Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20170203 : vimarsana.

Transcripts For WCAU NBC10 News At 4pm 20170203

he understands the frustration. >> this is supposed to be department of corrections. you're suppose to correct and e rehabilitate. >> reporter: mccoy says he plans to be an activist for prisoners' rights. on wednesday during the standoff, he try today call the warden's office to try to help settle it peacefully. he said he didn't hear back. we'll have much more at 5:00. tim furlong, nbc 10 news. this afternoon, corrections officials honored sergeant steven floyd for his service at a swearing in ceremony for cadets. floyd was the father of three and worked at the center for more than a decade. our live team coverage continues with randy gyllenhaal who joins us now with more. >> reporter: and the flag still flies at half-staff here across the state of delaware to honor sergeant steven floyd. and earlier today, at a graduation ceremony for new prison guards, floyd was given a posthumous promotion to lieutenant. floyd's family, including his son, steven floyd, jr. accepted a medal of valor from the department. that's the highest honor a prison guard can receive. corrections officials says floyd's death was a devastating loss, adding that floyd likely saved the lives of many others during the prison siege by preventing additional hostages from being taken by those inmates. at today's ceremony in addition to that medal of valor, dozens of other cadets took part in a graduation ceremony. they'll be sent to prisons and jails across the state of delaware. their families now firmly aware of the dangers they face. >> they are committed to the job. so i think they know the danger they're going to be in. so they're committed to doing the best they can do. >> be firm, be fair, be consistent. always be humble and kind to everyone. staff and inmates. >> reporter: later tonight, two vigils are planned to honor sergeant, now lieutenant floyd. including one at 6:00 p.m. at the municipal park in smyrna. we'll be live there at 6:00 covering the vigil tonight. we're live tonight. >> our coverage of the big story continues on our nbc 10 app. you can read through a time line on the standoff. find out more about the victim and dig deeper into security at the prison with our investigative report. now, to your nbc 10 first alert weather. we are almost halfway through a two day cold snap. at the jersey shore it's cold but beautiful. the river rink at penn's landing, perfect night for skating out there. but you do have to bundle up. chief meteorologist glenn "hurricane" schwartz is tracking the forecast. >> it's going to feel like single digits for some areas? >> that's right. that ice is not going to be melting during the night tonight or tomorrow morning. see the flags, by now, blowing this direction, that's cold air that's coming in. today was way colder than it has been lately. it's 30 in coatesville and allentown right now, 34 in philadelphia. that's as about as high as it's gotten all day today. mount holly 33. trenton, 32 degrees. now, if you compare that to 24 hours ago, 11 degrees colder in philadelphia. wilmington, dover, and 13 degrees colder than it was at this time yesterday in atlantic city. you add the wind on top of that. so what's going to happen is we go through the evening. you head out, even in the city of philadelphia, the temperature goes down into the 20s. and the feels like temperature into the teens. of course it continues to get colder throughout the night. by 7:00 a.m., 23 degrees. and feels like it is 13. in some places like allentown, it will feel like it's about 8 degrees. we expect dry conditions through the night. the actual air temperatures dropping into the teens, in the lehigh valley. and close to the teens in many other parts of the area. it will be cold tomorrow night as well. but then the warming trend starts. i'll tell you how warm it's going to get and when the next rain is coming in just a few minutes. take a look at the new video. a car thief takes a baby from the stolen car. apparently after realizing he had a tiny passenger in the back of the suv as he made his get away. you can see him dropping the baby off in her car seat a few blocks from where he stole the car. it was in south philly last night. he left the baby, but kept the car. police are still looking for him this afternoon. the suv is still missing, too. the baby is fine. nbc 10 was there as the little girl was reunited with her mother last night. the mother owns a laundry mat. she told police she ran inside the business to grab a toy for her daughter. when she came back out her car and baby were gone. president trump is warning americans to get smart on islamic terror after an attack in paris. man carrying two machetes tried to attack soldiers near the museum this morning. authorities say he shouted god is great in arabic. one soldier shot and seriously wounded the man. after the attack, president trump tweeted a new radical islamic terrorist. tourists were locked down. get smart u.s. president trump is imposing new sanctions on iran. 13 people and a dozen companies. >> the president's announcement is in response to iran's recent test of a ballistic missile. donald trump met this morning with business leaders and ceos in the white house. he also talked about the