Transcripts For WMUR News 9 At Five 20151015 :

Transcripts For WMUR News 9 At Five 20151015

codefendants have taken responsibility for their actions, wolusky acted knowingly and wants to get away with murder. >> tatum and pinette are on a collision course with each other. they destroy themselves with their past statements, they destroy each other under oath before you. and they belie medical and scientific evidence. >> but his story, even though it's a lie, proves his guilt of that degree of murder. he was not a buy stander, he was the initial aggressor, he was an active par is the pan in what happened to aaron, with with full realization of the extreme risk in which he put aaron in. reporter: the jury has to weigh several charges from witness tampering and robbery to those second and first degree charges. they only had a chance to deliberate for a little over an hour today. they'll resume again monday morning. for now we're live in dover, jennifer crompton, wmur news 9. jean: two new suspects have been identified in the 1988 bombing scotland. two of the victims of that explosion were from the granite state. wmur's adam sexton is live in our newsroom with the new developments in this investigation reporter: these new developments in this nearly three decade old case are coming out of u.s. screws is the department and from top law enforcement officials in the country of scott land where the plane crashed. they are now saying that there's a legal base is to treat a pair of libyan nationals as suspects in the pan am 103 bombing that killed 259 people on the flight and 11 people on the ground. at this point all that authorities are saying is that the two are suspected of involvement in the terrorist attack. only one person has ever been convicted convicted in connection with the bombing, he was controversially released from prison in 2009 after being diagnosed with cancer. that move drew outrage from families of the victims. those victims were two granite staters, steven boland and the pilot of the aircraft, james mccorey. at this point investigators are not releasing the names of the two suspects, but a series of investigate evidence reports says that's possible where some of the impetus for this investigation is coming from. adam sexton, wmur news 9. josh: commitment 2016 now, and ohio governor john kasich continues to run out large crowd during his bus tour through new hampshire. and today in nashua kasich made the most perhaps important policy speech of his campaign so far, it's a come prehencive plan that calls for major reform to social security and medicare, a massive cutdown on the federal departments of education and transportation, and then a shift of those dollars back to the states where he believes they'll be spent more effectively. >> the government does not create jobs. we do it by our creativity, by our risk taking, and by our hard work. >> i will immediately put us on a path to a balanced budget and i will get it done within eight years. josh: kasich is also taking heat from the other side of the aisle who accuse him of being insensitive to those who will be impacted by his plans. we caught up with him on board the kasich bus ask we'll get his take on the knocks that he's received so far, that's coming up at 6:00. lindsey gram continued a long stretch in the granite state today making several stops in keene, while george 'pataki spoke to voters in greenland and newport. and former florida governor jeb bush is wrapping up his three-day trip to the granite state today. this morning he spoke at a domestic violence roundtable at the u.n.h. law school. people involved in different aspects of this issue talked about ways to combat domestic violence here in new hampshire. reporter: domestic violence survivor says abuse can happen in any home. >> we looked like a very happy family, we had a wonderful little girl. we each had our mba's and successful careers. and everything looked great. reporter: she got help back in 2001 from bridges crisis center. the executive director says not unlike other private organizations, funding is tight, making it difficult to help domestic violence victims. >> unfortunately about four years ago we lost about $180,000 worth of funding. and our organization, our current budget is about $870,000. so that's a significant amount of money for us. reporter: that was just one of the issues discussed thursday at a roundtable with republican presidential candidate jeb bush. another held a recent heroin epidemic complicates domestic violence cases. >> we've been seeing drugs and vice verdict a for decades and decades. what we identified in the old days was alcohol use, and overuse and abuse of that drug. and we're seeing that as well as the heroin and methamphetamine in our neck of the woods. reporter: bush who faced the problem as governor of florida, said wrangling about domestic violence issues means attacking addiction problems at the same time. >> the same principle could apply for family life and for