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At some point, isis is going to have a success. And what military success looks like for them is a dead american soldier. We have a dangerous tendency to under estimate the enemy and overestimate our allies in their capabilities. I see us making that exact same mistake now. We need to clearly identify who our friends are. When we give weapons and training to people who we should not trust, people who we would not let on an airplane out of our own airplanes, its inevitable, they will turn against us. I want to see leadership in washington take responsibility for communicating clearly with the american people. It is very personal. I feel like i have a responsibility as a veteran to speak up and ensure that there is a voice. That was iraq war veteran clay hanna in his own words. Who better to react to clay hannas concerns than jim webb, former secretary of navy and a hannas concerns than jim webb, former secretary of navy and a decorated vietnam veteran who the highest tax rate of any major country in the world. So why does that matter . Well, america faces tough foreign competition every day. Facing the highest tax rate makes it harder to keep up. Harder to upgrade equipment. Harder to keep american jobs competitive. To level the playing field, we have to update our outdated tax codes. And get washington to help america stay competitive. Join us at fairreform. Com when folks think about wthey think salmon and energy. But the energy bp produces up here creates Something Else as well jobs all over america. Engineering and innovation jobs. Advanced Safety Systems technology. Shipping and manufacturing. Across the united states, bp supports more than a quarter million jobs. When we set up operation in one part of the country, people in other parts go to work. Thats not a coincidence. Its one more part of our commitment to america. Are the largest targets in the world, for every hacker, crook and nuisance in the world. But systems policed by hps Cyber Security team are constantly monitored for threats. Outside and in. Thats why hp reports and helps neutralize more intrusions than anyone. In the world. If Hp Security Solutions can help keep the Worlds Largest organizations safe, they can keep yours safe, too. Make it matter. Weve always been on the forefront of innovation. When the world called for speed. Whenhe world called for stealth. Intelligence. Endurance. Affordability. Adaptability. And when the world asked for the future. Staying ahead in a constantly evolving world. Thats the value of performance. Northrop grumman. Welcome now to our meet the kpd series, sort of. This week im joined by jim webb who points out hes a potential candidate for president in 2016. He has a unique resume. Webb is a former marine and served in vietnam where he won a navy cross for extraordinary heroism as well as a silver star, pro bronze stars and two purple hearts. In the 80s he served in the Reagan Administration as an assistant secretary of defense and secretary of the navy. In 2006, he switched partied and was elected as a democratic senator from virginia and served one term before opting not to seek reelection. He is a successful author and screenwriter and has written eight books over the years. My wife helped him in his senate bid. I want to begin with any reaction you have to clay hanna, because how politicians use phrases like boots on the ground and politicize the issues of combat troops, that does have an impact on soldiers, doesnt it . It does. Having watched the beginning of your show, i think its fair to say right now that we are at a crossroads as a nation in terms of how we view ourselves, how we say these things to ourselves and the way that these issues are going to be resolved in the next couple of years will affect us for a very long time. Its true in domestic policy as well. When you see the arguments about economic fairness. The truth is, it depends where you sit in this country. We have the stock market that has almost tripled since march of 2009. The rich are feeling good . If you have capital, you are feeling good. Average salaries have gone down. Loans to Small Businesses have actually decreased. And we have a criminal Justice System thats embarrassing. All of the country should be focusing on that, too. In foreign policy, what you are hearing from this former sold is something that we are seeing a lot of country wide, and that is that we have not had a clear articulation of what American Foreign policy is basically since the end of the cold war. So when you are looking at places like iraq and syria, you are seeing policies that cant be clearly articulated. You are saying that the president doesnt you are saying president obama doesnt have a foreign policy. Im saying in terms of a clear doctrine, we have been lacking that for a very long time. It particularly impact the middle east. If you look at whats going on, there are two data points that are critical. The first was the decision by the Bush Administration to invade and occupy iraq, which empowered iran and unleashed all the sectarian violence. And then it was what i thought was a strategic the inadvisable strategy of the arab spring. What has happened in libya as well as syria is a result. The beginning of the arab spring was in some ways egypt. Was that a mistake . Was the president getting involved the beginning of the mistake that then turned to libya that turned to syria . I think what you were seeing in egypt and i was talking about it when it began was the first rule of wing walking is make sure