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Cemetery in worcester. Good evening, everybody. Fox 25 is live tonight worcester and john the suspect in this cooperated with the police. Thats right. He actually not only he could opener rated but invited police were inside of his home and showed them where body were this cemetery in Worcester Police believe owes bodies with taken from it is called Hope Cemetery it is large about 170 acres. On the edge of the worcester near uburn. Now this all came to light when police in heart ford connecticut responded to a report of stored human skeletal remains. Police even saying that 32 year old ma dena took them inside of his home right to where he stored those bodies. Investigate started immediately. To he deeb tech wrif able recover five separate bodies and link them to Hope Cemetery here in worcester. One man who visit here one he is more ride to hear that body were taken from i just heard about now. It is really distalking. You. Know i cant imagine it being done to you know like my dad or i got my grandmother grandfather buried over here. And you know just, disturbing. Medina taken into custody and charged with fugitive from massachutes. Coming up 6 301 reason this cemetery may have been an easy target tore that grave robber. We live in worcester. Fox 25 news. New tonight, abc news now reporting an old neighbor of one of San Bernardino is here thes is believed to have bought the rifles used in that deadly shooting. Police even raiding that neighbors home overnight. No word on what they found. If anything. Also developing isis claims the shooter behind wednesday deadly attack in california were supporters of terrorist group tonight we have report message was the center of president obama weekly address today. Massacre in San Bernardino, isis hails couple responsible for killing 14 people ask ask injuring 20 others at Holiday Party as supporters. But not directly say they were members or that isis was responsible. President obama weekly address saturday foeing caused entirely on the shooting. And influence of terrorist groums. It is entirely possible, that these two attackers were radiclized to commit this act of terror. And if so, it would akind score throat we have been focussed on for years. Danger of people going violent extremist ideology. Message from isis came after u. S. Investigator said 29 year old female shooter Tashfeen Malik posted pledge of allegiance to leader of aced the moves at some point during wednesdays shooting. We know isis and other terrorism groups are active he encouraging people around the world and our country to commit terrible ability violence. And as couple will motivation for attack remains key focus for investigators, the president obama calling on congress for we mit be able prevent every tragedy but at bare mumme minute wall we should make sees foe tension shal terrorist, or criminals. To get their hands on the gun, that they could use against americans. Reporting. And over night police evacuated a pups facility and calleded bomb squad to investigate package addressed to homes of syed rizwan farook. It turned out to be safe posing no threats. President ial candidate donald trump make sock very controversial comment today about te family of the San Bernardino shooter he says he believes panelly helped hide the deadly plot. Anybody that went into that house, or that apartment, knew what was going on. They didnt tell the authorities. They knew what was going on. Mother knew of. I think sister interviewed i think she knew. Stay with fox 25 and myfoxboston. Com for continuing coverage of the terror attack. We will have any new developments on news tonight after the College Football game. Outside, the sun now setting shot taken by our camera in beacon hill. George goose view there and outside, nice to see the sun out there today. Fox 25 Storm Tracker meterologist is here to break down how long this will last. Well, if you like today you like tomorrow. You will probably like monday as well. Really, very picture perfect weather to finish out the weekend. Got up 53 degrees this afternoon. 54 in fitchburg. Water temperature cape cod bay about 48, 49 degrees get west wind off the cape. But and into the cape. I and. We will be at least, that warm tomorrow afternoon. If not couple degrees warmer than that. Got get cool night first. Satellite radar all clear. Crystal clear skies and winds are light right now whin clear skies light winds. Temperature tends fall very quickly. Already down to 44 in boston. So almost ten degrees cooler than our afternoon high about 40 midnight down to mid 30s by earlier morning hours. We lots of areas though will be example will dip down upper 30s in the get morning hours. So, lot of areas down to the 20s in late tonight. But wide range of temperatures, get through cal cool night sunday does look spectacular. We are already talking about our next cool down. We will have and rent of seven day forecast coming up in few minutes. All