Transcripts for WILM 1450 AM [NewsRadio 1450 WILM] WILM 1450

WILM 1450 AM [NewsRadio 1450 WILM] WILM 1450 AM [NewsRadio 1450 WILM] August 4, 2019 200000

From others Ohio Republican Senator Rob Portman joining his Democratic colleagues Sherrod Brown and none that Wiley the mayor of Dayton Ohio after a 24 year old gunman opened fire in that city's restaurant district early this morning killing nonaligned including the gunman's younger sister wounding dozens more before police shot him to death in El Paso the 21 year old murder suspect in the massacre there could be put to death for killing at least 20 people allegedly at a Wal-Mart Saturday morning they're going to be pursuing the death penalty likely in this capital murder case and also that they're going to consider in this case moving forward as domestic terrorism listen to how authorities describe that decision we're treating this as a domestic terrorism case as the f.b.i. Special agent in church said they have activated the domestic terrorist fusion still with the f.b.i. And so we're going to treat it that way going forward and they wanted to say that they will be treating this like any other terrorist case in this country with swift and certain justice Fox's Jeff Paul initially shocked by what happened in his state Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown saying My next thought was anger at our country and society and our Congress for not doing anything about this and the House of Representatives has just passed a bill to do background checks overwhelmingly bipartisan way. Dr Coleman Senator McConnell to bring the Senate back into session we can pass that in one afternoon background checks the president ited States could sign it that day there's just no reason we should be doing that Souter McConnell we're just learning is recovering from a fractured shoulder he suffered this morning in his cameo This is Fox News. Fox Nation is the place for exclusive content you can't get anywhere else new opinion shows for more incorrect Tucker Carlson and Tom Lehrer and you can only get by signing up or fight. Station Plus the real stories behind the headlines documentaries on Chappaquiddick Jimmy Hoffa and more that you'll only find on Fox Nation the opinion done right it's on Fox Nation documentaries and specials you can't get anywhere else there on Fox Nation so go the Box Nation dot com today and to be the most important thing that we do we are looking out for the men and women in this country. They're going to get a straight shooter no holds barred I'm not going to cut people slack Fox is the one place for dissent is allowed we have voices we want besides the trolls my voice No but Fox News Channel real news real. Technology credit union our mobile app is available everywhere your family needs us young did you see you will be telling notified of. Did you make your car payment a mother in our case. 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Isabel brothers dot com looking to buy a car online shopping can be confusing not anymore we're true price from True Car Now you can know the exact price you'll pay for the car you want and see what other people people or to when you're ready to buy a new or used car this a true car to enjoy a more confident car buying experience has America been fair to. Maybe not you know we all criticize I am my own critic don't do something right I'm like you know I criticize you know one thing I feel like Donald Trump is doing the best that he can and he's doing a really great awesome job here that it's easier to talk show talk about for a good argue about the for president and use radio for 50. The future. Title. But so we have. Pride prairie parade that is now everybody in California I guess is up in arms about it. We also have the transgender. Early people. And you see him drag Well I'm not because I don't I'm trying to remember what exactly is and then also the. The. Oh is it good is it can I say the letter Q Oh gosh no to that now I'm not questioning you're not allowed the other q. The other to you I don't think you can say it in the frame of a Bravo show I think you can say it. Queer I carry beautiful in that dress. No no I know you're supposed to say it. But you're on approach from time to idle if you're to say Queer Eye for the Straight Guy Yeah listen I know it's not that q. Either it's another Q There's another Q Yeah I think drag racing and Great Britain . A queen and the band I did not see you talking about the one Bohemian Rhapsody Anyway we have that we have people laying on top of them kids laying on top of them in the libraries and. And you know the trends activist Jessica Yanez of. Apparently there's some victims in her past but we're going to start with something just totally normal the body part chop shop that they just broke up in Arizona. In America on planet Earth I just want to remind you you're still here in America and this is planet earth strangely all coming up this is the in that program. Ok. You know God before we get into all this you should point out that this is a pretty big day this is a pretty big day today