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I dont know. Why prosecutors havent filed charges recommended by the police. . Im on the edge . And rocket man. The hollywood stunt artist who did his idol one better. Completing the jump that evel knievel could not, eddie braun speaking to gma just moments after his amazing feat and what hes going to do next. . The end the end . Hey, good morning and were going to start with the new developments overnight in the ever changing and often mind boggling race for the commercial. Donald trump currently in the midst of a firestorm over his extremely belated disavowal of the false Birther Campaign that he perpetuated, well, he came out with another line of attack overnight. It happened in florida where trump was accusing clinton of wanting to take away peoples guns, then he said maybe her disarm then and im quoting here, lets see what happens to her. Its not the first time that hes been accused of inciting violence. We have Team Coverage covering both of these brewing controversies but lets kick things off with abcs devin dwyer in our washington bureau. Hi, devin. Donald trump see sarcasm in this latest allusion to violence but to the Clinton Campaign its unpresident ial and downright dangerous. Welcome deplorables. Reporter donald trump overnight in florida mocking Hillary Clinton and suggesting a controversial experiment to put her in danger. Now, you know shes very much against the Second Amendment. She wants to destroy your Second Amendment. I think what we should do is she goes around with armed bodyguards like you have never seen before. Should drop all weapons. Take their guns away, she doesnt want guns. Take lets see what happens to her. It would be very dangerous. Reporter trump didnt explain what he expected to see, but his critics say hes suggesting violence as after last month stirring up a firestorm for this. If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there, i dont gun control laws but doesnt want to repeal the Second Amendment and on friday blasted trump for his rhetoric. Lets reject the cynicism, the bullying, the divisive rhetoric that my opponent uses to make us afraid of each other. Reporter theres been no official clarification from the trump campaign. Clintons Campaign Manager overnight called trumps latest comments out of bounds and disturbing and called on other hours earlier donald trump finally put that birther issue to rest about whether president obama was, indeed, born here in the u. S. And the president himself weighed in on it. Abcs mary bruce joins us from the white house. Hi, mary. Reporter just 52 days to the election Donald Trumps highly choreographed aboutface comes as hes courting africanamerican voters conceding the truth about the president but as he drops one false theory hes spreading another one. After theory for five years, donald trump is finally admitting what has been true all along. President barack obama was born in the united states, period. Reporter a reversal but no regret and no questions. Are you going to now apologize to the president . Reporter while trump tries to close the birther book, clinton is saying not so fast. His campaign was founded on this outrageous lie. History. Reporter clinton is trying to turn the tables after her battle with pneumonia and she has backup. A candidate is not going to suddenly change once they get into office and there is no way to hide who they really are. And at that point its too late. Reporter for years trump led the Smear Campaign against the nations first black president. I want him to show his birth certificate. Reporter and when the president did release his birth certificate trump took credit. Im very proud of because ive accomplished something that nobody else has been able to accomplish. Reporter even recently trump still wouldnt say if obama was born in the u. S. Is a natural born citizen. Who knows. Who cares right now. Reporter the president , jon karl asked what he thinks. Your reaction . I, jonathan, have no reaction. I was pretty confident about where i was born. Will have any impact. The latest polls show two in ten believe the president was born in another country. As for that apology no one here is holding their breath. The White House Press secretary says the president doesnt care much. Dan and paula. Two in ten. Interesting. More on this with abc news political analyst lz granderson who joins us from l. A. Hey, lz, thanks for being with us. The trump disavowing the Birther Movement five years after helped spearhead the thing. Does his statement yesterday have any chance of putting this thing to rest for him . Probably not because the Clinton Campaign is not going to let him put it to rest. This is a very useful tool because as secretary clinton said he was sort of the figure head for this movement. But