Transcripts For WHUT BBC World News 20130125 :

Transcripts For WHUT BBC World News 20130125

Offering Specialized Solutions in capital to help you meet growth objectives. We offer expertise and Tailor Solutions for Small Businesses and major corporations. What can we do for you . And now, bbc world news. Hello and welcome to gmt on bbc world news. Our top stories, the unfinished revolution. Two years after egypt uprising, thousands of protesters are back on the streets. Egyptian Security Forces confront angry crowds as the transition from mubarak to Muslim Brotherhood rule exposes each ofs divisions. China calls on the North Koreans to cool it after they promised further nuclear and rocket tests. And it was the biggest sporting england has had, but after they left town, what is the legacy look like . And genie is here with business news. 700,000 smartphones every day. Not a week, not a month, every single day. That is what samsung is selling. Why is the undisputed leader in the smartphones market. It is 12 00 noon in london, 7 00 a. M. In washington, d. C. , 2 00 p. M. In the cairo, on a ridge with significance. Two years from the uprising that toppled the mubarak regime, egypt democratically elected president , muhammad morsi, faces his own challenge. Here is a live shot from the tahrir square, where thousands are gathered. It has been a tumultuous two years for egypt, marked by political infighting, protests, a deepening economic crisis. Critics of president morsi 1 radical change to egypts new constitution. We can cross live now to cairo to our correspondent. It is the twoyear anniversary. One might think that would be cause for celebration, but it seems the mood is different where you are in tahrir square. Yes, it is. President morsi called for today to be a day for egyptians to come together in celebration, but it is a different scene in tahrir square. Let me show you friday prayers a short while ago. The numbers are into the thousands. If you look up that street leading towards parliament, there have been clashes over there. We have seen teargas fired in the last hour or so. President morsi was calling for celebration, but a lot of these people are angry because the dreams they had two years ago they do not feel have been realized, equality of wealth and social justice, stamping out corruption. They are angry that that change has not become more quickly. We are here two years ago, called for a revolution, called for the regime to fall, and all that has happened is that president morsi has replaced president mubarak. What do you think the morsi government as reaction will be today . Is there likely to be more confrontation in the coming hours . I think there is. All the signs are that there is likely to be violence, but the answer is what will change so much has been seen right here in tahrir square. Slogans been chanted, and very little is changing. From your introduction, what has got worse is there is a real split in Egyptian Society that has been exposed. Crudely between islam on one side and liberals on the other. While there are all these protests, there is nobody, either in the authorities or opposition, who has come out with a clear vision on how to bridge that divide. It feels like the divisions have only widened. Reflect on the situation far beyond tahrir square. If you think of the country as a whole, do you think the Muslim Brotherhood government still commands clear majority support . It might not look like it in areas like cairo or alexandria, but in the rural areas, more conservative, certainly they have the backing of the Muslim Brotherhood. Even in the cities there is support for the Muslim Brotherhood, but that does not mean that there is not disappointment, even from Muslim Brotherhood supporters, as the slow pace of change. Many in the Muslim Brotherhood say it is the opposition and the old guard that is giving it away, the judiciary. From carrying out the kind of reforms he wants. The liberals are saying we do not want your agenda. There is a big split, and actually the solution is not just from one side or the other. Both sides feel it. Nobody has come out as a hero here with a clear vision for a way forward. A quick thought on the constitution. Many of the protesters behind you are calling for suspension of the constitution that was ratified in a referendum because they say it gives too much power to president morsi and the current government and threatens social freedoms in egypt. Is there any likely the constitution might be suspended or changed . It appears it will be carried through, and that means there will be parliamentary some of the frustration from the people here is not just directed at president morsi. They see him as taking too much power. It is also directed at the opposition. We have not managed to get together with a coherent plan to take on the morsi authority and play a part in governing. The liberal blocke withdrew from the discussions. A lot of people are saying that maybe they should be part of the discussions and shaping a way forward instead of this standoff. No dialogue between the two sides will lead to more instability, less investment in egypt, less crucial tourism here that is well below the pre revolution level. That has added the to the economic problems here. We are going to leave it there. Thank you for joining us from an increasingly noisy tahrir square. Now we will move on. Lets give you some other stories in the news today. Riot police in greece have tried to end the sitin at a railway depot. Striking workers have barricaded themselves in. Metro workers have been striking for the past eight days. There is an emergency order to return to work. They now risk being arrested. Mobile phone services in pakistan have been suspended a hell of celebrations have been suspended ahead of celebrations for the prophet muhammad. The government suspended services and stepped up security to prevent any military attack. Events promoting gay rights could be banned throughout russia as the countrys parliament adopt a controversial rule to end what it calls homosexual propaganda. In the next few minutes we should know whether andy murr ay or Roger Federer wins the australian open. Now we have all of the business news. Jamie, we have to start with an astounding performance from samsung, suggesting they are kings of the phone market. 