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The transcript of commies 1st interview with the committee was released the following day Allie Rogan a.b.c. News Capitol Hill u.s. Stock prices dropped to their lowest levels in more than a year Monday a.b.c. News chief business and economics correspondent Rebecca Jarvis question is is the u.s. Economy going to be on any firmer footing in next year and most economists who are looking at this say even though right now unemployment 49 year low we're seeing the job gains there relatively healthy wages continue to climb the feeling is that next year things are going to be where they are today the Dow closing down $507.00 points it's a loss of 2 percent the golden parachute that did not open c.b.s. Announcing former chief Les Moonves will not get the $120000000.00 severance packages contract stipulates reportedly because he didn't cooperate with the company's investigation into the dozens of complaints against him for a variety of sexual improprieties corporate media reporter made James telling a.b.c. News that c.b.s. Simply could not do so in good conscience c.b.s. Wants to be a sign example of a very progressive and enlightened culture and to have these type of allegations including underlings for worried about going to the h.r. Department for fear of retaliation that's not good corporate governance You're listening to a.b.c. News. Are you more than $10000.00 and don't feel like you're on a never ending treadmill staying in one place and never getting ahead with those minimum payments you feel like there's no way out don't let the credit card companies bully you anymore there are programs in place to help you get free of your debt and you don't have to pay the entire amount you owe the program had total financial freedom can help you get debt free and months instead of decades get off the debt treadmill and stop the harassment get free of credit card debt signature loans department store cards Internet loans and medical bills call now at 866-844-7344 extension 4 free information for of a. 10 years total financial freedom has helped thousands their a plus rated by the Better Business Bureau to get off the endless cycle without having to declare bankruptcy you'll have the right to settle your debt for a mere fraction of what you call total financial now at 866-844-7344 that's 866-844-7344. 2 young fellows officers killed in the line of duty Monday died in Chicago Conrad Gary and Wade word oh Marlay ho were chasing a suspect armed with a gun when they were struck and killed by a commuter train Gary and 18 and 30 months on the Force respectively both fathers Chicago police superintendent Eddie Johnson as community for prayers some asking all of you Chicago to pray for the families of these 2 her rort young men and please say a prayer for the men and women of the 5th District the suspect they were chasing is in custody government watchdog groups say there's evidence that Trump organization is working on a new real estate deal in the Dominican Republic right now there's no federal ethics laws that prevent the president from operating his business as he sees fit but A.B.C.'s Matthew mosque says members of Congress are expressing their concern when the Democrats take Congress in January 1 of the things that the House Oversight Committee has talked quite a bit about is learning more about potential conflicts and ethics issues with the truck business and we spoke with Congressman Cummings who told us this is going to be a focus of his efforts in Congress in a statement the trouble going to zation said the company entered into a license agreement with a local developer for a multi component real estate development project in 2007 but there are no plans in place for the next phase of that development in the Dominican Republic this is a.b.c. News at Kaiser Permanente we're always looking into the future but we're not using a crystal ball we're using science and technology to see what's coming for your health take something preventable like heart disease it's the leading cause of death in this country because only half of us manage our blood pressure correctly so we made it a focus the result more than 83 percent of Kaiser Permanente members have their blood pressure under control we may not be able to tell your fortune but we'll happily work on improving your future Kaiser Permanente Together We Thrive visit k.p. Dot org slash thrive and Maisie's backstage finding great guests isn't much fun is good. Get in the holiday spirit with matching Fiji's and loungewear for everyone us for slippers great styles for him and tag line up slip receiving can't miss stocking but hurry and they're going fast and if you've got tacky to music lovers on your list we've got their gear from electronics to headphones it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Macy's backstage off right on track arriving to find your store at Macy's backstage dot com. Some snacking advice from an exaggerated party bro stereotype. Jack's chili cheese of triple cheese and bacon curly fries are totally. Irish Times one trauma new $3.00 salsa loaded fries. One time only price participate maybe or whether you want to buy toffee tired service $1.00 more chilly morning $48.00 degrees by sunrise than Tuesday afternoon it begins feeling a little warmer low seventy's a light north breeze mostly sunny skies little warmer yet on Wednesday then our next round of storms on Thursday from General Honore what is news and meteorologist George Walden burger. Say such security triple team traffic. Get a portion of I 4 shut down for road work headed eastbound from the road to state road 436 and westbound I 4 shut down for road work between Colonial Drive and state road for a wait traffic update is brought to you by Mothers Against Drunk Driving drunk driving is 100 percent preventable 100 percent of the time help them create a future with no more victims at madd dot org That's a d.d. Dot o.