In bars has he will only discuss it after the Mulla report is out also telling lawmakers he is reviewing the origins of the Russia probe and whether surveillance on the Trump campaign was properly authorized. Hi I'm Jay foreigner c.e.o. Of Quicken Loans America's largest mortgage lender spring is prime home buying season so if you're thinking about buying a home right now is the time to lock a low rate which can save you money every month on your new mortgage with our exclusive rate shield approval the low rate you lock today is protected for up to $90.00 days while you shop for your new home with a rape shield approval if rates go up your low rate stays a lot but if rates go down you get that new even lower rate either way you win talk to us today at 800 Quicken or go to rocket mortgage dot com to take advantage Here's another great reason to work with us for a record 9 years in a row j.d. 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M l made here's what's trending Democratic lawmakers proposing stricter gun control measures in Delaware the bill would require anyone who wants to purchase a gun to obtain permission in advance from state officials lawmakers have also resurrected and strengthened proposed ban on certain semiautomatic weapons Meanwhile House lawmakers in Dover are to vote this week on the measure that would raise the legal age for purchasing tobacco products the bill cleared the Senate in a 14 to 6 note last month if passed it would raise the minimum age from 8 to 21 feet restriction also applied to bacco substitutes including cigarettes and beeping devices I'm told me that's what's trending bold and brothers plumbing heating air any time any day you call we come it's fixed by clean screen trained in timely bold and brothers tech guaranteed golden brothers plumbing heating air and brothers dot com. While I am traffic. 95 no problems either direction seeing the 495 into 95 the route one south on is slow from 95 to 73. New York Concord good not seeing any major problems on 141 this time with 72 throughout New York not seeing any problems either we are seeing some heavy volume on Route 71 mill town Warwick road as you approach soon on the 9 and that looks to be just a volume Dover So Ok that's a look at your traffic on Michelle Taylor. This report is sponsored by smart mouth mouthwash never have bad breath only smart mouth mouthwash prevents bad breath for 24 hours into C.D.'s Walgreens small market work wherever you shop and pick up a bottle and smart mouth today is it smart Now dot com. Your 1450 w.y.l. Am forecast filed in sun with a heavy thunderstorm in the area this afternoon there could be damaging winds and hail highs 71 there are partly cloudy and cooler tonight low 46 degrees I'm meteorologist Johnny Somers this report is brought to you by True Car looking to buy a car online shopping can be confusing not anymore with true price from True Car Now you can know the exact price you'll pay for the car you want and see what other people pay for it too when you're ready to buy a new or used car it is a true car to enjoy a more confident car buying experience I'm Tony Goldwyn 20 years ago when my mom had lung cancer she didn't have many choices. If you've been diagnosed with lung cancer please visit Stand Up To Cancer or slash lung cancer to learn more Jim Jong un doesn't care if he kills a Republican a Democrat firing missiles as nuclear weapons things get real that's kind of scary right playing things up. Like dogs in a microwave with rice around that's scary but the games begin Sean Hannity pushing the world to the brink here weekdays from 3 until 6 on use Radio 450 w y l m Sean Hannity on 1450 tell me why l m f Wilmington's news traffic and weather. You. Know. If you. Wish. To. Yes there's ample evidence of collusion in plain sight but that is not the same thing as proof of a criminal conspiracy beyond a reasonable doubt that you know it's not racist to say. You're going to be here then you should learn the language of the country that you just arrived. Well. You. Should. This process is going along very well and it was my original timetable of being able to release this. By mid April so stands and so are you I think that. From my standpoint by the by within a week. I will be in a position to release the port to the public and then I will engage with the chairman of the dish Sherry committees about that report about any further requests that they have. And then we have the sitting in the hot seat down 2 days in a row the attorney general of the United States Bill Barr 1st testimony since the end of the Russia probe. Showing that well there's a new sheriff in town the rule of law is about to be followed the Constitution means something again those that have abused their power will be held accountable and even going as far as today as saying yeah he confirm the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign something we brought up and I'll get to this in a 2nd we've known for years the that you know we now have this is all coming this week we'll get criminal referrals for 8 people but more are coming after that we have Bart now saying that he is going to be doing in conducting an investigation you know and and he couldn't be any more clear both yesterday and today you know that his review is now distinct far more reaching even then the investigative the i.g. The the i.g. Horowitz and his investigation of abuse it's going to go a lot further than that and it's going to probably end up where I said it all started with a rigged investigation into Hillary Clinton especially in light of James Baker's testimony and the things that we revealed yesterday we now know the exact date that Hillary had her secret server in a mom and pop bathroom closet acid