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John kasich voted for himself in suburb an columbus today. Great, were going to win. I feel terrific. Its great. You know, do i seem like im nervous or uptight . Reporter kasich has tried to run a largely positive campaign, but today criticized donald trump for his past comments about women. Bimbo. Dog. Fat pig. Reporter now strung together in some antitrump superpac ad. I have two daughters. They see this stuff. What do you think they think . Ohio is going to make America Great again. Reporter after days of unrest at trump rallies, there were no disruptions at his final stop in ohio last night. Security was noticeably beefed up. Well, im going to review it. Reporter trump also backed away from comments he made sunday that he would consider paying legal fees fair North Carolina supporter charged with protester. I dont condone violence, and i didnt say i was going to pay for reporter so youre not going to . No, i didnt i didnt say that. From the state that always makes the difference. Reporter marco rubio campaigned into night yesterday, showing him running well behind trump in his home state of florida. I think a lot of people are going to be embarrassed tonight and are going to want refunds from the money they spent on these polls because were going to win florida. And we feel very optimistic about that. Reporter ted cruz made five stops yesterday in illinois, a state his campaign believes is winnable. There is only one campaign in a position to beat donald trump nomination. applause reporter cruzs strategy has been to hunt for delegates in nonwinnertakeall states to offset predicted trump gains elsewhere. Scott, if kasich wins ohio this evening, from the perspective of gathering delegates could be as much cruzs as it is trumps. Pelley major, thanks very much. Hillary clinton is also running in her home state of illinois. She and Bernie Sanders are fighting over 691 democratic delegates dont, which is more than a quarter of whats needed for the nomination. Clinton today. Reporter in chicago, sanders predicted he would beat expectations again today and dominate the midwest. Well, i think that if theres a large voter turnout, were going to do just great here in illinois, missouri, ohio. Thank you. Thanks, everybody. Reporter clinton has a Comfortable Lead in ohio polls, but Neither Campaign is putting much stock in that after her surprise loss in neighboring michigan. What do you say to that voter in a manufacturing state who says, Bernie Sanders has just been more consistent on trade. I say, number one, the only multinational trade agreement i ever had a chance to volt on, i voted no. But more than that, its not just what youre against. What are you for, and what have you ever done to create good jobs and rising incomes . And i have a record on that. I came all this way to thank you. Reporter today, she paid lastminute visits to a couple states that should be sure bets if hes the one who is closing these huge gaps in the pollses, does that mean that hes the one with momentum . I have 1. 6 million more votes, and i have many more delegates, and so, i think, look, its a great contest. And im thrilled that senator sanders and i are running a campaign on the issues compared to the insults we hear coming from the other side. Reporter speaking of the other side, clinton is celebrating tonight in trumps backyard. We are just three miles away from maura lago. Scott, clintons aides tell me she would win or lose all three midwestern states tonight but they still think she will walk away with more delegates thanks in large part to her support here in florida. Pelley imagine her losing her home state. Were going to turn now to john dickerson, our cbs news political director and anchor of face the nation. John, why did clinton choose to be in florida tonight . Reporter as nancy said, florida has an older population and it also has a larger share of nonwhite populations. Clinton does well with. She could win so much, get so delegates out of florida she could come ahead tonight. Pelley what do you see for the republican . Reporter the two big winnerrertakeall states, ohio and florida, the two men fighting to stay alive in the age of trump who once would have been considered frontrunners, john kasich, outside of washington be a governor, popular in a swing state. Marco rubio was once considered cover of time magazine. He was considered the savior of the republican party. Now both are at the back of the delegate count and one or both of them may not survive the night. Pelley so what does this mean for the party . Reporter tonight was the night those who want to try to stop donald trump are going to try to strip delegation away from him. In conversations ive had with people who are part of that effort is means the conversation tomorrow will be fighting this out at the convention in cleveland. Pelley john, thank you very much. And john will be right here with us as cbs news brings you throughout the evening. In North Carolina, about 1,000 voters cast provisional ballots because they didnt have enough identification to meet the states new, strict voter i. D. Law. The law was passed even though voter fraud is almost unknown there. Opponents say the law is meant to silence minority voters, and heres mark strassmann. Reporter as north carolinians voted this morning, Maria Del Carmen Sanchez Thorpe woke up worried. I will need to present a valid North Carolina i. D. Reporter and youre anxious about it. Yes, i. And if im anxious, i cant imagine how many people may zhong not even show up. Reporter shes 58 years old, a u. S. Citizen born in cuba. All her photo i. D. S, including her passport and drivers license, say sanchez, her maiden name. And thats a problem because my Voter Registration still has my maiden name. Culturally often use different last names. North carolina estimate twoz 25,000 of its registered voters may not have a valid drivers license. Of the 11 states with record black voter turnout in 2008, seven have enacted stricter