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Next year to year and a half so it won't all be connected not all of it now 80 miles in one year is is a long. Day of Yale c.b.s. News dot of Texas on Wall Street the Dow gaining 147 points 227006 49 Nasdaq up 4060 s. And p. Added 1000 points now this. Year is near fatal Thanksgiving her family we see how they escaped down the end of this is us stars divorce battle gets a messy next. 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Few trees for the future. 1000. And climate change. Trees for the future. Hey Greg I'm so sorry to hear about your brother's heart attack thanks he's Ok now but it really got me thinking about my family you know could my wife still pare mortgage if I had a heart problem or could my kids to go to college but that is really scary you should call my life insurance agent health i.q. When I got life insurance for my family last year they saved me 41 percent versus any other company I looked at 41 percent that's huge Yeah health i.q. Starts by shopping everyone with the top 30 life insurance carriers to make sure they can get the lowest retail rate then they apply their exclusive healthy lifestyle savings which can save you up to 41 percent I literally got a $1000000.00 in coverage from my family for just $36.00 a month just $36.00 a month yeah you should check it out and health thank you dot com slash easy to save that much money I'm going to call them right now what's that link again health i.q. Dot com slash easy yes dot com slash easy today is Leslie Barry day and d.l. Give Lassie a call or text and list our a happy day wasn't any you know by doing wrong just a tough financial period in our family's history when I was a little kid and I was always a math nerd and always a little business nerd always trying to figure out a way to make money just somehow was I'm wired that way I've always been able to make money. Always make more than my peers my whole life I mean 12 years old I'm cutting 27 yards and keep it a p. And l. You know I mean that's an arguer out there you know no doubt about it but I had a goal of get out the service merchandise for the Sears catalog and you know cut out a picture something I was saving for so give me something other a reason to talk to drive towards a goal and I remember when we went through that rough patch on Sunday I want to be a millionaire because I thought of your millionaire you were not rough patch not financially anyway. And I remember thinking that 101281012 years old 131415 years old I graduate from college when I was 22 and you're too late or start buying and selling real estate I became a millionaire by the time I was 26 ended up losing it all most of you know that story because I was stupid and went deeply in debt and I had to start I was bankrupt at 28 I'm 59 now so that was 31 years ago that when you went bankrupt I had to start over but I do remember distinctly the goal shifted because when I not only want to have bankrupt but then when I started building wealth again I thought well you know I would been a millionaire once and not to do it I knew I could do it you know what you're in a bike you know what it does and so. As I was approaching my 2nd 1000000. My 2nd time around. I remember distinctly thinking this is kind of boring this is attainable I think I want to give away a 1000000 dollars I want to get enough money that I can give away 1000000 dollars And then I did that several times over and not bragging it's just the stuff we teach here works is the point of the story if you live like no one else later you can live and give like no one else and then they go kind of shift and I said you know some day I hope someday I would really like to get financially in a position that I give away a $1000000.00 and $1.00 day fun with that pay that's a cool goal. And today our team $900.00 and some odd of us for their Christmas present all got a $1000.00 each. And we put them on 17 buses and we drove them to the local mall the mall opened up early for us because when you bring a $1000000.00 to the mall they will open it for you. To think and they will they will get good deals in there too for your team they'll do all kinds of stuff for you they were very nice to us they're very nice and we surprised our team this morning in a team meeting and told them that was going on and that we hit had our company goal of serving 3000000 people this year and. Their Christmas present this year is going to be a $1000.00 spending on the love for each one of them at the local mall and then we had you know we've got a local I have assurance home in the area here that works with the at risk kids orphans and kids and. You know in need of adoption kids in the foster care system they work in that and they've got on staff social workers of the house or parents that do everything and so we were able to give those guys some money and give them some money to spend on the kids each of those house parents as a $6.00 or 8 kids and we were give them some money to do that and we were able to bless a family that has the came down and jazzed our guys up today did their debt free scream on the stage in front of our whole team and gave them some money and we put all of these people on the bus and we went to. The local mall and it all totaled and we had other giveaways of the mall drawings and other stuff and the whole package was well over a $1000000.00 And so I got to have the experience this morning I actually went wow that just happened I just gave away a $1000000.00 in one day this is not below your freakin mind that God would allow you to do that blows my mind I mean I'm a kid from a Tennessee I don't. Know how that happens I do not happens but I it's God's blessings and a lot of hard work and those 2 things together and started together. And this whole idea that. Giving is absolutely one of