right. We will see you then. Community remember in Early Morning fire are coulding together tonight. To support family members who survived. New at 6 00 fire investigator are also trying to figure out what caused the fire. Not he ready rule out being suspicous fire. Fox 25 Robert Goldstein live in lynn where service just now letting out. Robert. Larry. Family devastated by this fire is originally from the dominican reap public moved here to lynn about three years ago. And they have already touched so many lives. Inside of the full seven dayed a ventist church Lynn Community is gathered saturday lives lost in raging house fire. Everybody quiet. He her pregnant sister top gentleman cruise 19 year old jazz minute and 28 year old mer adecember were all killed. When fire tore through their three Story Building on bruce place in lynn. Victims in irsurviving family are be loved members of their church. They take class downstairs for the kids. I was teacher of the children. They were so nice. Dozens others in building were able to escape my dad took everybody back to the back door. And got my family. You know out. And i am really glad they are safe. Fire marshal telling us today, they have not been able to rule out foul play. Investigators are asking the public for photos or video of the fire as they search for more clues. Community asking if victims need help. Need any clothes or anything . Any support. It is keep us together. Unity. You know . To help each other out. And also trying to raise enough money to help the fall send bodies back to the doe men cac republic. We find some comfort in to led the people know that we are here for them. What left of burned out building is scheduled to come down as earlily as monday. New six spoz setting tore trying figure out what caused this fire. And concorde New Hampshire happened after 2 00 this morning. The concorde patch reports home honer in was hurt but expected to be okay. No word tonight on what caused it. Also, new at 6 00 scary scene on board mbta Bus Passenger had toy evacuated after another passenger spilled unnorthern substance on the floor near the driver. It happened just before noon. Near south station. That driver was taken to the hospital. After feeling dizzy. One witness say it is as scares have happened in this area in as many days. If up to me taking extra precaution it is kind of crazy is it just does happen two days that a row. And you know now weekdays people dont feel safe. And weekends people dont either. It is tough. Such bumgs see area. Hazmat teams tempted that substance. Official says dangerous. And came back as mostly water. That other scare that they are talking about happened yesterday man accused leaving fake bomb in boston. 50 year old james is accused leaving suitcase behind Homeland Security vehicle yesterday morning in boston. That suitcase was x rayed and it showed some wires inside. As you can see in video there it was blown up. And shown not to be a threat. Hours later, that man was arrested and n lawrence. Fox 25 will be monday when he faces a judge. Randolph man in custody charged misleading the police in death of woman whose burned body ago. Story was break this morning on the Weekend Edition of fox 25 morning news. Tonight we can tell you 30 year old cruise was arrested last night and will be arraigned on monday. Fox 25 previously reported the New Hampshire couple facing similar charges in death of ashley boarden. Fourth person owens of dorchester, is wanted for actually killing the 29 year old new jersey woman. Search on Northeastern University student. 21 year old dennis not been seen in six days. He abouts five foot seven with thin build. Call Northeastern Police if you can help find him. Police in New Hampshire say man died after being trapped under a van that was being towed. New at 6 00 new Market Police tell the port smith herald First Responders were called to scene thursday afternoon. On report that man was trapped under the vehicle. Fire social say man unresponsive when they arrived. They say man was rushed to port died. She allegedly slapped fellow flight atent damage local woman accused causing scene on overseas flight. Later on here tonight why judge letting her return home to New Hampshire. And lays zer light who danger. Something most people dont think about. About when they are putting up some kind of a displays or anything like that. Real problem these new christmas laser light shows can pose. Plus, fox 25 Storm Tracker weather team collecting coats for kids. Up next tonight we will take you side bombing market on island in lake chad. Killed at least 27 people. Injured 90 others. Three women carried out saturday attack. The group boca haro in suspected this late chad region chad, camera on, any ger and nigeria extremist. Ry correct surge gun shrines their toes. To cope with the fear of possible attack, training courses are being offered workplaces around the country. Teaching ordinary epeople the skills help protect themselves. Fox liz