Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20160123 :

Transcripts For WFXT FOX 25 Weekend Morning News 20160123

the massive storm is hitting right now. >> heather: jason brewer is in the weather center tracking this minute by minute. jason you're say is aing the worse of it will be here today. >> jason: absolutely. through tonight. increasing from the south to the england. now the center of the storm is going to pass far enough to our south where some of us really didn't think, others could get up to a foot. the lull. we're beginning to see it approach along island communities but not nothing on the ground as of yet. we're still waiting for the snow to really begin. by noontime, nantucket, martha's vineyard. the south coast getting in on the heavier snows. the snow line made it all the way to new hampshire border. lighter snow from boston along the pike towards worcester, but heavier amounts south ward. the snow except for southern new hampshire and southern vermont. and there's 6 a.m. tomorrow, it's almost out of here. patriots party tomorrow should be good. we could get up to a foot the cape and islands. 3 to 6 south of the cape. less as you go north ward. a slew of warnings. break them down for you county by county coming up. >> heather: our team coverage takes us to washington, d.c. now. this is a look at our nation's capital. just a mess on the road. you can see traffic at a standstill. and just a mess in general there. right now that blizzard bull's eye is covering over washington, d.c. where they're calling up to 30 inches of snow today. >> blair: that's unbelievable. our kiley campbell is there now telling us what's going on right now. >> reporter: we're not anywhere 30 inches of snow just not yet. we got the be ins out a little right now, about a foot of snow here in dc. seems right the official measurement at reagan airport is 13 inches. it's kind of a light snow. kind of fluffy. definitely takes a lot of energy to truth through it, we're getting our work out here this morning. what's interesting on top of the snow you get the icy mix coming through, you're getting petted. and on top of that wind gusts. they're not bad just yet. we're expecting 30 to 40 miles per hour weekend gusts. they're telling people that they can lose power this weekend. i received notification from my electricity provider saying i might lose power. you see a plow truck coming through. very few trucks and cars on the road today. the except for police officers. and tow truck drivers. i'm not sure who decided to come out here this morning and truth the roads are not drivable -- they're drivable but messy and dangerous for sure. we'll be check back in with you, to let you know how things are going here in washington. i'm live fox 25 kyle campbell. >> heather: just a few minutes ago, jason told us the snow would be moving in this morning. depending where you are. you could see a lot or just a little bit. >> blair: stephanie coueignoux is in scituate. stephanie. >> reporter: and blair and heather, the snow not an issue yet. jason and kyla, they were talking about the wind. right now. i don't know if you can hear it blowing. i want to direct your attention to this american flag, just to give you a better idea as to those wind gusts. it's just whipping around in the air and that could make for dangerous conditions. again, power outages possibly falling trees now. morning, we didn't see any snow trapped just yet. the but again that snow is a few hours away, that could change as the sun comes up. that snow is expected to arrive this afternoon through tonight. flooding, though, also a major concern. right here, you can see the water behind me, again, those waves being pushed by the wind. beach erosion another big concern as well. and it's going to go through tomorrow. that's because high tide is going to be tomorrow. this isn't just an issue for today. it's an issue for the next 48 hours. meantime, coming up in 30 minutes, we're going to let you know that allot of the coast are taking ahead of this massive storm. in scituate, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> heather: a lot of concerns there. and right now the storm is making its way up the east coast, as we've been saying, leaving a mess in its wake. the new jersey, virginia, maryland and pennsylvania, also under a state of emergency in addition to our nation's since this storm started at least nine people have been killed in crashes. more than 85 people are in this storm's path. officials already warning once it stops, it could take days to dig out. because of that, massachusetts is promising to help our neighborlies if needed. fox 25 caught up with grvb governor charlie baker who said, crews will be sent to states in need if we can help them. >> states that are going to get hit, obviously, a lot of those states came to our aid in a big way last winter. >> blair: as the storm reaches us this morning, already a lot of flights in and out of logan have been cancelled. the mid atlantic states saw the blunt of the storm, amtrak was also running at half service. if you plan on travelling today, best thing to do is check with airline or train before you leave the house. we'll monitor the storm for you all day long. with our team of millimeters. use our fox 25 weather app. it has live radar and up to the point forecast. it is free to download. >> heather: turning your attention to other news and new this morning, a plane bound for germany was forced to make an emergency landing at logan airport overnight. boston ems tweeting about the incident around midnight. windshield. we touched based with a passenger. the flight 419 took off from dc four hours late because of the bad weather and then the windshield cracked during take off. logan airport confirms the plane did land overnight. and they board a different flight to take onto germany. happened yesterday afternoon, the truck hit something in the road and took out an entire section of guardrail. and you can see it right there. people were transferring -- that was actually candlesticks that the truck was carrying there and they were transferring them to crews were on the scene to clean up that mess. it did shut down brookline reopen. >> blair: a deadly shooting in central canada. separate shootings. both happened in one of the northern province. one happened at a school la low temperature -- l hawaii loche. the shooter is in custody. no word on the age of the shooter involved. it is the worse shooting in 30 years. a local marine being remembered in hawaii. hingham native, christopher orlando was one of dozen marines honored. it has been a little over a week since the marine went missing when the helicopters crashed in a training exercise. flags around massachusetts flew at half mast yesterday in honor of the marines. 24 hours out from the afc championship game. who is counting? a lot of pats fans can't wait for tomorrow. they're trying to secure their spot in super bowl 50. fox 25 tom leydon is in colorado with the team right now. and he joins us live from ankle wood this morning. i'm sure it's going to be a busy day out there today. >> reporter: heather and blair, nice to see you. i'm in denver right now, just outside the state's capital. a busy day for the patriots yesterday. they had practice bright and early tomorrow morning and flew out to denver. rush hour. right in the middle of motorcade we witnessed yesterday. it was fun to go to denver yesterday and meet some of the broncos players. another one yesterday, when derek wolf was asked what he thought about the patriots players. they're always in my way. they're always in my way to get anything. so they're naturally going to create hate. >> reporter: the guys who were front if and center earlier this week, were behind the mike again. >> i definitely wasn't aware all of the patriots fans would be in my twittered and calling me all explicit names. put some fire in the situation. if their job is to make stories, that's what they did. it is what it is. >> reporter: they've gotten ready for the ac championship game, the broncos players have learned the power of the patriots fans on social media. it's time to bunker in buckle down forto get ready for this game. they'll go through a ballroom walk through today to put touches for tomorrow's game. they'll kick off 1:00 tomorrow. that's 3:00 on the east coast. that's the very latest from in denver, colorado, reporting live, tom leydon, fox 25 news. >> heather: we're hunkering down because of the snow. all right. a happy reunion for one family. their little dogs back home after a terrifying ordeal. now, the message the dog owners have for people who helped them. >> blair: and we continue to,tra that monster winter storm. climbing its way to us. take a look at what cars had to deal with in narkville stranded along major ro give it to me i' m worth it baby i' m worth it uh huh i' m worth it gimme gimme i' m worth it give it to me i' m worth it >> jason: i'm meteorologist jason brewer tracking a nor'easter right now, bringing snow along the extreme southern tier. moving north ward. i'll time it out and tell you what kind of wind to expect as well. even blizzard warnings in affect for portions of southern new england. >> heather: we'll be checking in with jason in a bit. but right now to the race for the white house. presidential candidate hillary clinton looking to make up ground in the states, she's now trailing vermont senator bernie sanders by dozens of digits there. from now, a message yesterday for undecided voters during a stop. >> for those of you who are still shopping and trying to decide, i hope i can earn your vote before the primary. >> heather: she will be in new hampshire all weekend now. several massachusetts political leaders are planning on travel up there to campaign on her behalf as well. >> blair: jeb bush is taking a unique approach with digital campaigning. it's mailing in iowa, a digital player that plays right here when it opens. 15 minute campaign focuses on his background. one new hampshire voters says his arrived by fed ex delivery. that's being shipped as jeb bush wraps up his trip to new hampshire. he has been making stops since wednesday. happening today, he will hold five more campaigns before moving on. his first stop in nashua for the first in the nation presidential that event started actually yesterday and all of the republican candidates were invited to attend. rick santtore rum, rand paul and carly fiorina all stopped in yesterday. chris christie will appear later this afternoon. he has been in new hampshire for the past few days and wraps up his visit on monday. >> heather: it is 6:16 and a happy update to a story we first brought to you on thursday. two dogs are back where are they belong this morning after quite a terrifying ordeal. take a look at this. this is the moment the puppies and parents were reunited. i love that. i don't know who is happier they were snatched from their somerville home. tuesday night. the video camera captured the thief. walking away with the little dog. chris and olga tell they turned up in dorchester and someone who saw the story on the news >> when someone -- everyone wants to support. so i really want to thank everyone, our friends, our family and everyone everyone everyone, who help us. i'm sure you guys did a great job. we're happy to have them back. >> heather: no word yesterday yet on if the police made any arrests in the case. the owners and puppies are clearly happy to be back together. here's another happy camper, here's a first dog, first dog taking a sunny walk in alabama. you can see the white house in the background of the photo. and he's just taking it in and loving it, it looked like. as pretty as the snow there is in dc. it is causing a lot of problems up and down the east coast as >> jason: absolutely. it is a huge storm. and we are fortunately on the northern edge of it. so the bulk of it passing by to so we could see as much as a foot of snow? our extreme areas. let me break it down for you. plenty to cover so stay with he me. snow increasing south to north today. biggest impact our southern areas. ly damage winds a concern, coastal flooding a concern. high tide tonight 11:00 and another of one at 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. stephanie is live in scituate, a live report from there. right now our nor'easter is off of the carolina outer banks. it's going to pass of off our southern coast. southern new england. until you get way to the north southern vermont. so right now, a few flurries trying to fall around nantucket. the area really drive. ground. future cast though, at noontime, seeing the heavy snows from nantucket back to martha's here. all of the rest of the area getting involved with at least the heaviest impact, again, plymouth, norfolk county, through barnable and the cape and islands, seeing the higher accumulations. there's the timing tonight at 9:00, widespread snow. the areas getting missed southern new hampshire, southern vermont. there are those winds. left over snow showers. and then they're done by 9:10 in the morning, just a flurry or two and still windy. here's the accumulations. a coating to a couple of inches from boston along the pike up to the border of the massachusetts new hampshire, vermont area and then south ward, looking at 3 inches just south of the pike, possibly up to 6 inches in parts of plymouth and norfolk county. and south ward from there, the cape and islands, with that potential foot of snow possible. so we do have winter weather alerts to tell you about. the advisory, norfolk county and winter storm warnings for the higher totals likely. all of the pink you're seeing that's the winter storm warning for the cape and nantucket. even a blizzard for martha's vineyard that's because of winds or drifting snow will produce whiteout conditions. that's 1:00 today through the overnight hour. martha's vineyard going to be really hunkered down here with that blizzard warning in affect. winds, even gusting to 65 miles per hours as you get towards the cape and nantucket. that's why the high winds warning in affect here. that goes in affect 10:00 this morning and right through tomorrow morning. wind damage going to be a concern. wind gusts right now 25, 30 miles per hours. you heard stephanie reporting not too much wind yet. tomorrow at 6:00, 57 the vineyard, you see those 50 miles per hour sustained wind gusts out there, i should say just wind good u.s.s, not sustained. damage and really last into the overnight and finally shuts down tomorrow evening and quiet those better. less snow to the north, nashua, keene, of course heavy snow to the south. topsfield today, looking admit 20s for southern new hampshire, despite the lack of snow, still cold and breezy and tonight upper teens and lower 20s as the storm pulse away and leaves us alone for sunday afternoon. chance of rain moving in on tuesday. heather much more coming up. >> blair: a big, one person dead and dozen more sick due to listeria outbreak. massachusetts one of the six states with illnesses reported. salad made in springfield ohio. quite a few named on this list. truth, market side and two more. the outbreak stopped production on thursday. they donned their wedding finest and then took to the dance floor. what came next has the internet buzzing. coming up this morning, why this dance means enough to one bride to move her to tears. >> heather: the expressions on their faces, they're priceless. plus people in one community keeping a close eye on their cars tonight. still ahead, one city is apologizing in cutting checks as residents worry the same mistake can happen again how much protein does your dog food have? 18%? 20? nutrient-dense purina one true instinct with real salmon and tuna has 30% protein. support your active dog's whole body health with purina one. [mother] yeah but this neighborhood,i feel like it's got a lot of what we were kinda talking about. the kitchen is light and we should definitely go see it. [agent] hi...welcome i'm maggie.melanie.maggie. so nice to meet you. [mother] this is brendan. [agent] hey brendan. living room. [dad] hey. [mother] hey sweetie. [dad] sorry about that. what about this? this looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isn't it so great?i think we found it. [agent] hey brendan,you might like this room. [announcer]redfin pays its agents based on your happiness... (church bell) (bear growls) r(burke) smash and grub. r seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum the massive winter storm wreaking havoc further south. this is southern carolina yesterday. barely visible conditions on the highways. >> heather: new this morning, an additional a bride and groom has really the whole world buzzing, more than 17 million people logged onto facebook to watch the dance traditional dance performed in a new zealand couple's wedding. cry to intimidate the enemy but also to welcome guests celebration. look at the bride that's moved to tears by this gesture. her new husband, actually more mary than she is, her brother who led the dance. you and i couldn't get over how -- serious passion of this dance. >> heather: are you going to practice this one later? >> blair: i think i'll pass. maybe in commercial break. >> heather: a lot of youtube -- i think we'll just let them do it. heavy snow climbing the east coast as we've been reporting as we brace for the storm to hit here. fox 25's storm tracker weather meteorologist jason brewer joins us. the worse of this will hit, jason. >> jason: really going to start to get nasty late morning and increasing in the afternoon. i'll time it out for you and the wind concerns as well as coastal concerns all on our forecast >> reporter: as that massive storm moves closer beach erosion and flooding are major concerns. what's with him? he's happy. your family's finally eating vegetables thanks to our birds eye voila skillet meals. and they only take 15 minutes to make. birds eye voila of this place cereal as you want. to work to get some. alrighty. we just like cereal. love it, live it. (laughing) this is a fox storm tracker weather alert. >> heather: and a massive nor'easter slamming our nation's capital right now. that city shuts down as what could turn out to be a record breaking storm for them. >> blair: what we're tracking up the east coast headed in ourection direction. it is 6:30 on this saturday. welcome back, a lot to get to this morning. i'm blair miller. >> heather: i'm heather hegedus. fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is live in scituate this morning where the community is getting ready for potential flooding. standing by in our nation's capital where that storm is hitting right now, kyla campbell. >> blair: jason, that's continue with you. it continues to be right on track where you're predicting we'll get some snow. >> jason: we are missing the brunt of this. it is passing to our south. we are getting some snow. heaviest in our south. but areas to the north very little. break it down right now. the snow off of the outer banks, reports live in dc and stephanie is live at the coast. right now watching light snow moving over towards nantucket and the convenient world i trying to get down within view. comes down. that changes through the mid morning through noontime. there's noon,nan tuck dealt over to the vineyard. the south coast under heavy snow. england, except for extreme northern and western areas in the snow. anywhere boston south ward lighter snows. from the south. and into the night tonight, we all start to get some bands of heavier snow even across parts of the turnpike get as much as an inch or two. and then things start to wrap up. there's 6:00 in the morning tomorrow. not much left. 10:00 a.m., looking good for our sunday as everything moves out. antiinflammatory long the couple, a coating to a couple of inches, 3 to 6 as you go farther south ward and get into the cape and islands and you could see localized amounts up to a foot on the vineyard, on nantucket. carefully. warnings