-r. G. Triple team traffic I'm Richard Lewis News 96.5 w d b o No the mark we invent can't show a News 96.5. You were. Shaking Mark might want to have a little money for him cannot clearly not thinking since it was all going to have been fun at the same time we got to get it done I'm ready there's is no Mark Twain and Jane can show you this. Let's do it Barkley a big game show Jerry Markley that is David Bandcamp Thanks a lot going on this weekend a lot of tweeting going on Twitter since the lead Ok well you kind of do you know what I think in the end what's that Ok with all the allegations everything that's out there or surrounding President Trump right. If he were one of those guys that we've seen in the past that just sort of lets it play out doesn't really talk to the media much about it yeah I'm trying to imagine of George w. Bush where in this situation he wouldn't say much right probably not I think a lot of people even supporters would think man there's really something here he's in a lot of trouble. But from Trump tweeting like he does having Julie Rudy Giuliani out there like he does you know a lot of different attack dogs it floods the zone so much you're trying to figure out exactly what's real and what's not and the tactic I think is actually working in his favor what it does I've brought this up with Giuliani specifically before is that what Giuliani is really good at is he runs out there and throws a lot of shiny objects out there and there are a couple of things to write home about you know some some new revelations or whatever may be but the guy is so good at clouding the issue that it winds up sort of beating a lot of people into a sense of submission Yes I agree with that and you wind up in the point where you're just like Ok let me know when Muller has a report right because you know when there's evidence out there let me know what's going on when it's done because is he going to really be you know kicked out of the White House for campaign finance No no that's not going to happen so what do we know about Russian collusion nothing yet and in the end that's where we're at really but there's all sorts of things flying around so as Giuliani is out there you enjoy. Over the weekend I did yeah drum solo or Michael Cohen is becoming a problem for the president after he was sentenced to 3 years in prison last week for a slew of crimes including campaign finance law violations on the big Good Morning America interview with Cohen that aired on Friday he said the president ordered him to break the law with these payments to Stormy Daniels and then sort of in the roundabout way the payment to Karen McDougal using Am I right the president's new lawyer Rudy Giuliani reacted to that during this interview with little George Stephanopoulos on A.B.C.'s This Week this was yesterday the minister said it that's a letter you were interviewing and he says he did not need to read to me to do it oh my goodness he directed me he's a lawyer he's the guy you depend on to determine whether or not you should do it this way or that way whether you're Donald Trump or you or me or you I haven't seen the president who is wrong directed him to do that the president says that's false and he said it was false under oath he said it was false and his tape recorded conversation with Chris Cuomo he said it was false on 5 of the tape recorded conversations this is a guy who would stop in court and said I fiercely I was fiercely loyal to Donald Trump That's why did I fiercely loyal to him no he wasn't he was taping I'm sort of Tisha lying to his client that's outrageous Can you imagine how the jury's going to react to that Ok All right. And by flooding the zone I think it's still effective I mean there's also some things I don't think Rudy did all that well like with that but even saying if you depend on this guy yeah to know. But Trungpa just said he was low level I mean he disappeared our stuff for me I'm just saying that that doesn't go together I'm saying Rudy you got to screw that up in my opinion but again Well I think the point is with with Michael Cohen and I don't really actually had a good point when he said I was fiercely loyal to the president no you weren't you were taping him you were secretly recording conversations you had that's not what you do when you're so quote unquote fiercely loyal to somebody and at the end of the day it is your job to know whether or not what you're doing is right or wrong well he did it with everybody he forgot about it yeah it's crazy right I think that also goes to the this is the oh he's like come on man Michael Cohen is exactly who we always thought he was well that's the point of you know before you just say everything with Donald Trump is not a problem I know I've heard people try to say that I mean I I think you also have to look at the guys that he was surrounded by yes. I mean is he going to get impeached and removed from office Oldmeadow over this no way no Has he surrounded himself with some questionable characters you know they are here to help not dirt so like you tell your kids mad Be careful who you hang with well then Rudy went on to make the argument that these payments aren't even illegal because you can't prove that they were made with the sole purpose of influencing the election it's not a crime to watch paying paying cash of $30000.00 to stormy whatever and 100 on the other one is not a crime it has to be for the sole purpose if there's another purpose it's no longer a campaign contribution it's a personal purpose it's not a campaign expense it can't be a campaign contribution these are not campaign it's a corporate campaign the corporate contribution for me and I would be clearly illegal. Oh no no it would not be. It worst Packer in all this. Because that's the one that's the thing that's going to be the most concerning as far as the president's legal liability is not so much the Stormy Daniels thing right I also do love how he said the stormy whatever right like Rudy doesn't know his daughter not an alternate right but that person that he had that whatever yeah yeah yeah so he got a little tight up there but he got back to the main point Donald Trump was worried that this would have had personal implications so wasn't to advance the campaign Ok the president was very concerned about how this was going to affect his children his marriage not just this one but similar all those women came forward at that point in time that that tape with Billy Bush and all of that it's all part of the same thing and I know what he was concerned about and I can produce 20 witnesses to tell you what he was concerned to weeks before the campaign again right and he was he was concerned about all of it do you how do you think that shame is like that in the past nobody else has to pick up on the past I can't speak to I wasn't. At that point this is the only true way asking for money and the amount of money it's consistent with harassment the truth Ok but last week that's the point that I was making is that Trump actually has potentially an argument there now again like you brought up earlier with David Pecker we don't know what David Pecker might How far is was there like a real cooperation agreement with the express purpose of influence the campaign I don't know but the argument that I thought was the best that they had was saying I thought I was going to lose the election so I just wanted to make these stories go away so that my marriage would not be right negatively