Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20170103 : vimarsa

Transcripts For WPVI Good Morning America 20170103

one. tiny hero. a 2-year-old stepping in to save his twin. after a dresser falls. the moment he finally gets free. and their parents' urgent warnings for other families this morning. those kids are okay. i promise you that. good morning, america. happy new year. we can say that again. first day back at work and school for so many people. >> so many people had a difficult time coming home. did you see those scenes? travelers stuck in massive lines at customs. look at the video of people. this is in line in atlanta. the busiest airport in the u.s. gio benitez is at jfk, kennedy airport in new york. they experienced delays as well. >> reporter: robin, george, good morning to you. no doubt about it. it was a headache for travelers. this is the same system that checks international travelers coming into this country. overnight, it had major problems. overnight, the nation's airports at a standstill. thousands facing massive delays. >> there was thousands and thousands of people, hot, sweaty. no water. >> reporter: as the u.s. kus comes and border protection system shut down for four hours, during one of the biggest travel times of the year. the agency says the system-wide computer problem began around 6:00 p.m. leaving those coming in on international flights stranded. >> completely chaotic. no system to who got through fast and who had to wait two hours. >> reporter: in miami, emergency personnel treated seven passengers for medical emergencies, while airport staff handed out fans and water. in atlanta, customs officials took a dozen people at a time, manually processing their documents. at new york's jfk, delays as long as 90 minutes. >> they herd you into one line. they herd you into another line. then they herd you into another line. it was just chaos. >> reporter: it was taking immediate action to address the technology disruption, adding it was working to process travelers as quickly as possible while maintaining the highest levels of security. >> they told us to just be patient and get back in line. >> reporter: this morning, many questioning what caused the outage creating a nightmare for frustrated travelers coast to coast. and back out here live at jfk, we should tell you that at this point, customs believe this is was just a technical problem, not a malicious take, george. >> thank goodness. meantime, how did they -- you said they maintained security. how did they make sure the people on the no-fly list didn't get in? >> reporter: no doubt, a concern, george. customs says the national security database, that part of it, was always working. it may have been slow, but it was always working. >> thank you, gio. now to the deadly storms tearing through the south. also creating a travel nightmare for so many. reported tornadoes and flash flooding killing at least five people. adrienne bankert is on the scene in hard-hit alabama. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, too, robin. the winds strong enough to rip the siding off this church. just up the road, a tree fell into a mobile home, killing several people inside. four people are dead following a reported tornado in rehobeth, alabama. a tree went right through the roof, splitting the trarl in two. the other three inside managed to escape. this just 1 of 12 reported tornados in three states overnight, including georgia, where 70-mile-per-hour winds and rising floodwaters created havoc on the roads. emergency workers racing to the scene after this massive tree fell on a home, hitting two cars and blocking streets. winds in mississippi overturned tractors and knocked through houses. in florida, a 70-year-old man was killed by fast-moving flood wather. more than 11 inches of rain fell in crestview. one of many communities where rising rivers and overworked drainage systems made road ways impassabl impassable. the national weather service has yet to come out and survey some of this damage to confirm whether or not it was, indeed, a tornado. either way, the kleinup begins. >> thank you. we go ginger with more on the storms and where they're moving this morning. >> throughout the early morning hours, we were seeing tornado warnings popping up. the strong storms through florida, into georgia, north carolina, south carolina. even virginia this morning. that's where the action is later morning, early afternoon. then with e can say good-bye. more severe storm reports at this point. 135 reported from texas so south carolina. i wanted to bring in the next big headline. the arctic air. a good shot of january here. it will feel like 5 in kansas city thunderstorm morning. chicago, 5 below. then the air slides here. the feels-like by the time we get to thursday, feels like january, george. >> winter is back. thank you. now overseas to the manhunt for the terrorist who gunned down 39 people on new year's eve in turkey. y isis claimed responsibility for the attack. aleaks marquardt is live on the scene in istanbul. good morning, alex. >> reporter: turkish authorities believe they're closing in on that suspect. lots of details this morning. the police sources say they have the name but are not revealing it. the suspect is from kirg stan. this is the face of the alleged killer. as he strolls through one of istanbul's central squares, just a few days before the attack. new images of the suspect, whose name hasn't been revealed, and new details about how he did it. reportedly taking a taxi just before midnight to the upscale nightcl nightclub. he shot bullets that were used by ak-47s, using six clips. the gun, police sources tell us, is not from turkey. adding that the attacker also used flares to illuminate his targets. here, he appears to be take off his jacket. sources tell us they believe he changed his appearance to help his escape. then pretended to be wounded and limped to blend in. he escaped in another taxi, going less than half a mile before getting out carefully, looking around, and walking away slowly. behind him, carnage. among the wounded, 35-year-old american jake rock, in istanbul on vacation. he was shot in the leg and pretended to be dead. he was flown home to the u.s. >> allky say is it's a massive tragedy. this is very unfortunate. >> reporter: with isis now cl m claiming responsibility, they're sending a clear message. as they're peat beating back in iraq and syria we can expect more attacks like this here in turkey and beyond. we have the latest on the trump transition. 17 days until the inauguration. and the president-elect is back to business and back on twitter. we're going hear from his senior adviser, kellyanne conway in a moment. first, cecilia vega is at trump tower here in new york. good morning. >> reporter: robin, good morning to you. a new year, a new tweet storm. donald trump may be just days away from his swearing in. on twitter, he's looking backward to november. and that big win. taking another victory lap. fresh off his new year's eve bash in mar-a-lago -- >> all i can tell you is we'll do a good job. >> reporter: -- donald trump is ringing in 2017 with a twitter blitz. the president-elect writing, north korea just stated it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the u.s. it won't happen. and a jab at chicago's mayor on the murder rate. if major can't do it, he must ask for federal help. trump writing it used the worst cover photo of me on a new book. just 17 days to go before inauguration, trump is promising something else on the calendar first. big news on the russian hacks. >> i also know things that other people don't know. and so they cannot be sure of this situation. >> like what? what do you know that other people don't know? >> you'll find out on tuesday or wednesday. >> reporter: he's still doubting evidence from 17 u.s. intelligence agencies that say they have concrete proof of russia's involvement. >> i want them to be sure. i think it's unfir if they don't know. >> reporter: trump is back here in new york today. meetings in trump tower. including with mike pence. everyone is waiting to see if today might be the day that he releases whatever this new information is that he says he has on those russian hackers. george? >> now to the new congress. smouch on its plate from repeal of obamacare, tax reform, confirming trump nominees. let's bring in mary bruce. before the official swearing in today, the house gop voted overnight to take away the power and independence of the congressional ethics office. >> reporter: george, this came as a huge surprise. late last night, behind closed doors, they moved to gut their own watchdog. the independent ethics office. meant to investigate allegations of their own wrong doing. now republicans want to move the office and their own control. saying it on will create a fairer process. democrats are outraged. it's a sour note to kick off the first day of the new republican-led congress. >> a packed schedule. including getting the trump cabinet nominees confirmed. >> reporter: democrats are ready to go to battle over the confirmation hearings. they're targeting eight of donald trump's picks. they want more personal financial records released. if they don't, get ready for a long, drawn-out fight on capitol hill. george? >> thank you, mar ay. let's get more from kellyanne conway. thanks for coming. happy new year. trump promised to drain the swamp in waugs. he wanted real reform. is this what he had in mind? >> i haven't discussed this with the president-elect directly. but, let's make clear that you're going to have an office of complaint review. >> but it's under oversight of the republican majority. it's not independent. >> the full house will vote on it today. the democrats will