to go over. lots of winds, coastal concerns, all of that straight ahead. right now our team coverage continues. >> heather: so much to cover there, jason. checking in with you in a bit. but our team coverage continues in the nation's capital. a lot worse. a snow emergency underway right now. >> blair: fox 25 kyla campbell in dc right now for us. good morning, kyla? >> reporter: >> heather: all right. it sounds like we're having technical problems with kyla's live shot. we'll work to correct that for you. the massive winter storm hitting the east coast wreaking havoc at airports. united airlines flight slid off the runway at o'hara chicago airport today. none of the passengers and crew members on board were injured, though. >> blair: hundreds of drivers were stranded on an icy stretch officials there say there were so many crashes that they had to sht shut it down. no one was hurt. but drivers were unable to move in either direction. police say there are no vacancies at the nearby hotels. >> heather: snow falling overnight. turning usually bustling center of that city into a virtual ghost town. barely any traffic and even not a lot of foot traffic there. once the center of the storm does get to new york, it is expected to dump up to 2 to 3 inches of snow every hour. wow. >> blair: you don't see that very often in times square. >> heather: no no not at all. you could time lapse that. >> blair: jason, depending where you had, we're trying to brace for it. >> heather: stephanie coueignoux is live in scituate this morning. stephanie as we know the sea now flooding is a concern this morning. >> reporter: that is a major concern. so far it hasn't started snowing yet. but i want to direct your attention to the water here behind me. and you can see all of that wind that we've been talking about. it's really pushes those waves on shore. because of that, beach erosion is also a major concern along with that flooding. but take a look. this is video from sandwich. this is from tuesday. crews up and down the coast, not taking any chances with this massive storm, i should say. and, in fact, earlier this week, they were already preparing. in fact, we spotted them vacuuming sand from the bottom of the canal. and then using that sand to build that back up. because, again, beach erosion continues to be a major concern. brewster ambulance service was taking a video of how these beaches before and after the storm, taking a look, and assessing that and analyzing take after this storm. out here all morning live. we're going to have another live update for you in 30 minutes. in scituate, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> blair: we'll see you then. we'll continue to monitor the weather for you all morning, all day long. also keep checking on this nor'easter for yourself at our fox 25 weather app. it is free and there you can check on the live radar and up to the minute forecast for your area. again, that's a free download. >> heather: to other news. a groom of thieves targeting elderly women in a cruel scam. and this morning, they're still out there. police in weymouth say the two women you're about to see and a man were seen in a marshals on route 28 this week. one of the women start talking to the elderly victim and that's when the male suspect comes around and grabs that victim's wallet. here's surveillance video from the marshals. the group had hit up electronics stores where they charged thousands of dollars on the victim's credit card. >> thousands of dollars both times. same mo. someone with a pocketbook and take the purse out. >> police say there's a small group doing this in many community around boston. if you know anything, you should contact weymouth police. >> blair: a bank robber on the loose this morning. rob the citizens bank in new hampshire just before 1 in the afternoon. these are pretty clear suspects of the system's face and what appears to be the same person is wanted for a bank robbery in manchester. it happened on elm street one hour before the hookset robbery. also wore that same hat in both robberies and call police if you recognize him. >> heather: a cigarette stash worth a lot of money found in the hollowed legs of a wooden stool right here. police in worcester arresting 31 edwin cruz on thursday after finding more than 4 pounds of cruz is now in jail facing drug trafficking charges. >> blair: an inch of snow, hundreds of cars towed. the reason the residents say the city was in the wrong. >> heather: plus several days of subfreezing temperatures. how pond and lakes looking frozen over to a lot of people walking on them. but next the warning about what's going on beneath the surface. >> jason: and i'm tracking a nor'easter bringing heavy snows to the south. i'll tell you when it clears o find your sweet spot today with dunkin's chicken apple sausage sandwich. enjoy sweet apple and savory sausage together for under 400 calories. america runs on dunkin'. enamel is your teeth' s first line of defense. but daily eating and drinking can make it weak. try colgate enamel health. it replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times better. colgate enamel health. >> blair: all morning talking about the snow coming from the storm, but in south carolina it wasn't the snow that was the major problem there. freezing rain snapped those tree branches and caused ice to build up on the roads. at one point there, more than 30,000 homes and buildings were without power. >> heather: that's a pretty scene there but it can be dangerous too. speaking of dangers after several cold days of temperatures here in our area. more ponds than lakes are freezing over. that is something that has first responders worried. they're worrying everyone about the consequences of walking on those pond and falling into frigid water. the consequences can be very serious, including hypothermia, even death. and the their biggest warning is, it's tough to tell what's actually going on beneath the ice. >> some kind of a current underneath. so one area may be five inches thick. you could have something two feet away two inches thick. >> heather: the warning goes easily fall through the ice as well. and that has emergency responders worried as well and folks just stay away. between kendall and park street stations in both directions of the changes will run all the way through 5 a.m. on monday morning. so they can work on the bridge rehabilitation project. >> blair: barely survived a water main break is now closed again. that reporture late thursday night, flooding north cafe on north main street in brockton, shutting off the heat and contaminanting food. 8 years ago, a similar break happened shut ugh down that restaurant for 10 months. >> just water gushing everywhere again. just day gentleman video, guess. >> blair: the department of public works, say it keeps happening because the infrastructure is about 80 years old and needs to be replaced and not repaired. >> heather: two brothers one big rivalry. coming up, the reason these two the pats and the broncos. shirts. >> blair: the looks there. >> heather: you can see there's more to it. >> blair: absolutely. plus, hundreds of cars towed. and they didn't get any warning. next the city is taking to make things right. nantuc >> jason: right now tracking snow building from the south to the north. we'll have the timeline and how much to expect in just minutes. >> heather: people in one local city outraged after hundreds of cars were towed and ticketed. you can see the announcement right there. this happening during last weekend's snow. now that city is trying to make things right. bathrin burcham went to worcester. >> i was fuming, so it cost me almost $200 for an inch of snow. >> reporter: kathleen mahoney stands protectively next to her black sedan that vanished before her eyes sunday night. >> i happened to come outside and saw a tow truck backing up in front of my car. >> reporter: worcester police began ordering cars towed during the snow. this announcement wasn't sent to residents until hours after the tow trucks began carting off vehicles. >> i got nothing. no one said anything. >> reporter: the mahoney family had three cars removed from the front of their lake street home. >> i was confused. thought my car was stolen or something. >> reporter: showed us the 50 dollar tickets from the city and >> it was like thanks for the car back. >> reporter: several cars were ticketed and nearly 350 towed. since, residents have been expressing outrage on social media. securing the city for failure to notify. and just hours ago, the city manager announced all tickets and tow fees will be reimbursed. with more snow looming on the horizon, mahoney hopes it's a lesson well learned. >> maybe the city will be more aware of what time they give out the ban considering the money they're losing because of it. >> reporter: katherine burcham, fox 25 news. >> jason: welcome back, we have snow increasing from the south to the north today. biggest impacts southern counties along the cape and islands and along the south coast. coastal certains as far as flooding goes. more on that from stephanie coueignoux live for us this morning. let's go ahead and show you what we have, outer banks, snow increasing from the south to the hours. becoming heavier by midday in our southern counties. and then increasing in intensity through the afternoon and even through the evening for some of our essential counties. the cape and islands right now mostly dry but a few flakes now nantucket. a little bit of that coming in through the overnight. temporarily. that becomes overcome by the heavy snow rates. there's noon along the south coast, over to vineyard, the man tuck ket, light to moderate snow with a coating of afternoon inch tonight. you go south ward the heavier snows, plymouth county in particular. the cape and islands, there's 9:00 tonight still underneath it. by 6 in the morning tomorrow, notice what's happening here, nor'easter event. we're starting to taper things off through sunrise and by 10:00 there's your totals, anywhere from a coating to a couple of inches along if pike. north ward up to the border and sharp shut off not much accumulation at all. southern new hampshire, set south of boston, 3 to 6, and plymouth county and down into the cape and islands, those totals go up, 7 to 12. the south coast, over to martha's vineyard, over to nantucket and the cape possibly as much as a foot of snow. weather where advisory for slippery roads, plymouth county, the west side and eastern plymouth county, winter storm warning for the higher totals, 6 inches or a little more. that continues over towards the cape and nantucket. and i want to highlight this one in red. martha's vineyard, you have a blizzard warning. and that is because winds are going to be blowing snow around those heavy snow rates causing whiteout conditions. so really hunkerings down martha's vineyard today. let's take a look at the high wind warning, that starts at 10:00 tomorrow morning. that is because we could see gusts up to 65 miles per hours causing tree and power outage damage for the cape and islands. let me show you the hour by hour wind gusts. there's 1:00, we're up 40 to 50 boston over towards nantucket. and that continues to get higher into the late day. overnight, not much relief. 10:00 a.m. damaging wind gusts for the cape and islands. those higher temperatures, upper 20s to lower 30s. in heavier snows, those temperatures come down a little bit. you'll see 30 in concord, waltham at 27. and we'll be in southern new hampshire under clouds, not much snow, in the mid and upper 20s here. overnight tonight, we do dip back into the mid to upper teens at least west. of course we'll see slightly milder readings towards the south and east. still of producing snow. it's out of here, by 8, 10:00, tomorrow morning, starting to see the skies clearing from the west to the west. okay for our patriots watching parties there on sunday afternoon. monday, we're clear but another round of weather coming up tuesday, looks like some rain with that. blair and heather back to you. >> heather: changes coming to fantasy gaming for people who play. boston based draft kings is going to start identifying the best players and ban software that let's players quickly line ups. after criticism that unregulated gaming platform is not transparent enough. draft kings did not make other requested changes. one of them was making minimum playing age 21. several states attorney generals are suing draft kings, calling it a gambling website. >> blair: the super bowl two weeks away and companies are teasers of their ads. bud lite spike it up. they have a lot at stake for these super bowl ads. 30 second commercial could cost millions of dollars. that's quite a season. we'll. >> heather: i can't believe you can show some of that on television. a family in colorado is encouraging sibling rivalry. names. >> blair: meet brothers brady and peyton wheeler. peyton came along after his name sake left the colts to a super bowl victory. tomorrow both brothers will wear their name sake jerseys as they already have as they face off in the afc title. if you think there's a battle, at home: they're younger, i can't imagine them being older. >> heather: you know what it's like to begin with. never mind opposite names like -- >> blair: ahead this morning, lost at sea. the act of remembrance as families begin to grieve. >> heather: under fire, for lack of diversity, now the coming hershey' s miniatures. we pour ' em! em! em! delicious fun for everyone. s miniatures are mine, yours, our chocolate. (church bell) r(burke) smash and grub. r seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum . >> heather: welcome back, blizzard conditions have arrived in new jersey. the and this is video taken in a town on the coastline north of atlantic city. they're expected to get about a foot and a half of snow there. there on the water too. so i'm sure flooding can be a concern there as well. >> blair: a woman accused of kirking an objector driver before being pushed to the ground. here's the video. you can see the driver grabbing the woman's things and throwing the whole thing start affidavit the woman demanded the uber driver take her instead of the person he was called to pick up. the woman is a fourth year neurology resident. >> heather: academy motion picture says it will double the women by the year 2020. this after actors boycotting this year's oscars because no black actors were no, ma'am natured for the second year in a year. it will limit its voting status to a period of 10 years instead of lifetime voting rights. >> blair: the piano man set to play, the red sox and live station announcing billy joel's trim performance at fenway park is now sold out. it makes it three years in a row for sell out concerts for joel. he's the first irrelevant artist to play three years in a row at the ballpark. >> heather: as we've been reporting on fox 25 morning news a massive nor'easter barrelling up, we'll have a look at the havoc this storm is causing other parts of the country, including the mid atlantic and the east coast. >> jason: and right now, i'm tracking a slew of warnings. i'll break them out for you so you can expect what to see -- i'll say, you should expect -- what am i saying i'm talking about winter weather warnings. tell you what to expect in your neighborhood. stay tuned i've got a lot to break out for you straight ahead. >> blair: plus thousands of is committed to truth on the when we say real meat is ther first ingredient, it is always number one. we leave out poultry by-product meal, corn, wheat and soy. and, we own where our dry food can other brands say all that? for grain-free nutrition you can trust, does your food go beyond? >> jason: i'm tracking our nor'easter off of the coastline of outer banks. into new england. i'll tell you the timeline and headlines coming up. >> heather: some 85 million people are in the path of this storm. take a look as it is bearing down on washington, d.c. right now. it could turn out to be largest in nation's capital history. snow emergency has been declared there as people hunker down to ride out this big snowstorm. >> reporter: as that massive storm heads our way, towns along the coast are bracing for the impact. the two major concerns they have as that storm moves closer. >> blair: plus the patriots looking to cement their spot at super bowl 50. this morning, fox 25 is live in colorado as the team gears up to title game. >> this is a fox 25 storm tracker weather alert. >> heather: thanks so much for waking up with the fox 25 morning news. it is 7 a.m., on saturday, january 23rd. i'm heather hegedus. and it was chilly in the air this morning. you almost feel a frost in the air. >> blair: you certainly could. you really could feel it out there. this morning, we have team coverage as you deal with that winter alert. stephanie coueignoux is in scituate with the potential of flooding and plus kyla campbell is in the nation's capital with the massive storm is hitting right now. >> heather: jason brewer is in our storm tracker weather center tracking it minute by minute. you're saying in terms of timing, the worse of it will be midday. >> jason: yeah, midday island and the cape are starting to see heavy snow and moves north ward. southern tier still favorites for the brunt of this storm. fortunately, the brunt of it passes off of our souchltd coast and our areas to the north get very little. where you live light snow right now in vineyard and nantucket. heavy of ofvy snow at noon for the south part of the cape and the island. 5:00, most of southern new england some snow. but north of the pike, very little. so areas to the north, that sharp cut off, you can see that clouds and winds today and chilly dave. neighbors to the south are getting in on the widespread snows. worcester back to boston, 9:00, still have snow to deal with. but look at here, tomorrow morning 6 a.m., it's just the cape and islands and the south shore still getting the snow and of here. and we're really going to clear east. so all is not lost for your watch parties tomorrow. there's your totals, a coating to a couple of inches along the pike up toward the border. 