affected and that's not a terrible argument for trying to have right now no I mean does anyone really believe that in Trump's past there wasn't any non-disclosures or paid agreement he's bragged about it before well come on that's what I'm saying bragged about the fact that he knows how to get people legally locked into a contract to non-disclosure right so no I don't think that's a surprise to anybody that but one of the problems with denial denial denial don't know or never watch. Then why would you be furious with Cohen for pay and somebody that didn't need to pay it's a ticket and he got a good return on his investment because Stormy Daniels is supposed to be paying him back Struve nearly 300 grand crazy Thanks Michael Evan Adi. I mean these are supposed to be high level people it's like amateur mistakes right you know what I'm saying is wild man it's wild to me what about the possible chat with Muller Yes that money line that everybody's talking about is he was like yeah that's because again that's separate from Colin Cohen is separate from our Yeah they're not the same thing anyway on Fox News Sunday Rudy Giuliani was on there he was asked by the angry duck when Chris Wallace but. Asked whether or not Muller was going to get an interview with the president there are reports now that the special counsel is interested again and interviewing the president has his office reached out to you about sitting down for an enforcement interview with the president yes there are several unpaid parking tickets that night back in 1987 that haven't been explained seriously when we've got it now not as I understand it is a proper fee has a special counsel does you know they tell you the president they have good luck good luck after what they did to the way they kept him in a perjury and no sentence form $14.00 days for Papadopoulos I did better on traffic violations then I did you say good luck Gary I hate the way you know when I get there and show over my dead body but you know I could be dead. I don't really know what that last little part of it over my dead but I understand again as we said before why Trump legal team would not want him to be in a room with anybody on Miller's team right because they're crafty prosecutors and they can twist you in the knots dude Honestly right now I don't even know that you want the president talking with Harris Faulkner of Fox News because you get he shot and killed in the foot the other day and you need to choose sure to part of it you know meanwhile we're going to big government shutdown or not now we're getting back into that news. Senator Chuck Schumer fake tears himself has taken part in this game of shut down chicken with President Trump when it comes to border wall funding Trump wants $5000000000.00 Democrats are offering around a 1000000000 and a half Trump says we can shut down the government if he doesn't get the wall over that new cycle was only like a week ago that seems like that year ago now at this point but Digex humor was on Meet the Press where he said there is no room for compromise on this is there anywhere in the middle here is there any middle ground President Trump should understand there are not the votes for the wall in the House or the Senate he is not going to get the wall in any form and we should not let a temper tantrum threats push us in the direction of doing something that everybody even our Republican colleagues know is wrong Hold on a 2nd. Well we just talking about words here would be different if you just called it border security instead of the wall is that what it comes down to they don't want Trump to win the wall right if it's border security would probably be fine just change the wording of it right but still the wall you know if the president wants to debate the wall next year he can i don't think he'll get it but he shouldn't you in a sense workers as hostage for his temper tantrum to sort of throw a bone to his base they just have to have the guts to tell President Trump he's off on the deep end here and all he's going to get with his temper tantrum is the shutdown he will not get along and the wall just get 10 feet tall believe. They're going to be of the shutdown is that Trump takes the blame for it he's open to taking the blame for it and you've got to focus on the actual issues where Trump wins yes border security there's one conservative writer says Trump should stop using gangster lingo and then cautionary tale of a colonoscopy straight ahead. Surface in the words we have a good story to be. A Tampa State Representative introducing a bill that would ban Florida drivers from holding or even touching a cell phone bill Washington lawmakers have until Friday to come to an agreement on a spending bill or multiple government agencies could run out of money furloughing employees like former f.b.i. Director James Comey challenging congressional Republicans to stand up for the rule of law at some point someone has to stand up in the face of fear of Fox News fear their base fear of a tweet banned for the values of this country this coming after another closed door meeting with members of the House Judiciary and Oversight Committee told me so. As President Trump has lied repeatedly about the f.b.i. Meter now for security Bush shut down the government said I want to shut down the government we don't use the open mike inside the news that is 6.5 back and let your voice be heard I am very proud of the president what is wrong with this president if it doesn't work out what it's never going to do after January might not ever get the way this is where Orlando turns 1st for breaking news news 96.5 w t v 0 since 2007 the sharing center meet my cluster of talent wealth management the reason I really really like to sit down with individuals is everybody situation is different you have to find a way to navigate through all the information and then coming up with that list of what you need will it applies to you very very specifically take a moment to sit down and look at what you're doing and let's make sure that your plan is right for you check out guarding your nest egg with my quest your Saturday afternoon one or Sunday afternoon or one here on News 965 secured soft tissue Securities Inc members figure as a p.c. At Kaiser Permanente we're always looking into the future but we're not using a crystal ball we're using science and technology to see what's coming for your health take something preventable like heart disease it's the leading cause of death in this country because only half of us manage our blood pressure correctly so we made it a focus the result more than 83 percent of Kaiser Permanente members have their blood pressure under control we may not be able to tell your