the most fun things you'll ever do with money outrageous generosity and we're always trying to get you guys to say outrageous generosity is your call because it it truly is the most fun you'll ever have with money it's the best thing to do with the blessings that God gives you is to know that you are blessed for one reason that you might be a blessing you're a conduit you are not a cistern that stores and you do store you do invest you do save you do hold money to be able to do things like this because the income off of the investments will allow you to do things like this and allow you we don't lot of giving in and always done a lot of giving their family foundation and that's got a lot of zeros on it but I never in one day gave away $1000000.00 before and it was a it was a surreal experience you guys it really was a trip I don't some of you guys are big time people and you know you made a lot more money than that and you're like Oh Dave you know you're just thumping your own chest I'm really not it was just it was a I'm 60 years old all in all it's almost And so it's been a long time coming for one thing but. To get to say these kids that are foster kids and orphans and the parents that are taking care of them and they're at risk kids coming out of some of these homes that are really messed up and they need a place to rest for a while and to some of the toxicity blows out their home they can get set up get back home you know for to be able to pour money substantial money into those situations for those kids and for those people who are serving those kids and in our team who serves you guys all year long and does it with excellence and does it with zest and exuberance and. Just a cool thing that God allowed the day. And the only reason to share it is not to brag on us or something like that for sure and not even to brag on God The reason to share it is just to encourage you to say you know maybe on a write down a goal like that I mean that would be like when your bucket list things because you never know I mean if you grind and you hustle and you work and you grind and you hustle and you work and you keep your hand held open instead of a tight clenched fist. Maybe someday you'll give away 10000000 dollars in one day I don't know I might I might have been in a goal now now that I did this one. I'd be pretty cool. It was fun today I'll tell you that there was a fun day with a really really fun day. Not just one Courage be outrageously generous it's the reason for the season this is the Dave Ramsey. How often can you get the best of both worlds not very often right well with the right secured program at Churchill mortgage it's possible you can secure a low right now to nail down your budget and if rates drop while you're shopping for a home they'll give you the lower rate that's right they take on the risk of fluctuating interest rates not you who does that well you should fall in love with the numbers before you fall in love with the house this program lets you do just that so if you're buying a home this year you'd be crazy not to call Churchill and get your rate secured now call Churchill mortgage today and have the best of both worlds go to church your mortgage dot com or call AAA loan 200 that's Churchill mortgage dot com This is a paid advertisement in m.l.s. 91591 in about us consumer access dot org equal housing lender 761 Old Hickory both are great with Tennessee 370272 my favorite things are pizza and my bed thanks to my tough to needle mattress but a new favorite thing has entered my life that's right I absolutely love my tuft and needle pillows they sing I just ordered 2 with their phone pillows and I didn't think it was possible but my sleep even better to listen if you're one of the smart ones who's already taken my advice and got your mattress go back to t.n. Dot com and check out their pillows seats and Uvas you'll fall even more in love with tucked in needle that c.n.n. Dot com Christmas is my favorite time of the year just ask my family. My team here at Ramsey solutions being able to give and bless people while it brings me joy or the greatest gift you can give your family this year is the gift of peace and security you can do that by making sure your affairs are in order and known if you haven't got your will yet go to mama bear legal forms dot com Use the promo code Ramsi to save 20 percent off that's promo code Ramsey mama bear legal forms dot com vehicle accidents are stressful enough you don't need someone showing up at the scene trying to pressure you into letting them tollway your vehicle call your roadside assistance provider or insurance company for telling companies suggestions or consult with colleagues on the scene and always have the price and terms in writing before you let them look it up if you suspect fraud call us at 1800 and I c b or visit w w w dot n i c v dot org a public service message from the National Insurance Crime Bureau 11 50 am 1017 f.m. w d L wishes you and your family the warmest of holidays we know that there are many in our area in dire need as we head to the cold this time of year especially children that's why we join with bold and brothers for Christmas for kids right in the season by making a new toy or team gift donation it's brother to you brother might help make this a merry Christmas for all donate to Golden brothers Christmas For Kids We Care you share a smile find out how you can help add w d e l dot com Does driving your old car make you feel pile then buffed out of that old bird are you dumped in Ohio monthly payment then trade in that old turkey during turkey day at the all new Apple Apple lot of need to be she didn't get out of that old turkey you're driving today even if you still owe fountains more than it's worth thousands people dead $29.00 corrected prove it done all you need is a job and 29 dollars 29 bucks at the