Transcripts For WRAZ Rewind News 20160314 :

WRAZ Rewind News March 14, 2016

Supposed to have a gun. Neighbors are being hailed as heroes for rescuing a raleigh man from a fire in his home. The fire broke out shortly after 5 30pm in an apartment on bashford road. People who live above that apartment spoed smoke and told another neighbor. Who told them to call 911. Then, realizing the man who lived there was not coming out, tree neighbors went into the burning apartment, to pull him out. Years behind schedule, the state of North Carolina is finally replacing the bonner bridge. A ceremonial groundbreaking was tuesday at the south end of the old bridge. The bonner bridge carries hwy 12 across the oregon inlet. Prep work for the project already began, and construction should start this spring. The new bridge will cost about 246 Million Dollars and is scheduled to open in 2019. A rash of drive by shootings in durham. There have been four in less than a month. The most recent happened wednesday evening on ridgeway avenue. A 78yearold mechanic who was there repairing a car was hit by a bullet in the arm. He survived shooting thursday finishing the repairs to the car. He says he didnt expect Something Like this to happen to him. John burton shooting victim 22 11 i looked around and everybody looked like they were disappearing on me. So when i thought about it i said time for me to disappear but it was too late 22 20 bullets start flying. 22 i was the third shot that went off 25 police have not said if the incidents are linked. If you were lucky enough to be up and near western boulevard thursday morning, you had quite a treat using a special crane, crews hoisted a 160 ton copper dome onto what will soon be raleighs newest cathedral. Youre looking at a time lapse video of thursdays move. From start to finish it took about 30 minutes, after months of planning. Holy name of jesus cathedral is being built to accomodate the growing raleigh diocese. Its scheduled to open in the fall of 2017 and will accomodate an estimated 2thousand worshippers at a time. A teenager is tied up and left in a closet during a violent Home Invasion it happened on Glade Aster Court. The Police Report indicates this is also a rape investigation. Tonight in our cover story wrals Sloan Heffernan tell us. This is an unusual case. The Home Invasion happened in broad daylight and nothing was stolen. This is the troubling text that a North Raleigh mom says she received from her daughter sunday afternoon. Im tied up in the closet help police were called to the familys home on Glade Aster Court after the 17 Year Old Girl was discovered bound with duct tape and naked in the closet. 2 47 we have a closet. A coat closet. Thats where she was bolted down. And her head was face down, thats what my wife said. And she was tied up to the chair legs tied up to the chair. And pushed in there. 3 00 the teens stepdad who we have decided not to show to protect the teenagers identity says that his stepdaughter was raped during the Home Invasion. 5 23 sloane how is she doing . Stepfather yeah, she says she is fine, but she dont look fine to me. 27. There was no sign of forced entry and his stepdaughter did not know the two men who came into the familys home. 4 23 sloane did they take anything from your house . Stepfather no, it looks like they were trying to. Stolen but it appeared that the suspects tried to take the tv. Aster court to be burglarized in less than three months. One neighbor we spoke to who did not want to be on camera said she was worried about her teenage grandaughter heading to school this morning. 25 27 when she left this moring extra careful have phone ready for me and call me wonce you are on that bus 43 that was Sloan Heffernan reporting. The girls mother said that her daughter used a voice command on her phone to text for help. The Nash County Sheriffs Office showed off the largest heroin seizure in the countys history. Discovered 347 bricks of heroin morning. The drugs are valued at more than 173 thousand dollars. Charged with assaulting a protester at the fayetteville. 78yearold john mcgraw of linden is and disorderly conduct. Video of the fight has received a lot of attention on social media. Just minutes after trump got on stage. A group with rakeem jones started shouting surprised by the attack. I was really not paying attention to him. So. Im walking and i turned. As soon as i turned he hit me and i thought it was a punch but as i look at the footage now it was an elbow. But. He hit me dead in my eye. mcgraw is being held on 25hundred dollars secured bond. The sheriff is conducting an internal investigation to see if any of his deputies neglected their duty by not arresting mcgraw. Glaxo smithkline wants to make a difference in the lives of foster children as they become adults. Million dollar gsk impact grant to a group of seven nonprofits working toward that goal. The group, called fostering wellness, will connect 500 young people in wake, durham and orange counties with nos and employment opportunities. President jack bailey says it all comes back to community. The announcement came at an event at pnc arena. Our own Brian Shrader emceed the presentation. An officerinvolved shooting that left a man dead ignites discussion about a tough topic gangs. Donnie