Transcripts For WMUR News 9 Daybreak 20151021 :

Transcripts For WMUR News 9 Daybreak 20151021

now, wmur news 9 bang daybreak. erin: good morning. thanks for waking up with us. sean: good morning. first, let' s talk about the weather. yesterday started off great. kevin: today, we will cool back into the east. coming with that will be quite a few more clouds is a warm front crosses the state. temperatures are fairly mild early this morning thanks to the clouds building in keeping you lit on temperatures moving too far, too fast. temperatures are in the 40' s to near 50 degrees, but the 50' s to near 60 are about where we will land. as far as the forecast is concerned, we will have much more coming up. sean: we are following some breaking news out of somersworth. one person is dead after a two erin: the fire broke out late last night at a home at indigo hill road. scene. ray brewer does live with more details. ray: we are here at 15 indigo hill road. you can see the firefighters and police and numbers of the fire marshall' s office are still here. the fire was reported at about 11:30 left night. there were a total of three people home at the time. two managed to get home at the time. the third person was trapped on the third -- second floor. firefighters discovered that the female occupant on the second floor and she was deceased. firefighters say they do not know how the fire started. the fire would eventually go to the state fire marshal' s office is on the scene and they are just beginning their investigation. they did have some interviews with the occupants that we' re able to point them in the direction of where the fire started, but nothing is confirmed. no firefighters were hurt. one person has died. reporting live, ray brewer. erin: thank you. a derry man charged with unlawful possession of a concealed firearm. he caused a neighborhood to be put on high alert. 18-year-old sean quickly was armed with a handgun and threatened to arm himself and others. he was outside his home and ran into the woods when police arrived. police warned people to stay inside until they found him. he was taken into custody for sean: manchester police are investigating a shooting that sent an 18-year-old to the hospital. he was shot in his abdomen, but the full extent of his injuries have not been released. while details are limited right now, the shooting does not appear to be random. a milford man is facing a slew of charges. police believe john miller allegedly tried to sell firearms in massachusetts. the 29-year-old sold an assault rifle, a shotgun, and 3000 rounds of ammunition to an undercover agent. he is due to be arraigned in lowell, massachusetts. erin: manchester police have 20 openings and recruitment officers are working overtime. police cannot point to the cause of the downward trend, but they stay it is -- say it is happening across the state. a recruiter said he has been to events all months. >> years ago, we would put an ad in the sunday paper and we would get 800 to 1000 candidates. today, 200 candidates would be a good test for us. erin: the deadline to apply is the 12th. sean: a woman in weare has surrendered her horse after malnourished animal to police. the officer could not find any food and discovered that the horse and chewed a large hole to escape. erin: the american cancer changing the standard recommendation for mammograms for the first time in a decade. the american cancer society is recommending women start having mammograms at the age of 45 instead of 40 and every other year starting at age 55. some caution that the guidelines don' t fit everyone. shanna clarke was diagnosed a decade ago. she says she was stunned when she heard the new recommendation. >> i was not diagnosed at 27. they did not find it at 27 -- where do you think it wil -- i would be? erin: experts agree you should talk to your own doctor about when to be screened for breast cancer. at least one in eight women will be diagnosed at some point in their lives. more than 200,000 women each year are diagnosed with the disease. sean: lee harvey oswald' s the sixth floor museum in dallas, texas announced the visitors can see the ring for themselves. erin: an anonymous buyer in texas paid $108,000 for the ring in 2013. oswald was known to never take the ring off, but on the morning he assassinated president john f. kennedy, he left the ring at home. sean: certainly an infamous piece of history. a major development in the race for speaker. paul ryan says he is willing to serve on one major condition. erin: a veteran officer shot and killed in the line of duty. ahead. of a tornado left one deerfield . seven years later, they are facing a monetary dilemma >> you are watching wmur news 9 daybreak. now, news numeral mine continues -- news 9 continues. kevin: a lot of clouds out there this morning. the risk of a shower into the afternoon. we are looking at cooler temperatures today only to warm up again tomorrow. a sneak big into the weekend with your forecast coming up. sean: new york city is waking up in morning -- mourning after another officer was killed on duty. it happened in manhattan near east harlem. it is not clear what happened to the armed man who killed the officer. the officer was a five-year veteran. he was the fourth nypd officer erin: republican congressman paul ryan said he is willing to run for house speaker under certain conditions. chief among his demands is a mandate regarding