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I'm on the scene of a recent hell storm here to describe the events bro I was just hanging on the roof when this gnarly storm starts dropping baseball sized hail I mean the shingles got beat up a few windows the broken it was Savvich did you do anything to help now bro I was in survival mode your football can help you in a hail storm but that guy go insurance agency can help you get covered for personal property damage Geico to see how affordable homeowner's insurance can be trying to sell your old car instead donate your vehicle to heritage for the blind pick up is free in your donation is tax deductible just call 180-835-1478 heritage for the blind except cars vans trucks and boats whether they run or not donate your vehicle and you'll receive a free 3 day vacation voucher to over 50 locations call 180-835-1478 that's 180-835-1478. Now that 2018 strong 2 are close many of us will start looking toward 2019 and setting goals for the New Year maybe one of your resolutions will be to reconnect to an old artistic pursuit or maybe you'll look to find a new creative outlet altogether either way self-doubt can be a play a god actually fulfilling that goal whether you dream of writing a novel or painting your master piece sometimes the hardest thing of all can be to actually let yourself get started I've had so many people tell me oh you know I had a 1st grade teacher that told me I couldn't draw so I really never drawn then and it just planted that weird little seed of doubt that somebody in an authoritative position like you a parent or a teacher or someone you really respected might have said something along the way that planted that doubt and then that is what grows into this monster if you let it that's Danielle Christer author of your inner critic is a big jerk and though there are truths about being creative She says the biggest obstacle many people face is this self-doubt or what she calls the inner critic is just that little niggly voice that tells you that oh this is a waste of time and everyone done it better so why bother trying and oh creativity is frivolous and I should be doing something more important and it's just these little nagging thought sometimes really mean and tells you you know that you stock in that you should never touch a paint brush again and that could be very cool everybody has a little bit different some people think that there's a woman fashion cooking there's a man and so it comes from probably an experience you had a long time ago that you didn't even realize planted that little seed and so it's just a matter of recognizing that voice and figuring out ways to shut it down sometimes people even let that voice prevent them from being creative at all Krista stresses that all of us yes. Yes even you have something in us worth expressing I cannot tell you how many people I've talked to who say oh no no no me no no I'm not creative but then why are you at this talk and why are you picking up this book and b. Because you want to be and so I think it's a matter of self reflection maybe writing it down just stream of consciousness and maybe your creativity comes in the garden maybe your creativity is cutting it cake decorating anything and so you have to pay attention to that and just because it's not painting a perfect portrait or writing the next great American novel that doesn't mean it's not creative I think we put creativity up on this test all that you know if you're not showing it the moment New York been a real art there are so many different ways to be creative you know what you like embrace that and be creative in that pond and just enjoy your life the way that you want to have it so whether you've always dreamed of being an artist or this is the 1st you've ever really considered it Krista has a few tips 1st learned that some hesitation on behalf of that inner critic is totally normal Very often people think they're the only one that hear that voice I mean for years I thought I was the only one that heard that voice and when you start talking to a lot of creative people you realize everyone hears it and so there's a lot of things that can stop you along your path and being creative but the common denominator is the inner critic so I really wanted people to know that they are not alone everyone has that voice and you cannot let it stop you you've got to keep pushing through it per 2nd tip is to embrace your art jealousy maybe you saw a beautiful piece of art your neighbor painted and out you can never measure up Chris's says instead of getting angry or upset you should simply seek that person out there and talk to them if you reach out to the person that makes you jealous or maybe it's an artist in your life who has a big show and you wish so much that you had a stroke if you did invite them for coffee and instead of keeping. Jealousy inside where it can become just basically toxic poison and your inner critic is this rolling around in heaven if you just take them for coffee and say wow I'm just so impressed and you change that jealousy into admiration and you can even say gosh I'm so jealous of you how did you do this chances are they'll laugh and go what you know and think that they've probably got insecurities to handle probably give you tips and tricks about how they got where they were to let you know that they're human just like you and suddenly it gets you out of your head and not alone anymore Chris's says that maybe the biggest piece of advice she gives is the simplest stop making excuses people can come up with excuses like they're going out of style you know so it's too bright in here it's too dark in here my table too messy I need a studio at the house and they can come up with all these excuses so you've got to realize that those are a bunch of junk and get past them blank paper throws off a lot of people writers and artists and you're staring at this perfect blank sheet and you're expecting yourself to create a masterpiece or you're terrified that you're going to ruin like if you spend money on this beautiful campus and you put down a stroke and you ruin it because you're terrible. You know it's 2 stroke and it's not but you know that kind of thing stop people in their tracks all the time so then they just don't even bother starting according to Chris one of the biggest excuses people make that is that toughest to ignore is that they don't have the time she says sometimes the way around that one is to give yourself a sort of assignment I met this guy last year who's that he worked 9 to 5 in a sign making company or something and he would come home he set up a studio in his garage and he'd get home at 5 and before he went into his house where he knew