own new Apple Apple only if he she cares about only the best pre-owned takers a brand you miss it. He sees thousands often as Arqiva lets you get a lifetime warranty lifetime charge engine transmission even oil changes for life no charge get out of your old turkey today even if you still owe thousands more than it's worth $529.00 for read it through with them and all you need is a job and $29.00 we all know Apple Apple I don't need to be easy big help in apple much of ha dot com for me to be easy dot com like more homeless on the streets people hurting and dying from drugs every day it's Sunday breakfast mission we see hundreds more come for a meal or food boxes to fill empty shelves at home what can someone do Hi I'm Reverend Tom Lehman president and senior pastor of Sunday breakfast mission and I want you to know that there is hope for the hungry homeless and hurting right here at Sunday breakfast mission because you give thousands will be fed this fall and hundreds will find new life because you give are residential programs for men and women and women with children will go beyond food and shelter to meeting the needs of the whole person physically spiritually and training for life look for the grocery bag that came in your newspaper or at your local list of a spank and go fill it go online to give it Sunday breakfast mission dot org That's Sunday breakfast mission dot org And may God richly bless you your source for winter weather information 11 50 am 1017 f.m. w d w d L dot com. $421194.00 all right I love it and how long did this take. You know 9 months wow and your range of income during that time. Started at about 100 and ended well currently at 140. What I'll do for a living I'm a computer programmer and I'm no home Mom Oh Ok so what was the 422000 and bad. A lot of everything we had a 41 k. Loan a car loan credit card student loan and 3 mortgages you paid off your house yes we did talk about where people. Love or why you got out so how much of the $422.00 was a house mortgage mortgages Well the our house that we're currently in was $135.00 is what it started out and then we had to rental properties. That range they were one of them was 200 and the other one was about 90 and when we sold those we basically made that back Ok I show you that helped get rid of some of the death of them some of it but not all of it that's for sure yeah and then you from there plowed through this and basically you've been on a 5 year journey Oh yeah yeah so tell me a story what started this. Well you know back a little over 5 years ago we had to rental properties with the mortgages and one of our tenant decided to move out on a so we were stuck with an extra house payment that we couldn't afford to make and so we decided to sell that house. And we we were never really on the same page financially anyway. Elaine always took care of the bills and I always spent the money I don't know if you know anybody else like that but that's pretty much how it was here. So that was kind of a point of contention so we realized when we had that extra house payment we needed something to change that that wasn't going to work the way it was and we had no listen to you on the radio but never really talked about it so when Brandon finally mentioned hey we have heard that they've rammed the guy jumped on board or had a way and so we went out and bought the book the total money make over and both of us read it within a couple days and we got gazelle intense and started hand everything off and building up our savings Wow very cool so how long did it take you to get out of consumer debt before you started on the mortgage. Well when we sold the 1st rental that kind of took care of most of that and then we were stuck with the other rental that we were way underwater and so that's where we really found that most of our focus she had to get upside down and then you sold it is why are you to get it right side up in the years old as well yet we were upside down in that thing 70 or 80 $1000.00 Whew Ok all right now your current residence is paid off as well right yes or what is it worth about $350.00 Why how old are you 2 I am $46.00 and I'm 39 and you're paid for house yet you're right in 5 years ago you were upside down rentals and deeply in debt and borrow. Money were I mean you can legally turn this around I'm so proud of you all thank you very well Don thank you so who are your biggest cheerleaders outside the 2 of you. Well my my folks kind of made fun of us. First until they realized hey these guys actually know what they're doing and so they actually got on the plane and they're debt free now and so is my sister wow yeah so kind of a whole family thing we all work together Ok so you turn the doubters into followers you know I like it that's cool and so what other cheerleaders did you have well my parents Of course I mean they've been that free for a while and so and they've always taught me to stay out of that and so they were cheering us on as well and you know our friends from church somewhat and you know we have lots of people in our corner very cool Good God how does it feel to have no payments not even ah house payment. I will tell you that the the the stress and the you know the the feeling of weight on your back for you know I'm the breadwinner in the family and the weight of having that debt it was crushing it was it hurt I mean like physically my my help well and good and it was just not a good situation I'm telling you what the the joy you feel from not having that weight on your shoulders is it's so hard to describe Wow it really is special and som am I'm watching the You Tube channel is a feed in front of me and it looks like they're putting up pictures of your family so you guys really did take your shoes off and walk into the backyard when you paid off the mortgage yes you know the old family want to