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Door. When Police Arrived on the scene the suspect failed to by a orders. He had his hands in his pocket. Surge call mask on. Surgical mask on. Countersniper shot the suspect. Horace it started when the suspect described as a full body animal costume walked in the entrance of the television station and confronted the Security Guard saying he was wearing a bomb. Saying he had a video he wanted them to air. The meteorologist has more from there. The Security Guard was phenomenal. Horace the suspect remained in closed off area talking to the guard for a half hour. The suspect eventually walked away and police were waiting for him. He had a rest vest on. You could see it was a device. Some device. He was holding a flash drive and something he could probably set a bomb off. Horace that Police Sniper opened fire and the suspect was down. But police say he was conscious, holding on to a possible trigger device. Bomb squad robot brought in to see if the suspect was carrying an explosive. He has one hand in his pocket. He appears to still be alive and conscious. We want to get his hand away from a potential trigger or some type of switch. Why did he do this . We dont know the answer to that. Horace back to the car set on fire in parking lot of wbff. Police believe it belonged to the suspect and is related to all of this. The man has not been identified. He was taken to the hospital. Bomb squad is still on the scene right now checking whatever device he may have had. Reporting live from the newsroom, horace holmes, abc7 news. Alison thank you. Reminder you can get the alerts on breaking news. Like this. Right on your phone. All you have to do is go to wjla. Com. And sign up for those right there. Leon now in d. C. , three students. Today the district began testing more kids for lead exposure. This is after elevated levels were found in their schools. D. C. Bureau chief sam ford broke the story last week and he joins us now live from southeast with the latest on this testing. Sam . Sam im in front of Simon Elementary School. Only reason im here is because this is where d. C. Officials decided to come to demonstrate to reporters what they are going to do about looking for lead in the citys system. This has been an issue for a while. Traces of lead were found. Children were tested. So today officials talked about that. Here at Simon Elementary School in southeast there are no lead issues but d. C. Officials brought in reporters to show them how the city or the next 30 days will test every water source at all 113 d. C. Public schools. This comes one day after students like a logan had their blood tested for lead by the city. Parents learned the d. C. Department of General Services found lead at 20 times the acceptable level at one faucet and never sounded the alarm. Josh kraemer had both his children at the school tested. I guess it went out. There are parents inside. I think most of the kids were good sports. I have had way worse. I mean really. Way worse. Sam we heard the school wide results today. We tested 90some children. No child came above a level of concern. Sam d. C. Water director insisted the water main has no lead problem. Problems crop from leaded soldering. They monitor a hundred homes for lead. You are not trying to monitor homes you believe dont have lead. You monitor homes you believe do have lead. You get a hundred samples. Sam we saw samples at a northeast home today. Lead is particularly bad for small children and pregnant women. Hawkins said of the 100 samples they take in general about five of them have elevated lead levels. At that point, its process of trying to find out what is the source of that lead and put a stop to it. That is the same issue that they have when they find lead in the schools. Try to find out what is the source and put a stop to it. Of course, that is what they will be doing. One thing that tommy wells said the director of the department of the environment said they are continuing testing over at the montessori school. They will be testing at payne Elementary School. Testing the children at those schools. But they are not testing the children at miner Elementary School because they dont believe its necessary. Reporting live from southeast washington, im sam ford, abc7 news. Leon thank you, sam. This morning a Senate Committee approved a 220 million aid package for flint, michi for water projects around the country for things like Flood Control and deepening harbors. Flint water crisis started two years ago when the city switched the water source to save money and then the lead bleached in the water system. The u. S. Senate could put on the measure next month. Alison elevated lead levels could have the biggest impact on children. Specifically it can lead to hearing problems. And anemia. Lower i. Q. And behavior and learning problems as well. So, what can you do to find out if there is lead in our water . This is no matter where you live. Our consumer investigator kimberly suiters is here with information we all need to know. Is there right. 