domestic violence as well, because all this stuff seems to be so interrelated. and as you deal with the heroin epidemic here, it seems like it would be appropriate maybe to make this a broader kind of suggestion. reporter: suzanne roantree, wmur news 9. jean: change for u.s. troops in afghanistan. today president obama announced thousands more troops will remain in afghanistan through the end of his presidency. aixa diaz is live in our washington bureau, and this is different from what the the stability of their country, the security situation remains fragile. that's why he says 5,500 u.s. troops will stay at bases in afghanistan through the end of president obama: the mission will not change, our troops will focus on training afghans and counterterrorism operations. but these bases will give us the presence and the reach our forces require to achieve their mission. reporter: senator jim mccain, chair of the armed services committee, says while he's pleased with the president's announcement he's concerned that the number of troops will not be sufficient to perform the critical tasks being set for them. tom donnelly says success in afghanistan through a stable government is possible with >> we can't have the result that we want without having land forces in a sufficient number to do something that's worth doing. reporter: the secretary of defense says the administration did its homework on troop levels. >> that is our best estimate now of what we should plan for in our, and are planning for and budgeting for. reporter: the drawdown from the current number of u.s. troops in afghanistan, 9800, begins sometime late 2016, early 2017. jean: aixa, does this change the stat us of the combat mission that ended last year? reporter: the president says no, the president says u.s. forces will not be engaging in any sort of combat role, this is purely a training mission to train afghan foaferses and support counterterrorism efforts. the president announced last year that the combat mission in afghanistan after more than a decade had ended. jean: thanks. a granite state aviation unit that supported troops in the middle east will have its official welcome home ceremony tomorrow. detachment 18 operational support air lift returned to new hampshire in july after nine months overseas. their work included getting critical parts to aviation units in iraq and afghanistan. tomorrow's ceremony starts at 1:00 in concord. josh: breaking news now on the sue hutchinson investigation. the state's chief medical examiner has positively identified her body which was found sunday inside a crawl space in her manchester home. an autopsy found hutchinson died of ligature strangulation and that it is a homicide. the investigation still focuses on her roommate, steven andrade who was found dead last week. weeks. jean: let's turn to the traffic watch and see how the evening commute is shaiching up. live pictures from 293 in manchester near exit 5 looks pretty good. josh: peggy james joins us now with a live look at the road home on a thursday. >> nothing really out of the ordinary for you if you're coming up from the massachusetts border on 93 northbound, through the salem stretch, some slight delays up through windham. after that you're pretty good making about 21 minutes time to get you into manchester. on 293 no problems north or southbound. however we do want to point out that if you are getting off at exit 7 at route 3a by manchester community college, there is some extensive road work under way there, you'll find delays on front street by panthers community college going on throughout the evening. so avoid that area if you can. further north the hooksett tolls are moving well and there are no problems to tell you about at the bow junction. l 9 or 93 north in concord at this time. taking a look at the everett turnpike, it's bus any both directions, between exits 10 and 11 northbound and 101 west in bed information. you've got your usual light cycle delays between 114 and wallace road. 101 east is looking like a good ride, and 95 is in decent shape at the hampton tolls. this report being brought to you by peters honda, nissan kia of nashua. i'm peggy james for 95.7, wzid. jean: crews are working to repair a water main break in the area of hazelton avenue and hazelton court in manchester. officials say water will be off for homes south of -- it's expected to take another five hours to fix this. josh: massachusetts has a new plan to deal with the opioid crisis there, we'll tell you prescriptions. jean: also ahead, word that former house speaker hastert will plead guilty to criminal charges. mike: our haunted thursday takes us to haunted overload in lee, a preview of some of the scary sights coming up. for two men already accused of dangerous driving, we'll tell you what police say they found on a hidden camera. >> for the second time the home of the infamous tax evaders ed and elaine brown will be up for auction. we'll tell you why the i.r.s. thinks that this year it will