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In roseburg, oregon. The shooter, Chris Harper Mercer, is also dead. Witnesses say the gunman asked the students their religion and specifically targeted ones who were christians. We are the only advanced country on earth that sees these kinds of Mass Shootings every few months right now Hurricane Joaquin is pounding the bahamas. It is a powerful category four storm and winds near 130 miles an hour. State and local officials along the east coast preparing for the worst. The latest forecast suggests they may dodge a bullet. 11 americans have been killed in the crash of a military transport plane in eastern afghanistan. The troops are now on the ground in syria as russia continues its air strike on rebelheld territories. We dont believe they thats a problem. Benjamin netanyahu blasting the nuclear deal with on. He stared at the delegation for 45 seconds. After their passenger jet encounters severe turbulence over miami. It was a scary thing. All that. What happens when Sorority Sisters go to a baseball game . Take selfies he has a running lane and takes it to the end zone for the touchdown. Tucker for the victory. The ravens pull it off in pittsburgh. And all that matters. I havent had the time to feel, let alone think about everything. Im sure its proof for everybody out there. We can only express our grief for the people who were lost. On cbs this morning. We cant explain what happened or why this happened or how it continues to keep happening but we wanted you to know that our on thoughts and our prayers are with you. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by toyota. Lets go places. Welcome to cbs this morning. Another community is waking up in shock after a Deadly School shooting. This morning, investigators in southwest oregon are trying to learn why it happened. Thursdays rampage at Umpqua Community college left ten people dead and seven wounded. One of the dead is the gunman who was killed during a shootout with police. Survivors and their families say the killer asked people if they were christians. They would stand up and he said, good, because youre a christian, youre going to see god in just about one second. And then he shot and killed them. All of the victims were in snider hall on the campus in southwest oregon and John Blackstone is at the college in roseburg. John, good morning. Reporter good morning. This campus is now a crime scene and been ordered closed until monday. The gunmans motive is still unclear but what is clear is the devastating impact his actions have had on this tightknit community. The doors shooting through the door. We do have one female that has been shot at this time. Reporter the first sign of trouble on the umpqua campus was around 10 30 thursday morning. Minutes late, the scope of the shooters rampage was clear. We have upwards of 20 victims. Reporter this student says her teacher heard loud noises in the classroom next door. She said, hey, is everyone okay over there . As soon as she said that, multiple shots were fired. And when she turned and she looked at the classroom, the look on her face was horrifying and that is when i knew something was wrong. There were three more loud bangs, three or four, and we all recognized they were gunshots. When she looked at us, she said we have to get out now. Reporter Law Enforcement arrived on the scene five minutes after the first 911 call. We do know that we have at least two heroic officers who responded into the building within minutes and exchanged gunfire with the suspect. Reporter seven minutes after police got to the campus, the gunman was dead. The suspect is down. We have got multiple gunshots wounds. We are going to need multiple ambulances on scene. They will live forever in our hearts. Reporter hundreds of people attended a candlelight vigil in roseburg thursday night. This is who we are here. This is who we are. Not what happened today. Reporter certainly a lot of tears shed at that vigil last night. Oregons governor has ordered that flags at all state buildings here be flown at halfstaff until sunset today. Gayle . Thank you, john. The heroes at Umpqua Community college were not all wearing badges. The family of one student, chris mint, says he rushed the gun plan to try and stop him. The army veteran is one of the for their wounds. Maria villarreal is at the hospital. Reporter three of the critical female patients were actually taken up north to a town called springfield. Chris mint didnt run away from the gunfire according to his family. He tried to protect his classmates. Tried to block the door to keep the gunman from coming in. He shot three times, hit the floor, looked up at the gunman and says, its my sons birthday today. He shot two more times. Reporter mint survived the shooting but spent most of the day in surgery. Vital signs are okay. I mean, he is going to have to learn to walk again but he walked away this time and that is more than seven other people did. Reporter boylan survived the shooting but in Critical Condition after a bullet passed near her spine. Movement in her legs. On thursday night, students and Community Members of the small town were still visibly shaken. I heard a couple of, like, loud noises. I didnt hear any gunshots. I heard screaming. I dont know who all passed away, so i dont know if its one of my family members or friends in there. Reporter grief counseling was set up for the students and staff at the school. There was also a fund set up for the victims of the shooting. Later this morning, we are expected to get an update from the hospital. As far as all of the patients that are still here recovering. The local sheriff refuses to say the name of the gunman Chris Harper Mercer. He told reporters, quote, i will not give him the credit he probably sought prior to this horrific and cowardly act. Investigators say mercer had a bulletproof vest during the shootings. He brought four guns with him. Jeff pegues is in washington with new details about the suspect. Reporter good morning. Investigators have been talking to Chris Harper Mercers family and scouring his Digital Media accounts for a trail leading up to the shooting. Cbs news investigators have learned they found white supremacist literature and potential evidence connected to the gunman who appeared ready for a siege and a gun battle to the end. A Law Enforcement source tells cbs news mercer carried extra ammunition and magazines with him on his way to the shooting rampage. Authorities spent hours combing through an apartment in winchester, oregon. State Law Enforcement could be seen searching for evidence left behind. Investigators say 26yearold Chris Harper Mercer committed the crime using three handguns and an assault rifle. His myspace profile holds him holding a rifle, the barrel pointed up. He here is mercers father. Just shocked at what happened today. Ive just been talking to the police and the fbi. Obviously, its gun a devastating day. Devastating for me and my family. Reporter mercer left a social footprint on a torrance website where a blog, writing about a police shooting, mercer said last month, killing an officer that never did anything to you is not the answer. In august, he weighed in on the shooting of two Television Journalists in roanoke, virginia, saying of that gunman, a man who was known by no one is now known by everyone. Seems the more people you kill, the more youre in the limelight. Mercer had strong ties to california. He used to live with his mother in this apartment in torrance in unit number 9 before the pair moved to oregon. Former neighbors said mercer was quiet and enjoyed shooting for sport. He actually did say that he used to go shooting at some range. I dont know where it was. Reporter mercers social media accounts are filled with the Irish Republic army. His sistersister said he was born in the uk and came to the u. S. As a young boy. On a date website he claimed he was conservative and he didnt like organized religion. Jeff, thank you. The news of the School Shootings is hitting hard across the country in the wake of previous attacks. At the white house, a very frustrated president obama called on voters to demand stronger gun laws. He said thoughts and prayers for the victims are not enough. Somehow, this has become routine the reporting is routine, my response here at this podium ends up being routine, the conversation in the aftermath of it, we have become numb to this. We have talked about this