this is a conversation in regards to president obama that actually began in the First Campaign if you recall sarah real america and theyre a real america and this fake america that president obama represented. All part of the othering of the first africanamerican president and i doubt severely that secretary clinton lets this rest because its an effective tool to keep minorities and others away from donald trump. Yeah, its probably not going to help him with that minority vote which he needs. Deliberately or not, lz, trump hasnt changed the conversation that maybe Hillary Clintons bodyguards should disarm, thats string of controversial comments and bounced back every time. Do you think this time is any different as were 52 days away. Of course not. I mean, this we could have an entire series based solely upon the controversy things donald trump has said that people like me and you have said, well, this is the final straw, this is the final nail. This is the theme thats going to put donald trump away. What his supporters have shown is that theyre going to go with him until the bitter end. November always about the movable middle and they arent really moved by what donald trump sort of throws against the wall. Theyre more moved by the views of Hillary Clinton and whether or not they think Donald Trumps temperament is enough for them to get behind. Yeah, if we only had a dollar for every time we thought it would hurt him and never did. We may be millionaires by now. Lz, thanks for joining us from l. A. You can hear more from lz as well as matthew dowd in the live stream Straight Talk with math and lz this monday at eastern. Great show. Reminder, you can download the abc news app and get livestreaming breaking news reports from the campaign trail at any point. We are now though going to move on to another story, the gas crisis that has six governors declaring states of emergency after a pipeline leaked that is causing price hikes. Crowds are lining up afraid supplies will run out and Kendis Gibson has a look at how big of reporter good morning. It could be a painful couple of weeks for drivers straight up and down the east coast as well as many in the south. This is a major pipeline and remains out of commission this morning and will be for some time. These scenes all across the country gas shortages, lines around the block at stations and panicked drivers. All i want is gas. Reporter six states declaring a state of emergency because of possible gasoline supply disruptions after 250,000 gallons of oil was i feel like were being charged unfairly. Reporter drivers now forced to wait in long lines to refuel and gas prices, well, those are expected to increase as well. You know, types are hard anyway so gas is going up, yeah, its going to make a big impact. Reporter the Colonial Pipeline which delivers 40 of the east coasts gasoline stretches from texas all the way to new jersey and is now being repaired by nearly 700 workers but the damage at some pumps may already be done. Georgia have seen prices go up by 30 cents a gallon. This could turn into a problem of finding gasoline over the weekend and into early next week. Reporter hard to believe, right. Right now the National Average price of gasoline is about 2. 18 a gallon. That is still down significantly from the same week last year but with all of the problems taking place right now in the south, we can no doubt expect that price to tick up. Paula. Still untimely news for those struggling, pose there are big concerns this morning in florida where a massive sinkhole opened up draining radioactive water into an undergroundwater source. Linzie janis is here and many worries about what this could do to peoples tap water. Reporter good morning. The residents they are this toxic sinkhole are extremely concerned about their Drinking Water and they say the worst part is it was weeks before they found out the problem existed. Inside this gaping hole in the fertilizer plant, more than 200 million gallons of wastewater laced with radioactive chemicals is seeping into the water table below. This morning, neighbors are outraged and terrified of their Drinking Water. First word that comes to your mind when you hear radioactive is cancer. I got kids. I dont want them drinking it if it is contaminated. Erin brockovich joining neighbors in criticizing the companys handling of the leak includin delay before the public was notified. On her Facebook Page brockovich writing this is a crime against humanity. This could destroy the Groundwater Resources in this area forever. Any time you have a discharge of the acidic wastewater its something to be concerned about. Reporter mosaic which operates the plant says it did notify the state back in august and activated a containment well telling abc news, we went well beyond our regulatory reporting