fortune but we'll happily work on improving your future Kaiser Permanente Together We Thrive visit k.p. Dot org slash thrive and Maisie's backstage finding great gifts is as much fun is giving them get in the holiday spirit with matching Fiji's and loungewear for everyone who asks for slippers leave great styles for him and her minus the perceiving Janus stocking and Harry and they're going fast and if you've got taking to music lovers on your list we've got their gear from electronics to headphones it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas at Macy's that same offer price on track arriving daily find your store at Macy's back States. Come. Knocking the phones for an exaggerated party stereotype listen bad jacks chili cheese or triple cheese and bacon could totally self hire trama a new $3.00 salsa loaded fries all we're talking about for a long time only price participation bless our souls program has been serving low income children with a gift card to purchase a new pair of shoes for back to school Christmas and Easter for more info on us our souls visit the sharing center over here pregnant how far one month to no doctor get I can afford it fitted yourself and your baby they have department can test for an s.t.d. I don't have diseases you don't know you don't always have symptoms they see these make you and your baby See I don't want my baby sick no one cares more about your baby I'm calling my county health department a message from the Florida Department of Health the Florida broadcasters and this radio station you lack energy and can't focus. 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All right the Markley Bandcamp show remarkably David Van Camp What do you think of what Andrew McCarthy had to say and they serve it right or I think Edward Carthy has been probably the most one of the most even keeled prognosticators out there with all the Russias stuff going on with all the Southern District of New York stuff going on with Michael Cohen sort of taking the good and the bad and just sort of making sense of all of it he's a very valuable resource when you're following all this stuff day in and day out so over the weekend term tweeted out remember Michael Cohen only became a rats after the f.b.i. Did something which was absolutely unthinkable and unheard of until the witch hunt was illegally started they broke into an attorney's office why did they break into the d.n.c. To get the server or crooked office in Asia short and crooked Hillary to just crickets now. So enjoyable Carthy Fox News contributor National Review writer said Sir in mobster lingo a rat is a witness who tells prosecutors real incriminating info perhaps a different word searches of lawyers offices are common enough that d.o.j. Has a procedure for them here it yielded evidence of crimes you said he should be jailed for you should stop I think that's good advice you know what I mean that's how fast it takes for a guy to get whacked I think that's good advice yeah because it sounds like you're saying he told the truth it's like when you flip. The flipper of but usually the flipper has information it's called flipping it ought to be illegal that's what he said yes but this is all part of the strategy of flooding the zone. There is there I mean with Michael Cohen there's enough of a kernel of truth to show that he's been a proven liar before yes that Trump is trying to capitalize on that now I tend to agree with Andrew McCarthy that maybe coming to Iraq isn't great just like I think it's in credibility that he's telling us we're just like you know it's just like it's flipping and it ought to be a leader you know I don't know flipping is generally something that. Again means that somebody has some evidence against you yes and they were holding it and then decided well to save their own skin a little bit yeah they flipped and decided to tell the truth that's why that's you're saying they're telling the truth he's there to help not to hurt McCarthy You know him saying yeah man oh man apparently you have some audio that you want to play or do we go and do this so you're off on Friday yeah I don't have to tell you this but if you were listening on Friday Jamie was off because you're well you have a colonoscopy very important thing you got to get done over 50 people over 50 right you very important lifesaving procedure something happened to you now you called in I was on my way home yeah drive through now yeah and I had the radio show on so you know and then to the 2nd show we do of the day yes and I want to bring this to the other program right now Ok so you're still drugged up because something happened to you and what I'm just going to roll the audio here Ok this is from Friday Jamie how are you doing sir. Little better. Yeah boy I mean I'm all right I'm very good. 30 dollars Geez Ok so you talk I'm out of her head I got to yeah Ok just so you know. I have vague memories of some of this might be an on the phone in the drive thru Yeah. I'm still yes I was very drugged up Ok but Ok man I'm so so did something happen here because I heard right as we were coming back from break Greg said something and I think I might have heard him wrong . Well if he told you that I woke up during the day you heard it right. You woke up during the cold last beat Yes So you know Craig from your experience you're because you had your plate on your side yet you know one day you start to administer you know. The whole cocktail of stuff oh yeah and next thing I know man I am out but then and I'm like coming to a lot of consumers and I realized I got stuff going on inside me oh no oh no you can feel it moving around in you yes it was like it was like squeezing it inside oh my gosh I was the best way I could describe it when you open your mouth it looked like a pen like. Well I want to alert them and all of a sudden the part I remember I'm just like I'm awake I'm awake. Oh yes well we'll get some more to make you comfortable or whatever and if that was going on I could feel what was going on inside me and I could feel like watching. You know so I'm glad there's no recording either because I'm sure I sound like a big big. The want to thank God the worst I just remember making this noise kind of like oh. Thanks for courting that right if you depreciate it I had to save it for posterity man you know what I don't know. If it was almost the power of suggestion and I think I also told part of the story that a few weeks ago a guy that I just referred to if I got Dave runs a gym and I'm at the gym and he comes in and we're just talking he's like. The way he talks is like a classic fight guy has I got a call and ask if yes I'm like oh my gosh really got one coming up because I will got