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Whatever you grow will savor bro learn more and more member dot com traveling through the Easter f.m. Radio am radio why fall you'll see on itself the wisdom of Ron. Paul on these frequency is Rush Limbaugh weekdays new to 34 News right 1410 w d o v 1410 Dio on air and on our free i Heart Radio app. To feel the Radio $4.00 to 10 pm online until you feel be got to go in on your for the i Heart Radio and on to the bike like a Lexus. And i Heart Radio station. Casinos and an indictment of Brady Fox News federal prosecutors just holding a briefing on the charges against 2 associates of the president's personal lawyer oxes Jarrett helper is live on Capitol Hill and to Florida businessmen who have helped Rudy Giuliani pressured Ukrainian officials to investigate Joe Biden are now facing 4 counts of federal campaign finance violations using straw and foreign law and u.s. Attorney Jeff Berman says love Parness and Igor Froome and set up a corporation to hide sources of a $325000.00 donation to a political group supporting President transfer election the 2 men also made illegal contributions to a former congressman Giuliani says the timing of the arrests is suspect Elise thanks chariot Meantime House committee is leading the impeachment pro over the president's phone call with Ukraine's president issuing subpoenas to Parness and Frohman who had been scheduled to testify on Capitol Hill today an attorney for them had said earlier this week though they needed time to gather documents the power is being shut off at times for thousands in California some residents and businesses are upset but Utility companies say it's wildfire prevention oxy. Jessica Rosenthal is live in l.a. Alisa Pacific Gas and Electric said the shelves were impacting people in 34 counties as of Thursday morning though they had turned the power back on for some p.g. And e. Insisted this was for safety reasons as their equipment has been blamed for sparking some of California's most recent and deadly wildfires but some residents say this is unacceptable this airport is all going to happen so now we're being parties because they don't work figure the tragedy Florence the proper way to Southern California Edison has shut off power for some as well and said tens of thousands of people were in areas that may potentially experience shutoffs if the wind gets worse Lisa thanks Jessica America is listening. 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Looking for more information about contests on the station just go to w d o v dot com slash rules that's w d o v dot com slash rules. Having dinner with the backs of his dinner conversations if I met somebody south I am a pleasant guest if you're coming out with us you know. Much like his radio conversation I have no tolerance for bold crap I'm going to say I'm not going to bring it up Glenn Beck but I'm also not going to let you live in some fantasy world where you think you're right memorize the days from 9 until noon no you're not right you're an imbecile on used radio 1410 w d o v a Sean Hannity here on News Radio 1410 w d o v Dover's news traffic and weather. My . Up on the screen and people start screaming about this scam called impeachment you can't impeach a president for doing a great with the strongest economy in the world this is a scam and the people. That don't try senators have are done tell the truth tell the truth. And that would be advice that should be given to anybody caught up in. A lot to get to today that you are on board Glad you're with us write down our toll free telephone number is 809 poor one Sean if you want to be a part of the program so I took down all my social media I have no access to Twitter Instagram. Facebook and I all I do is when I want to do it I send it to Linda or or somebody on my t.v. Show tweet this out let's just be simple CLIA. Have a Twitter account you still have. Still been Instagram account post to it do I do have or you do I have any passwords to any of those account no we took those away from. You took them away from a right everyone took away but I'm not I am by the way by my request is taken too much of my time I think up late at night getting in fights with Jimmy Kimmel and waste my time with him so anyway saying all of that I have friends they have been texting and sending messages all day about what's going on in Minneapolis did you see the size of the crowd outside this arena and I was only seats I think 19300 when the found out yesterday and the mayor is apparently you know they tried to shut this down they tried to almost shake down the Trump campaign and say oh you got to pay $500000.00 now Rose we're not going to let you have your rally Ok they never did that with Obama or any other Democrat why would they do that to Donald Trump because that's I guess who they are and then they are trying to keep the press away from the people in the lines because the press might interview people that would say good things about Donald Trump the fact that people have been waiting there some over night apparently or try to. Stop but the line began in earnest to you know 67 am this morning and people I mean the line is massive and what's What's hilarious is that there was one report I have no idea of not confirm this you know one of the. Hash tag maggots soda I thought was pretty funny on Twitter people on Twitter a clever smart they can be mean and vicious and horrible too but it is funny some of the stuff that even the stuff that they write about me that's horrible is funny we have a sense of humor hey wait long story short here is the lines are massive. I mean I'm looking at pictures now and it's like as far as the eye can see I mean that it's like a rock concert we're going to check in Lawrence Jones we sent there we have other people that are friends of the show