have their say. there's an ambitious agenda to push forward. the republicans have not given the -- they've won over 1,000 state legislative seats under president obama's watch. there's a mandate there for them to make significant change. >> but is this the way to start gutting the independent ethics office? >> gutting it doesn't mean there won't be a mechanism. i don't want the viewers to think there's no way for complaints to be reviewed. there's been an overzealousness in the situation over the years. we don't want people to be mired in years of ethical complaint reviews. >> north korea is signaling they may test an intercontinental missile. does that mean president-elect trump will order the military to shoot down a test? >> it doesn't mean anything. we still have a president for the next 17 days. at the same time, president trump will be tough on those developing nuclear capability. it's been a big disappointment to many americans, including the president-elect, that iran, for example, was imboldmboldened an increased their capabilities. >> their program son hold. what about north korea? there are so few tools to stop them. what is the president-elect suggesting he'll do? >> he's not stated that publicly. he won't before he's inaugurated. we do know saxs are possible. they have not always worked. i think china would have to have a significant role here as well. he's putting north korea on notice through this tweet and other statements that this won't happen. he wants to stand between them and their missile capabilities, which experts say could be deployed to reach seattle almost immediately. >> finally, on the russian hack. so many people were caught by surprise by those comments by mr. trump over the weekend, saying he knows things that other people don't know about the russian hacking. what was he referring to? >> presidents and president-elects have to know things you and i don't know. e sure hope they do. he's privy to intelligence briefings of all sorts. today, he's -- >> the consensus of those intelligence briefings is that russia was behind it. >> but julian assange of wikileaks said just yesterday it was not a political party. >> is that what mr. trump is referring to? >> no, no. he's not referring to that. he's said he's receiving intelligence briefings from the top intelligence officials across the country here in new york early this week. he plans to do that. the reason he's doing that is he wants the information. >> he's saying he already knew something on saturday that we don't know. >> well, he does know things we don't know. we see a lot of blind quotes. unsourced information. there were cia operatives invited to testify before the house intelligence commute tee and refused to show up and are instead leaking to the press. this is not how we, as americans, want our politics to work. we believe politics should not interfere in our politics. >> if those officials come to the president-elect today or tomorrow, whenever the briefing is, saying we know russia was behind it, will he accept it? >> he has to see all the evidence. you're not saying it. many people on tv try to c conflate any russian hacking with the election results. people are still trying too find a reason that hillary clinton lost. you can't deny it. everyone makes a statement about the russian hacking today are saying, ah-ha, that's why hillary clinton lost. it was embarrassing to have the content of the e-mails revealed to the country. they don't like that people were questioning hillary clinton's judgment? can she find her voice? it was a very uncomfortable situation for them. >> thank you very much. we do expect that briefing today. >> we do know 17 days until the inauguration. we go amy now. a mishap on a flight? >> an investigation is under way after a baggage handler became trapped inside the cargo hold of a united airlines flight from charlotte to washington. airport workers realized what happened and called the faa. they worked to prove that the man was an employee. it's unclear how he got locked in the cargo hold in the first place. a federal judge says dylann roof is competent to represent himself during the sentencing phase of his trial that starts tomorrow. they'll decide whether or not he gets the death penalty. a dramatic crash in california. an suv stalled on this freeway with no lights on. you see what happened. it was hit at full speed. a news photographer was there, ran to pull the driver out of the burning vehicle. dragging him away to safety. neither man, thankfully, was seriously injured. and in hawaii, officials at the volcano national park hope to have a new viewing area opening today. the previous viewing area was abandoned over the weekend because this massive section of lava crumbled into the ocean. some visitors were removed with just moments to spare. in sports, oklahoma beat auburn in the sugar bowl. but the game everyone is talk about is the rose bowl. usc scored 17 unanswered points, including the game-winning field goal to beat, sorry, lara, penn state, 52-49. >> did you see lara earlier this morning. she was just like -- >> it was a tough night for lara. >> it was quite a game. >> we'll be kind in "pop news." how about a little love on the tennis court. a judge hit. the ball that struck her was going at 126 miles an hour. jack sock rubbing her head. giving her a little kiss. she's okay. she staid on the court. after all, it was his fault. it ended with love. is it too early for puns? should i save that for 8:00? maybe. >> you have the audience. >> they loved it. >> we do, too. >> you were laughing on the inside. ginger, no laughing matter out west with the snow and cold. >> not at all. this is bay area snow. two inches. that's hamilton. they closed >> let's get to your local weather in 30 seconds. first though the tuesday trivia brought to you by walgreens. >> ♪ >> good morning, everyone, and that rain on storm tracker6 live double scan is beginning to come up into chester county now and into new castle county and kent county delaware. most of it light. every now and then a little steadier cell beginning to push through. as we take a look outside in philadelphia, cloudy skies ahead of the rain. some of you might have driven on the windshield though even where the radar isn't picking up active showers. 49 degrees is today's high. drizzle right now across much of the region but we're trance significant to go rain quickly this morning and then it stays wet today trying out tomorrow ise fisher speaking out. the final conversation before carrie's last flight. the jewel heist in times square just moments after the clock struck midnight and the ball came down. urgent manhunt right now. but what they didn't know was that i had dry, itchy eyes. i used artificial tears from the moment i woke up... the moment i went to bed. so i finally decided to show my eyes some love,... ...some eyelove. eyelove means having a chat with your eye doctor about your dry eyes because if you're using artificial tears often and still have symptoms, it could be chronic dry eye. it's all about eyelove, my friends. so we know how to cover almost almoanything.hing, even a rodent ride-along. [dad] alright, buddy, don't forget anything! [kid] i won't, dad... [captain rod] happy tuesday morning! captain rod here. it's pretty hairy out on the interstate.traffic is literally crawling, but there is some movement on the eastside overpass. getting word of another collision. [burke] it happened. december 14th, 2015. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ a body without proper footd needssupport can mean pain. the dr. scholl's kiosk maps your feet and recommends our custom fit orthotic to stabilize your foundation and relieve foot, knee, or lower-back pain from being on your feet. dr. scholl's. you're probably wondering why thai've just carvedng! a giant wooden tiger. well, the answer is that a real one would maul me. i've crafted dr. whiskers here as a visual aid to show you that should you visit the lot, carmax associates will not pounce like tigers because people don't like that. come here to buy a car. dr. whiskers won't pounce. nobody will. ♪ experimenting is the most fun a classic. what have we got here? hardboiled egg. brie is a really soft cheese. avocado. we are rodger and isabelle from sub edge farm. we have so many possibilities. right. in. your. stomach! watch this!... >>yikes, that ice cream was messing with you, wasn't it? try lactaid, it's real ice cream, without that annoying lactose. lactaid. it's the milk that doesn't mess with you. >> ♪ >> good morning, i'm matt o'donnell. 7:23 on this tuesday january 3rd. we have some rain approaching. let's turn to karen rogers for traffic. >> even before the rain so many problems. we've got a big accident on the pennsylvania turnpike. it's been out here awhile. westbound the off-ramp to valley forge still blocked and you can see the scene. the action cam was on the scene there and look how the tractor-trailer kind of tilted over on its side. it was a tractor-trailer carrying truck engines so it's heavy tilted to the side. it land on the wall. you've got to use the norristown exit instead of the exit to valley forge if you're traveling westbound on the turnpike. here's a multi vehicle accident still causing problems in east falls. lincoln drive southbound shut down at gypsy lane. watch for that accident. you can use henry avenue to schoolhouse lane to kelly drive. meanwhile a 55 minute travel time on i-95 southbound. the party is over. it's no longer a holiday. everybody is trying to come back to work and school. from woodhaven to the vine a real jam because of two accidents, one northbound one southbound at girard. they've been pushed to the shoulder and now beyond with -- i'll be on with facebook live at 7:30 to help everybody through this rough commute. >> dave murphy is firing up storm tracker6 live radar. he's next. my daughter wants to stay organic. my husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. my whole family wants to stay free from artificial preservatives. and my debit card wants to stay on a diet. fill your cart with giant's nature's promise brand. great prices on over 800 organic and free-from items. eat well for less. my giant. >> nothing but mist on the terrace right now but i'm keeping the umbrella handy. here's why. storm tracker6 live double scan shows rain popping up in through chester county new castle county delaware and very quickly getting toward philadelphia. it's going to be light at first but we'll get some steadier cells later. temperatures are also cool. 41 degrees in philadelphia. 