feel their bare feet in the grass you. Know that is so awesome I love it that's a great picture that's on your frame beside the paid off mortgage and put it in the hallway. Yeah very cool even the dogs out there that's awesome yeah yeah. It's very cool guys very cool so when someone says Wow you paid off your house that's impressive how did you do that what do you tell my actual keys to getting out of debt are well for me the biggest thing what that we had to do would be united I mean it didn't work you know for one of us trying to bail out the drowning ship with the other one adding more to it than once we were united and working together and had our gold in common I think it made all the difference I I would say it you have to be mad you have to get really really really upset with your situation and want to change it I can remember Alaina told me when we had those 2 mortgages she said you can't buy lunch today and I said What are you talking about I have a 6 figure income I should be able to buy a $99.00 cent burger and she goes we don't have $0.99 and I was I was livid I was like This is insane and so I think you have to be. Upset enough to end with and willing to change your life to make it happen now you know something happens when you finally say I've had it and that it that requires a level of righteous anger yeah it's not rage it's just like I'm tellin ya that now and I think this is ridiculous I'm tired I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of that thing happens it's a real thing yeah you're right you can't manufacture it and yet it doesn't require that you be in a crisis to get there you can just you can manufacture in the sense that you look at it and you just become disgusted with the situation. Very cool very cool you guys congratulations we're very proud of you here I can tell you that we've got a copy of Chris Hogans book for you every day millionaires that is the next chapter in your story for sure that's where you're headed so very well done Brandon and Elaine of Phoenix Arizona $422000.00 paid off in 59 months making 102140 including selling off a couple of rentals and paying off their home mortgage their specially wired they're 100 percent debt free counted down let's hear a debt free scream very. Well run. By the moment of me Oh I love it. That is how it's done right there now you know why you do that right you know why you get out of debt because when you're 46 years old if you just invest a house payment along what they used to pay and house payment. If they just put that in mutual funds for $46.00 or 66 years for millions of dollars. That's why. This is the Dave Ramsey Show. No matter what time of year it is focusing on your family's financial plan is always a smart move I get questions all the time about where to start and what to do 1st one of the most crucial and affordable 1st steps to take is to protect your family and get Term life insurance i know it's not glamorous but all the other steps mean a lot less of something happens to you and your family has no financial protection getting term life insurance needs to be a top priority I recommend 10 to 12 times your income and lock in rates for 15 to 20 years this gives you plenty of time to get out of debt and build wealth and I've been recommending Sandor insurance for over 20 years they understand and live this strategy and they will take the time to help you find the most up forward of all term live rates go to Zander dot com or call 803564282 it's not that expensive it's not complicated and you need to do it right now that's 83564282. As a doctor I am very excited by the work that the Foundation fighting blindness is doing to and blindness age related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in people 55 and. Older but it doesn't have to be that way the Foundation fighting blindness can help by providing valuable information about diagnosing and treating a.m.t. In order to end blindness you should learn more about vision saving preventions and treatments learn how to save your vision for the vision of a loved one call the Foundation fighting blindness today at 1800 blindness or 3 packet on reversing or managing a.m.t. Or go to the website slice blindness dot org where you can find so much helpful information call 1800 blindness Today that number again is 1800 blindness or fight blindness dot org health and blindness by calling the Foundation fighting blindness today at 1800 blindness for a free packet and reversing or managing a.m.d. . Ask for sleep shots. At Christiana Mall to hear from people testing out the award winning cast or mattress. Oh Miss. That mattress and if so is it due to the support. Or overall technical innovation. Understand that thank you for your time. Wow you're on the top of the line caster mattress that has a highly breathable design and support spinal like that did you experience those benefits of a short time you've been here. Sir I admire your dedication to better slew. Of course I'll help take you back to. Aerobic out. There yes fast straight from the Casper sleep shop at Christiana My half awake fully satisfied customers. As a doctor I am very excited by the work that the Foundation fighting blindness is doing to end blindness age related macular degeneration is the leading cause of vision loss in people 55 and older but it doesn't have to be that way the Foundation fighting blindness can help by providing valuable information about diagnosing and treating a.m.t. In order to end blindness you should learn more about vision saving preventions and treatments learn how to save your vision for the vision of a loved one called the Foundation fighting blindness today at 1800 blindness or 3 packet on reversing a managing a.m.t. Or go to the website fight blindness dot org where you can find so much helpful information call 1800 blindness Today that number