shows no contamination outside of the 1600acre site. The water is safe to drink. And it will remain safe to drink. We are assuring that the recovery is capturing all of it. Reporter mow saying says it is working around the clock to recover the toxic wastewater. But warns the process could take months to complete. Mosaic is offering free water tests for people who have wells in the area to ease their concerns. I know iou the same fertilizer plant had the same exact thing happen 20 years ago and took nearly a year to clean up and cost 7 million. Anybody who has kids im stunned by this. The massive size of the sinkhole. All that toxic water, yeah, going into it. Quite an image. Linzie, thank you. We go to ohio where theyre investigating whether they may shawn grate was arrested after one womans desperate call for help. Her story is truly harrowing and abcs ryan smith has the latest on the case now. Reporter this morning, suspect shawn grate held on a 1 million bond and facing double murder and kidnapping charges. The nature of the three offenses charged in the complaint, mr. Grate . Yes, your honor. Reporter police arresting the 40yearold after receiving this disturbing 911 call on hes got a taser. Reporter that same whoop helping Law Enforcement officials locate the suspect in this suburban, ohio, home where she allegedly was being held captive. Where is he . Thats him sleeping. Hes still sleeping . Reporte. Serial killers dont stop until they get caught. Reporter authorities searching the property making a gruesome discovery. Police found two bodies in belonging to these women, taste ci Stacey Stanley and elizabeth griffin. I would like to know the reason why he took my moms life. Reporter grate who did not enter a plea during the hearing allegedly leading police to the remains of a third person at this burned down house more than an hour away. The police need to continue to have a conversation with him. Youre going to have to go to every jurisdiction he lived in case in or around that area. Theres no reason for people in this county to live in fear. Their families want justice. I want justice. Reporter for good morning america, ryan smith, abc news, ashland, ohio. All right, thanks very much for that report. We do want to say a warm welcome to nick watt. Well join you in just a little bit, right, with a wonderful story. Excellent. Im here. I know. On the pop news desk but the actual news with dr. Ron claiborne. Whats happening . Ill let you know in a second. Well begin with breaking news this morning out of philadelphia. West philadelphia where an ambush style attack leads to a Fatal Shooting spree. One victim killed and five others shot including two Police Officers. Police say it all began when the suspect shot a female officer in her patrol car hitting her eight times in the arm. He then led police on a chase firing into a bar and a passing and killing a woman inside that car. Finally Police Fatally shot that suspect. Another officer injured in that shootout. Police do not yet know a motive for those shootings. Also overnight an amtrak train evacuated as a passenger reported to be carrying a weapon barricades himself inside one of the cars and passengers called police saying that an armed man was on board that train. All 187 passengers and 5 crew members safely exited the train. Custody. And in chicago, a former Police Officer has been indicted on federal civil rights charges for allegedly shooting at a stolen car full of black teenagers while he was a Police Officer. That shooting almost three years ago was caught on camera, a video that the city sought to keep from becoming public. A judge later released it to the media saying it showed a reckless and callous disregard for human life. A midair scare when a spare cell phone battery began smoking on a delta flight just after it took that flight ended safely. The plane landing in atlanta after a Flight Attendant poured water on the battery. This happened the same day the samsung agreed to an official recall of its galaxy note 7 cell phones because of more than 90 reports of overheated batteries. Pulitzer prize winning playright edward albee has died best known for whos afraid of virginia woolf. 