they're going to be calling in throughout the program won't check in with them too and all I can tell you is though and there was one report I have no idea of his true that the mayor wanted to take away the port a potties to make people uncomfortable what happened you take away the port a potties are going to be what you're an idiot in the streets like in Nancy Pelosi is district half a kiddie in the streets unbelievable we've got that I've really want to dig down deep into everything that is now going on with the Democrats will get to that to 2 other stories though that we're going to hit in the course of the program later on with Jonathan and Danielle is one is you know the n.b.a. Literally is powering before the altar of China and you know here is you know n.b.a. Players have no problem tweeting out comments that are negative to Donald Trump and the n.b.a. Commissioner has no problem doing that either and now you've got money involved real money apparently like $1800000000.00 for the n.b.a. And Jason Whitlock was amazing from Fox Sports one on Hannity last night and he laid out wow look at this the bigger than the n.b.a. It also has to do with Nike I mean he gave this whole theory of his which I found fascinating none of which I would have been able to come up with myself but now there you know he's encouraging the n.b.a. Commissioner coaches you know it's fine to rail against Trump you know it's fine to promote radical groups which has happened by some players and he instituted a gender quota for referees and declared progressive code words diversity and inclusion in core principles and you know it goes on and on and there was a great piece by Miranda divine at the New York. Post today and silver is proud in using the position to push you know social justice and to trump politics but if you're going to stand up to you know or stand for something like the Houston Rockets basketball boss by the name of Daryl Morey exercising his free speech rights and he tweeted support for the people of Hong Kong and their pro-democracy protests fight for freedom stand with noncom Ok You wouldn't think that's a big deal but apparently in the face of China belligerently their reaction to this and the n.b.a. Just capitulating to all of this you know to the point where mores regretable sentiments that had deeply offended many of our friends and fans in China why Ok if they used in rockets you know boss wants to Tweet support for freedom liberty and the the independence movement in Hong Konger good for him but the parents you can't in the n.b.a. So we'll get to that in the course of the program today are I am reading this story about Matt Lauer I am I am shocked. Now it's amazing that the front page New York Post now there's 2 tabloids in New York One is the New York Post the other is the New York Daily News The post more conservative by the way the same company that owns Fox News. And then the New York Daily News is very liberal not fans of Sean Hannity but that's fine just like the Washington Post hates me if you didn't think The New York Times hates me just look at the picture they put on the cover of The New York Times Sunday magazine of me I've never seen anyone look that bad in my entire life you know reading newspapers that was pretty funny though. But anyway the headline today shocked claim a new book Big letters Matt Lauer raped me and it goes on n.b.c. Anchor he responded to this all lies we had a consensual affair and then when you get to the Vadi of the article which is inside the the paper you know you got to you know you know basically a full page on this whole thing about this Ronan Farrow book he's the one that brought down Weinstein anyway you know she is claiming that he violently raped her in Sochi and at the Olympics in Russia in 2014 and Matt Lauer's defended himself saying well the story broke tells is filled with balls details intended to create the impression this was an abuse of encounter there's no evidence that law enforcement was ever contacted regarding this case that I have read anywhere yet you know she's saying it wasn't consensual that it was nonconsensual and I mean she's describing a very violent incident here and he's saying that they went on beyond that to have an extramarital affair but it started in his hotel room one late night in Sochi and she's saying that she allow or went on to have more sexual encounters so they both admit that they had this relationship thereafter and I guess like everything. I don't know how to I don't know what to believe I cannot tell you anything but the things that they both agree on which is they had an affair after the incident but I don't know what happened in that room that night in Sochi and I don't I don't know how you yet ascertain the truth of it now apparently she had told people at the time so that would benefit and support her side of this he's denying it and I don't know how you ever get to the truth I do know this and I think we've all learned a lot and I've told this lesson many times on the program that I learned in Atlanta with the Richard Jewel case this is in remember the Summer Olympics 1996 local on the air in Atlanta Georgia and at the home of the official Olympics news radio station I that's what that's where I was anyway the story breaks and by every account you've got this security guard Richard Jewel is the hero you know of a sudden the a.j.c. The Atlanta Journal Constitution comes out with not only fits the profile of the lone bomber after all he lives with his mother and now I'm on the air reading as I'm like So what he lives with his mother doesn't make him a terrorist though I mean he bombed anybody now long story short the rest of the media just turns on this guy and they rush to judgment as they usually do that's why 1st got to meet Lin Wood who I think is one of the finest probably him and