sell. the republicans finally admit it. >>"republican kevin mccarthy saying ...the committee investigating benghazi and clinton's emails was created to destroy her candidacy..." "everybody thought hillary clinton was unbeatable, right? but we put together a benghazi special committee... what are her numbers today?" republicans have spent millions attacking hillary... ...because she's fighting for everything they oppose... ...from affordable health care. equal pay... she'll never stop fighting for you. and the republicans know it. josh: an attorney for former house speaker hastert said he intends to plead guilty in a federal case. the illinois republican is charged with breaking banking laws and lying to the f.b.i. prosecutors say he paid someone $3.5 million to hide claims of past misconduct. a plea deal would help keep any quiet. the attorney didn't mention any terms though or what counts hastert would plead guilty to. a judge scheduled a hearing to take place on october 28. and tufts university is taking back an honorary degree that it 2000. arts. that he demonstrated a lack of character and integrity that does not represents the values of tufts. dozens of women have accused cosby of sexual assault. jean: massachusetts has unveiled a new plan to deal with the opioid epidemic in that state. a bill there would limit opioids for new patients or for patients seeing a new doctor to just a 72 hour supply. it would also let medical professionals hold patients for 72 hours if they're thought to be in danger to themselves or others. >> the days of people walking out of a den test or doctor's office with 30 or 60 or 90 days worth of this pain medication need to come to an end. and i appreciate the fact that this is a controversial idea. but it's one that needs to be part of the larger conversation. jean: health officials in massachusetts say they've had more than 1200 opioid overdose deaths last year. new hampshire is also battling a spike in deadly overdoses. and parents concerned about their children using opioids using heroin can attend a special seminar in manchester tonight. the school district and fire department are hosting the heroin awareness seminar. it starts at 6:30 at hillside middle school. josh: a driver hit two patrol cars while they were arresting a different hand for drunk driving in michigan. >> someone just struck our patrol cars and a mustang, we're out with them now. josh: the second driver sideswiped both the sheriff's cars and hit the mustang a had been stopped, fortunately no one was hurt. both men had a blood alcohol level of .17% and are now charged with operating while intoxicated. and a cow, that's right, a cow led officers on a chase in arizona this morning. it escaped from a cattle truck when a semi broke down. the cow donninged in and out of traffic on the interstate while the department of public safety tried to keep the animal off the road. the highway was closed for nearly two hours. authorities eventually wound up euthanizing the cow, unfortunately. jean: well, the leaves are turning and the nights are getting colder, and that means we are creeping up on halloween. josh: one of the most popular spots for a holiday scare is the haunted overload, that is found in lee, and that's where we find mike haddad for tonight's haunted thursday. hi, mike. mike: hello, guys, very scary place, haunted overload in lee right on lee road, 66 lee road to be specific. joining me now, the founder, the owner, eric wilder, thank you for joining us tonight. >> thanks for coming down. mike: you're holding some interesting hardware, you've won awards hear. >> yes, last year we won the great halloween fright fight. and the best part about winning this competition was we were able to donate the entire $50,000 sum to the humane society. mike: that's terrific, and of lot of haunts. they'll be more evident as the sun goes down shortly. this all started in your yard. >> yes, started as a home hunt in my front yard, it's been a hobby of mine since i ways kid and it's grown and grown and grown until now it's haunted overload, we try to overload your senses. mike: tell us also about the different levels of fright where you have the opening tonight and then a big opening tomorrow. >> tonight is what's called fright night light. a lot of people don't want to have the terror, but they want to view the artistry and the structures and all the lighted pumpkins, but don't want people running after them with chainsaws, so that's tonight. and it's great for families to come down and we've got another one next thursday. tomorrow night we have the full show, and saturday and sunday terror. mike: sounds like a lot of fright, but also a lot of fun. eric, thank you for joining us. >> thank you. mike: the sun is with to go down, i'm going to try to sneak out of here, but wait a minute, i've got another hit at 6:00, we'll see you then. chris, how about the weather, is it treat ending or will we coast into the weekend? >> here's something that will put fear into