3 to 6 farther south ward. up to a foot possible for the islands and south coast. and i do have a slew of warnings to go over. coming up. takes you to washington, d.c. right now where the blizzard's eye is hovering right now. you can see the conditions there. you can see cars at a standstill on the highways. just a mess out there in general. and the sun is rising and the snow keeps falling over washington, d.c. more than a foot has fallen there already. >> blair: it's a he is in. the city could see up to 30 inches by the time it ends tomorrow. live on capitol hill, george? >> reporter: good morning, guys. washington, d.c. to probably around 13 to 14 inches of snow. as you take a look, it's a very light fluffy snow. england. it's wet, though. we're starting to get -- when you get those wind gusts and the snow stops coming down and starts coming across, you can really start to feel it. it's hard to get a real idea as to the roads here in washington right now. where we are around the capital, we've seen trucks coming through outline morning long, all night long last night. as i took a walk about 15 minutes to get in here this morning, i can tell you most of the side roads are looking nothing like this. they're looking more similar to what i'm standing in, a good foot maybe a little more of snow and a lot of drift. part of the reason for that is this area around capitol hill, you can probably see the capitol just behind me barely, is actually maintained by the architects of the capitol. that's the group that maintains the capitol grounds. so we're seeing those trucks coming around and around and around. we're probably in one of the best plowed areas of all of washington or greater washington right now as the city did warn people not to plan on driving or leaving their houses until this storm ended. these, they're going to get the main thorough fares for emergency vehicles and for plows to be able to get through. but those side roads are going to stay pretty full. that's really what we're seeing the sun is just starting to come up, certainly at the top of the half hour. for now, live in washington, george, fox 25 news. >> blair: george, we'll be checking in with you throughout the morning. they have a long way to go. >> heather: hope george spaces himself and stays dry out there. >> blair: jason says the storm will move in this morning depending where you are. most of our area bracing for the divorce. >> heather: our team coverage continues with fox 25 stephanie coueignoux who is live on the south shore in scituate for us this morning. the and stephanie with the sea wall there, i know the big concern is flooding and also the situation. >> reporter: that makes it even more of a concern, heather and blair. right now, no snow so far. really the biggest issue is the take a look. we've been showing you this american flag. there. so even before the snow arrives, big concerns. because, again, as jason said, these wind gusts are only going power outages and tree limbs falling down. now, as we drove here to scituate this morning, we didn't see any snowplows, salt trucks, anything of the sort so far. but, again, as that storm hits us, that could very well change. but, again, we've been talking about flooding and taking a look at the ocean behind me. you can see the wind, again, picking up those waves. concern. again, with that full moon, that makes it an even higher tide. issue here. and we're going to continue to follow all of these changing conditions throughout the morning. and come up in 30 minutes, the action towns have already taken in preparation for this massive storm. in scituate, stephanie coueignoux, fox 25 news. >> heather: all right. stephanie, see you in a bit. right now the storm is making its way up the east coast, leaving a mess in its way. we can tell you that new jersey, virginia, mayor labelled and states of emergency, along with dc. since the storm started at least nine people have been killed in crashes. more than 85 million people are in the storm's path. and officials are already warning, it could take days to dig out after the storm symptoms. because of that, massachusetts is promising to help our neighbors if needed. fox 25 did check in with governor charlie baker who tells us crews will be sent to other states in need if we can spare them. >> if we have the ability to offer equipment or assistance in one type or another, folks that are going to get hit in other states, we're going to, because those states came to our our aid last winter. >> blair: more than 168 flights in and out of logan have been cancelled. this tracks the problem spots at airports. you can see airports in dc, new york city and charlotte nearly shut counsel right now. amtrak also running at half service. check in with the airlines before you leave your house. we'll keep an eye on the situation, all morning long. you can track it along with our meteorologist when we're not on air using our fox 25 weather app. it has live radar and up to the minute forecast for your area. it is also free to download. >> heather: new this morning, a plane bound for germany forced to make an emergency landing at logan overnight. boston ems tweeting about this incident at midnight. saying that the airplane had a cracked windshield. we did touch base with a passenger that tells fox 25 that the flight 419 took off from dc four hours late because of the bad weather and then the windshield cracked during take off. logan airport confirms that the plane did land overnight and passengers will now board a different flight to continue onto term why many. to other news a truck driver is okay after this crash in townsend. this happened yesterday afternoon. that truck apparently hit out an entire section of guardrail there. wow, you can see it right there. you can also see in this video people transferring things from one truck to another. in those boxes are cancels that the truck had been hauling. crews were on the scene late into the night to clean up the mess. it did shut down brookline street for hours but it has since been reopened. blair miller: more information coming in about a deadly school shooting in canada. four people dead after two separate shootings. provinces. one of the shootings happened at a school called la loche. it had students from grade 7 through 12. it happened in the high school portion of the building. the shooter is in custody. no word yet on the ages of the people involved. but this is canada's worse years. a local marine now being remembered at a memorial service in hawaii. it happened yesterday at the marine corps base. hingham native christopher orlando was one of a dozen it has been a little over a week since the marines went missing when their helicopters crashed in the training exercise. flags on state buildings flew at half mast yesterday in honor of those marines. >> heather: we are now a little more than 24 hours out from the championship game. the pats will be taking on the denver broncos tomorrow as they center bowl 50. fox 25 tom leydon is in colorado with the team. he joins us live from denver this morning. and tom, i know it's going to be a busy day but the pats are fun right now. >> reporter: yeah they are focused on the game for sure. they have got here last night. it should be relatively good weather here tomorrow too. far cry what i've been listening to as far as the east coast is concerned. we've heard a lot this week, there's been a lot of talk. we kind of parsed the sound bites which we like to blow up that are a little bit of that's fun to do but the fact is these teams have a lot of respect for each other. we were at the bronco facilities yesterday they knew the magnitude of this game. >> either you're resting up next week for a big one or you're resting for a long time. so we're going to give it our best. >> i told today after practice, all i can ask you to do is do the work you're ready to play and they can do that. life. it's definitely something special. >> the line of the day, came from defensive lineman, derek wolf who was blunt when asked about the process. >> i hate everything about them. they're always in my way. they're always in my way to get everything i want. so it's naturally going to create hate. >> reporter: i don't know about you but i actually like that. you want your team to have a little bit of dislike when they line up against each other. but there is respect. that's the key. it kicks off 3 p.m. eastern time. the bulk of the play should be played within sunshine weather we'll be on top of it as they zero in in the next 24 hours. tom leydon, fox 25 news. >> heather: much better weather out there. a happy reunion for one family. their little dogs are back home after a quite terrifying ordeal. next the message the dogs owners for the people who helped. >> blair: tracking that massive winter storm as it climbs its way to us. take a look at what drivers in nashville tennessee had to deal with last night. those cars strapped, along major roads. >> jason: tracking storms areas to the enamel is your teeth' s first line of defense. but daily eating and drinking can make it weak. try colgate enamel health. it replenishes weak spots with natural calcium to strengthen enamel four times better. colgate enamel health. behold the power of protein in birds eye protein blends. ok. they're delicious side dishes with the protein of beans, whole grains.. ...and veggies! mmm good. my work here is dooooone! bird's eye protein blends. >> good morning, i'm storm tracker meteorologist jason brewer. storm begins to move into the island, spreading north. i'll tell you how far north this storm moves straight ahead. >> heather: well, the news at 7:14. see the race for the white house, democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton is now trying to make up ground in the granite stand. shepts now trailing bernie sanders by double digits in new hampshire. with the primary less than three weeks out from now, clinton had during a stop in rochester. >> for those of you who are still shopping, and trying to decide, i hope i can earn your vote before the primary. >> heather: clinton will be in new hampshire all weekend long. and several massachusetts political leaders will be joining her. they'll be making the trip up there to campaign on her behalf. >> blair: a jeb bush super pack is making a unique campaigning. a digital video player that immediately starts playing this opened. that 15 minute long campaign commercial focuses on america and bush's background. the whole thing must be costing a pretty penny because one new hampshire voter said his arrived by fed ex overnight deliver reef. that being shipped as jeb wraps up his visit to new hampshire. happening today, he'll hold five more campaign events before moving on. his first stop today in nashua for the first in the nation's presidential town hall. that eventually started yesterday. and all of the republican attend. rick santorum, rand paul, and carly fiorina all stopped in yesterday. chris christie will appear later this afternoon. he's been there in new hampshire for the last few days appeared wraps up his visit on monday. >> heather: a happy update to a story we first brought you on thursday. two dogs back where they belong this morning after quite a terrifying ordeal. take a look at this, this is the actual moment in a the pups and parents were reunited. you can hear all of that sighing and excitement. and i don't know if the dogs are happier or the owners or both. the tails wagging. it's amazing. this is beautiful. just days ago, those dogs, cesar and cleopatra were snatched from their summer street home. happened tuesday night while the dogs were home alone. but a surveillance camera captured the thief walking away from the house with the little mom rainians tucked under his right arm you can see right there. the dogs turned up in dorchester to see their story on the news and recognized them. >> when somebody stole the dog, everybody wants to support. so i really want to thank everyone. our friends, our family, and everyone, everyone, everyone, who help us post and shared their pictures of our puppies. i'm sure you guys did a great job. and it's -- help to find them back. >> heather: no word yet if any arrests have been made but regardless as you saw right there, the owners and the pups just clearly thrilled to be back together. here's another happy camper, take a look at this girl right here, that is the first dog, sonny obama enjoying a snowy walk in dc yesterday. look at her mouth, all covered in and her nose covered in snow. you can see the white house in the background and snow on the white house lawn. sonny taking the snow in and loving it. as pretty as it is, it is down the east coast, jason. >> jason: yeah, absolutely. this is a big storm, it's pulling off of the carolina coastline and make i its way off the north coast. a nor'easter bringing in the winds, the coastal the concerns the biggest exact are southern areas with the storm passing well off shore. let me break it down, the damaging winds, the coastal concerns, high tide, late tonight again tomorrow, that's all an issue, stephanie has been reporting live in scituate. more from her coming up. right now the storm moving, again, off the he's coof the carolinas, off mid atlantic, and now in >>and, beginning to see at least a little bit of light snow. watching the radar starting to pick up here, from the vineyard over to nantucket right along the extreme south portion of the cape. let me show you the timing of the day. there's noon. winds kicking up off of the northeast. heavy snow beginning to move in just a few scattered flurries north ward. see those snows spreading up from the south to the north into plymouth county. and anywhere from boston back towards worcester along the pike, a coating to an inch or two. but areas north of there are trouble getting anything at all. southern new hampshire, southern vermont, this is 9:00 tonight, widespread snow is elsewhere but not much going onto the north. again, the wind and the snow continues to hammer the cape and islands. and there's 6:00 in the morning sunday. already starting to clear things out. as we go into the mid morning tomorrow, west to east, even a little bit of snow trying to break out. it will still be windy, but snows will be coming to an end. there's those snow totals a coating to a couple of inches along the pike. north or up to the border. get to the south, three inches, parts of plymouth county, south from there, five to 6 inches and even up to a foot for south shore, the cape and the island, a possibility depending on the road advisory, slippery roads, winter storm warning in pink, that's for 6 or more inches of snow. that's, again, for eastern plymouth, down into the cape and over into the island. and we seen have a blizzard warning for martha's vineyard. and this is dangerous because you've got a lot of wind in excess of 35 miles per hours. blowing the snow around heavy snow rates. just hunker down. not a good idea to go out today. the high wind also knocking down power lines, potentially 2r50i6s for the cape and nantucket. winds gusting to 65 miles an hour. later on today into tonight a possibility. there are the wind gusts right now, 20 to 35 from the south shore on over towards the cape. they're beginning to increase here. and notice here in the mid-afternoon, saturday, 40, 50 miles an hour. and then as we go into the night tonight, no relief from that. that's future cast wind gusts, again some isolated 60, 55 miles no you, tomorrow, winds beginning to taper, especially by late afternoon and into the evening. it will still be breezy. highs today in the 20s, now to the west, low 30s out to the east, all running near that freezing mark. get 29 today. overnight, upper teens and lower 20s. across the interior. a little milder south and east. clear things out sunday midday through the afternoon. as we get into next week, not too much, a shourp or two tuesday. maybe a late developing storm late next week. of course we'll be watching. >> blair: we know you will. at big salad is under recall, one person dead and a dozen more sick due to listeria outbreak in a processing plant. massachusetts is one of the six states with illnesses reported in this. those salads made in springfield ohio. quite a few names in the plant on that list. dole, fresh selections, simple truths, market side and two more. they donned their wedding floor. what came next now has the internet buzzing. and there they go, intense. coming up, why this dance means enough to one bride to move her to tears. >> heather: plus, people in one their cars. still ahead, why one city is as residents worry with snow you like being picture perfect. you should want your banking to be too. stop into td bank and we'll help set you up with picture perfect banking. new customers, open a checking and savings account and you can get a polaroid cube+ lufthansa. >> blair: show you live pictures that we're just getting in. this is of times square. we showed you ground footage a little earlier. it was very quiet there. and you can see it coming down in these live pictures in the heart of manhattan. talking to jason brewer about how much snow they see in dc. about 13 inches. telling me now, about a foot there in new york city as we speak. but still coming down this morning. >> heather: uncharacteristically quiet. can't see it from this picture looking at the billboards. but we saw a picture of the ground earlier and not many people out there, no cars -- >> blair: i think it's pretty because of all of that. >> heather: certainly not looking like it's usually -- like we're used to seeing time squares. new this morning, a bride and groom really has the whole world buzzing. more than 17 million people have logged onto face book, to watch the dance performed at a new zealand couple's wedding. >> blair: this dance used as a war cry to intimidate the enemy but also to welcome guests in a celebration. take a look at the bride's tears in this gesture. the bride says her new husband, despite his fair feature is actually more than she is. dance. look at her, right there. it's mr. intimidating i think than welcoming. >> heather: yeah. i guess part of it is the war dance. they're very intense. they really made a commitment to the dance too. very authentic looking. >> blair: there's doing the dance and then doing the dance. >> heather: good for them. i'm glad it got a lot of heavy snow climbing the east coast. jason brewer tracking when the worst of it will hit. >> jason: we're already seeing light snow into the island. i'll item you when it will reach us and when the snow will get heavy in portions of new england coming up. >> reporter: as that massive storm moves closer, beach fact. when emergency room doctors choose an otc pain reliever for their patients muscle, back and joint pain. the medicine in advil is their #1 choice. nothing is stronger on tough pain than advil. relief doesn't get any better than this. this is a fox 25 storm tracker weather alert. >> heather: and as we've been reporting, a massive blizzard slamming the eastern united states. listen to this. 85 million americans are waking up in the path of this devastating winter storm. so take a look at the white house in washington, d.c. they too are getting this. jason saying dc could get as much as two feet before it's all over. >> blair: switch over to the live radar that shows us what we're watching as the storm moves up the east coast heading in our direction. it is 7:30 on this saturday. welcome back, everyone. i'm blair miller. >> i'm heather hegedus. fox 25 stephanie coueignoux is live from scituate where that community is preparing for the potential of flooding. our george cally is standing by in our nation's capital. where we've been saying a massive storm is hitsing there right now. >> blair: fox 25's storm tracker weather meteorologist jason brewer is in the weather center and closely watching the right where you're predicting we're getting snow but nothing like people to our south. >> jason: yeah, at least we're spared the brunn the of it. the cape and islands are going to see the worse in our area, areas to the south, again, going to see the higher totals. this storm moving off the outer banks now. and you see the snow flying off to the north and west of it. it's going to pass off of our coastline. as it does, we'll see those snows spread over >>and. southern new england. some of us will be spared completely. let's time it out for you, heavy snow for the island at noon. the south coast as well. let's go up to 5:00. areas along the pike, out to the west, likely seeing the snow. areas south heavier amounts. southern vermont, southern new hampshire, not much going on for you. 6 in the morning, we're beginning to where a up the event. by 10:00 tomorrow, the snow is out of here. it's just windy and starting to break out into a little bit of sun. the pike. north ward, higher 3 to 6 amount south ward. and up to a foot possible, again, the south coast and the island can't be ruled out. a slew of advises and warnings to tell you about. straight ahead. >> heather: i know you will keep us forewarned. our team coverage continues in the nation's capital where we're kind of discovering a trade off, usually we're the ones getting hit the worse. and the right now snow emergency is on the way down there. >> blair: and right in the middle of it. george, still coming down pretty good behind you. >> reporter: good morning, yes. it really is coming down good. it's going to be coming down good here through 5:00 before it starts tapering off. as the light comes up, we're starting to get a first view. you can get a better view of the capital here behind me. what's going to be happening today for the first time in decades is they're going to be allowing kids to sled on capitol it's a very good sledding snow. very light, it's very fluffy. it took an act of congress to allow this to happen. it had been forbidden by the capital police for decades. and now they actually had an act of congress a month ago, that said, don't enforce it, allow the kids to sled on the hill. what isn't good with this fluffy snow is the star war themed snowball fight happening in dupont circle. every time there's a big storm, they get together in dupe upon the and have a big snowball fight. 