. It just means what the facts say. Look, like i said before, love, respect, dignity. But traditional values, and thats what our party is about. There are no bushes speaking at this convention, no mitt romney, no john mccain, no living former republican nominee is going to address this convention. The rising stars of the party, its a whos who of people not coming here, whether its nikki haley, marco rubio is doing a video address, hes not attending. Youre not showcasing the best parts of your party. Are you disappointed about that . I dont know about that, chuck. Tomorrow night youre going to see joni ernst, youre going to see scott walker, youre going to see ben carson, newt gingrich. Look, everyone has to make their own decisions. Its not unusual that everyone doesnt speak at a convention. Id love everybody it is unusual not to have a bush at the convention. Well, it didnt happen four years ago, chuck. The bush family there were members of the bush family here. Listen, i was chairman then. I actually dont remember that. Im not going to i know in st. Paul there was no president bush in st. Paul. So, look, its not uncommon. But i would also tell you this is not going to be a traditional scenario. I mean were not going to have one politician after the next every three minutes giving a fourminute speech. Its just not going to be that way. There will be plenty of them, but not backtoback. Reince priebus, ive got to leave it there. Congratulations. We all look forward to a peaceful week in cleveland. Me too. Thank you. Thank you, sir. Joining me now is glenn beck, the founder of the conservative website and tv network the blaze. Beck has been a vocal critic of donald trump. Trump right from the start. While he has no love for Hillary Clinton, he says he cant bring himself to vote for trump. Mr. Beck, welcome back to meet the press. Thank you. Cant vote for hillary either. I am one of these people that i mean honestly, i was listening to that interview and i feel like the world of blade runner makes more sense than this one. I dont even know where to begin, were living in such a fantasy world where nothing makes sense anymore. I what jumped out at you from the chairman there . The whole thing did. I dont even honestly, i dont even know where to begin with that. It is remarkable to me that both parties are so out of touch with the american people. Both democrats, republicans and independents, we all feel the same way. Three things. I dont belong to anything anymore and i want to feel like i belong to something. I dont even feel like my country is even the same. I dont belong to anything. Nobody is listening to me. And i dont have any levers that control my own life. I cant control my own income, i cant control my own destiny, i cant even control my own farm if im a farmer. This is not going to last. And these guys are just playing a game. Theyre playing a show. You know that Reince Priebus knows better than what he just said. You know that he does not he is not looking at the autopsy and going, well, i think this is great. Were doing the same thing we did with mitt romney except much, much worse. But what should be done . What should be done . The last time you were on nothing, its too late. You actually poopooed the idea of yousing the convention dump trump. What do you do . I know what im going to do, but i dont im out of the business of telling anybody else what they should do because i think there are tons of Hillary Clinton people that, you know, have maybe voted for the clintons in the past or thought they would like Hillary Clinton that are now to the point of she is so corrupt, she is so much about her and her foundation, which is completely corrupt, she is building an absolute dynasty of corruption. Its nothing, nothing reflective of the american system. And then you have donald trump who the only advisers that he listens to are his children. What do you have, hes a corrupt businessman, shes corrupt. So both sides are now saying what are you going to do . I think we feel all americans i shouldnt say all. Reince and a few others at both conventions are going to be fine just pulling the lever, but i think a lot of people are pulling it not holding their nose, wincing in pain as they think about pulling that lever. So what you decide to do is your own business, but i have to tell you, there are there are choices. You can vote for the green party. You can vote for the libertarian party. And i know people will say thats a vote for the other guy. But you know what, i cant sell my soul anymore to these parties. Let me ask you all right, so let me ask the obvious question here or the obvious i know the answer, now it seems obvious. Mike pence does nothing for you to make donald trump more appealing . Look, mike pence is a nice guy. You know, hes fine and hes doing a good job. I dont have anything against mike. I know that i talked to mike when i was in indiana during the campaign. He didnt have anything nice to say about donald trump. I will tell you that if ted cruz comes out on, what is it, monday or tuesday night when he gives his speech and he endorses, even a soft endorsement of donald trump, i will officially have no person in washington that i can trust, says what they mean and mean what they say. Its funny you say that. Mr. Beck, i had this exact conversation with a reporter last night about he said were finding out who tells you the truth on the record and off the record and who doesnt. And you have a lot of republicans who will say one thing about trump off the record and another on the record. Do you think thats got to stop . Oh, my gosh, i think it has to stop. Look, the problem is in our society that theres no authenticity. You cant trust anybody because they you know they dont believe that. What was so frustrating about reince is i guess hes doing his job. But if doing your job means youre not being transparent, then youve got to go get another job, man, and quit that one. Nobody is saying what they mean and meaning what they say. I am literally almost alone. I was standing against trump because of a set of principles. Not that i dont like the man. The same principles that make me not be able to vote for Hillary Clinton. Why all of a sudden are these people who were so strongly against clinton or so strongly against trump now suddenly on the clinton train, on the trump train . Did you believe what you said . Mr. Beck, i appreciate you sharing your views. Ive got to leave it there. I think we all know where you stand at this point and i will look forward to checking back in before november to see what lever you might be pulling. Thanks very much. Thank you very much. When we come back, donald trump very odd vp rollout. And then consider this, trump and pence will not be campaigning together today, you wont see them together tomorrow, not tuesday. So exactly what kind of political marriage is this . 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He didnt grow up there or anything. After the event pence was on his way back to indiana alone. Now compare this to 2012. Mitt romney introduced paul ryan to the world on the battleship wisconsin in the swing s

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