the hearts of thousands of new hampshire viewers, the four letter word, it coming this weekend and it's not the killing frost, but it's the snow word. of course for winter weather enthusiasts it's great news. so let's talk about it. i don't think we're talking with snowmobiling yet. but it will come. temperatures right now anything but cool. we're in the 50's and lower 60's, now that might seem cool compared to yesterday, but that is still at or above the normal. why? the win is coming in out of the west and the southwest, and that is keeping the mild air in place. that win is going to shift and it starts with some clouds starting to move through the north country and a few scattered showers moving through during the wee hours of the morning. the first batch will continue to move to the east and miss new hampshire. this area, however, will not. these are showers that come in for tonight, really the wee hours of the morning predawn and through the day on friday. not a complete rainout. behind that all sorts of shower activity, thanks to cold air and in fact even some water spouts reported, several on lake superior today. that because of the cold air that will be funneling in behind this exiting system has been working into the weekend. temperatures today in on tar why in the 20's. here. so let's talk about it. tonight, clouding over, some rain showers up north, breezy, and we'll call it mild. for october 40's is not too bad. here's how it breaks down for you. most of the showers will be right on our doorstep, pretty much in vermont, but a few in the northwest part of new hampshire, our temperatures again in the 40's. so that's not too bad for this time of year, right? right. so how about for tomorrow. the temperatures really don't go anywhere fast, in fact we have some rain north in the morning, we have some mountain rain showers in the afternoon and then some sunshine in southern new hampshire, high temperatures will actually happen in the mid to late morning and then temperatures will fall during the afternoon. our highs only in the upper 40's north and most of us in the 50's but those temperatures will be falling through the 50's with a gusty west northwesterly wind during the afternoon. here's your five-day forecast, featuring 59 tomorrow. saturday, we've got a little mix of rain and snow for our northern mountains and our high temperatures only in the 50's. by the way, kiss the growing season good-bye for most of us by sunday morning, and absolutely kiss it good-bye by monday morning, because we're going to be 24 degrees. by the way, the high on sunday, 44. and that's in southern new hampshire. i mean that's it. those are our lows for tonight, folks, that's our highs. there's that killing frost for monday morning, but look at this. would we call it native american summer perhaps with temperatures getting back to the mid and upper 60's by the middle of next cold blast we've had. jean: always great to see you chris, not so sure about your forecast, but you're great. we'll certainly feel the changing seasons when the temperatures plunge this weekend. josh: in fact we're so far into fall that maine's sunday river ski resort has announced that it will open on monday. the resort says that cold overnights have helped with their snow making, this will be their second earliest opening in almost 20 years. jean: wow. josh: up next, a growing attitude about restaurant tipping getting mixed reviews, and even wait staff are divided on the idea of no tips. jean: plus concealed carry one new england sta jean: welcome back. a new york restaurant other than is doing away with tipping. josh: danny meyers says employees will be able to earn opportunities based on the merit of their work. experts though say eliminating tipping is better for chefs and workers in the kitchen who don't get the tips. now they'll receive higher wages, but the wait staff might not see those benefits. >> i think i give good service and i'm rewarded for the service that i do, and sometimes people go above and beyond depending on how they think i did. josh: in case you're wondering, getting rid of tips isn't going to save you any money at this restaurant, the owner says he's increasing prices on the menu to compensate. jean: straight ahead on news 9, after tom brady unleashes about nutrition, tonight some food companies are fighting back. josh: that discussion is heating up as we move into peak season for halloween candy. now there's a new way to tell which neighbors will hand out people want change, they want reform, they want to see something done, but just carping about it and whining about it and making speeches about it doesn't get it done. nobody has shaken up the system more than i have. i've always been unorthodox in this and against the grain. but you know what? i know how to get it done. new day independent media committee, inc. is responsible for the content josh: the troubles grow for two many cuesed of reckless driving. we'll tell you what police found after