he'd have to start making dinner and doing whatever he would walk through the garage and from 5 to 6 he would make art and it sticks his day was over and he would walk into his house because I knew if I walked straight into my house I'd watch throw on the t.v. I'd start cooking and I'd never get back out to the garage to make it so it's a matter of being a disciplined you know if you've decided that you are going to carve out this time and space then really really do it whether David w. Burner agrees he says whenever he's asked about how to finish a book he always gave his the same answer just dump the lock yourself in the room do the work there's no trick here writing is some OSA calling some of it's just it's a crowd and it's sort of like working out if you're going to lose weight or self in shape you got to go to the gym and you got to spend time it's the exact same thing just gotta go do it there's no magic wand There's no secret spell that's going to make this happen you just have to go to work and they know I'm read all these silly articles online sometimes about writer's block and to get out of writer's block the way to get on a roadblock just the right I mean there is no way just write yourself out of it. It's a silly thing I just don't think it exists Berners creative journey was an interesting one he works in radio at c.v.s. As a professor at Columbia College Chicago and now as an author one of the big things he just says is how helpful that was that he never limited himself to one thing well I started thinking about what I want to do with myself when I was teenager I mean all I wanted to do was play loved up on the on the radio you know that's all I cared about music I was a musician and I thought I want to do but in that genre I moved in to sort of becoming a reporter and journalist and then director and work to make a station and that sort of thing and I thought that was my destiny that's going to do a little later in life I think somewhere in my mid to late thirty's Turner realized the problem wasn't enough creatively for me and I started to branch out a little bit I started try writing this to try to do some prevents work and I just started playing around and I came to the realization after a while but what I was not necessarily a journalist or radio person but I was a storyteller in that I did it through music on the radio and on the printed page online so it was there were just many avenues to do that so. That's what I became and while conventional wisdom has always held that you should write what you know Berner says exploring new topics can be refreshing there's an element of that I think of write what you know but it's also about right what you would like to know here explore a subject think a little harder about something or maybe there's an aspect of your life that you would like to go deeper and so then you spend some time and kind of figure that out so I don't think it's just about what you know I think it's about what you want to know don't get in the great essay of that one time she has no idea what she's writing so she's writing it and I think that's a matter of discovery you know I think that's what happens and while that's how it works for him burner says that everyone needs to discover their best working style whether you're a planner or a free writer a painter or a playwright The biggest advice both burner and Chrisette agreed on was that you must silence your self-doubt and give yourself a chance to be great creative people I think all in the space can't be created if you're always going through ailing rituals of going into a store and get your hair cut and Ghassan something for prescriptions and that's really hard so savoring that time and space and you allow yourself to do your work is willing really important I think however that may be a problem comes in many different styles in many different ways some people have to be locked in a room and completely quiet Other people can listen to these are quite a working I can work in a college so whatever that is whatever allows you to be have solitude within yourself I think is really important things you can do more than one thing and anybody I've talked to there's a lot of full time artist I've talked to who I assume just haven't made it and they're like well no no like I also have to do x. Y. And z. Like I work at a coffee shop in the morning and then I come home and I work till whatever time. And they all say like if you want to be creative you have to make time for creativity and those labels are really just excuses if you want to make time for art make time for art it doesn't mean that you need to do it for 10 hours a day maybe you come home and you do it for an hour before you make dinner but if you do a little bit every day that is a creative life and so it's a matter of looking at the label that you put on yourself peeling them off and realizing the labels that you actually want on there you can be a mom who worked in the cubicle who paint you can do all of those things for more inspiration on pursuing your creative new year's resolutions you can find Danielle Chris's book your inner critic is a big jerk and David w. Burners book Night Radio online and in stores now for information on all of our guests visit our site that viewpoints Online dot net You can find us on Twitter at the points radio I'm Gary price. Coming up tips for spending New Year's and home when he points returns. Individuals and businesses with tax problems listen carefully do you feel like you're losing control of your finances if you over $10000.00 in back taxes or haven't filed tax returns we can help you take back control the i.r.s. 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Yeah Laurence was never that good at football gave up by the time he got to college but he also learned how Geico could save him a lot of money on car insurance so he switched and say this here story has a happy ending after all trying to sell your old car instead donate your vehicle to heritage for the blind pick up is free in your donation is tax deductible just call 180-835-1478 heretofore the blind excepts cars vans trucks and boats whether they run or not donate your vehicle and you'll receive a free 3 day vacation voucher to over 50 locations call 180-835-1478 that's 180-835-1478. And. New Year's is upon us tomorrow night millions of Americans will be dressing up and heading out to party but many others will prefer to spend the night with those they hold dearest for the latter crowd our guests have suggested sun celebrating safely and eating heartily without all of the hassle and expense of going out for you the kind of new year's reveler who likes to sit home with an old movie and some alcoholic