after columbine and blacksburg, after aurora, after charleston. It cannot be this easy for somebody who wants to inflict harm on other people to get his or her hands on a gun. It was the 15th time, the 15th time president obama spoke to the nation after a mass shooting. Ahead, we are going to show you how his reactions have moved from sorrow to rage. A lot of people feel that. Fears this morning that Hurricane Joaquin will grow stronger as it moves closer to the united states. Joaquin is now a category four storm. It is hammering the bahamas with heavy flooding and winds around 130 miles an hour. New information suggests that joaquin may avoid landfall in the united states, but the wind, the rain, the flooding and rip currents could still affect millions along the eastern seaboard. At least 11 states along the coast are in danger of the floods. Weather channel anchor and in seaside heights, new jersey, where a state of emergency is in effect. I wish you had better news but good to see you. Good morning. Reporter good morning. We have some good news in this system is a driveby but still bad effects here. Youre looking at the pier at seaside heights. People will remember the iconic shot of the ferris wheel and roller coaster that sank into the water during sandy in october of 2012. This area is still trying to hard to rebuild. Let me show you one of the things they are worried about as we talk about the high wind warning in this area as they put the berms up. 35mileperhour winds most of the night and 60mileperhour is through the night. Its just been shoving the strong wind on the coastline along with these wave. Wave heights could get as high as 20 feet today and they are looking at extra water pushing on the shore line. Not only on the new jersey shore but to the carolina coastline and talking into sunday. The big concern here as you might lose some of this beautiful beach. The good news is we are not going to have a lot of damage to our winds will be strong and steady. This storm is not going to hit the u. S. Coastline and certainly not going to be a problem here. But its the winds, the water at high tide, gayle, and everybody is trying to get ready and watch this storm go by. Thank you, sam. This morning, many parts of the east already dealing with flooding. Hurricane joaquin could make things worse in places like south carolina. Is in charleston where inches of rain could come the next coming days. David, good morning. Reporter good morning. South carolina is under a state of emergency and it has nothing to do with Hurricane Joaquin. Already schools are closed near charleston. City government is shut down for the day and people are preparing for what the National Weather service says could be potentially lifethreatening flash flooding over the next 72 hours. Where we are on ashley street in the historic portion of downtown charleston, it is closed. The hospital is behind me. There are other streets leading to the hospital that are open. Statewide, people are dealing with flooded streets and roadways and one woman died after her vehicle became submerged in water. In spar tanburg, a collar dealership was damaged and more than 50 vehicles received water. In charleston workers waited in deep water to deliver sandbags to people who were fearful the flooding may reach their home. The bottom line is this. Regardless of what happens with Hurricane Joaquin, forecasters say it could be a perfect storm. A combination of high tide and a storm that originated near the gulf of mexico pushing to the northeast, that this weekend could bring historic rainfall to the charming southern city. David, thank you so much. Chief weather caster lonnie quinn of our new york station wcbs is tracking this storm. Bahamas under 130mileperhour winds yesterday and still under that this morning. This thing is still a category four hurricane. The pressure right now is at 935 millibars. That is the strongest storm we have had in six years. The track has been pushing further and further to the east. I want to show you the most current track we have from the National Hurricane center. As of last night at 11 00 we were not in the cone and now its pushed further to the east. The only land mass even has a possibility of a landfall is nova scotia. Even if it does not come to shore the wind field extends 230, 240 miles and over a hundred miles from the center and still wind effects. That is it. Talk later. This morning, american Officials Say enemy fire is not suspected in a deadly u. S. Military plane crash in afghanistan. It happened at Jalalabad Air field. Six americans on the aircraft were killed. Elizabeth palmer is following developments from london on. Reporter good morning. Well, the crash happened just past midnight during or shortly after takeoff. The huge transport plane, a c130 like this one, didnt even clear the perimeter of Jalalabad Air base. Six Service Members were killed, along with five civilian contractors and unfortunate to three afghan civilians. The military personnel were part of the u. S. Led litigation that is mission that is still in afghanistan. The taliban claimed they shot down the c130 but the pentagon is saying there is simply no evidence of that. This crash comes in the same week as a Major Taliban offense managed to capture a city in northern afghanistan. U. S. Special forces were called in there to help drive the taliban out. Back in jalalabad. Investigators are now looking at the wreckage of the plane, trying to figure out what it was that went wrong. Charlie . Thanks, elizabeth. A russian lawmaker says this morning his countrys air attacks in syria could last for three or four months. Russian war planes hit targets this morning for a Third Straight day. Sources inside syria say the russians are now attacking areas held by isis. Holly williams is along turkeys syrian border. Reporter good morning. Russia says its air strikes have destroyed a command center and Training Camp in the issuing sis strong hold of roca. Two days after russia launched strikes in syria the u. S. Has accused raush of indiscriminately bombing the syrian opposition. Russia says its air strikes in syria will only intensify and could lost four months. Moscow joined the Syrian Civil War claiming it would target isis, yet many of the russian air strikes so far had hit areas well outside of isiscontrolled. In northern syria, russian air planes have compounded groups linked to al qaeda but moderate rebels were supported by the u. S. This video posted on the internet appears to show the aftermath of a russian strike on americanbacked opposition fighters. Syrias deadly civil war is now even more dangerous with both the u. S. And russia launching air strikes but supporting different sides. Colonel ab dull jabba is a rebel commander in syrias u. S. Backed opposition. The russians are occupiers, he told us. They are attacking anyone who is fighting against the syrian regime. As russian air strikes attack u. S. Backed rebels, the cnn told us he has given up hope that america will intervene. I dont think president obama is sincere, he told us. The americans let us down and i dont trust them. U. S. And russian officials spoke yesterday in an effort to reduce the risk of an accidental collision in syrian air space. The russian president Vladimir Putin will meet in paris today germany which have both called for russia to stop its strike on syrian rebels. Really interesting reporting. Holly williams in turkey, thank you so much. Concussions have taken the spotlight in football as the serious threat to players, but there are rising concerns about a different kind of injury. Parents of a young player who died reveal thank you nora. Good morning everyone. In the city we have drops on the lens, light rain here. 53. It is the wind. The wind is going to be as much of a menace today. Gusty wind out of the north northeast. Heavy rain filling in through parts of maryland and delaware. That is affiliated with a low that will continue to head into our area, so we see stronger winds, potential for coastal flooding, left over showers saturday. Lets go places. 