you have a clear grasp on where you are going before you leave where you are. This was accentuated in libya. I spoke very strongly against the notion that a president could unilaterally conduct military operations in an area where we had no treaties at work, no americans under attack or at risk. And you take a look at the end result of libya, an enormous number of weapons unaccounted for which are probably in syria. And can you get to the tripoli airport today . Now, if you take a look at syria, which is syria and parts of iraq, which is what the former soldier was talking about, we now have a situation where we are asking these Freedom Fighters or whatever you want to call them who were going after assad to help us go after isis. Its not clear they are going to do that. The elements that are fighting there are very fluid in terms of the people who declare their alliances. I would be willing to bet that we have people at the top of isis who actually have been trained by americans at some point. Let me move to your political poe potential political am decisi ambitions. Im not looking at that. What im trying to do is the same thing that i did when i was thinking about running for the senate. That is to identify the issues that America Needs to focus on in order to regain the trust of the american people. If you look at these polls that you were showing, i think the people are way ahead of their leaders. They know we have these problems that were at a crossroads. They are very disappointed in fact that the pop leaders in both parties have not been able to come together for the good of the country to work to solve them. You are going to be compared to Hillary Clinton here. Whats the contrast that you think is fairest between you and Hillary Clinton . I really dont i will let leave that to other people. If people you describe you as running to her left, what do you say . I believe in certain principals that i put out. Whether they are to the left or to the right doesnt matter to me. I dont change what i believe. This is what did i when i ran for the senate. And im very concerned about issues of economic fairness, social justice. We worked on criminal Justice Reform eight years ago. We put 2 1 2 years of hearings in it in the senate. I dont know whether thats to the left or right. Its a leadership issue. Is she qualified . Do you think shes qualified to be president . We led on this pivot to asia which people talked about for the obama administration. We began that two years before obama was elected. Ive been very strong on different ways to deal with foreign policy. You are smiling. You dont want to talk about Hillary Clinton . I dont think its for me to talk about Hillary Clinton. I enjoyed working with her when i was in the senate. This is for me i dont know what shes going to do if she runs, what she would run on. Im just very concerned about these issues for the country. Quickly, a few key issues. Gay marriage, you were for civil unions but not for legalized gay marriage. Have you changed . I took tough stands in 06. There was a gay marriage amendment on the ballot in virginia. I have a lot of family ties in the southwest. I oppose that. Im really comfortable with where the evolution has you are not ready legal in some places but not in others . I think this has been a good tli thing for the country. Im going to leave it there. We will watch. You are going to announce before the end of the year . Taking it one day at a time. Fair enough. Up next, the roads to economic recovery. We have been talking about it a lot on the show. Guess what . It depends where you live. If you live near an interstate, that may be the bft west way toe a good economic future. Its mostly about the economy. It starts on tuesday when the International Monetary fund releases its outlook. They warned the Global Economy could be at a tipping point. Wall street will look for clues when Interest Rates may go up. Minutes of the Federal Reserve september meeting are released. Speculation that tesla could if i told you that a free tensecond test could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads youd take that test, right . What are you waiting for . You could literally be done with the test by now. Now you could have done it twice. This is awkward. Go to comcastbusiness. Com checkyourspeed. 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Its also indisputable that millions of americans dont yet feel enough of the benefits of a growing economy where it matters most. Thats in their own lives. That was president obama this week touting his administrati administrations policies and those of his fellow democrats on the ballot in november. Lets do a little reality check. While the Unemployment Rate has been dropping, as we saw with fridays jobs reports there are Many Americans that arent feeling it. Why . Because the road to recovery is taking different routes. That could mean trouble for democrats in november. Let me show you another graphic and a map. Along interstates running north to south, the communities close to the highways are in the economic fast lane. The mostly urban areas that do favor democrats where economies are thriving and people are heading back into the job market at a rapid pace, more rapidly than in Rural America farther away from the interstates. Look here in washington, d. C. Along the i 95 corridor. The unemployment raise dropped nearly 2 points and 35,000 more people felt encouraged enough to go into the job market. 