washed with bleach bit. And then of course the Office of Inspector General has a pending investigation of the Pfizer process the attorney general said in the Russia investigation I expect that will be complete in Probably May or June I am told and explained given the 1st answer so hopefully we'll have some answers from the inspector general Horowitz on this on the issue of the Pfizer warrants and he said more generally I am reviewing the conduct of the investigation trying to get my arms around all aspects of the counterintelligence investigation that was conducted during the summer of 2060. Clear indication this is what's to come will start with criminal referrals this week or Barr just announced yesterday a full investigation of all of this Horowitz's report on Pfizer abuse and I believe even other things that have now come into his purview same thing with the hoover report on leaking and other matters will have the releases we've now had 2 days in a row the general counsel the f.b.i. Under Komi James Baker I just went through the last hours to his is testimony shocks the conscience that will get the Pfizer applications as the president said to me exclusively on my t.v. Show last week yeah we're going to get more week and a half ago we're going to get all the Pfizer applications the bulk of information the Grassley Graham Nunez memos tell us come from the Clinton bought and paid for and verified Russian dasi a with a Russian law yes and we'll get the 3 o 2 and of course we'll get to the whole issue of insurance policies how that dossier was used to well 1st stop a candidate that they saved from indictment you know the favored candidate that should win 100000000 to 0 and then used to bludgeon a president elect and destroy a duly elected president all of this is now going to be coming cascading down on them and all these people maybe there's a sentence or 2 that we can hang our hat on maybe Moller you know maybe it was obstruction of justice if you really care about obstruction of justice you'll talk about Hillary Clinton's 33000 deleted e-mails. We now know the date of the acid wash of the hard drive and the busted up devices with hammers and removal of sim cards anyway investigative reporter you know when you look at all of these issues and you look at William Barr confirming the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign today it makes investigative reporter John Solomon's column yesterday the single sentence Russia bombshell that the attorney general delivered to Congress even more powerful sounds to me that like all the things that we began when you were on the very. At the very beginning of this you and Sarah Carter about the surveillance the 350 percent increase in the masking. In the last year the Obama administration leaking of raw intelligence John Solomon how are you I'm doing well and I think today's statements by attorney general environment more dramatic than the ones you made yesterday which are pretty darn important upon which I wrote that 1st column he said today I don't care what other people are saying spying on the Trump campaign did occur stop using all the euphemisms of the Brandons and comb easing clappers and called it what it was the United States intelligence apparatus spied on a sitting presidential nominees campaigning that's the 1st time we've had a person in power use the right terminology for what we all knew it was but more importantly he said his review would not only focus on the F.B.I.'s conduct it would focus on other intelligence agencies the 1st hint that there may have been spying that occurred in valving Trump in Russia that go beyond the f.b.i. The Feis Pete stroke and all the things that we know Christopher steel that it was a big clue to us and I've been hearing and I've said on your show many times John I feel very confident that the f.b.i. Case the Russia collusion case didn't begin on July 31st 2016 the date that Pete stroke signed the money. Yeah I think it began much earlier in the spring of 2016 in a series of actions that probably involve the CIA and the f.b.i. And foreign intelligence friendly agencies places like London or Italy where we clearly have allies Australia and Australia we know clearly those are the 3 that I think most we've talked about it so much but to have the attorney general finally sort of acknowledge that this is more than just an f.b.i. Operation and. And I think the other thing is that Democrats are you know wrestling with him and he he very subtly but very powerfully reminded the Democrats there used to be a time when Democrats scared of the f.b.i. Spying on political campaigns and photographs it used to be in the sixty's I remember when all you guys were upset about that you should be upset about this just as much I thought that was such a powerful turning moment in the conversation today but I think for the 1st time we are going to get that comprehensive review that so many people have been calling for and I think we're going to learn a lot of the details and I think a lot of those people who made money on books the commies and others are going to have a lot more discomfort over the next few months I think it's more than discomfort I see it look if we really go through this and we do it objectively I think we can say the following that in fact the f.b.i. And the d.o.j. As a matter of destruction page acknowledge that. The investigation into Hilary server was rigged it was run out of the A.G.'s office at the time that would be Loretta Lynch was right what did she know when did she know it and that the that and they wrote the exoneration in May of 26 team before they ever interviewed her or 17 key witnesses so it was it was a rigged investigation and you got the acknowledgement by James