14 inches of snow, it's going to be going through in total until 6 a.m. tomorrow. we're probably about halfway through it at this point. live in washington, back to you. >> heather: george, stay safe out there. the winter storm wreaking havoc at airports across the country. a united airlines slid off the runway yesterday. members on board were injured. >> blair: unhundreds of drivers stranded orthopedic an icy road in kentucky. officials there say there were so many crashes that they had to shut the the road down. no one was seriously hurt. but drivers who are out there now are unable to move in any direction. officials set up two shelters for stranded drivers in that area. police say there are no vacancies at nearby hotels. jason told us a few minutes ago, it will move in this morning throughout the day. depending where you are. the region embracing for the worse. >> heather: it's really region by region. stephanie coueignoux is live in scituate this morning. stephanie, i know the sea wall there is -- with the sea wall there, the big concern is flooding, also the wind doesn't help with flooding either. you're in the middle of that right now. >> reporter: yeah, heather, there's a one two punch. we're talking about the wind and now that the sun is coming up, you can see that it's really in fact, you can see the tips of these waves are white. it is just that windy. but, again, we are talking about that high tide. and this is an as subtropical no, ma'am mickcally high tide because of the full moon. major concerns here in scituate with towns up and down the coast not taking any chances. this is video from sandwich from tuesday and already on tuesday, we were seeing crews getting ready. we spotted them vacuuming sand from the bottom of the canal and using that sand to build -- that beach back up. flooding is one issue. they're also concerned about beach erosion. they've seen a lot of beach erosion. last year big concerns as well. brewster ambulance service was also there taking video of those beaches so they can compare what those beaches looked like before and after the storm. just seeing whether what they did really made it hold up well but, again, we're going to be here live throughout the morning. those changing conditions as you can see. maybe even hear the winds certainly gusting at this point in the morning. we're going to have another live update for you in 30 minutes. in scituate, i'm stephanie coueignoux, fox 25. >> blair: we can certainly hear it. thank you, stephanie. we'll continue to monitor the weather for you all morning long you can also check for yourself on fox 25 weather app when we're not live here on the air. check on our forecast. also a free download. >> heather: to another group of thieves targeting an elderly woman in a cruel scam. police in weymouth say these two women and one man seen at the marshals on route 118 in weymouth. officers say one of the women starts talking to the elderly victim and that's when the male suspect comes around and grabs the victim's wallet. the group then lits up victim's credit card. time. same mo, hit on an elderly woman with a pocket ket book and pick the wallet out. >> heather: if you know anything, you should contact weymouth police. >> blair: a bank robber on the loose still. this in hooksett new hampshire. as you can see in the pictures they're pretty clear of the suspect's face. and what appears to be the exact same person is also wanted for a bank robbery in manchester. it happened at the citizens bank on elm street one hour before the robbery in hooksett. the suspect is wearing the same cap in both robberies. if you recognize him, call police. >> heather: a secret stash worth a lot of money found in hollowed out legs of this wooden stool. police in worcester arrested 31 edwin cruz on sunday after finding more than 4 pounds of it's valued at $200,000, the cocaine. cruz is in jail facing drug trafficking charges. >> blair: an inch of snow, hundreds of cars towed of the reason the residents say the city was in the wrong. >> heather: plus after days of subfreezing temperatures, ponds and lakes are looking pretty frozen over. but before you're tempted to walk out on them, a, with a of what's going on beneath the >> jason: lots of >> blair: this morning, we've been showing you live conditions up and down the east coast. as the sun comes up, we can show you another view. this is of dv right now outside of the capitol. they've seen 14 inches already of snow at the capital. we've been talking with the reporter on the ground. i was talking with jason brewer during the break, they could see 10 more inches before it's all done. it looks pick picture risk on the live picture. more from jason brewer later. warning everyone the consequences of falling into frigid water can be very serious, including hypothermia, even death. and their biggest warning it's tough to tell what's actually going on beneath the ice. >> have some kind of a current under neath. so one area may be five inches thick, something two feet away that could be two inches thick. >> blair: the, with a goes out to pet owners as dogs and other the ice as well. happening today, buses are replacing red line trains between kendall and park street stations in both directions. the changes run all the way through 5 a.m. on monday: so they can work on long fellow bridge rehab project. a restaurant that barely survived a water main break is now closed again. flooding north plain cafe on north main street in brockton. shutting off the heat and contaminanting food. 8 years ago, a similar break happened, shutting down that restaurant for 10 months. >> just water gushing everywhere again. just de ja vu, i guess. >> blair: the department of public works says it keeps happening because the infrastructure is 80 years old and needs to be replaced and not repaired. stuart filed an insurance claim with his insurance and the city. ahead this morning, two brothers, one big rivalry. coming up, the reason these two boys are rooting for opposing teams in tomorrow's big game plus hundreds of cars towed. those impacted say they didn't get any warnings. next, the action the city is responsible now taking to try and make things right. >> jason: high pressure holding the heavy snow off for now. around the islands. jill's gobbling up our bird's eye teriyaki broccoli. and look ben is going for more buffalo cauliflower. everybody's a veggie lover now. what do you think? (mind-blowing sound) mind blown. bird's eye flavor full. >> jason: i'm still tracking snow moving up from the south to the north. i'll go county by county. show you all of the, was we have in affect and how much snow to expect. >> heather: all right. see you in a bit, jason. meantime, people in one local city are outraged today after hundreds of cars are were towed and ticketed during their last storm. it all happened in worcester during last weekend's snow. now that city is trying to make things right. as fox 25 kathryn burcham learned the towing happened before the city sent out a telling people to move their cars. >> i was fuming. so it cost me almost $200 for an inch of snow. >> reporter: kathleen mahoney stands protectively next to her sedan that vanished before her eyes sunday night. worcester police department began ordering cars to be towed during sunday night's snow. but the problem is that this parking ban announcement from public works wasn't sent to residents until hours after the tow trucks began carting off vehicles. >> i got nothing. no one said anything. >> reporter: the mahoney family had three cars removed from the front of their lake street home. >> i was confused. thought my car had been stolen or something. >> reporter: mike mahoney showed the 50 dollar ticket from the city and 130 tow bills for each vehicle. >> not easy money to hand over. thanks for the car back. >> reporter: nearly 350 vehicles towed. expressing outrage on social media, securing the city for failure to notify. the city announced all tickets and toe fees will be reimbursed. mahoney hopes it's a lesson well learned. >> maybe the city will be weary of what time they give out the ban considering the money they're losing because of it. >> reporter: kathryn burcham fox 25 news. >> this is aing fox 25 storm tracker weather alert. >> jason: good morning. we're watching our nor'easter coming off the mid atlantic and lots of snow to our south beginning to make its way north ward. but there's some dry air, high pressure trying to hold this off. that's the battle, you need that cold air in place to get snow but also at the same time, if that high is too strong, it will keep the brunt of the south off to our south. let's break it down, snow increasing, the biggest impact, still the southern counties, the damage coastal flooding are a big concern. as it passes off our coastline. high tide tonight, and late tomorrow morning, that could be a concern. stephanie the live in scituate reporting for us there. see the snow in the mid atlantic, one to two feet. dc, new york, possible there. in boston, looks like we're going to keep it at 2 inches or less along the pike or west. in the cape and islands, a different story. a along the extreme south coast of the cape. at noon today, heavy snow moving into the the island. still not much going on anywhere across the pike or north ward or south ward. by 5:00, though, boston, back to worcester, in on that light snow. again, a coating to a couple of inches possible with this event for those locations. as you go south ward, though, the snow totals start to ramp up drastically as you go north ward, they just shut off. southern vermont, really not expecting much out of this event for you. there's 9:00 tonight. the heavier snows across southern new england except our northern areas. and then moves out of here. 6:00 tomorrow, areas clearing up, with sun breaking through. 10, 11 in the morning, nothing left even at the cape and islands. but we could end up with as much as foot of snow in places like edgartown along the extreme south coast. that's the the corridor, where the track of the storm is now. that's where it will get hit the hardest, as you go north ward those totals go down. still 3 to 6 possible along the plymouth county shore line and back westward into parts of the westward side of the county. a coating to a couple of inches along the pike, north ward, very little at all. just maybe some flurries and clouds. so winter weather advisory. that's for the slippery roads. that's for a couple of inches of snow there in norfolk county. the eastern side of plymouth that's because you can see 6 inches of snow. all of the pink areas that's about 6 inches plus. then i want to break this out. we have a blizzard warning in affect for martha's vineyard and that goes into effect at 1:00 today and goes through the night into early sunday. so the winds are going to be the problem with whiteout conditions. heavy snow rates behind with high winds. that means you have blizzard conditions and no travel not a good idea. the winter warning, 10:00 a.m. tomorrow. wind gusts 65 miles an hour cape and nantucket a possibility. that's why we're concerned about down. the wind gusts right now 20, 30, 35 miles an hour. it's windy but not as bad as it's going to get. winds gusting up, 30, 40, 50 miles an hour from boston down to the cape and islands there at 1:00 on saturday. let's advance the clock up to sunday morning, you still see that wind warning for the cape and islands. there's sunday morning, wind direction changing out of the north and west. finally a little less wind out there. high temperatures today, upper 20s, lower 30s, most spots underneath the snow that's moving in. we'll have upper 20s around the metrowest locations. lower 30s right in the city and overnight tonight, upper teens and lower twements with milder conditions south and east as the snow wraps up tomorrow during the morning. tuesday, a shot of rain possible. and then we'll be watching by late next week for a potentially new storm developing. >> heather: okay. it is january. well, the other big story besides the big storm, is the big game tomorrow and a family in colorado seems to be encouraging sibling rivalry in a way because of the brothers names. >> blair: brady and peyton, brady born during the super bowl and peyton during his name sake led his team to the super bowl victory. tomorrow they will wear the off in the afc title game. his family lives in colorado. i feel bad for brady how much ribbing he possibly gets and now from his little brother too. >> heather: right. speaking of brothers, and somebodying who has two sons, do you remember last weekend when i was giving you a hard time because jason had the picture of his sons in the patriots pictures and my dog with the patriots hat. >> blair: i had no picture. >> heather: so i bought you a little something for your son to wear tomorrow for the big game. >> blair: here we go. go patriots tomorrow, right. >> heather: so one for each. >> blair: that's really kind of you. hopefully we don't have the sibling rivalry. like they're having. i have to now. that's kind of you. >> heather: you're welcome. >> blair: we have a crew, as the pats gear up for the game. check in with them live this morning. >> heather: and under fire for a lack of diverse city now the academy is trying to turn things around. find your sweet spot today with dunkin's chicken apple sausage sandwich. for under 400 calories. america runs on dunkin'. announcer: where do you line up with john kasich on the issues? take the kasich quiz! forced obamacare expansion in ohio. voted for massive defense cuts and defended the process that closed pease air force base, which cost thousands of local jobs. even had the worst rating on spending of any governor republican or democrat. wrong on new hampshire issues. right to rise usa is responsible for the content of this message. it' s a taste so bold, yet so smooth, it could only be called, black silk, from folgers. a taste you could enjoy, fresh brewed, or one cup at a time. black silk, from folgers. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. of espresso, milk, indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today. america runs on dunkin'. >> heather: time now 7:55. blizzard conditions have arrived in new jersey. this is video taken in burn ya. that's a town on the coastline north of atlantic city. they're expected to get a foot and a half of snow there. obviously they're on the water. so i'm sure flooding is a concern there as well. >> blair: a woman accused of kicking an uber driver before being pushed to the ground. show you the video, you can also see the woman grabbing the drivers things and throwing them out of the car. the whole thing started after the woman demanded the uber driver take her instead of the person he was there to pick up. she was a fourth year neurology resident. >> heather: the motion picture academy will double the women and mine formalities it has by the year 2020. this after several actors said oscars because no black actors were nominated for the second year in a row. and limit its voters voting status to ten years instead of a lifetime. >> blair: the piano man set to play for a sold out crowd here in the summer. billy joel's trim performance is sold out. three years for a sold out performance for billy joel. >> heather: as we've been reporting this morning, that massive nor'easter barrelling towards new england. but where you live really expect. coming up, going to take a look, though, at the havoc the snow is causing across mid atlantic states and up and down the east coast. >> jason: this is a tight gradient from who gets snow to who doesn't. i'll have more county by county coming up. flights cancelled travel snow already moving into portions of southern new england. i have the timeline of when you can expect snow and how much straight ahead. >> and, some 85,000,000 people are in the path of this storm. as we take a look right now, washington, dc, where it is bearing in mind down and it can turn into the nation's capitol a snow emergency is in dc as they hunker down for the blizzard. >> as the massive storm races up to coast, the two major concerns we have as the storm moves closer. plus, the patriots looking to cement their spot at superbowl 506789 this morning, fox 25 is live in colorado as the team gears up to take on the broncos in the a.f.c. title game. this is a fox 25 storm tracker weather alert. >> between the game and the storm, so much to talk about this morning. thanks so much for waking up with us, it's 8 a.m. on saturday, i'm heather head does. >> and ( ) i'm blare miller, we have the communities preparing for potential flooding and we have someone standing by in the capitol where the massive storm is hitting right now. >> we want to kick off with jason brewer and the storm tracker weather center who has been tracking the nor'easter here? >> yeah, midday across the it ka and capeand islands. north? i will break it out. the storm itself is moving off the mid atlantic and it will pass by well south of here of southern 234eu7bg land new england but the cape and the island already seeing a little bit of light snow around man nuct and nantucket and mar get's go up to 5 o'clock ( ). most of area getting light snow, the heavier snow is building in from the south to the north. notice southern new hampshire, southern vermont. not much. it's just going to stay cloudy and breezy there today. whereas you go in saturday night, be careful. we have wide spread snow, but then it moves out. 6 a.m. it's finished just the cape getting snow by 9 a.m., even the sunshine trying to break out. we have a coating to a couple back along the pike to worcester points north ward toward the border even less and then you get into plymouth county where you can see 3-6" and down to the cape, even close to a foot of snow may fall along the islands of south portion of the cape before it's said and done. i have lots of winter weather warnings, snow and wind advisories all posted. i will break it down for you neighborhood coming up. >> all right, jason, we will check in with your son. our team coverage continues taking us to washington, dc where the blizzards' eye is hovering. this is one highway in dc where cars were at a standstill and it's just a mess. the sun is rising and the snow is falling. more than a foot already, they are expecting as much two feet. >> they can see 30" by the time it ends. we have tyler campbell, what is the latest? >> well, we are now over 14" of and you know it's really not all that bad in terms of how heavy it is. it is pretty light and flufffi and the only thing ( ) is at times you can feel like an icy/sleet mix and wind gusts which are supposed to be bad this afternoon. we are lucky being out here this morning with you guys but 50 miles per hour wind gusts so that won't be pretty this afternoon. but it's a little more activity. i saw a guy walk with his two daughters and snow pants out and enjoying it and i saw probably the happiest dog of my life jumping through the snow behind ago. the roads are treacherous. come through. i saw one earlier just get stuck right in the middle of the road get it. the metro was shut down for the entire weekend. really, it is a ghost town, which is not common for washington, dc. reporting live in washington, kayla campbell. >> that is unusual, i lived in that is an unusual site. >> the snow will move in this morning, depending upon where you are in the boston area, much of the area is bracing for the worst. >> our team coverage continues now with foxx 25 stephanie couigneaux, and