60 minutes lets a driverless car take control. I must admit, i find it a little desertisconcerting that youre driving toward the freeway and wheels. Ill put them back on to make you feel comfortable. I hear you, bill. How carmakers are trying to catch up with google to get Driverless Technology on the road. The news is back in the morning right here on cbs this morning. Announcer this portion of cbs this morning sponsored by fastsigns. More than fast. More than signs. Terry bradshaw . What a surprise you know what else is a surprise . Shingles. And how it can hit you out of nowhere. I know. I had it. Cmon lets sit down and talk about it. And did you know that one in three people will get shingles . all no. Thats why im reminding people if you had chickenpox then the shingles virus is already inside you. all oooh. Whos had chickenpox . Scoot over. And look that nasty rash can pop up anywhere and the pain can be even worse than it looks. About a vaccine that can help prevent shingles. Lowes presents how to save energy. Wow. Insulating the house made our heating bill really small. How small . Tiny. Now get 20 off select roll insulation at lowes. Thats a firstrate queso dip havent been this lost in years gps recalculating shortest route do i really look like this . Never seen this one before chicken parm you taste so good i like it. Mmm mmm mmm mm mmm mm mmmmmm my cut hurt. Mine hurt more. Mine stopped hurting faster neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. Fights the pain. Use with bandaid brand. Dove wants you to unleash the beauty of your curls. 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So theyre more engaged, with fewer high health risks and lower medical costs. Take control of your health at cigna dot com slash take control. For over 30 years, in study after study, advil is unsurpassed in pain relief. Nothing is proven stronger on aches and pains than advil. Not tylenol. Not aleve. Nothing. Relief doesnt get any better than this. Advil. Ahead, a couple whose son was killed in a Football Game raises awareness about a little understood risk to players. The vatican issues a new the record straight abo good morning it is 7 26. Im chris wragge. Heavy rain lets get over to jon elliott. Johnny . Reporter first off it is cool, only 53 degrees. Numbers are going to stay in the mid50s throughout the day. Low 50s for long island. Some 40s north and west. 54 for the jersey shore. Where we are concerned about, after the breaks, the heavy rain filling in. Light to moderate rain in our area right now. The low to the south, the low heads to the north, and when it does, it obviously brings in heavier rain but also the wind will continue and intensify. We have a flood advisory for the city of long island, connecticut and a warning for the jersey shore. Also high wind watches and jersey shore, with 40 to 50 Miles Per Hour winds anticipated. Joaquin, still a category 4, but it looks to be moving off to the north and east. Impacts of that possibly the first part of next week but exercise caution today. Chris . The mta is getting ready. Crews in Lower Manhattan have been putting wood over street grates hoping to protect the subway system from potential flooding. In new jersey governor christie has declared a state of emergency with hundreds of state workers placed on standby. Garden state gas stations are better prepared than in Superstorm Sandy when many lost power. Many buy backup generators in case power does go out. A developing story on long island. Police are searching for answers after a woman was found dead at a home in lake grove. Investigators are not releasing her identity but suggest she was married to a man with ties to the nypd. Would like to talk to him but they cannot find him. Another man was in the home on wind place and has been interviewed. Police say they responded to a 911 call. Im chris wragge. We are back with another update in 25 minutes. Cbs this morning is back, right welcome back to. The Oregon College shooting once again let the president to address gun violence. He says it is wrong for deadly shootings like this that have become routine. As i said just a few months ago, and i said a few months before that, and i said each time we see one of these Mass Shootings, our thoughts and prayers are not enough. Its not enough. According to the washington post, this may surprise you, this staesktistic. Every week of his second term has seen a mass shooting somewhere in america. Major garrett it at the white house and he looks how the president s responses have it is impossible to sum up the president s reactions to what he views as an epidemic of mass gun violence on his watch. But by can start with this belief. Compassion, frustration, and evolving anger. Reporter after the aurora, colorado, Movie Theater massacre massacre, president obama blade the role of grief kournlcounselor. We may never understand what leads somebody to terrorize their fellow human beings like this. Such evil and violence is senseless. Its beyond reason. Reporter after sandy hook, the day the president called his worse in office, mr. Obama struggled with a loss of words to help a nation cope. I know theres not a parent in america who doesnt feel the same overwhelming grief that i do. Reporter it was then mr. Obama turned toward gun control, an issue he had marginalized before sandy hook. We are going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics. Reporter then pro gun rights senators killed the bill. Mr. Obama stood with sandy hook families in the rose garden and, for the first time, flashed some anger. There were no coherent arguments why we would do this. It came down to politics reporter after the Charleston Church shooting mr. Obamas patience had gotten thin. Ive had to make statements like this too many times. It is in our power to do something about it. I say that recognizing the politics in this town foreclose a lot of those avenues right now. Reporter yesterday after more than a dozen statements on the president identified a deeper, more complex dynamic behind the political paralysis. The reporting is routine. My response here at this podium ends up being routine. What is also routine is that somebody, somewhere, will comment and say obama politicized this issue. Well, this is something we should politicize reporter the president also used word yesterday numb. He fears the nation has come to accept the unimaginable and somehow found a way to take the shock and sadness in stride. Charlie, for a presidency that began with concept around hope and change, president obama finds little of either here. Thanks, major. Fantastic report to understand the anger and the depth of the emotion of the president of the united states. Yes. The sense of almost powerlessness to contain. You could really feel his frustration. And a lot of people woke up this morning and asked that exact same question how much longer . Enough is enough is enough. Its become routine. The word routine. The word routine scares me too. Coming up we will take you back to the shooting scene in oregon oregon. Now time to show you other headlines. Hackers stealing personal data. Tmobile customers and it hacked at experian which processed tmobile credit applications. As many as 15 Million People are affected. The data theft happened over the last two years. Personal information, including Social Security numbers is at risk. Usa today reports on Kevin Mccarthy clarifying controversial comments. Critics say he politicized the benghazi to hillary clinton. He says the sole purpose is to find the truth about the deadly attacks in 2012. It was never my intention to ever imply that this committee was political because we all know the not. Mccarthy add the the benghazi clintons use of a private email server. The pope chimed in on a controversial meeting with kentucky clerk kim davis. The vatican said it should not be a form of support for her position. The vatican says that francis, quote, did not enter into the details of the davis situation when he briefly met her in washington last week. Davis refuses to grant marriage licenses to samesex couples. The Seattle Times reports on amazon. Com stopping sales of rival streaming media players. The online retailer will stop selling Google Chrome cast and apple tv devices at the end of the move and they say they are makinge inging move to avoid their prime avoid service. The app is not available on google or comcast tv. Three High School Players died from gamerelated injuries last month in high school football. 