super bowl and joked about it's suddenly not the most talked about thing around these days. >> one of the things that i heard this morning in watching the news was that amazingly, it's never happened before, that politics has become a much bigger subject than the super bowl. we're in super bowl territory and that's saying the politics is more interesting to people. >> the president also applauded the january job report at today's white house gathering. that report showed the u.s. economy added 227,000 jobs last month. vice president pence is coming to philadelphia this weekend. mr. pence will speak to the philadelphia chapter of the federalist society on independence mall tomorrow. this will be his second stop in philadelphia since taking office last month. president trump aide kellyanne conway said she misspoke about an massacre during an interview she referred to the bowling green massacre as a reason mr. trump's order is necessary. there's never been a massacre in bowling green. >> it's brand-new information to people that president obama had a six month ban on the iraqi people when there was a master mind bowling green massacre. >> conway says she was talking about two iraqi refugees who settled in bowling green, kurk. the pair were later arrested for plotting to send money and gutol qaeda. a taller and stronger fence will be built around the grounds of the white house. the secret service got approval to begin construction. the current fence has been climbed by people several times. the new fence will be four feet taller. the stage is set for a final confirmation vote for education secretary betsy devos. senators voting along party lines. this paves the way for a final confirmation vote expected early next week. i want to show you a live look from sky force 10 over center city philadelphia. teachers are rallying outside senator pat toomey's office. and that's also where nbc 10's drew smith is joining us live with more. drew? >> reporter: you can see the demonstration just getting started out here. you can tell these folks are teachers by all the signs they have made. they're making the signs down here on the ground outside of center pat toomey's office. we checked in his office today and they tell me he's still committed to voting for the nominee for secretary of education. but these folks want their voice heard. betsy devos is one step closer to a confirmation vote. some educators aren't giving up the fight. >> fair and equitable funding for our schools is incredibly important. >> reporter: we met with a teacher and principal who are spending any spare time outside of work voicing opposition to this pick. right now, their efforts are focused on pennsylvania senator pat toomey. >> i think that he should be listening to his constituents and be concerned about the children. >> reporter: senator toomey said he will vote for devos. today his office told me he appreciates hearing from everyone, and is keeping their thoughts in mind. his aides declined an on camera interview. >> i thought i would raise maybe $30. >> reporter: this south philly teacher has raised $37,000 on a page she calls buy pat toomey's vote. she's planning to donate it local education charities with the goal of matching what devos's family donated to toomey's campaign. >> i am not trying to actually bribe an elected official. that was never the actual goal of this campaign. it's satire and tongue and cheek. >> reporter: this is one of three demonstrations that are actually happening right now in center city. all of them having different themes. coming up in our next hour, we'll show you all of the activism that's going on and the effect it's having on lawmakers whose offices is being flooded with calls. nbc 10 news. all right, i want to go to breaking news right now concerning the closed delaware river turnpike bridge. >> the bridge won't be reopening anytime soon. keith jones is joining us live. >> listen to this, we just learned the delaware river turnpike bridge will stay closed until april. the bridge connects the pa and new jersey turnpikes. it's been closed for two weeks. the bridge could reopen in early april if a repair plan goes smoothly. the bridge handled 42,000 vehicles per day. live at the breaking news center, keith jones, nbc 10 news. the state department says fewer than 60,000 visas have been revoked. that number contradicts a justice department lawyer's claim. that lawyer said about 100,000 visas were revoked. the state department says the higher figure includes diplomatic and other visas that were exemped by the order. nbc 10 at arcadia university, this group rallied against president trump's executive order on immigration. the president signed that order one week ago today. it prevents people from seven muslim majority countries from entering for u.s. for 90 days. new details from a woman who was shot to death in front of her little girl two years ago. detectives say several tips led them to 28-year-old james jones, he's accused of killing the woman inside her port richmond home in july of 2015. her 2-year-old daughter was there at the time. jones is also charged with burglary and robbery when he was arrested. he was already in prison for something else. required paid sick time, that might soon be ending at philadelphia. the new bill comes from a group of state senators. city