i know flooding is a concern and the wind is a concern this morning for you as you have been standing out there, what is the latest? >>reporter: well, no snow just yet, but again you mentioned wind. and we have been talking about those wind gusts all morning long. i want to show you this metal post. i don't know if you can see it, but it is shaking because of that wind. that is just how gusty it is. just to give you another perspective. take a look at this american flag. we have been showing you it's whipping all morning long and it does feel like these wind gusts have started to pick up. now, when we were driving to scituate this morning we didn't see salt or sand trucks out just yet ahead of the storm but as the they concern. and of course flooding is a big concern. you can see the wind is really kicking up the surf. and it's starting to creep higher. we are expecting high tide tomorrow and that is another concern with the flooding. that wind really pushing these waves on shore and because of that, beach erosion is also another concern. and it's not just for today. we are talking about 48 hours of this. so, again, towns up and down the coast, really preparing for this. and coming up in 30 minutes we will let you know the action that they have already taken ahead of this massive storm. in scituate, i'm stephanie couigneaux. >> new jersey, maryland, and pennsylvania all under states of emergency along with dc as we have been reporting and since the storm reported at least nine people have been killed in crashes. all, more than 85,000,000 and officials are already warning once the snow stops, it could still take days to dig out. and, because of that, massachusetts is promising to help our neighbors, if needed. fox 25 did check in with governor charlie baker who says crews will be sent to states in need so long as we can spare them. if we have the ability to offer equipment or assistance of one type or another, folks in other states that are going to get hit, obviously we are going to. a lot of the states really came to our aid in a big way last winter. >> of course it comes down to how the storm plays out here as well. >> we have more than 168 flights in and out of logan have been canceled. flight aware misery map tracks the airport for the problem spots. as you can see airports in dc, new york city and charlotte nearly shut down right now. and amtrack is also running half service. so if you plan on traveling to day the best thing do is check with your airline or train before you leave the house. also, we will be monitoring the storm all morning and all day with our team of meteorologists using the fox 25 weather app. it has live radar and up-to-the minute forecast for your area where you live, also, it is free to download. >> 8:06, new this morning, a plane bound for germany was forced to make an emergency landing at logan overnight. boston ems treating the people in the incident saying the airplane had a cracked windshield. we touched base with one passenger who tells fox 25 lufthansa flight took off four hours late because of weather and then the windshield cracked after take off. logan airport confirmed it landed overnight and now the passengers will board a different flight to go to germany. a truck driver is okay after this crash in town send yesterday afternoon. this truck hit something in the road and it actually took out an entire section of guardrail, which you can see here. look a that big chunk. video people transferring boxes, those are carrying candles that the truck was carrying. they are transferring them to another truck, crews were on the scene late into the night cleaning up the mess that shut down brookline street for hours. but, it has been reopened. >> new information about a deadly school shooting in canada, four people are dead after police are calling it two separate shootings, both happened yesterday in the northern provinces. the student has students in grades 7th through 12th. the shooter is in custody. no word on the ages of the people involved. but this is canada's worst school shooting in nearly 30 years. a local marine being remembered at a memorial service in hawaii. it happened yesterday at the marine corps base there. hingeham native corporal christopher orlando was one of a dozen ( ) marines honored. i has been more than a week that the marines went missing when the helicopters crashed in a training exercise. massachusetts flew at half staff yesterday in honor of the marines. also this morning, we are learning about a student detained in south korea. he is a student in the virginia. north korea said it was holding him for what it called a hostile act against the government. he is accused of plotting to undermine the government. he was detained on january 2nd. >> the other big story we are following this weekend, besides the storm, of course the a.f.c. championship and we are litter little more than 24 hours when the pats take on the bron broncos as they try to secure a spot in superbowl 50. time leaden is live in colorado with the team this morning and he drives us from denver and, tom, i eck% it will be expect it will be a busy day for you? >> it will. the sun has no, ma'am they flew out yesterday to get to denver to avoid the weather and also to adjust to the altitude. it's 47 degrees at kick off tomorrow but 60% chance of showers so that's a new addition to the forecast. we have seen a lot of patriots fans and broncos fans and the coach has had some fun with us on the streets of denver. >> let's look at this, you are a patriots fan and you're a broncos fan? >> all day long. >> how does that happen? >> i was here back in the 90s when the broncos went back-to-back and i have just kind of fell in love. i just -- it was the broncos. i mean, really. >> even though he has horse teeth? tarrell davis? >> he is in denial. nobody can beat brady and he will win and he will be sad sunday. that's it. >> here is what your sister around i know, okay, the refs are against tom brady. the nfl is going to be against tom brady. the network is against tom brady. it will not make a difference. i came from connecticut with my sister to watch the broncos win. go broncos! >> you know, butch has a very special skill of egging people on. and he was in rare form yesterday on top of his game to say the least. they will be in the hotel today. no work outside. they will do what they call a hotel ballroom walk thru and go over last minute changes to the game plan if there are and get ready for kick off, it's 1 o'clock local time tomorrow. we will be on top throughout the day today and tomorrow, hope you can stay with us. reporting live in denver, tom leaden ( ) fox 25 news. >> moving on, a happy reunion for a family. their little dog is back home after quite a terrifying ordeal. coming up next, the message the dog's owners have for people who helped them. >> plus we continue to track the monster winter storm. tennessee had to deal with, cars skidding and stranded among major roads. >> and i'm tracking a potential for heavy snow in new england, the heaviest amounts to the worst and how bad the i get out of workpand i go to the store, s,psmellin' around, "mmm! i smell cookies." you just smell me. i just got out of work. s all." right now tracking snow moving to extreme southern new england as a nor easter winds up and moves off the doas line. i will tell you how much wind to expect and the other concerns we have with this strong system pulling by to our south. straight ahead. >> now let's show another perspective of this storm. astronaut scott kelly took this photograph from the international space station while he was over chicago. we have been talking about how much of a monster storm it is and you can see it's making its way up the east coast. >> wow, fascinating. what a perspective there. all right. two to election 2016 and the race for the white house and democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton now looking to make up ground in the granite state. she need to do so fast. right now she is trailing vermont senator bernie sanders by double digits. and with the primary less than 3 weeks out from now, clinton had a message yesterday. a strong one for undecided voters during a stop in rochester. still shopping, and trying to decide, i hope i can earn your vote before the primary. >> clinton will be in new hampshire all weekend long and several massachusetts political leaders will also make the trip behalf. >> a jeb bush superpack is taking a you yes, i do unique approach with digital campaigning. it's mailing voters in iowa and naimp sure a digital media player that immediately starts playing this message when it is opened. the 15 minute long commercial focus on america and bush's background. the whole thing mostly sunny costing the superpark a pretty penny because one said his arrived by fedex overnight delivery. that's being shipped as jeb bush hampshire. he has been wrapping up a stop around new hampshire and will have a first stop in gnashwa for the first in the nation's presidential town halls. yesterday. and all of the republican candidates were invited to attend. rick santorum, rand paul, and chris christie will appear later this afternoon. hess has been in new hampshire for the last few days and wraps up a visit on thursday. >> we have a story we brought you thursday. two dogs are back where they deal. this is the moment when the pups and their dog parents were reunited. i can't tell who is more excited but i love seeing the wagging tails. just days ago, seize ar and three pa that were snatched from their somerville home. the toughs were snatched but as you can see the surveillance video captured the thief right there walking away from the house with the little pomeranians tucked under his arm. chris and olega seeback told fox 25 the dogs turned up in dorchester and somebody who actually saw their story on the news just happen to recognize the dogs. >> when somebody stole the dog everyone wants to support us, so i really want to thank everyone. our friend and family and who help us post and share the pictures of our puppies and i'm sure you did a great job and it's -- i think it will help us to find them. >> now, no word right now. police made any arrests in the case, but certainly feedback and questions regardless, both the owners and the pups are clearly just thrilled to be back together. >> this is a fox 25 storm track weather alert. >> i'm jason brewer tracking a nor easter off the coastline of the mid atlantic. passing by to the south bringing a heavy dose of snow in our extreme southern tier. and also, the northern areas getting in on some snow. i will break out the accumulations for you coming up. we also have codestal concerns, we have been hearing from stephanie in scituate late tonight and tomorrow morning and coastal flooding issues in the biggest impacts from this, again, southward as you go. so, let's take a look at the storm right now. there is dc, new york getting on the heavy snows, a foot or two southern new england we are already seeing light snow beginning to move up into nantucket and over toward martha's vineyard. not making much more northward progress yet. high pressure to the north holding the storm off and dry air is feeding in. you get the cold air coming down that's producing all snow, across the area today. we don't have any rain mixing. but again it's trying to hold off the worst of the storm in our northern areas especially as the dry air moves in out of the northeast. there is noon. heavy snow, for the islands and the extreme southern cape. there is five o'clock, snow is all the way up towards the turnpike here. areas north of there, very little here. into the late day. let's go to 9 o'clock tonight. widespread snow, again, areas north here of massachusetts. very little in the way of any accumulation. and as we go into sunday morning, we are already seeing this event wrapping up from the west to the east. the cape, the islands, the south shore still some snow early sunday morning. but let's look at 10, 11 in the morning. just windy and sun, even trying so, the snow amounts, anywhere from boston along the pike, northward, a couple inches not much at all. southern new hampshire and vermont nothing. 3-6" as you get into my mouth county and especially the coastal areas of plymouth county down to the south is where you see the higher amounts. we have the foot on there to cover martha's vineyard and nantucket and the extreme southern part of the cape and the south coast as that storm passes well to the south of those areas that could see repeated heavy snow bands coming through. so a winter storm warning in pink that's 6" or greater, possible eastern plymouth county to the south coast over to nantucket and we have a blizzard warning in effect for martha's vineyard. so that's because we have winds blowing the snow around and heavy snow rates as well. possible. and you don't want to be traveling around beginning tonight. whiteout condition, blizzard warning for the vineyard. high wind warning is also posted for the cape and the islands. that's because we have winds that could bring down trees and power lines. so let's take a look at the winds right now. 36 boston. 36 nantucket. they are strong but not as strong as they are going to be. saturday, 1 o'clock. 45, 55 miles per hour along the coast. even higher, of course, for the cape and the islands where that warning is posted. when do they subside? well, tomorrow at 1 o'clock we are below advisory criteria, but it will still be a bit breezy for our sunday afternoon. now, high temperatures today, 25, no snow for you at ceen. lawrence 27 with show showers. boston at 32. again, a coating to a couple inches but you go south and the temperatures in the mid-to-upper 30s but coming down when some of the heavy yes snore arrives. so, natick at 29, foxboro at 33. or less. and then overnight tonight, upper teens and lower 20s, most spots as the snow begins to come to an end early tomorrow morning. mondays dry, tuesday a chance of wednesday thursday, most of friday, looking dry as well. all right. heather blair, back to you. >> thank you, jason. a salad recall is underway. one person is dead and a dozen more sick after listeria outbreak linked to a dole salad processing plant. massachusetts is one of the six states with illnesses reported. the salads were made in springfield, ohio and quite a few names made it to the list. here they are, dole, fresh selections, simple truth, market side, and two more. the plant at the outbreak stopped production thursday. they donned the wedding finest and went to the dance floor. buzzing. >> [. [chanting] ). they are into it. coming up, why this dance means enough to one bride to move her to tears. >> plus, folks in one community will be keeping a close eye on their cars during the storm. still ahead, why one city is as residents worry the same mistake can happen again. you're watching the fox 25 what would you do with five minutes to kill, and a smart phone? check the scores. probably post a pic. text a friend. how about register to vote? really? you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts drivers license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to it's that easy. done. i just registered. that was easy. what's with him? he's happy. your family's finally eating vegetables thanks to our birds eye voila skillet meals. and they only take 15 minutes to make. ahh! birds eye voila so veggie good we have access to a number of live cameras up and down the east coast seeing the results of the winter storm move through. these are live pictures from you may not be able to notice it, right at first glance. but, the snow really coming down there. and the heart of the manhattan. let's talk to jason brewer during the break, he said they could see 15-20" of snow before all of this is done. as the sun starts to come up, you can see a few cars there on the road in manhattan which is never the case in times square. >> you can see visibility is poor there, too. certainly, it's an unlikely sight for times square. good that everyone is staying inside. new this morning, a traditional dance that's meant to honor a bride and groom has the whole world buzzing. more than 17,000,000 people vlogged on the to watch this. the dance is called the mayory hocka dance and was performed at a new zealand's dance. >> it's used as a war cry to intimidate the enemy but also to welcome someone. to tears by the gesture. >> i think i would be moved to tears, too. in a different way. >> tears of fear? >> the bride says her new husband, depite his fair features is more tribal than he is and it was her brother that led the dance. i'm not sure which one is in the video. they are into it. >> and they all know the dance, the whole room l of guys ready to do it. as we have been reporting heavy snow climbing up and down the east coast as we brace for the storm to hit here. >> fox 25 storm tracker meteorologist jason brewer is tracking when the worst will hit. jason? >> i'm watching the light snow moving up into the southern areas already, i will tell you when the heaviest snow is moving in, how high the winds get and what else to expect with all these winter warnings mosted song: "that's life" song: "that's life" song: "that's life" p song: "that'splife" that's life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar... ...this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. it works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesn't need through urination. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it's not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. other side effects are genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, and increased bad cholesterol. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of an allergic reaction. symptoms may include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. so talk to your doctor, and for details, >> a massive blizzard slamming the eastern united states this morning. 