beverages if South Tim federally has a plan for every type of film buff in his book Gone with the gin cocktails with a Hollywood twist federally is a writer former Broadway dancer and film afficionado he says that if you're by yourself with your significant other or if you're getting together with the girls he has the cocktail and movie for you I might suggest that the slot be in Seattle which is from the comedy section of the new book which is broken up into all sorts of different section but you may have found in the old days that a blockbuster now on Netflix of course so the floppy in Seattle is with a toast to Sleepless in Seattle of course directed by the great nor after Ron in 1903 I would get the lady together I didn't pop it into the d.v.d. Player you dream it and then I would make it the shot of its breath so one ounce of with the have found them are a look or a little ground cinnamon for garnish and the idea with all of these are they all that they sort of hopefully of both spirit of the movies of course but this one we think that Seattle worthy copy cocktail that's worth staying awake for mystery and Thriller fans have a number of movies and drinks they can choose from including one inspired by a suspenseful Audrey Hepburn film and I might suggest that under the rulers you do something like Wait Until Dark and Stormy of course wait until dark cloud the gods we have here in movie that was 1st a Broadway show. That and a little natural fun fact with such a success that it ended up opening and closing in 3 different theaters in New York to accommodate the demand it's a slightly creepy movie now when you watch it which of course also helps make a cocktail good down more easily or vice versa that's 2 ounces price drop half ounce lemon or lime juice and ginger beer is still at the top of your glass and the idea here is that it's such a quintessential cocktail it's so simple you could make it with your eyes shut as of course the plot of the movie revolves around a woman who's out waiting a bunch of Crocs even though she's blind if your taste turned more to beer than cocktails Christian de Benedetti has a book full of beverage and food selections that will take big brewery beer drinkers a bit out of their comfort zones d. Benedetti is co-author with Andrea sonic are of the book beer bites tasty recipes and perfect pairings for brew lovers he says that if you want to drink beer but also enjoy the Celebrate Tory bubbly feel of champagne there are a number of brews to choose from there are so many craft beers to choose from it really depends on where a person lives in the us and what access they had to the local the craft beers and European beers but for my bet if I was going to drink something hell of a Tory champagne sort of style I'd look at some of the great Belgian beers and golden ales that come in large format bottles and Belgian style beers made in the United States that come with the cork and cage and they're fun to pop open they tend to be a little bit higher in alcohol than a typical beer but there are a lot less alcoholic than wine and champagne typically So they're pretty sociable as well and you know again depending on where you live there's a huge variety of beers out there to look for but you know that can be fun from the celebre Torrie sort of angle and as far as just celebrating through the holidays with craft beers I mean there are so many different varieties now that parallel with food and that fit different. Patients The book is called Beer bites and Benedetti says that they have included food that will go great with each type of beer for the Irish stouts like Guinness and it's craft beer counterparts they have an interesting twist on the traditional sliders Andrea came up with a goofy air slighter bun which is like an do you know what that is the area kind of Burgundian cheese paf that you can make ahead of time we use those for the bun on a beef slider and you go through the process of making these huge errors which are just yummy and they're just kind of chewy and delicious This is a great invention by and you have and then make some homemade pickles shallots just takes a few minutes and then some little mini beef patties with some listers or and Dijon maybe some shredded iceberg a little mayo these little sliders are a huge hit when we serve them you know they fit into fingers basically and just pop them in your mouth and they're great for entertaining people watching the game what have you for the i.p.a. Beer he suggests the pizza with Brussels sprouts we ended up working with some classics one that we did is very seasonal is a brussels sprouts until the g.o.p. This is the classic pairing right pizza and beer and for this we make a homemade deal although you can use a store bought though as well if you're short on time and then basically a combination of a little garlic a little to lead you cheese which is a very fragrant cow's milk cheese Brussels sprouts you can get anywhere a little sea salt and then some speck or pursued Oh which is cured or product that probably had before really tastes amazing when it's kind of melted under the broiler with the powerful cheeses and with the Brussels sprouts for more insight and stories about beer and what to serve with it pick up Christian de Benedetti use and Andrea Slaughter's book beer bites and for a night at the movies with cocktails on New Years or any time. Grab Tim Federalists book Gone with the gin for information about all of our guests visit our site and viewpoints on line Dot Net our show is written and produced by Evan rock and Pat writer the show's studio production is done by Jason Dickey our executive producer is Reed pants I'm Marty Petersen. Viewpoints returns in just a moment. What are you going to do with your old car you can try selling it you could junk it or you can donate it to heritage for the blind your car will be towed away for free in your donation is tax deductible just call 180-835-1478 heritage for the blind excepts cars vans trucks and boats it doesn't matter if your vehicle runs or not it will be towed away for free and you'll be supporting those that need help heritage for the blind is a nonprofit organization that helps the visually impaired live fuller lives call right now to donate your car and as a special thank you you'll receive a free 3 day vacation voucher to over 50 locations call heritage for the blind right now call 180-835-1478 donating is easy and your vehicle is total way for free plus you'll get a free vacation voucher for donating call now 180-835-1478 that's 180-835-1478. Welcome to culture crash we examine what's new and old and entertainment. As the year draws to a close it's the time on the calendar when we take a look back