watching the video from one suspect's camera. jean: a new round of burglaries in bow. >> prepare yourself for the first cold shot of the season, how cold the weekend will be and where snow could fall. josh: and a new wildfire sent people fleeing from their homes and it's burning in the same place where more than 1,000 homes were destroyed a few years ago. brand new charge tonights for to men already accused of reckless driving during the busy holiday weekend. welcome back, i'm josh mcelveen. jean: i'm jean mackin. the new charges were filed after camera video of the suspects' ride. reporter: a trooper was driving north on 93 in ashland on monday when two motorcyclists came up behind him going nearly 40 miles per hour over the speed limit. but police believe they were going even faster than that. the trooper says that he clocked 26-year-old christopher grant and 25-year-old brandon clark driving 118 miles per hour through ash land around 1:30. police took them into custody and took a go pro camera one of the binders had on his helmet. grant and clark were charged with reckless driving and released. but police say the video on the camera warranted new charges, they say the video shows the men weaving in and out of traffic at up to 160 miles per hour. >> considering the speed limit on interstate 93 in that area is 70 miles per hour, you're talking about more than double you're passing them. reporter: brant and clark were arrested and charged with reckless conduct, this time a felony. state police are asking anyone who was driving on 93 in ashland on columbus day and who may have seen the two bikers to call state police. stephanie woods, wmur news 9. jean: bow police are looking for a suspect involved in a says of commercial burglaries on river road. you can see the individual in these brief clips. officers say the person broke into four businesses and tried to break into another. at one location the suspect made off with $2,000 in cash. officers are also investigating if these burglaries are connected to break-ins that happened last month. a vermont judge has released independence day actor randy quaid and his wife from police custody. the judge told the couple they will have to address the felony charges in california. quaid and his wife were arrested friday trying to enter the united states from canada. the quaids say they'll stay in vermont to care for her father and will resolve the charges in california. legal gun owners in maine no longer need a permit to carry the concealed weapon. the new law ends a mandatory permit system that's been in effect for more than 90 years. the new rule applies to people over the age of 21 or military members. the prohibitions on where guns can be carried will remain, such as courthouses, state parks, schools, and federal buildings. josh: right now a wildfire in texas is burning out of control. it's burned more than six square miles and is drying a lot of -- destroying a lot of homes. reporter: the fire exploded overnight. more than 10 times larger than a day earlier. meaning this morning's smoky roads and bustling channel posts were signs of the big fight >> they have been stepping up, working around the clock to try to contain this fire. reporter: today firefighting choppers hitting the sky to continue an all out air assault. the fire has destroyed at least nine homes. another 150 are in jeopardy. >> it's quite scary since i'm less than a quarter mile away from this. reporter: flames prompting evacuations in several surrounding neighborhoods. >> i was able to get stuff out that i couldn't get replaced because a lot of people don't have that opportunity. reporter: the governor making this plea to fellow texans. >> keep the your hearts and your mind and your prayers those who have been affected by this. reporter: he said shifting winds are a challenge and one official said prepare for the fire to grow. its smoke is also expected to spread. the fire was about 15% contained as of this morning. and for residents it's deja vu. there was a wildfire in this same county in 2011, that one destroyed at least 1500 homes and left two people dead. josh: meanwhile, the northern california wildfires are some of the costliest that state has ever seen. an insurance company says two massive fires caused nearly $2 billion in damage. insurance covers 925 million of damage in the valley fire, making this the most, fifth most expensive for insurance companies in the history of that state. the oakland hills fire back in 1991 was california's most expensive fire ever, that one cost $2.6 billion when you adjust for inflation. jean: a rare announcement on social security benefits up next why recipients will not see a cost of living increase next year. josh: new trouble for boston's big dig. we'll tell you how much the city is spending to clean up leaks that should have been fixed 10 years ago. >> in weather, prepare yourselves for the first cold shot of the season. how low the high temperatures snow flakes straight ahead. jean: and