again is 1800 blindness or fight blindness dot org help and blindness by calling the Foundation fighting blindness today at 1800 blindness for a free packet on reversing or managing a.m.d. Hates Chris current life you missed Delaware's afternoon news on went. They are helpful poured told us about a new survey that suggests adults who exercise may be protecting their muscles a tech reporter told us how Google's trying to eliminate distractions for you or travel but it gave us good news when it comes to airports and free Wi-Fi and money matters told us if you're planning to get this holiday you're not alone don't miss today hear it here 1st before you see it on social media Delaware's after the news with Chris Caro weekdays from 4 till 630 on w d e l. A It's Rick chance I'm sitting here with Frank Edwards fellow client of Dan White retirement consultant specializing in retirement income Frank it's good to meet you nice to meet you you worked for i.b.m. For a long time right very some years while and at what point do you decide I need to talk to somebody about retirement it's a process that I was always involved in or how many people did you talk before you decide upon Dan White probably close to a dozen What was it about Dan White himself I want to know what my needs are one know what I was looking for when I was looking to get in does a lot of stuff just and a lot of events and stuff and and it's a lot of fun so if someone at i.b.m. Where you work in the past came to you and said Frank why did you choose Dan why would you say to them I really work with someone I trust someone it's great for I agree me full disclosure I'm a client of Dan White to it and Frank and I both recommend called and white 8869088286908820 Dan White and associates Hey brother my favorite too much a cup of coffee banks not me think things are so complicated complicated how to take a cup of coffee coffees complication so many decision like coffee cappuccino latte for 3 whole milk nonfat 2 percent so I see venti I got it cold enough already oh no that's where we simplify coffee no heating cooling system maybe you need some Hear me out all right old systems get expensive close friends is efficiency every price so why keep it because replacing them seems complicated and we're. On complicating that house with a single easy process for replacements system officials people brother sister furnace and AC or heat pump $1.00 price $7983.00 that's like $109.00 a month with credit details on our site one system one price you call we come at your place saving money every day runs you call sooner you say you know what I think it's that you should give a copy more often he's my brother my He's never the Together we're told in birth dot com Why try to manage your condo association yourself here's just a short list of what investment property services can do invoicing and collecting do sludgy it's coordinating vendors and maintenance coordinating taxes monthly reports President notifications handling disputes and attending resident meetings in elections there's more but we're out of time why bite off more than you can chew and I p.s. We'll manage it's what we do for info call 302-994-3907 or go to IP s.t.d. Dot com Jensen truth the Justice and the Delaware way Monday through Friday noon to 4 am 115-1017 f.m. w d e L And they were asking me. You know do you have a lot of turnover in d.c. . And I said no we have these outrageous gifts and Christmas parties now while January yeah right well that's the truth yeah you moron if you believe in this silly you leave this organization and these are you got a real you know real thing going on so but but but we do have we always do have and it's I don't I joke about have been around a Christmas party that kind of stuff but we do have turnover in January do you feel like and the the what the gossip was asking me was he said Do you feel like recruiters are busy during the month of December interviewing and hiring for January starts because people do a lot of. You know they don't want all January to make their career. To have their new year you know to have have the reset that they know January is coming so in the name of that they go interview and it's like a lot of hiring is done in December was our it was our anecdotal supposition if you've seen any numbers on there's no that well I don't have any fresh data on that but that is absolutely true in the readers to there's 2 reasons one is a psychological reason in that people are more willing to make a switch with a new year coming because this this idea of the old is go and out and here comes a new year and this is my chance to make a difference and so we've got this unique thing here Dave with that factor being in play that we still have a 3.4 percent unemployment rate in the United States right now right now we're shooting basically negative unemployment right which means we have more jobs available in the United States right now that we have people who are unemployed it is a job seeker's Mark I've been talking about that for a year on the can't call it hasn't changed new article I just shared from c m b c dot com yesterday on my show which says generations the which is 20 to 24 year olds that are in the in the workforce now they're behind the millennial they're actually getting paid more than their counterparts because employers are so desperate to fill the holes we have got a really unique environment so to answer your question you've got people who say psychologically I'm more willing to make a change at the end of one year and start a new year and start a new chapter in my life that's going on number 2 we have our current job reality we're on employers are desperate and their pain of ball of market value which is making the market value go up and then the the 3rd factor is there are a lot of companies I don't know what Ramsey solutions