at who we lost this year one such cultural giant was Anthony Bourdain the famed chef and author turned travel documentarian his death is a curious one for me personally because at the time of his death on June 8th I had very little exposure to his work I had seen bits and pieces of his t.v. Shows but the night he died was the 1st time ever sat down and watched an episode of Parts Unknown in its entirety. Boardings library will be familiar to many of you and each episode he traveled somewhere in the world it could be Houston or Chicago Hong Kong or Puerto Rico the Greek islands are high noise Vietnam he would explain the terrain by eating their food and talking to locals about the cuisine and culture of whatever place he was in by the time I went to sleep that night I had zipped through 4 episodes and was in love with his writing style and his adventures since his passing I've spent a lot of time with Anthony Bourdain before travelling to Melbourne last month I made it a point to seek out an episode of his old show No Reservations where he went to Melbourne and my wife and I modeled much of our trip after boarding ants we sought out Middle Eastern food at 2 restaurants Rumi and a one Lebanese bakery both at boarding and recommendation we ventured into Chinatown just as boarding had a Red Chillies barbecue quail and a sausage at the grand Victorian market just like Borden had I was trying to retrace his footsteps yes but also he just had a way of describing food that made me absolutely have to try some of it for myself anyone on that trip to Australia with me heard me say his name at least a few times because he became something of a travel guide for my trip and the results were tremendous The food was delicious and diverse his words took us outside of the main central business district and urged us to take a trip to culturally rich corners of Melbourne I wouldn't have even known about without him since returning I've spent the past few weeks reading his debut book Kitchen Confidential where I've been able to learn so much more about him as a person passionate kind and yeah rough around the edges with a certain brashness that lets you know he knows what he's talking about. When Anthony Bourdain died in June I knew very little about him but through his shows and his writing I've gotten to know him like a friend I'm so grateful for all that he left behind and I so wish he hadn't left the world of his own volition there were more places that could have used a visit or a return visit from such a compassionate world traveler resources for those contemplating suicide are always available at Suicide Prevention Lifeline dot org or by calling 180-273-8255 Anthony Bourdain was 61 I met an Iraq. Technology truthful to you buddy Geico each of you have 14 Logan passwords and you can't remember any of them Doug $12.00. Is Awesome 123. Truth it's so easy to switch and save on car insurance at Geico dot com is super cool and percent underscore exclamation point exclamation point 1985. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent or more trying to sell your old car instead donate your vehicle to heritage for the blind pick up is free in your donation is tax deductible just call 180-835-1478 here today for the blind except cars vans trucks and boats whether they run or not donate your vehicle and you'll receive a free 3 day vacation voucher to over 50 locations call 180-835-1478 that's 180-835-1478. And that's a few points for this week viewpoints is a production of media tracks communications you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook to learn about upcoming shows and find a library of past programs on i Tunes always find podcasts of our segments and information about our guests at viewpoints on line dot net join us again next week for your Public Affairs magazine viewpoint. I want to be informed I need to know what's happening you don't know it's gone what you'll want what you can do that security clearance economic watch you'll meet the November midterm metaphor it was never that great sexual abuse but you can read about it tomorrow watch it this evening here about. This is. Clear what you want and what you need. Every day. The New Deal free right now there are young people across the world facing a tough choice continue their dream of education or drop out to help their family put food on the table you can help change their future in a single moment see how far your support can go unbound dot org things are. Stepping to come on everybody into the 10 days from now. And it's peaceful it's warm it's nice it's comfortable on use radio. I have one show in particular that my agent. Doesn't want to even rap because he's like Glenn I mean now it's people love you because you know you're going and this is all heart and yesterday I showed it in my office to a group of people you were there and like some of the men were crying guys that you'd like wouldn't think were like that. And one of the guys stopped me 2 hours later and he said I saw the 2 pilots and he said one is right up my alley because it's history and it was great he said but the other one I can't let go of he said the other one is just like it's affected me I really want your advice because we're too I don't know what to do. If your real life. Or right. Radio 14. Welcome to Delaware spotlight the weekly look at the news and events going on around the state I'm your host Earl Holland and this week we'll take a look at things to do on New Year's Eve as we talk with Amy Mullen the event's compliance coordinator what destination downtown Dover the organization will put on is an all girl capital city countdown event on December 31st and then we'll see about things to do on New Year's Day as we discussed the annual hair of the dog and the Leo Brady exercise like the Eskimos plunge with Lauren Weaver executive director of the Bethany Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce. My next guest is Ms. Amy Moe and the events could live coordinator of Decimation downtown Dover How are you today Ms Nolan I'm Corey thank thank you for coming out Delaware spotlight to discuss the capital city countdown the New Year's Eve event in Dover and how did this event get started well we've been contemplating doing a New Year's Eve event for a couple years we just needed to grow in size with board members and volunteers to be able to take on another event because we do several events during the year and we are an all volunteer crew there's nothing that's been going on at any size in Dover for New Year's Eve for a while and we just decided it was time to do something about that how much planning went into capital city countdown and what will this year's event entail so we then talking lightly