boston is getting a taste of the olympics after all. we'll explain why just ahead. i'm todd from aarp riding through the mill yards to make some noise for all the real possibilities we're providing right here in our community because if you don't think real possibilities in greater manchester when you think aarp then you don't know "aarp" maybe you've caught our movies for grownups series or heard about how our fraud watch network protects families from being the victims of scams we're also helping people achieve their goals with life reimagined get to know us and see all the real possibilities at at we need to disrupt the old order in washington, dc. we can do a lot better by applying conservative principles we should lower rates and simplify the code to allow people to freely decide how they want to spend their money. what we need is leadership to fix a few big things... so that this country takes off and soars where people can dream the biggest possible dreams... and pursue them with a vengeance. (applause) jeb. proven conservative. real results. right to rise usa is responsible for the content jean: big day for the dow, picking up 217 points to 17141. the s&p up by nearly 30. the nasdaq picked up 87 points to 4870. average gas prices nationally at 2.29, and in new hampshire holding steady at 2.16. it is official, there will be no cost of living increase in social security benefits next year. josh: sally kidd is in our washington bureau to explain why the benefits will not change and the potential ripple effects. reporter: the announcement isn't sitting well with seniors, especially those living on a fixed income. the annual cost of living adjustment is based on inflation and the latest numbers show inflation being pulled down by lower gas prices. prices at the pump are down 30% from last year. air fare and krotting prices are also down according to the government. the government's measure of this does not accurately reflect price increases in the goods and services older people use. the aarp says the inflation index reflects the spending patterns of workers, many of whom are younger and healthier. now this is only the third time in 40 years that social security payments will remain flat. from washington, i'm sally kidd. josh: boston's big dig doesn't appear to be holding together very well. the herald says massachusetts is spending as much as $7 million every year to repair leaks. it says more than 16 million gallons of water were pumped out of the tunnels in 2013 and 2014. but this year the same amount of water was pumped out in only the first six months. big dig engineers had promised to close all the cracks in the tunnels by 2005. the computer glitch that held travelers up in logan and other airports last night has been fixed. the department of homeland security had systems trouble and couldn't check names on its terror watch list. officials say there's no indication that the tech problems were intentional, but they are still not exactly sure why it happened. coming up, coke and kellogg's firing back atom brady after he called their products poison for kids. jean: in sports they picked up their first win last night, jamie has the latest on the bruins. josh: and one community is coming together to help their disease. we'll tell you what they're doing and how you can help, coming up at 6:00. it's the way we craft the subway chicken & bacon ranch melt that sets it apart. tender, all-white-meat chicken, crispy bacon, monterey cheddar, and cool, creamy ranch, on freshly baked bread. it's irresistible goodness that leads to nothin' but happiness. jean: former basketball player lamar odom remains in critical condition at a nevada hospital. he was rushed to the hospital tuesday after being found unconscious at a brothel. staff at the brothel say he spent four days there, drinking, using cocaine and taking herbal viagra. authorities took a blood sample to determine if odop overdosed on drugs or alcohol. those results have not been released. family including estranged wife chloe kardashian are by his side at the hospital. josh: tom brady is accusing food and beverage companies of lying to their customers. the star quarterback is calling coca-cola, quote, poison for kids. lindsey davis explains. reporter: this morning america's most famous quarterback is taking on an unlikely opponent. patriots quarterback tom brady getting heated in an interview on boston's sports radio station weei monday, not about his latest game, but about coca-cola. >> the fact that they can sell that, you know, to kids, that's poison for kids. but they keep doing it. reporter: and he's not stopping at soft drinks, also taking a shot at breakfast cereals, going after tony the tiger. >> that's just america and that's what we've been conditioned to. so we believe that frosted flakes are actually is a food. reporter: the 38-year-old four-time super bowl champ crediting a healthy diet as a big part of his on field success. accusing certain large food and beverage companies