7 on your side knocked on the doors of the homes next to Simon Elementary School where you just saw sam ford. People there tell us they have been on edge about lead in the water for a while now. Two families we spoke to today said they have been drinking bottled water as a precaution. A family let 7 on your side test their 7 on your side started at home depot where we picked up three home testing kicks for 30 each. The package says know what is in your water. We figure People Living in the Congress Heights neighborhood would want to know about lead. The folks at this 84yearold home on fifth Street Southeast were kind enough to let us test theirs. We took out a tiny vile. Eye dropper and a paper strip. We collected two drops of straight tap water. Ten minutes later we had the results. If the light blue strip on the right turned darker than the one on the left, that indicates lead in the water. Like a pregnancy test. This one was negative. The c. E. O. Of a company that sells h2o kplus tell usa today they are intended to be screening tests, not intended to certify that water is safe or unsafe. In the meantime the family here is not taking any chances. They have installed a filter to remove lead at the ta protection. 7 on your side talked to a tester in d. C. And flint. If your house was built before 1986 or has a lead service line he says you should be concerned your Drinking Water has been passing through a lead straw. For the home testing kits he said if its positive you can trust that result. If its negative you still do not know for sure. Again for the best protection, that water filter that is nsf 53 certified is your best bet. Back to you. Leon all right. We had some welcome water arrive in the area today. Rainy morning across the area helped clear out the pollen from the cars and the air. And out of the noses and the lungs. Et cetera, et cetera. Once it stopped raining the clouds stuck around, though. Chief meteorologist doug hill with a look at the forecast for the evening. Doug still more showers popping up around the region now. Take a look at the live doppler radar. South and west of wash farther west, heavier isolated thunderstorms popping up. Lets zoom in as a severe thunderstorm warning. I dont think it will survive the trip eastward to the metro area. Closeup of the showers right now. Again, i put them in motion so you can see if you are living over the metro area or to the east. You will see the next batch of showers headed in the direction. The planner tonight calls for showers, cool temperatures. 50 degrees by 11 00 thunderstorm night. Tomorrow we hold with the clouds. We have period of rain. Temperatures again in the 50s. Detail look at the weekend coming up in a couple of minutes. Alison okay. Thank you. Meanwhile we have new information about the deadly stabbing at a takoma park apartment complex. Today the man police thought was a second victim was actually charged with murder. Maryland bureau chief brad bell was live on scene when the story broke 24 hours ago. He has the latest now. Brad it was a terrible scene. A man in the in a fourth floor apartment, his fiancee 20 weeks pregnant, stabbed multiple times. Near death. The man claiming they were attacked in their takoma park home by a masked man. Police say it was all lies. His information didnt match up with the injuries he sustained. Brad tonight, Thierry Nkusu is charged with the murder of maria mbunga and will soon be charged with the murder of their unborn baby. Mbunga was 36 and worked as a Montgomery County School Bus Driver out of this Silver Spring depot. As buses prepare for the afternoon routes, a fellow driver sadly shakes her head. No comment she tells us. In takoma park, a crime scene yesterday afternoon neighbors react to the news. I think its horrendous. Its terrible. We live in this kind of world. Brad Court Documents describe a troubled relationship. Mbunga wanting nkusu not wanting a baby. There is mention of african culture and a parents disapproval for the couples relationship. Detectives still trying to fully understand the crime. Its saying people had domestic all the time. You hear it on the news all the time. Its kind of sad. Brad well, for the past couple of hours we have been going over the Court Documents, affidavit, the charging document generated by police. As we said in the story it tells a story of disintegrating relationship. She wanting him out. He didnt want to take care of baby. Another interesting point. The mans father at home in africa found out about the relationship, didnt approve of it and in their culture it says in here that means he would have cut family ties with his son. Police arent saying that was the motive