Transcripts For WNCN North Carolina News At Noon 20161116 :

WNCN North Carolina News At Noon November 16, 2016

Can sit up in his chair. Pretend like youre reading a magazine, and mommy. Margaret im home. Now listen, im telling him. What a creep. Hi honey. Oh hello dear. Anything new and startling around here . Oh no no nothing at all. Hi bud. Hi dad. Wait daddy, wouldnt you like to sit down in your chair and relax . Oh ill take em, you just sit down. laughter whatve you got in this chair, thumbtacks, glue . Listen daddy, mr. James anderson, you are cordially invited to be the special guest of your daughter kathy at the pta meeting honoring our own father. Pta meeting what are you doing in a Parent Teacher affair . Im gonna read your biography. My biography . Which i wrote. Its a school assignment. And brother wait til you read it. And youll be my guest sitting right up there on the stage. But this biography is this anything i want read in a room full of parents and teachers . Well you wont be alone, youll have two fellow sufferers. Therell be two other fathers whose biographies are going to be read. Yeah. Well why am i one of them exactly what is this . Well it seems that kathy run out in the kitchen and turn down the chops will ya . Ok but dont say anything important while im gone. We wont. Kathys teacher asked the children to write a biography evidently they turned out so funny she showed them to the other teachers. Finally the pta president read them and she decided she might use them to drag a few of you reluctant fathers to a pta meeting. Or keep us away forever. Oh, itll be a lot of fun. Im warning you dad, i dont think this is anything youll want read in public. Oh yes he will and kathyd never forgive you if you didnt go with her. Well i dont think im going to agree to this ok where are we now . Hell go, but first he wants to see the biography. Well if you insist, i had planned to surprise you with it. Thats what i was afraid of. Well here it is father, the unexpurgated story of your life. Your biographer is asleep but im sure she wont mind if you read it. I dont know if i wanna read this or not. Go on. Mr. Anderson, his life and times. whistles pretty impressive title ill say that. Be good enough for you. Oh true true. laughs many years ago mr. Anderson was born. Well thats a good place to start. His grandmother claims he weight, weight, weight, he weight only five pounds. Although he outgrew this, he is still not what you call fat. laughs laughs she means hearsay. Wait til you get to the part about saint peter. Saint peter in here too . Keep going, youll come to it. When we kids ask him to drive us some place in the car he says whats the matter with you kids . Why when i was a boy i use to walk 10 miles to school in six feet of snow barefoot that is about all i know about his boyhood. laughs except he raised a albino gopher. I guess there wasnt much to do in those days. laughs here you read it. laughs college life, in College Romance struck him down in the person of Margaret Merrick when saint peter inducts mr. Anderson into the pearly gates. Inducts . What are they running up there now an Induction Center . Actually its a pretty good word for what she has in mind. Come on betty. When saint peter inducts mr. Anderson into the pearly gate, he will not find senator or governtnor, governtnor, or govertnor wrote after his name but saint peter will say to himself ah, this is a real square sided man. laughs one, oh now here she lists your square sides. Good. I think were getting to you department mother. One, religious, very, he goes to church every sunday and never misses like say to play golf, oh maybe sometimes, but he does not cheat or swear. Well thats something. laughter i will summit up by saying, when saint peter gets done with my father, he will lower his eyes on him and say mr. Anderson, you are ok, come on in, the end. laughs oh thats wonderful. A little bit before she reads it that night. Make it a little bit more complimentary. No no. Oh dad, dont you wanna have a little better record to present when you get to the big Induction Center upstairs . No, i wouldnt change one word of it. Hey, whats all the laughing about . You woke me up. Oh did you read it . Do you think theyll like it at the pta . Attention are you eligible for medicare . The medicare enrollment deadline is just a few weeks away. Changes to medicare plans could impact your healthcare costs. Are you getting all the benefits available to you . New plans are now available that could increase your benefits and lower how much you pay out of pocket. To update your coverage or enroll for the first time call healthmarkets. Well help you make sure you have the right medicare plan. Hi, im doctor martin gizzi. Its a new medicare year. That means more changes. And more confusion. 