about it then how does that March or April and got pretty serious about it in about June events get more intense the closer you get to the date what this event entails This is a bit different than our normal events are regular events are completely free and there are festivals where anybody can come and they just walk in if you want to drink you can drink if you want to eat you can eat if not you can just sit and enjoy the free music but this event is different because it's inside of a very elegant and heated tent and so we had to limit the amount of participants that we could have because the tent only holds the many people so it's a ticketed event it's inside the tent we have 2 of the area favorite D.J.'s d.j. Styx who will start off the night and then d.j. You me who will finish off the night and we'll play the 1st song that you'll hear for 2019 it includes a champagne toast at midnight and a ball drop at midnight we have for Tim. And Dominion brewing there exclusively for the event painted staved will be there serving their capital city concoction cocktail and will have 3 food trucks a hungry fork they can only wheel and deep fried treats it's the a night of fun we could not do it without the help of the absolutely wonderful making Kerrison from the retention of that it's just a whole lot of fun bring your friends have a couple drinks bring in the New Year from what I read about the history of the Downtown New Year's Eve events at Dover held over the past couple of decades I know previously there was a few events going on until the end of 2010 and them after that there had been official event done by the city in a while and we're not part of that we're in independent group we're just a bunch of business owners who had businesses downtown and didn't enjoy seeing it decline and decided to do something about it so we formed our group into the winter of 2015 we actually did our 1st event the all of 2014 Dover fest and that event has grown from $650.00 people the 1st year to about $75.00 people this past September we quickly figured out we wanted to do another one in the spring which was history heritage and hop and that has grown at the same rate as they were. And then we decided to take on some warm weather 1st Fridays and do little mini scale down versions of our big Bruce s. And just throw a little party the 1st Friday of every month when it's warm outside the events that the city took on the New Year's Eve event I'm not quite sure of the you know reason that that stopped we just know that it did and we decided we just wanted to do something to bring fun and entertainment and bring the community together let everybody know that there is fantastic shopping and the. Very small merchants downtown to feed their families off of their businesses and we wanted to bring attention to them bring the community together and shared by that young found over is fun safe and a great place to raise your kids and stop and enjoy yourself I know that there's also a huge celebration that all go on I believe earlier today yes from 3 to 6 there will be fun taking place for the kids between State Street and down to the library that's a collaboration between a few other groups the city is helping them organize and restoring central Dover and the downtown Dover partnership along with the Dover library are coming together and they're just having some fun things for the kids to do the start touch the bus so be there there be fire truck down for the kids to climb on and there will be a gaming truck there as well and fun things to do inside the library I believe they're having a magician in there and hot chocolate everywhere I believe the House of coffee is them eating hot chocolate and fun for the kids and then fun for the big kids starts at 6 putting the event together I mean we're talking about to sort of everything that entails in the partnerships and the people who have helped out but all the logistical and getting the location and everything else organized how much work went into that a lot. There's a lot of permit ing involved to do it then you have we always close the street when we have events it makes people feel safe to cross without having to worry about traffic so we have worked very closely with the over p.d. And with the city and this time the event is taking place on the downtown they were partnerships property so you know we had to get permission from them and then you know they have rules because it's their proper. And we follow everybody's rules and do everything the way we're supposed to we also work with a.b.c. Which is alcohol and the average control we get a gathering license so it's Ok for folks to walk around inside a gathering license with alcohol usually you're not allowed outside of an establishment that sells alcohol but when we have a gathering my things you can there's a lot that goes on that there's a lot of behind the scenes work that takes place a lot of you know risk insurance requirements and this and that and you know come together nicely we're pretty profession at it because of the amount of events that we do and we have a very good working relationship with all of those entities that I just named so we get it done pretty easily now it was a big learning curve in the beginning but we do pretty well now just looking at everything the event will consist of I know that there are different packages for people who are interested in either buying unlimited poor tickets prices start out at $33.00 and have seen a jump at this moment are there ones that you can buy last minute it is not suggested that you wait until the last minute because face is limited inside the tent we do urge everyone to purchase their ticket ahead of time the tickets to start at $25.00 for entrance they're currently up to $35.00 they will at the door be $50.00 and there may be the possibility that you don't get in if we're already well once you're at the event you can purchase an unlimited pour bracelets for $47.00 that lets you get unlimited full pour drinks of all the alcohol that's for sale at the event which is beer wine and spirits or you can purchase 5 dollar individual drink tickets with the of them especially being a new event what is interest been like in the event so far the interest in the event has been tremendous I mean as of the middle of December we were already at well over 1200 people say. Saying they were interested are coming to the event and we can't fit quite that many people. So that's another reason we're out of courage and everybody to get their tickets now way ahead of time for so many additional partners that are participating in this event we never do events without the help of our fantastic sponsors this event has an exclusive sponsor it's