16 have died since 2014. Their family lost their son when a hit caused his liver to rupture. Now the couple is educating coaches and players. Mark strassmann is outside atlanta with more. Reporter good morning. Players safety has footballs focus from the nfl to pop warner football for little kid. With the emphasis on concussion and preventing helmettohelmet hits, tackling now is often lower between the shoulders and the knees. But that opens up a new potentially fatal worry. Watch as 15yearold receiver taylor hogan reached for a pass in 2008. Two tacklers hit him, one from the front and another from the back. He staggered off the florida field. They lied him down on the bench and he was losing color at that point. Reporter did you know that this was really bad . I was praying that it wasnt as bad as i thought it was. Reporter taylor died the next day from a massive liver rupture. He was brian and kathys only child. Could you ever have imagined playing football . Never. No. It was his passion. He loved the sport of football. Reporter the risk of internal injuries, was that even on your radar . No. No. It wasnt. Now i look at it and its like, why did i not see this . Its an entire area of their all. Reporter abdominal injuries, blows to the liver, kidneys and spleen, are a new wave of worry in a sport adapting to the threat of head injuries. I think we are going to have the lower abdomen and the ribs and the chest be more targeted. Reporter at Childrens Health care of atlanta, dr. David marble is a Sports Medicine specialist. So that is good for the head, that is good for concussions, but might not be so good for the liver and the spleen. High school, the family handed out these shirts to the football team. The shirt molds a polymer padding around the players midsection. You can throw this shirt into the washing machine. Reporter all players got a shirt. From the varsity to the thirdstring team. The family organized a foundation to help High School Teams but they are frustrated that no one now tracks how often these injuries occur. Kathy had this message for football parents. We are childs advocate because you cannot count on school administration, coaches, athletic trainers, really anyone who is going to protect and has your childs best interests more than you are. Reporter this is the shirt which retails for about 80 bucks. Padding is here and here to the hogans and their foundation usually split the cost with schools 50 50 and they have so far given our shirts to seven schools in six states. The pain they felt. Im glad they are bringing attention to this because i hasnt thought of that lack of protection in that area. Where do i get that shirt . Thank you, mark. We have all been told keep your hands on the wheel while driving. You remember 10 00 and 2 00 they used to tell you in class . Up next, Driverless Technology where the opposite is encouraged. If youre heading off to work, wend you have work to do and you have a life. We invite you to set your dvr. You can watch cbs this morning any time you feel like it. We will be right back. Constant massive feel next. Expected wait time 55 minutes. Your call is important to us. Thank you for your patience. Waiter in the nation, we know how it feels when you arent treated like a priority. We do things differently. Well take care of it. We put members first. Join the nation. Thank you. Nationwide is on your side heart healths important. So you may. Take an omega3 supplement. But its the ingredients inside that really matter for heart health. New bayer pro ultra omega3 has two times the concentration of epa and dha as the leading omega3 supplement. New bayer pro ultra omega3. Lowes presents how to save energy. Wow. Insulating the house how small . Tiny. Now get 20 off select roll insulation at lowes. Youre unpacking already . Yeah, help me find some mugs. Sure. beep hey. O. K. Theyll do. Wake up to the mountain grown aroma of folgers. The best part of wakin up so, where do you want to start . I think this is a pretty good place. Is folgers in your cup guapo doesnt know hes eating natural food made with real quality ingredients, no soy, wheat or corn. All he knows is, there will be no crumb left petsmart has a wide selection of natural foods. Right now, save up to 7 on select bags of dry dog food. Petsmart. Morning ted scott ready to hit some balls . Ooh hey buddy, whats up . This is what it can be like to have shingles. Oh, man. A painful, blistering rash. If you had chickenpox, the shingles virus is already inside you. 1 in 3 people will get shingles in their lifetime. After almost 3 weeks, i just really wanted to give it a shot. You know, im not feeling it today. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist today the Technology Behind Driverless Cars has accelerated over the last few years. Google sparked the trend and the selfdriving cars is here the last six years. Bill whitaker is in Silicon Valley with another Company Testing its driverless car. Reporter what do you have to do to make the car take over . I pull the lever and now it goes. Reporter Computer Scientist ralph runs Autonomous Vehicle research for mercedesbenz. He punch inside a route and took us to a 20mile drive on city streets and highways in this companys s500. This is like no hands, no feet, car is in charge . The car is in charge. Reporter right from the start, the car astonished us. As we approached our first intersection it slowed down and veered into the lefthand lane. Its a german car, so, naturally, it has a german accent. That was the voice of his secretary. It took off by itself when the light turned green and now its making a left turn by itself with other traffic around. Its absolutely amazing. Reporter just two minutes into the ride, we entered a freeway onramp. If you think a normal merge is nerve wrecking, try it with a driver talking with his hands. I must admit i find it a little disconcerting we are driving towards the freeway and you dont have your hand on the wheel. Ill put them back on if it makes you feel more comfortable. Reporter he gave us a rare opportunity to go on a test run near the mercedes Silicon Valley lab. Nissan has teamed up with nasa. Delfi into this audi and the first to drive itself across the country. Back at that merge, dont hold your breath for the car to step on it. This s500 wont break the speed limit. Youll have little old ladies driving up behind you to deep your horn get going, keep moving . Some people have remarks that the car itself, in some cases, drives like an old lady. That is fine with us for the time being. You can see bill whitakers selfdriving road test and what the nations top auto regulator has to say about this new new jersey. New technology. That is this sunday on 60 minutes. If it avoids fatalities, that is a good thing. A new app to give you reviews about people you know. What would you give me, gayle . An 8. That is out of fire stars. Look at these girls. More than one camera was on this group of selfie taking Sorority Sister thank you. If blast is a criticism then our weather is a blast. It is going to be nasty. Speaking of driving, 10 and 2, make sure you are ready, hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. Localized flooding this afternoon light rain in the area right now and you can see an area of low pressure that is going to roll in. The concern with the wind is coastal flooding, possibly beach erosion but with pockets of heavy rain, could see west later today and tonight. This test paper represents proteins in your skin. Watch it react to direct contact with ordinary soap. Soap weakens the proteins. Dove is different. With < moisturizing cream and mild cleansers that pain right here, the bloating, diarrhea; ive dealt with it for years. All you can think about is where is the closest bathroom and how can i avoid embarrassing myself . A gastroenterologist told me that my symptoms were Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea, ibsd. It may be caused by changes in my gut. And that i can do something about it. It was the greatest news. Ask your gastroenterologist if your symptoms could be ibsd and learn about prescription treatment options. When cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. Only nicorette mini has a patented fastdissolving formula. It starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. I never know when ill need relief. Every girl in the picture is locked into her phone. Oh, boy. Every single one is dialed in. Welcome to parenting in 2015. They are just all completely taken in by the technology. Hold on. I have to take a selfie with the hot dog. Selfie with this. Selfie just to have a selfie. Peralta peralta he knocks it into center. Tonight 2 for 2 and a leadoff single here in the fourth and nobody noticed broadcasters call out this sisters at wednesdays diamondbacks game. It could be arizona. To get their latest selfie. I dont understand why people take a selfie and do that pouty mouth. What does that mean . Nobody looks good doing that nobody is the point of a selfie to look good . You want to look cute coming up the latest on Hurricane Joaquin. We will be right back. Certain diabetes pills or daily insulin, your doctor may be talking about adding medication to help lower your a1c. Ask your doctor if adding onceaweek tanzeum is right for you. 