exactly. But it is in these documents. Takoma park, brad bell, abc7 news. Leon thanks, brad. Coming up at 5 00 couple of blocks until he gets on a bus and gets away. Leon why the man went on a chase and how you can avoid a similar situation. Alison later a convicted murder learns his sentence. But find out why he says he is still innocent. Shoveling and sweeping around the tracks as part of a maintenance surge. What riders along the red line can expect coming up. Leon we are monitoring breaking news out of baltimore after a bomb scare at the sister station wbff. The man who made the threat is in custody now. We will let you know when we learn more. Ranking from top to bottom. Car company of the year . Better be some awards behind what you are paying for, right . The final answer. Chevy. The most awarded car company two years in a row. Wow, its like a luxury car. I was shocked. I mean its like, this is chevy . For a limited time, get cash back for 15 of the msrp on most remaining 2015 chevy vehicles while they last. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer alison new developments tonight in the war on terror. Today federal authorities arrested the brother of one of the San Bernardino shooters. Authorities say syed farooks brother was involved in a marriage fraud scheme. His wife and her sister were also arrested. Enrique marquez who was awaiting trial for allegedly conspiring to support terrorist is facing charges in this game. Leon overseas now, Vice President joe biden made a surprise visit to baghdad today. Jonathan elias to explain why. Jonathan he met with about fighting the islamic state. Joe biden says the u. S. Is committed to defeating the group. It comes in a wave of protest and demands for sweeping political reforms in iraq. Political crisis paralyzed the already struggling government as it is trying to fight terrorism. That is the latest from the live desk. Back to you. Alison thank you. New information now on a story we brought you a couple of weeks ago. The British Government now says the British Airways plane that was hit by an object while landing at heath row airport was not struck by a drone. Initially police said it was a drone that hit the jet. But the investigation found no sufficient evidence to support the claim. The incident sparked calls for tighter controls on drone usual. Leon an allout blitz is on for metro to clean up the act. General manager Paul Wiedefeld announced the maintenance surge this morning after a month of malfunction on the system. Three and a half hours ago the u. S. Secretary of transportation announced a shakeup on metros board. Brianne carter covering metro for us from the van ness station in northwest washington. Tell us what does it mean for riders . Brianne it means here from the van ness station is single tracking for riders heading in and out of the section of the red line. For the next couple of days as part of a socalled maintenance surge. Over two hours ago workers wrap up the first part of the fourday process of keeping mud and debris away from the track. It comes after days of issue along this stretch of the track. Last saturday smoke filled the tunnel after a train car piece came contact with the third rail. Monday a piece of the rail cracked. There is more than one arcing insulator. Today the general manager said he wanted workers on the tracks inspecting everything. We are going through inspecting the insulators. Replacing them if they need to to be. Looking at all the cables. Cables in general. Track, anything with the third rail itself. Leaks. Brianne you heard him say leaks. That is part of a decadelong problem that has been along this stretch of the red line. Metro canceled a project too expensive to try and rehabilitate all of that. So now they are look for a permanent fix while constantly mitigating the moisture problem here. Now one change that riders will soon see has to do with the metro board. And three new members. We have more coming up tonight at 6 00. Reporting live, brianne carter, abc7 news. Leon look forward to that. Alison no Severe Weather today even though we have the rain. But i know that is 14year anniversary for the la plata tornado. Doug sunday april 28, 2002. It looked as though the day before the severe we possibility on that day. It happened on the information. Ee ef4 tornado moved through. It stayed on the grounded for 64 miles. Had a path that was moving close to 60 Miles Per Hour. So very rapidly moving storm. In the end by the time it moved out, short period of time. Headed east across the chesapeake bay, three people killed. 122 injured. 