Baker that yeah he thought Hillary should have been indicted but the Espionage Act in all these all these Democrats upset about obstruction of justice and maybe there's a nugget in the Muller report even though it didn't rise to the level of obstruction based on Rosenstein and on the attorney general bar they don't seem to care about the obstruction of Hillary Clinton they don't seem to care that there was Russia collusion and that would be one campaign funneling money to a large firm to not research firm to a foreign national that put together a series of documents that is now commonly referred to as The Da CIA that became the basis of a fison warrant to spy on an opposition party candidate even though Bruce or his testimony said. Don't trust the cheap paid for it it's not verified and now we know one verifiable because steel doesn't stand by it and they then used it months later in the Pfizer application by committing a clear fraud against the Pfizer Court of my right so far your rights you're absolutely right and then they turn it into a a weapon to bludgeon as an insurance policy a duly elected president. Yeah that's exactly the narrative that the facts now support and it took a long time to get those facts out into the open but they're out there now and I think now you have the sort of supervision at the Justice Department where real accountability and real clarity can finally be meted out and I think that when we're done we're going to find out that this was a multi see effort that started earlier probably as the Clinton. E-mail scandal was being wrapped up in a nice bow by James Comey and Loretta Lynch and then it was designed to change the topic in America from Hillary Clinton's transgressions to what turned out to be a false narrative of Russia trumped collusion and I think it's going to involve other foreign powers I think you're going to find out Ukraine was involved I think we've been able to begin the documentation of process so that it's a complicated story but I think at the end of the day the real story line is our u.s. Intelligence agencies are law enforcement agencies were used to carry out a political dirty trick to did the Gillett deal Jim I's a duly nominated nominee and then duly elected president and that is something that should concern us all very well whether we're Republican Democrat independent it's a very very ugly story you know who wasn't for the likes of you and Greg Jarrett and Sarah and Sidney Powell Joe Digenova the Tory upon thing you know. Alan Dershowitz not investigating but confirming the wall with the legality of these things are there wasn't a lot of us was there and there was and you know your show was an important bullhorn when the rest of the media wouldn't pay attention to our stories and we're grateful for that I think there's another group of people as well let's keep in mind there were 4 or 5 members of Congress who won against their own leadership their own Paul Ryan Peven never Nunez Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows Meadows Chuck Grassley Right right. It's a remarkable group and it was there tonight if you ram him Alan the yes Lindsey Graham those 4 or 5 people really made a huge difference in getting fighting to get access to the truth and then helping you know we as reporters could then put it together and do our reporting but it was a people forget how much resistance there was and how much emotion there was against anyone who dared go against the narrative and we're very fortunate today that the facts prevailed and I think there's a lot more facts that our work is not done we have another year or 2 of unraveling this and you know as I think you've called it many times feeling it back even further here remember that conversation by the way when I 1st really got to know each other as we were beginning there's a March of what 2017 I think we began I was up in New York and I was about to walk off your set you know you looked over me and said Please don't stop feeling this funny and I never forgot that and it was less than 2 weeks after that Sean that I showed up at my home after appearing on your shows and there were 2 gentlemen outside my mailbox at 11 o'clock at night in a blue shirt and government car that came up to me and said we just saw you on Hannity we want to let you know that there's some bad things that happened and this is the 1st time before we knew Steele right knew any of these things they said our intelligence agencies were used for a political opposition research project you have to you have to get to the truth and it was those 2 moments that set us on this this long journey Stay right there I want you to look into your crystal ball we get back none of this would happen without people like John and Greg I and Victoria and Joe I'm going to miss people's names subs please of a missing it don't get mad it's not on purpose everybody that participated you know you guys deserved Pulitzer Prizes you know hell will freeze over but you deserve it we'll take a quick break we'll come back also Bill O'Reilly coming up on the program today 809 point one Sean is our number listen if you are like me and you are a responsible gun owner believe in the 2nd Amendment Well you know about the u.s. C.c.a. They train protect those of us that are. Sponsible gun owners and right now they've given away a brand new gun every single day for free oil have to do that is it all ends on April the 30th the official rules are on the page just pull out your phone now and text the word protect to the number 87222 all right text the word protect p.r. o t e C t to the number 872-2217 chances to win every single day at midnight Yes they picked another winner don't put it off don't miss your chance you could win tonight just take out your phone text the word protect 287222 text the word protect the 872 to $2.00 from our friends at the u.s. . Immigration. Health care. Right here. At noon. 