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Com to learn if you may be eligible to receive tanzeum free for 12 months. Make every week a tanzeum week. The holidays bring many challenges to the feet. By day, they must stay warm. But by night, beautiful, smoother and ready to impress the other party animals. Good morning, it is 7 56 on this friday october 2nd. Im chris wragge. Lets get right to your forecast. Heres jon elliott with more. Johnny . Reporter coastal rain in the area, temperatures 50 to 52. That is about it. Only in the mid50s this afternoon, a cool, raw, wet, windy day. You see that light rain in the city through queens into brooklyn and nassau county, more throughout long island and as we focus to the south. The area of low pressure rides along the front. The wind is going to fill in. Northeast, gusts between 40 and 50 Miles Per Hour. With that wind concerns about flooding along the jersey shore. It is a warning there. Already some flooding going on. Persistent wind, and we could see beach erosion. High winds. Joaquin is coming in, on the other hand, first part of next week. John thanks so much. On long island preparations include a fleet of humvee that his can make it through high water, along with other emergency vehicles. Stock up on emergency supplies and take it seriously if you are ordered to evacuate. The city of yonkers is providing sandbags to residents to protect properties from potential flooding. Mayor mike spanno directed all the Emergency Department to prepare for a response. Police are searching for answers after a woman was found dead at a home in lake grove. Investigators are not releasing her identity but suggest she was married to a man with ties to the nypd. Members of the homicide squad would like to talk to him but they can not find him. There is no information yet on the cause of the womans death. Police say they responded to a 911 call. Im chris wragge. We are back with another local update in 25 minutes. Up next. Good morning. Its friday, october 2nd, 2015. Welcome back to cbs this morning. There is more real news ahead, including the search for answers after another deadly shooting rampage. Why did the killer ask his victims if they were christian . First, heres a look at todays eye opener at 8 00. This campus is a crime scene and ordered closed until monday. The gunmans motive is still unclear. Initially all of the shooting victims were brought here to Mercy Medical center in roseburg. Cbs news has learned that investigators found white supremacist literature and potential evidence connected to the gunman. It isnt possible to sum up all of president obamas reaction what he says is a massive gun violence while on if comes ashore, its over a hundred miles toward the center. Looking at extra water pushing on the shore line and not just here on the jrsersey shore but on the carolina coastline. Schools are closed. The crash happened past midnight during or shortly after takeoff. Six Service Members were killed along with five civilian contractors and up to three afghan civilians. After moscow began launching crimes the u. S. Has accused the russians of bombing the im charlie rose with gayle king and norah odonnell. Investigators are finding new clues after the deadly shooting in southwest oregon. People across the country are stunned by this latest rampage. A lone gunman killed nine people and wounded seven others at Umpqua Community college. The suspect Chris Harper Mercer was killed during a police shootout. Hundreds of people gathered last night at a vigil. They held their candles high and tried to make sense of a terrible act of violence. John blackstone is at the campus in roseburg, oregon. John, good morning. Reporter good morning. Well, the campus behind me here is closed until monday morning, while investigators try to determine exactly what happened here. The first sign that something was wrong came at 10 38 on thursday morning, when authorities received a call that there was an active shooter situation. Less than ten minutes after that initial 911 call, the gunman was dead. Survivors and their families say the killer asked people if they were christians before he shot them. Officers searched students backpacks for weapons and used dogs to check cars in the parking lot. Students were then taken on school buses to a local fairgrounds where they were reunited with loved ones. But for many of those waiting, there were several tense hours, not knowing who had survived. John, thank you. Oregon Governor Kate Brown joined Community Members at last nights vigil. She spoke with our Digital Network cbsn this morning about the need for better gun control. Its very clear that we must do Everything Possible to end these horrific tragedies. That conversation for the days ahead, we must stop this senseless violence. President obama said that the Mass Shootings have become routine and so has the coverage. Even his own response. The president said the failure to achieve gun control has been the greatest frustration of his presidency. What has become routine, of course, is the response of those who oppose any kind of common sense gun legislation. Right now, i can imagine the press release is being cranked out. We need more guns, they will argue. Fewer gun safety laws. Does anybody really believe that . I hope and pray that i dont have to come out again during my tenure as president to offer my condolences to families under the circumstances. But based on my experience as president , i cant guarantee that. And it can change. Cbs news reached out to the nra for reaction to the shooting and the president s remarks. A spokesman told us that, right now, quote, they have for comment. Our coverage of the Oregon College shootings will continue through the day on our Digit Network cbsn. Five states this morning under states of emergency in anticipation of Hurricane Joaquin. It is now a category four storm with winds around 130 miles an hour. The latest forecast shows joaquin may not make landfall in the united states. Still, it could bring heavy rain and flash flooding to millions along the east coast. Many areas are still struggling after a week of west weather. Weather channel anchor and managing editor sam champion is in seaside heights, new jersey. Good morning. Reporter good morning, charlie. Right here in seaside heights, its hard to believe that joaquin is so far away. We are trapped between two weather patterns. A giant high to the north and joaquin to the south and that is driving on these very strong onshore winds. Take a look at the waves out there. Right now 7 to 11 foot waves and some concern they will get up to 20 feet with these waves so they have been berming along the coastline here and key intersections to keep water from getting into the town. Look up here at the pier here in seaside heights. One of the most iconic views during Hurricane Sandy in october of 2012 when the ferris wheel and also the roller coaster sank into the water and they are trying to protect this. High Wind Warnings throughout sunday. Lonnie quinn of wcbs is tracking Hurricane Joaquin and its changing paths. The 8 00 numbers are so lets get to it. Enter the National Hurricane center no big changes in term of the strength of the system and still 130mileperhour winds crawling to the northwest and making a northerly turn and we need to see that take place. All for this to make a u. S. Landfall . Take a look at a number of the models. The bulk, the consensus goes offshore and still three if not four that give us a chance at a u. S. Landfall. The National Hurricane center fofs focuses on the more models here. No portion of the u. S. In the cone here. That is a good thing. Big rain is expected today around south carolina, maybe North Carolina as well and we will follow all of it. Back to you. Thank you, lonnie. Here is a question. Are you ready to be rated . Nope. An app that lets your friend, your coworkers and even your romantic post a view of you online. Are you ready to be rated . Charlie