to earn it and I'm like what Yeah I could feel it inside me as to how like oh my gosh so I remember telling you the next day about that story the morning of Friday morning as I'm talking to my wife about that she says she just starts laughing she's like I hate to tell you this right now but it's true there's a girl I know that happened to she woke up during And I might not I So yeah it really did and then so I don't know if it was just the power of that suggestion or not but yes I mean I remember it and I remember having that conversation is like Ok We're going to administer some more of the medicine to make you more comfortable but you know that's that's the only part of it I remember was like waking up a little bit and then I was back out and I I barely even remember leaving the hospital you know I mean and now I remember being on that drive through. Like I said. Earlier you know for other people it's not it's not all that uncommon people do wake up and because you're not. You're not getting put under fully like you would if you were going to write knife Yes so it's easier to wake up right especially if you take sleep aids regularly or something like Yeah you somebody was explaining that to me Yeah Ok yeah glad it's over and yes everyone should get it done it's not that bad. Ok oh Scott Rama's is going to be in a just a few of the Super Bowl halftime shows in trouble What's it mean to get to. Use his News 96.5 w d b Orlando turns 1st for breaking news. Before I was it was a good start the clock ticking toward a partial government shutdown this is President Trump refuses drop his demand for a $5000000000.00 border wall the president says he's willing to take political responsibility I am proud to shut down the government for border security check a shutdown threatens hardship to many government workers for the holidays Tonight we're learning some federal employees could see their Christmas vacations canceled A.B.C.'s Terry Moran Democrats aren't backing down their offer keep order security funding at the current level of $1300000000.00 to rookie police officers killed Monday night in Chicago after they were struck by a commuter train while chasing a suspect sentencing day for former national security adviser Michael Flynn prosecutors have recommended no prison time another bloodbath on Wall Street the Dow plunging more than $500.00 points Tara fueled trade uncertainty and fear of a looming recession weighing heavily on stocks stocks opening this morning at their lowest level since October of last year Dave Packer a.b.c. News. Larry very measured beginning pollinated and fun facts from Kristin and Paul a Total Wine and more the sweetness of the maple glazed ham paired with a bourbon barely and scattering now my taste buds are humming I can help you press the boss with a great bottle of wine Here's to raising 2019 as you check off that gift list we love to share are always low prices and ridiculous selection at total one in more Bay Area locations now open in Daly City across from Sara Monte center on Boulevard near Bed Bath and Beyond shop online it's Total Wine dot com page Sean Hannity and more listening to News 965 w d b o where Orlando turns for breaking news weather and traffic 24 hours a day. Whether or not to buy Tuffy Tire and Auto Service one more chilly morning 48 degrees by sunrise then Tuesday afternoon it begins feeling a little warmer low seventy's a light north breeze mostly sunny skies a little warmer yet on Wednesday then our next round of storms on Thursday from General Honore when this news a meteorologist toward Walden burger. Say such security triple team traffic. Overnight construction as a portion of I 95 closed heading southbound from l.p.g. All of our down to us 92 at a find a portion of I 4 shut down westbound from Colonial Drive out to state road for a wait and east than I 4 closed for road work from the Learoyd out to state road 436 triple team traffic I'm Richard Lewis News 96.5 w d b o our commitment to Orlando to help you get where you need to be on time you'll know there's a major traffic problem in Orlando when you hear this so clear that you believe that a real. Job we're going. To keep our helicopter on for traffic alerts this is where blando transfers to News 96 times. Now the mercury and Baghdad show on Newsnight a $6.00. The. Lovely Band game show thanks so much for being here m.j. Barkley that's a bad game there scouting Hello boys what's the story with the Super Bowl halftime show well because the anthem controversy that's still going around apparently for some people. That has a bit a huge storyline this season because the football's been interesting enough they're not showing it anymore either right that helps Maroon 5 is supposed to be playing the have time for the Super Bowl Yeah and they're asking the question who's going to perform with them at halftime that the band has approached a bunch of different pop stars but no one has said yes one insider told Variety nobody wants to be associated with the halftime show. Why they don't want that because of Maroon 5 but because of the anthem controversy. People like Carty Mary j. Blige Lauren Hill none of them have confirmed. Cares don't push well right well some of them are boycotting and telling trying to get Maroon 5 to step down no because of the and other like 30000 people that signed a petition they want Maroon 5 out 30000 out of how many millions are going to watch the Super Bowl the I woke hashtags woke up that think we know who the number where the numbers lie here I know millions of women that don't want to see Maroon 5 say no they want them to play someone else well yeah some guys too yeah I guess so what is it that they feel like we have to have a black artist come out and play with us. Is that them is that the sponsors is that the n.f.l. I think well there was initially so much backlash because they didn't have an Atlanta artist come out and play the rhythm section was busy. Ok. There have been many super bowl performances that did not have a hometown band or artist rightly the Super Bowl halftime show but this is racist to see Ok because in this age we are going to find fault with everything of course whether you're going to have an Oscar the asker words no one will emcee it. Now you're not going to be able to come up with anybody perform halftime at the Super Bowl that meets all the criteria and checks all the boxes Well that's tough and some years you may not like the artist you know one of the just go with country guys nobody objects to country guys do they oh are you kidding I guess Toby Keith there I had no I don't know Florida Georgia Line can't they do it or somebody at a time show so white you can't do that get Hootie. Ok What