88 years of age. Finally cameras catch a robber as he cleans out the Cash Register at a Childrens Center in california. Im smiling because of what happens here. Okay, thank you. I was wondering. The man this is not a happy store. From the ceiling and hang on for the ending. Patience, paula. He opens the Cash Register and runs down the hall to the exit. Heres the register, it was a toy. It looked like a toy. Even better all the loot this guy got allegedly got or actually got i donthi allegedly at this case. Fake money too. If we had Video Evidence such as youre presenting in this particular story, youre right, dan. We dont need to say allegedly. You just like to cover your tracks. Weather next. Speaking of tracks and covering and all that you dont want to hear the legal argument. I cant imagine why not. You can go about it while i take care of business. Missouri where they had some flash flood warnings overnight, a couple of inches of rainfall with storms rolling through and Power Outages furltser away in indiana. Indianapolis, specifically all with this front pushing across the mississippi river. Well get into the ohio and tennessee valleys really today and tomorrow. Its a slow mover so expect a fairly wet go of it here and tomorrow along the i95 corridor could use the rain. We talk about Southern California for the extreme drought. We have extreme drought in england. One of the driest summers on record. Rainfall deficits about 10 inches in boston and more than 16 inches in manchester so well maybe get an inch or two out of this and take it. We need it. Mike good morning. Im meteorologist michael oppong. Temperatures in the 40s and 50s this morning. And were looking for some rain. Not today. We have to wait til this area to the west starts moving this direction. Thats not going to happen until we talk about tomorrows eventually, well get scattered showers in the afternoon. A better chance well see some rain as we talk about sunday night into monday. So of the two weekend days, today is the pick of the weekend. After that, wait til tuesday. Skies clear away. If you didnt see last night, a beautiful full harvest moon. Well have pictures of that and you can see it almost full tonight. I think nick watt is here. Yes. Have we mentioned nick watt is he end of the desk. Youre not strange to all of our viewers. We usually see you on the west coast. Thanks for joining us here on the right coast, i can say, new york but its great to have you. Thank you very much. This time older gnarled version of sara haines. One way of putting it. Just as brave as the man in the story youre about to tell us about. This guy, a stuntman a tried to emulate his life, usually these stories end very badly. Mercifully, not this time. Yep, eddie braun just jumped over snake river canyon, idaho, in a rocket. I would never do this again. It just sucked. It hurt. It was uncomfortable. He nailed an audacious leap that the great evel knievel famously failed over 40 years ago. Braun told us yesterday the why, oh, why. I met evil ka neve as a small child and he inspired me so much when i met him. Reporter really . This much. This is a man with a cape. Come on. Reporter hollywood stuntman he doubled for the likes of Charlie Sheen in navy s. E. A. L. S and now this. Per hour, holy smokes, hes only gone and done it. Now the emotion is going to sink in but right now its just, you know what, we did it. Listen, i got to go get a job tomorrow because i just blew 1. 6 million on a rocket. I mean thats a lot of money. 1. 5 million. Maybe he should take sara haines job. He also stop. He wasnt sure he was going to make it and spoke to his little son and said, okay, your sister away at her wedding. Thats what he said . If thats what youre thinking, just dont do it. You know what, stuntmen are wired a little bit differently, im assuming than most of us. He has four kids. We spoke to him yesterday on gma. People might think youre crazy but this is something hes always wanted to do. Thank you, nick, for helping us with the testosterone on the investigation of a murder of an fsu professor. How police went undercover to see who was behind dan markels death. A woman thought she was getting a free trial until she got slapped with the business and asked for help from the fixer. The dismake that you need to look out for. The fixer. Good morning america is brought to you by prevnar 13. Enh pneumococcal pneumonia, it was huge for everybody. I was rushed to the hospital. My symptoms were devastating. The doctor said, pam if youd waited two more days, you wouldve died. Pneumococcal pneumonia almost took me from them. If i had known that a vaccine could have helped people say, lets or something. Ndwich or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. Come on. Dogs just wont quit. Neither does new frontline gold. 