has more on what you need know the from he can spirit in new york city. We call it avoid, barricade, confront. David cats chief executive Office Global Security Group cost active Shooter Training and fire Safety Training offices around the world. Katz invited us to his office things. Just a remember, a, b, c. If gun fire was in in direction you act is stairwell. As quickly possible. You are look for exit. For exit if couldnt get out this Conference Room has door that locks. Whether look or not, you come in, and lets lock the door. Get everybody in office inside. Lock it. And take every piece furniture in this room and pile it up if that barricade cost not work or not been able to bare today your only remaining option to c confront which basically fight for your life. We have take off to the wall point at the assailant you can spray it. Person pee i would rather take it throw at his head. Pair vice sectors very powerful strike. You can did stab someone terrific damage. Pen, not as good but also effective. Idea is you sigh psychologically change the perpertrators he attacker. You want get him defending. Believing that you can take down target yourself, could help you survive. We call Law Enforcement, it is come bath mind set. You are going to win. You are going home tonight. From midtown manhattan. Funeral head today mbta conductor killed on thanksgiving. Jeff was killed just a day before his 30th birthday. Police say he was caught in the cross fire of gun fight outside of the bar in fenway. Person in connects the cherrys death. Another man is in custody but no murder charges have been filed. Because police say it is not clear who fired shots that killed cherry. And amazing turn out today for the coats for kids drive. Dozens of people stopped by Jordan Furniture in redding drop off new and gentliy used coats to be donated. Fox 25 of course proud sponsor of this drive. Storm tracker meterologist as you can see video all there, to help collect toes coats. Those coats have been cleaned for free by the cleaners then given families in need. Oh, my god i cant believe how many people have already showed up filled the bin twice and people bringing brand new coats. Unbelievable. The generousity of the people. Knowing that there such a need. Makes huge difference too this drive aims collect 60,000 coats each year. And it works with several social service agencies, health hers and schools, to get all of those way to help this holiday season, state Police Collecting donation to toys for tots drive. Today North Attleboro troopers held successful fill the cruiser event. From now through december 16th you can bring news, and unwrapped non violent toys to any barracks in state for children who are in need. Viewer flooding from powerful storm in u. K. Causing road closures evacuations. You can see why. Flood waefrjs and Stormy Weather today northwest england and southwest scotland. Government there also warning of rising river lives as dozens hoof way is and main roads ordered closed because of the land slides there. Now your local forecast. From meterologist and fox 25 Storm Tracker weather team. Meanwhile very quiet weather on this side of the pond average temperature for time of december would be about mid 40s we will be ten degrees above that. Not just tomorrow but monday as well. Believe not 711 record high for tomorrow. So not that warm but still, well above average then, reality sets back in as we head into tuesday. It will be more december like as liam for few days. In middle part of seven day forecast. Already down to 44 in boston. 34 current temperature nor wood thats 16 degrees difference just in two hours. So temperatures are falling fact. 16 degrees in two hours nor wood. 35. Right now fitchberg and 39 in p e town large reason the temperatures are falling fact is skies are clear and winds are light if not dead calm. We have cloud cover the clouds act almost like insulation to help trap heat preventing from escaping. Winds help kind recirculate that heat if you are on the either, then the bit heat you gain during day just escapes out space you end up very Cool Temperatures during the evening and overmice hours. You can thank big area High Pressure for that. High pressure usually brings fairly clear and fairly quiet weather and thats exactly what and, really only difference this will our main weather maker for couple of days only difference is thats high starts to slide around, our winds will start to shift around more out of the south and southwest. As we head into tomorrow. So that means after cool night tonight, temperatures tomorrow will be as warm if not couple degrees warmer than what we had out there today. And again the mild weather continues all of the way into monday. Future cast showing that. Temperatures falling fact. So lots 30s on map if out you the late tonight. And then lots of 20s on the map early tomorrow morning. But tomorrow will be lot like today. Is an an as soon as suhn comes up temperature climb very quickly several spots jumped 10 to 120 degrees just hour after sunrise this morning. We see very similar conditions top. So already, many areas in low even mid 50s by lunch time tomorrow afternoon. So also, ten degrees above normal by lunch time. Again got get through cool night tonight. Down about 34 in boston. Temperatures in cape general getting influence of water it cools off very quickly. Down to about 278 in more wood. 30 in fitch bevering. 