endorsements. >> paul ryan is no longer resisting the pressure to run for house speaker. >> i consider to do this with reluctance. >> this, -- this comes after weeks of lobbying from republicans. the wisconsin lawmaker finally says he is down to do the job, agreeing he will run to replace john boehner only if republicans unify behind him. >> if i can truly be a unifying figure, then i will gladly serve. >> he has a few conditions. he says he will only run if supported by all the key groups within the gop, including the ryan also wants changes to house rules to be made as a team. he wants it may -- wants to make it harder to overthrow the sitting speaker. >> i may not be on the road as much as other speakers. >> kevin mccarthy was on the job, but abruptly withdrew. >> everybody thought hillary clinton was unbeatable, right? we put together a benghazi special committee, a select committee. what are her numbers today? numbers are dropping. >> kevin mccarthy says he supports paul ryan as speaker. stephanie ramos, abc news. coming up, it is a trial in the works that is perfect for the younger generation. could you imagine making a purchase through a selfie? erin: and time certainly mcfli sean: welcome back, everybody. the department of labor said hiring only increased in 28, including -- 20 states, including new hampshire. new hampshire is one of the 37 states where unemployment rates fell. consumer spending slowed sharply nationwide. for the selfie generation, this might be the perfect way to pay. mastercard is trying out a new technology that allows online shoppers to authorize the purchase with a selfie. sean: interesting --erin: interesting. hershey' s kisses are getting bigger. hershey' s kisses deluxe will begin sales in the u.s. in two weeks. they have a hazelnut center and crispy rice. her she' s introduced the deluxe in china two years ago. sean: there is a lot going on in that hershey kiss. subway has announced to sell only antibiotic free me. -- meats. the full transition will be complete by 2025. subway aims to start selling antibiotic free chicken by next 27,000 subways out there. we have finally reached the day all back to the future fans have been waiting for. erin: the future is becoming the past. sean: it is the day michael j fox travels to in his delorean. although there is no flying car, we are getting somewhere on the hover board front. true. erin: will the cubs advance to the world series? they play again tonight. but they are one game away from being eliminated. sean: that game might be going away. movie theaters will be replaying erin: i guess he did also use a pay phone in the movie. sean: you paid money to make a phone call? really? [laughter] kevin: when i visited california as a teenager, they had that cityscape set. sean: i took the same tour, it is pretty neat. you' ll notice it in a lot of movies. kevin: we start off with temperatures back into the 50' s. a warm front eventually gets warmer. another front eventually arrives with that. that is a cool front. the breeze kicks in as the cooler air rushes back in on friday. we will start the weekend on the sunnyside before the next system arrives. a couple of quick moving systems. up-and-down temperatures due to the changing wind conditions. temperatures are up in the 40' s overnight. there may be a stray shower back to our west. eventually, we get into this warm sector, which pushes temperatures up into the low and mid 60' s. a relatively benign day out there for us. there may be a stray shower passing by. from there, temperatures will hover around where we start the day in the 40' s and then we get up into the 50' s in the afternoon. we are running about 5-10 degrees warmer than we were yesterday. plays a huge role in exactly the air mass we get. certainly, warmer and milder on a west and southwest wind. the theme is 50' s to near 60 with a light breeze out of the south. maybe out of the north right along the coast. you will notice the clouds starting to build in. still quite a few clouds around tomorrow. you will notice a broken line of showers making their way through tomorrow. temperatures will be back into the 50' s. notice the cooler air in the north country. beyond that, we start the weekend with sunshine. the next system runs in on sunday. temperatures holding in the 50' s today. we fall back into the 40' s. the extended forecast kicks us back into the 60' s for one day tomorrow. a lot of sunshine to start the weekend. maybe a passing shower on sunday. sunday should not be a washout. shouldn' t be too much of a problem. sean: did was a beautiful night. turned out to be a beautiful night last night. ray: one person is dead following a fire overnight in somersworth. the fire at 15 indigo hill road broke out at about 11:30 last night. when firefighters arrived, there was heavy fire on the first floor. there was a person trapped on the second floor. a total of three people were home at the time. two made it out. firefighters discovered a female occupant on the second floor bedroom who was deceased. >> the american cancer society issued new guidelines for when women should get mammograms. women should start getting mammograms at age 45 instead of age 40. it is no longer recommending clinical breast exams. >> in milford man is facing multiple charges this morning. he tried to illegally sell firearms in massachusetts. he sold an assault rifle, shotgun, and 3000 rounds of ammunition to an undercover officer. erin: it is like the scene out who's toughest on spending? fox news did the analysis and jeb bush had the best record. billions in pork, vetoed. eight budgets, balanced. and tax cuts every single year. right to rise usa who has the plan for jobs? jeb. tax cuts for the middle class. eliminates special loopholes. an explosion in growth and new jobs. jeb: cut taxes. grow america. right to rise usa erin: talk about jumping into fall. these utah residents take it quite literally. sean: they are racing across the pond in a pumpkin. this is the fifth annual join or mess pumpkin -- ginormous pumpkin regatta. the regatta comes after giant pumpkin growers grow their own giant pumpkins. erin: they actually float very well and make great boats. sean: i guess they are not always seaworthy. erin: they sink pretty fast. [laughter] erin: coming up, more details on that deadly fire in somersworth. and the money has back. controversial budget cuts the dates set to reopen the the republicans finally admit it. >>"republican kevin mccarthy saying ...the committee investigating benghazi and clinton's emails was created to destroy her candidacy..." "everybody thought hillary clinton was unbeatable, right? but we put together a benghazi special committee... what are her numbers today?" republicans have spent millions attacking hillary... ...because she's fighting for everything they oppose... ...from affordable health care. equal pay... she'll never stop fighting for you. and the republicans know it. like we do. now, wmur news 9 daybreak. sean: good morning, everybody. 46 degrees. yesterday. same. erin: we will take a look at stories. out of somersworth. crews are on the scene of a fatal fire on indigo hill road. stated all of the budget cuts from earlier this year, meaning a fire station will reopen tomorrow. a deerfield family that lost hundreds of trees in a tornado taxing their property for the view that they never wanted. sean: after those cold temperatures over the weekend, it really felt balmy yesterday. the 50' s today, only to go to the 60' s tomorrow, only to go back into the 50' s on friday. classic october. most of the showers will not be affecting yesterday. there may be one or two wandering through. high temperatures into the afternoon, 50' s to near 60. sean: let' s check out the roads this morning, starting with a live look at i-93. it is so dark out there. kevin: we' re joined live by 95.7 deb: all major roadways in the state of new hampshire are looking good. i do need to let you know that on 93 northbound in the concord area at exit 12 north, that offramp is closed due to some construction and traffic is being detoured off to exit 12 s. 293 is an easy ride through the mill yard and through the lane shifts. if you are out on 95, it is moving well on the seacoast in both directions and as you make your way through the hampton tolls. from the wzid traffic network, i' m deb davidson. sean: let' s get back to that breaking news we are following out of somersworth. crews are on the scene of a deadly fire. ray: the flames broke out --erin: the flames broke out late last night at a home on indigo hill road. ray: at about 11:30 last night, a neighbor reported seeing flames at indigo hill road and called 911. when firefighters arrived, they had heavy fire coming from the first floor. they tried to make entry, only to be blocked by some clutter inside the front door and had to go in through the side. there was also heavy fire on the second floor. three people were inside the house at the time of the fire. two of them made it out and told firefighters that the third occupant was trapped on the second floor. the second alarm was sounded, more crews were brought in, and a second line was laid to the second floor. firefighters discovered a female occupant on the second floor who was deceased. the state fire marshal' s office is leading the investigation because this is a fatal fire. it is too soon to say how it started. >> at this point, we have done some interviews and we are just now getting into the building to look around and get some information from inside. ray: no firefighters were injured. however, the two occupants did suffer burn and smoke inhalation. one of those occupants was transferred to a hospital in boston. reporting live, ray brewer, wmur news 9. erin: the derry town counselors met for the first time since voters overturned budget cuts that were passed earlier this year. the council voted unanimously to put $1.6 million back into the 2016 budget. that money will be raised through taxes. in may, a majority of the council passed a controversial budget that included cutting funding to public safety, slashing police and fire positions, and closing a fire station. voters overturned every cut the council made. the fire chief said the station will reopen tomorrow morning. >> we are looking forward to moving forward from this as a community. we have learned a lot from it. ultimately, dairy is going to be a better place as a result of everything that happened. erin: counselors will be working with other town departments to restore money to their budgets, as well. sean: a death investigation is underway in guilford. authorities are waiting on toxicology reports to determine what caused a woman to die. the attorney general' s office says it is assisting police in the investigation. erin: a man wanted in new hampshire on aggravated sexual assault has been arrested in vermont. 