700,000 smartphones. I could not believe there were quite so many every single day. It outshines apple. They overtook apple last year, so they are the number 1 smartphone mfg. Is this really about price . Are samsung doing well because they are more competitive . No, they have a wider range. They can compete alone, where apple does not go. They have also got a very good product line coming out. The mobile phone market has been dominated by a number of big names in its short life motorola, ibm, nokia, apple. They have all had their time in the sun, and now it is samsungs turn. They made a record 8 billion over just the last few years. It achieved 29 of the smart phone market. It is clear to see why samsung is so ahead of its competitors. Its galaxy range of funds account for more than half of its profits, winning Global Property herrity battle. It sold a record 63 million smartphones over christmas, some 700,000 every single day. Apple sold nearly 48 million iphones over the same period. Despite stronger than expected flagships sales of the lumia, they sold 16 million, down from 20 million the year before. But it is considered to be better than many thought it would be. Steward miles is the stuart miles says samsung has hit on a winning formula. It has all the elements to make the cake, so to speak. It has a popular selling phone, and the trouble apple has is that everybody expects them to do much better than they always do, even though they always do very well. Any company that makes 13 billion in profit in 19 days and in 90 days and then gets slapped with you must do better britains economy shrank by 2. 3 , worse than expected. I could make it more difficult, more expensive for it to borrow. Since 2008, britain has emerged from the recession twice now, only to slide back into economic contraction, a doubledip recession. There has never been a triple dip since the 1950s. Actually, uk firms are still hiring people. When you look at employment, you have to look at the part of wage growth, and wage growth is negative in real terms. If you take into account inflation. The u. K. s competitiveness is still improving, and that is why firms who are not getting the headline numbers are still willing to take people on. That is why you see this dichotomy between the employment situation, what is happening to the economy. U. K. Figures are not good. How does the u. K. Compared to Continental Europe . In terms of growth, it is difficult to compare because they go in and out of recession at different times. The unemployment is one of the key ones. Britain has done remarkably well. It is something of a mystery, and it has to do with that lowering, that rapid lowering of wages. A lot of people employed at low wages, very competitive with in the u. K. , and that is why they are continuing they have not managed to do that yet in many of the continental economists. Thank you very much indeed. Extreme weather continues to cause havoc in australia. Torrential rains inundated the Northern State of queensland while bush fires continue to range to rage in the south. A Tropical Cyclone caused flooding, disrupting road and mail traffic and stranding travelers. Its wettest day since 1939. Stay with us. Coming up we examine london possible olympic legacy. That is all here on bbc world news. Much of north america is in the grip of a big winter freeze. Temperatures have plunged as low asbang 34 degrees celsius in some parts. In chicago, cold and heat as well. Gene littles has this explanation. Jane little as this explanation. This furniture warehouse in chicago, where a fire broke out on tuesday. Flames reignited inside the building on thursday. The building, which by then was covered in ice. Water from the firefighters hoses froze almost as soon as it hit the facade. Across the american midwest, people struggled to dig themselves out of their houses and into their cars. I am one of those weird people that like said. I really do. I wish we had more. Others were enjoying it, to. In duluth, minnesota, a local weatherman discover that bubbles can freeze in their can freeze in midair. The arctic conditions make driving perilous, and several deaths have been recorded. Meanwhile, much of the northeast is in during icy weather. In new york, fountains in the citys parks froze, though the residents helped out. I am glad to be able to wear these clothes this have been in my closet. Im happy. It is set to continue at least until the end of the week. Jane little, bbc news, washington. Of course, we have much more for you on our website. You will be able to watch the latest video reports from our correspondents. It is all, of course, on bbc. Com news. The north korean government continues to issue warnings. Yesterday it was the united states, now it is south korea, the second warning in just two days pledging physical countermeasures and south korea if it participates in the u. N. Sanctions. All of these take its toll on their relationships. Their closest ally, china, appears to hint at exasperation. Beijing is calling for restraint from north korea, while an editorial in china apostaterun global times, says that in chinas staterun of global times says there will be consequences. In its claim that aid could be cut if north peraea persists with these tests of nuclear and if north korea persist with these tests of nuclear and rocket technology. That is right. This is a clear indication of the growing frustration with north korea. The fact that this editorial here in one of the top newspapers in the country passed the government census, that means there is government approval. From beijing point of view, there is growing anger behind the scenes over north koreas actions. You might remember last year, for example, beijing asked north korea not to launch two rockets spirit of korea went ahead and did that, and i think beijing is increasingly becoming