pretty big day huge day. Doric day so for. The right. Oh. Right that's right. We have a little a little song here we'd like to give you Glenn to commemorate this wonderful day do we have that ready What day is it do we have that ready the song the 1st song What day is it do we have we don't know. Do we have it oh the soul selling. To. Be racist so 1st to you. And to all the flocks you just call the passage. Yes just. Be 10 your way says. Yes thank you thank you. Thank you very much. Oh my gosh thank you so the sun and the new and I guess you can find the piano and it is yours half here and there's cake enhance it and how long we didn't want to get white hats because it would look like the k.k.k. We didn't think that was a good idea they are pointy hats I don't know if the silver is and the loom slightly better is a fantastic it is your 10 year race is 1st rate 10 years ago and I you know I went on Fox News and called President Obama a racist congratulations I was the 1st I was a trendsetter you sir were glad 10 years who can barely do what he was going anyone the president of the Oval Office or races. To try to get the balance away from the candles please thank you going Ok Ok so when you know 10 years who can who can believe it's been that long but it's true Sunday will be exactly 10 years since you went on Fox News and called then President Obama a racist. Oh Ok I was going to leave that happy. Yes Leonard says that on the case with shockingly we had to do that one customer pick shop would not do. Stunningly really good to them and make money oh my gosh that's right you've got to make every case. Ok well let's take a moment here as you blow out the candles going and look back at we have a moment for them I'm wishing for one of my wishing or I can see it out loud or it won't come true with us right. Now it's all over your face it was death was an. Ok let's look back and know it won't happen in 2009 Here's Glenn Beck on the Fox News Channel you better get ready because to do this because on Thursday night 6 o'clock in the White House that a beer fest is unbelievable why that is and why he did it why for a teaching lesson is some sort of a some sort of a who needs to learn what here this president I think has exposed himself as a guy over and over and over again who has a deep seated hatred for white people or the white culture I don't know what it is but you can't sit in the sun with Jeremiah Wright for 20 years and not hear some of that stuff and not have it wash over what kind of president of the United States immediately jumps on the police just like what kind of president would ever say oh well yeah well he's black of course he was breaking into the house you never do that you'd never do that he wanted to address this now now what they're going to have a beer with that's obscene You can't say doesn't like white people David Axelrod's white Rahm Emanuel his chief of staff are white I think 70 percent of the people that we see every day away Robert Gibbs is what I'm not I'm not saying that he doesn't like white people I'm saying he has a problem he has a this guy is I believe a racist look at the way look look at the things that he has been surrounded by. Aside from let's give it let's give his new his new green jobs czar the guy is again black liberation theology a black nationalist who is also an avowed communist he comes in and he puts that guy in well wait a minute how many people with this kind of philosophy do you need to have in your life before we start to say Show me your friends and I'll show you people here in your future and there you go back you take a look at the Years ago 10 years ago today I was pleased to get the job. So thank you very much and we will be are going to feel so special I didn't know this was coming and I really don't like to thank the Academy Awards for this for this moment. Well Glenn you know it's been an entire decade and we can we can stop the music now stop playing stupid orchestra. It's been an entire decade now that all this sounds wait a minute this sounds like. This sounds like a heartfelt moment we have any heartfelt music can the orchestra play usually a slower there's a slower bettin there's a slow. Oh my gosh now I'm starting to feel a little bit emotional about this anniversary. Because you cared enough to bring this to be and I didn't even know I. Sure that I celebrate every year but I didn't know anybody else would speak. But this is a big one Glenn it's been an entire decade since you bravely broke new ground in ushered in an era where it's completely Ok to call the president of races don't clap like a couple that was great people excited in fact even people who were then critical of your important historic act at the time have today recognized your brilliance and let's look at some of their work some of it from back then and some of it from today I'm not saying that he doesn't like white people I'm saying he has a problem he has this guy is I believe a racist to be Glenn Back in the news how is it possible that this guy can sit on national television and call the president of the United