30's in allentown and a bit of a breeze blowing. this afternoon a high of 49. rain off and on. tomorrow we're drying out with a high of 54. it's the 30 after that matt. >> thanks, david. why some members of the eagles offense thinks it's a good idea to take a trip to north dakota during the off season at >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ with simply right checking from santander bank, just make one deposit, payment, withdrawal, or transfer each month to waive the monthly fee. and there's no minimum balance. you're alright with simply right checking from santander bank. ♪ are you feeling alright, baby? 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>> i have been having an out of body experience. the world lost carrie and debbie, of course, and princess leia. we lost our hero. our mirror. >> we had the coolest big sister in the world. she was a bad-ass, body, gun-toting princess. i mean who has that? >> reporter: while joely and tricia were raised by con nooe stevens, they shared a father, eddie fisher. >> i remember seeing her in a 40-foot closeup and going, wow, that's my sister. on screen. >> that's actually how i really knew about her. was "star wars." >> reporter: what did you know about her that maybe the rest of us did not? >> i think that she was -- more sensitive. >> she was secretly soft. she was extremely generous. you would walk in and she would just hand you something in her room. >> we laid on her floor one night and she said, i have these diaries. from "star wars." and read them to me. that was a decade ago. i know she said she just found them. she's -- she wasn't telling the truth. she read those to me. so i feel like i got be in on the joke. a little bit. and that is important to me. >> reporter: a final conversation. via text, filled with talk of family and loved ones. >> i texted with carrie the night before she got on the plane. and it was -- um -- it was sort of out of the blue. we talked about age. because she was floored that she had just turned 60. we talked about our children. our frail mothers. and promised to see her for christmas. >> reporter: after learning of her heart attack on the flight to l.a. from london, it was a promise these two sisters would keep. at carrie's bedside in the hospital. there, with carrie's 24-year-old daughter, billie lourd. >> she was handling everything. she's -- she's -- an amazing -- >> soulful. >> amazing. >> smart. >> girl. >> yeah. >> she was obviously, you know, rattled to her core. it was her mom. but she was handling it. >> reporter: what did you want your sister to know as you sat in that room with her? >> i remember just -- holding her hand. and telling her that we were there. that we would make sure that her daughter was whole. which she will be. and, i sat cwith debbie. she said she was prag for more time. she wanted more time. i knew that is if carrie wasn't going to survive this, debbie would not. you knew it. >> you could feel it. >> cow could feel it in her tiny little beautiful body. you could see it in her face. she would not last without her on the planet. she wouldn't. and she didn't. >> reporter: debbie reynolds would die a day after carrie. that leaves joely and 2rish ya in sisterly grief and sweet remembrance. >> i felt cooler and more interesting by being near her. i felt special by having her as a sister. it made me special. >> reporter: when you want to conjure up the happiest memory you can of carrie, what does it look like? >> it's more like getting to have her one on one. and not share her. that's what i -- that's what i think of and that's what i will miss. is being able to just be with her. in her home. or -- wherever. and have her to myself. sorry. >> reporter: like the rest of us, these loving sisters so saddened that the singular voice of carrie fisher has been stilled. but comforted that her performances and her writings will endure. guys? >> oh, what an incredible family. i'm glad you asked them both, chris. we have been wondering how the whole family has been. it's still, though some time has passed, it's hard to believe. how is everybody out there in that area, that community, still dealing with this? >> reporter: you know, carrie fisher was such an inspiration for so many people. especially women in the entertainment industry. who found her as a role model and a powerful guide to succeed with your wit and sense out here. it's an incalculable loss. >> wickedly, brilliantly funny. just -- so humble at the same time. but just knew how to just deliver the laughs. she had the whole studio and myself cracking up. i could barely continue conducting the interview. >> so free. >> she is. her dog, gary, was by her side. he was funny. now her two great loves, her daughter and her dog together. >> i saw it on social media. i got chills. we have to move on to the brazen new year's eve robbery. while 1 million people were 1e8 brating here. these people broke in. it went down in the neighborhood. >> thousands of police officers in times square on new year's eve. those three men pulled off the huge burglary a few blocks away. it was all caught on tape. >> happy new year! >> reporter: while millions rang in the new year in times square, flanked by about 7,000 police officers this is how three thieves kicked off 2017 just a few blocks away. the suspects waiting until the stroke of midnight to begin their meticulously planned heist. >> the utter distraction of what is going on a number of blocks away at times square, also, think, in their mind probably gave them some sort of kever. >> reporter: in this dramatic su valance video, you can see two of the men with a pry bar and hammer trying to gain entry. one of them looking straight into the camera. inside, officials say the suspects removed jewelry from two saves. sneaking off with approximately $6 million worth of juls. gregg ruth seen here in this commercial is known for high-profile collections featuring rare yellow and pink diamonds. police say after the heist, the trio fled down the six-floor stairwell of the high-rise. investigators now wondering if this was an inside job. >> slst some pieces of inside information as to how this place operated and what the security apparatus was outside and inside. >> reporter: new york city police are asking the public to take a close look at the surveillance picture. if they recognize anybody. >> hopefully so. a lot coming up. a warning from one family after the scary incident we showed you right there. a 2-year-old brother saving his twin from harm. they are okay. an urgent warning for travelers. about your luggage tags. when a cold calls... achoo! ...answer it. with zicam cold remedy. it shortens colds, so you get better, faster. colds are gonna call. answer them with zicam! zicam. get your better back. now in great tasting crystals. we're back now with the big board. rebecca jarvis here at the table with us. we begin with a new worry for air travelers. hackers stealing flight information and other information from your luggage tag. >> oh, boy. >> the risk is on the rise. let's bring in our aviation consultant steve ganyard. >> every time you log into your reservation or you check in to print boarding passes, that six-target i.d. there contains lots of personal information. your e-mail, your address, your phone number. it's just one step away from all your credit card numbers. the problem was the systems were built in the '60s and '70s. the global reservation systems. long before privacy was a concern. the systems are showing their vulnerabilitie vulnerabilities. >> many of us have seen those numbers and thought nothing of it. it's scarier because hackers don't really need that. they can find out in other ways, too. >> they can take a picture. they can stand off and take a picture of your boarding pass. a picture of your baggage tag. or go on instagram or social media and google boarding pass. people like to put their boarding passes up there. take a look at those pictures, you get all the personal information in an instant. >> step one, don't goog put your boarding pass up on social media. what else can travelers do to protect themselves? >> first of all, these companies that do the global reservations need to tighten security protocols. it's a new year. we need to step back and one of the things we can do to protect ourselves is work on your pass words. use strong pass words. one way to do that is create a fras. a couple of special characters. get away from using your pets. we have all done that. another thing that can be done is buy an app. so people saying, what should i use for a pass word? apps can provide that help. this is just a number of the ways you can help yourself. keep safe. >> and remember to take that boarding pass with you off the flight. i used to leave it there. and then i remembered what you had said some time ago. i takt with me. steve, thank you very much. all good suggestions there. next up, that time