344 homes and businesses destroyed in the la plata area from that storm. So the winds were, you know, easily at 180 Miles Per Hour in that center of the system. There is even a second tornado, smaller one that came through with it at the same time. Dramatic pattern. It was the tide, there was one other two years before, ef4 tornado in cumberland, maryland. They were two strongest tornadoes recorded in the state of maryland. Today we are in the height of Severe Weather system here, nothing severe locally. As you will see in a minute we have a severe tu this is the drought monitor. Issued this morning before the rain started. Its important to note how dry it is. Everything in yellow is abnormally dry. Potomac and southern pennsylvania are Drought Conditions. Remember a couple of weeks ago we were happy as could be. 12 to 13 days in a row of sunshine. It got dry. That is why the Drought Conditions kicked in. Some rain today. Half inch or so. Whittle away at a three and a half inch deficit. But we will take what we can get. Half inch in most locations. 51 in arlington. Springfield is cool with the winds off the atlantic ocean. More area of rain we are dealing with now. Satellite and radar together shows a patch of rain from the suburbs. In the city for the next 20, 25 minutes. More shower and storms lining out, out west. When it comes to the cool air we have, an area under a severe thunderstorm watch a while longer. A couple individual severe thunderstorms. One moving south and east of those cells move eastward but they will rain themselves out before they get to interstate 81. Along the skyline drive in the blue ridge. For the rest of us, cloudy and damp with rain here. 46. That is cold for the end of april in frederick in the afternoon. 49 at baltimore. 50 at andrews. 52 at the Reagan National airport. The forecast for the overnight hours. Patchy fog, isolateed shore. Patches of drizzle. Tomorrow morning an east, northeast wind. More rain around the area tomorrow morning and that is the pat inthroughout the day. In the pattern throughout the day. We may get a brief break and the next batch will move in saturday morning. After that there is improvement as well. The numbers, 60 for a high tomorrow. More showers as far as saturday gets. If you are going to attend the events at marylanddy at college park, it looks okay. Dry, cloudy and cool. Take a jacket. You will have fun. Something else to do saturday and sunday, at the National Weather Service Office near dulles n open house. Cool events. I will be there saturday. Meeting and greeting folks and giving a talk about the weather 2 00 on saturday afternoon. The next seven days for you, we eventually will have a happy ending to the sevenday outlook with the warmer temperatures but until then, more chances of muchneeded rain. 60 tomorrow. 70 chance of rainy day monday. Clearing out and milder on tus and wednesday. Alison a lot going on. Doug indeed. Alison thank you. Leon check this out. Remember this shot here . Women out there said this mug shot was the stuff that dreams were made of. Forget about this day. Wait until we show you the latest mugshot making the rounds around the world. Alison one of the regions favorite ladies joins a centenarian celebration. We will tell you secret of longevity from this elite group coming up. We cant get enough of her. Alison we love her. Leon but first, t. G. I. T. Alison as we head to break, a quick programming note leon an investigation is underway to find people who broke into a historic maryland lighthouse. The thomas show point light house off of south river. Capitol reports it was broken into and vandalized between april 1516. Alison a warning tonight for people parking their cars in the district. The number of car breakins is spiking in several neighborhoods. Sam sweeney tells us how the suspects are carrying out the crimes and what you should look out for in a story you will see only on 7. Sam the guys are walking up and down d. C. Streets. Particularly in northwest casing cars and doing it in broad daylight. Prime time hours between 1 30 and 5 30. This is what they do. They walk the street. Look in front. Look in back. Come up to the glass. They use a device and they smash the glass if they see something valuable and then they are gone. The whole thing plays out in 10 or 15 second. Take a look at your dupont, logan circle area and woodly park and adams morgan. Smashed glass. Shattered glass on the ground and notices from police. We caught up with one man who caught someone doing it in the act. We see a guy with his butt sticking out of a car window having just broke into it and he takes a kids laptop and walks away with it. So we chase him a couple of blocks before he gets on a bus and gets away its happening more and more. We dont like it. Sam the police are stick of it, too. The numbers are staggering. In the d. C. Third police district, adam morgan, the numbers for the smashandgrab are staggering. They are up 47 year over year. The best advice now from police dont leave valuables in the car like this one. No ipad, laptop or wallet in the center consoles. They are only targeting cars when valuables are in sight. Reporting