law went into effect in 2015. and it requires companies with ten or more workers to allow them to earn up to 40 hours of paid sick leave. those who support getting rid of required sick time claim it hurt small businesses. city leaders think state lawmakers should keep their noses out of city laws. a teenager has been found not guilty of vehicular homicide in a crash that killed his friend. a jury found him guilty on a lesser charge that could still carry a prison sentence. curse was a driver in a crash that killed his class mate last march. a civil trial involves the deadly building collapse in philadelphia. seven people died, 12 others were hurt when that building being demolished fell on to a salvation army store. the building's owner the demolition crew and salvation army were sued. all of the defendants were found liable. the jury has to decide how much each defendant will pay. the scranton city council is trying to stop a bridge from being renamed after former vice president joe biden. the council says it's not because they don't live biden, but the bridge is already named for the city's highest ranking soer soldier killed in world war i. members of the local muslim community came together in prayer today with mayor kenny. >> it was a show of support from the city and a unified message against president trump's recent order on immigration. nbc 10's rosemary connors was there. >> reporter: it's their ritual every friday afternoon. before today's prayer, members of the muslim american society who come to this mosque heard what they call words of solidarity from leaders outside the faith. >> you are americans. you are patriotic americans. and no one's going to ever take that away from you. no one. >> philadelphia's mayor, jim kenny spoke out about president trump's recent executive orders restricting immigration. >> it's clearly a muslim ban. it's clearly a religious test and clearly unconstitutional. >> we're going to have a very, very strict ban and we're going to have extreme vetting. which we should have had in this country for many years. >> the trump administration insists the orders will allow government officials to review the immigration process from the mostly muslim countries on the list with the goal of preventing terrorists from getting in. >> we get the looks where you know, okay, you're one of those that is going to be banned. or you're one of those muslims that they're talking about on tv. that kind of hurts us. >> members of the mosque say this helps, an interfaith rally with law enforcement to show support. the islamic center has had a close relationship with philadelphia police. today they presented a symbol of their partnership to the community here. >> we've been actually overwhelmed with support. either at the philadelphia international or calls from community members and officials that support us here at the mosque. >> i'm rosemary connors nbc 10 news. to our first alert weather taking a live look at the philadelphia museum of art. a beautiful view down there. it's kind of cloudy out and it's definitely cold. >> it is cold. it's february. we knew we were due for this, glenn. >> it's only a couple days' worth. we have wind on top of the 14 mile sustained wind in philadelphia. 34 degrees. plus we have clouds. blocking the sun. that doesn't help. and it's not even to the freezing mark in parts of the lehigh valley. so yeah, it's cold out there. the feels like temperature, 9 in mount pocono. 20 in allentown, 18 in coatesville, 25 in philadelphia. and this is the warmest time of the day. so it's going down from there. as we take a look at philadelphia itself, 34 degrees there but it is only 32 degrees in andorra. 33 in parkwood. west mount airy. manayu manayunk. a lot of 33's out there. that's about as high as it's gotten during the day today. so it's going to be going down tonight. the feels like temperature, by tomorrow morning, ranging from about 8 to 14. that's pretty cold. no where near record cold, but again our bodies are a little more used to the mild weather. the rain returns tuesday and into wednesday. so it looks like we're dry until then. and then some weird things happening next week. we warm up to near 60 degrees. and then we get another cold shot just about as cold as what we're seeing right now. the feels like temps as we go through the evening tonight as you can see, dropping well down into the teens. so obviously if you're headed out for the evening, you got to dress pretty warmly for that because, again, we're not as used to it as we would be if it was cold all winter. and there we are by tomorrow morning, there's that 8 degrees in potts town, 10 in allentown, 14 in philadelphia. there's that range, 8-14 degrees like i was saying. i'm not exaggerating, that's what it says, right? tomorrow morning, late morning, near the midday hour and it's still feeling like it's in the teens in a good bit of the area. tomorrow afternoon the 20s at best is the way it's going to feel. by sunday morning it's feeling like the low 20s. after that, then we're talking about the warmup. actually feels like the mid30s by sunday afternoon. monday it will feel warmer than that. tuesday warmer than that. tomorrow, lots of sunshine. look at that, nothing but sunshine. the wind not all that strong either. look at these high temperatures. 