Transcripts for WDOV 1410 AM [NewsRadio 1410 WDOV] WDOV 1410

WDOV 1410 AM [NewsRadio 1410 WDOV] WDOV 1410 AM [NewsRadio 1410 WDOV] June 19, 2019 030000

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So what's your smart final It's my go to store when do you want to spot that burglar when he's casing your home or after he's an ass John camera alerted him of burglars trying to break in while his family was high. Blink motion activated cameras are wire free set up in minutes and run on to lithium batteries that last up to 2 years no contracts no subscriptions totally affordable home security just here blink system started under 80 books visit blink protect. Blink protect dot com slash watch our u.s. State certified electrician or have 40 years of experience do you want to career your skills and evaluate for your knowledge a career with employer paid health care retirement that join the eye to. Come to our job fair for electrical workers on June 24th from 5 to 8 pm at our training center 14600 Catalina Street in San Leandro for more information call 5100664405105066440. This. Is ground 0. 877-733-1011 that's 777331011. So we've said time to time on this program to. The dialogue about life in space is changing the dialogue about U.F.O.'s is changing science is softening itself a bit and you know there's always open question of whether life is a cosmic imperative when it comes to things out in space and of course all this emerges in the presence of certain conditions governed by physics now the questions about what's going on up in space are well there are numerous one other building blocks for life out there or are we looking for nothing the only thing is why we spend so much money to go out into space if there's nothing out there to get or to at least discover and there's plenty of stuff to discover according to a lot of the scientists and their new ideas as to what we're looking for and and how we're looking for it a lot of budgets going in now for Space Exploration of the cameras and telescopes and all sorts of things that will lead us down this primrose path to possible without any doubt disclosure and so with this softening of science a stance in space. We've seen confirmation to be alien life is becoming a constant People talk about it they're opening up discussions about of their meeting at colleges they're rethinking I guess semantics or word salad if you will about just what they're up to what the definition of their discoveries might be whether it be biological xo biological whether we're looking at techno signatures or biological 2nd just and still though we have been apprehensive. Stance in some circles of containment the information and some people say well I'll only accept it if NASA says it or only accept it if the government says it all and right now though. You know someone or at least a group of people want that monopoly on just what is and what is truth about disclosure or about confirmation appears that people are looking for life in space of course but there's so many ways of confirming it. So many ways of looking at it and a lot of people appear to want containment or they want to be able to control the narrative and I said it's very important control the narrative that's what is more valuable than anything else right now and that includes the narrative with regard to the extraterrestrial question now they said before if you've noticed on the nightly news there have been a lot of loaded questions a lot of presentations about that very thing whether or not it's pseudo science to be looking for U.F.O.'s or it's real it's reality to be looking for U.F.O.'s and why the military has said that they acknowledge the existence of U.F.O.'s and all they want to do now is determine whether or not they're e.t.i. Or something else so the new u.f.o. Reality now comes the arguments the divisive causes that are being pushed by people that made U.F.O.'s and aliens part of their spiritual path and there are a few researchers now that are rejected the information being disseminated because they're saying it's being disseminated by intelligence operatives and they're saying well the Pentagon leak that I don't buy it and the Pentagon says that these aliens these U.F.O.'s are a threat to national security I don't buy it I mean the fact that the military was involved in a disclosure process has a number of researchers stymied they're angry and they're now going after people and both sides I mean you have those who are looking at the aliens and you're looking at the U.F.O.'s as a spiritual way of life. And there are people that devote their time to talking about it being a spiritual thing there are others however the see it as a nuts and bolts project and that we need to get down to the bottom of whether we can kick the tires of a bonafide U.F.O.'s anyone's guess but what is most disk disconcerting right now is for years u.f.o. Researchers and believers have one of the government come clean on u.f.o. Matters now that it's happening slowly. There are a few of the so-called believers now that are saying that disclosure that the disclosure is being provided should not be trusted because it's coming from the intelligence ops and that they believe it's a distraction or just information campaign that has so many researchers now we're gaining a number of followers on the Internet saying that the government disclosure should not be trusted and I say this is the attack of the believers the true believers are now attacking the fact that this so-called new disclosure is being revealed by the CIA and the Pentagon should be seen as a matter of compartmentalize disclosure that can easily be controlled it's a containment process and the containment process goes like this and it's been it's been the way it's been for a long time many decades the government does this the military does this intelligence does this they leak a u.f.o. Story to the public. They make a statement that hints at disclosure and then they did not either the military or any government entity has found no reason to believe that you oppose exist I'm beginning to see this pattern because what happened is when we 1st heard about the threat assessment $22000000.00 from defense to look at you oppose a possible threat to national security when you look back at that many people are angry about that say well aliens are not a threat they've never been a threat they never have they wanted to attack as they would have done a long time ago but yet they throw out all of the information that they've been demanding with regard to abduction cases many of the government has to disclose U.F.O.'s they have to disclose aliens of absence close aliens they have to disclose the program that went on in the seventy's and eighty's where 6070 s. Were innocent people were abducted from their homes and attacked by alleged aliens whether or not this was some sort of a military co-op or intelligence co-op or something where a deal was made it's anyone's guess but that's always been part of the u.f.o. Lore and yet we've had president after president after president say well I know a little something about this right I was briefed on this or you know and as I said in the last hour Ronald Reagan said. You know our differences worldwide would vanish with dissolve if we had an alien threat he spoke about a 4 times to the u.n. He