of false advertising. >> all those companies make lots of money selling those things, advertise. when you go to the super bowl, you know, who are the sponsors, that's the education that we get. that's what we get brain washed to believe, that all these things are just normal food groups and this is what you should eat. reporter: coca-cola firing back saying that all of its beverages are safe and be enjoyed as part of a balanced lifestyle. kellogg's defending frosted flakes for having valuable nutrients and being associated with lower body mass index in children and adults. lately brady seems listen kleined to hold his tongue, after speculation about his marriage to giselle bun chun being on the rocks, he spoke rather candidly in this brand-new interview with yahoo. >> she's my best friend, so we do everything together, and especially when you're fortunate to be in a relationship with someone that you love to death and you love doing anything with. reporter: lindsey davis, abc news, new york. >> well, temperatures are going to be getting cooler, but not so much for tonight. in fact today was cooler than yesterday, but believe it or not we were still at or around the normal temperatures for this time of year and it was a gorgeous day. let's take a look right now outside, here's where it stands, we're in the 50's to lower 60's, enjoy that while it lasts, i'll just let that hang there. i want to throw on the wind, because that's the reason it's so mild, because the wind is con out of the south, a wind that comes from the south usually brings in warm weather into new the wind is not going to stay out of the south for the next several days. now even though it's nice and clear throughout most of the granite state, we do have some clouds piling into coos county, and we do have a few showers that are scraping across the northern canadian border that may move across the areas like hole brook and pittsburgh, north of berlin, maybe erol in the next two hours, a passing sprinkle and that's about it. however there is an area that will give us more widespread showers and those off to the west around toronto, cleveland up through north bay. that moves in during pretty much the morning hours for tomorrow, although some areas in our own north country could see that as soon as late tonight. really the wee hours of the morning predawn. now, behind this batch of moisture, that's where the cold air is and that's why we have a lot of rain showers and water spouts across the great lakes today. this is very chilly air, this is going to be our first real taste of cold air that's come in for the season. so let's talk a little about what that brings us. so let me step out of the way here and you can see that we do have a few scattered showers in through northern new hampshire during the overnight hours, nothing that appears all that heavy. when that rolls through in the morning, say good-bye to temperatures in the 50's and 60's. those start to fall, and then i'm going to roll this forward a little bit in time here, so about 9:00 in the evening on friday, it's cleared out of new hampshire but the air is getting significantly cooler. and then look at this moisture starts to work in on saturday, yeah, i'm not just seeing green here, in fact let's investigate closer. the stuff fall from the sky may fb the frozen form, a mix of rain and snow. accumulations, minimal if any, but the ground could be coated in spots. happy fall. here's our forecast for tonight. clouding over, rain showers up north, really predawn. breezy and mild again. i know you might not think 40's are mild, but you will by this weekend. for the day tomorrow, rain up north in the morning, some mountain rain showers left over in the afternoon, there will be a little sunshine in southern new hampshire although passing showers in the morning will drop temperatures from the 50's and 60's back through the 50's. here's your next five days featuring temperatures in the 50's, but then only in the lower 50's on saturday. our highs only 44 on sunday, and a low by monday morning, kiss the growing season good-bye of 24 degrees, but don't despair, our temperatures getting back into the 60's to near 70 by the middle of next week. jean: thanks, chris. josh: more than two years ago boston, as we know, got out of the race, two months ago rather, seems like two years ago, they got out of the race for the 2020 -- >> just finish had. jean: the 2024 olympics, boston lost the bid. but this weekend olympians are going to the city for a different reason, for your support. the comeefer is sending athletes there to pump up excitement and before the 2016 summer games in brazil. the effort is part of the road to rio tour. a committee spokesman said the stop was planned before boston's bid was dropped. it's not meant as a fence mending attempt. jamie: with the monarchs playing in a new league this year it will be fun to see them play different teams like the brampton beast. the season opener is tomorrow night, they're expecting about 7,000 fans at the game. after starting a season with three straight losses, finally a win for the bruins, they took out the colorado avalanche 6-2 last nights. six different goal scorers for boston. b's finish their trip out west with a game at the arizona coyotes on saturday. it is home town hero thursday and this week we featured two of the stars on the number one high school football team in new hampshire. goffstown quarterback casey gervais and runningback connor bourque, the casey and connor show. that story is tonight at 6:00. and we're already to week seven of the high school football season, our friday night football show, only three more season. 