in northwest d. C. , logan circle, leon coming up at abc7 news at 5 00 a race against time. Find out what crews are searching for at this garbage dump. Alison forget promposal with the celebrities and the sports stars. Find out why a request for a Silver Screen scene stands above the rest. A gaithersburg man sentenced for murder. Up next how this 911 call and Surveillance Video lead to his capture. Leon we are Still Standing by for a News Conference about the bomb scare at the sister station wbff in baltimore. We will bring you that as soon as it gets underway. All for your patience. It has been a goal of ours in baltimore to keep the media informed about critical events that affect our community. Rarely do we keep the media informed about one of your homes. So we want to again thanks fox 45 for their proactive efforts to help us evacuate that building. That saved us a whole lot of time. You guys are to be mended for your active role in this effort. Im going to turn it over to director t. J. Smith. As we said earlier, we have learned several things since we briefed you last. Chances are we will probably brief again tomorrow. As we continue to learn more things about this suspect. Bear with us as we make our way through the information. But its important obviously im preaching to the choir to get you information timely, yet accurate. That is what we want to be. Timely and accurate. I will turn it over to director smith and take some questions. Director t. J. S relations director for the Baltimore Police department. Lets go back to the beginning. 1 20 we got a call at fox 45 on 41st avenue. This is in the 41st street. This is in the area where multiple television stations are, on the main road facing 41st street. 1 20, a person in the lobby with some type of device. We also had a call for a car fire out in front of the location. We were quickly able to determine that car was intentionally set on fire. Bomb squad, arson squad, Baltimore City Fire Department and the Police Department were dispatched. We were also quickly able to learn that this person had essentially barricaded himself inside of the fox 45 news station. So our s. W. A. T. Team and the negotiators were also dispatched to the scene. So all of this is going on around 1 20 this afternoon. While officers were arriving, the fox 45 staff were evacuating the rs employees from the facility. The security person who called it in is not an employee with fox 45 but he was also able to escape after talking to the suspect for several minutes. As this situation was evolving. Apparently the suspect brought in some type of device. We believe a flash drive. And wanted fox 45 to air something on the news. What is it that he wanted him to air is something we are still investigating. We dont know the full answer to that right now. The suspect had on some sort of outfit. Its being described basically as a panda outfit onesie. A onesie type outfit. That was a panda. The suspect is a 25yearold white male. Not from baltimore. We believe he is from howard county, maryland. Again, we are still following up on this investigation as we speak. Im not positively identifying him at this point. We have yet to charge the suspect. He is at a local hospital receiving let me go back to the device he had wrapped around him. He had on some type of surgical mask. He had some type of coat on underneath of this outfit. There was this red device that is being described like maybe a red flotation type device with devices in it that looks like explosives. What we have been able to find out is those devices were actually Chocolate Candy bars wrapped in aluminum foil with wiring connecting each of them. There was also a small motherboard. That motherboard has been described as something that you might see in a fire extinguisher. That was also attached to the contraption. The wire was also running down the sleeve of his jacket into his hand. Basically emulating some type of detonation device. So it does not app actual exexplosives but the appearance of it was to be an actual explosive type device. The suspect was inside of the vestibule area. Our s. W. A. T. Team, our Police Officers were all outside. We were attempting communication with the suspect. The suspect came out of the building. Started to walk in advance across the street toward where officers were staged. Officers were forced to fire upon him. We know at this point three officers fired and struck the suspect. The suspect was shot more than one time. Believe maybe three times. The number can change. The suspect is listed in serious but stable condition at a local hospital here in baltimore. Why did this happen . Why did he wear a replica bomb today . We dont know. We are still investigating this. They used a robot to disarm him. To take the clothing off of him. To in order to move in to provide treatment to him. Once they were able to do that, they