said, yes, i am your local weather. Ahead a murder mystery began as an accident investigation. Im jim axelrod of 48 hours. A prominent doctor is accused of murdering his wife. The key witness . His own daughter. Oh, my god what did jenna see . That is coming up on cbs this morning. Your journey isnt about a single destination. Its about everything your corolla can reveal to you along the way. The surprises you find 200 feet in front of you there are endless destinations waiting for you to find them. Discover more in a corolla. Toyota. Lets go places. Look like this. Feel like this. Look like this. Feel like this. With dreamwalk insoles, turn shoes that can be a pain into comfortable ones. Their soft cushioning support means you can look like this. And feel like this. Ahh. Yeah ahh. Ahh. Ah. You probably say it a million times a day. Ahh. Ahh ahh. Ahh but at cigna, we want to help everyone say it once a year. Say ahh. Ahh. Cigna medical plans cover one hundred percent of your innetwork annual checkup. So america, lets go. Know. Ahh and take control of your health. Cigna. Together, all the way. Fi gesouptnsitth faesinrn a wfiaiblfr 5to00pb anwee t stalngwnad wrealngqu upadpes,oo yocaupadou fari veoupo fteth cleusitthfi milap u n ewouenrtnmt he,r t gbuthma rsotoetio rrad mb 1n stertiacon rit w,et0 g osteettv pnearngt 9. Aon,arte f t yrsuset35ba wh tw argrme. T t t pt. Etio a prominent doctor who delivered thousands of babies accused of taking a life. Dr. Robert neulander claimed his wifes death was an accident but prosecutors accused him of murder. 48 hours correspondent jim axelrod shows how the doctors own daughter was key to the case because she was there. Reporter inside this grand home near syracuse, new york. Get out was unfolding. [ screaming ] reporter 23yearold jennan neulander frantically called 911. Jennas father dr. Robert neulander are hscreamed to her for help. He said he just found his wife on the floor of the shower. With jenna on the call, dr. Neulander moved his wife to better perform cpr, he said. [ screaming ] reporter 61yearold Leslie Neulander was pronounced dead at the scene. She had suffered a massive head injury. Her death in september of 2012 was ruled an accident. She slipped and fell in the shower, accidental death. Right. Reporter case closed . Not at all. Reporter the District Attorney fitzpatrick had questions about the death scene. Why was there so much blood on the walls . A site that startled jenna. Oh, my god, there is blood everywhere dr. Neulander said it got there when he was carrying his wife from the bathroom to the bedroom some 60 feet away to perform cpr. There is more red flags than a bull fight going off in my head when i hear that store. Reporter also suspicious was blood splatter that was found on the headboard and blind and the wall near the bed. The doctor was asked about that. Do you have any explanation as to how that blood got on the walls . No. Reporter but karen green, a blood splatter expert for the prosecution, says she does. I was able to recreate with an impact scenario all of the splatter that i saw in this bedroom. Reporter its impact . The d. A. Believes that dr. Neulander moved his wife to the shower to make it look like an accident. Nearly two years after her death, the doctor was charged with the murder. The key witness for both sides in the case . The doctors daughter. She was very, very important to the outcome of this case. Oh, my god my mommy wow. Jim axelrod is with us now. We are sitting here talking about this. It is a riveting story. What is the daughters view here . Could you imagine being the daughter your beloved mother has died and its ruled an accident, and then the prosecutors come back and say your father did it . Yet she walks into court arm in arm with him and becomes the crucial witness in the entire case. What did she say . She says she testifies that she was called by her father and she backs her fathers story. To this day . Yes. And they believe strongly in that. This whole thing might have remained an accident had it not been for some of the gossip among the neighbors. One of the neighbors was the former in examiner for the syracuse area and pushed for the file to get looked at again. Tease. That blood splatter is very tough to see, very tough. Very good story. You can watch jims whole report the doctors daughter on 48 hours tomorrow night starting at 10 00, 9 00 central here on cbs. The executive producer of that show. It is a Fabulous Program susan does it again and again and again. A southern fast food legend tries to make a big splash in new york. Ahead, a sneak peek inside chickfilas First Standalone restaurant in the city that never sleeps. Plus, why it will be closed on sunday. Youre watching cbs this morning. Your local news is coming up nobody told me to expect it. Intercourse thats painful due to menopausal changes. Its not likely to go away on its own. So lets do something about it. Premarin vaginal cream can help. It provides estrogens to help rebuild vaginal tissue and make intercourse more comfortable. Premarin vaginal cream treats vaginal changes due to menopause and moderatetosevere painful intercourse caused by these changes. Dont use it if youve had unusual vaginal bleeding, breast or uterine cancer, blood clots, liver problems, stroke or heart attack, are allergic to any of its ingredients or think youre pregnant. Side effects may include headache, pelvic pain, breast pain, vaginal bleeding and vaginitis. Estrogens may increase your chances of getting cancer of the uterus, strokes, blood clots, or dementia, so use it for the shortest time based on goals and risks. Estrogens should not be used to prevent heart disease, heart attack, stroke or dementia. Ask your doctor about premarin vaginal cream. wolves howling when heartburn comes creeping up on you. Fight back with relief so smooth and fast. Tums smoothies starts dissolving the instant it touches your tongue. And neutralizes stomach acid at the source. Tumtumtumtumtums we are the largest and most Diverse School district in america yet we are one one point one Million Students one thousand eight hundred schools sharing one common goal. Help all kids succeed. Were new York City Public School teachers. Taking learning to the next level. And parents and the community are on board all coming together. As one. To celebrate the passion and promise of our public schools. Im michael mulgrew, president of the United Federation of teachers. Cmon join us allow to give zero to fivestar ratings for their friends and acquaintances and it works like this. If you join that site, you get zero stars. All right, seth. I agree that is seth meyers having fun with a soon to be released yelp for humans. Stars to anybody they know and judge them in romance is among those topics. Michelle miller is here to explain why its creators are moving forward despite the backlash. Good morning. Reporter the two women behind the app have been Close Friends for nearly 15 years. They say they know Online Reviews can be cruel and meanspirited so they built in safeguards to ensure that doesnt happen. We want you to get those rock star comments by all of the people that love you. Reporter julia and her friend nicole created peeple because they wanted a way to research strangers. Just like when purchasing a car or a house. Youre going to be able to really find out who somebody is before you invite them into your life around your greatest asset, around your children, around your family, around your house. Reporter users can create a profile for themselves and anyone else you have a cell number four forand that person profile has been made for them. If they agree, anyone can post a rating or profile to that comment positive or negative. If they dont agree, only positive ratings can be posted but no one can opt out and delete their profile. Bridge someone can go online and say whatever they want about awe and youre stuck with it. Its a nightmare, especially if youre looking for a job. Reporter she says racism and sexism is banned in the app. Posts mentioning disabilities and Health Disabilities will be rejected. Low star ratings are held for 48 hours so app users can dispute them. The biggest thing that we dont tolerate is anonymous and that is something that social media suffers from today. Reporter after articles about people were published this week the app ironically became the subject of a slew of bad Online Reviews. All of the negative attention even caused peeples website to crash on thursday. I think people most motivated to write a rating about you is somebody who doesnt like you and that could be trouble. Reporter they say it is a positive app. We want to be given the opportunity to prove to you that the world is predominantly good and people who want to lift you up. Reporter she is considering changes in the apps in response to critics including people to opt out of the service. She add that all of the bad publicity have led to calls from veteran capitals and private firms wanting to invest in the app. I worry about another venue to give people another opportunity to be mean to people. We give you ten stars. Mr. Freeman, you would give eleven or twelve. Good morning. Im mary calvi. Lets turn it right over to meteorologist jon elliott with john . Reporter rain in the city and more rain to the south that wind for the afternoon and evening hours in and around our 52 chilly degrees. 