over Federal Credit Union they are one of our biggest supporters for all of the events that we held and we went to them and said you know you do so much for us during the year we are only getting one primary sponsor this year and we are going to offer that to you 1st for everything that you do for us all the time and they John right on it and they had just been fantastic in how much they support us we do have a smaller sponsor who has very generously donated a large portion of our photo booth and that's mid Atlantic photo booth and we are forever grateful to them for stepping in where we were having a little trouble finding a photo booth because it was for New Year's Eve and they stepped in and said Yup We'd love to do it and they've donated half of it to us financially in addition to the live entertainment in the food what other events will be taking place during the night time a vent for the adults Well we've got the D.J.'s at dance floor and we've got the photo booths we're going to have a champagne toast at midnight we've got the food truck which he thinks everybody busy with. Keeping their munchies satisfied and then we will have a ball drop at midnight as well otherwise folks just like to sit and talk with each other and visit and laugh and have a good time there'll be people dancing all night to really not. Chock full of separate activities it's just you know going to a party and having a good time how do you hope that the successful dissident will spur on the 21 team incarnation of the event we are very hopeful that it will certainly generate enough interest that we can grow because we definitely want to grow the event but we've learned to start with a manageable event and grow from there that way we grow smart and we grow in a way that satisfies everybody involved which is the crew putting it together the concerts and the folks who attend the event we don't want to make them so big in the beginning that they're not manageable so what we're very hopeful the response has been so great we are 100 percent certain that we're going to sell out and that we're going to have to turn people away at the door you know want to do that but we may in addition to capital city count down some of the other events that decimation downtown Dover puts on our i saw that you have an October Fest type event that you also participate in yes we host many events during the year we are outdoor beer fest that's what we're all about so we're generally during the warmer weather our year starts off with history heritage and hop or h 3 for short that we hold on the 1st Saturday in May when the over days is winding down we kind of pick up the party and continue it on into the night and then throughout the summer we go from June who December actually doing the 1st Friday like I said we're miniature scaled down version of our bigger event and then you're right we do do very cleverly named Oct Dover in the fall which is always the 4th Saturday in September that was our inaugural event that we decided. Hold and it's a festival goers favorite we've had people from as far as Massachusetts come and stay and attend the event the goal of destination downtown Dover would be is the mission well destination downtown Dover energizes the heart of Delaware and the heart of Delaware is we consider downtown job or our goal is multifold we are looking to bring economic development downtown we are looking to bring the community together downtown and we also hold our existence to raise money to do different projects downtown we have done things like clean the sidewalks we held the V.I.P.'s then at the Schwartz Center when it was open and when we also if you look up and down the streets there is the blue and white open flags we designed them worked with the city on their placement in any rules and regulations about their height and their angle and anything like that and work with all of the building owners was it Ok to put holes in their walls to hang up these flags and then offer them to the business owners for free and it's just less you know that the overs open for business we visited a downtown in Pennsylvania that it and met with their main street coordinator and one of the things that we noticed that showed itself to most of us was these open flags that were all the way down the street and we talked to their main street coordinator about that and she said yep that was very intentional is to stop what they call the missing tooth syndrome where if you're walking down the street and this business is open in this business is open but the next one is not a lot of times especially if it crosses the street a shopper will stop there because it's unknown what still open so with the open flags flying. They can see all the way down the street that there's more businesses to definitely go and visit another project that we took on this year that has now become a yearly project of ours because of the response we caught from it was all of the flower pots that were downtown from the library all the way down to the old courthouse down by Cimarron stakes that was 331 flower pots that we got a local greenhouse a pot for us and we got a bunch of volunteers together and bunch of local business owners volunteered their time and 2 men in a truck donated a truck to us and let us haul all these flowers in to take them and we just brighten up block them in we're going to do that every year and we hope as the years go on we can raise enough money to spread them off on to the feeder street but that's what we do and we're all volunteer 90 percent of the board is business owners all of them have a stake downtown whether it be that's where their job is or where their business and we work tirelessly and I'm not exaggerating tirelessly one these events and projects it's a super dedicated crew I've never in my life worked with any group like this the board is a phenomenal and our volunteers we don't exist without them and there's just no way to thank them and we thank them constantly. And we sour them with love and peace art and whatever we can give We definitely don't think that that will appear and we're always looking for a volunteer and the one who ever want to come here can definitely give us a call contact us on Facebook email a destination downtown or at the e-mail we've got a volunteer committee that will welcome you with open arms Well Ms Nolan I do appreciate you coming to Delaware spotlighting talking about of course capital city countdown as well as destination downtown Dover and all the things that it does thank you so much for being here on Delora spotlight on my guys thank you so much for having me you're listening to Delaware spotlight. My next guest is miss Lauren Weaver she is the executive