20-year-old christopher hollis was arrested yesterday during a traffic stop. he allegedly assaulted -- sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl. he is being held without bail pending an arraignment on a fugitive from justice charge. sean: a judge has upheld a felony conviction charge for owen lebrie. in august, a jury found him guilty of five charges related to the sexual assault of a teenage girl. his attorneys argued that a felony-related charge should be thrown out. again, that conviction was upheld. erin: police are on the lookout for the robber who held up the cvs pharmacy on highland street monday night. this man handed the pharmacist a note indicating he had a gun and that he demanded all of the oxycontin. after getting some drugs, police say the robber took off in a lowered to the ground. sean: londonderry schools are facing a tangle offender regulations after opting out of the national lunch program last londonderry pulled its high school out of the first lady' s lunch program after it saw how much food ended up in the trash. now, because of the discrepancy, the usda a reclassify the high school where all district lunches are made as a food processing facility, which could trigger a cascade of regulatory problems. they' re hoping to obtain a waiver from the usda. erin: it has been seven years since the tornado tore through the state leaving miles of destruction in its wake. a family in deerfield lost hundreds of trees in the disaster and now the town is taxing their property for a view they never wanted. the russell' s say they love the privacy of being nestled in by old evergreens. the 2008 tornado decimated hundreds of trees and change to the character of their property. after years of discounted property taxes, a new assessment tacked on $70,000 in value for the panoramic view, adding more than $1600 annually to the tax bill. the russell' s savior being punished twice by the same tornado. should be taxed for it. in this case, i don' t believe it is just for this tax. erin: taxes are due in december. the russell' s were advised to file for a taxi bateman -- abatement. sean: a new poll of new hampshire primary voters shows a growing lead for donald trump. he is in front of the pack with 28% of support from likely voters. the previous: in august at him at 18%. carly fiorina was the only other candidate to receive double-digit support. jeb bush was only one percentage point behind her. a scary situation for drivers on a massive -- massachusetts highway. >> i' m amazed how much damage there is to this and no damage to me or my wife. sean: a loose tire caused a camper to roll over on a highway. erin: attention house hunters. an historic mansion in manchester is now on the market. we will explain why it is being sold for a fraction of what it is worth. kevin: it is all about the wind direction this time of year. sean: it is wednesday morning, october 21. temperatures are in the 40)s we have had clouds moving in from the west overnight. a lot of drier hours mixed in. eyes mainly in the 50' s before jumping to the 60' s again tomorrow. we will talk about that and any sean: after weeks of turmoil, republicans have a new candidate for house speaker. wisconsin congressman paul ryan says he is up for the job with a few conditions. nikole killion has the details. >> paul ryan is giving colleagues until friday to back his bid or he is getting out of the race. heading into a closed door meeting, he told house republicans he is in. >> i came to the conclusion that this is a very dire moment for congress, the republican party, and our country. i think our country is in desperate need of leadership. >> but it comes with a big if. he would only do the job under certain conditions. >> first, we need to move from an opposition party to being a proposition party. we need to update house rules. we should unify as a conference. the last point is personal. >> the one-time vice presidential nominee must now win the support of rank-and-file republicans, including the house freedom caucus, which drove out speaker boehner and abruptly ended the bid of his deputy, kevin mccarthy. ryan said he does not want to be the third log on the bonfire. >> it is unclear as to whether paul ryan or anybody else can pull it off with the conservatives. >> leaders of the house freedom caucus may need more convincing. they are pushing for another meeting with ryan as early as today. in washington, nikole killion. erin: a tire is blamed for causing a crash on interstate 495 in lawrence, massachusetts. a cement truck was traveling south when a tire flew often crossed into the northbound lanes. the loose tire hit one car and then a camper rolled over well trying to avoid it, causing a lot of damage. >> i just see it bouncing and it is rolling right straight at me. i think i' m fortunate to be alive. i really think so. erin: police say they are trying to figure out what caused that tire to fly off the truck. sean: bob barker was sent to the hospital last night after he tripped and fell while walking in hollywood. he hit his head on the sidewalk. police officers happened to see him fall and they responded immediately. he suffered some lacerations, but was conscious and alert on the way to the hospital. erin: a dramatic rescue in the pacific ocean off the coast of alaska. a frenchman was forced to make a daring leap to a rescue ship after his sailboat was battered by high seas. he saved his own life and