Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20160228 :

Transcripts For WRC News4 Today 20160228

name at this time. and do stay with news 4 and our nbc washington app. we have continuing coverage. we'll send you a breaking news alert if we get any big developments in the case. more now on a developing story, this one out of bethesda. we have learned the names of the victims killed in a horrific car crash that happened on river road near pyle road near 7:00 last night. michael and s less sandra and tr 17 month old son daughter and their daughter was badly hurt. the other driver was taken to the hospital but is expected to be okay. the crash is still under investigation. i'm storm team 4 meteorologist tom kierein. we're off to a quiet start on this sunday morning with a clear sky. it's a cold morning. starting off with temperaes and we have a calm wind. you can see first light of day showing up in this clear sky. your weather headlines to this sunday, a chilly morning. a mild afternoon. springlike pattern for the next three days. radar not showing any rain, no snow anywhere in the vicinity. a dry day with temperatures in the mid-30s in the shenandoah valley, nearby suburbs hovering around 30. reagan national at 34. a look at our next chance for rain in a few minutes. republican presidential candidate marco rubio will be in loudoun county today. he's hosting a rally at the patrick henry college in leesburg. it will be at 1:00 this afternoon. this is one of four stops foro. he's making his way through the commonwealth ahead o is super tues all eyes are on battle ground virginia this morning after another major win democratic git hillary clint ca clinton. she took 39 dielegates last night. steve handelsman h the caapoaches. landide claiminger up for the 12 tuesday. >> we areng to cpete for every vote in every state. we are not taking anything and we're not taking anyone for granted. >> reporter: only in bernie sanders's home state of vermont is he ahead in polls. >> i believe that not only can we win this democratic nominating process, but we can defeat trump. >> reporter: trump toured super tuesday states. >> we have to win arkansas. >> reporter: campaigning with chris christie. the big fight is in texas where ted cruz takes his stand. and i'll tell you this, when it comes to picking a side, i'd pick the side and stand against washington and whip the american people. >> reporter: on paper, cruz and marco rubio can still beat trump and that are water is nuclear. >> a con artist will never get control of this party. >> i actually thought that ted cruz was a liar, but rubio is worse. >> we don't need to make america great again, america has never stopped being great. >> reporter: don't build walls she said, break down barriers. steve handelsman, nbc news, columbia, south carolina. >> and chug todd going to join us in our next half hour. he will break down the results and he wet will into have spr tuesday. coming up on "meet the press," you have bernie sanders, john kaz kasich and ted cruz. that's right after "news 4 tod." take a look at this, this is what happened across parts of virginia where thousands say they did not get a warning and what is being done to fix emergency alerts. and the olympics start in less than six upon thes, but there is major concern about sewage in the water. why protesters say it is not safe to swim in and no progress has been made. close to 3,000 people in appomattox county say they did not get an official alert during this past week's deadly tornado. according to wtop, neighbors say they were not notified by the county's automated alert system before the tornado hit. county firms now trying to figure out what happened. the system notifies verizon land line phones when it's triggered. the tornado left one man dead, accept othseven others hurt and structures destd. school financial system. hackers got being a tes to information of alumni and current and former employee. the university was in the middle of patching a flaw when the intrusion happened. the law has been patched up. protesters say brazil has a serious sewage problem. activists picked up trash yesterday. olympic events such as sailing, open water swimming, triathlon races set to take place there in august. environmental authorities say they will have it cleaned up by then, but protesters say they haven't seen progress. an independent report yesterday found dangerous high levels of viruses and bacteria in the water. >> some of the image as hard to look at. >> pretty disturbing, yeah. 6:11 on this sunday morning. let's check in with tom kierein tom. >> yeah, it's just around 30 yesterday morning, we were down in the low and mid 20s. so not quite as cold. we have a clear sky, it's a quiet sunday morning. very light breeze starting off early this morning. so here's what to wear. you do need a jacket this morning, but by this afternoon, you'll be comfortable in short sleeves and you'll definitely need the sunglasses throughout the day. there is the pre-dawn glow, live view from storm team 4 tower camera on this sunday morning. sun rise at 6:43. and temperatures will be hovering by 8:00 around 40, but then look at our temperature graph, quickly climbing. it will be around 50 degrees by about 9:00 this morning. and then by noon time, it will be near 60 degrees then hitting the low to mid 60s, that will be by around 3:00, 4:00, 5:00 this afternoon. bright sunshine, a light breeze. so a mild day coming up. terrific day for outdoor recreation. right now storm team 4 radar not showing any rain or snow anywhere in our vicinity. and temperatures are in the mid 30s shenandoah 30 nearby suburbs and low to mid-30s around the chesapeake bay. and the storm team 4 four day forecast showing big changes on the way over the next several days. we'll have a springlike pattern after today. now, tomorrow morning some clouds around, we'll maybe get a passing light shower tomorrow morning for the morning commute, maybe just a few sprinkles and we'll be in the upper 40s. but then in the afternoon, we soar into the upper 60s it looks like on monday afternoon. so the final day of february, certainly not acting like winter. as we start off march on tuesday, lots of sunshine. 