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Make sure you have what you need to get the care thats right for you. You have only a few weeks left. If you miss the deadline, you may have to wait another year before enrolling. Call a licensed healthmarkets agent now. Call now. Call this number by the deadline. Plan for you without cost or obligation. Call now. Hello margaret, i cant stay but a moment. I just came to enlist your help in a deep plot against your husband. Against . Well not really, for. I was just up to his office to invite him to our next chamber of commerce meeting, ive tried this before but something always prevents him from coming. T you mean, come on in and sit down. No no really, i cant, frankly margaret this is more than just trying to get him to become a member. Some us have our eye on him for the next president of the chamber. Oh really . Well how did he react to that . Oh i havent told him that part yet. I didnt wanna scare him off. You know how jim is, he never pushes himself. Oh youre so right. He could be a very important man in this town. Make sure he comes to that meeting. And ill do the rest, get him acquainted, get him on a committee, and then in the next three months hell stand a good chance to step in as president. But the first things to do is get him to that meeting. Well dont worry, hell be there. Good. Im with you john. Well put him where he belongs in spite of himself. Thanks margaret. Goodbye john. Oh boy president , im gonna put this in the biography. Oh no now wait, hes not president yet. I better start spading as soon as he gets home. laughter oh howd things go at the office today . Oh about the same as always. Oh i told ms. Thomas about the biography kathy wrote. Anything unusual happen at the office . No, and she got quite a kick out of it. Have any interesting visitors today . No the usual run of people. What did he want . What did who want . Interesting visitor today. laughter i did . well you mentioned something about it. No i didnt say anything. Oh ill tell you someone who did drop in today, john rosser. John rosser, well for heavens sake, well youre going arent you . Going where . Oh well how should i know . I wasnt there. Alright come on, lets have it. About what . Come on tell me. Oh alright, ill tell you. The reason you invited john the chamber of commerce is they want you for their president. What . you see that, youre backing away already. Thats why i wasnt gonna tell you yet, and thats why john didnt tell you. Wait a minute, how do you know all this . John was here today, he came to ask me to urge you to go to the meeting. Of yours. He thinks a great deal of you, in fact, a lot of men do. And they could do you a lot of good if you just let them. This would be quite an honor. Oh i know that, but im hardly Chamber President material. How do you know if you dont try . Now jim, im not a pushing, ambitious type wife, but i do think it is high time you started thinking a little bit about yourself instead of always oh i yes you do you find time to knock yourself out for the children, for frank the gardener, for, well for everyone. And what do you do for yourself . Nothing well actually. Jim you deserve a Little Something for yourself now. Well john said you could be a very important man in springfield. And i think you owe it to yourself to be one, i really do. And wed be awfully proud of you too. Well i think. I think youre right. What . Oh ive been thinking about this sort of thing lately and i feel too that i should sort of move up a notch or two. Yes you really should. Now that i think about it, i like johns idea. You know thats a good place to start, as president. laughs now can i write it in the biography . Oh you knew about this too, ha . The chamber of commerce meeting will be james b. Anderson. Oh yeah im hooked. How does it feel to be a big shot, pres . Well im not pres yet. You will be. Im not even a member yet. Well dont let a little thing like that stop ya. Those guys got me in office already. Hey, this cant be, it says the chamber of commerce meeting is tomorrow night. Thats the same night as the pta meeting. Daddys suppose to go with me. Oh my, heavens i didnt realize, this chamber of commerce deal is very very important to your father. A lot depends on it, you wouldnt wanna hurt his chances would you . Well no of course not but. Look i. We all feel very badly about this, especially your father. Its alright, i understand. Of course you do angel. Now you run upstairs and wash your face and you wont be late for school then. Well talk some more about this later on. Its ok. I know exactly how you feel, i feel badly too. But this meeting is important to you, and whats important to you is important to all of us. I think kathy understands that. Why does everything have to come at the same time . Ive gotta go in and have a talk with kathy. No you go to work, and stop worrying. And if you even mention skipping that meeting ill, well hit you on top of your head with your banjo. Ad your bulletin and i hope you do read them, that we are honoring fathers tonight. Now if you fathers think we did this just to lure you to a pta meeting, youre absolutely right. laughter but we hope you fathers will enjoy yourselves so much that youll come back again. We need you. I wish kathy would smile a