And then you and guys going again and he said, what did you say . I can stand so much and then i say, look get one [ laughter ] they work [ applause ] big deal. What did you say . [ laughter ] put that in put that back here what did you say . Were you im going to wait until you get that. Oh, excuse me. [ laughter ] oh, yeah. Let me ask you a question, now. Were you reluctant for a while to get that . Yeah, yeah, of course, thats a natural thing. But i noticed it. Around gloria a couple years and i noticed i found that gloria was always and she didnt say anything about it the thing is, i didnt hear it. Didnt hear the telephone. So i went to a doctor and he said, well, yeah. How do you know that your hearing is gone . And i said, well, i cant hear the telephone bell and my wife has to answer the telephone. He said, well, get a louder bell on the telephone. [ laughter ] and this worked for a while. Yeah. Except, we started waking the neighbors. [ laughter ] when it started sounding like big ben, that was too much. Yeah, so i so i cut that out. So i went to a fellow and its been all right. Yeah, i understand you have and you have given them before you have another poem for us. Well, i have a poem you have to explain it a little. Yeah, it needs a little gloria and i and our twin daughters, judy and kelly, and gloria and i take still picture. We have a lot of them from our trips to africa. And we thought maybe wed get a moving camera for the twins. Right. And so i got one this was quite a while but eastman had a thing called super 8. Oh, yeah. Eight millimeter film. Right. Well, we went to africa and the twins loved it and they really got it with the it was good weather and everything. They got a wonderful thing we got up real early to get the sunrise and i couldnt find the movie camera. And finally, judy said, oh, im afraid i left it outside. I had it in a leather case and she left it outside. And the hunters said immediately, okay, so you left it outside. So we formed a ring around the camp and went through the grass was the zipper and a hook on it and the lens was broken off the camera. And there were teeth mark it sort of looked like leather on the side there were teeth marks on the side. A hyena and this made sense because a hyena lots of times they wander through the camp and ive heard them brush up against the tent. They sort of go and i really thought i heard one ha ha ha laughing once, but boy they dont laugh. They dont. Not when theyre going through it. Yeah. Anyway [ laughter ] anyway, it sort of was it was sort of too bad and everybody was sort of quiet around the campfire that night and everything. And i decided to write a poem about it. It rained the next day so i had a chance to sort of sit and write my you want to hear it . I would love to hear it, yes. All right. Im a movie camera. I decided to do it from the point of view of the of the camera. Camera. Good. Im a movie camera. Instamatic is my name. Im eastmans latest model super 8. My claim to fame. Good. I was on a shelf in westwood when an actor purchased me and took me home to 918 in hills the beverly. I remember well, the oohs and ahs, when out of my box, i ta to the actors girls if im not mistaken. And soon, i comprehended what my mission was to be. Im to photograph the animals in kenya across the sea. They put me in a leather case of rather old design. I wish it was a new one. But this one will be fine. Then one day, i found myself beneath a curious chair. Were on our way to africa and were flying through the air. A few days in nairobi to the jungle camp, which seemed to me quite far. Then the action started in jungle all day long. There was lots of picture taking and the light was good and strong. But then there came the highlight in the leopard blind, one day. And kelly took a picture as the leopard stalked its prey. They praise my work in camp that night and i just burst with pride. But if the liked my work so much, whyd they leave me he [ laughter ] a midnight wind came through the case and chilled me to the core. And also, there were noises that i hadnt heard before. And suddenly there was a tug upon the leather case and as wind swept across the campsite, we were dragged across the place. And through the grass, they dragged us a dozen yards or so and then we stopped quite suddenly and waited. I dont know. It came once with a snarl. White fangs tore off the case and left me lying in the grass this monster soon defaced. And it was indeed a monster and its yellow eyes did glare with viciousness upon me almost more than i can bear. And his slobbering jaw clamped down on me. Oh, if i could only shout. And then it picked me up and shook me. And then it spit me out. [ laughter ] judy found me after dawn. There was moisture in the air. I felt sorry as she sadly looked as i was lying there. The actor didnt say much. He just shook his head and frowned as bit by bit, they picked their movie camera off the ground. There wasnt really much to say as you can plainly see. It seems that a hyena tried to make a meal of me. I dont know what the future holds. It matters not somehow. I hope the twins will think of me. I hope the thoughts are good. Im just a movie camera and i did the best i could. [ applause ] [ cheering ] a poem by jimmy stewart. Thank you. Very touching. [ music ] to many americans, i think the thanks, doc. [ applause ] now, you see to many americans, the coolest and most visible u. S. Official throughout the tense iranian crisis was a man very few people had heard of before and hes the former state department chief spokesman. Hes now writing a book based on his father a Pulitzer Prize winning editor. He also teaches at the American University lectures at leading colleges. And its a pleasure to welcome him. The man has been called the new voice of america hodding carter. Hodding [ music ] its a pleasure to meet you. I admired you tremendously somewhat difficult days where you had to face that daily daily onslaught of the reporters and the wire services. Whats the most difficult job when you have to go out and speak for the state department . Is it the adversary relationship that the press shows . Actually, the most difficult part of it is remembering what youre not supposed to say, as opposed to what youre supposed to say. And when youre talking with the questions coming remembering that becomes the one overwhelming thing. You have to. You have to. If they want a spokesman to do a good job whomever they may be, they have to let him know more than he can tell. Right. Because otherwise, he is going to inadvertently lie or inadvertently make a mistake. So you have to selfedit as you go along . Very carefully. Are there certain reporters some of them are really kind of vitriolic. Are there certain reporters that gave you more problems than others . That you felt sometimes, they were trying to put you in a very defensive position . I think one time or another, he has got a hold of something and which is really worth pressing you. If hes any good right. Hes going to press you anyway. But no, as a matter of fact, in those 3 1 2 years, i dont feel there was any one reporter who had some ax right. That he had for my neck uniquely. I had one, generally, for all spokesmans neck. Not just for my neck. And it was a really good relationship, actually. When you get a debriefing, most of us know so little about the inner workings of the government. Its kind of giving it when you go out there, what you have before you go out is a clear idea in my case, the secretary of state. Right. What the major lines are supposed to be. You have, from all over town, actually, guidances, as they call them, which is supposed to set the limits for how you go. Mmhmm. Actually, theres no way to anticipate what the 50 reporters are going to ask you. So you go out knowing what you are supposed to say thinking you know at what questions they will actually ask you. Thats a very delicate position, isnt it . Sometimes. To kind of tread that light. Yeah, it can be. It was also one in which it required, happily what i got, which was several months of no real crisis before you began being pressed. If i had had to go out there the first couple of months, then deal with the subjects i later had right. I think i wouldve had us, if not into world war iii and the total embarassment right away. Kind of build up to the major major crises. The other part of it was the reporters knew they had one ignorant silly hick from mississippi, so they sat there and said, well give him about two months and then well kill him. [ laughter ] and thats you think there always seems to be there always seems to be that attitude in government for a while, that when somebody new comes in, they give him what they call the honeymoon and then all of a sudden the honeymoon seems to disappear. Whether its president or a spokesman or any government position. If i hadnt had that honeymoon for those few months, i wouldve been divorced by that secretary no, its true. And it should be that way, as a matter of fact. If people elect the president to come in and do a certain kind of a job, i think for the moment thats hes in, those first few months, he deserves that time to see what he intends to do to put his program before the people. And then naturally, being in a democratic system right. They start going at you and Johnny Carson starts talking about you and yeah, got to keep them on their toes. Well take a short break. Well get some more [ music ] were talking with hodding carter. One of the things that i admired and i think a lot of reporters did too, when you were under the gun. If you didnt have the answer to a question, you used a phrase that you dont hear too much in washington. Youd say, i dont know. Which is not a bad answer if you dont know. Because most people are skirt around it and do a lot of gobbledygook and say nothing. Youd simply say, i cant ar that would happen to be the truth. Which helped a great deal. Did you ever have something that you knew so, this must be very tough when youre privy to the inner secrets. That you couldnt tell your friends it was very difficult for you to sit and talk, thinking that you might Say Something that you shouldnt . Every now and then. I dont want to pretend to you that i was one of the walking repositories of top secrets of the government, because i wasnt. But yes, obviously, all the time. There were things that when you went out, you didnt talk about a great deal. But not yeah, i want to tell you. Among the many things i was among the last to know, was the raid in tehran. I wasnt Walking Around with that secret in the back of my head. Yeah. As a result, i was able to go out, speak to the American Newspaper Publishers Association the day before the raid and assure them, because i believe that no force was going to be used. As i flew back from hawaii from that day, the stewardess walked over, shook me and said, im so sorry. And i said, so sorry t she said, the raid. I said, what raid . Oh. This was a spokesman for American Foreign policy. [ laughter ] i suppose, there are certain things that that is a fine line to draw. What should the government tell the public and what should they not tell them. There are certain things, obviously. That the more people know, the less chance you have of keeping a secret there have to be secrets. Do you feel that the press or the media sometimes presses too hard to find out things that maybe the public should not know . There are real secrets that ought to be kept and they must be kept. There is also great body of information thats classified, which is about as important as the fact that i have on a blue tie i. E. It has no business being classified. Right. If you threw out about half the classification, you could keep the secrets that are important a lot better. Right. The way things are now, when everything is classified, people believe that none of the classification makes sense. Yeah, theres no value in anything. Theres not value in any of it and thats a problem. How do you a or the media, generally . Do you think they should, of course, have that adversary relationship with the government. Do you think sometimes they overstep their bounds . Its inevitable that there will be times in which the combat, which is sort of written into the constitution, becomes