Charles heart of finest libel slander attorneys in the country and and when would ends up getting a fortune for Richard Jewel he said on this program he thinks Richard Jewel died of 44 died because of all the stress associated with us or the bottom line is it turned out the guy was a hero the guy didn't do it the guy saved lives that. But they rush to judgment we saw this most recently with Nicholas Sandman you know here's the black Hebrew Israel lights are virtually assaulting this group of kids he's got a mag I had on then you have a Native American by the name of Nathan Phillips who's banging on a drum though some protests they were involved in and then the media runs with oh look at him he was intimidating the Native American and oh they said racist things when we when you had the whole tape which we had much more that the media could have gone on they ran with this kids are racist this kid you know was in tip trying to intimidate Nathan Phillips they ran with you know all sorts of things when just the opposite was true and when I 1st interviewed Richard Jewel he told me that you know I was listening to you when you were the only one ever ever that questioned this narrative because I didn't know the answer just like with the Lauer story I have no idea what to make of that I don't know the answer. You know everyone wants to tell you they got the answer I don't have it but that lesson when he told me that kind of shook me and it taught me a valuable lesson now there's a reason that we've been right on Duke lacrosse member of the 90 professors you know it's taken out of page ad in the paper convicting that those kids I actually didn't rush to judgment there either I had to I took the time to go out meet the kids and the parents some of the kids in the families and I got their side of the story remember when Ferguson Missouri happened on I had people my sources that were telling me that knew in law enforcement that knew the truth saying there are eyewitnesses that confirm everything Darren Wilson has said and that will come out. Rest of the media they created the expectation with the result was going to big same thing in Ferguson I'm sorry the same thing in Baltimore the pretty great case there was an expectation those 6 cops were going to jail early on I knew the real story because I did my own work I didn't rush to judgment when they rushed to judgment with Nicholas Sam and I mean just it's so glaring because the kid handled everything perfectly and you can add Cambridge police to the issue and you could add Trayvon then Zimmerman to the issue they thought they had that right then you can add they never vetted Obama then you can add that they never thought Trump could win then you could add the Russia witch hunt it was so sure that they were going to get Trump on there now that sounds the Ukraine cool what temp it's the same thing now or just this cabin on another example all remember when Michael Levanon he was accused I guess by his girlfriend there were 3 separate investigations going on and I remember saying on this program and on t.v. I have no idea what happened here but I'm going to give my collab and Noddy that which he never gave Justice Kavanagh the presumption of innocence and the right to due process and I'm not backing off that because it's worked out well for us and we end up always being right had the media get Russia Russia Russia wrong wrong wrong because the media there it's so toxic I mean they just they don't care about truth facts which has lead me into the commentary want to get into a bit on the latest about Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine. 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Live and regrow parts which are good but I was down there and there is a lot more people and then what I think you are very pointed for sure I mean you go out to a 2 block radius and then got to be 6 to 8 hours from people milling around Ok so you go out there what time do the crowds start getting because I see in these social media pictures there may be huge. And I'm also I would say it probably started early in the morning. Before By the way so the mayor tried they 1st tried to shake down the the Trump campaign for money and then they didn't want police officers wearing uniforms and you know and now they I heard they took away porta potties What can you say to that well as I know is that put it like there was only 2 port a potties for thousands of people and they put it in an area that they knew that was going to be shut down at a certain time because of security reasons so I feel in my opinion and others that around here they did that on purpose Yeah if that was enough to not mayor of yours would do would surprise me what's so amazing is just how stunningly you know overtly they do it I mean that they literally tried everything they could do to make sure this rally does not happen tonight that's what they do well if it was a Democrat it would be way different Yeah you know and Obama's And that's all you have to do is look the last time when Obama was here they charged 1 him a fraction of what they were doing for here and I think it was reported that it was only $20000.00 and they've been told or backwards and now they're saying that you know they don't want uniform cops or and they were near there as far as if they're in fact a rally but there was uniformed police department all over inside for their friends let me ask you a question when you look at the people what are they doing are they nice in the late talking to each other than either me or they're they're fighting that's nearly noon is not yet. Real quick All right well Linda you're right and right now they're just basically just milling around there's different signage all over the place then tailgating watter having fun that's what they're doing or about to break is why I had to interrupt will continue. I love soul I love knocks dogs love in everything you might be buzzed you know what I blog a ride when it's time to head out if you see a bus warning sign call for a ride when it's time to go home bus driving is drunk driving a message from it's a and the Ad Council your shot $1000.00 for texting nationwide sure $2200.00 children confirmation text and. Mistreats Why can't you speak like contest the 20200. 