40s in the morning, afternoon highs in the mid-60s again on tuesday. then a front comes in on wednesd wednesday. maybe showers an thundershower can der wednesday afternoon into wednesday evening. before then, temperatures should make it into the upper 50s. after that front goes by, on thursday, partly sunny, morning lows near freezing. afternoon highs into the mid-40s. remains chilly on friday, as well. heig might get passing snow showers. saturday, sunshine back with highs in the 40s. so big changes on the way next several day. >> we will enjoy it today because today is the pick of the weekend. >> that's right. look at the background. >> already so gorgeous. 6:14. next up, we have reporter's notebook for you. >> we'll be back in 15 minutes with more of your top stories. welcome to reporter's notebook. we have a lot to talk about today. let's start in the old dough minu dominion. the virginia senate has passed a bill that would allow police to maintain -- hide their to give their names. what do we think of that? aclu says we're creating the secret police. this doesn't feel good at all. >> well, that's the argument of the sclu and those of white house cover this stuff, the people who abdicate for us, they are another not thrilled with it. but people are identified in certain stories, think crime, drugs, they blog you, they identify you and there are people out there who want to knock you off. and we need protection. the argument against it which we can go into more is, look, it could be viewed as a secret police move. why not move to politicians. maybe president obama's name shouldn't be in the paper so much. people want to knock him off. >> and actually they would be appreciated from freedom of information. so in anyone was trying to find out as we saw in fairfax when that gentleman, that man was killed in the police standoff, we didn't learn that police officer's name for a year. >> and in retrospect, fairfax county said maybe that wasn't such a good idea that it took so long, but it seems like they're reverting back to that. this is a slippery slope, but i think this is a sign of the times. you have had police organizations and ups come out and say that we believe police are under assault right now. they are under threat. and that with all of these movements pushing back against police brutality, they feel like now they are targets. and i think that's what this bill is all about. we're talking about in virginia, but this conversation has come up throughout police departments all across the country. so if passes through the virginia assembly, i think other saying this should be the model. but the other side says our whole issue now especially in chicago, what rahm eplan you'em dealing with, you kept the video out for a year until the courts forced you to release it. >> the question is how far do you go. the police department you step off your front doorstep, you technically could be a target to somebody who just doesn't like people in uniform. where does this go sf. >> and also how do you enforce it. so a police officer pulls you youoff. they're not wearing a badge with their name on it in they will be revealed when they write tickets. they go to court for cases, their names would still be there. so i don't know how they would enforce it. and also you look at community policing where right now, do we need more of a divide right now considering the climate? i unders appreciate how hard it is for the families of these officers and for the officers, you know, a couple bad apple makes them all look bad and that's not far. but is this the way to do it. when if anything we need to feel more of the brotherhood, if you will. >> and i think that's a very important point. because if you see a lot of these police departments around, they're pushing that they need more community policing, they need more police out on the street on beats and we see that in washington, d.c., the union is pushing to get police from out behind the desk. and so they're trying to make connections to the community. you want to connect with the community, but if there is issue with the community where they don't have access to others involved, then you may have a contradiction there in terms of where you're trying to go. >> here you are saying, my name. >> let's stay in the old dominion for something that i thought was interesting. they are considering legislation that would change the rules for high school graduates, that they would need to have a new set of skills instead of just standard uz ized testing that would allow them to prove that they could become a, quote, successful contributor to virginia's economy. what is that? i'm going into my senior year, what -- i'm thinking what, what does that mean? >> well, let's look at it from a couple of points. one, we know the whole issue of standardized testing is being reviewed. you have major includes like right here in the scity saying maybe we shouldn't do s.a.t. tests. and so that is sort of a move right there. i think the terminology, you would think they could have said contribute to the good will of the commonwealth. just to make the nation better. this passed 99-1 in the house, 40-0 in the senate. >> so who is going to vote against that