was the problem with Hootie I don't know not black enough maybe I don't know there's only there's going to be a problem and you get him to go out there saying wagon wheel a couple of times and then we find Ok. And to hold my hand but I mean Hootie is back together for 2019 write a new album and tour right get there yes on the phone in a tribute to fog fat. I guess you have the story Scott of an unlikely rocker This is kind of interesting in that. He's making the rounds now he's got a record coming out apparently and he's out promoting it some people right now. Are saying who say freely maybe that's the name of the album. Right now is and who is Ace Frehley the new album. He said he was asked about this about politics during an interview now if I'm going to say that with Ace Frehley I don't believe politics is going to come up but it does all the time now he said there is no reason to bring up politics let me play my guitar and write songs entertain people that's my job let me say this about Trump where the a Love him or hate him if you're an American you're a patriot you should get behind your president he was elected we live under the Constitution of the United States and you're supposed to support your president Love him or hate him you're supposed to support him or just go move to another country they're all boy love Avis guitar pick the right there man. Wow another. Great song by the way completely under a great song I did I admit that's a guilty pleasure it is not yet. And of all the a song I would have sounded when he was saying all that by the way because it would have been what I did my interpretation was a little bit Right exactly yes that's him take currently how he does that whole bit . Of bass that you do he's a joker man is. So his face. That's right you know he covered the Joker I didn't know that. There really was I still get the idea that's why I brought it to. You got to have. The slightest hello I don't know nerd and never understood that wow that was a good one all he covered he did off like a whole covers album I think you know like white room from cream stuff like that. He. Had enough he's good Really you had Ok maybe just go back to the good old days is that what you're looking at I think so yeah Ok we can always do it there you go Ok boxes what you yeah. Ok I want. To go there you are. Going to. Get it are you. Ok. The only talk show today give you the really update that and some of bassist classics All right well done that's going to haunt me. The Joker Yeah well I mean I can bring out more cover now you know I don't need to do that are you sure I'd I'd rather talk about Charles Barkley right now Ok we can do that is Charles Barkley there is a cool story that came out about him over the weekend meaning he's covered his mashed potatoes with gravy. You are had the cool story Charles Barkley becoming friends with this random guy you met at a hotel few years back. Wound up as if you are right yeah I want to speak I mean it sounds weird when you say just met him in a hotel now Ok man Garrido you tell you surely Wang told the story her dad Len wing is the one who had this friendship with Charles Barkley. He started out talking about how when went to Charles mom's funeral back in 2015 and then this is Charles Barkley saying it you know it was obviously a very difficult time and the next thing I know he shows up if I was like who's Asian do over there just I just started laughing as a small boy Lin like how do you know him as it's a long story. Ago of Rangel's Yad So they met about 4 years ago at a hotel bar in California it was like one of the most random things I was in Sacramento speaking at a charity event I was just sitting at the bar and me had there was only 2 people in there and we just sit down is going to talk and and before we know it we look at each other like oh man I'm hungry and we've done well let's go to dinner live turned into a 2 hour dinner and then we actually went back to the bar just sit and talk another couple hours and the rest is history he it's amazing to me that that guy would have that amount of time Charles Barkley you know why you want would have things planned out great stories we're going to hear today by the way that's a great story but he told Shirley just like being around someone that he could have a normal conversation with Yeah I don't have that minute France that I want to be around to be honest with you let me you know you know a lot of people but when you go spend time with your friends it's a whole different animal but I think the main thing we talked about was you and your brother he was proud. And we because I got a daughter too because other son has a daughter you too young to understand is now you know you wanted your kids to be happy that's what you work for they give you a key is everything in life. It's cool man to great story men you know because if he would have been like a big fan boy you get the idea that it would have been so reciprocal Yes. They had what it would have Yeah like just normal conversation about anything going on in life went to San Francisco once Yeah and I went into a bar and Charles Barkley was sitting in the bar so I'm with this guy and I might my back to the bar this guy says I'll give you 100 bucks we turn around and tell the guy right now to go blank himself. And I said what he goes I'll give you a 100 bucks right now if you tell that guy behind you don't look so I'm like Ok so I turn around is Charles Barkley said in the bar these 2 girls one on each side of him and he's talking I'm up right and I'm like I'm not telling Charles Barkley that no thanks you're good to go when I start up largely but I'm thinking now I should just going to start out yes go ahead. That's all areas now that was the end of the story I mean I didn't have any other story I never did talk to him I never went up to and never once hand I wanted to but I didn't Scott Robinson his brushes with the n.b.a. Greats that close to Charles Barkley showering with Michael Jordan so great it's a story for another and when we run into a bookstore once at a hotel and I we were you and I were on the same flight together was an n.b.a. Player. Troll Myers Leonard Meyer's Leonard Yeah the dude standing there and he's like 7 feet tall at 1st I didn't recognize him I said I said you're like I'm not garden that dude right and they're like oh yeah hey what's going on that's Meyers Leonard you know yes and we had a picture with a member that fanboys in the airport yeah he hated us and yes he did you know like security fire remember correctly he just wanted some time with his lady I don't blame him no couple a knuckle. Only I said you know I'm like Let's just leave him alone you know like no way