15 games on the schedule tomorrow including a top 10 showdown, number 6 tim we are lane at number three pinkerton. jean: thanks, jamie. major league baseball is all abuzz over one player's reaction to a home run. josh: so after hitting the series winning home run, jose bautistale fat cali, flips the bat. that is a move that is outraging a lot of people, it's being called disrespectful and poor sportsmanship. some people are defending the move, including former sox star curt schilling who says he understands the emotion of a play like that and, i got to say i agree with him. jean: certain players who earn the bat flip, but that was a big flip there. josh: it was, and i like it when gronk spikes the football too. jean: that's true. how far would you travel for the best trick or treating? josh: we have a list of u.s. cities that apparently hand out the most candy. tom: then at 6:00 tonight, closing arguments today in a murder trial that pitted three friends against each other. the conflicting interpretations that prosecutors and the defense had. fish and game officers searching for this woman from massachusetts, the hike she planned on taking that she never josh: live tv can be unpredictable and one guest of a nebraska show decided to take advantage of that. jean: keep in mind, this was all a prank. >> so they get scared if they feel threatened, they'll shoot out a spray. and it -- >> oh, oh! jean: that was actually a strategically placed water gun that sprayed the anchors, not the skunk. it took a few minutes for them to figure it out. the guest was from the nonprofit animal rehab group. don't get any ideas, josh. josh: that's awesome. jean: no, it's not. all right, halloween is a big deal for pranksters, but the real claim to fame is the trick or treating. josh: this year there's a high tech way to figure out where you'll get the best per cap that candy haul. according to this, it says that carey, north carolina hands out the most candy. ann arbor, michigan came in second, followed by omaha, nebraska. none of the top 10 cities though could be found in new england. so i guess we need to step it up. jean: but we are proud to be home to chester, new hampshire which has the best trick or treating. tom: now at 6:00, jurors are deciding whether a man from rochester is guilty of murder. the testimony the prosecution and defense focused on in their closing arguments. >> for the first time ever we're of ed and elaine brown, the unusual features the tax militants built into their plain field house. tom: jobs and growing the economy is the focus of the first major policy speech from presidential candidate john kasich today. the key thing he says he'll do in washington to achieve his plan. >> no one covers new hampshire like we do. now, wmur news 9 at 6:00. jean: first tonight breaking news, the attorney general's office says they've confirmed a body found this week is a missing woman from manchester. sue hutchinson was last seen september 20th. on sunday her body was found in a crawl space behind a false wall in her apartment on calef road. the state medical examiner says hutchinson was strangled. investigators are focusing on

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Ann Arbor , Michigan , United States , Greenland , Nevada , Dover , Kent , United Kingdom , Vermont , Ashland , California , Brazil , Goffstown , New Hampshire , Monterey , Massachusetts , Washington , District Of Columbia , Arizona , Libya , Hooksett , Rochester , New York , Canada , North Carolina , Texas , Afghanistan , North Country , Florida , Boston , Illinois , Manchester , Toronto , Ontario , Coos County , Newport , Oakland Hills , Maine , Iraq , Nebraska , Tufts University , Colorado , Ohio , Berlin , Germany , Texans , America , Canadian , Scotland , Afghans , Afghan , Libyan , American , Connor Bourque , Steven Andrade , Tom Donnelly , Elaine Brown , Lindsey Davis , Curt Schilling , George Pataki , John Kasich , Chloe Kardashian , Lamar Odom , Randy Quaid , Eric Wilder , Mike Haddad , Jim Mccain , Michael Tatum , Jean Mackin , Jeb Bush , Tom Brady , Nissan Kia , Peters Honda , Casey Gervais , Peggy James , Steven Boland , Adam Sexton , Brandon Clark , Danny Meyers , Sally Kidd , Aaron Wilkinson , Hillary Clinton , Suzanne Roantree , Jennifer Crompton ,

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