150 miles to the southeast in virginia, the Unemployment Rate drops less than a point and that was because nearly 1,200 fewer people are out there looking for work. Lets go to iowa, not only was there a drop in the Unemployment Rate of two points, but 4,700 more people are in the job markets. But in more rural benton county, their drop in the Unemployment Rate of nearly two points wasnt good news because nearly 1,000 people stopped looking for jobs in that county. Lets go west. In utah, along i15 the Unemployment Rate dropped three points in Salt Lake County and 38,000 people joined the job county. But two hours west, that drop in the Unemployment Rate of nearly three points was because fewer people stopped looking for work. This uneven economic recovery is the reason why democrats up for reelection this year think they cant run on the president s economic message because their voters arent seeing the economy bounce back as quickly as those areas along the i5 corridors. Bottom line is that this could be another reason why republicans feel so confident in retaking the senate this fall. Of course, should they be that confide confident . I have numbers in three big confident . I have numbers in three big states coming up after csome cool things to pass onto iyour kids your super heroes. States coming up after your fashion sense. Your love of reading. Your uncanny ability to find parking spots. Your fear of people who are different . Not so much, the more you know. Welcome back. We have new polls to chew over. North carolina, alaska new numbers in North Carolina. Hagan up. About where republicans are concerned where the race is slipping away. Look at iowa. Ernst a narrow margin of error type of lead. If she wins, first woman ever elected to congress from the state of iowa. But here is the speed bump. Look at this. Kansas, pat roberts the republican not even cracking 40 . Greg orman the independent up ten points. This is the shocker. This is the speed bump to the republican road. We know you love your speed bumps. We hate it when it goes the way it is supposed to go. This is surprising. Its surprising hes an independent. You see pat roberts saying hes not really an independent. Who are you . Who were you caucus with . Listen to his answer. So you can envision switching which party you would work with once you were there . Sure. And ultimately, again, this is about solving problems. This is about the voters of kansas saying, the status quo doesnt work anymore. There you go. Its classic. He is an outsider. He says hes independent. The fact that pat roberts ignored the warnings, what happened to dig luger, you ha. We know kansas has other issues. Listen to this. Orman 20 are brown back voters. Roberts problems arent brown back problems. The message that a smart politician should take up, its about what works. Forget about ideology. George w. Bush was ideological going into iraq. Obama was ideological coming out of iraq. There are people that will debate that. The question is, what works . Thats a strong message. Republicans should be concerned. Your numbers in North Carolina should cause concern. I will say even, if we are only up, we the Republican Party only up by two points in iowa with such a weak democratic candidate, this is far from over. All these people saying republicans are going to take the majority, i would david, here is the thing, success for the democrats is, we only lost five seats and the republicans blew one in kansas. Thats not a great message. When you look at the structure of the year with the exposure democrats have in states that rom knney carried. Its brown versus i hate to be negative about the Republican Party. But if the Republican Party doesnt win in 2014, 2016 is bleak. Top Party Leaders have been Reince Priebus said not getting the senate say loss for the Republican Party. I had a little fun. I had a lot of fun. I want to share a moment of fun ahead. Yesterday for nine innings here it is. If you went to bed at a normal time last night, you probably missed the 18 inning epic marry th the marathon. I got to watch the first half. I made it through ten innings. I got to cheer on the nationals with my family. Take a listen. Please welcome chuck todd of nbc news and his family. One, two, three. Washington nationals, play ball. [ applause ] im sorry. I had to share it because im so cool. My son and my daughter who was the person in the outfit . Who cares. Leave screech alone. One final note. I would like to thank all of those who worked so hard to bilgd t build the new set in two weeks. It really does look good. Great. Like home. We are moving in. Look at these cool lights. We have all sorts of things. I have to do more cleaning. Dusting, i have to get fatheath dusts. Everybody grab a duster. Thats it for today. We will be back next week because if its sunday, its meet the press. What he was trying to do was protect his family. Thats all he ever wanted to do. A quiet family night at home shattered by intruders. The gun was like right here. A devoted father and husband dead. Just a saying, they killed him. Someone murdered her husband but left her alive. And that left police suspicious. Was it possible she was involved in her husbands murder. The indicators are in cases like this that its the spouse, not a random act. But why would she kill a man she obviously loved . They never fought. They were always very happy. This was a Family Affair all right, but it was another family that was keeping secrets. You ever seen anything like that before . No. One father who fought to save his son. Another who used his son to save himself. Hes a monster. Tonight a mystery that changed two families forever. Im