85,000,000 mediterraneans are waking up in the path of this devastating winter storm as we take a live look at the white house. let's switch over and look at the radar that shows you what we are exactly tracking. it's a lot of it. as the storm moves up the east coast, heading in our direction, it is 8:30 on the saturday. welcome back, everyone. a lot to get to, i'm blair miller. >> we have a lot to cover, i'm heather hegedus, stephanie coin know is live in scituate ( ) where that community is we also have kayla campbell standing by in the nation's capitol where the massive storm is hitting now. >> jason brewer is in the storm tracker weather center watching the storm's path and jason it continues to be right on track with what you have been predicting that we will get some snow, but nothing like what other people are seeing now. >> it doesn't look like we will get the brunt of it. it's not a wlos buster type event but it is going to be very wind. and we will see some hefty accumulations along the south part of the cape and into the islands. but, areas north, not much at all. so, there is the storm now pulling off the mid atlantic. they are passing by to the south today, brings in the snow. you can see a few flakes, now. but the observation there is still dry. so the air is very dry. it will take a while to moisten things up but by midday into the islands heavy snow moving in, so warnings will go into effect. there is saturday's 4-5 o'clock. anywhere from boston back to the turnpike, you will see at least some light snow moving in. areas to the south. the steadier snows. bit more widespread and make a run at the new hampshire border that. in fact, by 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, snows are already trying to end from the west to the east and there's 9 a.m. sunday. so, our watch party for tomorrow afternoon looking fine just to break out. there is the coating to a 2" total we have been telling you along the urn thepike to the border, heftier amounts going southward, we have winter storm warnings and even blizzard spots. i he break those out for you straight ahead. >> all right. talk to you soon, jason. our team coverage though continues right now in our nation's capitol where they are getting a lot worse. more than a foot falling already. >> the nation's capitol could see up to 30" by the time this is all over tomorrow. fox 25 kayla campbell is live in dc for us this morning. good morning, kayla. >> >>reporter: good morning, right now we are at 14" here on capitol hill. depending upon where people are in the district, they have right now. give you perspective, i measured it yesterday, that comes up to here on me. that would get ugly, if i need to walk anywhere. let me show you the snow is pretty light. it's actually pretty nice and something you can't see at home is the occasional sleet that mixes in and add in the wind gusts and you can get pelted in the face badly and it doesn't feel good out here this evening no. but some good news today, we have some people who will probably be heading to capitol hill for the first time. it's not -- or i should say it is legal for people to go sledding on capitol hill. believe it or not, in the past, it was not allowed but people did it anyway. and then this afternoon, there is a "star wars" themed snowball fight. now, it's two miles away from here. i cannot get there. but people are going to have their fun as they will be stuck at home or nearby on the streets playing in the snow. reporting live in washington, kayla campbell, fox 25 news. >> all right. the massive winter storm hitting the east coast is also wreaking havoc at airports across the the united airlines flight slid off the runway at o'hare airport yesterday. fortunately, none of the 179 passengers and six crew members on board were hurt. >> right now a developing story in kentucky where around 3,000 drivers are completely stranded on the remote and icy stretch of highway there. we have been following the story all morning and an update here. it is not getting any better. officials say there were so many crashes on i-75 in rock casting county, they had to shut it down. those cars are backed up for 35 miles. some drivers have been stuck more more than 12 hours and state troopers are working with fire departments to go around and refueling cars so people can stay warm. that could be a serious situation and we have to watch it unfold this morning. jason just told us a few minutes ago this storm will move in this morning, really depending upon where you are in the boston area. much of our area is bracing for the worst. >> it really is region by region. we have our team coverage continuing on stephanie quinn you on the south shore ( ) live in scituate with the sea wall, that is a big concern. flooding of course and right now heavy winds? >> oh my goodness, i have to tell you these wind gusts continue and it's a 1-2 punf when it comes to flooding. taking a look behind me, we have been showing you all morning long the water but it's really started to churn up the waves starting to grow and by 1-2 punch i mean the wind and also the high tide. because it's a full moon the high tide is going to be even higher and that, of course, is leading to the flooding concerns an these town, here along the coast, they are not taking this lightly. they are preparing and really have been preparing for several days. in fact, this is video we will show you from sandwich and this is from tuesday, already on tuesday we saw crews preparing there. we spotted them vacuuming sand from the bottom of the canal. they were using that sand to build town neck beach back up. flooding is not the only we are also talking about massive beach erosion and, you know, as we saw last winter that was major problem here. in fact, brewster ambulance service was taking video of those beaches so they can compare what it looks like before and after the storm, really seeing if that extra sand held in place, really helped keep that beach erosion at bay. but, all morning long, we have seen those wind gusts, flooding continues to be a concern, not just today, but also into tomorrow. and we have been out here all morning long, we will continue to be out here with this weather and these changing conditions. we will have another live report in 30 minutes. in scituate, i'm stephanie quinn you, fox 25 news ( ). >> we will continue to monitor 2 situation for you all day long. you can also keep checking on the nor'easter for yourself. any time, whether we're on air or not using the fox 25 weather app, you can check it for live radar and up-to-the minute forecasts for your area where you live. it is also a free download. switching gears, 8:36 and a group of thieves targeting elderly women in a cruel scam. the thieves are still out there. police in weymouth say these two women and one man were seen at the marshals on route 18 this week. police say one of the women starts talking with the elderly victim and that's when the male suspect comes around and grab the victim's wallet. the group then hits up electronics stores, where they charged thousands of dollars on victim's' credit cards. >> thousands of dollars, both times. same m.o., pick on an elderly female, steal the pocketbook and take the purse out. >> police say there is a small group that is doing this in many areas around boston. if you know anything you should contact weymouth police. >> and inch of snow hundreds of cars towed, the reason residents say the city was in the wrong. >> plus, several days of sub freezing temperatures now have this. frozen over. about what's going on beneath >> >> i have a blizzard warning for martha's (cell phone rings) where are you? well the squirrels are back in the attic. mom? your dad won't call an exterminator... can i call you back, mom? he says it's personal this time... if you're a mom, you call at the worst time. it's what you do. if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. r it's what you do. where are you?r it's very loud there. are you taking at we showed live pictures of new york city, now i want to show what is happening in dc and our kiley campbell is there on the ground, they are saying they are seeing 14" on the national mall. this is obviously outside the white house and certainply plenty white out there this morning. see another 10" and we will get another update shortly. >> another update from dc. after several days of cold temperatures in the area, more ponds an lakes are freezing over. and that's something that has first responders worried though, quite frankly. they are worried, they are warning now everyone about the consequences of falling into frigid water and the consequences can be very serious. hypothermia, even death. so, their biggest warning right now, is it's tough to tell what is actually going on, beneath the ice. there is some sort of current underknight. one area can be 5" thing and one area can be 2" thick. >> the warning goes out to pet owners. dogs an animals like to go on the ponds and they can easily fall through the ice as well. >> happening to day, buses are replacing red line trains between the kendal and park street stations? both directions. those changes will run all the way through 5 a.m. on monday morning. the diversions are so that crews rehabilitation project and back open monday. >> a restaurant that barely survived a water main break several years ago is now closed again. the water main ruptured late thursday night, flooding home cafe on north main street in brockton. shutting off the heat, and contaminating food. 8 years ago a similar break happened, shutting down the restaurant for 10 months. it's a lot of water gushing every where again. it's just de ja vu, i guess. >> the department of public works says the breaks keep happening because the infrastructure is 80 years old and needs to be replaced, not repaired. >> stuart is planning to file claims with his insurance and the city. >> two brother, one big rivalry. the reason these two boys are rooting for opposite teams in tomorrow's game between the pats and broncos and there's more to it than just the shirts there, folks. >> plus, hundreds of cars towed. those impacting saying they didn't get any warning. next the action the city is things right. >> and we are right along the heavy yes snow to the south and nothing to north. i will break out when to expect snow and you like being picture perfect. you should want your banking to be too. stop into td bank and we'll help set you up with picture perfect banking. new customers, open a and you can get a polaroid cube+ well come back. the nor'easter moving off the mid atlantic. snow moving into southern new england, i will tell you how far north the snow makes it straight ahead. >> people in one local city are outraged after hundreds of cars were towed and ticketed during a snowstorm. all of this happening in worcester during last weekend's snow. now the city is trying to make things right. as katherine birchham learn, the towing happened before the city sent out notice to get their cars. >> i was fuming. it cost me almost 2 hundred >> kathleen mahoney stands protectively next to her black sedan that vanished before her eyes sunday night. >> i happened to come outside and i saw ae tow truck backing up with my car. >> worcester police department order cars removed but the problem is that this parking ban announcement from public works wasn't sent to residents until hours after the tow trucks begab carting off the vehicles. i got nothing. no one said anything. the mahoney family had three cars removed from the front of their lake street home. i was confused. i thought the car had been stolen. >> mike mahoney showed the 50 fine. >> it's not easy money to say, hey, thanks for the car back. >> over 7 hundred were ticketed and 3ed. since then residents have expressed outrage, skewering the city for the failure to notify. the city manager announced all reimbursed with more snow looming on the horizon, mahoney hopes it's a lesson well learned. >> maybe the city will be more, you know, wary of what time they give out the ban, considering the money they will be losing because of it. >> katherine burr.ham, fox 25 news. >> this is a fox 25 storm tracker alert. >> all right. welcome back. i'm meteorologist jason brewer. i'm tracking the latest here with our nor'easter and we are switching over to weather, too, real quickry, just to bring up some different graphics. basically, snow moving in from the south to the north as we get into this day today. it's going to be midday, getting heavier for the islands and then it will be into the afternoon overspreading over southern thing lang. areas to the north though not going to be experiencing much of so, the biggest impact to the south, damages winds and coastal flooding a big concern along with this winter weather event. high pressure setting up over southern canada, giving cold air that you need to get the snow across southern new england, and we have dry air. look at the punch of dry air coming down and eroding the snow as it tries to plow north ward off the atlantic. right now, just some flurries over toward the south part of the cape. around nantucket and the vineyard. that will change though, i do expect by midday, some of the heavier snows for the islands. let's go up to about 5 o'clock, where the steadier snows are moving along the turnpike, areas south the heavier snow bands, norwood, over to plymouth, we could see a good, say, 3-6" of snow and nantucket and the islands we can get up to 10, maybe even a foot of snow depending upon the exact track an how long the dry air can hold off. there is 6:00 in the morning. already we are wrapping up the snow from the west to the east and then let's go up to about 10-11 tomorrow the snow is out of here. let's talk the totals just a coating to a couple inches along the turnpike. going southward though, let's say into nor forecast county, we might get 3" there, plymouth county, high amounts, 5-6, winter storm warning for you on the eastern edge and we have 7-12 on the south coast, the islands and the cape. that's you will get hammered the hardest. so we have winter storm warnings easternfully mouth over toward the cape and the islands. a winter weather advisory nor forecast county, western plymouth county for slippery roads and lighter accumulation. we have a blizzard warning for martha's vineyard tied to the wind. so we have heavy snow rates and winds in excess of 35 miles per hour, whiteout conditions. that's starting this afternoon, right through the night tonight. so travel not a good idea there. martha's vineyard, we are hunkered down. look at the winds, 65 miles per hour wind gusts possible. along the cape and down toward nantucket. so, these are the spots where we trees and power lines will be affected and let's look at the gusts right now. they are running 35 miles per hour along the shoreline. not too strong yet. but that will change. let's take a look at the forecast gusts. there's 1 o'clock saturday. 40, 55 along the coast and of course the cape and the islands are going to see the higher gusts. there is the forecast for 57, nantucket, on into the overnight tonight. now, winds will start to taper down tomorrow afternoon. that will be breezy, but they will gradually subside later in the day. high temperatures today on into the upper 20s and the lower 30s. most locations. look at keen, 25 just under mostly cloudy to cloudy skies. no snow there. but around shell ms ford a coating to an inch. foxborough can get up to 3" going south ward and then down to the south and things are still kind of nasty out there into the night tonight for the cape and islands with low 30s. seven-day forecast, all right. we will wrap the snow up tomorrow. patriots watching party, fine. and then monday we are dry. tuesday, here comes a chance for a few showers. blair and heather? >> a phew on the patriots parties. a family in colorado seems to be encouraging sibling rivalry thanks to their children's names in advance of the big game. >> here is why, meet brothers baby and peyton. bray i di was born the year the pairts won against the eagles and the other when the bron codes won their superbowl. they will face off. when boys are watching football, they are into it. these guys, it will be a real battle in the house. >> you want to encourage sibling sibling rivalry? i like the names though, bri di and manning, i think i'm partial to brady. >> we all are. we will check in with the team >> and the oscars are attacked for a lack of diversity and now the plans they are trying to put into place to improve [mother] yeah but this neighborhood,i feel like it's got a lot of what we were kinda talking about. the kitchen is light and bright,new. we should definitely go see it. [agent] hi...welcome i'm maggie.melanie.maggie. so nice to meet you. [mother] this is brendan. [agent] hey brendan. living room. [dad] hey. [mother] hey sweetie. [dad] sorry about that. what about this? this looks good. [brendan] no. [mother] isn't it so great?i think we found it. [agent] hey brendan,you might like this room. agents based on your happiness... that's real estate, redefined. of oats and i' see if i packaged it. world right there. if the last 3 letters s me. behold the power of protein in birds eye protein blends. ok. with the protein of beans, whole grains.. ...and veggies! mmm good. my work here is dooooone! bird's eye protein blends. >> blizzard conditions have arrived in new jersey. this video is taken on the coastline, north of atlantic city where they are expecting to get about a foot and a half of snow. and, of course, being on the water i'm sure that can be a problem for them as well as the storm progresses. a woman is accuse of kicking an uber driver before being pushed to the ground. here is the void owe. you can see the woman grabbing the driver's things and throwing them out of the car. it started after the woman demanded the uber driver take her instead of the person he was >> police there in florida say neurology resident. >> well, the academy of motion pictures says it will double the number of women and minority members it has by the year 2020. this is after several actors say they will be boycotting this year's oscars. because no black actors were nominated for the second year in a row. the academy says it will also now limit its members voting status to a period of ten years, top, instead of lifetime status. >> the piano set to play for another sold out crowd this summer. red sox and live nation announced billy joel's triple play sold out three years in a row. the sellout concerts for joel, he is also the first artist to play three years in a row at the ballpark. >> a massive nor easter barreling towards new england as we have been reporting and coming um, we will have a look at the havoc this storm is causing not just here but all across the mid atlantic. >> future track right now to tell you when the snow moves in, how heavy it gets and how high the winds will be today, straight ahead. >> >> plus thousands of flights canceled. travel delays across the country. seein (church bell) (bear growls) r seen it. covered it. we know a thing or two because i will tell you how far north >> and some 85 million people are in the path of this storm this morning. take a look. this is a picture of it bearing in mind down on washington, dc. and it could turn out to be the nation's capitol's largest -- nation's capitol's largest snowstorm in history. a snow emergency is declared there as people hunker down and ride out the blizzard. >> as that massive storm heads our way, pounds up and down downtowns are bracing for the impact. the two major concerns they have as that storm moves closer. >> plus the patriots looking to cement their spot at superbowl 50. this morning fox 25 is live in colorado as the team gears up to take on the broncos and the a.f.c. title game. >> between the pats and the storm, so much to talk about. thanks for waking up. it is 9 a.m. on saturday january 23rd. i'm heather hegedus. >> and i'm blair miller. we deal with the winter weather scituate where the exiewnt is there. >> jason brewer is in the storm tracker weather center. he is tracking this minute by minute for days and i want to get over for jason for the timing, midday is when we should expect toe see the first flakes? >> yes the vineyard and islands downhill very quickly. right now a few flurries to the south, but dry air holding off the worst of the storm for now. you see it winding up just east of the mid atlantic and this storm again passing well to the south and east. but, we will see it start to produce the heavier snows again midday to the south coast and right around the vineyard and nantucket. this is a live radar, we have it anywhere along the turnpike, south ward, it lasts on into the night. 