bill. >> yes. elevate our students and make them better people. on the other happenether hand, basic education who knows science, literature, social studies, history, has a good perspective, can ask good question, understands good information, would be argued they will contribute to the economy or to the state as they are now. >> you have to position logically and critically. >> and again they put it out there and said we want to look at how we want to implement this. and so on their side, it's just something out there that they are trying to figure out you how, but i do think by saying contribute to virginia's economy makes it sound a little -- >> narrow? >> too narrow i think. >> if there is a disconnect between education and then productive outside of school that's an issue, but i'm not sure this bill get there is to it. >> when we come back, we have a local delegation in cuba, some interesting cases in the general assembly in annapolis. in the gone eneral assembly bill would impose jail time on adults, parents, who receiver alcohol to their underage children and their friends. is that throwing parents if jail? >> i think of the parents of the t deceased and you had some at the hearing. and it's hard to argument their point take even if you have a parent in charge and you open your house up to teenagers to come into a party, one, you don't know if any this of them or all of them can legally trick. so unless you are walking around literally carding every child that comes in the door, you have to be a very, very responsible parent to be able to know that this child should or should not be drinking, whether or not you should call a cab for this child to come home. so i think -- and the fact that in this most recent case in particular, this parent had a fi fine. so i think they're saying they were complicit. >> i don't have children, but do i have friends and some say we knur underage. we know our teenagers will be out there drinking, i'd rather serve them alcohol in the home so i can watch them and control them and not having them driving around. well, that is whole subject in and of itself. but do you then say, well, then everyone who drank has to intend the night, are you monitoring how much you're serving? that -- i'm just saying that is one of the realities out there. parents do that to ensure their kid's safety. >> if you're serious about that, yeah, you have to monitor them, take responsibility for it, drive them somewhere. make sure if they're underage, they don't drink at all. >> drive them home and make sure they don't get in a car and meet another friend somewhere? >> it's a difficult task. you have to remember, this is a general assembly where at least on the house side without people there who are loath, who have been loath or reluctant to increase the fines on drunk driving. because the chairman of one of the committees, his firm defends people accused of drunk driving. people have said that's a conflict of interest. the maryland general assembly rolls along as it is. so it depends how the senate feels, too. but that's another issue. how strongly do they want to act on it. but you know there has been a movement now for even bartender, people who serve alcohol, if they do the no spot a potential disaster in the making, they could let that be liable. there has been a movement in the law to deal with that. >> and remember, too, what is this front of the assembly is this snow a's law. so things are running parallel in terms of where they want to make the drinking and driving and level of alcohol from 00.15 to 0.8 in terms of having the interlocking gudevic and local police departments are firmly in support of this saying we need this because the police are at risk for these drunk drivers. >> how are the alcohol and beverage community? because they have a strong lobby. >> they're not too thrilled with this. >> let's head into d.c. what do we think of cuba? all of our people went down cuba. it was kind of fun seeing them there. >> it was nice seeing them there and i think even the mayor says, well, we don't really know yet what we're going to get out of this, but we're here and to her point, she said she was getting feedback to say it's better that you're here now for when things really start rolling that you can see what kind of connections we can make. and i've said this before especially in washington, d.c. if there is any criticism that comes on her side, i think how she can push back, she can say not only are we the on capital, we are an international city. so we should be tied to whatever is going on internationally. and so i think with her being there and i think county executive made a good point saying we have hotels here, looking in who how we can do business with maybe bringing hotels to cuba. so i think they made a solid argument of the need to be there, but in terms of what will come through that, we don't though. >> and what do they say in their conversations about possible business deals. if you deal with us and we get this product and we engauge in commerce, what are you going to do to help people who are poor, what are you going to do to help human rights down there. what little numbers can they give the people when they rope deals later on down the line. what leverage are we going to use back against cuba to be sure they're acting properly in their country if they want to us sell their products. >> and the bowser says we're president. the president is really following our lead. but i think locally you'll still get into issues that we probably don't have time to in terms of human rights. >> i think we have to remember the europeans have been in cuba for 50 year. they have their resorts and beach fronts. so we really are behind. >> and