States a racist this president sees everything through a racial prism now and may even have his own racist beliefs I wish we would just this stop this Glenn Beck and people like that need to stop this with notions trump it reinforces his animus his racially driven animus his racism but he demonstrates it over to the Oval Office throwing out the r word then racist word in some other words our conversation stoppers we're never going to get past the point where the Glenn Becks of the world will just hurl that out at people. No we need to say you hear from this racist man not only is he right says he is an embarrassment these are the Tea Partiers these are the birth ers Yes this is the narrative they want to me into failed and now they're lay the blame somebody. But it doesn't make what he said any less ignorant or any less racist not racial not racially charged racist so as long as Glenn Beck is out there calling the president a racist or anyone else a racist we're never going to get past this point of constantly reacting to racial flare ups do you think President is a racist I think he is a races and I see it with the back and with Rush Limbaugh these guys really suspect racial feelings and perceptions are projecting their own hate and their own divisiveness and it's the same sense now and it's something that virtually everyone recognizes right away it is racism is such a bit of racism when you when you say racism it's a it's a big. It's a huge it's kind of I think you have to be very careful with it and then secondly because they're not actually I don't think there's any getting away from the color of people from Norway as opposed to people coming from Haiti Africa I think a lot of. Simple grandstanding making outrageous statements provocative or going back refuse to show any moral courage when it comes to standing up to the racist comments made by the presence of the United States I can't even believe that 1st of all the Glenn Beck owes the president apology he owes the American people of biology and now if we take this now and additional very clear racist thing he's an evil man this is a. Marcos ago and we have like the president of the United States is racist just in for Glenn Beck Obama's a racist it gets worse every day in the worst part is that people are getting paid to say this kind of stuff not since Woodrow Wilson Show birth of a nation in the White House has an American president so flagrant in his racial mess exactly as this one did but I also think it's worth pointing out that you were just talking about or Barack Obama in calling him a racist you were calling the president of the United States of. Being oblivious to a dismissive of the position that he holds in the it's a critical. Is along with if you would say that about anybody you'll be highly reluctant to do so of course this is about when it comes to questioning the Teligent hopes he reserves down on the minority community now what would he do course race has something to do with it I hate giving somebody something like that anymore attention outrageous is one way of putting it I would say irresponsible if you put Haiti in there to Norway it's obvious it is a black and white issue the way the president laid it out yesterday if someone on the left had called George Bush to raise a son t.v. Would we be throwing our hands up would be so outraged read the man apology. Really what. They would wow my God. It's been it amazing 10 years I want to thank Jesus. And thank my family and I want to thank my I was about to say my clan but I don't mean it that way. I mean my family members my stay all family members your kin might be a. Better Way to go I knew it started with a k. . Well congratulations want to take a one minute break it will come back with more from your There's molders even gosh this is so special I feel so honored on my. Happy races verse. That's Ray Mordecai. Gosh Thank you Stu This means the world to. Did you miss any of the show today no problem go to clip Beck dot com slash Pod just to listen in on the band whenever and wherever you want for free that's Clint Black dot com slash podcast did you know that the police t.v. Has a ton of programs you can watch on demand at The Blaze dot com slash today you can watch every episode of for the record and watch exclusive documentaries one of those buildings the Dr passport terrorists coming into the United States seeing an action packed shooting competition to a minute left the comedies like the wonderful world of stew these conservatives need to learn what their dog it about learning with family friendly shows like Liberty Tree House yet the declaration depends on the constitution this is the birthplace of America and brush up on your survival skills by watching Independence USA Everyone else is out there running around trying to figure out how to survive we're going to be ready for binge watch Glenn Hello America and welcome to the Glenn Beck program you can on demand at The Blaze dot com slash t.v. Become a subscriber to the place t.v. Today. And sign up at police t.v. 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