26 later tonight in keen. So lots of areas down below freezing. Think 30 on average and thats number that you will see in seven day forecast, but 30 saifrng but wide range going anywhere from low 20s in to low 40s out there tonight. Then tomorrow, much lining today. Maybe a little cooler. Ptown because we get wind off water water temperature upper 40s ma will keep them bit cooler. 54 lawrence tomorrow afternoon. 54 in frame framingham. Wouldnt surprise me if 12 spots get a little closer to maybe 58 or 59 getting closer to 60 degrees mark tomorrow afternoon. Only downside to our otherwise beautiful forecast is the rain. We do need it. We almost ten inches below average for the year so far. For brown coloring would indicate med moderate Drought Conditions so lot of area could use a good soaking rain. And our next chance of rain still seven several days away. With your weekend always in view. Just slight chance of rain that seven day forecast. And it is not real good chance of rain does not look like a whole lot of area will get that rain. Talk a little bit more about that next half an hour but notice after couple cool days. Temperature warm. Hundred that is san of dollars has been award local college. Up next tonight we how all money will help victims of the Boston Marathon bombings. And, suspect gets crafty, to hide some handbags it is one of its the holidays. Which means a house full of people who all want to get online. So its the perfect time for verizon fios. It has the Fastest Internet and wifi available. With speeds from 50 to 500 megs. And right now, youll get 50 for 79. 99 a month online for your first year. Well give you all the premium movie channels for a year. Plus, 400 dollars back. So go online or call now. Purchase. Is wallets here now this week mass moment wanted. Police wellsly look for woman wanted for shoplifting. On november 2nd 27bdz she stole two handbags by concealing them under her jacket. She then returned to store. And stole two more. These pictures she looks to be middle aged or slightly older with large build. If you happen recognize her contact the police. And burlington this man acutesed breaking two stores day after thanksgiving. And trying to steal some high ends golf clothes and clubs. He seen on surveillance driving off in a white toyota with some damage to the bumper here picture of that vehicle. If you happen recognize either one of them contact the police in aburlington in dover, hang on tour credit cards and lock your doors. Two men. Who stole some credit cards from victims house. And used them make purchases in denim any dock and brockton in you happen recognize either of these men, contact the dover bliss department. Now these cases come to us from the Law Enforcement web site awe also have them up on win site on myfoxboston. Com. Two people are under arrest tonight after shooting that left Police Officer hurt. Happened this morning motorcycle shop in wisconsin. Investigator say gunman fired dozens shots into took hot standing two people were hurt in stand off including an officer. Mayor there says, people were forced to take cover inside of near by buildings, while the scene was still unfolding. The hair salon there were some people inside there they were hunkered down for a while. And Police Escorted them out. And, and one of bars george bar there was cleaning guy in there. In the building. He was escorted out by the police. Tonight Police Believe that every one accounted for and say threat to the public. Supporter in allies planned parenthood held national day of solidarity. And washington, d. C. , today. New the 6 00 ga the they are honor victim of Colorado Springs shooting last week. Three people died when suspect opened fire inside of plan plane clinic in colorado. Rock bert lewis dear accused that shooting. Police still do not have motive for the attack. Or know why the clinic was even targeted in colorado movie theatre shooter james holmes has been ordered pay 1 million in restitution to his victims. Holmes was also ordered to cover all future expenses of the survives may have. And clean including medical business. And lost wages. Poims serving multiple life sentence for killing 12 people. And injuries 720 others in aurora, three years ago. Tonight continue follow breaking news out of worcester five graves robbed at local cemetery up next tonight, what investigator know about the suspect. We weekend look fabulous. Chance of rain. To say. Coming up next half an hour. And day some local children, may never forget. Up date breaking news now 66 30 remains