lester holt, and this is dateline, behind closed doors. What would you do for your family . Would you lie . Would you walk through fire . Could you ever accuse them of something terrible to save yourself . This is a story about two very different families. Its about loyalty, terror, deception and love. And for one of the families, it begins with a late night phone call. I was about to not answer it and something told me to pick up the phone. Christinas mother was on the line. You could just hear the sirens. She just kept saying, you have to come here. They broke into the house and hes dead. They killed him. He was joseph, who had been married to christinas mother, cay, for 12 years. Their suburban florida home documented by police video was now a crime scene. There was so much chaos going on. The whole street was blocked off. There were tons of police cars. The sirens. You could smell the smoke. I just remember running down the street and the Police Officers were trying to stop me. And i just kept going. And she was just standing there in the middle of the street and she just looked to small and so hurt. And i just ran up and gave her a big hug and she was covered in blood and she just kept saying, hes dead. Hes gone. Said why would they do that . Hes gone. When i arrived at that house about 1 30 in the morning detective brian kendle of the plantation Florida Police quickly learned the key fact joe morrison had been brutally stabbed to death in his own home while his wife cay and son escaped. She gave me a brief synopsis of what happened. Believable . Yes. Thats the only thing i had to go on at that point. Cay told the detective that a man has entered their home, sometime after 11 00 p. M. And began a rain of terror that started with tying joe and cays hands and feet with zip ties and ended with the murder of her husband and their house on fire. Cays story suggested a robbery gone bad. To figure out for himself what had happened, detective kendle worked from the outside in. What did you see as you got here to the front of the house . The screen to the window right over here was leaning up against the house. There was a vertical slice down the middle of the screen and this window was wide open. Thats how cay told you the guy first came into the house. That was the entry area where the suspect came in, correct. I walked down this hallway here. On the ground, there was a pair of red handled scissors. One of the long flex cuffs was on the ground a zip tie. When i walked into the master bedroom, another zip tie was on the ground at the foot of the bed. There were bath towels laying on the ground. On the bed itself was a wedding ring which i thought was unusual. Cay said that the man who came in after jewelry or valuables. Demanding cashes, value blgs. But he didnt take them . At that point he didnt take the ones that were in the room. When i looked at the closet, there was a large, significant amount of jewelry. If this is a robbery, its kind of a strange robbery because they didnt take the stuff they supposedly wanted. Then he sees the blood. Right down on the floor here, large amounts of blood. I could see a mans feet outside the sliding glass door. This is where joe morrison was killed right here in this room. Right next to the sofa. Cay said she dragged his body out of the fire and on to the patio. Thats where joe morrisons body lay in the wee hours of april 6, 2010. Stabbing, always personal . They are. Theyre up close. No way to do it from a distance. Everything about that says this wasnt a robbery, this was somebody who wanted to kill joe morrison in particular . In addition to that, joe still had his wedding band on, still had his watch on. Valuables if it was a robbery, it would have been taken out of the house. Once more, his wife cay was still alive, not stabbed, not even once. They do a brutal vicious murder to joe, why leave her alive . Why leave a witness alive . Why, indeed. In murders like this, the spouse is often the first suspect, sometimes the only suspect. All of that became clear that night to cays daughter, christina. I remember when they took her to the Police Station. She asked me to stay and watch the house and i remember sitting there and they would come up and ask me questions, the different detectives and the Police Officers. They asked me, did they ever ght . Were they arguing . Was there tension between them . Absolutely not said christina. They never fought. They always were very happy. Nobody, nobody goes through life and never fights. Everybody fights. I mean, i remember they would fight him leaving socks on the floor, wet towel or Something Like that. If they ever had any arguments, they were few and far between. They were a very good match. Joe and cay started dating when christina was a young girl. Both were divorced, Single Parents at the time, but it was science that brought them together. They met at a Cancer Research institute. Cay was a bio medical grad student back then while joe was a respected molecular biologist with a ph. D. From stanford university. He connected research into whether there was a connection between cell phone and cancer, among other things. And his work had taken him across the globe. He was a lot like my mom, very hard working a very, very humble. The most humble person i know. He never bragged about anything. He was just always trying to be a good guy and teach us to do the right thing. Joe and cay dated for a year and then joe popped the question on a roman holiday. I thought it was so cool he proposed on the top of the vatican and she was just so