Transcripts For WRAL NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt 20161

WRAL NBC Nightly News With Lester Holt November 26, 2016

Sorry, pal, this unit is out of service. I heard you had run in with kattrara. Is there a billboard somewhere . Your the fourth person today hawking me about this guy. Excuse me. Its important. I told the cops everything i know ten times. Did he say anytytng about a cop he was looking for. Yeah, somomold guy. He wanted to kill him. That old guy he wants to kill is my dad. Im sorry. Its ok. Nything, anything at all . Its important. Hes just hes just bragging, you know . About how bad he was. And about how he paid some stooge to get off the chain gang. And how any cop on earth could get bought off for the right price. Speaking of which, i gotta go. Hate to get busted when im not even working. Good luck with your dad. Thanks. And have you got a sponsor for this one, valerie . [phone ringing] yeah, barneys. Barney, its reno. Kid, youre still in town . Yeah, uh,h, need a favor. Lockup last night . Listen, call me back in ten minutes, hm . Will do. So, partner, got a little trivia question for you. Shoot. Hey, looking for me . Thanks. [sigh] youre pretty good out there. I should have remembered i was staking out a 20 year man. Save the flattery, lieutenant. How do know so much about me . Reno raines, hes a project of mine. And i made it my business to know all i can about him. Just good police work, huh . Look, this would be hard on any parent. And it must just be hell on you, being a cop and all. I can handle it. Well, im sure you can. They tell me you lost a partner in the line duty . Yeah, thats right. Well, so did i. The officer your son shot was a man named buzzy burrell. Lieutenant, what kind of a case do you have against m mson . Well, i wish i could say it was shaky. Reno was a promising cop. Ah, he and s se of this buddies went out abusing the badge. And buzzy, well, h hwas working a sting on them and getting set to drop the net. And you recovered renos weapon . Yeah. Boy, i wish he hadnt run. Ha, ha. And after the initial shock wore off, i, uh, i used to stay up at nights thinking about your boy. Wondering if there wasnt, you know, some some other side to the story. A circumstance that would explain how such a promising prospect c cld go so wrong. Yeah. Have you seen him, sergeaea raines . Because i got word that hes in town. Have you spokekeo him . So youre asking me to help send my son to prison . I want him pretty bad. I guess that will show you what a frustrated man i am. Well, lieutenant, im afraid youre going to have to live wiwi that frustration a little while longer. Of harboring a fugitive, right . No, you dont have to warn me. Ok, sergeant raines, then im going to ask you again, directly. Was he here . Have you see him . Yeah. He was here. We had a nice little chat. So where is he now . Well, if i knew i couldnt tell you, because id be harboring a fugitive. Sorry your trip to chicago wasnt ah pat gorman . Sheesh what the hell, ya ah ah ah, hah. How much did kattrain pay you . Talk to ia. I already did. I got witnesses. Ah where did you meet . I dont know what youre talking about. Ah let me explain something to you, officer gorman. Im not ia. Im not even a cop. Just a man with nothing to lose already facing one murder charge, so, im going to ask you one more time nicely, then its going to get ugly. Hey there, little girl. Oh ah, ah, ah. Ah, its ok. Its ok. I just wanna talk. I just wanna talk. Detectcte dixon pat gorman . [sigh] now what . Im here on an extradite. I understand youre a man with a lot of answers. Uh uh kattrain you look like youvv been through the blender. Rumors of chicagos hospitality have been greatly exaggerated. [sigh] yeah, well, ive got more good news for you. Your dad was in, left a message. Youre kidding . Uhuh. Said to tell you there was a california cop named dixon in town looking for you. Huh dad said that . Whats wrong with that . You are still his kid, you know . Uess i am. I need to see him. Do you know where he is . On duty somewhere. Ill call it in. Get the lab guys down here off their butts. I can tell you what happened. I heard. You ok . No [clearing throat] damn, im out of your brand. You, uh, wanna grab you a bobole in back . Ill grab you a case. Dad, i want to thank you. You warned me about dixon and it meant a lot to me. It meant i didnt want to s s one wrong number get the drop on another, period. Dad, wait. This is not a good day to mess with me. I want to help you get kattrain. Your totolate. He hit again last night. That murder last night was a message. He did it to mess with your mind and youre letting him do it. It happen on your beat, under your nose. Now hes counting on you to be alone again. Hes not counting on me. So damn it, let me help you . Detective e xon im calling you a liar. I dont barney you calling me a liar. Detective dixon i want this guy, right now. Hes committed a murder in bay city, california. Barney im telling its dixon. Well, come back with a warrant in your dreams. I was going to pay for them. Hey, i got to talk to you. Wheres your partner . Hes probably hiding from you. Its important that i find him. Yeah. Well, i dont think he wants to o found. Hey, listen. I ran a little make on y y yesterday, it came back pretty ugly. Yeah, well, dont believe everything you read on your computer screen. Any reason why i shouldnt just run you in . Make myself 10,000 . Because you would have to arrest me first. Ect challenge. I like that. Get up against the car. Is something the matter with your hearing . Let me speak a little louder for you. [grunts] oh i dont mean to embarrass you, bridges. I just want to know where my dad is. Hey think, where could he be . I dont k kw. The union stockyards. The same as last time . Come on, pal. Reno im sorry hey hey, come on. Kattrain you want me . Miss me . Aah hold it. Sunday morning, pop. Easy dad get out of here. Its fine. Not if you pull the trigger, its not. Y. Looking over my shoulder. This is no way out. Thats no way to live. Aint that right, son . [gun shot] sorry, that discussion was beginning to annoy me. Ill take that. Get over there. Well, i guess we know where you get your indecision, huh, reno . I cant tell you the number of times hes had a chance to drop em. I guess he just doesntthav. Hell, it probably runs in the family. It aint for lack of courage. Ah, you big city y ps, you really amuse me. And when youre not taking bribes, or letting guys out of the can, youre doing pretrial executions. You think youre any better . You dont want to take him back to court. You want to take him back in a box. Give me the gun. Sure. Reno dad uh ah go on, son. Get on the bike and ride. What are you going to do . Just do what im telling you. If you dont, im going to kill him. Ill hold him for an hour, that will give you a good head start. Go son. Its ok. Morning, doug. Hey, barney. How about a cup of coffee . Coffee . What the hells gotten into you . While fleeting Sergeant Douglas raines the suspect robert kattrain was killed by lieutenant donald dixon, a California Police officer who was assisting on the case . Well, at least they spelled my name right. This i ia great town you guys have here. My flight got delayed two hours. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Oh, thats ok, i just came by to wish sarge a happy retirement. You know what i bet its going to be like . I bet its going to be like, uh, the stories you read where a guy works the same job for 40 years. And then he quits, and [snapping finger] dies a week later. Sorry to disappoint you, lieutenant, but my plans have changed. Oh, yeah . Oh, yeah. H. And ive got you to thank for it. You see, i realized that as long as their are cops like you, they need cops like me to balance the scales. Oh, isnt that noble. I think so. And as for you, lieutenant, i would suggest me, sarge, but ive got a fugitive to catch. Hey, dixon, do me a favor. Next time you see my kid, tell him, i love him

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