were able to closely examine the device and see what it actually was. We are still in the process of clearing the fox 45 building. We were able to account for everyone but Public Safety is the most important thing at this point in time. So, as it stands, that is where we are. The suspect is expected to survive. We will be working with our States Attorney Office as well as our federal partners as we move through with charging. This is going to take more than the time im standing here. It will take more than a couple of days to determine everything that went on here. With that, lets answer questions. Do you know anything about this guys history . Leon all right. You have been listening to Baltimore Police officials describing for us what has been happening at the sister station wbff with the stan appears now to have been a panda costume with a surge call mask and surgical mask and a flotation device that had wiring on it that simulated a bomb. They have determined it was not a bomb. I was chocolate bars with wires on it. Alison at this point they are saying that suspect was shot as many as three times. He is still listed in serious but stable condition and expected to survive. No one else was hurt in this incident in baltimore. We will continue to follow that for you. Leon one other thing we have to determine here that was new in this, since the last briefing they do know who the person is. Its a 25yearold white male from howard county. Not from baltimore. They are not giving up his identity yet. Not ready to do that but they know who it is. Alison okay. Lets move on to other news of the day. Emotional sentencing today in a murder case which is judge declared was fueled by a desire for Illegal Drugs and greed. As Montgomery County reporter kevin lewis tells us despite a convicted killer says he is innocent. Kevin miles and a pack of unknown men entered a Silver Springs home in march. What is the address of the emergency . Kevin someone dialed 911 as miles fatally beat 23yearold tenant mark st. Aubine with a baseball bat and knife. In the scuffle, he used the registered handgun to shoot miles. Seen here being wheeled into a local hospital a short while later. Police used the bullets in the body and the d. N. A. On the shoes to link him to the murder. While in jail, miles was recorded on the phone telling his give to shut down her facebook account. I said delete it for a few months. You know what im saying. Yeah. I dont need no slipups. Kevin during trial and today at sentencing, a repeat felon claimed no he made up a rather fantastic story at the time of trial reject by the jury in this matter about what the circumstances that brought him to that house. In court, loved ones remember st. Aubine as sensitive, caring and kind. Drew attention to miles total lack of repentance. I dont think there was anybody that could say otherwise. He never showed a moment remorse. Kevin so unless Maryland Governor signs off on the Early Release miles will spend the next 50 years in prison. He likely wont see freedom until turning 79. Kevin lewis, abc7 news. Alison at least four people are dead after a wall of garbage collapsed at a landfill. This is in guatemala city. Hundreds of rescuers now there picking through the site. Looking for victims or possible dozens of people were scavaging at the landfill. 18 people are unaccounted z1yosz z1yotz leon over the years we seen great mug shots. This is out of florida in running for best we have seen. Kevin gibson arrested in did a county on drug charges last week. You look at this and you think maybe he was caught in the middle of a shave trying to escape. You can see. Look closely. There is stubble on the right of his face. That is the look. He apparently he was shooting for. Alison okay. An emotional story now about a prom date. A young man asks a girl to travel hundreds of miles to go to prom with him. The reason . She received his best friends donated lung. Michelle marsh has the story. This is amazing. Michelle quite a story here. Colin of cincinnati looking forward to his first prom. His date is driving all the way from Silver Spring to be his date. Colin and marianna only met once. But in a way they have known each other for a very long time. Marianna holds a piece colins good friend caleb hoag. She received his lung after he passed away. I was thinking like i wish he was here at prom with me. So, i got an idea that marianna because she has his lungs. I thought it was great. And the sweetest thing in the whole world that he thought of me. I was like, i was just really excited. Michelle caleb died in his freshman year. His donated organs helped more than 70 people. So we always talk about how important it is to be an organ donor. 