32. reading, 35. allentown, may not even get to 30 tomorrow. robinsville 36. longport 38 degrees. dover 36 degrees as well. so that is some cold air. but it warms up a little bit on sunday. that's a 10 degree jump and then a couple more on monday. similar story in the pa suburbs. we're dry all during this period, saturday, sunday and monday. these temperatures by monday pretty close to average for this time of the year. and these are the low temperatures. see, 21 degrees at the jersey shore. saturday morning. but by monday morning, the low is only 30 degrees. and then we'll see when it's going to get to 60 and when the next cold is coming on a little bit later. i'm ready for the 60. all right. glenn. a viral tweet that turned into an anonymous donation. >> someone in delaware is paying it forward to dozens of students with a little lunch money. still ahead at 4:00, the generous offer that paid off their debts and how the movement is catching on across the country. plus, spotting a fake. the nbc 10 responds team explains how you can avoid problem websites after a local sports fan and father was duped while buying his son a jersey. a little boy's call to 911 turns into more than he could imagine. how they answered the call to make his dream come true. but first, here's a look at the closing bell on wall street. green arrows up all around today. by peggy lee playing ] [ goat bleat ] [ crow caws, music continues ] this is gonna be awesome! when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like playgrounds, demographics, schools, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it. as we know 911 is meant for an emergency. a 6-year-old boy from arkansas thought he had one. >> he dialled 911 looking for a job and that's exactly what he got. >> i wanted to be a firefighter to get a job. >> wow. he used his grandmother's cell phone to call 911 looking for a job as a firefighter. the officers who got the call knew they needed to respond in a big way. so they showed up at his house and swore him in as a police officer. >> he got this precious look like they're here. whoa, my heroes. >> now, that he's official, he's proud to show off his new badge. >> they were such good sports, too. going to the dentist isn't always fun. but it was for these kids today. at camden county college they were treated to free exam and got to meet the tooth fairy. it's an event called give kids a smile. anyone 12 and under got cleanings and x-raies and a few ectracti extractions. that couldn't be fun. >> if you've been seeing a lot of red and wondering what's going on. the american heart association says this is national wear red today. it's part of their go red for women campaign. one woman dies every 80 seconds in the u.s. from cardiovascular disease. a majority of heart problems can be prevented through education and lifestyle changes. we're all doing our part here at nbc 10 too. >> we are. >> a lot of red going around the newsroom. >> on the morning shows throughout the whole day. bundle up for a cold blast. maybe a big red down filled court. >> glenn is tracking a drop in temperatures. >> this is an official american heart association bow tie. parts of the area will feel like the single digits tonight. and we're tracking rain. a local sports fan called nbc 10 responds. a flyers jersey he ordered online came looking less than authentic. all new at 5:00. the people aren't -- don't seem to be so concerned about the land fill. they don't want to stop getting the money. >> cash or trash? which would you pick? neighbors in one local town are getting big bucks to live near land fills. investigators followed the trash money trail. everything you need to know about life, you can learn from granola. keep it simple. make every piece count. let other people know what you're made of. always be real. don't be fake, don't be artificial, but always be sweet. and of course, wear sunscreen. nature valley granola bars. no artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners. just good. hi. can you help me save on my energy bill? old appliances. like a hot water heater? it's around here somewhere. nope. nope. what is this thing? sir, have you looked in the basement? huh. oh, yeah. no wonder. it was hidden behind all of my free weights. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. now to the nbc 10 first alert forecast. a cold start to the weekend. a live look at the poconos. a great time to ski. they've been waiting for colder weather there. the nbc 10 live camera, the kimmel center actually here we're taking a live look over the aramark and the flags blowing in the wind. a little windy out there and definitely colder than what we had the past couple of days. >> glenn "hurricane" schwartz is back with the weather forecast. >> it's feeling like it's in the single digits. by later on tonight it will feel closer to zero. 34 in philadelphia now. 30 in allentown and coatesville. the normal high is 41. and we're no where near that today. and we're about 10-15 degrees colder than at this time yesterday. then you add wind on top of that, yeah, that's why it feels really cold. and the temperatures as we go through the evening, dropping into the 20s, the feels like temperature dropping into the teens. and that is in philadelphia. in other areas, it's going to feel and be colder than that, 20 degrees