of year again. millions of us are going to lose weight. join the gym. all of us. many of us make mistakes when signing up for new memberships that can prove costly. that's why you're here, rebecca j jarvis. $30 billion spent in 2016 in membership fees. a lot of it was wasted? >> billions were wasted. we make the same mistakes over and over and over again. everybody comes out in the new year ready to lose weight. a lot of people do go. january, the second week of january is the busiest week at the gym all year round. all those people, a lot of the newcomers, they fall off by february. i have seen a statistic that 80% of the people that sign you had in january are gone by february. >> what kind on of waste are you talking about? >> if you don't go and you pay for it, you're wasting your money. there's fees hidden here as well. in fact, initiation and registration fees. those are things that a lot of people night not see. they see the big number. the pretty number up front that gets you involved and gets you interested. they don't know about the initiation fees. second of all, paying up front. gyms will say if you pay for the whole year, we'll give you a better deal. if the gym closes late nor the year, because some do. or if they move locations, you're paying for something that you're not getting what you thought you were. finally, breaking contracts. people think i'm going to go all time. if you try to break that contract, have you ever tried to do this before? >> we moved from washington to heerks it took me nine months to get him to stop charging me at the d.c. gym. >> and you're george stephanopoulos. what about the rest of us? this is not easy. beware of this. >> there's so many deals out there. do your home work. >> you to home work. there's free memberships in a lot of places. you can try them for free. this is the perfect time of year to sample. >> some place close to work? home? location? >> think about your lifestyle. what are you more inclined to do? >> yeah. sounds good. it is january 3rd. it's packed in the gym now. february, not so much. coming up, that amazing rescue. have you seen this. a 2-year-old using his strength to save his twin brother. and their parents' message for you this morning. a new headline about alcohol and your heart. that's just ahead as well. come on back. i work 'round the clock. i want my blood sugar to stay in control. i want to trim my a1c. when my schedule changes... i want something that delivers. (woman) ♪ tresiba ready... (avo) tresiba® is used to control high blood sugar in adults with diabetes. don't use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. don't share needles or insulin pens. don't reuse needles. the most common side effect is low blood sugar, which may cause dizziness, sweating, confusion, and headache. check your blood sugar. low blood sugar can be serious and may be life-threatening. injection site reactions may occur. tell your doctor about all medicines you take and all your medical conditions. taking tzds with insulins, like tresiba®, may cause serious side effects like heart failure. your insulin dose shouldn't be changed without asking your doctor. get medical help right away if you have trouble breathing, fast heartbeat, extreme drowsiness, swelling of your face, tongue, or throat, dizziness, or confusion. ask you're doctor if you're tresiba® ready. covered by most health insurance and medicare plans. (woman) ♪ tresiba ready you have dinner on the table at 6:00 every night. hey guys, i'm home! of course no one said it had to be cooked. campbell's one dish recipes, designed around one pan and your schedule. made for real, real life. by simply enjoying it. boost® simply complete. it's intelligent nutrition made with only 9 ingredients, plus 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. and look where life can take you! boost®. be up for it.™ we're back now with the incredible rescue showing a-year-old boy saving his twin from a topple dresser. >> reporter: the boys' parents say they woke up and noticed their sons' dresser was on the floor. the boys were playing happily. it wasn't until they checked the security camera how close one of their sons came to serious injury or worse and how his twin amazingly saved him. brock and brody were being typical twins. suddenly, the dresser tips over. pinning little brock under its heavy weight. you can see brock struggling and screaming. but bodi jumps into action. he tries to push the dresser. then she tries to push from the other side. the heavy drersz still won't budge. he surveys the situation and decides to give lifting a shot. that doesn't work. finally, with a big lean, he tries to push one more time and somehow, manages the strength to move the large dresser and free his brother. check that out again. many are now calling him a real-life minisuperkid. mom says as soon as she saw the video, she bolted the dresser to the wall to make sure it won't happen again. parents say they poed the vid dwroe facebook to reinforce the message that anchoring furniture is so important. lucky in this case, the boys are fine. i'm guessing bodi will hold this over his brother for a long time. >> he's got the video proof forever. >> every time he needs a favor, remember that time? >> i was holding my breath the entire time. it's your worst fear. >> hard to watch until you know that everything ends okay. >> got get liddle bhodi in the gym. thank you, diane. the new battle brewing over mariah carey's performance. was she sabotaged? >> happy new year. i can honestly tell you, i struggle no more. i've eaten everything i love. tacos, pasta... i've never felt deprived. i would say to anybody who's thinking about joining weight watchers... take the leap, and get about the business of enjoying a fantastic and full life. in the first 2 months members have lost 15% more weight than on our prior program. join for free now and lose 10 pounds on us. we asked real people to use on their bums. why do you think the ripples make a difference? it gets it all clean. they give me a very happy feeling bum. cleanripple texture is designed to clean better. go cottonelle, go commando. impressive linda. it seems age isn't slowing you down. but your immune system weakens as you get older increasing the risk for me, the shingles virus. i've been lurking inside you since you had chickenpox. i could surface anytime as a painful, blistering rash. one in three people get me in their lifetime, linda. will it be you? and that's why linda got me zostavax, a single shot vaccine. i'm working to boost linda's immune system to help protect her against you, shingles. zostavax is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults fifty years of age and older. zostavax does not protect everyone and cannot be used to treat shingles or the nerve pain that may follow it. you should not get zostavax if you are allergic to gelatin or neomycin, have a weakened immune system or take high doses of steroids are pregnant or plan to become pregnant. the most common side effects include redness, pain, itching, swelling, hard lump warmth or bruising at the injection site and headache. it's important to talk to your doctor about what situations you may need to avoid since zostavax contains a weakened chickenpox virus. remember one in three people get shingles in their lifetime, will it be you? talk you to your doctor or pharmacist about me, single shot zostavax. you've got a shot against shingles. single shot zostavax. rightabreva can heal itold sore, in as few as two and a half days when used at the first sign. without it the virus spreads from cell to cell. only abreva penetrates deep and starts to work immediately to block the virus and protect healthy cells. you could heal your cold sore, fast, as fast as two and a half days when used at the first sign. learn how abreva starts to work immediately at don't tough it out, knock it out, fast. with abreva. has anyone seen we sent him on a coffee run. alright. i've got your latte... large coffee with cream... and your favorite, mocha. oh, where do you guys get your coffee? you gave me way too much money. he's good. make a mccafé run instead. for a limited time get any size coffee, freshly brewed every 30 minutes, for one dollar. or a delicious small mocha, latte or hot chocolate for two dollars. wake up and win the day. back here on "good morning america," this is a new one for me. this picture, i got, from montana. is kijorinf? you tell me. it looked cool. being pulled on skis by a horse. the wind chills this morning. why not? all that brought to you by z254jz zi0z y254jy yi0y >> ♪ >> good morning i'm matt o'donnell. 