harrison wcso theyre looking for someone to pay them some attention, thats why they join gangs, theyve got a bond coming up on rewind whats fueling gang growth, and one place hoping to help atrisk youth stay away from a violent path. And. New developments in a double homicide in a parking lot just off glenwood avenue. Two men are found dead in a busy part of today is your lucky day. Woman surprised oh, my goodness mark youve just won athousand dollars woman thats amazing thats amazing shrieks woman ok, nice job. Mark, way better than yesterday. Maria, that delivery felt a little forced. And steve, steve yeah . Woman i am still missing that raw emotion. Woman pretty awesome for a tuesday, but tomorrow is hump day, so lets really bring it lucky for life. Win a thousand dollars a day, police say Allen Rodriguez and pedro reyes were found in a parked suv on glenwood avenue, behind the panera bread. Wrals leyla santiago tells us. Their friends and family have many questions and are just trying to make sense of this. That was leyla santiago reporting. So far there have been no arrests in this case. Its been just over a week since a Raleigh Police officer shot and killed 24yearold akiel denkins during a confrontation. In the days following the death, Community Members and advocacy groups no arrests in this case. Its been just over a week since behind the panera bread. Wrals leyla santiago tells us. Their friends and family have many questions and are just trying to make sense of this. That was leyla santiago reporting. So far there have been no a raleigh 24yearold akiel denkins during a confrontation. In the days following the death, groups raised concerns about violent policing. But others have questions about the man with a criminal record known to be in a gang. Wrals amanda lamb takes a look at and one solution. Sheriff Donnie Harrison wake they got to a place, most of the time they will say yes i am a gang member. Wake county sheriff Donnie Harrison separates inmates from rival gangs in the jail for their safety. Donnie harrison wcso theyre looking for someone to pay them some attention, thats why they join gangs, theyve got a bond. Theyve got somebody they can talk to, theyve got someone they can share things with. But their home life, they cant do that. Cardoso the concern is sometimes the way they get those needs met is not healthy. Atrisk youth including an Afterschool Program that helps keeps young people off the streets. Patricia cardoso haven house they all need opportunities, they all need support, they need navigate whatever life throws their way. If theyre in a gang, the program asks that they check their colors, signs and symbols at the door. Cardoso we want this to be a safe space that is available and open to all kids in the community. Community say Bishop Darnell Dixon Bible Way Temple ive only heard about the gangs. Ive never had any negative interaction with the gangs. Mutota resident all the programs right now in the world that you talk about wont be any good if youre dead. That was amanda lamb reporting. The states Public Safety secretary says the numbers of gang members are growing. Last month, secretary frank perry told lawmakers there are 314 active gangs in the state including groups actively seeking to overthrow the government. He said gangs are growing within the prison system as well with about 1 out of every 7 inmates involved in a gang at some level. A different perspective on politics thats sure to make you smile. President s should always be good planners before they do something, and openminded, and also open hearted. Coming up on rewind, some local 1st graders takes to be a true leader. And what makes a great president ial candidate . You will be amazed what a group of local firstgraders had to say when asked the question. The qualities. They say. Should define the countrys leader and role model. Theres no question the some debates. An all out battle. Wrals Brian Shrader shares advice from first graders in durham for the candidates running for president. Nats of arguing candidates track 1 sometimes, president ial debates playground. Track 2 but that kind of talk wont fly on any playground near these students. Ms. Nyes first graders at Durham Academy have a motto they try to live by. 114925 say the kindest thing in the kindest way and do it track 3 they recently put together a sharing their ideas about what president. Practical. 0304 a president shouldnt be laying around watching tv all he should be at work track 4 to the ideal. 3 46 i think he or she should be nice, kind and strong. And honest and brave track 5 but its that underlying lesson about kindness that comes through strongest. 445 say the kindest thing in the kindest way and do it. But some of you are not doing that correctly track 6 i talked with a couple of ms. Nyes students and asked how they felt when they saw candidates going after each other on tv. 114854 kind of sad and youre not really making very good friends. I really dont like it, so butt to i just turn if off 115942 these children get the essence of what were here for. They want to see the best in people, and theyre encouraging nye hopes her students discover something about themselves as they think about kindness in in the world. And she hopes youll discover something when you see the video. 