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Is a oncedaily, longacting insulin that lasts even longer than 24 hours. I want to trim my a1c. . Tresiba . Ready . When my schedule changes. I want something that delivers. . Tresiba . Ready . I can take tresiba . Any time of day. So if i miss or delay a dose, i take it when i remember, as long as theres at least 8 hours between doses. Once in use, it lasts 8 weeks without refrigeration. Twice as long as lantus . , which lasts 4 weeks. Tresiba . Is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba . To treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, ulin pens. Dont reuse needles. The most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. Check your blood sugar. Low blood sugar can be serious and may be lifethreatening. Injection site reactions may occur. Tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. Taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba . , may cause serious side effects like heart failure. Your insulin dose shouldnt be changed without asking your doctor. Get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing. Dizziness, or confusion. Ask your doctor if youre tresiba . Ready. Now, your stormteam 5 forecast with meteorologist mike wankum. Mike a beautiful start to your day. Out to the west, a cold front coming in. A lot of tropical moisture trying to work its way up along the east coast sets us up for some rain. Finally, we may have some substantial rain as we talk a breakdown of what will happen. Today, of course, gorgeous sunshine out there. As we head for tomorrow morning, a lot of clouds. Perhaps a spot shower is possible during the morning and into the afternoon. But most of the rain holds off until tomorrow night. Heres the map at 4 00 tomorrow afternoon. What youll see by evening. Some occasional downpours across the area. Therell probably be a rumble of thunder with this as well as it works its way through. Monday is looking wet the first half of the day and some scattered showers lingering on as we head to the afternoon. Enjoy sunday has cloud cover. Clearing off toward the end of welcome back to gma. Happening right now donald trump under fire accusing Hillary Clinton of wanting to take peoples guns away and then saying, maybe her secret Service Detail should disarm and then, quote, lets see what happens to her. The clinton camp calling those comments out of bounds. Exp the area under the virus threat in miami beach tripling in size. President obama calling out congress to pass the funding bill to fight zika now. And a drone deluge. The faa saying that it gets more than 2,000 requests for drone licenses and registrations every day. The agency expecting more than a Million People will have commercial drone pilot licenses by 2020. They say not too distant future we could look up and see millions of unmanned drones in happen. I feel like someday theyll look back at video clips of the people talking about geewhiz stuff around drones and the news anchors talking about the internet in the 1990s. Do you have one yet. What, the internet or a drone . I get way too many emails from you so i know you the have internet. I have attempted to through a drone and just as im awful manning the joy stick of a video game i cant man a drone. What go you do, crash . The other day. I have a little drone and it went up his pant leg. And hes been kicked out of the state and thats why we have him here. Well start on a much more serious note, abc news got an exclusive in a highprofile murder case. Yeah, thats right. We have obtained never before seen police video showing an undercover officer posing as the brother of an alleged hit man, all in order to get information fsu professor. Abcs matt gutman has more on the latest twist in the search for evidence. Reporter this morning the revealing police interviews. There was this joke, you know, i looked at hiring a hit man and it was cheaper to get you this tv. Reporter the family suspected in a murder for hire assassination in july 2014 somebody shoots famed fsu law prof dan markel. Hes inside the car is running and hes got blood all over his head. Hes not responding to. Reporter police didnt have much to go on but that one lead which came from the neighbor who called 911. He said that he saw a light colored car that looked like a prius back out of this driveway and head down the street. Investigators call in his exwife wendi adelson. They had had a war of the roses type divorce, ten months after the Murder Police get a lead on that hybrid. Police charge two miami felon, lewis very rear virginia and Sigfredo Garcia with his murder Charlie Adelson. Reporter thats wendis big brother and they set up a sting against her family finding her mother and this burly man alleging hes a hit man. Hes going through some rough types and i want to make sure you take care i dont know what youre talking about. She has the paper, theyre walking away. Reporter the adelsons never paid the money but police say the sting sets off phone calls and conversations including one in which allegedly tells a girlfriend they should make the mysterious messenger disappear. You better kill him because hes going to be a big problem. If you cant do it, ill have someone else do it. The working theory of the case is that the reason for this homicide was due to the bitter divorce that was ongoing. Reporter prosecutors so far still dont have enough evidence to indict any of the adelsons. Lawyers