voter i. D. Laws, including North Carolina. Wendy weiser studies electioning apt n. Y. U. s law school. These laws are a backlash against increasing participation by new voters in the political process. Reporter but republican state representative david lewis supports want new law. How many documented, verified instances of voter fraud in the la last five years do you know about . We dont know if how widespread that may be or may not be. But isnt the integrity of our republic worth maintaining that somebody is who they say they are when they present themselveses to vote . Reporter Sanchez Thorpe did get to vote, but by voters without valid i. D. S had to cast provisional ballots, which means they need to be verified before the votes can be counted. Mark strassmann, cbs news, raleigh. Pelley now, weve been talking to voters in these states as they left the polls today, and Demarco Morgan is keeping track of that exit polling information. Demarco, what are we finding out . Reporter a lot to talk about. We have all heard about t. P. P. And nafta. They are trade agreements and not Everybody Knows exactly what they mean, but in ohio they simply mean one thing jobs. We wanted to find out what Republican Voters there are saying is their most important issue, and you can see it right here behind me. 37 say it is the economy and jobs. When it comes to u. S. Trade with other countries, the Republican Voters that were polled there believe it has taken away our jobs here in this country. Thats 56 . Not surprisingly so, the democrats also believe the same thing. They came in at 53 who were saying that its taken away our jobs here in this country. So a lot to talk about tonight. Pelley demarco, thanks very much. Critical of the rhetoric of the campaign. He was speaking at what was billed as a unity luncheon at the capitol. He had some kind words to speak about the speaker of the house. I suspect that all of us can recall some intemperate words that we regret. Certainly i can. And while some may be more to blame than others for the current climate, all of us are responsible for reversing it, for it is a cycle that is not an accurate reflection of america. And it has to stop. Speaker ryan, you and i dont agree on a lot of policy, but i know you are a great father and a great husband, and i know you want whats best for america. And we may fiercely disagree on policy, and the n. F. C. North laughter say about you as a man. Pelley the president today on civility. In another important story, floodwaters are getting deeper and no place has been hit harder than deweyville, texas, on the louisiana border. David begnaud is there. Reporter this is the worst flooding deweyville has seen in over 100 years. Everything the sheriffs department, post office, church, school, and the towns only Grocery Store is under water. Deweyville, a town of 1100, sits west of the sabine river. Its a funnel for many smaller tib temporaries carrying water downstream from three larger bodies of water. 20 inches of rain over the last week, and 455 billion gallons of water released from an overflowing reservoir has left deweyville flooded in four feet of water. Look at the dog. Look at the dog. Reporter today, rescuers spotted animals in need of help. Come on up, big guy. Oh reporter downriver is krista kachticks home, with two feet of water inside. Its horrific. I would have never in all my 26 years thought i would see what im sieg right now. Reporter right now were headed with the rescuers to check on a guy they met last night who refused to leave one his flooded home bon of the rescuers said it was pitiful. Searchandrescue reporter no one responded. Just as we were headed back to shore, we spotted ray holden. No. Reporter why not . I have gun, food, water, why leave. Reporter gun, food, and water. Yeah, goit everything i need. Reporter here in deweyville, the sabine river is cresting right now and that will continue through tomorrow morning. When its all said and done, scott, the river is expected to crest at about 33. 2 feet. Thats nine feet above flood stage. Pelley David Begnaud for us tonight. David, thank you. Vladimir putin appears to be making good on his pledge to begin withdrawing Russian Forces from syria. Home to a heros welcome. The russians have launched more than 9,000 Bombing Missions in syria since september and turned the tide of the civil war to the assad dictatorship. Tonight, cbs news has learned that the american who defected from isis and then surrendered to Kurdish Forces had left the d. C. Area in middecember, three months with isis was apparently enough for him. Elizabeth palmer has more from erbil in Northern Iraq. Reporter heres the moment kurdish soldiers find out theyve detained an american. Where are you from . Where are you from . United states. Reporter minutes earlier, the kurds had grabbed Mohamed Jamal khweis when he walked out of the scrub land at dawn and right into their front line. In broken arabic and english, he told them he wanted to surrender. Him but didnt want his face shown said khweis confirmed he had been fighting for isis. How did you make sure that he wasnt a suicide bomber, that he had no explosives on him . We got him to lift his shirt up and drop his pants to prove it, he said. Thats standard procedure all along the kurdish front line. Anyone crossing has to strip to show theyre not wearing a bomb. 26yearold Mohamed Jamal khweis had his virginia drivers license with him, two credit cards, and three cell phones, along with about 4,000. He gave himself up here at the village of gaulat near tal afar. But the kurds say it was a mistake. He had been aiming for the Turkish Border but was double crossed by the smuggler hired to take him there. But backat virginia, reporters showed up at the family home to ask questions, but a scene that turned hosciel when khweis father turned the hose on them. Khweis parents say theyd lost touch with their son and they have no idea how he ended up with he is tonight, in the custody of kurdish intelligence. And its not clear, scott, how