70 people. Incredible. We were recounting our prom dates. Nothing as special as that. Leon cant compete with that. Got of life and memorieses for years to come. Alison the excitement on her face was priceless. Thank you. Leongr alison coming up at 5 00 robert caps and pen game one. Well preview a battle between two legends. Talk about it. That is coming up in sports. Forget about the supplements and the vitamins. One woman high fat secret to living to 107 in a president obama cmon. What is the secret . Dancing at 106. Alison there she is. Virginia mclaurin who made headlines around the world with the dance at the white house. So, now she is 107. You know, she is just one of 300 centenarians living in the district. Leon who knew we had so many . What is in our water . Must be something good. Stephen tschida spoke with some of the members of the elite group today for the secret to living past 100. [ singing] stephen some of the hits from their youth. But few people were around when these music fans were teenagers. They held a of centenarians today in d. C. People who live a century or more. Virginia is 107. I didnt think i would live to get this age. Im proud. She got to meet and dance with the president a while back. D. C. Has a good number of residents who have reached the 100 mark. Over 300 we think from the Social Security office. Stephen what does it feel like to be a century old . Very good. Very good. We have some of the 100 100plusyearolds how they made it all the years. What is the secret . I look upstairs when i think about it. Stephen they think the city has something to do with it. We encourage people to be age in place and have healthy lifestyles. We are proud of the number. Stephen one of the oldest in attendance credits her diet. Peas, collard greens. The secret to living to 100. We assume gene pool might have something to do with it as well. Alison with all know what we have for dinner tonight in case that is it. Leon make mine a double. Check on the roadways now. Jamie sullivan is on traffic watch tonight. This traffic will take years off your life. Jamie many, many years off your life, especially if you are sitting in an 11mile backup. That is what we are dealing with. A lot is added in the normal slowing. We had an earlier crash in bethesda with all lanes blocked. That is gone and cleared away. It is a sluggish ride inching along on the inner loop. Move to the maps and talk about how slow we are. In the teens, we say 11mile backup that starts before the g. W. Parkway and continuing to bethesda. We had the b. W. Parkway, that is now gone. The big picture shows in d. C. Slowing 395. Leaving the city. 30 minutes getting to the mixing bowl. 66 we are seeing that heavy volume as well as you head outbound. One thing you dont worry about today is sun glare. That is a look at traffic. Alison one way to look at it. Thank you. Alison check in on the weather. When will we see the sun . Doug some areas might see a peek on saturday briefly. But wait until tuesday till next week. Now, cloudy, damp and chilly weather. 51 at reagan normal. 46 in frederick. Below average. You can see on the lefthand side of screen. Ellens, west elkens, west virginia. Thunderstorms there. But in metro just showers. Lefthand side of the screen elkins east of that. Others west of charlottesville. There is most of the action and the warm air. Most of the action will not reach the metro. If it does, well have scattered showers. With the temperatures in the 50s. Tonight, spotty showers. Temperatures in the 50s this evening. Tomorrow period of rain, still cool. Highs in 50s. We get to saturday, maybe a peek of sun but dry until evening. Milder. 70 chance of rain on sunday. Same on monday. Tuesday and wednesday, maybe, just maybe, the fingers crossed sunshine and warmer temperatures. Alison metro is going to be open an hour later to help the caps fans get home. A group of the die hard fans took steps to secure a victory. Firefighters at Engine Company two and rescue one in the district have a figurine of the caps center. Kvzenotov. In the first three games it was in the same spot and the caps won. Then someone took them down and we know what happened. The caps lost the next two. We have to work for game six. Put him back by the tv and he won. That is when i put the sign up. It disappear and then it was there again and we won game six. I am superstitious about this. Alison they believe its the key to victory for the series. Leon we could look at the early stages of the making of st. Kvznetsov. See if it works tonight. Robert burton live at the Verizon Center where they are ready to rock the red tonight. Robert yeah, just tell the firefighters keep the figurerine where it and dont move it we know this is a rivalry between the cap and the pens game. If you dig deeper into this, another rivalry betwee players. Pretty much two superstars on the pens and the caps. Tonight prepare for a game one battle between two legends. Two of the dozens of players who will take the ice. They are getting all the attention. Its fair. Because