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Good afternoon 195 southbound Luckily you're Ok but route 1973 and north on 95 no issues 495295 clear Concord type 141 percent highly on looking good $72.00 so far so good same with $96.00 and $1.00 Dover Area spine that's a look at your traffic on Michele Taylor this report is brought to you by True Car looking to buy a car online shopping can be confusing not anymore with the price from True Car Now you can know the exact price you'll pay for the car you want and see what other people pay for it too when you're ready to buy a new or used car if it's a true car to enjoy a more confident car buying experience I'm to be children director Ok thank you food pantry that benefited from the American farmer grow community program I encourage farmers and rope for a chance to direct a $2500.00 donation to a nonprofit to grow community dot com. Some conversation while you're cleaning just to see Alexa play 1410 w. No problem but I don't do windows. Had a lot to get to today we will talk to Congressman Tom Graves and he was with the attorney general bar yesterday Congress is now flipping out that yeah Bill Barr the attorney general can perming today the Obama administration spied on the Trump campaign John Solomon investigative reporter one of many many people who are part of our ensemble cast Well there wasn't a lot of us but we wouldn't be where we are today and only because of their great reporting and hard work where is this going what do you see happening and how quickly you know I think there are 5 seminal moments coming out and the 1st is when the president declassified all the documents that show what the f.b.i. Was telling the court versus what they knew and I think about point we will see a gap in evidence that will raise some very very Syria. Concerns about the fairness of the investigation I think the i.g. Report will come out and will he she what the i.g. Says about the Feis abuse is very important bill Barr will almost certainly announce what he found in his review that will be another very important seminal moment we're waiting for a Florida court to release a deposition and series of documents that come from Christopher still we may learn a lot more about who Christopher Steele was talking to what information he was giving and who in the Clinton campaign knew and then something that could happen as early as next week we should keep an eye on this I believe Ukrainian authorities are preparing to transmit some information to a prominent American to get to the Justice Department that will acknowledge Ukraine will formally acknowledge it attempted to interfere in the 100-2016 election on behalf of Hillary Clinton perhaps in concert with some of her. Supporters or campaign aides So those are 5 things to watch I think all of them are very important will move this narrative very much forward quickly remind our audience in 30 seconds the 5 buckets of material you you talk about one obviously was the declassification buys warrants 30 to a gang of 8 and the other 2 or 6 you know there's an f.b.i. Series of e-mails that show the f.b.i. Knew that Steele was on the Clinton campaign Dole and had been talking to media before they submitted the 1st fi so that's a very big important one and then a series of documents that are attached to the Gang of 8 briefing that show the F.B.I.'s own review found serious deficiencies with their investigation. Why was not done a Beverly right John Solomon investigative reporter you've been amazing Well he was with the attorney general Barr yesterday Congressman Tom Graves Bill O'Reilly coming up your calls coming up wow what a Hannity we have tonight at 9. It's on at Stevens Creek toyota dot com. Toyota dot com today the Bay Area's best deals on new and certified pre-owned vehicles quality service huge selection and incredible say that Stevens Creek Toyota Stevens Creek till you are the obvious choice to. Lose I'm rich Denison Attorney General William Barr says he wants to know more about what started the Russia election meddling investigation during questioning with a Senate Appropriations Subcommittee Barr said he does believe spying occurred on the Trump campaign action is whether it was predicated adequately predicated and I'm not suggesting it wasn't really predicated but I'd need to explore that an inspector general has also opened up a review a phase a court applications a report on that bar says as expected in May or June boxes Jarrett help on Capitol Hill Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is opponent conceding today paving the way for Netanyahu is a 5th term on a positive day on Wall Street. Investors optimistic after the latest Fed moves show the board does not expect any interest rate hikes for the rest of the year the Dow up 70 s. And p. Gaining 10 the Nasdaq $55.00 points higher This is Fox News. Local news now. Here's what's trending Democrats and over proposing stricter gun control measures the bill would require anyone who wants to purchase a gun in Delaware to obtain permission in advance from state officials they've also strengthened the proposed ban on certain semiautomatic weapons and large capacity magazines changes being made for driver's easily get through the toll plaza in Dover Del DOT's decided to reconfigure the lanes on Route one to allow what they call a more streamlined flow they say it should help lead. Major backups during the summer months work will begin on Monday I'm told me that's what's trending. Y.l.e.m. Traffic. On $95.00 you're Ok both directions I mean it's increasing volume