of five people found inside of home in connecticut. The suspect stealing skeletal remains from crest in worcester. Fox 25 joins us live from what he has learned about that suspect. John . Thats right. What hearing from police he was very cooperative even inviting them inside of his home to show them where the bodies were. This is the worcester cemetary where they believe the bodies were taken from. It is called hope cemetary about 170 acres on edge of the worcester near auburn. Now all came to light when police in hard ford were reresponding to can ka the are human skeltan remains police even saying, that 32 year old ma dena took them inside of his house. To show where they stored the bodies. And an investigation began right away. Detective were able to recover five separate bodies and link them back here to Hope Cemetery. One man here who visits graves of his family at least once a week, is horrified to hear bowled december were taken from very sacred place. Just a, heard about it now. Um, you know i cant imagine it being done to you know like my dad or i got my grandmother, and grand father buried over here. And you know just disturbing. Be telling fox 25 that gates here cemetery are opened 24 hours day. So it would ease forever someone sneak in. Madden that was taken into custody charge the with being fudgeive from just an at this time from massachutes. We live in worcester. Fox 25 news. Now breaking news crossing wires britain staking incident London Underground station is being treated terrorist incident. London police under core terror command says it is investigating the incident at underground station in east london. Authorities were called to at that station around 7 00 to investigate reports of a number of people stabbed. We stands one person has serious injuries. Another person was arrested. Authorities did not say why they believe this incident is terror related of course we will keep also, some new development now in san San Bernardino terror investigation. Today isis Radio Station in iraq said the husband and wife terror team who killed 14 people were isis supporters. Not officially party of isis. Also, new tonight, the as adam reports new photos of the president after he learned about the attack. The white house releasing photos of the president obama in his National Security team meeting in situation room. As the president weekly media address mentions the tragedy in San Bernardino. This weekend our hearts are with the people of San Bernardino. President also is used his address to call for stricter gun laws. Right now, people are on know floor limit can walk into a store and buy a gun. Thats insane. If you are too dangerous board a plane, you are too dangerous by definition to buy a gun. So i am calling Congress Close this loophole now. F. B. I. Ing says this not uncovered any information that the San Bernardino couple part but intel against source are sail Tashfeen Malik pledged her allegiance to Isis Facebook posting just a before the San Bernardino attack. Aced the moves Radio Station in iraq is saying the husband and wife terror team were isis supporters. And martyr but not officially part of isis. The chairman military theory Marine Corp University says, fear of offending vern c refresh groums has led to dangerous situation we have created a situation where by Political Correctness makes it difficult. It is infected know the only our intel against cycle how we analyze threats but apparently how people think they are allowed to report about potentially suspicous things around them. Search into active terrorism extends not only here in Southern California put across globe. With literally thousands agents on the case. They do believe the couple had help they are not sure how and they do believe mt. Money trail country. In redlands, california. And stay with fox 25 and myfoxboston. Com for continuing coverage of the terror attack. We will have any new developments news tonight after the College Football game. Ghout side tonight just a heart beat sunny and warn day for december here. Fox 25 Storm Tracker. Joins us with more on what we yes. I have got numbers again. What great day it was. 53 degrees this afternoon. Well above average for this time of the year not quite record breaker. Record for tomorrow is 72. So, no record in our immediate future but temperature wise, tomorrow we will be even bit warner tan today. Owe again well above normal for the early party of december we get through cool evening and a chilly night. First, though as sky are Crystal Clear satellite and radar, not there. Winds are light. And any time you clear skies and light winds, temperatures cool off very quickly. Down to 44 currently in boston. Out of the door tomorrow morning, temperatures beginly mid 30s. To 40 degrees margin by about owe fuel example of nor wood. New bedford. Overing keen all see temperature mid 20s tomorrow so, i got 30 degrees on average for low temperature tonight. Budget you notice there is a wide range of numbers in forecast for tonight. Either way though looks great tomorrow. And our taking our next cool down our next chance of rain we will talk about that coming up in few minutes. We will see you then. New grand aiming help survivors of Boston Marathon bombings with their careers. 