9 o'clock at night not a good idea to be in the on the road inless you are in southern new little for you by the whole event and by 6-9 a.m. the whole thing is ending for the north and east and we will leave things dry into sunday afternoon. expected snow totals, a coating to a couple inches along the turnpike up to the border. but getting higher and heavier south ward 3-6 oathern plymouth county to nor forecast county and even up to 10-12" possible for the islands and the south part of the cape. winter weather advisory, wind advisories and warnings, lots to break down for you. i will tell you ha that means ifer your county straight ahead. >> jason, thank you. he is pointing out the storm is moving deend ting upon you live but most of the area bracing for the worst. >> one area that will get high snowfall totals is the south shore as jason is reporting and our team coverage reports with stephanie coigno live in scituate and stephanie with the seawall there, a big concern there is the flooding? >> yeah, and the flooding is also not being helped by the wind. i want to show you this metal post right here. i'm not sure if you can see but it is shaking because the wind is just that strong. you can see from a different perspective this american flag whipping around and it seems like the wind gusts have picked up over the course of the last hour or so. now, as we were driving here to scituate this morning, we hadn't seen any snow preparations just yet. no salt trucks or sand trucks. but, again, as that snow approaches, that certainly could change over the next few hours. but, take a look at this. we have been showing you the ocean all morning long. and, really, the wind is continuing to churn up these waves. in fact, you can see some of these white peaks right here. it's just getting a little bit nastier and again, because of the wind, because of the waves, flooding, really does continue to be a big concern. and not only that, but beach erosion as well. we are you can thatting high that high tide even higher. and as that storm approaches, these concerns here along the coast, not just for today, but really for the next 48 hours. the good news is snow not an issue yet, but the wind is really picking up. we are talking power outages and of course the tree limbs that could fall. so, that really is the biggest concern so far this morning. we are going to continue to be out here. we will have another live update for you in 30 minutes and also tell you about the action and the preparation towns have already taken in light of this massive storm. in scituate, i'm stephanie quinn you, fox 25 news. stay warm stephanie. right now the storm is making its way up the east coast. and it's leaving a mess in its wake. take a look at this video of people trying to push cars out of the way. new jersey, virginia, washington, dc, maryland and pennsylvania are all under morning. and since the storm started, at least 9 people have already been more than 85 people are in the storm's path and officials are already warning once the snow stops, it could still take days to dig out. >> and we have been showing you all morning long washington, dc is getting hit hard right now with ms. stuck at home. uber is trying to help people there. the company is capping its surge prices for dc clients and will donate a dollar to the red cross for each ride. >> and with so much trouble to the mid atlantic and southeastma is promising to help our neighbors if needed. charlie baker tell us us crews will be sent out to other states in need if we can spare them. >> if we have the ability to offer equipment or assistance of one type or another, folks in other states will get assistance because a lot of those states came to our aid in a big way last winter. >> of course the final decision will really depend on how the storm plays out here. >> we have also been checking flights this morning and already more than 168 flights in and out of logan have been canceled. flight aware misery rap is what they call it which tracks airports for problem spots, as you can see airports in new york city and dc shut down right now. amtrack is also running at half service. so the best thing to do is if you plan on traveling to day check with your airline or train before you leave the house. also, we will continue to monitor the storm for you all morning. when we are not here on air, you can track the storm along with our team of meteorologists using the fox 25 weather app. it has live radar and up to the minute forecast for your area here in boston. it is free to download. >> this is new this morning, a plane bound for germany was forced to make an emergency landing at logan overnight. boston ems tweeting about the incident around midnight, saying the airplane had a cracked windshield. we touched base with the passenger who was on the flight, and tells fox 25 that lufthanna flight 419 took off from dc four hours late because of bad weather. and then, the windshield cracked during take off. logan confirms the plane did will now board a different flight to continue on to germany. >> to other new a truck driver send. this was yesterday afternoon and a truck hit something in the road apparently and then took out an entire section of guardrail. look at it there. you can also see in this video people transferring boxes, they have candles in them as the truck was carrying. into the night. transferring the candles to another truck, and cleaning up the mess. it shut down brookline street for hours, but it has since reopened. >> new this morning, more information coming in about a deadly school shooting in canada. four people are dead after police are calling it two separate shootings. both happened yesterday and one of the northern provinces. one out shooting was at a school. the school has students from grades 7 thru 12th. police say the shooting happened in the high school portion of the building. the shooter is in custody, no word yet on the ages of the people involved. this is ka that deas da's worst school shooting in nearly 30 years. remembered at a memorial service in hawaii. it happened yesterday at a marine corps base there. high ridgeham native corporal christopher orlando was one of the dozen marines who was honored. it's been a little more than a week now since the marines including orlando went missing. when their helicopter crashed during a training exercise. flags on state buildings around massachusetts flew at half staff yesterday. in honor of orlando and his brother marines. >> this morning we are also learning more about an american student that's been detained in north korea, otto warm beer is a student university of virginia. north korea announced yesterday it was holding film willful what it calls a hostile act against the government. he is accused of plotting to undermine north korea. he entered the country on a tourist visa and was detained january 2nd. >> 9:07 and switching gear, we have to talk about the pats. we are a little bit more than 24 hours out now. from the a.f.c. championship game. we can't wait. on the broncos as they try to secure a spot in superbowl 50. tom leyden is in colorado with the team. he join us live this morning from denver. and, tom, i'm sure it will be quite a busy day out there today. >> it certainly will be. the sun just coming up in denver and the patriots made the decision to come to colorado yesterday to avoid the weather to get used to the altitude. probably wise move on both fronts in that regard. i want to get to the effect that julian edelman had on the team last week and hopefully the same effect he will have in the a.f.c. game. 10 reception, 1 hundred yards. i was pretty clear this offense was completely different with no. 11 out there on the field. now, we have heard a lot of talk from denver, some things blown a little out of proportion, perhaps, but as you expect the people in foxboro not really buying much into this headline bulletin board material. >> you know, it's just noise. we are focusing on what they do they were a really good football team and we can't afford to get into that game. we will focus on the process and the process is through the preparation and that's what we do here. >> you hear a lot of talk about brady and manning and rightfully so but it's a complementary players that will make the difference in this game. stay with us throughout the day, on my fox, bush stearns with here with me in colorado. we have the latest as things unfold and we will be joining you on the fox 25 news at 6:00 as well as fox 25 news at 10 and the sports wrap tonight at 10:45. for now it's the sun rising over denver that's the latest reporting live i'm tom leyden on fox 25 news. >> busy man tom. happening now, take a look at this. this is as a result of a water main break in canton. this is happening on hillside street. the water department is on its way right now to begin the repairs we are told but the city's warning some people may be without water while they make those repairs. >> a happy reunion to tell you about for one family. back home this morning after quite a terrifying or deal. coming up next, the message the dogs owners have now for the people who just happened to find these dogs and helm them out. >> plus we track that monster storm making their way to us. this is what drivers in nashville, tennessee had to deal with, skidding and becoming stranding along major roads. >> i will tell you who was under the winter storm warning and who is not and where we start to see all straight ahead in your pepper discovers jimmy dean delights, made with real egg whites, lean cut meats, and whole grains. an excellent source of protein, it fuels her up with energy to help power through her morning. with jimmy dean delights, good right now we are looking at live radar, snow moving into southern new england. high pressure holding it off for now. i will tell you how far north the snow makes it to day. straight ahead. >> let's take a look at this. we have been talking about how big this storm is, this is another perspective for you. as true naught scott kelly took the shot over chicago, and off in the distance that is the storm making its way up the east coast. >> pretty neat perspective there. now the race to the white house. and democratic presidential candidate hillary clinton need to make up ground in the granite state if she wants to do well. right now she is trailing vermont's bernie sanders by double digits there. less than three weeks out now, clinton had a strong message yesterday for undecided voters during a stop in rochester. >> for those of you who are still shopping, and trying to decide, i hope i can hearn earn your home before the primary. >> clinton will be in new hampshire all weekend long and several other leaders will visit there on her behalf. >> a jeb bush superpack is taking a different approach. it is mailing voters in iowa a digital media player that starts playing this video when it's open. the 15 minute long commercial campaign focuses on america and bush's background. the whole thing must be costing the superpash a pretty penny because one new hampshire voter said his arrived by fedex overnight delivery. it is being shipped as he wraps up a visit to new hampshire. he mass been making stops around the state since wednesday. happening to day he will hold 5 more campaign events before moving on. his first stop today is in nation presidential town hall. that event started yesterday. and all the republican candidates were invited to attend. rick santorum, carly fiorina all stopped in yesterday. chris christie will appear later this afternoon. he has been there in new hampshire for the past few days. and wraps up his visit on monday. >> happy update now to a story we first brought you on thursday. two dogs are back home where they belong this morning. after quite a terrifying or deal. take a look at this. this is the moment that the pups and their parents were reunited. oh, you see some licking going on. some tail wagging. i love it. just days ago, caesar and three pa that ( ) were snatched from a somerville home tuesday night while they were home alone. you can see on surveillance video this person snatching the -- walking away with the little pomeranians tucked under his arm there. chris and olega syncopeback told fox 25 the dogs later turned up in dorchester. where someone who just happened to see their story on the news dogs. >> we went and somebody stole the dog, everyone wants to everyone. our friends and family and everyone, everyone, everyone, who helped us post and share the pictures of our puppies. i'm sure you guys did a great job and i think it helped us. >> no word yet on whether police made any arrest but regardless, the owners and the pups clearly thrilled to be back together. there. he here is another happy camper. take a look at the first dog, walk in dc yesterday. you can see sunny obviously likes the pute her face and her nose in the snow there. the white house in the background there, snow on the white house lawn. and loving it. so even though her name is sunny, we know that sunny likes likes snows. >> this is a fox 25 storm tracker weather alert. we have snow increasing from the south to the north today. areas hardest hit are still going to be our southern counties. the cape, the islands in particular. but also coastal flooding, as well as some high wind concerns. coming up, all in the headlines, and we will see some wind damage possible before this is all said and done as this powerful coastal low and nor'easter makes its way out of the mid atlantic. now, the high pressure to our north, which is what you need to get the cold air to get the snow, is strong. so, it's holding off the snow for now. we have dry air coming around that high out of canada and you see that dense, literally, end in the snow shield. not much snow yet. radar picking up on flurries than ticket and the vineyard and you see this heavier snow band still way out over the ocean will take 3-4 more hours before that makes its way up closer to the islands. that's where we will be watching first, right now just a few flurries in the air. that's about all detected on radar. let's go to noon though. through the islands and the extreme south shore of the cape, beginning to see light snow. let's go to 4-5 o'clock, the whole area seeing snow now, cement for southern new hampshire and vermont all the way back here across parts of northwest massachusetts, where we will stay dry. but anywhere from boston southward at least a chance to get on some of the snows and they are into the night tonight, getting heavier, too, in a lot of spots to the south. let's go over to sunday morning. there is 6 a.m.. we are already beginning to wrap the snow up from the west to the east. cape and the islands the south shore early tomorrow morning some snow around but this is 9 a.m. guys. it's pretty much out of here. this storm will wind up moving eastward pass largely south but we are still monitoring the heavier snow potential, the south side of the cape and the islands. we could get 3-6" here. anywhere south of the pike, and then a coating to 2" boston along the pike up to the border of new hampshire. and then we will just hit it off after that. we have a slew of snow and wind and pink colors indicating the winter storm warning and purple colors indicating the winter weather advisory. so ro you lived here a while you you know what it means. lower accumulations you be slippery roads so they issue it for sharon, walpole, 2-4" of snow thank lynn to mansfield. along the coast, plymouth county, winter storm warning 5-6" possible here down toward plymouth and sandwich and out to the claip. blizzard warning for martha's fine yard, whiteout conditions, hunkerrerring down there. 65 miles per hour winds possible for the cape and the islands. so, wind damage a concern with trees and power lines coming down in these locations. currently, we are. >>studio guest: ugh up 30, almost 40 miles per hour. nantucket at 38. however, that will get worse. let's go up to saturday. 1 o'clock. 56, 57, for the islands and the cape and low 50s even on sunday morning. go finally down, slowly for the afternoon tomorrow. so, it won't be too bad overall for sunday afternoon. there are those high temperatures for you today. running in the upper 20s to the middle 30s. coldest to the northwest. little bit warmer southeast but all underneath the snow it will not feel that way at all when you factor in the wind. north winds 20-30 continue overnight tonight. with lows in the upper teens. to the lower 20s. so, wind chills in the single digits are going to be likely greeting us on sunday morning. now, we get it out of here sunday, mid morning through the midday, mondays is quiet, tuesday couple showers return, as we climb into the low 40s ahead of the next front. and then a new system may impact us by late in the week, but really too early to tell if that's actually going to wind up but we will be keeping tabs on that into late january. >> all right. back to you, lauren and heather. >> we have a big salad recall underway. one person is dead and a dozen more sick after listeria outbreak linked to a dole salad processing plant. states with illnesses reported. those salads were made in springfield, ohio. and quite a few names made it from the plant on the list. dole, fresh selections, simple truth, marketside and two more. the plant at the center of the outbreak stopped production on thursday. they donned their finest but when they went to the dance floor has the internet buzzing. >> [chanting] coming up this morning, why this dance means enough that one bride, it moved her to tears. >> i love it. plus, people in one community are keeping a close eye on their cars during this storm. still ahead, why one city is apologizing even cutting checks as residents worry the same mistake could happen again and we wait for the flakes to fall here. >> we will be ri your heart loves omega-3s. but the omega-3s in fish oil differ from megared krill oil. unlike fish oil, megared is easily absorbed by your body. megared. the difference is give it to me i' m worth it m worth it uh huh i' m worth it m worth it baby i' m worth it what would you do with five minutes to kill, and a smart phone? check the scores. probably post a pic. text a friend. how about register to vote? really? you can. five minutes online and a massachusetts drivers license is all it takes to register so you can vote for our next president. go to it's that easy. done. i just registered. that was easy. (coughing) coughing disrupts everyone's life. that's why there's delsym. delsym's advanced time release formula helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. all night... or all day. we have been showing a number of east coast. as the sun comes up you get a better perspective how the storm impacted some of the major cities. these are more live pick chrs of times square in new york city. we were talking to jason brewer earlier, and they were talking new york city. they can see 15-20" of snow before all this is done. streets there. it is so quiet there, but it looks like some of the dot crews it look like the flashing lights should be on the scene trying to get things moving as quickly as they can but they have a long way to go. >> jason brewer smiling looking at the screen. we are monoer ting the weather for you all morning long, you can also keep checking on the nor'easter on the fox 25 weather app. there you will be able to find live radar and up-to-the minute forecast for your area, even when we are not on. and as always, it's a free download. >> changes are coming to fantasy gaming to better protect people who play. boston-based draft kings will start identifying the best players and ban software which lets players enter hundreds of fantasy lineups, massachusetts attorney general mawra healy requested the changes because some believe the unregulated gaming platform is not transparent enough. draft kings did not make requests changes like making the inmany mum playing age 21. several states attorney generals are suing draft kings calling it a gambling web site. fan, the piian know man is set to play for another sold out crude here in boston. this summer the red sox and live nation announcing billy joel's triple play performance at fenway park already sold out though. that makes it three years in a row of sellout concerts for joel. he is first started to play three years in a row at the ballpark, maybe there are ticketing you can get on stubhub. but seeing him in concert? i'm sure he makes it light up. new this evening no, a traditional dance to honor a bride and groom has a whole world buzzing, really more than 17,000,000 people vlogged on to facebook to watch the mayory dance performed at a new zealand's cupe l's wedding. >> it's used as a war cry but also to welcome special guests at celebration. here is a look at the bride as she is moved to tears by the >> i mean this is wild. her husband, despite fair features is actually more mayory ( ) than she is, it is his brother that led the dance. a bunch of people are into this. it's so passionate. >> i think that's why we are laughing it's really intense for a wedding but they are committed to it and i applaud them for that. as we have been telling you all morning long, heavy snow is climbing up the east coast as we speak as we, here in massachusetts, brace for the storm to hit, in our area. >> fox storm tracker jason brewer is tracking when the worst will hit here. jason? >> i have a brand new model from our local in house model and i will tell you what that enmoos for the changes and the timing of this snow today and how much we are going to be seeing straight ahead. >> as that massive storm moves closer, beach erosion and flooding are two major concerns. taking to m building a better bank starts with looking at something old, like this... and saying, "really?" so capital one built something new wi-fi and banking advice, without all the mumbo jumbo. free checking accounts. no minimums, fees or gimmicks. and a top-rated banking app that lets you handle your financial needs... right here. that's banking reimagined. what's in your wallet? brandon thinks hellmann's is heaven in a jar. that's because our ingredients come from... farmers committed to responsibly sourced oils... blended with ingredients like cage-free eggs. mmm. heaven. real ingredients. that's how we're working to a mazzive blizzard is slamming the united states. 