his cat. the animal was tucked inside the coat when he jumped onto that ship. sean: an alabama judge is coming under fire for an unusual decision. a civil rights group says he threatened people who owed finds with jail time if they did not donate blood. >> i don' t like being told i have to. sean: the southern poverty law center said dozens of defendants were in court the same day a blood drive was being held outside. investigation. erin: after two games on the road, the boston bruins are back on home ice tonight. they host the philadelphia flyers at 8:00. sean: the storybook ending may not happen. the chicago cubs and the new york mets faced off last night. in the third, daniel murphy hit a home run to give the mets a 2-1 lead. he has hit a homer in five straight postseason games. they went on to win the game 5-2. they could sweep the cubs tonight when the teams had to game four. erin: it is not over until it' s over, right? the toronto blue jays played game for against the kansas city royals. the royals set a new alcs record, hitting four runs in the first inning. kansas city won the game 14-2. both teams hit the diamond again this afternoon. sean: the co-op team between hillsboro high school and hopkinton high school is playing a jv schedule this year. next year, they go varsity. division placement is still to be determined, but they will likely be in division ii. they have 17 players from hopkinton high and 12 players from hillsboro. >> now, your forecast. erin: here is a live look in manchester. 50 degrees. what are we looking at weather-wise today? kevin: vastly different from yesterday. yesterday, a lot of areas into the 60' s. i think we are held down into the 50' s. maybe the risk of a shower into the afternoon. otherwise, it is going to be a fairly quiet day. you will notice a front back out through the northern plains earlier this morning. that front arrives tomorrow afternoon and provides another chance of a passing shower. if anything, temperatures will continue to go up and down over the next several days due to wind direction alone. nothing really have a backup for new york. this system makes its way toward us this afternoon. there is a chance of showers for southern areas. as the warm front lifts northward, there is a better chance for northern areas. temperatures not too bad early on. a lot of areas in the 40' s. we have been seeing a little fog set up. the clouds put a lid on that. notice 30 down in pittsburgh. 33, errol. s on the map earlier this morning. into the afternoon it will be a lot of 50' s. high temperatures ranging from s to near 60 degrees. there will be a very light wind to go through all of this. clouds more than anything else. and mostly cloudy sky. there is a chance of showers overnight tonight. temperatures tomorrow will respond. 50' s to mid 60' s, only to fall back down again on friday afternoon. after a chilly start to the day on saturday, a mostly sunny day for saturday afternoon. s to near 60 degrees on sunday. 4:00 this afternoon. the cool front makes its way through. it should be anywhere from the mid 40' s to the mid-50' s on friday with mostly sunny skies. we will have the sunshine around the first half of the weekend. it should not be a washout by any stretch of the imagination on sunday. 50' s to lower 60' s for the next couple days. erin: which is the average. kevin: it is pretty close. erin: now' s your chance to own a mansion for a few thousand dollars. sean: a 20 bedroom, seven bath home is now on the market. the former george b chandler $600,000, but the owner is selling it for $29,900. there is one catch. it is a big one. once you buy the mansion, you cannot keep it in its current location. the structure must be moved to make way for a parking lot. moving the home locally could cost 200,000-300,000 dollars. look at the detail and the woodwork. erin: it is amazing. sean: wow. my goodness. somebody will take it, right? coming up, a fascinating find off central new york. a shipwreck in lake ontario. now time for our you local hot shots. it appears that smokey the cat is practicing his scary look for halloween. yikes. by logging onto u u sean: a team of shipwreck hunters say they made an incredible discovery in the great lakes. they say they found the wreckage of a propeller-driven steamship more than 150 years after it sank in a storm in lake ontario. feet deep in the water. new york law does not allow divers to salvage items from historic wrecks, but they are hoping to record more of the wreckage next year. this is often why divers don' t say exactly what they found down there. erin: we are featuring a slideshow of some of the worst listen to this. employers reported the excuses in a survey. one employee said she could not come to work because her cat was stuck inside the dashboard of her car. >> a woman said she was going to the beach because the doctor told her she needed vitamin d. not make it to work because his wife put all his underwear in the washer. sean: what about commando? kevin: oh boy. sean: i' m just saying. [laughter] erin: ok. sean: coming up in the next hour, the american cancer society' s changing a standard recommendation for mammograms. here why one local woman battling breast cancer says she was surprised by the move. ray: if fire overnight in somersworth claims one life. report. is stepping up to the house speaker role. before he accepts, he wants

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