spoke about in Geneva he spoke about it was Secretary Gorbachev in Russia Gorbachev said he didn't feel it was weird he just felt like it was not the timing was off that there would be eventually some sort of revelation about aliens or U.F.O.'s but right now would not be the time and that was in the 1980 s. On February 12th 2014 John Podesta who is the outgoing senior Obama adviser John Podesta reflected on his White House is latest White House dinner and said you know that one of his favorite moments and one of his biggest regrets from the past year when he worked in the Obama administration was that he didn't come forward and tell the American people about the truth about the truth about U.F.O.'s . Now think about that for a moment John Podesta said that he wanted to disclose the truth about U.F.O.'s knowing what we know now about John Podesta would we have believed him I mean he had we all know he had a long time fascination with U.F.O.'s I mean that's well documented and when he went on his political hiatus following 4 years as President Bill Clinton's chief Chief of Staff he wanted to look out and find more find out more about U.F.O.'s when he worked with Hillary Clinton he and Hillary wanted to wanted to work with the Coalition for Freedom of Information and John Podesta spoke on the importance of disclosing government u.f.o. Investigations the public on Friday the 13th 2014 John Podesta tweeted his regret about the non-disclosure of U.F.O.'s and the Washington Post immediately recall that exchange one of his reporters had with protests in 2007 Karen Tumulty asked protest about reports of the Clinton Library in Little Rock Arkansas had been bombarded with Freedom of Information Act request pacifically seeking e-mail correspondence to and from the former chief of staff including terms like x. Files at Area 51 professes response through a spokesperson was the truth is out there which is the tagline for the x. Files of course. In 2010 an editorial that was in Missouri's Columbia Tribune despairs reports that protests said after the outspoken u.f.o. Photographer to stop discussing his knowledge of extra show activities in public the editorial employed one wonders why protest would do such a radical reversal given his former player you oppose disclosure but contrary to the Columbia tribunes concern the death of had clearly not abandoned his passion he just didn't abandon the cause he wrote an introduction to the 20 cent book u f O's generals pilots and government officials go on the record that book was written by Leslie Kean unfortunately Podesta would be of course. Under the microscope when he was Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign manager we headed up Quinn's campaign and managed Quinn's campaign so Bill Clinton Hillary Clinton Bill Clinton Bill Clinton had the same attitude that Ronald Reagan had about U.F.O.'s and conversion possesses reports that basically it was an interest in in U.F.O.'s in the Clinton administration Jimmy Kimmel. Was asking former presidents about U.F.O.'s and disclosure and many of them have jokingly gave responses that the public tried to interpret as partial admittance of U.F.O.'s and the phenomena associated with Jimmy Kimmel asked Hillary Clinton in late night t.v. Interviews he had Bush Bill Clinton Barack Obama and Hillary and when Kimmel interviewed Hillary she was still a presidential candidate and on national television she said that barring any threats to national security she would open up government files on the subject of U.F.O.'s and that was a shift from President Obama who typically dismisses you oppose and says they're a joke so obviously she was elected to the presidency in many hopes were shattered for any type of disclosure with the newly elected President Donald Trump. However something happened during a recent interview with a.b.c. News reporter George Stephanopoulos. We're going to tell you what happened and this is something that is shaking up a lot of people and it's been very controversial President Trump has been probably the 1st president since Truman or Reagan depending on if you think that they were giving disclosure to actually address the u.f.o. Issue on national television you'll hear is a response coming up on ground 087-773-3101 extension 1 that's 877-733-1011 I'm quite low as you listen to ground 0 and will be back. 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We have one of the president to acknowledge you oppose Hillary Clinton almost did it when she was running for president was jump a death it was a big u.f.o. Person Ronald Reagan inferred the u.f.o. Or an alien threat would bring us all together but there's never been a president to my knowledge whose address do you oppose directly or at least answer a question directly about U.F.O.'s Donald Trump 45 occupant of the White House the most powerful man in the world opened up and without joking or snickering publicly acknowledged you oppose if anyone watches the mainstream news anymore you may have noticed that every network seems to be reviewing an extensive unwinding compassing interview between Trump and George Stephanopoulos and a.b.c. News and I've seen it on Fox and on c.n.n. I've seen it on Bloomberg I mean whatever George Stephanopoulos did he was granted an interview with Trump and he's asked so many questions and. Change which is prerecorded has been covered on every network with a wide variety of training political topics and but then when Stephanopoulos was talking to it took a fringe detour Stephanopoulos mentioned the latest revelations the Navy pilots have again encounters with objects that far exceeded the capabilities am a newer ability of their f. 18 Super Hornet fighter jets and President Trump when Stephanopoulos asked him about what do you think of a u.f.o. Thing what do you think of this you oppose these your photos Tori's Trump answered without hesitation without the required awkward snicker. But he had been briefed on the were poor reports but made it perfectly clear that he wasn't particularly interested about these incidents because he said he was not a believer in you oppose here is the exchange between George Stephanopoulos and President Trump United we know we disagree but they're put on hold they had to go on this before we go one of the things you have been briefed on U.F.O.'s he doesn't necessarily believe in them he made some story about he can believe they can believe what they want to believe but a lot of people you know I've seen the comments on the unit always anti-climactic the president really didn't it didn't mid anything we don't we're Does I was surprised at how calmly he answered the question and how it remain in the taped interview and the reason why I say that is because I don't know if you've been following this story but it was revealed just how much control. Pad in this interview in fact he went into a taped meeting with Stephanopoulos talking about his financial statements and in the middle of the interview with a.b.c. Donald Trump asked his acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney to leave the room after he coughed Well they just cough spontaneously and Trump was trying to answer the question then he to stop the interview he said I want to finish the sentence without having anybody coug

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