barely at pa suburbs. lehigh valley getting into the teens by tomorrow morning, their feels like temperature down near 8 degrees. and it's clearing out during the night tonight. setting us up for a bright and sunny day on saturday. but it's going to be plenty cold. we do have a significant warmup on the way. including temperatures that get up maybe to 60 degrees next week. tell you when that happens coming up. okay, glenn. turning to nbc 10 responds, there are websites that look legit but they could be selling you counterfeit sports merchandise. >> harry hairston shows us how to spot a fake. >> i wanted to show you one of my favorite jerseys. >> when it comes to the flyers,andry berry is a dry hard fan. his friends showed him this website that says it sells nhl gear for less than half the price. barry jumped at the chance to save on a jersey for his son. >> i work very hard for my money. as well as my wife. and we were trying to save a few bucks. >> more than a month went by after barry placed the order and the jersey never showed. >> it's a let down honestly. >> so he reached out to nbc 10 responds. turns out the site is not official. the nhl tells us the only official way to buy its merchandise and the company never responded to comment. barry has this message for anyone else looking to save on gear. >> be careful who you order from. >> that's right. listen, there's a few other red flags. the nhl tells us to check a website's about page. look for grammar and spelling mistakes. and if you come across what may be a fake site, report it to the nhl. got to be careful out there. all these sites, they kind of look official, you get duped in and you're duped out of money. >> you deon't get the jersey yo wanted. >> when you get a jersey for $60, that's normally $200, you got to wonder. too good to be true kind of thing. >> if you have a consumer kblankblan complaint give us a call. >> coming up on monday, a local restaurant sells gift cards and goes out of business. harry tells us what steps to take so this doesn't happen to you. right now here's a look at some of the other news we're following county by county at 4:00. lehigh county, search is on for a guy believed to be behind a string of car break ins. investigators tell nbc 10 he's broken into more than two dozen cars. money, electronics and even a gun were stolen. newcastle company an oil company has been ordered to pay $3.5 million in fines. the department of justice is behind the order announcing the fine against the international petroleum corporation of delaware. they tampered with the testing of waste water. montgomery county authorities want you to take a look at two thieves that robbed a kohl's department store. they put more than $600 in a bag and went to walk out of the store. when a security guard tried to stop them, they pushed the guard to the ground and punched him. call the police if you recognize the men. delaware county changes are coming to the schools, including smaller class size. class size will be 21-26 students per class. teams consist of students staying with the same students all day. without it, students can interact with each other better. gloucester county the red cross says it's in need of blood. there's a blood drive going on there until 6:30 tonight. it started with one tweet. >> a woman encouraged her followers to pay it forward and help out local school kids. several week and thousands of retweets later, it's turned into a lunch money movement. how a delaware school is reaping the benefits. cutting ties with the president's daughter. the department store parting ways with ivanka trump and her fashion brand. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. welcome to 8 and a half maple street. it's half a house. and even though it only has half a kitchen, half the closet space and a half bath, it's a full house to the wilsons. because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. don't pay for uploads that aren't up to speed. get 150 meg internet with equal uploads and downloads, tv and phone for only $79.99 per month online for one year. only from fios. warning for moms, researchers say women who have more pregnancies may be at a greater risk of developing an irregular heart rhythm later in life. women who were pregnant four or more times were 50% more likely to be diagnosed with afib. the majority of the country is dealing with widespread out breaks of the flu. that includes all three states in our area. the cdc said today that 40 states now have widespread flu activity. among those, pennsylvania,i new jersey and delaware. for seven straight weeks the number of the flu case in the u.s. has been higher than the national average. nordstrom says it will stop setting the first daughter's line of clothing and accessories. the department store chain says the decision was based on sales performance, not politics. the move comes amid a campaign known as grab your wallet, which has been calling for a boycott of retailers that carry any trump merchandise. rallying behind our local super bowl stars before the biggest game of their lives. >> coming up next, how their home towns are giving them a super sendoff. glenn? well, of course the forecast shouldn't get in the way of plans for super bowl sunday. expect dry conditions. but we do have to get through a pretty cold blast