long before he returns to the u. S. , but the department of justice is already planning to file charges against him. Pelley Elizabeth Palmer in Northern Iraq for us tonight. Liz, thank you. Today, the vatican said that Mother Teresa will become a saint on september 4. Pope francis cleared the way by attributing two miracles to her work. Mother teresa devoted her life to working with the sick and the homeless in calcutta, india. She died 19 years ago at the age of 87. The c. D. C. Is urging drastic action to stop an epidemic of prescription pain killer overdoses. And he talks constantly about china. When the cbs evening news continues. Song thats life song thats life song thats life song thats life thats life. You diet. You exercise. And if you still need help lowering your blood sugar. This is jardiance. Along with diet and exercise, jardiance works around the clock to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. It works by helping your body to get rid of some of the sugar it doesnt need through urination. This can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. And although its not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. 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Urged doctors to stop overprescribing opioids, a group of pain killers that includes vicodin and oxycontin. There is a growing epidemic of addiction, and each day, more than 40 people die from overdoses thieves drugs. Heres dr. Jon lapook. Reporter 60yearold executive recruiter steven diamond was predescribed opioids in 2004 to treat chronic knee and back pain from years of skiing. I was out of control. Whatever the doctor gave me wasnt enough. So i got more. Reporter it wasnt long before he became addicted and moved on to heroin. I think the doctors make it easy for you. They give you the pain scale 110, tell me what youre feeling. Reporter today, the c. D. C. Said enough is enough. The epidemic of prescription opennate overdose and death is driven by doctor prescribing. But because doctor prescribing drove this, doctor prescribe category also help stop it. Reporter the c. D. C. Recommendations include patients and doctors should first consider pain therapy that doesnt including opioids. Before prescriek opioid , physicians should clearly outline the risk of addiction. And if opioids are needed, they should be low dose and short act. A lot of people who get into problems with opiates start with acute pain. Thats why we say for most episodes of acute pain, three days will be enough. It is very rare that more than seven days will be needed. Reporter the c. D. C. Also hopes clinicians will check an online database to see if patients are going to other doctors to get those drugs. Pelley and opioids can be jon, thanks very much. In a moment, what the chinese say about trump. Ving for retirement. Then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. 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Reporter how much more are people talking about donald trump than, say, the other candidates. Much more, much more. Reporter guan xin takes clips from the campaign trail and translates them into chinese. Subtitles for his 370,000 follows, or weibo, chinas twitter. Whats the range of opinions you hear about donald trump . From a total liar and bigot, to the only truthtelling i know, i be him. Reporter weve seen trumps name recognition here increase compared to last fall. Jeb bush. Reporter no, this is not jeb bush. China has taken millions of jobs. Reporter after he took so many highprofile jabs at china. Its the greatest theft in the history of the world. Reporter though 7,000 miles away, the politics of it all are pretty clear. Reporter seth doane, cbs and well be right back. They call it planning for retirement because getting there requires exactly that. A plan for what you want your future to look like. 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He got 72 of the vote, and all nine delegates in the northern mariana islands. It is a Pacific Island chain that has been ruled over centuries by spain, germany, and japan. It is now one of five u. S. Territories whose citizens can vote in primaries and caucuses, but not in the november election. With that victory, trump met a g. O. P. Requirement that a candidate win more than 50 of states or territories for his name to be placed in nomination. He hasnt clinched it, but he has met that stipulation. As the votes come in tonight, well have Primetime Television updates, walltowall coverage on our digital service, cbsn, late returns on your local news, and all the overnight developments on cbs this morning. For all of us around the i came out, and i saw substantial dadamage. Announcer childs play turns destructive. Judge judy tell me what happened with the skateboard. Um, were outside playing with some kids. One of them hit the garage and started running. Judge judy have you seen them again . Mm. No. Announcer but the neighbor knows better. I said, well, it was either you or your sister that did this. Youre the only two around. So, i said, well, weve got to go talk to your mom. Announcer judge judy. The courtroom of judge judith sheindlin. Captions paid for by Cbs Television distribution linda blansit is suing her neighbor, ashley conway, for damage to her garage door caused candre. Byrd order all rise your honor, this is case number 285 on the calendar in the matter of blansit vs. Conway. Judge judy thank you. Byrd youre welcome. You may be seated. Have a seat. Judge judy ms. Blansit, it is your claim that this young man over here, whose family lives in the neighborhood not far from where you live, damaged your garage door with a skateboard. Want to tell me when this happened . It was on april the 25th, a saturday. Judge judy what time . I would say around 5 00. Judge judy where were you . I was in the back of the house, watching tv. Judge judy tell me what you observed. What i heard i heard a sound against my metal garage door. I thought, what was that

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