little. Oh i knew shed miss him but i hoped not this much. Well maybe shell brighten up when she starts to read shes quite a hanem you know. Ave a wonderful treat. The children in ms. Servies class wrote biographies of their fathers and they were so interesting that we picked the three best to be read tonight. Our first young biographer is sheila groves. Alright shiela. Introduce my father to you, daddy come up on the stage. applause this is he, him, my daddy. applause my father, he was born on a farm and it had two cows, and numerabable chickens. In boyhood he fell off a hay rack once oh jim. Johnny i think you know jim anderson here, dont you . Oh sure, sure, met somewhere. I think jim is going to join us. You know, as a matter of fact we may get him to fill that vacancy on the finance committee. Finance . Well i dont know, everybody getting fingerprinted first. laughs our second youthful biographer is master neil coy, neil. Come on up pop. Ok pop sit over there. laughter my fathers life, my fathers name is mr. Coy. Up to when i was about three years old i dont remember too much about him. laughter i tell ya its a wonderful place to fish its just off the highway, but nobody seems to know its there. Sure. Well you turn off there. Excuse me jim. I think we better go on in. Oh alright, excuse me. Oh by the way, if either of you seen frank coy this evening . I havent seen him. Oh i know, he went to some kind of a pta meeting. Pta meeting . Yes his boy wrote a biography about him and the kids gonna read it tonight. And you know frank, he wouldnt miss anything connected to his kids for a million bucks. Well this is an important meeting, arent you coming in . Oh yes sure john. There are different kinds of fathers, some are important and some arent so much. Some are so important they cant just drop everything and go every place. Now my father hes. On hurry applause this is my father. applause arent you important any more . laughter boy im glad youre here. Sit over there. His grandmother claims he weighed only five pounds. Although he outgrew this, hes still not what you call fat. thinking what good does it do to talk to you . You throw all your chances away. Fine showing youre going to make at saint peters Induction Center. thinking dont look at me that way honey. Dont be mad, i know you think im a failure, just seems like there are certain things a fellow feels he must, no, i cant explain it. About his boyhood, except he raised an albino gopher. When saint peter inducts mr. Anderson into the pearly gate, he will not find. I have that to worry about too. If i cant explain it to you margaret born weight only five pounds, still not fat. Walked in snow barefoot, raised albino gopher. Never missed church for golf except sometimes. Paid bills, you know mr. Anderson that is not a very impressive record. No sir, but well, thats it sir. Where did you ever find an albino gopher . clears throat never mind, doesnt matter. That is here in your record. We chart the cost of you fellows through life and i noticed an odd pattern in yours. Every time you were headed for something important you took a detour, for example, here you were headed for the presidency of some chamber of commerce and instead you went to some kind of a pta fun affair. Oh yes i remember that well sir, that was a difficult choice. Naturally it was difficult, its part of our master plan difficult choices in your path to test you, and its the decisions you make that shape you into what you are. Now tell me, why did you throw away the presidency of the chamber of commerce for one single pta meeting . Well you see. You can look down there yourself and see what a crying need there is for good leaders. Oh im well aware of that sir, but maybe i was never meant for that. You see that evening i suddenly felt very lonely. A man could be great and lonely, or he could be ordinary and have the warmth of companionship. Margaret, thats my wife, she thought i made the wrong choice. Now that its all over, did you get anything that one evening that compensates you for all your throw away . Oh yes sir, something ive carried with me the look on kathys face when she saw me coming down the aisle. Oh you shouldve seen it sir. Do you mean to say that one look in a little girls face made throwing away your chances worthwhile . Yes sir. Mr. Anderson, you are ok. Come on in. Mr. Anderson, you are ok, come on in, the end. applause women in dress thank you kathy. applause well we lost our Chamber President but kathy sure got what she wants. Ive got what i want too, just as he is. Every wonderful square side of him. applause closing music [voiceover] robert young and jane wyatt kids laughing with elinor donahue, billy gray and Lauren Chapin now working a fly rod, its all wrist action. Like a whip . Thats right. The tip of the rod does all the work. Here ill show you. Now well just imagine theres a big pool over there in the corner of the room with a great big old speckled trout. audience laughing now we stand back and without

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