of weather first. i'm tracking the conditions for your neighborhoods next in your most accurate weather forecast. and too close for comfort. wawa goes to court because of another store's name. that's coming up all new at 5:00. dear fellow citizen, i know what it's like to want to relax with your family. but enjoying today doesn't mean losing sight of tomorrow. so while i invest in "the now" my mortgage, vacations i still invest in the future, like my children's college tuition and retirement. i can help you piece together your financial journey for today and tomorrow. if you have a question about investing, ask me. sincerely, amanda etheridge, fellow planner and fellow citizen. all right. super bowl weekend is here. >> chester county matt ryan and the falcons take on bratom brad and the patriots. we have a live look at the stadium. this place will be packed, more than 100 million people around the world are expected to watch super bowl li on tv. our region will be well-represented. the falcons feature two players from our area. there is quarterback matt ryan, but atlanta also features the line backer from wilmington. both guys have plenty of support from their alma maters. penn charter celebrated matt ryan at this pep rally on campus today. ryan graduated from penn charter in 2003. nbc 10 was there as a special delivery arrived. >> i think it's a super bowl ticket for one special person. it's not for you, is it? no. i don't think it's for me. i think it's for mr. mcclusky. he's going to the super bowl. >> mr. mcclusky is a math teacher at penn charter. he used to be the football coach there and coached matt ryan. there he is. today he found out he'll be flying to houston to watch matt play in the super bowl, how cool is that? and you know what? if puppies can predict super bowl winners he and matt will be celebrating someday. >> let's release the puppies. >> i love this. jimmy fallon, releasing that pack of puppies to pick the winners. they chose between bowls of food marked patriots and falcons. the little guys clearly flock to the falcons' bowl. >> what do they put in there? >> cuteness there. these are some of the wings served up at wing bowl xxv. >> philadelphia has a new king of the wing today. nbc 10 was at pj's in camden county this morning where they cooked up and shipped out 10,000 chicken wings, all for philadelphia's premier competitive eating competition. now, we don't need to show you the ravenous ripping apart of wings that went down inside the wells fargo center this morning. but we can tell you the winner was bob shout. he downed 409 wings to win wing bowl xxv. >> we don't know how long it took him to do it? >> not sure. 400 wings in any length of time is too much. >> yeah. maybe they were spicy and they'll keep him warm this weekend, glenn. >> he only beat me by 400. it was close, right down to the wire. we had cold weather that's come in here. it's going to last a couple days though. this is brief, this is typical of this wintertime. had some cold but it hadn't lasted. 34 in philadelphia. cloudy skies, some places not even up to the 30 degree mark. it feels like it's 9 in mount pocono. 19 in coatesville. 23 in trenton. 20 in allentown. it's going to go down from there because there's still going to be some wind all night. and in delaware, 31. newark at 34. middle town 34. reedy point 34. in the southern part of the state. we're well into the 50's two days ago. 36 in georgetown and milton and lincoln. 37 in dewy beach. not quite there. compared to a couple days ago. look at that 50 wednesday. 48 yesterday and there's the drop. tomorrow will be very similar temperature wise, not as much wind though. then we jump up on sunday. sunday afternoon will not be nearly as cold as the last couple of days. but we're feeling like we're in the teens tonight. and eventually by morning getting into single digits possible. potts town, west chester at 11. doylestown at 11. it's not going to warm up that much during the day tomorrow. it will feel like the teens, even towards the middle of the day. so all out door activities will be affected by this cold through tomorrow night. and it's a sunday morning. feeling like it's low 20s. sunday afternoon, things are different. going to head outside and throw the ball around before the game, feeling like the mid30s. that's okay. that's tolerable. tomorrow, lots of sunshine. but look how cold bethlehem, 29. easton at 32. new town 34. west chester at 34 degrees. those numbers on the bottom, those are the low temperatures. that's what the day's going to start with. starts at 20 in mount airy, goes up to 34. and look at that. nothing but sunshine. haddonfield, 35. jersey shore, atlantic city starts at 21, goes up to 38. look it's early february. supposed to be cold once in a while. dover only 36 degrees for the high temperature. and the high temperatures over the next several days, here's allentown, for example. 