85,000,000 americans are waking up to this. this is a live look from washington, dc. they are waking up in a path of this devastating winter storm. >> now, let's show you a live look at the radar and show wow what we are tracking right now. the storm moves up the east coast. heading into our direction. it is 9:30 on this saturday. welt come back, everyone. i'm blair themiller. >> and i'm heather heg does, we have team with the winter weather alert, stephanie quinn they are preparing for potential flooding there and we have kiley campbell standing be i in the capitol where they are expecting the most snowfall. >> and jason brewer is in the storm tracker center and he is tracking it. it continues to be on track with what you are predicting we are get snow but nothing what people are seeing in the south. >> we are avoiding a direct hit. we have the potential to bring in heavy snow for the south cape and the islands but the rest here of southern new england is going to escape the worst of it. let me you you the satellite radar view. the dry area really holding the snow off for now. it's still coming in out of the north. and keeping the snow at bay. i do see a couple of flurries trying to get to the ground. say martha's vineyard and nantucket right now. and through the midday hours, that snow will start to intensify over the islands and make its way north ward. this is a brand new run of the in-house model it is picking up on the dry air. i think you can see 5 o'clock, really not much snow around the turnpike area. new hampshire and southern vermont. let's go to 9 o'clock tonight. those show showers, encroaching on the turnpike, down toward norwood, of course plymouth down toward the cape. that's where you will see some of the heftier snow totals. look at how quickly this is wrapping up. 6:00 in the morning tomorrow, just the cape and islands still with snow and by 9 a.m. it's breezy, and we start to see the winds taper down later in the day. let me show you the snow total, anywhere from a coating to couple inches in the turnpike up to the border but then south ward across east plymouth county down to the cape. you are looking at 6, potentially 12" into the islands. we have a lot of winter weather warnings to tell you about. i will break these down, tell you what that means for your county straight ahead. >> all right. jason, in our team coverage continues now we will go the nation's capitol where they are bearing in mind the brunt of the storm. more than a foot falling already. >> dc could see up to 30" by the time this all ends tomorrow. fox 25's george cowly is live in dc with more. george? >> good morning, we are getting the kind of snow here in washington that you guys are we have probably had two or three inches fall in the last hour and a half. now, we did take a walk around the neighborhood here to kind of figure out what people are waking up to. and, the only thing they are hearing right now are snow blowers or shovels, the know plows driving by because nobody is driving by on these roads. public transportation is shut down. one of the things that we are looking for here, we have to apay attention to is the wind. you can start to see the flags out there. the wind is picking up. there are a few people that are working here today and pawing at it. we spoke to a gal from new york and she said there is only one it got her outside today. >> well, mostly my dog. he's got to go outside at some point. but i had to come up to the capitol to get pictures. this is incredible. >> i'm sure the pictures will get a lot of took likes today. there are, for those people looking to get outside of the of the house, there is sledding on capitol hill, first time it is then for the adults up 2 miles away in dupont circle they have a star wars themed snowball fight although, not very good snowball snow for them. live in washington, george cowly, fox 25 news back to you guys. >> great opportunity to get rare sledding in there though. the massive winter storm hitting east coast is also wreaking havoc at airports across the country as you might imagine. a united airlines flight slid off the runway to of hair airport in chicago yesterday. fortunately, none of the 179 passengers and 6 crew members on board were hurt though. >> developing this new york, in an update on situation in kentucky, that highway there is now reopened after its closure stranded thousands of drivers overnight. a spokesman for kentucky emergency management says traffic is moving, albeit slowly there on i-75. last night though, there were so many crashes on the interstate, it had to be shut down. cars there were backed up for 35 miles. and some drivers were stuck for more than 12 hours. the good news here, no one was hurt in the situation. stretch of highway on friday. but again 75 now back open. >> i can't imagine how long people will be sitting on the highway, how that would have felt. >> jason told us a storm will you live. much of the area bracing for the worst. >> this one is regionby region and our team coverage continues now, fox 25 stephanie is live on the south shore in scituate this morning. you are keeping an eye on the sea wall but the big news is the wind you are dealing with? >> and i have to tell you, in just the last 30 minutes the wind is picking up. it's incredibly blustery out, that's one of the reasons why flooding is a concern. taking a look behind me, we have been showing the water all morning long, but if you have been with us, you can see that it's really picked up. these waves are getting higher and, in fact, they are crashing on to this stone wall right here. that's causing a lot of concern with flooding. and also beache roaghts. lightly, already making preparations, in fact, from this video this is from sandwich. we took this on tuesday. we went down there to see what their preparations were like and hard. in fact, we spotted them vacuuming sand from the bottom of that canal and what they were doing is using that sand to build town neck beach back up because again with this wind, and that high tide, beach erosion and flooding continues to be big concerns. we actually saw brewster ambulance service taking video of those beaches and what they are doing is they will compare that video of before this storm to after that storm, to see if their actions were able to hold in place and prevent even worse conditions because again last winter we all remember beach erosion was such a big factor. but, the wind continuing to pick up. not snowing just yet. so, maybe some good news. but with the wind, power outages a big concern for now. in scituate, stephanie quinn you, fox 25 news ( ). >> thank you stephanie w. you can check on the nor east, along with our team of meteorologists using the fox 25 weather app. you can check in for live radar an up to the minute forecast any time the best part is it free download. and an inch of snow hundreds of car cars towed. the reason a city is in the wrong. >> sub freezing temperatures have ponds and lakes looking frozen over. it looks like that. but next, a warning about what's going on beneath the surface of some of the ponds and lakes. hershey' s miniatures. we pour ' em! we pass ' em! we pick ' em! delicious fun for everyone. hershey' s miniatures are mine, yours, our chocolate. this is a look outside the white house. it's falling fast. we heard from our reporters on the scene saying they could see more than 2 feet of snow before this is all done. the airports there are seeing massive delays an cancellations as we have been reporting. we will get another update for you from jason on the storm and how it will impact all of us. after several days of cold temperatures in our area, more ponds and lakes are freezing over and that's something that about. they are warning everyone the consequences of falling into a pond can be serious, including tough to tell what is actually going on beneath the ice. >> there can be a current underneath, one area may be 5 inches thick and one area two feet away account 2" thick. this goes out to pet owners as dogs and other animals can fall through the ice as well. >> happening to day, red line trains are placed between kendall and park line stations in both directions. the changes will run all the way through 5 a.m. on monday. the diversions are so crews can work on the long hell foe blij rehabilitation project. >> a restaurant that barely survived the last water main break is flooded again. north cafe in brockton is shutting off heat an cop tam negotiating food. 8 years ago a similar break happened shutting down the restaurant for 10 months. it's water gushing every where again. ja vu, i guess. >> the department of public works says the breaks keep infrastructure is about 80 years old and needs to be replaced. not repaired. stuart is planning to file claims with his insurance and the city. >> reports of crashes are pouring in from areas getting hit by snow at this moment. and this image just into our news room here. this one happened this morning in greenwich, connecticut. it was actually stamford connecticut but greenwich police tweeted this out. you can see a transit bus slid down a hill and took out a pole. there were 8 people on board that bus at the time. again this is happening in stanford. one of those people had to be rushed to the hospital with what police are saying could be internal injuries. >> two brothers, one big rivalry and coming up the reason these two boys will be rooting for opposite teams during tomorrow's game between the pats and broncos. >> plus, hundreds of cars towed. those impacts say they didn't get any warning. next the action the city responsible is taking, to try and make things right. >> all right. a potent nor east, to the south of us. i will tell you how far north highest winds, all in my we will tell you how quickly the snoart goes with our futurecast model straight ahead. >> people in one local city are outraged after hundreds of cars were towed and ticked because a snowstorm. all this happened in worsts during last weekend's snow. now that city trying to make things right. as fox 25 katherine birchham learned the towing happened before the city sent out a notice, telling people to move their cars. >> i was fuming. so, it cost me almost 2 hundred dollar for an inch of snow. >> kathleen mahoney stands protectively next to her black sedan that vanished before her >> it happened to come outside and i saw a tow truck backing up in front of my car. >> worsts police department began ordering cars to be towed durnd the sunday night snow but the problem is this parking ban announcement from public works wasn't sent to residents until hours after the tow truck began carting off vehicles. >> i got nothing. no one said anything,. >> the ma mow hi family has three cars removed from the lake street home. mike ha hoeny showed us the 132 dollars tow bill and 50 dollars fines. >> it's not easy money to hand over like hey, thanks for the car back. >> in all, city officials say 7 hundred cars were ticket and nearly 350 towed. since residents have been expressing outrage on social media. skewering the city for its failure to notify. the city manager announced all tickets and tow fees will be reimbursed. with more snow looming on the horizon, mahoney hopes it's a >> maybe the city will be more, you know, wary of what time they give out the ban, considering the money they will be losing because of this. i'm katherine birchham with fox 25 news. >> this is a fox 25 storm tracker weather alert. >> good morning. plenty to keep track of as a nor easter moves off the mid atlantic and passes by to the south. it will bring heavy snows particularly for the south side of the cape and the islands. and then we go lighter as we go north ward as far as the day of the amounts and i'm tracking the latest with our futurecast model straight ahead but the biggest impact continue to reside to the south and we are looking at coastal flooding and high winds as well. as we head into the cape and the islands. let's take a look at the high pressure sitting to the north, low pressure coming off the mid atlantic so a classic setup. this tide is strong, it's bringing cold air. we don't have rain mixing in but we have dry air and you can see the dent in the snow shield right over massachusetts. so it's taking a while to moisten things up. but eventually that will occur to see a better chance for the snow to make it all the way to the ground for the islands and i'm watching the heavier snow bands. still a good distance off the to the south. it will take a while to get into the islands but over the next day couple hours, by 1 o'clock i think heavy jer snow is possible, nantucket back to the cape, block island as well. so, saturday at noon, futurecast does show that trend. some of the darking purples, bumping up against the extreme southern part of our area. by 5 o'clock, notice where the steadier snows are. it's plymouth county, southward, we have a few lighter show showers up along the pike and points south and west from. there as we go into saturday night, this is more widespread now as far as what we can expect. but look who is dry? you go north and west of boston and much lower chance to see any accumulating snows at all and then by 6:00 in the morning the snow is moving out. just a few show showers left for the cape. and there is 9:00, 10:00 in the morning, windy conditions but sloarl clearing skies. a coating to about 2" along the turnpike. up to the new hampshire border. really just a coating or even nothing as you get into southern vermont as well. and then you have 3-6" possible, east plymouth county, little bit lower amounts going into parts of nor forecast county and the 12" amounts really should be confined to the islands, possibly the south portion of the cape. let's look at all the snow and wind warnings that we have. the eastern coast, under the wind problem. we have the winter weather advisory that goes all the way back and nor forecast county now. so walpole, franklin, sharon, stowton up to norwood, 3-4" of snow. slippery road, obviously a concern. plymouth county the east side, this is where we have a winter storm warning in pink. and so, marshfield to plymouth to sandwich to the cape, winter storm warning for 6-plus. blizzard warning in effect for mar martha's vineyard, when you look at the widget and snow rates a place where folks are hungering down. the cape and for nantucket, 65 miles per hour wind gusts are possible. as the storm passes by to the south. and so wind damage, power line, trees coming down. that's all in play here. wind gusts right now are running 30-35. not too bad. but as we head into the afternoon, they just get worse. there is 1 o'clock, you start to see 45, 50 along the shoreline. 50 plus continues for the cape and the islands overnight. tomorrow, by 1 or 2 in the afternoon, we are beginning to see the winds go down below the advisory and warning criteria. now, afternoon highs today, upper 20s to lower 30s, most spots will keep it dry. the farther north and west you go with no flakes in the air but we go into tonight and we are still dealing with snow especially the eastern shoreline to the cape and to the south with teens and 20s out there. we are drying on monday. your patriots party is tomorrow afternoon. we are going to be clearing things out and looking pretty good to start out the week. another shot at l rain coming up on tuesday. >> all right. almost seems to be encouraging sibling rivalry. thanks to their children's names. >> meet brothers brady and peyton. brady was born the year the patriots won the eagle and manning came after they won against the colts. tomorrow they will wear their jerseys as the broncos and patriots face off in the a.f.c. title imagine. a grudge match at home i'm pretty sure. >> they are obviously big football fans but it's bold to name their sons those names. >> this big storm we have been following all morning continues to pummel the east coast. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. let hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge in a hot america runs on dunkin'. washington, dc hit hard this morning. they have already had more than 15" of snow there and it continues to fall. morning long. folks already heading outside though. trying to enjoy the snow and some heading out to the capitol hill even for sledding which is usually banned there. but they are allowing it to day. >> take a look at this picture from jfk airport. this was taken from jet blue ramp. wow. you can see it's just the tails of the plane, poking up with -- above the massive drifts. a mess for a lotf people. >> here it's dependent upon how much you will see, but yo watching the south shore and the vineyard. >> absolutely. the farther south you two the better chance you have to get heavier accumulating snow. areas north, very little. so, a drastic difference depending upon where you live. if we have the storm there, it's off the mid atlantic. you can see dc up to new york, getting hit hard but here in the central massachusetts, nothing yet. i am watching a few flurries, trying up towards the islands. futurecast does show the heavier snows midday down there. but look at 5 o'clock. it's really looking, plymouth county south ward where the model shows some builds up to the turnpike up to the evening. we don't want to be traveling around later this afternoon and into the night. but then tomorrow, snow moves out in a hurry. so, we have a lot of folks going to be wanting to get back on the we should be okay. there your snow totals now, it looks like 3-6, even higher amounts az you go south quart from the turnpike. there is your seven-day forecast all is not lost for the weekend. >> we have to watch this over the next day or so. >> definitely. >> i know this has been a big story but heather has big news. we can finally share, right? >> yes, i can finally share that i am having a boy. >> yea! >> i'm pregnant and having a boy in june. this is a picture of my husband and myself and my son for now, griffin, and my harrison. now he will get a brother. he won't be an only child. if you have noticed a difference when i have been anchoring, i'm lucky the desk usually hides the stomach but if you look from the of myself. i haven't let myself go. jason, we have three sons. blair, you have two. so -- >> we will give you lots of advice. >> i lob looking for you for that. this is my first child. >> i know we are excited for you and your husband. you will be great parents. >> thank you. >> you are in the business. your husband is in the business. our prous dooer sarah picked >> oh, wow. we have an anchor baby in the making, right? perfect. >> there is a little 1-2 there. >> you can give tips on the anchor desk. thank you so much. >> thank you guys. very excited as well. well, busy day here today. we want to remind you to stick continues to move our way. today. >> living with 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