director of the Bethany Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce and she is here to discuss with me the annual hair of the dog run and the Leo Brady exercise like the Eskimos plunge that's held on New Year's Day are you today as we were wonderful how are you I am doing absolutely great thank you for coming to Delaware spotlight and discussing these 2 events as our theme for this week is things to do both on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day You're welcome I'm so glad to be on these 2 events the annual here the dog run and the Leo Brady exercise like the Eskimos plunged How did these 2 events start and how did they end up giving in or twined together or go back in 1906 there was a committee of people that were a part of the Chamber of Commerce Leo Brady started this committee that thought it was a great idea to jump into the Atlantic Ocean on New Year's Day So that's how it started and they wanted to do some philanthropic work in the area and so they decided to make it a benefit or a scholarship to a local high school student to support their college education endeavors and so that's how the plans started with the fund group of people that were part of the chamber and wanted to give back to the community and those 2 events how do they make a nice Nothing like waking up on New Year's Day shaking or whatever activity that they had on New Year's Eve and jump in the water and getting themselves exhilarated and how do those 2 events go naturally together yeah so back of her question I guess I didn't even mention how the run came into play but the Chamber of Commerce operate the 5 a one and a couple years back when the winds became really profitable and the money that was going back into the community became significant they knew that they needed you have a 50 $13.00 so the choir or a charitable foundation was created kind of out of the chamber in order to give back to the community and so the Q r c a. This is how we now refer to it started doing some different events to continue to build that money to give back to the community while the chamber supported the business community so about 8 years ago the run was created to continue to support the scholarships that they had in place and there was a really wonderful group of board members that were working with our board and our staff and since we all kind of worked on New Year's Day we decided that it would make sense to run and then plunge and kind of talk to the same audience at that point because everyone that's here we're kind of all going and supporting the families that are down here and starting their new years in this area looking at the schedule I see that the race begins a 45 beliefs a 10 k. Start out of that all work out with organizing both events at the same time and just making sure they transition into the next adventure smoothly we have a wonderful relationship with the key r.c.s. Bridget Taylors the race director for that organization and then myself I coordinate the plans and we start planning we do year round planning to make sure that it's all really cohesive we share sponsors and regards to the business community so that it all flows really nicely I think it was about 4 years ago that we tied it together that we were sharing resources and promotion and assets so that we could raise more money to go back into what the whole event was actually designed for there's no sense doing Dole efforts it makes sense to work together so that the money can go where it needs to go the plunge How does it differ from maybe some other New Year's Day polar bear type plunges that go on as well well on New Year's Day I mean this is our 23rd year and are presenting sponsor the cottage cafe if nobody has a team and you wanted t.v. Should definitely join the cottage cafe because they do it right they do breakfast in the morning so maybe you're not in a position to run. On but you're you're in the mood for brunch you can go to the cottage they have just and everything they take the jolly trolley over and so they're really the lifeblood of the plunge where they come over there in costume their robes and then we come back and we continue to celebrate the New Year at the cottage so they are real orchestrators and then it's just a family tradition and it's something after 23 years a lot of the families down here this is how they start their year so you'll see a lot of the same faces year in and year out and even last year with negative 4 degree weather we had 75 crazy people plunge into the ocean so rain or shine a really cold too mild We will have a good crew out there what was the biggest crowd that you had especially when the weather breaks they were really especially maybe a warm New Year's Day Yeah so I think it was 2012 we had like a 65 degree day there has been 600 people plunging into the Atlantic Ocean so plungers alone we've had 600 between the run in plunge and people can find out for both and run and then plunge we've had up to $1300.00 people I think total between the 2 events so it's a great day it's a lot of fun in downtown but the beach and I great way to start the new year now I see there's a number of different prizes and awards that are given to teams that participate in the plunge like for example the well of a team which is the largest registered team but what has been the largest number of people that you've seen in a team to participate in the event like this we have yet to have caught is Cafe talents they have brought as many as 70 people as part of their team we've had some rivals at like 30 in 40 but cottage cafe every year pretty much they drum up they they do it right so we're still looking for someone to the throne team cottage for a whale of a team and then the next category I see bathing beauties a. Team attire theme I had to ask what were some of the different unique grouping attire that you've seen over the years Earl we've seen all we have seeing from people coming in there Chris Jamas to you know freshly designed family but shirts so hoodies to comic book people to Disney characters the only rule is that you can't go in a swimsuit so people will come in in all different types of other garb other than a swimsuit so it's always a really really fun to see what people come up with when it comes to logistics and getting that all together one of them till my assume there's beef or troll on hand to help make sure nothing bad happens how do you get that all together yeah so we have a wonderful staff at the Chamber of Commerce but definitely coordinate a lot of it and then we work really closely with the Bethany Beach lifeguards and the E.M.'s and the fire department so everyone is privy to what's happening and then we just set up boundaries and we have