315,000 granted was issued by the state office for victim assistance. Money will go towards service for those hurt in bombings that are struggling in their current jobs looking to change careers. Or those who had leave their jobs. Tonight for first time we are seeing the faces of four People Killed in fire yesterday in lynn. Today the Community Came together to support the family members who survived. Is a fox 25 reports here tonight. Fire investigator are also the fire. Family grieving tonight is from the Dominican Republic they moved to lynn about three years and all already touched many lives. Inside of the full seven day church Lynn Community is gathered saturday evening to remember the four lives lost in raging house fire. Everybody quiet in she her pregnant as i basis sonja 19 year old jasmine and 28 year old mer adecember were all killed. Whether fire tore through their threeStory Building on bruce place in lynn. Victims and their surviving their church. They used to go class downstairs for the kids. I was teacher of two of them. Be they were so nice dozens escape. My dad took everybody back to you know my family out. I am really glad they are after i. State fire marshal telling us today they have not been able to rule out foul play. Investigators are asking the public for photos or video of the fire as they search for more clues. Community is asked if victims need help. Church helping collect clothes, and other needs. It is keep us together. Unity. You know . To help each other out and also trying to raise enough money help the family sent bodies back to Dominican Republic. To find some comfort and to let the people know that we are here for them state fire they have released the scene the city expected to tear down the building as early as monday. In lynn. Fox 25 news. Woman was seriously hurt the after getting hit by car near south station. Take a look at the scene from last might when our cameras are there part summer street was shut down during this investigation. Police say car that hit the woman taken near by hospital in serious condition. So far, tonight, no charges have been filed. Right now the search on suspect hit and run left elderly woman in critical condition. It happened thursday night here in quincy. At this intersection of birch parkway and Police Say Car involved was black boxy type of station was gone may have been volvo. Officers say drive stopped the check his car for damage but then took off. New hampshire flight atent damage being allowed to go back home after allegedly causing huge scene on overseas flight. Yesterday, reporter jim bradley from our sister station was there at she faced a judge. For second time this week, American Airline flight atent damage jo ann snow walked handcuffed and chained into the federal court house. Once inside blows scheduletores expressed on going concerns about snows mental state. What Court Documents described as erad particular behavior on board two flights between chair chest Frankfurt Germany last week. Allegedly slapped fellow flight atent damage hit air marshal tried unlock the plane door as it was taxiing. Date prosecutors asked whats the nature of her die knows says we determine if she danger. Snow attorney peter said within last months snow had been feeling depressed, and was prescribed medication to which she may have licensed a verls reaction. He says fail know was totally different person when she started taking the medication. Snow son kyle declined comment outside of courthouse. But moment earlier, he agreed to cosign judges Order Granting snow 50,000 bond, with stipulation that she enter Mental Health facility for treatment. Within next ten days. Bradley. The Mental Health facility she will be attending is in New Hampshire. Police in rochester New Hampshire trying figure out what caused the crash ate right here. You see both car and that happened late last night Rochester Hill road. That road watts shut down for several hours. While crucifixed the pole. 25 year old female driver was taken to near by hospital with serious injuries. But expected to be okay. And New Hampshire man appealing his child abuse conviction is run. Role land dollar was say senned 67 years his part in abuse. And inflicted on girlfriend young son. That boy suffered head juries. Three years ago. Now, the university onleader records lawyers want some charges dropped. Three judge panel will review month. And exciting daily began airport today for dozens of children battling some pretty serious illnesses. Make a wish of massachutes and Rhode Island Organization holding its annual holiday wonder will land party. More than 100 kids and their family got to play delta airplane, and object firetruck. Parents say they