29 for the high on saturday. but by tuesday we're up to 43. we're also getting some rain here. even though it's 43 in allentown, wildwood will be up to 51. quite a contrast across the area. dover 58. all right? same day. 58 to 43. that's what neighborhood weather is all about. there's the arctic air. it's with us for a couple days. and then it starts to move right on out of here again. >> a viral tweet that turned into an anonymous donation. >> someone in delaware is paying it forward to dozens of students with a little lunch money. next at 4:00, the generous offer that paid off their debts and how the movement is catching on across the country. plus, looking for love. how septa is getting into the valentine's day spirit. that's coming up all new at 5:00. hello, peco. so i'm calling to see if you can help me save on my energy bill. we can do that. great. i live in a post-war, pre-war, mid-century home and the heating system is a turbine, hvac, reverse hydrogen, boiler pipe unit. well sir, i can see that you live in a twin and based on the size, your usage has been spiking. ♪ that's exactly what i thought. if you're not an expert, peco can help. we have lots of ways to help you save energy and money. peco. the future is on. ♪ oh, it'[car horns]y... ♪ [angry shouting] excuse me! [storm siren] when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like traffic, crime, natural hazards, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it. breaking news from sky force 10 live over 59th and locust in west philadelphia. here's what we know. two people have been hit by a car here. this is the scene. not much to see right now. but we know one person has been rushed to the hospital with serious injuries. the other person had minor injuries. and we also don't know right now whether the car that hit these people stayed at the scene, but we'll continue to make phone calls and find out for you. again, two people hit in west philadelphia. an anonymous donor paid off the lunch debt of dozens of delaware students. >> nbc 10's erin coleman joins us now. the random act of kindness is spreading. >> it all started with a tweet. now it's sweeping the country. so we went to an elementary school in delaware, one of the first schools to get this huge gift. parents and school leaders told us it's going a long way to help families. it's lunch time at frederick douglas elementary. for some of the students, paying for lunch isn't always easy. >> good that someone's aware that what families deal with and what their struggles are and they're willing to support. >> when an anonymous donor gave more than a 1,000 dollars to wipe away the lunch debt for many of his students. he knew exactly the impact it would have. >> we have a lot of single parents, and with different situations. appreciate it. we like to know who you are. come on in and sit down and have some lunch with us. >> it started from social media. a new york writer tweeted, a cool thing you can do today is try to find out which of your local schools has kids with overdue lunch accounts and pay them off. that was in early december. days later, stubs elementary got $1,200. now two months later, schools all over the country are seeing donations pour in. >> no one really understands jour budget until you're in the middle of it. sometimes it can sneak up on you. >> she knows first-hand how much this simple act can help. she's a mom and says her child just might have been helped by the donation here. >> i really was shocked and amazed. but it made me have more faith in humanity. >> now, this movement is really going beyond school lunches. an anonymous donor gave the brandywine school district hundreds of movie tickets so middle schoolers could go see the movie hidden figures. many of the students went for free. and coming up all new on nbc 10 news at 5:00, the investigators continue to follow the trail of trash. we showed you how pennsylvania companies have imported more garbage than any other state. so why are some neighbors happy to live in the shadow of the landfills? we'll show you how trash equals cash for one local community. and i'm tracking a frigid night across the delaware valley. feels like temperatures right now, single digits for mount pocono. it's going to feel colder through the overnight hours. i do have your most accurate forecast coming up. and breaking news, just in to nbc 10, the thousands of drivers who use the delaware river bridge every day, will have to wait at least two more months before it reopens. next all new at 5:00, the nbc 10 investigators have uncovered new details from engineers on what may have caused the crack on that bridge. right now at 5:00, breaking developments on the delaware river bridge. we have just learned drivers will be kept off the bridge until at least april. >> this bridge connects two of the biggest roads in the country, it's been closed for the last two weeks. now the pennsylvania turn pike says it could reopen in april. >> a giant crack was found on the bridge. when did it get there and how? nbc 10 has been digging through the inspections records. >> mitch blocker has been uncovering new information on what may have caused the failure. >> reporter: it's the crack creating havoc for drivers locally and a possible safety concern nationwide. >> have you ever seen this type of weld fail? >> no. i personally have not. >> reporter: the pennsylvania turnpike's chief engineer is talking about a plug weld which was used in the 1950's and 60's. they're not just on the delaware river turnpike bring but from bridges from that era across the country. escne e they are waiting for analysis to see how serious the issue might be. >> we think that's part

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