7:56 on this tuesday january 3rd. we have some rain moving in. let's see how the roads are shaping up early with karen rogers. >> they were in bad shape even before the rain so it's not any better now. an accident wyoming avenue at forth fairhill street in feltonville. the action cam was on the scene with this one. it's involving a wawa truck, an accident with a wawa truck and an suv. the suv flew into a parked car so a multi vehicle accident here wyoming avenue. one person was injured. watch for restrictions there. also 73 southbound past tacony palmyra bridge we've got an accident here as well. so that one has been creating problems. the right lane is blocked and you see that slow go on 73 southbound because of it. other problems in the area like this accident with a tractor-trailer on its side. traffic is squeezing by on the ramp from the schuylkill westbound to the turnpike westbound. i-95 starting to get better now. we're down to 37 minutes so that's pretty good. it was 55 minutes earlier but you see what a dreary day it is. this is southbound traffic at cottman. the rain is coming down. we've got low clouds and we're jammed just about everywhere, matt. >> okay, thank you, karen. let's turn now a live look at philadelphia international airport where it is raining right now. meteorologist dave murphy has the accuweather forecast. >> light rain has arrived on the terrace as well matt. take a look at storm tracker6 live double scan. the rain overtaking the region from the southwest and down by baltimore a little bit of that darker shade of green, so a few steady cells locally but steadier stuff coming later on. temperatures are warm enough to keep this as all rain even in allentown we're at 37 degrees, 41 in philadelphia. and this afternoon we're going to go for a chilly high of 49 degrees, above average for this time of year but cloudy rainy and breezy all the way. tomorrow partly sunny and breezy, 54 and then the 30's return matt and perhaps a snow shower thursday night. >> okay, thanks, david. two armed men force their way into a home in philadelphia's frankford section them shot the homeowner while his wife and four young children were upstairs. the homeowner, though, fired back killing one of the intruders. the second man ran off. the delaware man who was shot during the turkish terror attack has returned home. his story on >> ♪ for the future. see? we're putting away acorns to show the importance of being organized. that's smart. who's he? he's the green money you can spend now. what's up? oh you know, gonna pay some bills, maybe buy a new tennis racket. tennis racket for a squirrel? he's got a killer backhand. when it's time to get organized for retirement, it's time to get voya. good morning, america. it's 8:00 a.m. deadly storms. tornadoes and flash floods ripped through the south. at least five people killed. homes destroyed. and here comes to snow. a big new storm is on the move. and it could be hitting from california to the midwest. ♪ emotion and mariah carey's team saying the producer of new year's rockin' eve sabotaged her performance. who was at fault? and transformation nation. this mother and daughter teaming up to get healthy. >> we're sick of looking like this. it's time to get the weight off and work hard. >> 35 millimeter people across america cheering them on. their here live. and she's the biggest fitness star on instagram. she's getting you jump-started this morning. >> as we say -- >> good morning, america. ♪ good morning, america. we have an enthusiastic crowd this morning. that's right. everybody is ready to get back to work, back to school, back from vacation. we all saw your instagram yesterday, amy. let's see the wipeout. >> let me see. >> here i am, skiing. the end of the mountain. i'm good to go. whoa. >> you okay? you okay? >> andrew is asking many if i was good, but he kept rolling. >> you were on the ground for awhile there. >> thank you. i was wearing a helmet. i didn't fall the whole time except for when he decided to take a video of us. i busted right in front of the camera. you're welcome. >> i did very little. i got the new -- i'm very hip, as you know. i did a little bit. my kids did great. it was wonderful. >> you didn't wipe out like me? >> no. sorry. i bond with you, but no, not this time. >> our kol dole lenses for your penn state. >> you had to bring that up, george. >> she's wearing black for a reason. >> i gave my condolences. >> my nittany lions. such an incredible game. >> we are -- we are. >> that woman right over there is incredible. kayla. she's the queen of inis it a grahame. kayla itsines. she's going to jump start a year of healthy habits. a 28-day plan that doesn't involve calorie counting. you're huge -- i don't have to tell you this, huge on social media. you're going jump-start us. >> thank you. thank you so much. >> thank you, kayla. and to stay healthy, a big medical headline about drinking and your heart and how it affects men and women. dr. besser and dr. ashton are here to weigh in. we have a lot coming up. let's start with the morning rundown. >> the deadly storm hitting the south. at least five deaths are blamed on extreme weather in alabama, florida, and georgia. at least 12 reported tornadoes overnight. adrienne bankert is in rehobeth, alabama with more. >> reporter: we're right down the street from where a tree fell on a mobile home, killing four people inside. the storm ripped the siding and caused veer roof damage to this church. 70-mile-per-hour winds in georgia. this system packed a lot of rain as well. in florida, a 70-year-old man was killed by rising waters. the cleanup starts today. also the national weather service will be here surveying the damage to confirm whether or not these were, indeed, tornadoes. amy? >> thank you, adrienne. house republicans have voted to decruise the power of the committee on ethics. that vote came last last night with no advance warning. earlier on "gma," president-elect trump's senior adviser kellyanne conway spoke with george and defended the move. zbl >> gutting it doesn't mean there won't be a mechanism. there's also been an overzealousness in some of the processes over the year. we don't want people wrongly accused. we don't want peep mired in months if not years of ethical complain reviews. >> house speaker paul ryan was among those opposed to the change. police in turkey say they're closing in on the suspect wanted for the istanbul nightclub shooting. they have his fingerprints and name and say he arrived in turkey back in november and was well trained. even changing his appearance during the take. pretending to limp so he could blend in with the victims and escape. 39 people were killed. today, two foreign nationals were arrested at istanbul's airport in connection with the attack. head to, thin -- today, thie getting back to normal at u.s. airports. they do not believe the prosch was malicious. finally, not everyone is lovin' mcdonald's new location. it's being called the mcvatican. the fast food chain is opening in a church-owned building in the vatican, just around the corner from st. peter's square. many cardinals were angry, especially those that live in the apartment above the mcdonald's. the company is paying about $30,000 a month in rent. one of the cardinals said, i repeat, selling megasandwiches is a disgrace. >> he said it just like that? >> yeah. my accent. i don't know what that was. i tried. a dramatic reading, robin. >> all right. would you please welcome for the first time in 2017, lara spencer! [ cheers and applause ] she's back. >> i'm back. >> back with your "pop news. '. >> i am. lots to share. benedict coupler batch is officially all in as an action hero. word is this morning that the oscar nominee is joining the cast of the next "thor" movie. he's back as doctor strange. the official fan club teasing the development. the superhero is expected to face off against intergalactic baddies old and new. the dr. strange and credits revealed in the movie thor visiting strange at the sanctum sanctorum. it's set to fly into theaters on november 3rd of this year. >> those baddies. >> new and old. also in "pop news." who, here, occasionally adds a curse word to color a sentence. [ cheers and applause ] >> they're clapping for that? >> there are girl scouts over there. what are you asking? >> a little sheepish. >> ear muffs, girls. come on, do you ever -- i see you right in the front row. i'm bond rg you. are you from long island? i feel something. listen, if you did raise your hand, amy, you and i both did. we're telling the truth. we believe you. a study in the journal of social, psychological and personality science suggests that people using more curse words are likely to be truth materials. they're voicing unfiltered expressions of emotion and are less concerned are social rules. it's true. i feel so much better about my language. >> why do i want to curse right now? >> i so want to. so much is happening inside. an experiment including 74,000 facebook users found people who swear on social media are less likely to tell lies in an effort to make themselves look better online. the research citing the scene from "gone with the wind." where he says, he doesn't give a damn as a perfect example of a person's honest thoughts and feelings. >> that's different, though, than flat out -- >> that's 1932. or 1937, i should say. so, also in that movie, though, he was fined. that movie production was fined $5,000. the crux of the study. it's good to be honest. good to air your -- but social mothe mores say it's not goo to say, how the blank are you? i missed you. >> really glade spent all that money to find that out. >> amy and i are. >> these two get going. >> it's cathartic. >> now you feel justified. great. >> we're going to finish with the girl scouts. the iconic group, part of the fabric of american pop culture is celebrating 100 years of selling cookies. congratulations to the girls. and to the group. in honor of the milestone, they've released not one but two new flavors of new s'mores skookkys. one is clock lahocolate-covered. one is a sandwich. we have four girl supreme couco. thank you, they're entrusting us with the first taste test of their two new flavors. >> really? >> i'll give to it you guys. [ applause ] >> it's good. >> got to try one of each. >> legend has it that smoers were invented bay girl scout troop leader on a camping trip back in the 1920s. named because the girls wanted s'more. i said it like regis there. the girl scouts started selling cookies in 1972. the top-selling cookie is -- >> thin mints. >> of course. of course. we thank you for the taste. thank you for coming to "gma." congratulations on 100 years. >> thank you. >> we have a lot coming up. including the battle over mariah carey's new year's eve performance. there could be a lawsuit coming. we'll talk about it in just a bit. hi, i'm paul and by now you might