love seeing all of the children smiling. And happy. It is wonderful. And, things that they do for these kids is great. Really it is. Santa and is had elf of course also made surprise visit there. Handed out some gifts. Well these right here may be the clearest close up photos of the pluto surface that human see for decades. According to nasa. The space agency new horizon spate craft snapped these pictures in july. During its closet flight by ever of pluto. The black and white images show craters, mountains and terrain. Along strips some 50 miles wide. All new horizon sped past pluto this past summer nasdaq say take about year transfer all of the photos all of data. Now check out this video. Of dolphin swimming in the providence river. Something like this has not happened since the 60s. When whale was spotted there apparently. They say, there have been some resent reports dolphins in rhode island area. Just looking for some food. Laser lights all rage for Christmas Decorations this year but coming up the danger they are also posing for pilots. And dry for already tracking next chance of rain come tricky i will its called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. Most new wealth flows to the top 1 . Its a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks and billionaires buy elections. My campaign is powered by over a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. The truth is you cant change a corrupt system by taking its money. Im bernie sanders. I approve this message. Frying 13,000 feet. Dallas Police Helicopter traced beam back to home. About 22 miles east of the airport. Intent whats important. And, obviously these people did not intend for this happen. If they had been told by the faa, to shut it off, and they dont, then night border on being violating criminal law. Otherwise, no it is not. Kelly says people who buy make sure the pit pointed at the house not the sky. And for those who buying into emerging holiday technology, and lighting up their homes without care. I would tell them they are they should stop immediately. Because, first of all they are yen dangering peoples lives and second of all they are endangering peoples health. And third, they themself could wind up criminal prosecution. Now quite story out iowa. Woman has moment remember forever. From much Different Reasons than she first thought. This all started with a woman and her boyfriend getting pulled over outside her parents house. She figured her led footed boyfriend was in trouble foe much different turn. Reason why would you have a no. Well officer then asked the woman step out of the car. To identify the stolen item. And when she open base well, can you hear me. Oh, my gosh are you kidding me . Oh mow gosh. Thats good one. It really is more fiancee pulled bathe switch on her. Officer who was in on got a big hug, too. You can see from body camera new at 6 00 newest kardashian clan now arrived. Kim dasheight q400 welcome baby boy there morning he here reality star teased on twitter. And aninements web site reads, con yeah and welcome our baby boy. This is second child for the super star couple. Daughter north was born in athifr. Now your local forecast, from mead meet rob ikear. Weather wise next 24 hours will play out lot like the last two 4urs who so tonight, another cool one temperature wise tonight. At least as cool as it was last night. But tomorrow afternoon, at least as miles as it was south there earlier afternoon in fact might be couple degrees warmer still but our next chance of rain also be our cool down that will come down on thursday. Forecast tricky. Likely to be real sharp dividing line in terms of rainfall on meantime. There right now. Thats likely to be the case for moment of the night. 44 in as i aboves. But 34 current temperature in nor wood and to coincidence that the cooler temperatures, are also the same spot that have lightest winds no wind calm winds right now. In another wood. So nor wood con question clean will cool off more quickly during overnight hours wake up temperature in 20s tomorrow morning. Not just a then but keen also as well. 34 degrees and again cool spot, is the spot that does not have any wind. So, they will also cool off lot more quickly and keane another area that will wake up to temperature in mid o 20s in a little bit of wind over the water. Water testimonies in 40s that should keep island a little warmer probably wouldnt get much cooler than 41. So again wide range of numbers there our weather maker. Big blue h stands for High Pressure. High pressure usually means clear skies. Calm winds and, very quiet conditions and, no thaw will case only difference is high starts to slight around. Other winds will shift around just an a little bit for tomorrow. And that means again just ever so slightly warmer weather tomorrow afternoon and then shortterm, the High Pressure will be centered just about right on top us and, again that means clear skies, and calm winds. Cloud cover helps almost act