them wonderful marshals that help us in the countdown so that people can get in out in and out of the water safely. I guess for someone who maybe has an experience this event deliberate exercise like the Eskimos event what is the best way to describe it exhilarating this is my 6 year of reading the New Year's Day and it's joyous and it's tradition and there is just so much excitement it's the start of a new year and I have yet to it's one of my favorite holidays the run it's one of my favorite events to run because everyone in good spirit and ready to start a new year so it's amazing to begin the year with that many people just hopeful for the future and you had to give a lot of people credit as we mentioned a little earlier sometimes it might not be as easy to give up on New Year's Day After deliberating on New Year's Eve pair of adults. Now I see there is a lot of different events sponsors I see presenting sponsor such as envy homes and Ryan homes and condos café of course which we've mentioned a lot and signature sponsors coastal Tenet events when it comes to getting all the sponsors to come together and participate in the event how easy is it to get them all to participate Well a lot of these businesses have been involved for a long time so when you're talking about January in the choir sort there are only a few businesses that have really been able to consider themselves the I would say pillars of the community in the year round industry and coastal point and coastal climate event and the Ryan and the cottage cafe those are definitely some the business that regardless of whether January or July they are open and here for the local community so a lot of the businesses that you see parts of the Tate and January event are year round community supporter in addition to the New Year's Day events with other activities does the chamber and thank you r c f involved themselves yes the Q r c After got done with. They're Caribbean Christmas which takes place in the beginning of December and then they also do the buddy pollute the which is another 5 k. 10 k. That happens Easter weekend but the Chamber of Commerce we run anywhere from networking events up to 3 networking events a month from Connect for coffees to business after hours to educational platforms of like Lunch and Learn to our community events like the valor awards for our 1st responders That's coming up and February and I don't know if you've heard yet Earl but we have the fire and ice festival which just won the Southern belle awards for them award so it's a fun nice Best of all that happens in the end of January and we'd love to have you come down and check it out it's an amazing time just going back to this event the New Year's Day event how many times have you participated and jumped into the ocean Oh no no I make sure everyone gets out I don't actually jump in I just have to make sure everyone gets. I guess maybe swing a little back towards the race but here of the dog run I see there's a lot of different categories and things like that seeing that the participation between the 2 events is so huge What do you feel makes it an event that people want to come to I think it's a good feel like we've really worked closely with you r.c.f. And like I said I've worked 6 years with Bridget Taylor in the morning we actually just said we're like we're here we are doing this 6 years later like we must suckers but you know we love it and I think that that really shows and the people that do it every year it's just fun I mean I can't imagine another way that you want to spend New Year's Day You got to know everyone that's there and I mean the prizes are amazing and the businesses involved are amazing and I would say 5 out of the 6 years has been really favorable weather so I mean it's just a great event to be a part of and both of us work towards this event in particular works towards the William o. Murray scholarship which is a $2000.00 a year for all 4 year scholarship for a. You can of Indian River district that is community service and academically oriented though it's the largest scholarship that choir. And working it that it would be a part of it and we've had them or it be and come back and help. Create that camaraderie and the community feel good Omas Weaver I do appreciate you stopping by on Delaware spotlight and talking about such wonderful events especially on a way for people to start off the new year on a good foot well I thank you so much for having me and I'm looking forward to hopefully join you again oh yeah definitely I look forward to talking a little more about fire and ice as it comes up later in January act on that wonderful well being that I'd like to thank my guests destination downtown Dover and Lord of the Bethany Fenway Area Chamber of Commerce if you have a story or a special event coming up that benefits things going on around the state let us know if you can e-mail me at Holland and i Heart Radio dot com This is our a ha moment and thank you for listening to Delaware spotlight Have a great week. Usually to judge. Let's make a deal i'm who sail Fox News with the partial government shutdown now 9 days old President Trump is waiting for Democrats he has said that he's ready to receive a counteroffer from the Democrats it's been many many days since the House passed its $5600000000.00 for border security it's not restricted to just a wall to a c.p.p. He says they need they need a technological enhancers physical barriers the steel slats the president has tweeted about and talked about counselor to the president Kellyanne Conway on Fox News Sunday Democrats are holding the line against funding the wall despite the White House cutting its request in half it's now seeking 2 and a half $1000000000.00 Conway also defending the president's decision to withdraw u.s. Forces from Syria this president is cleaning up the mass left by the last administration never took the advance of ISIS in Syria seriously they talked about some goofy red line never never enforced that Conway also saying the president doesn't believe in endless wars the decision to withdraw all 2000 troops led to the resignation of Defense Chief Jim Matheson the funeral for a California police officer gunned down during a traffic stop will be held next weekend there was a senseless tragedy it could have been prevented Newman police chief Randy Richardson reflecting on the death of Officer Ron else saying on the morning after Christmas Investigators say the suspect was in the country illegally but also City a previous arrest for DUI wise and known gang affiliations one of the sheriffs in the area is now calling out California's so-called sanctuary laws just 'd.

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