46 to 52, that is your spread. Numbers are not going to warm numbers are not going to warm up much at all. We mentioned light rain in the city in rockland, Westchester Fairfield counties. Out to the twin forks. And there is more, even with some breaks into parts of jersey. Heavier rain is already filling in for parts of delaware. Slowly moving our way. Wind will intensify. We are concerned about flooding along the jersey shore. Could see more widespread flooding around the city and long island this afternoon. Winds could approach 50 Miles Per Hour, those would be gusts. This is an area of low pressure, not affiliated with joaquin. Joaquin moves out to the north and east, and we actually dont anticipate many problems, that is monday into tuesday. Mary . John thank you so much. In case todays storm does bring high water to the city, crews in manhattan have been putting covers over street grates hoping to protect the subway from flooding. In new jersey governor christie has already declared a state of emergency with hundreds of state workers placed on standby. Garden state gas stations better prepared than in Superstorm Sandy when many lost power. 70 stations benefited from a state program to buy backup generators in case power goes out. And we are following a developing story on long island. Police are searching for answers after a woman was found police made the discovery after responding to a 911 call to the home on wind place. Investigators not releasing the cause of death or the womans identity but suggest she was married to a man with ties to the nypd. Members of the homicide squad have not been able to get in contact with the husband. Another man who was in the home was interviewed and released. New this morning, police are looking for this woman, caught on camera as she held up a bodega at gunpoint. This happened on bayer avenue in inwood. Police say she demanded money from the clerk. No one was hurt. We are back with another local update in about 25 minutes. Im mary calvi and cbs this moment. Can you tell everybody you can tell everybody go ahead and tell everybody im the man, im the man, im the man. That is Morgan Freeman we can say that about him. Welcome back to cbs this morning. What is name of our program, charlie . Cbs this morning. Sorry i actually do work here. Coming up in this half hour, the man with the velvet voice. There he is. Morgan freeman is in our green room and behind the hit cbs drama called madam secretary. He directed this seasons premiere and ahead why he found directing so intimidating and why he decided to play a role on screen. Usa today reports on staples announcing it will close its doors on thanksgiving. Stayed open on the holiday the last few years but they say workers should have a chance to stay home with family and friends. Bravo, staples. Applause, applause. The new york jets arrived in london today for their game against the dolphins. They packed 350 rolls of toilet paper and hot cause and Barbecue Sauce and extension cords and adapters they loaded on the plane. Coverage of the game is here on cbs on sunday and starts at noon on sunday. Stunning new images of plutos largest moon taken by the new horizon spacecraft in july. Nasa published a photograph thursday of a system of canyons that is four times the lengths of the grand canyon. Nasa posted a picture of pluto with the moon in the background also. Academy award winner Morgan Freeman is one of the most sought out actors in hollywood. He play from Shawshank Redemption, and even played god twice. Moorn freeman is Morgan Freeman is one of the masterminds behind the hit cbs show madam secretary. He makes an onscreen appearance in sunday nights premiere episode. Madam secretary . Yes. I actually took your constitutional law class at uva. I got an a. I remember. I thought that was a good moment. Morgan freeman, we welcome you to the table, sir. Good to see you. Good to see the three of you. Yeah. The word is youre the executive producer and you had no plans to be in the series. No. What made you say, okay, put me in, i want to be chief justice. How does that happen . Sitting at an audition session, we were auditioning people for an episode, the episode. Were you directing . I was directing the episode. So we got down to the chief justice and it got to, let me see now, who could we pick . I said, okay, ill audition. You awe dirked . I auditioned. Executive producer, the director, and the chief justice of Supreme Court . And chief justice, yeah. But, you know, im good. You know what happens . Get me somebody like Morgan Freeman and the next thought is why not do it myself . They say you found you said you found directing intimidating. Is that true . No, no, no. I said i was intimidated by see, i had directed a movie many, many years ago. Yeah. I hadnt done any since. I said, well, thats it, you know . Its difficult and it takes too long. So then my producing partner Lauren Mccreary said youre good at directing one of our episodes. I said, i got time. I will. So youre going to go into not a new situation, going into a whole situation, a situation where you have actors who have been working together for a year. They know each others every breath. So you dont want to go in there going, okay, why dont you do this . You know that person has never done that. Yeah. And it doesnt work, you know . Its like, well, i want to put my fingerprint on it, you know . Yeah. So i didnt want to do that and that is what is i mean by being a little intimidated. I want to upset the apple cart. You cant turn the channel on cbs between football, 60 minutes and madam secretary the good wife Awesome Television all the way around. Madam secretary, is not either a democrat or a republican. What is the thinking about that . The thinking is to stay out of trouble. Right. Not offend anybody either way or get yeah. Right. We will have to figure it out sooner or later, but not yet. How did you end up with the executive producing role . Well, i just happened to be one of the owners of revelations entertainment and we came up with this idea and cbs liked it. That will get you there. Yeah. You think about it, you say, what we have had is the most exciting, we have three female secretaries of state and all three of them have been outstanding. The only person black was hillary so no matter what she did. Madeline hilary . Yes. Thinking like that, that would be particularly when hillary was on the carpet for benghazi situation. Thats it. That is the show. Do you see donald trump making an appearance on the show in some ways . Do you see the lines blurring . Who . Never mind i think you answered it. When you were in the green room, i said, you know, i saw Shawshank Redemption recently. You said okay. That movie is so good. Im curious where it stands in your heart and when you actually saw it. I cant tell you when the last time i saw it. Quite a while back. And everybody who sees me or recognizes me, they say, okay, Shawshank Redemption best movie ever. My favorite. So after awhile. Does it get old to you, old isnt the term i would use. I wouldnt say it sort of just becomes muntone. Okay. Did you say room tone . Room tone. That was the first thing i said to him, i saw Shawshank Redemption this summer. He said, good. Do you have any croissants . Do you want to direct again . Yes. I think im getting to the age now where acting jobs are going to get fewer. Not yet, but thats good. But they will. So i have to think of some other reason to get out of bed. Directing would be a good reason. Meaning on purpose . Uhhuh. But you always