is you can speak of this but a lot of companies do have a traditional fiscal calendar that you know matches up with the year you know January is their start of their fiscal year so what you have is a lot of employers are going to say we want to get people on board and starting 1st of the year so you've got a combination. Of but I don't think that it's. You know anything more than just those 3 factors but I do think the interesting thing we were what he and I were talking about was a lot of people in a lot of businesses and a lot of the team coach no question I coached the h.r. Team to recruiting to hiring team you know their game on they are it's like a hot season for them that it's you know it's open season and let's talk about independent voters right who are trying to find people for company this is it's hot sees their on right now there's no question because a lot of companies My oldest are cocktail parties Christmas parties and going home early and correct you know sugar high and everything else and I just have done their job that's right but the recruiters I got to be game on right now and leaders need to be game on and if your leaders need to game on and if you're looking for a job you better be this is a sweet time this is the time this is the time to to go to Ken Coleman dot com and change your resume make it look like nobody else is résumé this is the time to put your toe in the water again folks I just shared this article if Gen z. By the way here's the annual pay raise or not said it's about 3 percent is the annual pay raise that companies in the United States are giving workers on an annual basis Gen z. Is getting 6 percent and the reason is a look at these younger workers who aren't making as much money but who can do the job and this is capitalism one o one and so right now if you're a young person if you're middle age and you're going I'm too old no you're not you've got skills and you've got experience and probably high character now is the time to say I'll free agent it's a virus more yes sir and they will pay you more because they need the whole fill absolutely we're seeing that everywhere Brad as well as in Kentucky Brad your question for can calm. Power better than we deserve what's up. Early. And walk. Out of him. And look out major Earl. The man in. The forward kind of a role style so I'm curious would look at there were a. Lot of. Us but that would be would be what I'm about 'd war in maybe something called 24 seventh's home and family life Sure well you provide me the list Ok not and again I'm not worried about industry I want you to describe in a few words as possible the functions that you do during the day because we're looking for parallel role and a potential different industry let's just summarize what you enjoy doing in this account manager role what does it look like during the day and what do you really enjoy what gives you the juice it's a lot of problem solving a little bit of balls. 'd up and so. Punctual interacting with. Kong so the general public is is one of the strong Ok so I hear of problem solving sales and recruiting I don't think there's a position unless you're running your own company that involves all 3 of those every day so if you had to pick just for fun I'm taking you somewhere which one of those functions would you rank those 3 How would you rank them I came over her. Probably problem solving. Ok now that I think the right kind of selling in the right kind of hurting is problem solving That's right and so my question is what problems do you most get fired up about solving do you like solving people problems mean putting people in the right seat on the right bus that gets you fired up because that essentially is what recruiting is and by the way solving a massive problems Dave and I were talking about earlier. Chair and by God also solving the problem you know. Or. You know so that. Ok can see those are but those are 2 different things so what you said was you enjoyed if you had to rank them you said recruiting was one and then one day not very far behind that is problem solving and it sounds to me like the problems you like to solve are more operational problems not customer service customer facing problems in my right or wrong. Ok Ok then so let's just simplify this has a lot of people listen in a same boat you said how do I figure out a position that maybe in a different field and the answer is simply this write down what you'd love to do every day when it comes to problem solving hake I want to be on the back in I want to be a part of systems and processes some people issues that are part of those processes and systems that affect the customer but also affect the employee if you did those kind of problems just write it out with a pencil and paper might have absolutely nothing to the health care no effect of both here's they could be in health care of better company better culture could be in technology could be in a true sales company could be in manufacturing that's what I like about guys like Brad day I want them to see that a this role this process will set I can do that in a lot of places and he's extremely high on Brad we're going to become Pickens book The proximity principle to help you play through on this rather thank you for calling in can call me Ramsey personality with me this half hour answering your career questions open phones of AAA 8 to 552 to 5 this is the Dave Ramsey Show. 