that's what we're looking at, seeing that maybe we need to get in on this. >> and our point has been if we put pressure on them maybe they will change. they haven't chapgd. so now we're going a different way. >> metro had a tough week. a shooting on the green line. two guys arrested, alleged shooter 15 years old. it happened metro can't get a break. >> unless you have a police officer on every train, i don't know how much we can say metro, you knnoknow, could do with thi. and we say it all the time. in many ways it's about the optics. as you mentioned, metro saying we can't catch a break. so when you have a shooting, the public says this is why i don't get on the metro. a person fighting to keep her purse, 61 years old, and people are fearful. >> the chair says things are getting better, so we have to see. >> and shooter was initially reported as being 15. i was just told by my producer he is 16 years old. still hot gonot good. >> and tried as an adult. >> thank you for joining us on reporter's notebook. have a great weekend. in prince william county, a woman dead, afternoon officer killed during her first day on the job, and two fellow officers in the hospital this morning. all of this connected to a shooting in wood bridge, virginia. >> tli officers have been shot. >> and this morning we're hearing the dispatch calls made. ashley guindon died her first day on the job. and this all started with a call to police about a domestic argument at the home on lashmere court yesterday. gunshots started flying soon after officers arrived and kids were outside playing. >> we letterheard three to four and the cops told us to go inside. >> three officers were shot and air lifted to the hospital. officer guindon died. two other officers remain hospitalized this morning. and the associated press reporting that a woman was killed in the shooting. and some other top stories this morning, three people killed in a car crash, this happened on river road near pyle road last night. two parents and their 17-year-old son lost their lives. their teenage daughter ways seriowas seriously hurt. the other driver is expected to be okay. democrat hillary clinton is on top this morning again. she won last night's south carolina primary taking 39 delegates. bernie sanders earned 14 more aheof >> later today marco rubio will be in in loudoun county. he's hosting a rally at the patrick henry college. this is at one of four stops for rubio. good morning. we're off to a quiet and tranquil start on this sunday morning with a clear sky. here are your weather headlines for this sunday. in the first light of day, s sunrise in about ten minutes. we'll have a mild afternoon. springlike pattern for the next three days. we're down near freezing. around the bay, in in the mid-30s and shenandoah valley generally mid to upper 30s. mountains well above freezing there, even low 40s. this milder air pushing this. look at our highs today, big changes on the way for the week ahead. happening today, neighbors in arlington meeting to talk up next month. the nova armory will be located on pershing drive. owners say they will sell sporting firearms for skeet and trap shooting. many residents say they didn't even learn about the store until last week. on the other side of the law, police officer suspected after being charged with assault. prince george's county police officer alaseha is on suspension after fellow officers arrested him for domestic disturbance on friday. he was off duty at the time. the victim had on go to the hospital. fairfax county police crediting community and social media with helping them quickly arrest a sex assault suspect. officials released this sketch, we can show you it here after a woman was rained in her home on saturday of last week. the man broke into the apartment on blank ken ship street, woke up the woman and friday night, they saw a suspicious vehicle and they found he had win martinez inside. he's been arrested and charged with that incident. >> my neighbor next to me was thinking about moving out because she also has kids. and we didn't hear anything from the apartment managers. but now that he's arrested, we feel a little bit more relieved. >> martinez is charged with burglary, rain and providing false identify indication to it a law enforcement officer. the victim is out of the hospital. montgomery county police asking you to keep an eye out for a missing teen. she's from rockville and she disappeared this morning. we're told the 15-year-old may be traveling with a 21-year-old man from -- winnings mills about. a peaceful protest will be held today at dreamy folks will be out salem church road starting at 1:00 afternoon. tomorrow is your next chance to ride the brand new d.c. street cars. they will be ready to roll again tomorrow just in time for the morning commute. after many years of delays and some controversy, the street cars made their debut to an executed crowd on saturday morning. adam tuss shows us the city's new wheels. >> reporter: the street car is here. plenty of excitement. >> we've been waiting with bated breath for this to come. >> reporter: and it's opening day. >> so everybody let's ride. ♪ >> reporter: the marching band getting a big crowd warmed up. mayor muriel bowser on board a packed street car for the first trip. >> did you ever think that today would come? >> i knew it would come, adam. >> reporter: the mayor taking time for a selfie smiles all around, the mayor saying an extension already being planned into ward >> our next focus will be connecting to benning road. >> reporter: and this ride was definitely the main attraction. long after the mayor had taken her inaugural ride on the street car, people are still excited, right? >> oh, yeah. >> everyone