excited. It was fun to plan a wedding. They made sure that the kids were all included. That meant not only christina but also a son of joes from his previous marriage. It wasnt just a wedding between the two of them, it was like all of us becoming a big family. It wasnt long before cay and joe wanted a child of their own and decided to adopt patrick, a baby boy from south korea. He was a very handson father. He was always doing something with patrick all the time. It was either baseball lessons or hockey practice or going fishing. I mean, they were together all the time. But now joe was gone. Patrick and cay had survived. And detective kendle had some questions for cay. How do you know he came through the window . There are some other questions detectives would like answered. Why did the intruders demand valuables but then leave them behind . After murdering her husband, why did they leave cay alive. The kind caters have in cases like this that its the spouse, not random act. When behind closed doors continues. Ah come on when behind closed doors continues. Like this that its t not random act. When behind closed doors continues. Are you crazy . Lets hide behind the chainsaws. Smart. Yeah. Ok. If youre in a horror movie, you make poor decisions. Its what you do. This was a good idea. Shhhh. Be quiet. Im being quiet. Youre breathing on me if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Head for the cemetery a good nights sleep. And aveeno®. [ female announcer ] only aveeno® positively radiant has an active naturals® total soy formula. It helps reduce the look of brown spots in just four weeks. Aveeno®. Naturally beautiful results™. Joe morsi had been savagedly stabbed to death in his own home. Now his wife, cay, was being questioned by detective kendle in the Police Station in plantation, florida. Cay, it might be easier to start with what happened from the beginning last night. I was in my craft room, which is the room in the front of the house and the tv was on and i heard a noise, like something fall down and i thought it was my husband going to bed. She told police her husband had been watching tv in the family room, their 5yearold son asleep in the master bedroom. Then, suddenly cay looked up. I felt him the gun was like right here and he was right there. And i couldnt believe it. I was like i could not believe that this was happening to me. There was a young man in the room pointing a gun right at her. Cay said the man asked her where her husband was. She told him she thought he was sleeping in either the family room or their bedroom. He kept saying, lie to me im going to shoot you. Im going to kill you. What does your radar say at the beginnings is she telling you t truth . Initially i want to believe her. But the indicators are in cases like this that its a spouse or domestic issue or personal issue not a random act. Then cay tell police cay took her into the family room where her husband was. Joe jumped up. I said, joe, just calm down. Its okay. Wake up. Dont move. Just do what he tells you to do and were going to be okay. And then he said, i dont want you guys looking at me. Dont look at me or otherwise im going to shoot you. So i said okay. We wont look at you. Cay told police she heard the intruder talking to someone she never saw, via walky talker, someone elsewhere on the property. Listen to me. Dont talk to me. Just be quiet. She said the assailant, a young man with a gun then tied their wrists with zip ties. I thought he was going to shoot us. He said where the is wallet. Joe only has 2. I said, well, know, i dont have any cash. At that point, he said he wanted to go to the atm to get money out. According to cay, the gunman cut their hands free and the three of them got into one of the morsis cars, leaving their 5yearold son asleep in the house along with whoever had been on the walky talky. On their way to the bank, joe drove. Once there, cay managed to get them to park in view of the atm camera. As you can see on this tape. Then, the assailant told cay what to do next. Get out of the car. Go get the money. Go get the money. Remember, if you do anything stupid, i have the gun and i have your kid and your husband. And your kid is with people back there. The man wanted 5,000. So i tried 5 now. I tried 2,000 and it didnt let me. I tried 500. Then i was trying for 100 more. They werent going allow any more money out of card. Thats what the machine said . Yes. How much did you zbhet. 50. After that, they drove back to the house frantic to see their son. Was she still asleep . Was he okay . As they enter the house the gunman barked out orders. He walked behind us and said, dont do anything stupid and then joe and i were kind of like looking at each other, saying why is he coming back. At that point, i thought he was going to kill us. I really did. Once back in the house the gunman took them back to the master bedroom and cay said tied their hands and feet with zip ties and put towels over their heads. Why would they put towels over their head if this person has already seen them . Then the gunman told joe to come with him. So joe goes, i cant walk. Well, i want to see you hopping. Hop, hop, hop. And then all i heard was that joe said, oh, please, please, dont do it. And i saw the fire please dont do it . He said please joe did . Yeah. I thought he was talking about the fire but i guess he was talking about him shooting him or stabbing him. It was a horrifying story. If shes faking this for some reason, its pretty elaborate. And shes doing a good job at it. Shes quite an actress if shes not telling the