have that voice, Morgan Freeman. That voice is so recognizable. When you speak, Everybody Knows its you. When did you know you had a voice like that, that you went, oh, i know what that is. When somebody did that. Great question. You know what i mean Morgan Freeman you never listen to your voice . Ive never done, wow, listen to this voice. Somebody said we would like to use your voice and then you know. Okay, Morgan Freeman. Good to see you good to be here. Congratulations. Yes. Dont forget, see the show. Absolutely. Madam secretary sunday night on cbs. Chief justice Morgan Freeman. Madam secretary would you like to read this . Oh, yeah. Madam secretary premieres this sunday at 8 00 p. M. 7 00 central right here on good old cbs. Woohoo what a plug. A Southern Institution with a devoted fan base gets ready to take on 7,000 fast food ahead, meet the former much of the area we have gusty winds filling in to the south. Those winds are going to intensify this afternoon, in fact we could see coastal flooding due to that. Watch for this to change and ramp up. During the course of the afternoon, commute overnight tonight and then a little improvement, starting saturday. Pumpkin excitement is back at dunkin. Pick up your favorite pumpkinflavored baked treats and beverages, like the new pumpkin macchiato this week in a Southern Institution its opening its largest restaurant in the countrys biggest city. Chickfila which has more than 1900 Stores Nationwide is unveiling its First Freestanding franchise here in new york city. Vladimir duthiers of is inside the restaurant right now that will compete with more than in the big apple. Vlad, good morning. Reporter good morning. This threestory, 5,000 square foot restaurant with the eight registers see behind me officially opens tomorrow. This is a chain that doesnt have a lot of restaurants across the country but it is looking to take on some of the most biggest and most discerning markets. Its the saed same sandwich chickfila invented over 50 years ago. It has a loyal borderline obsessive following. Oscar fittipaldi is a former ship captain and running chickfilas largest operation yet in the middle of manhattan. If you had to say one thing that people dont know about chickfila, what do you think it is . I think understand our culture. It is the vehicle that we use but through service, we create memories worth repeating. Reporter that Service Started in 1967 when the first chickfila was opened in atlanta, georgia. Truitt died last year but the company remained family owned and they still adhere to christian values. David farmer is the vice strategies. He thought chickfila is a business with biblical values and he would say those are the good values too. Reporter they sell more chicken. We have to work really, really hard. We have had in the past. Millions of transactions every day. We have got to get out there and earn it all over again. Reporter which they had to do in 2012 when those values ran afoul of public sentiment. In several interviews, ceo dna kathy said on a radio show the following, quote. Marriage equality supporters staged boycotts and in response the company stopped donating to several conservative groups. We are trying to back away from politics and say there are people in a better position to do that. We will stick to what we know. And that is what we are trying to practice now. Reporter so somebody who is a muslim or jewish could become an operator of chickfila if that is is not an issue . Oh, absolutely. What we love to know, do you love serving people . Are you excited about getting out there and helping build a business . That is what we are interested york city, the city that never sleeps, this chickfila will be closed on sundays just like all of their other locations across the country. Part of the core christian values of the company. I never had chickfila. Makes me want one as well. Where have we been hanging out . I know. We will look at the most week coming up. Great to see Morgan Freeman. It was. Yeah. Charlie, when did he know he had that voice . When . When somebody asked him to use it. That does it for us. The news any time, anywhere, watch our Digital Network cbsn. Take a look back. The gunman is down. We have got multiple gunshot wounds. This campus is now a crime scene. Upward to 20 victims. We are the only advanced country on earth that sees these kind of Mass Shootings every few months. This is part of a onetwo punch for the northeast. A massive storm packing torrential rain is moving north along the east coast. Kelly gissin dinger was executed in georgia. In her final moments, she sang amazing grace. Are you prepared to put russian combat troops in syria . Translator russia will not participate in any we are now in a very dangerous situation. This approach is pouring gasoline on the fire. The information they had to go public. Who are you Holding Accountable . We are going to wait. Youre going to wait . That is the problem republican members put me in a frenzy in a thing they know is never going to happen. Rumors that liquid party has been found on the red planet. Woo on the other side of this wall, they believe an egyptian queen lies buried. If im wrong, im wrong. If i happen to be right, it will change everything. What would you do with a time machine, tom . Go back in time and hold myself as a baby. My goodness. Who is that in white . A moment norah will never, ever forget. I just wanted to hug her. For me, the room went dark and there was just amanda. The president i mean, the vice president. If you have something to tell us, please let us know. You love hearing about yourself. Its in your office. All of the magazines on your desk. I think more than any super model. The only king that cures you from wanting to be president is well, no denying that mitt would love to be president. Are you prepared to work with the President Donald Trump . Whoever the American People elected as president. All that. Greetings. Welcome to my planet do you like it . Absolutely not. All that matters. I never thought about Plastic Surgery but we can do this and youll look much younger. Seth, we think you look very handsome and no need of anything. But we think you could have a field day with me. On cbs this morning. Are you ready to be rated, mr. Rose, by a romantic partner . You know its true, gayle you see those cloudy skies and raindrops. Today 52 degrees at 8 55 on this friday morning. Im mary calvi. Heavy rain expected later today and there are coastal flooding concerns. Over to Jon Elliott John . Reporter wind out of the north northeast about 20 Miles Per Hour. Cool air is on the move and we are definitely going to see our numbers hover in the mid50s. Light rain for nassau and suffolk county. A breakthrough here, enjoy it while you can. You are going to see some of the worst of it with the coastal rain filling in. This is not joaquin. It rides the front, wind will be dealing with stronger winds this afternoon. Gusts between 40 and 50 Miles Per Hour. That will elevate the risk for flooding for the jersey shore. We are also mindful of potential wind damage. Again, those gusts will be the rare exception, not the rule. The worst of it this afternoon and tonight, Better Weather marginally saturday into sunday. Mary. On long island preparations include a fleet of humvees that can make it through high water. Being prepared. Emergency workers advise you stock up on emergency supplies as well. In new jersey governor christie has already declared a state of emergency with hundreds of workers on standby. Garden state gas stations are prepared, 70 stations benefited from a state program to buy backup generators in case power goes out. And plans are moving ahead for a new hudson river rail that is the word from transportation secretary anthony foxx. Amtrak will oversee engineering work. He says federal officials will shorten the timeline to approving any permits. Noon. York. Com. Im mary calvi, have a great flonase allergy relief nasal spray. This changes everything. Flonase is the 24 hour relief that outperforms the 1 nondrowsy allergy pill. When we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by overproducing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance, flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. So go ahead, inhale life, excite your senses, seize the day and the night. Flonase. Six is greater than one. Judge patricia he dumped you. And he says,

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