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News commentary better awards terrible answer on immigration more next I'll never forget or forgive that moment's notice as a long time my 1st call ever as a member of the National Guard when we got to the armory briefed us on the wildfires they were getting dangerously close to homes helicopters were going up to trump water on the fire guys in the unit will be paying for fire fighting with local fire crews at that moment I got my 1st taste and just tons more in the guard is to my community see how the guard can be. Part of your life at National Guard. I'm Guy Benson at a recent rally better O'Rorke presidential candidate was confronted by a woman who asked a perfectly fair question about legal versus illegal immigration we are a nation of law and I just think it's a slap in the face to every legal immigrant who has waited and paid and played by the rules what is a slap in the face to my conscience and the best traditions of this country is taking kids from their parents and putting them in take notice the deflection he pivots away to kids in cages and separating families which are serious issues instead of dealing with the actual question which is about the fundamental unfairness of illegal immigration to legal immigrants there is no good answer to that question from beto so he avoids it altogether for a cheap applause line I'm not surprised for more commentary and analysis Guy Benson Show dot com for all the details I'm Guy Benson here Fox News coming to that technology credit union our mobile app is available everywhere your family needs us . 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Good afternoon and 95000 is a little bit heavy between 4th Street and 141 to 95 south and a little bit slow from the turnpike to me if the in Delaware Memorial Concord pike it is your normal heavy rush hour volume both directions throughout Wilmington where one southbound is slow 952273 in Newark that's fallen and then we went south on approaching towns and an earlier brushfire has cleared so traffic is still just a little bit heavy in that area the rest of Newcastle County is fine Dover Kent County are clear that's a look at your traffic on Michelle Taylor this report is sponsored by the t.j. Martell Foundation join the t.j. Martell Foundation in the fight against leukemia cancer and aids your support helps with Cilla take cutting edge research that will lead to more effective treatments and save more lives visit t.j. Martell dot org to learn about music's promise for a cure. Your 1410 w d o v forecast coastal flood advisories this evening coastal flood watch in effect tomorrow finds a good way to some sun breezy this afternoon high 73 body breezy tonight low 53 and then clouds and breezy tomorrow the high 65 I'm Steve Williams This report is sponsored by Mothers Against Drunk Driving for victims of drunk and drug driving our grief is unique but you are not alone you always have a place at madd call our 24 hour victim helpline at 877 nad help or visit mad dad or I am j. Foreigner c.e.o. Of Quicken Loans America's largest mortgage lender I've got great news mortgage interest rates have dropped so if you're thinking about buying a home right now is the time to lock that low rate even before you find the home of your dreams. 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And the kid's not in college the kid all right so where's his background and experience let me ask you this How big was that line because I'm I'm seeing pictures on social media that show it's massive. It's a big line shot and you know the thing about Minnesota's that they have in the door walkways as well as outside they've taken up all the indoor walkways that the outside is wrapped around as well so there's a lot of people out there Lovelock new looks on hand at the I love their president and you know it's raining on and off out here and these people are just standing there getting trench Minnesota's water on it out in the cold so. I've got to do both you know the other way on a larger problem that we all cherish Wow one year from now Lawrence is going to come on this program and hate my guts because you know I'm like Lawrence you got to go here Lawrence go here Lawrence come on we need to on the road. You're going to hate my guts by the end of this process Lawrence go out middle of the liberal protest. Put a 185000 of these are on the plan so you know give them a lot of experience to talk with the American people and talk about what they are thinking that the you know a lot of the people to me that they don't believe that they try to project how they feel they don't feel the same way that the people in the studio the New York. It's amazing Did you get I was told by I saw on social media not been able to confirm maybe you know the answer was that we had a caller from Minnesota that lives nearby and was down by the rally that the parents of the mayor now the mayor will the city want to at the last minute for the Trump campaign to pony up $500.00 grand which they never did for any other presidential candidate then they said about a week ago that police officers can't wear their uniforms to the rally then I just heard I don't know if it's true and that's why I'm asking that they really remove the Puerto bodies now so close to the building the porta potties are there the place of the porta potties there are no longer