they came in together. They have gone back and forth. Two different styles of play. But the engine of the team. But its fair to make that, make that battle happen. Robert Alex Ovechkin and sydney crosby. Ove and syd. We thought they play oneonone game for the first parted. See how that would go. Robert crosby penguins got the better when they collided in the postseason in 2009. Its history. I dont like to look back. Look forward. Robert tonight the latest chapter of the two rival teams. This is a team game. Against another individual. One team against another team. With the respective leading men leading the way. Two great players. We love having the rivalry. Right . Robert a big day in the nfl for the redskins. They are getting ready for the 2016 nfl draft. At 6 20 we will tell you what they have to say about the upcoming draft. More in sports. Back to you in the studio. Alison okay. Leon thanks. Thank you. Stronger is blasting her tumors. Without risking her bones. Its training her good cells. To fight the bad guys. Stronger is less pain. New hope. More fight. Its doing everything in your power. And everything in ours. Stronger, is changing even faster than they do. Because we dont just want your kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec® for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec® is different than claritin®. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec®. Muddle no more®. Alison new information now in the investigation in the death of music icon prince. The late singer we have learned had opennoid medication opioid medication on him when he was found. He had prescriptions for the pills. Prince had been treated for a potential opioid overdose days before his death. Autopsy results are not expected for three or four weeks. Leon finding out more about your doctors past lo it would be easy thing to do, there are public pages run by the state. Alison but the 7 on your side iteam discovered that the pages are missing something and its important. Investigator joce sterman is here to explain how this impacts patients. Joce after seeing a local doctor with what looked like a flawless record surrounded his license we wanted to know why so we started digging. We found civil lawsuits that did not appear on his public profile. Our work finds secrets to keep you in the dark about doctors you trust. It started with this family. Pictures from years gone by remind the Michael Johns family of a love they lost. A father to eight children. Husband for more than 50 years. William michael john was taken 73 years from the day he was born. After he died, it wasnt the same. Of course it wasnt the same. It was completely different. Our changed. Joce life for the siblings was shattered in 1993 when their dad died from complications following surgery. He kept saying i cant eat because im full up. As it turned up he was full up with bile. Joce the family filed wrongful death lawsuit against the doctor who operated claiming he made a mistake in surgery. The case came two years later with their mother in grief. She just gave up. Joce they moved forward with their lives settling with the doctor who said in court filing he followed standard of care. For years later, the daughter linda sent the physician involved a reminder of their loss. Fathers day card. I saying i home you are having a good fathers day. We arent. Joce this was the first filing of a doctor you will learn more about tonight at 11 00. There are other filings but you will not find them on this physician pr who is tracking these cases and why they are kept secret from you. Joce sterman, abc7 news. Alison thank you. We will see you at 11 00. That is it for abc7 news at 5 00. Breaking news at 6 00, what police just said about the bomb threat that ended with a man being shot and how a panda suit and candy bars factor in the bizarre scene today. They have to find a responsible way to fix what should be fixed. Metro begivens single tracking for urgent repairs. That is one of the big shift in the name of safety underway. There is supposed to be a nonlethal alternative to shotting a suspect but four times taser use ended in death. Protocols violate and the happening again. We begin with breaking news. Announcer from abc7 news, this is a breaking news alert. [gunfire] maureen three gunshot from police after a man a costume walked in a Baltimore Police station and said he was wearing a bomb. It began at our sister station wbff. Leon now the suspect has been rushed to the hospital he had on him chocolate bars that had wires strapped to his chest. They are working to determine if its safe for people to return inside the building. Maureen Jeff Goldberg is live on the scene. Jeff we can tell you that the suspect is a 25yearold man from howard county, maryland. Said to be in serious but stable condition right

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