for charlie and his parents say Police Accusations for good morning america, matt gutman, abc news, tallahassee. Very layered story. Thanks. We want to bring in sunny hostin. Sunny, thanks for joining us as we said. Very layered. So the police have roamed charges against Charlie Adelson who was the brother and his former girlfriend. He even said charlie, the police say he allegedly tells the girlfriend as you heard in that piece you better kill him should make that mysterious messenger disappear but the state attorney is declining to press why. So far. There is a different standard. The police, you know, dont have to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law. Thats a very, very high standard. The Police Standard is only probable cause and so my i suspect that the prosecution is still investigating this case. They have a lot but they dont have enough to go forward. Lets remember this is a murder charge. Very, very difficult to prove without eyewitnesses, without dna without a smoking gun. Do you suspect there are things going on behind the scenes that we cant see . Absolutely, dan. When i was prosecuting cases we would get questions from the media all the time. Questions from the family members all the time. You really cant tip your hand when youre in the middle of a murder investigation. I suspect were going to be hearing much more from this case going forward. Sunny hostin, gait to have your analysis on a saturday morning. Its my pleasure. I hope to see more of you. Lets get it back over to rob for another look at the weather. Hi, dan, pa pictures of this, the harvest moon, one world trade, a big old full moon where you had a clear view of it youll see it tonight again, not as full. 8 p. M. Eastern, 5 p. M. Pacific looking at sc taking on the cardinal of stanford, 81 at 5 p. M. Pacific time. Kickoff should be a good one on abc. A lot of College Football games. Offshore wind keeping things warm and across southern fire weather watch monday. Upper level low may spawn a couple of thorls and spark lightning and, again, windy conditions expected here inland on the warm side. Meanwhile, were talking tropics. Whats left over of julia. Not going to do a whole lot but rip currents an issue here, maybe some beach erosion and watching karl and another system high time for hurricane system. Mike hello, im meteorologist mike wankum. Lots of sunshine today. 76 skies. Spot shower possible during the afternoon, but most of the rain is sunday night through monday morning. Clearing by tuesday. This Weather Report is brought to you by listerine. Thank goodness. You got to sit right next to him. Thank you, rob. Coming up on gma how a free trial offer turned into a case for the abc news fixer. What you need to know before you number. Keep it here. The fixer. Listerine . Kills 99 of bad breath germs. This is 100 useful for a 100 fresh mouth. Just ask listerine . Users. The very people we studied in the study of bold. 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Use with caution in dogs with a history of seizures. Why mess around . For powerful flea and tick protection, ask your vet about nexgard. Weve all been tempted by free trial ads. Dan . All right, but one gma viewer who signed up expecting to pay just shipping and handling found out that it was just the beginning of a credit card nightmare so she turned to all the fix sfler thats right. The abc news fixer for help. . Christie of chicago says she doesnt usually click on online advertisements but one in particular sounded like a good deal, a free trial o shipping and handling but when the package arrived. There was a full size face cream and a full size eye cream. And then another surprise. Christie checked her bank account. Two debits had gone through for 89 and 92 going to two companies that christie had never heard of. She says she didnt realize it but when she signed up for a free trial it turns out she had unwittingly agreed to receive products and because she did not cancel the trial within 14 days of ordering she was charged the full price. She immediately called the company. She wouldnt let me say no. She wanted to get me down and said ill give it for for 75 a month. I said i dont want this product. Reporter the Company Finally agreed to let christie out of the deal but they wouldnt refund her 183 because they said the free trial had passed. I never even tried the product. Reporter the abc news fixer, could she smooth Stephanie Zimmermann got in touch with a Company Manager who agreed to refund both of her charges but also told our fixer the free trial kicks in when you first hand over your credit card info, not when you get the free product. Things like ecigarettes or diet supplements or moisturizers, the consumer is thinking, hey, its a free trial, its only 4. 