I'm get my picture right too yes you can get a baseball signed no I didn't have one if I had one already so you know it's traveled. You know by the way far as a 1st impression goes you see this story out today yes I did see this story 27 seconds what you have to make a good 1st impression that's 20 more seconds that I need what I mean usually I can tell within 5 seconds of meeting somebody whether I want to continue a conversation with Wow Ok what does it mean Oh Ok tell me what makes a good impression. Somebody looks in the eye and in is not a mouth breather the not a shoe look or the you know is Ok what you mean by mouth breathers just an idiot. I know what you mean but I want you to explain to me as somebody who is in monosyllabic and you know is can't put 3 words together and and then what would a shoe look or be she look or just looks at issues all the time in Mumbles. Bright guy. Yeah daughter's old boyfriends there's just there's a couple issue lookers in there oh you don't like that I didn't mean the I sort of oh yeah yeah yeah they say the things that will help you make a good impression smiling you know being polite you know being well spoken making eye contact listening well. Smelling nice Yes stinky people not fun yeah I don't even think is it what do they mean by that is it smelling nice meaning you have to have an aroma or is it just mean you don't smell bad I don't think it's not offensive Yes Ok so if it's just you know equal you're fine but if you smell nice it's better doesn't hurt to score a little on when you leave in the morning Ok holding the conversation well good body language good tone of voice and dressing well good tone of voice because tone means everything doesn't it you well you have a nice tone but if you're just talking like I mean that you're going to become a hell of a sudden. You know the worst thing you can do. 1st impression is 3 things smell bad that is smell bad yes. It is a cussing is being arrogant. Different people have different descriptor of what that is but I think we all kind of get the idea and then dressing poorly so that's what you want to stay away from Ok there's other stuff. There we need to get to. Where big big name chopped off her hair and it's supposed to like image this person does that work here are known to work better much more coming up on the mark maybe a game show. The feeds you need 3 days sentencing day for Trump's former national security advisor Michael Flynn. Commending prison time actor Flynn acted as a cooperating witness. The c.b.s. Board says that Les Moonves will not receive his $120000000.00 severance pay that his contract promised the board says that he violated his contract by not cooperating fully. With the u.s. Air Force is launching a new g.p.s. Satellite into space this morning from Cape Canaveral this is the 1st of 32 new more accurate satellites the u.s. Air Force plans to launch into orbit Obamacare ruled unconstitutional. Then we have another cold front coming through with rain and storms Wednesday into Thursday as soon as you wake up tomorrow listen to news 96.5. Ready for the day with the latest news weather and the fastest route to the office or school join us this morning on Morning News with Joe Kelly on Newsnight a 6.5. In a recent survey 40 percent. We're always looking into the future but we're not using a crystal ball we're using science and technology to see what's coming for your health take something preventable like heart disease it's the leading cause of death in this country because only half of us manage our blood pressure correctly so we made it a focus the result more than 83 percent of Kaiser Permanente members have their blood pressure under control we may not be able to tell your fortune but will happily work on improving your future Permanente Together We Thrive visit k.p. 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Nelson smacking the phones for an exaggerated party. Listen to Jack's chili cheese or triple cheese and bacon curly fries are totally on the. New $3.00 soft and loaded for us all we're talking about for a long time only price participate maybe the goal but this week we're coming 1st Friday morning room restaurant at 1st and Park Avenue in historic downtown Sanford join us Sunday morning show on the go News 96. Percent. Inspiration hope you do insurance Ok Time Out to let your budget be the boss of control the progress of name your price tool tell us what you want to pay for car insurance and help you find that your budget Yes music to get you don't don't don't don't die I hear your budget 7 laughing. Oh wait that's just those kids laughing at me. With cancer the insurance company and if that person covered it by state law. Larry Barry magic mechanic here pick any mileage that's a bad game. Ok. They are distracted Well you know we have news monitors out here yeah. You know it's c.n.n. And it's Fox News somebody there's like underwear for Christmas what is that the Tommy John thing I just looked up to see if there's any like breaking news and suddenly it's because I got away with it Charles Barkley. My gosh. I just I mean I don't know stop it. It's like monkey gone crazy all over the place things are firing off I don't know what's going on we had Charles Barkley in the last segment Ok I might he's going to go on one of the underwear commercial doing on the news Ok We're going to talk to the watchers need underwear to Jamie I understand that. Megan Kelly chopped off her hair. Ok that news that must get shot USA Today they had a reporter following her around yes they did talk to her Do you want to hear that audio you can play it there it might wind up just being Charles Barkley I much like . Look at you. You know I could see you I don't recognize with that let me see that. My good guy. Has a feel of the feel good have all cut off the hours like coming out the new year new beginning to feel good to keep going to get along I don't have enough to do you think I can spirit had about one inch to go to there you go Ok new year new beginnings all that stuff and we're all supposed to really care I guess yes she does kind of have a carefree aura about her but I would too if I was going to make millions of dollars to not work anymore yes. You could say whatever the hell you want to about yes when you look back it's been quite a year for her. But as the piece in USA Today starts making Kelly hit the rewind button with her short new haircut taking us back to 2016 when she was still on top and rocked a similar style. Looking for new beginnings what could this mean yeah I don't know she's so Megan Kelly do you look at her any different not really known Have you ever seen like either someone you know. Or musician actor or actress