annoyed that pyongyang, which seized beijing as its main ally, is not listening to what china has got to say. , maybe we have hauteoverestimd but if china were to pull the plug on economic assistance, where would north korea be . I think that is the big question. Sadly, in terms of aid, it is critical in terms of food and oil supplies, for example. Some analysts suggest that without the assistance, the north korean regime could even collapse. But beijing does not want that to happen for a couple of reasons. It does not want chaos on its border, and in the long term it worries that potentially unified korea would be allied with america. That would potentially mean american soldiers on chinas borders. What beijing does one north korea to do is to carry out reform, the type of Economic Reforms we saw china carry out years ago. But again, on that point, pyongyang does not seem to be if we look forward to the next few weeks and months, we hear reports of suggestions of a new nuclear test imminent. What is your reading of what is likely to happen next . As with north korea, it is always a difficult thing to know. If we take what has happened in the past, north korea announces it will carry out a nuclear test, and then it happens. Some analysts in the region will be worried that this happened. Beijing certainly does not want it to happen. And there are supported by the international community. As we have seen before, north korea goes ahead and does things that others in the region simply do not want to happen. Martin, thank you for joining us on gmt. As jamie was saying earlier in business news, there is more tough Economic News from britain this morning. Particularly belgium is bleak, predicting stagnation for the countrys economy. Bankruptcies are at record levels, and there are growing concerns about unemployment and poverty. Our europe correspondent, matthew price, reports. The fire has been burning for three months now, warming the striking workers here. They are the latest victims of europes economic crisis. Say goodbye to the sprawling ford factory in eastern belgium. It is shutting down. With europe in recession, ford is not selling enough vehicles. 11,000 jobs are lost here, so we hope there will be more jobs. I am feeling very insecure for the future. Insecure and angry, which is why the workers have impounded 7000 cars. Ford products are now a brand new bargaining chip in negotiations. Europes debt crisis is becoming an economic and social crisis across the whole of europe. The last few years were about helping the heavily indebted countries in the south of the continent. The next few years are also going to be about helping these, the core economy is the core economies. This Chemicals Business is struggling. It is just as bad here, they believe, as it is in spain. The number of unemployment, the number of bankruptcies of Companies Going bankrupt. The difficulties to have some money, it is exactly the same situation. Here as elsewhere . Absolutely, yes. To be fair, belgium is still one of the richer regions. Unemployment is far below record levels in southern belgium be in southern europe. Even here, more and more coming to food banks for handouts. Among them, a single mother whose benefits will soon be cut as the government reduces. I see it getting worse. There is a lot less food to go around here, and there are more people. It is difficult to find work. Difficult for many. In nearby brussels, officials speak of signs of improvement, but out on the streets, europes big economic freeze is setting in. Matthew price, bbc news, belgium. It has been six months since the olympic flame was extinguished in london. The games gave the city an enormous shot of adrenaline, now the buzz is over. Almost 500 million was invested into transforming the main games venue into the Queen Elizabeth the olympic park. It will be ready into 18 months time, and 9 million visitors are expected to see it annually. We send our reporter to the park to have a lot, check out the progress, and he went first. This is one of the sporting venues that will be retained. The giant screens are gone, the livery has been taken away. Show you what is going on outside of this facility. My Camera Position outside. You can see the Aquatics Center where the swimming competition is to place. The walls are gone, 7000 seats have been removed. You can see that huge orbit structure, the stadium. Both of those facilities will remain, but over to the right hand side, you can now see that behind it. That building site in the foreground, believe it or not, is where the olympic hockey stadium was, and all the services are now long gone. It is amazing, the rapid change and transformation taking place in what will now be called Queen Elizabeth olympic park. Joining me now, the prime ministers chief adviser when it comes to legacy and making sure that those games have a Lasting Impact for the nation going forward. What is your feeling when you come in here and see this change . Is one of excitement because i always knew that this would be from the creation of the vision a decade ago, the extraordinary expertise, not just in britain but from around the world. The second half of the journey we just just talked about on olympic park. What im doing now, helping to promote british expertise off the back of the games from around the world, to help other countries experience the extraordinary high of delivering great sporting events. There are british businesses, a british organizations that can help do that. The bbc World International audience around the world how hard have others made good use of the Olympic Parks in the future . It has always been a challenge. From the outset, we were very keen to establish an enshrined legacy and master planning. That is everything from, what does the site, what is the area look like in 10 years time . How do you design a venue to make sure that ultimately the maximum usage is realized . Before we close, a reminder our top story on gmt. We can take you to the scene live in Cairos Tahrir square, where thousands

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