120010 these children are inheriting what were creating now 0429 we need each other. Dont separate us. Were going to be a great world if you dont separate us track 8 Brian Shrader, wral news, durham. Nye regularly makes videos with her students so parents can keep up with whats going on in class. A group of paratroopers with the 82nd Airborne Division are with their families for the first time in 9 months. They returned to fort bragg this week. Wrals gilbert baez was there for the happy reunions. After nine months away from home. This is what its all about. Captain dimitrios hunts wife broke the worlds record for getting her arms around her husbands neck. Other wives were on her heels. Out here. She wanted to get some tv time. It worked. Heres the whole family on tv and a captain thats beaming with pride. You see kids . You see these smiles . Thats all it takes. Just one little smile and im glad to be home. This is a story about a homecoming. But let me take you back nine months. Lt. John valituttos son was jus 11 days old when he left. The young lt. Cant belive how much hes grown. It was hard to leave my wife but. She had everything under control. And look at him now. I can tell she did a great job. And then theres the Williams Family who son wants my job. You glad daddys back . You guys going to play . Yes dad is back. His wife has kept track of what he missed. Everybodys had a birthday since hes been gone. Our anniversary. My transition from the military and a couple of other things. The paratroopers have spent the past month in a war zone. These families are glad they all came back alive. Its still a violent place. There are still mortars and rockets and suicide bombers its Getting Better every day. The hooplah of reunions over for now families four days with soldiers before they get training for their next deployment. At fort bragg, gilbert baez for wral news. Major general richard clarke, the 82nd airbornes commander, says his soldiers made a difference by training the iraqi army. Now, they can take care of themselves. Next on rewind. How a fathers quick reflexes saved his son from a flying baseball bat. Tonight in our video of the week. A young baseball fan took home an unexpected ere are those who say we cannot defeat a corrupt political system and fix a rigged economy. But i believe we need to lift our vision above the obstacles in place and look to the american horizon. To a nation where every child can not only dream of going to college, but attend one. Where quality healthcare will be a birthright of every citizen. Where a good job is not a wish, but a reality. Where women receive equal pay and a living wage is paid to all. An america where after a lifetime of labor, there is time for rest and grandchildren. A nation that defends our people and our values, but no longer carries so much of that burden alone. I know we can create that america if we listen to our conscience and our hearts im bernie sanders. I approve this message, and i ask for your vote. Florida. A bat that could have killed him the bat flew out of the hitters hands headed straight for 8yearold landon cunninghams head. Luckily, the boys dad has quick reflexes. He reached out and saved his son from a serious injury. This is the baseball bat that hit me right here. This thing was flying it went across, like that. I think when it was doing it, my dad but then it flipped around and hit me right here. A newspaper photographer snapped a picture of the moment. The image has since gone viral and dad has turned into a national hero. Thats all the time we have for tonight. Have a great evening. Pause for hoops headquarters open yeah, i was just talking about your emergency Roadside Service and how its available 24 7 and then our car overheated. What are the chances . Can you send a tow truck please . Uh, the location . Youre not going to believe this but its um. Its in a tree. I wish i was joking, mate, car horn honking a chainsaw . No, no, all we really need is a tow truck. Day or night, geicos emergency Roadside Service is there for you. Peggy all right. This should be more than enough kibble to last until i get back from branson. One bowl in the morning and another one at night. Thats easy to remember my sisters on the same schedule. Its that kind of flipping attitude that will put jim on a missing dog poster or spread eagle in a car grill. Dont worry about anything. Just relax and enjoy your trip. Well, the Altar Rosary Society has been planning this senior excursion for ages. In fact, the lady who spearheaded the whole thing went toes up last month. Oh, thats tragic. Were still taking her with us. She wanted her ashes scattered in the sawdust on the dance floor at gilleys. Thats nice. Well, she loved to boot, scoot, and boogie. Plus, she was an alcoholic who never met a cowboy she couldnt buck before the bell. Sounds like a sweetie. I didnt care for her. Anyway, make sure jim has got his chew toy. highpitched squeak otherwise, hell be whiskerdeep in his. Mikes exactly the same way. Ive got to put tabasco in his underpants. giggling you know what, if yuckapuck cant keep a cork in it, im just gonna stay here. No, mom, its good for you to take these little trips. When you go on vacation,

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