outside the bounds. But i have to tell you again, i would like to sit here and complain and say one of the terrible things in the last four years was an adversary relationship with the press that wasnt. They did their job and of unfair shots at us. Right. It balances out fairly well, i guess. It really did. Well take a break. Well be right back. [ applause ] for adults with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer previously treated with platinumbased chemotherapy, including those with an abnormal alk or egfr gene whove tried an fdaapproved targeted therapy, this is big. A chance to live longer opdivo demonstrated longer life and is the most prescribed immunotherapy for these patients. Opdivo significantly increased the chance of living longer versus chemotherapy. Opdivo works with your immune system. Opdivo can cause your immune system to attack normal organs and tissues in your body and affect how they work. 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The special is mr. Kruegers christmas, which will b t around the country in syndication. Tomorrow night, we have Richard Pryor will be with us and richard benjamin. Have a nice night. [ music ] im humbled by that applause. Cant believe it. What is wrong with people . Helen, whats the matter . My wedding dress. Its supposed to have threequarter length sleeves, and buttons down the back, but its got cap sleeves and a zipper. My weddings three weeks away helen, helen, helen, calm down. I just go to my happy place. You know, i imagine that im lying on a tropical island, and all my troubles just melt away. Dont you have a special place where there are no problems and everybodys always happy . Actually, i do have a place like that. brady bunch theme music see you after school. Hey, greg, you think you could pick me up from football practice . Id like to, peter, but im meeting a groovy chick after school for a soda. laughter gee, greg, you always get all the girls. Well, thanks, peter. But the important thing is, i always find time to do my homework. laughter hurry, marcia, were gonna be late. Coming 498, 499, 500. Ready. Gosh, marcia, you look swell. laughter marcia, marcia, marcia laughter well, come on, everyone, lets get in the car. Oh, im not going with you guys today. Im ridin with the captain of the football team. Hes dreamy i know. laughter door bell chimes laughter hi, marcia. Hi, joe. So, ya ready to split . Far out. Hey, joe, great game last week. So, marcia, got a date for the prom . I do now. laughter marcia, marcia, marcia everything always works out so great for marcia. brady bunch theme music laughter thanks, i do feel better. Good. soft hubbub helen . Yes . Heard about your dress. Oh, joe, thats so sweet soft hubbub helen, helen, helen why does everything always work out so great for helen . laughter comedic flourish lighthearted music knocking hey. Brian and casey are comin in any minute. Oh, great, good. Hey, lowell, would you mind finishing that outside . Oh, im sorry. Is this some sorta private meeting . , arent i family . laughter well, actually, no. laughter oh, really. Oh, when ya shot me down for a raise last year, you said, and i quote, we are all part of the sandpiper family. What was that all about . That was about lying straight to your face so i could save three bucks an hour. laughter well, i hope your happy, joe hackett, cause youve made me cry. laughter you know, hon, im a little nervous about telling them. Oh, its not gonna be that bad. Besides, brian and caseyll get over it. You know, joe, once were married, theres gonna be a lotta things that we feel uncomfortable about. The important thing is we do them together. You wanted to see us . Actually, joe did. laughter whats goin on . Well, okay, here it is. Helen and i have decided to move in together. Whoa hands smack wow laughter before you get married, and you decide to live together. You so craazy laughter no, no, stop, no, no. Thats not, we were just thinking that if we move in now, then when we get back from the honeymoon, well be all settled. Oh, that is so sweet, the two of you starting your lives together. I am so happy for you. Wait, wait, wait. Dont you get it . One of us is about to get chucked out on his or her ass. Oh, no, and they wouldnt, its me isnt it . laughter oh, i dont believe this, you cant just throw me out in the cold y, during the day, is warm and dry, and at night, underneath the pier is a very popular spot. laughs why dont you stay there . Ah, i dont have to, im not the statistic. laughs actually, [brian] laughing brian, we thought casey would move in with you. Hah, hah huh . laughter what makes you think that i would want her livin at my house . Well, cause if ya dont, im gonna rent my half of the house to scary mel from the fuel dock. laughter that thing he keeps in the box, missing mother, casey. soft laughter ill go with scary mel. laughter come on, shes not that bad. Excuse me, youre talking about me like im not even here, i mean, i think i have a say in this. Alright, casey, ill tell ya what, for every dollar you kick in for rent, you get a dollars worth of say. Ill be outside if you need me. laughter so, whats it gonna be, brian . Whats it gonna be, brian . What, like youre givin me a choice . Im gonna do it, obviously, and im never gonna forgive ya. door opens door slams well, it was rough, but we got through it. laughter lighthearted music honey, im home. laughter oh, then, thats so cute oh, thats all you brought . Yeah, well, ill get the rest later, its a little hard to pack with two people tryin to hit ya. laughter na do on our first night together in our house . Oh, lets see, i thought maybe we could. kisses smacking soft laughter um, helen, helen . Has this chair always been like this . Uh, like what . Its got grapes all over it. So . Its a fruit chair. Its covered with fruit. And that means . Its feminine, i mean, no man is gonna buy a chair like this. Oh, sure he would. Oh, come on, helen, no guys gonna walk into a Furniture Store and say in fruit laughter okay, i tell ya what, since fruit is feminine, tomorrow well go out and well buy a couch that has little pictures of