especially southbound heading towards one but no delay for one has the late south on $95.00 to $73.00 and you are now due to construction in Wilmington the ramp from 141 north to Canada is closed through May 1st and again that's nothing any major issues throughout the rest of Wilmington or Newcastle County Dover area looks good that's a look at traffic on Michelle Taylor this report is sponsored by smart mouth mouthwash never have bad breath only smart mouth mouthwash prevents bad breath for 24 hours pull into C.D.'s Walgreens Walmart work wherever you shop and pick up a bottle and smart mouth today or is it smart Now dot com. Delaware forecast. With a heavy thunderstorm in the area this afternoon there could be damaging winds and hail high 71 3rd are partly cloudy and cooler tonight low 46 degrees I'm meteorologist Chinese Summers this report is brought to you by True Car looking to buy a car online shopping can be confusing not anymore with true price from True Car Now you can know the exact price you'll pay for the car you want and see what other people pay for it too when you're ready to buy a new or used car this a true car to enjoy a more confident car buying experience i Heart Radio prison just premiere event of committed season 2. I could lose everything all of his hard everything about life that we had thought and planned and hoped for was just in that moment on this wonderful and confusing and magic on imperial I was so so so. That millions of listeners have made committed possible and cheaper than to hear the premier episode of committed today at 7 pm here on 1415. 30 years ago Phil. Crews flooded Middletown with Robin Williams to film the legendary movie Dead Poet's Society and on April 27th the ever theater in Middletown will celebrate the movie with the Dead Poet's Society gala Don't miss this open cocktail party meet and greet and viewing of the movie in the theater where it was filmed back in 1989 or catch a Sunday matinee on April 28th at the Everett purchase tickets now every theater dot com $45.00 for the gala $10.00 for the matinee get your tickets now at Everett theater dot com. Delaware has so much extraordinary talent with that fact Tracy and family Productions has put together a fabulous cup of cleans to put on an electrifying show April 26th 2019 at 8 pm the lights will go bright and the cleans will set fire on the stage this is a night in Wilmington Delaware no one should miss Queens will be performing singing and playing instruments females will definitely vote the world on this Friday evening at the Delaware Drama League 10 left to leave Boulevard Wilmington Sean Hannity on Wilmington Stu's traffic and weather 1450 w.y.l. Am Fix. Dr. John Hannity is back on the radio right now let's start the process of doing it without any event may actually excess fill in this lawsuit that you're supporting and the entire Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is struck down millions of Americans who currently receive health insurance coverage under the law are at risk of losing that coverage in my correction that I think the president has made clear that he favors not only preexisting conditions but would like action on a broad. Health Plan. So he is proposing a substitute for Obamacare one that's going to come after the next election you mean and I'm the one that will come down if and when a let me be the one you want to form you sure the law be struck down millions of people who get their coverage through the a c. a Marketplace would lose their coverage and tens of millions more would see their see their premiums skyrocket In addition if you're successful 12000000 people nationally and 750000 people in my home state of Pennsylvania who have coverage under the Medicaid expansion would also likely lose that coverage in my correctness or do you think it's likely we are going to prevail if you prevail Well you're devoting scarce resources of your department toward that effort are you not attorney general we're in litigation we have to take a plea answer is yes we think positioning in that here Aladin and if you succeed that many people will lose their coverage nationally for Medicaid and 750000 from Pennsylvania alone right I'm just saying that if you think it's such an outrageous position you have nothing to worry about let the courts do their job. He's not going to he will certainly will certainly we get the report I see in his review next week. If it doesn't have everything that we required to do our work which is to say the entire report and the underlying evidence that we will issue subpoenas forthwith and have to go to go to court to ask for releases even Syria it was unfortunate that he won't that he will join us previous attorney generals have joined the Congress and every person every every similar case. I suppose my conclusion is that he's working is that he regards his job as where he is an attorney for the president personally not for the government forces pull here for the past 3 says you know absolutely. I mean us this is the house Yes he well this huge issue you can you know if they ask you. We would subpoena them you are empowered by the business if your committee because you can get out and you know that's what she. Seems to me that. They're ready to sit the grounds and that's how she has to come to me to actually answer you if you take it that suggests in their mind well there are grounds we have plenty of jurisdiction to look into the conduct of the president to look into questions of structure of justice and that would lose its footing. By that Jerrold Nadler and by the way the nad lawyer had a complete and utter meltdown because the attorney general of the United States today during the hearing had the unmitigated goal to point out