know me as the guy who switched to sprint because all networks are great. but get this, sprint has this crazy deal on their new unlimited plan with the 3rd, 4th, and 5th line free. yep - unlimited data, talk and text for your whole crew. oh you'll need the best unlimited data plan because well you have to get the new iphone 7. it's on the top of almost everyone's holiday list. (vo) find out how to get a free iphone se. it's the best gift this holiday season. how's that for a happy holiday? for people with hearing loss, visit so if ydead battery,t tire, need a tow or lock your keys in the car, geico's emergency roadside assistance is there 24/7. oh dear, i got a flat tire. hmmm. uh... yeah, can you find a take where it's a bit more dramatic on that last line, yeah? yeah i got it right here. someone help me!!! i have a flat tire!!! well it's good... good for me. what do you think? geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. moms know their kids need love, encouragement and milk. with 8 grams of natural protein, and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. moms know kids grow strong when they milk life. and 8 other nutrients to provide balanced nutrition. we're not professional liathletes... ...but that doesn't mean we're giving up. i'm in this for me. for me. along with diet and exercise, farxiga helps lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. lowering a1c by up to 1.2 points. do not take if allergic to farxiga. if you experience symptoms of a serious allergic reaction such as rash,... ...swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing,... ...stop taking and seek medical help right away. do not take farxiga if you have severe kidney problems,... ...are on dialysis, or have bladder cancer. tell you doctor right away if you have blood or red color in your urine,... ...or pain while you urinate. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, genital yeast infections in women and men, serious urinary tract infections, low blood sugar, and kidney problems. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away... ...if you have signs of ketoacidosis... ...which is serious and may lead to death. i'm in this for my family. i'm in this for me. ask your doctor about farxiga... ...and learn how you can get it for free. z254jz zi0z y254jy yi0y welcome back to "gma." we're -- going to get into the battle if you will, that battle over mariah carey's new year's eve performance. the blame game heating up. the singer's team saying they set her up to fail. t.j. holmes is here on the war of words. >> good morning. you see me over 24r, robin, hey. over here. you talk about war of words. how about this. direct quote from mariah carey's manager, she should have walked off and thrown the mike at somebody's head. end quote. they're fuming about this. we're getting details. hearing two very different stories. mariah carey's new year's eve drama is heating up. >> well, happy new year. i can't hear, but -- i'll just go through the motions. >> reporter: the pop icon's team and the production company behind the megashow point the blame at each other for the now infamously disaster performance. >> we didn't have a check for this song, so we'll just say it went to number one. all right. just for laughs, do the lift. ♪ ♪ oh, oh, hey, hey, hey >> i want a holiday, too. can i now have one? i'm trying to be a good sport here? ♪ you got me feeling ♪ yeah ♪ yeah ♪ whatever >> that was -- amazing. >> reporter: dick clark productions calls carey's team's claims of sabotage outrageous. adding that an initial investigation has indicated that dick clark productions had no involvement with the challenges of the production. her ear piece wasn't working but they put her on stage any way. telling entertainment weekly, mariah says, i hear nothing in my ears. my ears are dead. the other stage manager says, lit work right when we go live. >> we're missing some of this. but it is what sit. >> reporter: a source close to the production tells abc news, that the five-time grammy winner did not reverse, saying she showed up for sound check but she had a stand in and that carey was given another toupt to rehearse but chose not to. carey's team says, that's not true. that she did, in fact, rehearse at 3:00 p.m. went through vocals and her team ran through sound. all was well at rehearsal. she was prompt for rehearsal and her performance. >> the stakes are incredibly high. this is live television. you want that get it right. it's so important to have a sound check and a proper performance to work out the kinks. >> bring the faeathers on. yes! it just don't get any better. >> reporter: okay. now that we're hearing both sides. hearing the stories. we can only conclude. i don't know. i mean -- what do you do sni heard you all talking about the idea that they did this for ratings. her manager said they asked the team, cut the west coast feed. cut this out. you have an option to not let the west coast see this. they kept it any way. the argument is they wanted ratings, controversy, me two days in a row talking about this on "gma." >> if they would have cut it, they would have been called for sensoring. >> what do they spill that in with? it's live testimony. >> george, will you stop being common sense? >> we bring in dan abrams. if legal action were to be taken, what would it be? >> when the dick clark team starts referring to it as defamatory, that sounds like legal language. defamation. grounds for a lout. if they were to sue, it would be to demonstrate that what was said about them was both false and led to damages. but i don't think they're going to end up suing. in a case like this. i think this is dick clark productions way of saying, stop. do not say this stuff anymore about us. be quiet. shut up. and if you don't, then maybe we're going think about maybe legal language. but, using the word defamatory is definitely a sort of covert threat. >> a shot across the bow, so to speak. on her side, she says her ear piece didn't work. we've all been in live settings. she says this does happen. she says maybe this is about the ratin ratings. >> she could sue for negligence. they had a duet toy to make sure she had a working microphone. you didn't do it. i've had damages. >> with it hold up? >> i don't think it will happen either. i love being on for this segment. i don't think there will be legal action either way. >> your last words. >> always fun, dan, thank you very much. and coming up on "gma, "-- a major headline about drinking alcohol and your heart. as after a dvt blood clot,ital i sure had a lot to think about. what about the people i care about? ...including this little girl. and what if this happened again? i was given warfarin in the hospital, but wondered, was this the best treatment for me? so i asked my doctor. and he recommended eliquis. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots and reduces the risk of them happening again. yes, eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. eliquis also had significantly less major bleeding than the standard treatment. both made me turn around my thinking. don't stop eliquis unless your doctor tells you to. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. if you had a spinal injection while on eliquis call your doctor right away if you have tingling, numbness, or muscle weakness. while taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily ...and it may take longer than usual for bleeding to stop. seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. eliquis treats dvt and pe blood clots. plus had less major bleeding. both made eliquis the right treatment for me. ask your doctor if switching to eliquis is right for you. they are ridiculous when they first wake up. daddy walks into the walls like he's a bumper car. your dunkin' doesn't make you, you... but it helps. delicious dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. dwheyou wantve dsomto protect it.e,e. at legalzoom, our network of attorneys can help you every step of the way. with an estate plan including wills or a living trust that grows along with you and your family. legalzoom. legal help is here. 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[ "let♪ let 'em say liwhat they gonna say ♪] ♪ they gon' feel how they gonna feel ♪ ♪ and i love it, ♪ i love it and baby hey, ♪ you should too ♪ so let 'em say what they wanna say ♪ ♪ they gonna feel how they gonna feel ♪ ♪ but i love it, yeah i love it, ♪ ♪ baby, hey get well chosen deals at target, like buy any two annie's products, get one free. someone does something you nice for youis, and you feel obligated to do something nice back. maybe your aunt sent you a crocheted scarf, you sent a thank you note... and the crochet just kept on coming. well, at carmax, you don't have to return the favor. they'll buy your car even if you don't buy a car from them. because feeling obligated is uncomfortable. and tight. in places it shouldn't be. carmax won't make you feel that way. lucky you. i feel like a quilt. >> back here on "gma" anna kate is 10 years old. i want to get every face on before we have to get you back to your local weather. >> all right, guys, we are looking at storm tracker6 live double scan and there is rain moving into the region at this point. let's go ahead and get you outside. we've got cloudy skies, wet conditions out there. and temperatures are in the low 40's. here is your exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast. today's high is 49. and we are looking at cloudy and rainy conditions straight into early evening. tomorrow partly sunny and breezy, 54 degrees is the high and then thursday brisk and colder, 36. thursday night into friday a snow shower possible. better to richard besser, jen ashton. tell us about