there what they were before but close of the 1 building they are there it is true about the mosque where cement not been and by the way the people in the rally if it's obviously because they are just cheering so loud the off duty cop to to go to do the things we're able normally able to with a uniform the police chief and mayor have barred from wear the uniform only go on duty cop so the off duty cops in the making their own t. Shirt and you see the cops for Trump and the teacher is great I think some of them are even though I'm on my security detail today helping us out here let's go to Tricia Lauren Stay right there Tricia where you at this moment right now I'm actually inside the venue but all day long I've been up and down the walkways and outside and I can tell you they did remove the porta potties as many of them and they placed them on the opposite end of where the line began so you had literally have to walk about 2 miles to get to the 1st port a potty that you see and there are very few porta potties to begin with to support this crowd and then the mayor I'm told by the people in line that turned up the heat in the sky walk it's miserably hot in there he's trying to make it a little bit uncomfortable and miserable as he possibly can now how many are you with like a large group of people indoors in the indoor hallways leading into the arena. Yes I'm been in the mouth of the arena walking up and down the line all day long Actually since you want to go I say what I want you to do want to walk near a big crowd and I will put you on hold and tell him that Sean Hannity's on the line on his radio show wants to say hi to everybody and. How long will it take you to get to the like where a crowd yes him about 2 minutes I just got up I go down that the spring pushes trust I got it I got it Lawrence Jones So where you know specifically located right now let me guess you're in a hotel room comfortably you know ordering up a cheeseburger full on. Just got back to the hotel and I get the call because you know he's from supporters but then they let you know how they're feeling the this is the issues right I don't know what they did to their condition or whatever they did but it's extremely hot in the foothills of the We're all these people I mean you know I've been to a lot of these truck route was were you shot Typically all the people are waiting outside and you see the black around the building will because of how Minnesota is they have these guy walls where people can line up in there so all of that is still there and did you have the people looped up outside that are in line waiting to get to this guy walk through to get into the facility and it's hot inside I mean I was written in sweat inside and then outside it is cold and the rain is going on and on and also dismasted. Let me go back to Trisha stay there Lawrence Jones fresh apparently is back on the line Trichy back on the line I'm actually in trying to be a regular on the floor with the group of people who are I mean that's more showing up quickly and what they were at the people who were there standing all of a some of them since yesterday and will be standing all night but it will be I don't know if you feel like doing this can you make that announcement that Sean Hannity. Wants to say hi to everybody and then we put your phone on speaker can we do that yes sort of possible one second all right that sounds great. Anyway it is right there we're. Going to I'm here. All right. Let let me know when I'm on speaker tell me when I'm on speaker Iran speak and on your on speaker right so can everybody hear me that's there you can all hear me. They can't really hear you Seana and they can't rule out just tell them all I said They're great Americans and I want them to have a great time tonight and let's turn Minnesota rental Hell most of the. Time to let me walk in for the one I got to tell and I want to hear their reaction to what I said a number you can tell. Me and you can't tell you once I'm going to thank all the charm Minnesota way. And then I want to you want to add Tricia. Do you know what I did oh I'm with him and they promised me they're going to find this thank Red and they said when did they live. In Minnesota you know it's so funny Florence you know this game will in oh ever that everybody ends up loving the one that they can that I'm the devil it's unbelievable 1st of all that's not true they just like me more than you that's all Ok Well Lawrence you know what is funny now Lawrence I want you to describe saw Betty White the private detail Laurence and I had a private dinner recently. And so I started Fox when I 1st went on the air October 6th 9096 after when I came up from Atlanta and Lawrence was 4 years old I've now begun my 24th you know more than a Mercer Why can't I tell people that what what do I always say to you what do I know there are 2 things I always say to you correct. That's correct what I say you're going to be a huge star you've got I mean more natural talent than anybody I've ever met in t.v. You're just and everybody loves you and that's the other thing that I always say to you it always like Be humble humble that it's rubble and I say listen or be mom and dad your mom is a preacher the preacher might not survive or yes yes yes right but I got to tell you you have been so amazing I want to ask you this because I you've gone on the road for us in liberal environments and conservative environments I'm just trying to ascertain you know what what's the difference for you when you go into 2 different environments you know the love. I mean these are people that don't care about the skin color they they just really love America and they want to you know what it because I was there when I was doing the Tea Party that's when I 1st got into the conservative libertarian movement and the Trump people are