truth. Cays daughter was there when the q and a was over at the Police Station. We went back to my house. And she didnt really say much. She was just quiet. I think she was letting it all sink in. Now, police were trying to determine whether the evidence matched cays story. Coming up cay tells her story to us and this part is really strange. He started singing and taunting us. Im going to kill you. What was that all about . And is she telling the truth . When dateline continues. I could not believe that this was happening to me. Police investigating the Home Invasion murder of Joe Morrissey had to consider whether his wife, kay, had somehow been involved. We conducted a comprehensive Background Investigation on kay. We went through all her phone records, who she was friends with. And find out if she had a boyfriend or was dating somebody. Police found no evidence that kay had strayed in her marriage. Once more, they were finding plenty at the crime scene to support her story. The broken window screen, zip ties and towels. Kays story seemed to be holding up. Christina had believed from the beginning that her mother was innocent, purely a victim. But what she didnt know was how brutal the murder was. She didnt want us to know. I remember sitting in the funeral home and she was very firm, you know, she just kept saying, its going to be a closed casket. No one will see him. I want everyone to remember as the lively person that he was. I knew it couldnt be good then. When i sat down with kay, she told a story filled with love and courage on that awful night. Youre surrounded by evil. My inside were shaking. I was just thinking about patrick. And that was the theme of the story kay told me. How her 5yearold son patrick was foremost on her and her husbands minds. Thats why kay says she became especially panicked when she and joe were forced to go to the bank by the man with the gun. I said, we cant leave patrick by himself here. No. He stays. He told us that people were there and that they had guns. There you are, getting in the car with your husband and some guy with a gun and leaving your 5yearold at home with we dont even know. We dont even know who that was. Its just crazy. I mean, im crying hysterical. In the car, kay feared for her and joes lives as well. As they returned from the bank to their home, they heard a siren. Kay thought help was on the way. They would be saved. The gunman thought this might be the end of him and of them. When he heard the siren, he becomes very stranged. He started singing and taunting us. Theyre coming for me, im going to kill you. I was just so horrified. But help did not arrive. Once at home when the gunman forced kay and joe back into the master bedroom, at least they found patrick thankfully still asleep. And in that moment kay says, a fathers love came shining through. Thats when Joe Morrissey tied up and helpless made a move to save his young sons life. Patrick is now awake and hes now sitting on the bed. So joe says to him, patrick, do it for daddy. Please lay down and pretend youre asleep. Do it for daddy. Do it for daddy and he just lays there and pretends to be asleep. Kay says the man with the gun forced joe to go to the other side of the house in his final moments with his attackers, kay says family was first in joes mind. He starts pleading, please, you know, i have kids. Please dont do it. Those would be Joe Morrisseys last words. Then kay saw an orange glow. Their home was on fire. The attackers had fled and now she had to get patrick and herself out of the house. But her ankles were still tied and she could barely move. Desperate to find something sharp to free her feet, kay hobbled to a nearby bathroom. I took everything out of the drawers. I created a humongous mess. I couldnt find the siz kors. I called patrick. You have to be a big boy. You have to help mommy. And he did. Kay told him where to find a pair of scissors and patrick brought them to her. Cutting the zip tie was difficult, but kay was finally able to do it. The 5yearold boy had saved his mother. Then, she had another job for her son. So i said, patrick, please, just go across the street, knock on the door. Mommy is going to do here. Do it for mommy, please. I have to go help daddy. Remember your karate moves. Kick the door. Kay saws the neighbors door open and patrick run in. She knew he was safe. One Family Member taken care of. Now kay was on a mission to save joe. She would not leave him behind, no matter what the risk. And then you run back into a Burning House. Yes, i went back in there. And when i saw joe, it was so hard to pick him up. I remember seeing so many wounds, so much damage to his body. I couldnt even think anymore. Kay managed to drag joe out of the Burning House and on to the patio. She held out hope that while joe was clearly badly injured he was still alive. Paramedics arrived, but there was nothing they could do for Joe Morrissey. Kays beloved husband was gone at the age of only 46. And that was the last time i saw him. You saved yourself. You saved your son. But i didnt save joe. Coming up on early today ebola fears grow as the u. S. Deals with multiple cases. So its really important not just to africa, but to the u. S. And the world that we stop the outbreak. And from ebola to isis, as a threat to ather american held captive escalates. Plus, a powerful typhoon with three american airmen out to sea. A mauch runin with bill maher and ben affleck. Its monday, october 6th. Early today starts right now. Good morning. Im frances rivera

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