95 for shipping and hamming but have to be careful and read the terms. Of ler free trial. Its fixed. Thanks, abc news fixer. It is now a wrinklefree situation. If you have a Consumer Problem for the fixer. The abc news fixer find her at abcnews. Com fixer. Well, maybe when we come back from the break there will be professionals anchoring this newscast. Highly doubtful. Quick doable tips for helping backtoschool stress. And fifty shades hahaves star wars which was the bigger force in the online ad war . Nick will have it straight ahead. I know the answer. Dont tell anybody. Its a tease. Yes. So people keep watching. I got it. riley man, this chicken is spectacular jessica i had to start hiding the bag because he would try to put his face in it all day. Yeah you love it, dont you . 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Cheryl colettilawson kellys legislation on the heroin epidemic will help save lives. Jamey french kelly reaches across the aisle to conserve our environment. Becky Stafford Kelly is so committed to our veterans and cares about our needs. Marc baillargeon kelly protected our jobs at the shipyard. Kelly is one of us. Brenda willis she cares. Dean kamen thats kelly an independent leader, fighting for new hampshire. Kelly im kelly ayotte and i approved this message. Introducing dunkins new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultrasmooth, fullbodied flavor. Discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. America runs on dunkin. No. Time for weekend download right in the thick of backtoschool season, a time that can be stressful for kids. Here with quick tip, emma seppala. Author of the happiness track. Isnt a little bit of stress healthy for kids. A little is just fine, chronic stress is going to damage their productivity. Chronic stress decreases your attention and memory and makes kids more fatigue and leads to risky bio what is the smart play for parents in this situation . Should we encourage some stress or tell kids to ease up . Well, you should definitely encourage your kids to follow their aspirations and dreams but teach them that grades are not the sole predictor of success. I got a lot of ds in high school so happy to hear that. How can we teach our kids to be more resilient in the face of stress which really is inevitable. Thats a great question because parents dont always teach their kids how to deal with stress. Go to yoga class, learn meditation and take walks in nature, go for hikes. The second thing you can do is to take care of your own stress. By modeling a balanced lifestyle and by creating a calming atmosphere in your home youre teaching your kids every day. Such a great point. Hard to have happy and calm kids when the parents are not happy or calm. Absolutely correct. Emma, thank you. That is emma seppal, author of the check it out on apple podcast. Well be right back with pop news. To do something nice back. Maybe your aunt sent you a crocheted scarf, you sent a thank you note. And the crochet just kept on coming. Well, at carmax, you dont have to return the favor. Theyll buy your car even if you dont buy a car from them. Because feeling obligated is uncomfortable. And tight. In places it shouldnt be. Carmax wont make you feel that way. Our invigorating ocean spray singleserve juice drinks go anywhere. Like on your commute. Or at the office. Ahh whered he go . Im in the break room. Spray any time or place. People say, lets or something. Ndwich or something . You dont just graduate from medical school, or something. And we dont just pull smoked chicken, bake fresh foccacia and handslice avocado. Theres nothing or something about it. Since the launch of the new dannon whole milk yogurt, a natural outburst seems to have taken over the country. security. hi, im stuck in an elevator. With a cow. a what . with vitamin d and whole milk. New dannon, natural is back. Is there a baby in your tummy . My dad says your house looks ugly. Youre my third best friend. Kids dont know how to act fake. Youre losing your hair. So were learning to be more like them, cc1 test message . Good morning america is brought to you by General Mills cereals. Time for pop news. What was the name of that woman who used to do pop news around here . The blond. Stop. Sara haines. There we go. Nick watt is filling in, old friend nick watt from our l. A. Bureau, the man. People. Well start now with star wars, now, that movie might have some of the most diehard and dedicated fans in existence but you also have to remember that plain and simple fact, sex sells and that might explain why the new trailer for fifty shades darker set a new record for the most views online racking up 144 million. Usurping the previous record holder star wars the force awakens with11 this saucy sequel starring jamie dornin and Dakota Johnson opens in theaters just in time for valentines