that you look at of different yes it's somebody I know who won a haircut it was the hairstyle it was when you remember I don't know if this it was kind of like late ninety's early 2000 yeah a big trend with guys was to bleach their hair blond and spike it maybe more late ninety's yeah really 2000 but well and there was also just so you would only get like the tips the frosted tips there are just part of it yeah a different color not all of it but just little pieces I knew a few guys who went down that route and I did look at them and a little different true like how so like I don't even know you anymore man what do you do and yeah I did it you did it yeah you bleached your hair blond. That were just it was like a little like little strands was almost like I remember it a stylus having a cap on and then they were like poking different hairs through the holes well you did highlights or something like that. Yeah I got a ton of compliments only did it one time yeah but that's that was I want to say like 2000 I think it was 87 that was also a time where it was like the frosted thing like a hair metal thing it's. Been we all had I passed I don't even I don't even see it with with highlights and I'm still looking at you differently than I don't have to worry about it now I got plenty of great ones and there's only 4 hairs on the top of my head so it's not that big a deal. No you didn't never did anything funky what they're not that's not really I mean I kind of had it when it was shorter just because it would go as specially living in Houston I curl your hair right when it's humid it just sounds like a fro so I kind of lean into that and just let it not like a full on for oh well you had fun with facial hair too you had like chops Oh yeah the job yeah and longer hair right and all that Ok. Yeah ever I never die of anything though so that's like a different level what if you die yeah it's a little bit more bits more Femi So what you're saying yeah like that you should be more embarrassed if you have that in your past I think so Ok. I'm not embarrassed but you're saying I should just tell everybody got to do their own thing that's fine that's all you know I don't get to dictate how you feel about your life you know you might need to be a little embarrassed by it Ok it's a different time different vibe you know it was on the radio and you had a different. Time. Ok we got to get to more. Out the heart. And then. Rave about. Those 24 hour news weather and traffic. Management the reason I really really like to sit down with individuals in the situation is different you have to find a way to navigate through all the information and then coming up with a list of what you need very very specifically take a moment to sit down and look at what you're doing and let's make sure that your plan is right for you. Or Sunday afternoon. Host of Morning News Every Morning News $96.00 team is here to bring you news. Break down the day's top story and have Washington. Have your traffic every 6 minutes breaking news. Every morning. News morning show. 96.5. We're always looking into the future but we're not using a crystal ball we're using. Science and Technology to see what's coming for your health take something preventable like heart disease it's the leading cause of death in this country because only half of us manage our blood pressure correctly so we made it a focus the result more than 83 percent of Kaiser Permanente members have their blood pressure under control we may not be able to tell your fortune but will happily work on improving your future Kaiser Permanente Together We Thrive visit k.p. Dot org slash thrive 96.5 w d b Orlando turns 1st for breaking news traffic before it was a day it starts now. From a.b.c. News date back or every bit it gets America closer to a possible government shutdown president refusing to drop his demand for a 5000000000 dollars border wall Democrats say the best they can hope for is border security funding at the current level of $1300000000.00 that digging into has even some Republicans upset but helpless Senator John Kennedy a Republican says he doesn't know how they're going to work it out what does he say he does know number one. Illegal immigration is good for America Number 2 illegal immigration is illegal number 3 border wall Work Number 4 there's no way that Mrs Pelosi is going to agree to a single solitary for a border wall the size have until Monday midnight on Friday to hammer out a deal with President Trump's former national security adviser walked free today yes right Retired Army General Michael Flynn once led a mock her chant at the Republican National Convention whether he is locked up for lying to the f.b.i. About his communications with the Russian ambassador during the presidential transition is for a federal judge to decide Flynn pleaded guilty a year ago and has since been interviewed 19 times by Special Counsel Robert Mueller who recommended no prison time Flynn's defense has suggested he was tricked into lying by the f.b.i. Agents who interviewed him for the special counsel said Flynn committed to. As fall story in advance. New York former f.b.i. Director James Comey on Capitol Hill defending the federal investigation of Flynn and other matters during a 2nd beating behind closed doors with congressional committees on Monday later he urged Republicans to take a tougher stand on controversies surrounding President Trump somebody has to stand up and speak to the f.b.i. The rule of law and help is for somebody out there just me he suggested the questions he was asked by committee Republicans were distracting for more pressing issues concerning the Department of Justice You're listening to a.b.c. News you guys can hear from the hip pod cast today's growth Who would win a 3 mile bicycle race an 11 year old girl or last year's winner of the Tour de France and all depends on the bicycle it depends on their vehicle both on a 10 speed in the pro racers going to win every time but put the racer on a tricycle and the 11 year old wins every time you see it's not the driver it's the vehicle when it comes to generating revenue it's exactly the same if you have a job or a small business you are riding a tri sickle you can only go so fast if you need to make up lost ground it's not going to happen on a tricycle no matter how fast you pedal it's simply not going to win the race why do many people with no schooling in no advanced degree often become very wealthy simple they choose to only ride 10 speeds when it comes to helping people create their next revenue model Forbes in Inc recommend income store as a can't miss when it comes to putting people on a 10 speed.

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