just like the Tea Party media that I used to join and that's doing the fear the top right all the Republican when I used to be a liberal race is enough and these people want to hug you they want to go get a drink just loving people and I just wish the mainstream media would cover the love and sort of trying to pick the one person the one idiot out of a crowd and say this is a hateful person yeah and then you've been another environment so horrible things have been said to you. There's a reason why I have trouble with a security check. Because these people are vicious people you know I grew up in a tough environment so I know I can think he's done her way I know I can take oh Ok go ahead keep going from there are good things and I did take them but they're. Trying to distort people because you see the cell they try to come out and they want you to hear them so they can have something and then to be the story so I got to travel with a security detail because my dad my 2nd that you know has their own radio show that I'm on right now makes me. Well listen I I we love you you've been doing an amazing job. I'm honored to we've developed a great friendship I want you to be saved always have fun tonight we'll put you on the president speaking again sometime after 8 probably bleeding into my hour and then we'll go to you tonight look forward to having you on and tell our friends there when you see everybody that Sean Hannity sends their love and a message the message is turn Minnesota red Ok We'll see you tonight exclusively on hand to. Launch Jones Fox News Special 2020 on the road election correspondent investigative reporter and Tricia I want to thank you to your amazing and tell everybody there are some I love. I will thank you so much All right thank you how did you get so close to Tricia you're so funny you get a match Russia in Missouri I remember you gave me that was a Cape Gerardo you gave me the book made you came out to me from behind and there was a bunch of people there they heard me talk in and one of the camera guys who was local There you guys can think of oh my god you Linda and I said Yeah because I recognize your accent he goes I'm a big listen the show is all thank you so much he goes You got to meet this lady over here she's got a book I said Who Doesn't he does know really she's got a book and it's filled with all of Trump's tweets I'm like that's kind of incredible So I went over to her she was there and a husband there super sweet super nice you know and we just got to talking and we stay in touch because you know she's you stay in touch with everybody Lynda talks to everybody you know I'm just looking at this Senate does war my heart I mean you see what is going on in this country they would this this is just the latest attempted coup attempt you know I'm reading an article that just came out and I'm like how does this happen to our country the headline on Fox News dot com newly declassified court documents reveal f.b.i. Pfizer violations targeting Americans. And then Devon newness and John Solomon on t.v. Last night apparently they were surveilling John Solomon for reporting on Ukraine now what you're saying is very alarming to me I have 3 people now that have told me that they believe there is evidence that shows government resources were used to monitor communications and one case a journalist that is a regular on this program with the name John Solomon Have you heard that Congressman Well what I what I've heard and I want to be clear there is that I think there's a there's a difference of what I've heard is that there were strange requests there regular requests to monitor not just one journalist but multiple journalists now perhaps that was Ok perhaps there were some reason for that that it that it can be explained away. But that's what we that's what we know and that's what we're going to be looking into great this is the country we live in let's let's let's impeach the president duly elected by the people and let's weaponize the powerful tools of intelligence to do it and let's use a Russian dot ca as a means of spying on the president then we'll use foreign intelligence allies of ours to do the spying that would be illegal to do earworm will outsource it to circumvent laws and when Russia Russia Russia doesn't work with us goto Ukraine when there's no issue I be honest you know there are days that I in my heart I don't know if we can even save this country from this madness it's gotten so corrupt the media is so corrupt the deep state is so corrupt you know in all the years I've been doing this and it's a lot 31 I never believed it could be this bad in this country I always thought checks and balances I don't know any more. 809 for one Sean you want to be a part of the program I love our friends at car shield dot com And I mean this they offer you every single insurance that you would ever want for a car now maybe you have a newer car maybe 5000 miles on it or not all the car 150000 miles on it doesn't matter all these cars today I mean look at their computer systems I like tronic Lee controlled transmissions touch screen displays dozens of sensors here and sensors their senses everywhere anyway what do you do when there's an expensive repair Well that's the reason you really need insurance right Ok this is the ultimate in extended warranty for your car now they have protection plans but look at what they also give you you've got to pick your mechanic would dealership to do the work on an expensive repair car still takes care of the rest but they also give you 247 nationwide roadside assistance and they give you a rental car all of that prefer included and car she'll by the way is now home to over a 1000000 customers you know what it does it gives you peace of mind that you're not going to be sidelined because of a big breakdown in your car 5000 miles 150000 miles in a car doesn't matter get covered by car Shield today call 800 car 6000 mention my name Hannity and you want to save 10 percent or just go to their website car shield dot com That's 800 car 6000 or car sheild dot com promo code Hannity to save even more money. 