what is now obvious to anyone that cares about the truth and that is that the Obama administration sponsored on the Trump campaign which we have gone through wouldn't great detail on this program I $24.00 now until the top of the hour. You know I'm looking at the attacks now they cannot handle what is about to occur to them. This is going to rock their world and the media world because everything we've reported on every single stone we've done turned every layer of the onion we peeled off is turned out to be more than accurate and 100 percent true on this program and on Hannity on t.v. Everything the media has told you everything the Democrats have told you has been one big huge massive Witch Hunt full of tinfoil hat conspiracy lies and that house of cards is about to collapse on top of them. Now I went through the entire list of everything that is about to happen now there's a well hopefully there's a line or 2 in the report there was no conspiracy we have a 9 month f.b.i. Investigation no evidence whatsoever there's no there there to even quote struck in page after 9 months they had nothing that's before the appointment of Mahler and the Enter we had the Mahler report no evidence of any Trump Russia conspiracy None whatsoever no obstruction the attorney general deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein they concluded it in seconds but what we do have coming this week are criminal referrals we now know that the attorney general Barr will do his job and he is going to get to the bottom of all of this including the origins of this well attempted coup in the country an attempt to influence the election beforehand and the attempt to get into an opposition party campaign using and abusing the Pfizer process and not telling Pfizer court judges Oh the information was bought and paid for by the other political candidate I think the judges might might might have thought that somewhat important but they withheld that they omitted that so they could commit their fraud on the court and then of course it was never verified now we know it's on verifiable how do we know that because Christopher Steele he under oath said he has no idea if any of this is true and a lot of it is now since been debunked like hookers in Russia at the Ritz Carlton and Trump's room. Well you're an a on his bed not true it didn't happen out of that the media leak before the election and of course we have the constitutional Buz 4th Amendment violation of quarter pages rights part of page is going to be a very rich man by the time this is all said and done because what they did to him they committed a fraud on the court they denied him his constitutional rights and shredded the Constitution in the meantime and but we have the criminal referrals coming Barres investigation begun we now have and await the i.g.s. Report on Pfizer abuse and I'm telling you the evidence is overwhelming and incontrovertible then we have the leak investigation John Hoover and others and I believe there are spin off investigations with Hoover and with Horowitz we have again today which have gone over in detail the release of even more closed door testimony we have the Pfizer applications themselves the president told me last week he will be releasing them they will be declassified aggravate materials which I'm told will shock the conscience and soul of Americans about the abuse of power that's coming out 3 o 2 application that's that's coming out and of course there was an attempt there was collusion it was bought and paid for Russian lies to favor one candidate after that candidate had a rigged f.b.i. D.o.j. Investigation when obvious crimes were committed an obstruction committed obstruction you need intent we now know from today's record that yeah the chief counsel of the f.b.i. Thought Hillary should be indicted. Nobody in the news talking about that today oh let me say I'm looking at the fake news channels not one of them talking about it amazing this will come cascading down and they are going to be exposed and held accountable which is what I've been telling you you know how hard it must be for all those fake news people. To have to acknowledge yet again Sean Hannity and his team are right again I'm sure I'm dumb awaiting my Pulitzer Prize sure that's coming. Anyway getting on that obviously Congressman Tom Graves of Georgia is with us by the way a lot of great congressmen there Doug Collins thank you for what you're doing Tom Graves's he sits on the House Appropriations Committee was part of this the hearings that took place yesterday with the attorney general Barr did you get the same feeling that I got which is this guy is serious and you know what the big headline as far as I'm concerned out of all of this is bar statements you know not only today but what he said yesterday that you know faced with an undeniable fact that this whole Luzhin is a hoax and that at the end of the day what he's going to do is a deep dive into all of this and I think that when we get to the bottom of it there's going to be a lot of indictments What do you think Joan you're absolutely right I mean yesterday he was very firm in his responses he was very resolved in his responses and what what came out of the hearing more than anything is how much in denial the Democrats are at the outcome of the findings of the investigation and you were call you've reported on the so much about how they were defending and protecting Muller 2 years ago and over the last several months until here recently and now all the sudden they want to subpoena him and you know if you think about all the redaction discussion you know they want to see the 4 report even though it violate the law they want to turn in general to violate the law by subpoenaing him to provide the report in its totality of which he cannot do any assurance yesterday would not violate the law but if there's one thing we know for certain they want to see redacted If anything the Democrats want the conclusion redacted because it is without a doubt no collusion no obstruction the stories over it is done and they just they're in denial it's more than an anon I've got to take a quick break we'll come back more with Thomas graves of Congress. 