insulation winds help recirculate the heat. You dont have either temperature fall very quickly during the nighttime hours as heat of the day just kinds of escapes out of space so cooling off very quickly tonight. But there goes the high out into atlantic. Behind it wind shift around it south. So after cool start night warm up for tomorrow and again, not just tomorrow that south wind continues into monday owe monday, also look on. Mild side. Here comes next chance of rain. Actually storm system that will brew basically near outer banks of North Carolina in and then move up the coastline here coast line we end up very wet very rainy very windy tuesday but future cast has been trending, further and further out to atlantic taking this on more east track so know it looks like it will be glancing blow at best. Meaning cape and island might get a little bit of rain, on tuesday. Thats vast majority of us kind of cloudy and slightly breezy day on tuesday. Thats hadnt trend again moment recent model run taking it is a little further out to see, but poo mean very difficult forecast for tuesday but for now look like. Mainly in just cape and island a little bit of rain. On tuesday rest of us. Michael kind of cloudy. Through weekend though look fantastic. That includes tomorrow and that includes the game 52 degrees at that time gill yet stadium for the patriots homing eagle thats 52 at kick off. But 42 degrees by the fourth quarter. So temperature will cool off very quickly during the game tomorrow by that way that game right here on fox 25. 55 on monday. Tuesday. Slight chance of rain. Another frontal system gives us another slight chance of rain on thursday but next weekend also looking very nice. Thats what i am talk about next sports preview celtics and bruin as they are moving different direction just, the super bowl are here. I will have all of the action fragile the it is catch holidaycookie cheer on the tip of your tongue with Dunkin Donuts holiday cookieflavored coffees. After 12 00 p. M. , enjoy any medium latte or macchiato for 1. 99. Andrew the one thing about soccer that i like the most is when i put my uniform on, the age just leaves me. The ages leave all of us. We simply become kids again. I think all of us play for that very reason. It makes us the child we once were. The years just glide away, and im back to where i was. You are that little andy guy who used to be down in me, and i get to be that person all over again. My name is andrew, and Bluecross Blueshield has me. Its called a rigged economy, and this is how it works. Most new wealth flows to the top 1 . Its a system held in place by corrupt politics where wall street banks a million small contributions, people like you who want to fight back. The truth is you cant change a corrupt system by taking its money. Im bernie sanders. I approve this message. Have you started for inspiration to strike. And there it is done genius. Of dunkin coffee. Only at dunkin restaurants. America runs on dunkin. Well brians small two game losing skids this after winning five straight games but no rest pear way day two of the back to back and day one was a horrible loss to calgary overtime. Came back down 20 only give up game tying goal with one second remaining. Bees second cm back at san antonio after tweet booing in mexico city. It was definitely have satisfying seeing are on doe tossed after just a five points and celtic win. Up in, the final day for me say this. It is time for High School Game day. Or our game of the week. Up taking six super bowl take place a gillette. For some lifelong memories. First up. Is vision mass be versus saint been near game close tied at. Decides untie this thing. 59 yards. Diaz, finish with 239 yards four touchdowns. Mash be runway this thing late. 288. And i always give me an opportunity to win paid off in end. Thats what up it being next up 111 East Bridgewater if he had them at one out of game day duds this year. North bridge another fantastic up four. Until jack woods scores from three yards out. They are up 3624 east bridge the water last chance. Did go like packer other night i think not cryian northridge wins. Division five, championship. We have been very fortunate come here three years in row. Put the core of this team has been there for three years in a row. When it happened with them them played soft more we got beat. Played junior got beat but came back as seniors understood the importance and played as even force that why. Third early game. Division four championship, this game was all out. Already, 140 jack barrett hits tucker. They win 200. Claiming the dfour championship. I am just a so proud of everybody in in this tamly this football family. Again this year. Um, true testament to character of our football team. So 277 on pipe patriots eagles game look like huge huge mismatch especially if question ar egg gave 45 points both of lions and the buck con second can you tuf loss you see that

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