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Good afternoon a 95000 it's a little bit heavy between 4th Street and 141 to 95 south on the little bit flow from the turnpike to me it's the in Delaware Memorial Concord pike it is your normal heavy rush hour volume both directions throughout Wilmington where one southbound is slow 952273 in Newark that fall and then one southbound approaching towns and an earlier brushfire has cleared so traffic is still just a little bit heavy in that area the rest of Newcastle County is fine Dover Kent County you're clear that's a look at your traffic on Michelle Taylor this report is sponsored by the t.j. Martell Foundation join the t.j. Martell Foundation in the fight against leukemia cancer and aids your support helps with Cilla take cutting edge research that will lead to more effective treatments and save more lives visit t.j. Martell dot org to learn about music's promise for a cure and you look at the situation in the region ship captain these ships can the Saudi Arabia u.a.e. . 15 percent of the world's oil flows through the streets so we obviously need to make contingency plans should the situation deteriorate we also need to broaden our support for this international security. Book. The beginning of the story of America and we are now beginning the middle of the Glenn Beck program days from 9 until noon. The ending for news radio. And working with a fox celebrity profile on cast members of the new Fox drama almost family about a doctor who secretly fathered upwards of 100 children through his 1st teletype practice is appeared in complete care but I'm going to be here for you only child Julia played by Britney snow has her world turned upside down as she discovers to her new sisters and what it truly means to be a family healing with the fact that she's not just alone anymore and she has every United and different type of family then she thought but then there's other ways about what family is going to look at advanced family into a lot of people and also redefining what that system is going to look like the show sheds light on emotional complications i.d.f. Children can face Timothy Hutton plays the girl's father he feels like he has done this miracle for you know repeatedly for these different people who you know were told they cannot have you know kids so that's but the other way of looking at of course is I mean wait a minute it's ethically morally absolutely wrong. Fox News for. A patch from Microsoft is out and it's for all recent versions of Windows software giant says that this is quote a required security update that expands the out of band update dated September 23rd 2019 the update addressed an already exploited flaw in Windows Internet Explorer that could lead an attacker execute code from the web browser and gain control of your system even install programs or delete data Microsoft has already announced Internet Explorer will reach its end of life on January 31st 2020 the update. Being out of band simply means it comes outside of the normal software update cycles the patch fixes some printing issues as well as a scripting engine security vulnerability in Internet Explorer flaw found months ago that Microsoft fixed already in some versions a note with this update says this will not replace the normal October Patch Tuesday on the 8th the security update is for all versions of Windows $108.00 and Windows 7 and should be installed as soon as possible with box on take on Brett Larson Fox News. Team to. Treat us to. Governor Scott Walker and the latest on Lauer and China and the n.b.a. Coming up. This just in another massive corporate data breach has just been announced it seems like we hear a headline like this every day identity theft victims can suffer thousands of dollars in fraud and countless hours of stress and frustration Tobar is national cybersecurity awareness month get protective and save with identity i.q. 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They're not Princess Bride sized but they can't get to be over 20 pounds we're talking about nutria just inchoate hunts them in Louisiana a major new tree an ecological eating root systems of marshland and destabilizing a lot of property a piece of Marsh were trees all over it. What a hurricane comes like that the whole Marsh moves in California Gray Gersten Berg of the State Department official wildlife is trapping them to an extremely high numbers they will create major damage on the levees and vegetation some animal advocates object to hunting nutria wildlife removal USA dot com says one blood free way to keep neutrino way offense to kill NATO Fox News. The radio 4010. Minute delay you feel you can go in on your front yard radio on and off hundreds of like like election x. Boxes stored in a radio station. Exodus Lisa Brady thousands fleeing northern Syria for a 2nd day as the Turkish military continues an offensive targeting Kurdish forces they call terrorists but who are u.s. Allies in the fight against ISIS no senior Pentagon officials have gone on the record to explain the president's decision or what comes next in Syria they canceled a weekly press briefing today in fact from what I'm witnessing Pentagon planners are scrambling to come up with a strategy to Jennifer Griffin at the Pentagon one senior military planners as u.s. Strategy all over the world is based on partnerships and that now there's a narrative the u.s. Military is only your friend when it's convenient the president defending the move earlier.

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