the study first. >> the researches in california followed 14 million patients for up to five years. those identified as excessive drinkers were at increased risk for three heart problems. heart attack. heart failure. and a rhythm problem. called atrial fibrillation. it's not new. it's important to point out. we talk about moderate alcohol consumption being good for your heart. there's though go up that says, if you don't drink, start drinking. most drinkers, when they hear this, they think, i must be a moderate drinker, i'll have more to protect my heart. >> what is overconsumption? >> don't shoot the messenger. it's vague. when we're trained to get a alcohol history. we're taught to ask open-ended questions. tell me about how much alcohol you consume. people say, i drink socially. one serving of alcohol, if you talk about wine is this. five ounces. this is what most people are drinking. so if you think oh, well, i drink seven, eight, nine glasses a week. you could be doubling that. by the way seven or less is moderate for wine or alcohol. you could easily be in a high level. >> and it's different for men and women. >> sit. for men, moderate is up to two drinks. women, it's one. the same thing you see there for wine holds for beer. those big beers are two drinks. it holds for a cocktail, more than two drinks right there. >> so much more to discuss. you'll be talking about it on twitter. we'll be right back. >> ♪ >> hello everyone its 8:27 on this tuesday january 3rd. i'm matt o'donnell. vain moving in. let's go to karen rogers for a look at the roads. >> we have rain, we have fog, we have jammed traffic. welcome back from vacation everybody. looking live on the vine street expressway. i know this camera is up above but you get the idea at wet dreary day westbound and eastbound pretty heavy on the vine. we still have this accident with the tractor-trailer on its side and traffic just squeezing by from the ramp from the schuylkill westbound to the turnpike westbound. once you get on the westbound turnpike, 10 miles an hour there. 10 miles an hour, 422 eastbound near norristown so all of your highways kind of slow and you see there rain is really moved in through the region. blue route, schuylkill, i-95 seeing areas of red. those slow speeds and we're jammed lincoln drive shut down southbound at gypsy lane with a multi vehicle x here's a live look at i-95. at least getting a little better here. it's wet but that southbound traffic a 38 minute jam from woodhaven to the vine now that that southbound is cleared near girard it was about double that earlier matt. >> thank you, karen. meteorologist, david murphy is tracking the rain. good morning, david. >> and right now we've got rain falling across the region matt so be careful on the roads. they're all wet. 41 degrees in philadelphia currently and there's a little bit of a chilly breeze rolling through the region so bundle up. your exclusive accuweather 7-day shows rain across the day period and into the early evening, 49 is the high. we will see it taper off a little after dark and then tomorrow partly sunny and breezy and a milder high of 54. but look out, cold air rushes in thursday morning and we wind up brisk and colder in the afternoon with a high of 36. there could be a snow shower around thursday night into friday. otherwise 34 degrees is the high on friday and we stay in the 30's through the weekend, matt. >> thanks, david. surprise, surprise. "action news" finds the new philadelphia beverage tax gets passed onto consumers. the story on >> ♪ [ cheers and applause ] and welcome back to "gma." welcome back to our lovely audience this morning. got a lot to get to right now. >> i want to start with this. a story i think a lot of parents can relate to. this is one you go shopping. you're checking out. i'm sure you guys have dealt with it. there's always candy or magazines for adults. always candy. very, very tempting, obviously, for kids to want to buy. for parents to feel -- >> it's the only way i can get my kids to go shopping with me. >> you get to say no or buy something you don't want to. one woman is petitioning a grocery store the take junk food out of checkout lines and put customer health first. replace the tabloids with children's literature and the junk food with healthy food. what do you think? [ applause ] >> i think this is part of parent ppg you have to tell your children, you can't have that. you have to be able to say it as a parent. that's not good for you. we're not going to do it. >> you always make me feel like such a slacker. >> to tell a store they can't sell things that are highly sellable is crazy. just because you don't want to have to parent. >> what do you think? that it's up to us? it sounds logical. >> maybe if they have one checkout lane a lot. that's the one to go to. it's a compromise. just carte blanche, i don't know. it's a teachable moment. i love it. it's a teachable moment. >> i think robin, you have come up with a compromise. and done, drop the mike. [ applause ] >> well. if i had hair -- here's what i am bringing to the table. it's transformation tuesday. a lot of people make the resolutions to the 1st of the year. can you stick to the resolutions? we have a mother-daughter duo who decided to take a 100-day weight loss challenge. they've kept it going. they've gone viral for a second time. it happened a couple of years ago. a guy named george takei, he posted it on his facebook. and it racked up more than 36 million views and counting. >> whoa. >> here's how it all got started. >> it's time to get this weight off and work hard. ready to do it? let's do it. ♪ ♪ i used to bite my tongue and hold my breath scared to rock the boat and make a mess ♪ >> can't wait until i don't have a double chin anytime. you have no idea. >> my mom just worked 12 hours in the e.r. we're still going to go for a run. today is weigh-in day. i lost five pounds. >> and i'm down six. [ cheers and applause ] >> do you want to meet them? >> yes. >> look at them now. the inspiring mother-daughter duo here with us this morning. cheryl and jessa shaw. no, no, stay seated. give me a hug. way to go, tessa. way to go, cheryl. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> hello. mind if i grab a chair. do you feel the love and support? >> i do. >> has it helped you all? >> i get choked up when i see that. >> that was in 2014? >> yes. >> 2 1/2 years ago. >> how much weight have you all lost? >> what am i down sni think i'm down 50. at one point, xwoit down to 150. i hurt me knee and i kind of -- >> there are always setbacks. that's part of life. and you? >> i was highest, 185. my lowest was 125. >> oh, my goodness. >> she's tall. >> no, no, no. talk to people. how did you all motivate and help each other? >> for me, she came to me one day and she's like, mom, we gotta do something. it just spiraled from there. we found this website, give it 100. we would go there every day and post a ten-second video. every day, we would say, what are we doing today. we came up with food, routines. we just -- >> and a mud run, i hear, too. >> we did that. she dragged my buns. >> oh, here we have pictures. >> thank you. >> people talk about you have to have a buddy system. what better than a mother-daughter duo like this. you talk about the setbacks. that is real life. how did you get through that and be able to get back on track? >> it's a lifetime deal. and i'm not getting any younger. and she has become the mother of the duo. >> i have, yeah. >> she's like, mom, what are you doing now? what are you eating? come on, mom, really? now i'm sneaking food in my room. hiding food. i have become the teenager now. so thank you, mom. >> you're welcome. >> i love to see this. what is your advice. it's the first of the year. how many people have started that resolution. it's not necessarily a number. or something like that. we're going to talk to kayla. i can't wait for you all to meet her. she says, it's not about calories. not about getting a certain place. people say, i'm going to have a healthier lifestyle. >> just get out there. don't -- really push -- like, i'm sorry. don't -- get nervous when you go to the gym. i know that was my biggest setback? >> was it? >> i walked in the gym, i got so nervous. >> why? >> because people would look at you. >> you don't know what to do. the machines. you're like, okay, what am i doing here? >> how did you get past it? >> i did it. i did my own thing. i didn't worry about anybody else. this is for me. i have to love myself. >> and going together. i mean, that was another thing we tried to do a lot of this stuff together. and -- some days i don't want to do it. she's like, come on, mom. other days, it's vice versa. you have to push each other. it's hard doing this. >> how sit -- george posting this and all this -- >> i can't believe it. all of a sudden, i have my social media. my website that is mother daughter duo. i'm getting, boom, boom, boom. what the heck is going on here snit was so funny. >> it's so deserving. you're lovely. always have been. your spirit. your love for one another. and doing this. motivating us. >> we're looking forward to the next 100 days. >> you go, girls. thank you, thank you. you know what? coming up, we have instagram's fitness queen, kayla. she's here sharing her weight loss seek rets. you talk about blowing up the internet? this woman spp come on back. >> announcer: oprah ... is ... back! >> happy new year! >> announcer: and in the kitchen with rach. next rachael! ♪ >> and back now on "good morning america." you're about to see a way that you can get in shape for the new year. but i thought why not ask a couple of people out here. you've got a resolution. >> yes. no bread and no soda. >> and it's been very hard no new york city. >> very nard new york city not to have bread. very hard. >> i will not show you the bagel place down the road. let's get a check of your local weather. >> all right, ginger. it's a wet one today. around the region as rain is pulling up into bucks county, it's already wet pretty much everywhere else. your exclusive accuweather 7-day a high 49. rain not tapering off until later this evening and then 54 tomorrow, 30's after that. it. the new signs come on the phone. that's how we do it now, robin. >> it is time now to jump start those new year's resolutions. instagram fitness queen kayla itsines. >> that's perfect. >> i got it right. she has millions of followers. first, we're going take a look at kayla's story. ♪ she's transforming our workouts and our bodies. all on social media. 