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Hi Ken I have a question so I've been working as a contractor for the last 31 years and I haven't an opportunity to move into like a corporate position with the same company but it's going to be for less money I'm trying to decide on Marky Mark but on that yeah. Working in my position now tell me why you're even asking me this question I mean you've been with them for 31 years we're talking about some real longevity there and now they're offering you the corporate position which pays you less There's got to be something in your mind where you're thinking there might be some good reason to do it tell me what that is well I think the real reason I think to do it I think I really enjoyed. It and it's got me going to Southern boy and it's going to require me to another state Yeah but that's not I would never take that as a factor unless it ruined your marriage so is that going to be a problem with my will I don't believe in Tennessee Well that's you know. As a guy who's going to give advice I'm going to tell you right now I think you'll regret that assuming this is really the opportunity you think it is I can hear something and you know it's not is it doing the same job you're doing now and I would actually be teaching people how to do my job and you're really intrigued by that aren't you. So I tried it out the week to see how I how life would be working in a building but obviously have the contract and now I'm now about around and and so I actually felt like that week that lifestyle actually kind of like the kings and I like you know t. Keen the newcomers on how to how to how do you things so all of that I enjoy it's just a matter I employ you know when when do I take my foot off the gas and say Ok You Q And I just transition this and you know the next phase of life well can you do that can you take can you actually afford to take a pay cut in part to that question is does this is a temporary pay cut that would eventually turn into a ladder where you'd make the same or more or is it kept. It's not kept but I don't think it would ever be more can you do it financially can you make the move to 52 and do this. I think I think we can what show it who's We Who's the we in the situation I want to life and I want to see what you're if you talk to your wife about this oh of course you and very little of Hugh very supportive since you like we say we stay but you know we think that you know what I do now currently and it's very very difficult job so I'm trying to forecast you know down down the future why and what it's going to kind of look better in the long cavity and I really feel like taking a quick look because you're not left pay how much now and how much less pay. 60000 a year Whoa whoa whoa Yikes Ah no I mean right now no and here's why I believe that you can find something very similar to what this position is that doesn't give you that kind of pay cut I think you're looking at something and you're letting your fear of the future dictate this decision as this is the only opportunity to change gears and it's not the only opportunity I'm going to tell you hold tight begin to look up now here's the great news you are in the most important stage of living the dream in your really clear on what you want to do and why you want to do it that's great news David and here's the deal start looking everywhere look around stay in the South I don't care where you look the point is what are the positions available to you that would allow you to do the kind of work you've just sample not loved by the way David he took a week and tried it out very few people actually stick to told the water long enough to get some information clarified and verified what do you make and now. Again an average an average year if you like when you sort of 60 is not so from $20.00 to $160.00. And what field is that. Kind of like and hearing you know what entity generic you know Ok And what what state of the talking about moving you to wearing Ok and go the other and I'm so grateful that both of you are here for this question because you know there are all alike you know retirement. My wife and I. Go into a really good job you know at about $120000.00 saved up in our retirement accounts right now you know so you're millionaires you know you are Ok so it's like about that where the temptation is to kind of take my foot off yeah hold on though they very well David let me ask you this if I heard you correctly you want to move into a position where you're centrally training others to do what you do now yes. Correct I just think there are a lot of those I'm paying more well 1st of all you're in the engineering field I just think Missouri like the one of the worst options this particular option in Missouri I thought of us I mean yeah I'm sorry I mean the state of say this particular option which is in Missouri is not the only option fact I don't even think it's anywhere near the best option for you to start going how can I take my experience and my skill set and transferred into a role or I'm instructing guiding teaching other engineers how valuable is that in the world of engineering throughout the entire country I guess my point is I do a lot more research and find a lot more opportunities out turn myself over honestly to a recruiter in the engineering field go hey I'm interested in this kind of gig help me figure out what's out there they're motivated to find you options David and you're not Committee. You know the other thing you could do is open a school doing that yourself in Georgia very interesting idea and just yeah do it on the side and build it up yeah keep make it to 20 for a couple more years he's not miserable He's 52 I don't know you want to hold that I mean the point is he could become a vendor to the saying no is trying to hire him and they could pay him a par Yeah and he might end up making a whole lot more. Running a school doing the teaching yeah than he would just becoming a corporate. You know what you're illustrating is there are options here and he's kind of taking this one thing he's like you know I do what I do and it's like this is not the ones no reason to take a $60000.00 pay cut I've I'm with you I think you look for other options and sit tight where you are you don't want to move