still excited? >> reporter: street car definitely catching some buzz here. this line is years behind schedule. it faced rising costs, safety concerns. but the city says it's committed to making it work. riders like wendy remember the last time street cars rolled this 1962 and she sees promise. >> he is spsespecially for my s because we're looking for another mode of transportation. >> reporter: some had to ask themselves is this really happening. yep, street cars now back in d.c. along will h street northeast, adam tuss, news 4. her lawyer says they will decide on monday if the camp will remain outside the capitol or be donated to a hugh see mus. in 1981, the api anti-war camp set up and she died in january. right now it will be another busy day for the cast and crew of jackie here in the nation's capital. that is natalie portman there starring at jabky kennedy in j. crews filmed outside the hall. a lot of people complained. we do have details on today's road closures. they are under the search term jackie. develop developing right now for the first time in years, a cease-fire brings quiet to parts of syria. the partial cease fire began friday at midnight and appears to be holding so far. violations, but in damascus, the daily sounds of war have pretty much died done for now. anti-immigration rally in california ends with three people getting stabbed. the ku klux klan organized this rally in anaheim and police say as they marched toward the park, counter protesters confronted them. a fight broke out and three people were stabbed by klan members. one man used the eagle on top of a flag pole to stab be a man. 16 people in total were arrested. core noner this washington state identified david campbell who shot and killed his wife as well as her children who were 16 and 18 respectively. the mason county coroner has not i hdentified the fourth victim pending notification of loved ones. he isn't quite have as much money as he >> ted cruz right there pushing rifle donald trump over the billionaire businessman's reluctance to release his tax information. on saturday night, cruz joined marco rubio in releasing their tax information. cruz says he put out just a two page summary because that's what rubio released. he will release more if the florida senator does, as well. want to visit the happiest place on earth this summer? when you go may make a big difference in how much you pay. disney is rolling out seasonal prices for single day tickets at their orlando and anaheim theme parks. the calendar will tell folks which days are considered value, regular or peak days. which will obviously cost more than the others. you can look forward to a warm and sunny sunday. we're expecting temperatures in the 60s. we'll check in with tom kierein. and did day it is, what night it will be? the biggest night in hollywood. the controversy over this year's academy awards and the movies and actors hoping to win big. if (elephant sound) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. give us a plan. . hillary clinton landing a big win in south carolina. she beat bernie sanders by about a 3:1 margin. >> joining us now to break it down, chuck todd. chuck, i think no big surprise here in south carolina. but i guess the question is and is this what we've been talking about, what does it mean for bernie sanders and was there a missed opportunity with him deciding not to stay in south carolina. >> you say no big surprise. i was surprised by the margin. yes, she was a heavy favorite, but to nearly 75% of the over all vote. bernie sanders has made no progress with the african american vote and it almost feels as if he's regressed. i think even the clinton campaign thought that they would only win say 70% of the african-american vote. so if this is what is going to happen on tuesday, is this the beginning of the end of the democratic nomination. >> virginia one of the battle gro ground executives. to its rubio or cruz have a shot? >> the separation will be which is second in delegates. and the one that is in second, there will be pressure on the one that is in third to say how are you pulling this off. the one second will attempt to be saying i am the last shot at stopping trump. because after su they basically have two weeks. because you have the big winner take all states on march 15, ohio, illinois, north carolina. if there is a chief challenger by then, maybe you can at least split those states with trump and then it's a race to the convention. but if trump sweeps them all, gameof game over. >> chris christie endorsing trump. >> it's still shocking. and what is amazing is how many chris christie supporters are shocked and upset about it. his finance chair meg whitman is just very upset about it. and put out a public statement saying, you know, she's hoping that christie's go nor donors help donald trump. so it is still sending shockwaves inside the republican establishment. it's a big deal. we may look at it as a sort of exclamation point trump as he marks to the nomination. >> i was in virginia earlier this week talking to vote rs an a lot looking at john kasich still. >> we'll see. northern virginia will be fun to watch. it's the most informed electorate in the country. and there is a lot of family members of the republican establishment that live around here. i'll be curious to see who carries thorn virginia in the republican side. rubio or kasich. kasich may be more of a northern virginia style republican, but if there is a stop trump movement, rubio may be the beneficial area of it. so that will tell me just a little something of where the republican establishment is actually putting their votes where their mouths are because they actually live in this