25-year-old kayla itsines. blowing up her 14 million followers' news feeds with her wildly viral bikini body guide. the proof is in her post. showcasing her own and others success stories. a handful of the incredible before and after transformations from her 28-minute high-intensity workouts. the australian personal trainer hitting the road. packing jims across the globe and motivating women to take back their bodies. now, with her new book, the bikini body 28-day healthy eating and lifestyle guide, she's kick starting your new year right now. we have been looking forward to having kayla with us. aussie, aussie, usaussie, oy, o oy. i digress. you on instagram. those workouts. give us a move for our audience. they want to move. >> something supereasy you can do in your share. squats. make sure your legs are on a 90-degree angle. stand up, sit back down as fast as you can. just keep going. >> perfect. >> that's perfect. >> anybody can do it. if you're at home, you're watching at home, do it as well. >> 100%. hop up off your chair. >> all right. as you were. seated. it's all about getting the heart rate pumping. it's about what we consume. why a 28-day plan. what is te behind 28-day plan? >> i want women to have this for life. i think 28 days is a good way to develop a habit. >> it looks delicious. >> you showed us one day. give us a look. >> porridge with figs. you can swap this out for any of the other fruits. this is a beet root dip. great for the kids. leave it on the counter. they'll come past and eat it and don't realize how healthy it is. moroccan chicken pita. something women love is yogurt and berries. i mixed it together. this is shrimp. at the moment, it's chili, lime, coconut. some rice. some greens. women love superhealthy but filling. >> do you put the shrimp on the barbie? >> shrimp on the barbie. i love it. >> someone would see this and go, that's a lot of food. you say, you need to have -- >> you need it. >> all through the day. you said five meals? >> five meals. five food groups. i think what women do when they wanted to go on a diet is say, i'm going to cut out carbs. i think women have said that. i have heard someone else say it. i've got the rice. the quinoa. women can enjoy the meels. [ applause ] >> that is good. you're big on this. how many of you if you'ring look to cut back that you count calories? how many of you consume like the calories? [ light applause ] you're saying that's not the way to go. why? >> it develops an unhealthy mind set. when you focus on a weight on a scale or a certain amount of numbers, i don't want it to define women's worths. >> we hear it so often. you're saying go a different route here? >> i want them to be healthy, fit, strong, and eat foods like this and not look at a scale and be like, that's what i'm worth. >> how did you get started? >> i started out of school. i did teaching at university. i did my personal training course. i loved it so much, i said i would go back to uni. i never went back. i met my partner. we have done the sweat with kayla app. it's out. now the book. >> the millions and millimeters of followers that you have, has that surprised you? >> it does. i stay humble. that's my grandma and grandpa. i never moved from adelaide. i want to help people. my mum is like that. i'm like that. she's a very giving lady. >> i know. you're just getting started. thank you for being with us. this book is fabulous. it's easy. it's "the bikini body." it's available now. for more, kayla will join us after the show on facebook. you'll get recipes on our site. you'll meet people she's motivated and will give us tips. it's the start of the year. we want to get healthier. coming up, breakout star calum scott is going to perform live. ♪ i'm in the corner watching you kiss her oh ♪ by peggy lee playing ] [ goat bleat ] [ crow caws, music continues ] this is gonna be awesome! when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like playgrounds, demographics, schools, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it. we're back now with breakout star calum scott. he burst on to the music scene on "britain's got talent." now he's climbing the charts around the world. his debut album comes out later this year. right now, here's calum scott with "dancing on my own." ♪ ♪ somebody said you got a new friend ♪ ♪ does she love you better than i can ♪ ♪ yeah, i know it's stupid but i just gotta see it for myself i'm in the corner watching you kiss her oh oh oh ♪ ♪ and i'm right over here why wnt you see me oh oh oh ♪ ♪ and i'm giving it my all but i'm not the guy you're taking home ooh and i keep dancing ♪ ♪ on my own ♪ i just wanna dance all night and i'm all messed up i'm so out of line ♪ ♪ yeah stilettos and broken bottles ♪ ♪ i'm spinning around in circles and i'm giving it my all ♪ ♪ but i'm not the guy you're taking home ooh, and i keep dancing on my own ♪ ♪ and oh, no ♪ so far away but still so near the lights come on the music dies ♪ ♪ but you don't see me standing here i just came to say good-bye ♪ ♪ i'm in the corner watching you kiss her oh, oh, oh and i'm giving it my all snoets but i'm not the guy you're taking home ooh and i keep dancing on my n own ♪ ♪ so far away but still so near ♪ ♪ the lights come up the music dies but you don't see me stand ing here ♪ [ cheers and applause ] here's your receipt. have a nice day! thank you. start the car! start the car! start the car! start the car! the ikea winter sale. wooooooo! get up to 50% off select items. now through january 10th. ikea one hero was on a mission to pasave snack time., watch babybel in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. creamy, delicious, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. oh, calum scott. so -- are you still shaking? >> yeah. >> look at him. bless your heart. >> it won't stop. it won't stop. >> you did great. >> have a great day, everybody. >> ♪ >> hello everyone. 8:56 on this tuesday january 3rd. roads are getting soaking wet. let's go to karen rogers. >> wet, we've got some fog and it's miserable. it's just jammed everywhere. traffic got a lot worse within the last half hour. here's the boulevard southbound. look how jammed everybody is trying to get onto the schuylkill and on the big picture you see the schuylkill moving in the single digits at times rain spreading throughout the entire region. i-95 is slow and the blue route moving in the 20's at least that's not too bad. we still have that multi vehicle accident closing lincoln drive southbound at gypsy lane. you can't use that:look at these travel times. a 31 minute ride on i-95 southbound. that the not horrible between woodhaven and the vine but now a 40 minute ride eastbound on the schuylkill between the blue route and the vine. there was an earlier accident eastbound on the schuylkill near 30th street that just kind of added to the delay and also a 36 minute ride westbound from the vine to the blue route so pretty jammed matt. >> okay, karen thanks. outside to meteorologist, david murphy. david. >> the rain still coming down here on the terrace matt. storm tracker6 live double scan shows you there's rain across most of the region starting to push into allentown and trenton before too much longer and temperatures are also cool. we're in the 40's across most of the area. allentown still in the upper 30's as is reading. your exclusive accuweather 7-day a little above average with that temperature. 49 degrees. with the rain falling it's pretty chilly and uncomfortable today. rain wraps up later this evening. partly sunny and breezy tomorrow. up to 54 and then into the 30's starting thursday and staying that way through the weekend matt. >> thanks, david. a local father fights back after he is shot during a home invasion. his wife and four young daughters were home when two gunmen burst in and wound him. police say he returned fire and killed one of his attackers. we'll have the latest developments on "action news" at noon. "live with kelly" is next here on 6abc. mark cuban will be a guest host. we also have queen latifah coming up. enjoy. i'm matt o'donnell. have a great tuesday. >> ♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. that means incredibly fast 150 meg internet. so in the 3.7 seconds it takes gary watson to ...his friend can download 13 different versions of the perfect song... ...his sister can live stream it... ...while his mom downloads how to set a dislocated shoulder, get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for just 79.99 per month online for the first year. hurry offer ends january 21st. only from fios. >> announcer: it's "live with kelly!" today from the series "the blacklist," megan boone. if you want a happier, healthier 402017, check out the "new year, new you." and, also, he's out of the "shark tank" and into the cohost chair. mark cuban. all next on "live!" ♪ and now, here are kelly ripa and mark cuban! [cheering and applauding] ♪ >> kelly: hi. how are

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