to that yeah he said that was one of his fears anyway he doesn't want to move and there's just too much to me things in the negative column I don't like you know I'm with you I'm with you good stuff so when people are things on those the other day we were we're going to stuff a staff meeting and one of the letters that someone had written you an email they'd written on the success that they'd gone into your resume guide and they changed their resume that made him stand out on a job they'd applied to like 4 different times yeah and then with a change resume they end up and then and they put the process that used the proximity principle contacted someone inside the company that they knew put their name on the top of the resume Usuk resume template that you use Yeah and it got them the job yeah and the guy was so impressed he said we're going to do this right that's right well it's very simple what we've done on our résumé what By the way folks it can come up dot com It now has the actual template where you can it's flowing your formations free and it's going to spit out your finished resume all you've got to do is type your info in and hit the point button and you're ready to go to here's why it works we flip our asm a most resumes all look about the same factors probably 2000000000 resume templates online all we do is we flip it to what's most important and we lead off with who you know and this requires that you find some. An action to somebody in that building 2 things happen when you use our resume guide and the template by leaving with who you know 1st of all it's very different we know from many h.r. Studies Dave that the average hiring manager spend 60 to 60 seconds looking at a resume so it is nothing more than a brochure they're not going deep they just want to know is this person interested enough to call well that's why a resume works George gave me your name and George works and I heard on the Georgia law by marriage and talked I'll give this person a cost let's get a look at how the stock and by the way on that guy day we walk him through step by step by step what to do the resume guide the interview guide the interview follow up guide they get hired guides they're free downloadable at can call in Dakar com and you can join Cannell series like Sam and Reed is the number one best selling book. The proximity for all the stuff you need Thanks for dropping back and thanks for having to that puts this hour that I Ramsey Show in the books Merry Christmas to you America thanks to James Chiles our producer go down you are such a producer and phone screener will be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the Prince of Peace Raj Jesus. And. This is James Chiles producer of the daybreak show as you know you can now listen to the Dave Ramsey Show on Cantorian spot for all the ways to watch and listen check out our show page at daydreaming done on slack. 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That's Dave Ramsey dot com slash e elp the deal women tend to be 11 cans in the u.s. To reach the 2 bombs you're on the go news source on air online and on your phone. Delaware's radio. Is c.b.s. News on the hour your home for original reporting by Jim shot of the House Democrats a good giant step toward impeaching the president in a judiciary committee hearing today. Peter Bill abuse of office same answer we 3 are unanimous the legal experts chosen by Democrats said the president's efforts to question are you merit at least 3 articles of impeachment abuse of power obstruction of justice and by Barry if you conclude that he asked for the investigation of Vice President Biden and his son for political reasons that is to aid his reelection then yes you have bribery here which the clincher they argued was the president's request for a favor from Ukraine even as he withheld millions in military aid to an ally at war and c.b.s. Is Nancy Cornish the president made a number of action from the NATO summit in London today after a hot mike moment caught Canada's Justin Trudeau and other world leaders having a laugh at the president's expense later Mr Trump boiled over about her job to reporters too fast and honestly with today's guy I find him to be a very nice guy but you know the truth is. I called him out on the fact that he's not paying 2 percent and I guess he's not very happy about Mr Trump accusing Canada of not spending enough on its military Pern NATO requirements now the last has been filed against the ride sharing service lift is on behalf of more than 20 people who allegedly were sexually assaulted by lift drivers attorney Mike Baumberger this lawsuit claims that lift has concealed. The staggering number of assaults and rapes that occur in their vehicles the United Auto Workers Union sending a tentative contract deal with Chrysler to its membership for a vote w w j Jeff Gilbert a big focus of this deal is getting lower pay newer workers up to full pay you know spokesman Brian Rothenberg says it's currently 64 percent of Chrysler's workforce and it will change a lot of lives. A lot of lives because there is now this permanent pathway as well as a lot of folks within 4 years will be a top rate but he'll also includes new investments and that $9000.00 signing bonus Jeff Gilbert c.b.s. News Stewart former President Jimmy Carter is back home released from a Georgia hospital after treatment for a urinary tract infection he's 95 years old Carter has had a series of medical problems since being diagnosed with cancer back in 2015 His spokeswoman says he's in very good spirits on Wall Street the Dow gaining 147-227-6498 Nasdaq Composite was up 46 and the s. And p. 500 added 1000 points this is c.b.s. News c.b.s. News Radio is your home for breaking news with our team of reporters around the country and the world we give.

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