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Our round up is next you do not want to miss it and stay tuned for the final hour for him for all the Sean Hannity. In February Leadership Institute field organizer Hayden Williams was peacefully helping conservative students recruit for their group at u.c. Berkeley when he was viciously attacked by a radical leftist thug since then President has taken action signing an executive order to protect conservative students free speech but more action is needed you can take that action now support the Leadership Institute and defend the conservative students take back the campus the Leadership Institute is the. Conservative college students with a gift of as little as $5.00 a month you can help conservative college students stand up to the intimidation and physical attacks of radical left. Williams took a punch. Back and protect our conservative students on campuses everywhere take back the campus to make your gift to the Leadership Institute today take back the campus take back the campus. 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Is there anything new you've seen since the review the entirety of the report that would change your conclusions. Now Congressman as I explained my March 24th letter was meant to state the bottom line conclusions of the report not summarize the report as we continue with Congressman Tom Graves of Georgia now we begin the process as I've been saying all of these other events are all about. And you know at the end of the day do you see those people that abuse power those people that presented to Pfizer courts you know a political document bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton the opposition party a woman who was given a get out of jail free card in a brig to f.b.i. D.o.j. Investigation because she was the favorite candidate that as one f.b.i. Agent said Peter Struck she should win 100000000 a 0 and then interestingly that she funnels money to a law firm then hires with that money op research group that hires a foreign spy that produces a dasi a full of Russian lies to hurt this other candidate and that was the basis of all those fies applications we're going to get to the truth on that well I was really pleased to hear the attorney general touch on that today that he is he's begun that investigation that work into what started all of this because this is you have said and I know you know Jim Jordan Mark Meadows myself and others have been saying we have to get to what started this because if if it was started with a bunch of lies bought by a political party in order to influence and an outcome of an election and use the power of government to do that somebody must be held responsible or persons must be over responsible this is unacceptable but in addition to that they now they are going after the president's tax returns and they they refer to it as the president's tax returns but this is a citizen the United States they're using the power of the Ways and Means Committee to to request and try to get access to personal tax returns and corporate tax returns and trust. We trust our congressman a we're going to empower the i.r.s. To go after our political enemies I'm sorry that would be a violation of one's constitutional rights they have no right to this president's tax returns no court will grant them that right. Either right and they're seeking that out and we had a debate yesterday as well with our risk commissioner as the Democrats were pressing the commissioner on that to would he release them was he going to give them to the committee and obviously we know that this has nothing to do with policy discovery or legislative priorities this has to do with the attacks of an individual they don't like they disagree with and and the outcomes of them all or investigation they're going continue this on and on again and that's why what you're doing exposing the truth each and every day and as you've done of the last couple of years it's so helpful because this is giving us the opportunity to continue keeping the pressure on and that is that the truth will prevail and the Democrats are really struggling with the truth they've seen here of late Well you actually had a good tweet yesterday seems like the Dems only want to redact the conclusion that's pretty much accurate you know and look at the Washington Post they want to impeach bar because bar can perm that the absolute truth something we have proven over and over again and that is that the Obama campaign spied on the drum campaign for Firaaq right and I'll point you know one of the questions I asked the attorney general yesterday in discussion about redactions and such was after reviewing these 400 pages or so of this report has his conclusion changed at all has anything changed his his thought or his conclusion and he just looked with a smile and said his initial findings speak for themselves nothing has changed the stories over as far as whether or not the president colluded obviously we know he didn't there was no obstruction but now the new story does begin and that is who is behind all this in the beginning Congressman Graves of Georgia thank you so much for what you do and thanks for being with us thank you Sean every week so. 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