day. Who saw the first movie . Any of you. Please. No . No. No, i didnt see it. Nor the trailer or the books. I read the books for research. What kind of research . Research. Needless to say i had a baby nine months later so there you go. How does that work . Go back to nick. Moving on, before this gets even worse, now, lots of us say for granted lots of us are hooked on our morning cup of coffee and a new survey sheds light on how much we love that jolt. That for fun only survey done for staples found that almost a third of employees said they would rather streak naked through the main street of their town than give up coffee for a year. More than half of those asked sweets forever over coffee forever and 25 said that they would go without their smartphone for eternity or give up their yearly Vacation Time just to keep coffee in their lives. Wow, well, Ron Claiborne actually streaks naked every morph before he has his cup of coffee. Any survey would you do x or streak naked, do we take that seriously. No. No. Absolutely not. We take you seriously. No, you dont. That was your first mistake. Coffee is delicious. Yes, it is good coffee. Okay, okay. Now, the lovely sara haines warned me i had to bring you food. So we have food this morning. Behold the latest creation from burger king, cheetos chicken fries. Taking a lead from their successful cheetos mac and cheese, the recipe swapped potato for poultry and adds cheese puff dust to b home. Early reviewers praised their satisfying crunch. Dust from heaven. This is so good. Cheetos with chicken. Theres not enough in there. Not enough dust as well. The best thing about cheetos, when that dust gets stuck to your fingers and you have to chew it off. Your fingers off. Dip it in the buffalo sauce. Buffalo sauce. You guys got the buffalo sauce . Nick, thank you for bringing food. Miss you, dont listen to this can task rouse one. Thank you, nick. Thanks for being with us on a saturday morning. You have ranch . If the bosses allow us well be back tomorrow. Well see you then. Live from wcvbtv channel 5, this is a newscenter 5 eyeopener update. Antoinette and a good morning to you. Thank you so much for joining us. Im antoinette antonio. Todd im Todd Kazakiewich for doug this morning. Were following breaking news. One person is dead and two others injured after a gunman opened fire in dorchester. The new information. The way the neighbors responded to the incident. Todd unique stories told through the photos of people who are homeless. The local project behind some of the unforgettable images. Antoinette all of those stories coming up. Right now we want to check in with mike wankum. It is a gorgeous but cool start to the day out there. Mike it certainly is a cool start. Typically 57 is the average low. In boston right now were at 58. Away from the city, we saw a lot of temperatures dropping off in the 40 in a couple of places as we saw yesterday morning, dropping off into the 30s. Today pretty quiet. What youll notice is humidity starting to come up overnight tonight. With that comes from cloud cover as well. As far as this front coming in from the west, this is the one thats going to give us the chance of rain. The timeline looks like most of the rain will be tomorrow night into monday morning. However, there could be some popup showers that happen ahead of it. Thats why weve got the threat of rain in the forecast. When we get this rain, we may occasional downpour. Monday morning looking wet and clearing off as we head towards tuesdays forecast. In the meantime, today, its sunny and mild. About 76 for a high temperature. Your sunday revolves around humid conditions. Humidity coming up, chance of showers north and west. That threat of showers will work its way closer and closer to the city and closer and closer to the coast. Looks like we could see 1 2 inch to an inch of rain before its over it. Well talk more about the arrival of that rain, show you the beautiful temperatures coming back towards antoinette new controversy in commitment 2016. Donald trump on the attack. The move hes calling for and how Hillary Clinton is responding. Todd a disturbing attack in easton, a woman telling police she was knocked unconscious during a walk. The search right now for the suspect. Antoinette and a deadly collision in newton. The i was struck and killed by a passing train. Youre watching wcvb, bostons news leader. Good morning. This is newscenter 5s eyeopener. Antoinette a good morning to you. Thank you so much for joining us. We have the 8 00 hour of the eyeopener on your way. Saturday, september 17. Im antoinette antonio. Todd good morning, im Todd Kazakiewich. Doug is off. We have 55 degrees. Mike wankum, its going to be a Beautiful Day today, but showers moving in for the end of the

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