part. >> certainly a busy week for you ahead. >> going to be great. three new polls, trump, cruz, sander, whatever you want. >> sounds good. and you can catch on nbc 4 right after ne"news 4 toda today". now hollywood's biggest night. the 88th aunnual kadyrbayev ana. >> all things leo, right? i think i've only seen ted 2 this year. >> of course. well, everyone will tune into see leo and see if he can finally take home that illusive golden stat d e en statue. mark barger has predictions. >> reporter: anticipation is not just about the awards. >> i'm looking forward to chris rock. i can't think of a better host. >> reporter: rock will have the academy's diversity issues squarely in his sight, but keep >> you want to feel his tore rig. >> reporter: and it could be for ala plan droe, favored to be the first back to back best director winner in 65 years, his film e "the revenant." >> the first time ever that one director has directed back to back best picture winners. >> reporter: "the revenant's" competition includes spotlight and "the big short." both have shared numerous. >> i think a lot of people love "revenant," but i don't know if it's something everybody embraces. >> reporter: more certain is the love for leonardo dicaprio. it would be his first oscar. >> i think he's at home writing his speech right now. at least he should be. because i can't imagine anyone else winning. >> reporter: the feeling similar about brie larson. she's dominated the best actress that category this year that goes through wringer like her character does and she portrayed it beautifully. >> reporter: supporting actress has a tight race. >> i kind of think it will go to allessia. >> reporter: sti sylvester stallone should have won for rocky. >> reporter: winning this time could be a knockout moment on a golden night. mark barger, nbc news. >> clearly we have a lot to say about the oscars. folks are talking about it. so we'll can do a facebook live chat at 9:00 to do a little bit more. >> we want to hear what you think because chances are you probably watch more of these movies than we did. >> we'll play catchup. tom kierein with us now. probably not the day to stay inside to watch a >> it's cold right now. near freezing. but a gorgeous sunrise under way behind us. i call that an orange juice sunrise. gorgeous start to the day if you don't mind some chilly weather for the next hour or two. there is a live view overlooking capitol hill. a very light breeze coming in out of the south and west. temperatures right now around the region are hovering generally in the upper 20s and low 30s much of the region. mid-30s around the bay. what to wear today, forget the umbrella and rain boots. you will need sunglasses and comfortable in short leaves this afternoon. if you're planning a run, right now layer up, but by 11:00, we'll be in the low 50s. upper 50s near 06 by noon. by #:00, around 60. may briefly touch low 60s around 3:00, 4:00. and then back down to planned parenthood. brig p.m. bright sunshine through the day. and right now on radar, no rain or snow. should be a great day for hiking. the flow bringing in mild air. four day forecast, we'll have another mild day on monday. now, tomorrow morning, we might get a sprinkle for the morning commute. so have an umbrella handy as you head off to work and school. then sun back late morning on monday and a sunny afternoon. maybe mid briefly upper 60s during the afternoon hours. average high this time of year is 51. so much above average temperatures today, tomorrow and again on tuesday. bright and sunny, morning lows 40s. tuesday afternoon again into the low and mid-60s. and in some of the rural areas, may just be around 60 degrees next three day. but the metro area into the mid-60s today. upper 60s tuesday. and then cooler weather moves in as we have a cold front that will be coming in on wednesday with a lot of clouds around. highs reaching the 50s. and likely showers in the afternoon, might even get a little rumble of thunder as the front comes on lieu. a through. and then four day forecast showing some chillier weather moving in. thursday's highs may only make it into the mid-40s. and partly sunny and near freezing in the morning. near freezing again on friday morning. and a disturbance coming through on friday, a lot of clouds around, maybe just some flurries is the way it looks right now. maybe a brief passing snow shower. little or no beingaccumulation y snow on friday, but only upper 30s. next weekend, on saturday, we'll get some sunshine back with highs reaching mid-40s. so rather chilly. but then sunday looks like we'll be warming again into the mid-50s on sunday afternoon. so that is next weekend looking good for out door activities while you can. he led the denver broncos to super bowl victory, but will peyton manning be back to play next year? the new report on the quarterback's future. for a cup of coffee just because you're a woman. so why does congress think it's ok that women get paid 20% less than a man for doing the same job? i'll fight for pay equity, to protect planned parenthood, choice for women, and expand paid and family leave. now some politicians will belittle this as a women's agenda. more proof that we just need more women in congress. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message. (all with worry-free ownership. colors in your neighborhood... head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone... shift your thinking about buying your next one. according to the denver post, payteyton manning is reado pack up his pads and will announce his retirement sometime next week. he turns 40 in march and has two super bowl wins. s broncos have disputed the report. if accurate, manning will retire i as the nfl all time leading passer. over 71,000 yards through the air. big congratulations right now to boonsboro high school cheerleaders. they won first place to become national on saturday. that is no easy feat. congratulations. much more ahead. loving this sunrise. >> let's get an hour by hour look when we come back with tom kiere kierein. it's 6:57. two officers have been hit, shots fired. all units respond. >> killed her first day on the job, the heartbreaking loss as hundreds pay their respects. at the same time, another woman is dead and two tell low officers are in the hospital. what we're finding out about the shooting and the man police say is responsible. two people have died after a shooting this woodbridge, one of them a police officer. the soerkded press also reporting that the other victim is a woman. we're working to find out how she's connected to what was a deadly domestic dispute. in all the suspected gunman shot three prin officers. officer ashley guindon lost her life, her first day on the job. and it ended with her body escort the from inova fairfax hospital. >> it has been a tough morning. guindon and two other officers were shot responding to a call about an argument a tt a home. >> let's show you where the shooting happened. lash here court right off bridge field road. not clear what led up to it, but prince william county police say all three officers were shot by one suspect. officer guindon had worked for prince william county police a few year before and had just returned as an officer. >> she had family this law enforcement. the police department is working to bring her family here. >> and right now officers are holding a vi holding a vigil at inova. the two other officers shot remain hospitalized this morning. achd we're constantly working to find out their conditions. we're staying in contact with police. we're also learning more information about the suspected gunman in the investigation. >> he surrendered for police after the shooting. authorities say the suspect is a military service man, not clear who the woman killed is. but neighbors tell us that the man lived at that home on lashmere court with his wife and child. the call that brought police out was for some sort of domestic argument. the gunman will face his first court appearance tomorrow. he will be charged with capital murder. and in the death penalty if it involves a police officer. police are not releasing that suspect's name . we do remind you to take we news 4 for tcontinuing coverage. we'll put out any big developments this the case. and the last prince william county police officer killed in the line of duty, officer chris young died new year's eve of late 2012, a driver hit and killed him as he was responding to an emergency call on his motorcycle. officer guindon is the fourth prince william county police officer killed in the line of duty since the department's inception in 1970. there is another big story that we continue to follow, this one developing out of bethesda, maryland. we've learned the names of the victims killed in a horrific car crash on river road. parts michael and al lelesandrad their 17-year-old son died. their teen daughter was also badly hurt. the other driver is expected to be okay. the crash is still under investigation. it is a quiet sunday morning weather-wise. good morning, i'm tom kierein. got the sun up in a clear sky this morning. that is a live view from the storm team 4 tower camera. and it's cold. we're hovering near the freezing mark. now, your hour by hour forecast, we'll have a rapid warming. look at our temperature graph steeply climbing. we'll be into the 50s the by about 10:00. by noon, near 60. briefly touching the low 60s by around 3:00, 4:00. a mild day just a bit of a breeze coming in out of the south and west. terrific day to get in some exercise and outdoor recreation. nothing showing up on radar right now. [001:02:59;00] vicinity. look at our next chance for rain and big changes on the week ahead in a few minutes. 7:05 your time now. and marco rubio going to be in loudoun county today. he's hosting a rally at the patrick henry college at 1:00 this afternoon. this is one of four stops for rubio. he's making his way through the commonwealth ahead of what is super tuesday. >> and all eyes have are on battleground virginia after another major win for hillary clinton. she picked up 39 delegates. steve handelsman has more now. >> reporter: it's hillary clinton by a landslide claiming south carolina sets her up for the 1 tuesday. >> we are going to compete for every vote in every state. we are not taking anything and we're not taking anyone for granted. >> reporter: only in bernie sanders' home state of vermont is he ahead in polls. >> i believe that not only can we win this democratic nominating process, but we can defeat trump. >> reporter: trump toured super tuesday states. >> we have to win arkansas. >> reporter: campaigning with chris christie. the big fight is in texas where ted cruz takes his stand. >> pick a side. and i'll tell you this, when it comes to picking a side, i'd pick the side and stand against washington and whip the american people. >> reporter: on paper, cruz and marco rubio can still beat trump and their war is nuclear. >> a con artist will never get control of this party. >> i actually thought that ted cruz was a liar, but rubio is worse. >> we don't need to make america great again, america has never stopped being great. >> reporter: don't build walls she said, break down barriers. steve handelsman, nbc news, columbia, south carolina. later this morning chuck todd will have bernie sanders, john kasich and ted cruz starting at 10:30 on "meet the press." tornadoes left some major damage across parts of virginia. where thousands say they didn't get a warning and what is being done to fix emergency alerts. the olympics start if less than six months and there is major concern about for a cup of coffee just because you're a woman. so why does congress think it's ok that women get paid 20% less than a man for doing the same job? i'll fight for pay equity, to protect planned parenthood, choice for women, and expand paid and family leave. now some politicians will belittle this as a women's agenda. more proof that we just need more women in congress. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message. close to 3,000 people in appomattox county say they tornado. according to wtop, neighbors say they were not notified by the county's automated alert system before the tornado hit. county firms now trying to figure out what happened. the system notifies verizon land line phones when it's triggered. the tornado left one man dead, seven others hurt and 100 structures destroyed. uc berkeley alerts 80,000 after a major cyber attack. hackers got information to the information of alumni, current and former employees. the university was in the middle of patching a flaw when the intrusion happened. this is back in december. the fbi was notified and they say the flaw has been fixed. protesters say brazil has a serious sewage problem. activists picked up trash yesterday. olympic events such as sailing, open water swimming, triathlon races set to take place there in august. environmental authorities say they will have it cleaned up by then, but protesters say they haven't seen progress. an independent report yesterday found dangerous high levels of viruses and bacteria in the water. it is 7:11. say hello to spiunshine. we'll have temperatures in the 60s. tom is updating his forecast with what kind of jacket you will need in the next week. and this story developing right now. police involved in a shooting in salt lake city. why officers there opened fire trying to get chaotic scene under control. you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan to keep it strong. (elephant noise) (donkey noise) hey candidates, answer the call already. we continue to follow breaking news. a police killed in the line of duty. it was ashley guindon's first day on the job. associated press also reporting another woman was killed in that shooting. we're working to find out how she is connected to what was a deadly domestic dispute. in all the suspected gunman shot three prince william county police officers. right now a teenager is in the hospital the after being shot by police in utah. police say that two of their officers fired their weapons last night. the officers responded to an assault call. witnesses say the teen that was shot got in toen a argument with th arrived. a cease-fire brings some quiet to parts of syria. it began friday at midnight and it appears to be holding so far. there are reports of violations on both sides, but in damascus, the daily sounds of war have pretty much come to a quiet halt. more of that story on nbc washington's app. we want to take a live look outside at the national mall. look at the monument, the sun is out. just glorious. >> it is a beautiful start to this sunday morning. >> cool, though. >> tom start out below freezing, but here in northwest, just above. >> to the mid-30s. but a tremendous jump. it will jump like 30 degrees here by later this afternoon as the sun gets higher in the sky this time of year. here is another view of our sky. a few cloudst friendship heights in the distance. lots of sunshine all around the region. and temperatures are cold. they'renearby suburbs, they're freezing. in the 30s in the shenandoah valley. a few spot us out if in west virginia climbing in to the 40s. what to wear, you'll need a jacket with the cold temperature, but then you'll be comfortable in short sleeves by later this afternoon. you'll need your sunglasses throughout the data. and the biking forecast, we'll have it rather chilly here this morning. by 9:00 in the mid-40s. and then a bit breezy around noontime maybe gusts to around 10 miles an hour. but great biking weather in the mid-50s. and then during the afternoon, winds may pick up maybe gusting 15, 20 miles per hour oper out . and we should be climbing in to the low 60s. so terrific day for biking, hiking, maybe a run. right nowar rain or snow anywhere in the vicinity. 4 day forecast, we'll have our temperatures mild again on monday. a lot of clouds around. so for the morning commute, might have a passing sprinkle. and then sun back monday afternoon with highs climbing into the low to mid-60s on monday afternoon. low 60s on tuesday with bright sunshine, 40s in the morning. springlike mild pattern here for the next three day. then a pit cooler on wednesday, cold front comes in and late in the afternoon and into the evening hours, looks like we could get some showers, maybe a hundred cothundershower coming lieu. but not like we had last week. in the 50s. after that, turning cooler. 7 day outlook on thursday, partly sunny, morning lows near freezing. afternoon highs mid 40s. friday, a little disturbance rain or a few flurries or snow showers. but little or no accumulate of any snow on friday. but cold. highs only in the 30s. and then next saturday, it will be sunny with temperatures into the mid-40s. and then next sunday, a week from today, back into the 50s and rather cool. so big changes on the way here over the next seven days. we'll have our temperatures up and down like a roller coaster all the way into next week end. >> we'll be ready for the ride. college student using his experience to help others dealing with a difficult situation. the creative way he is making a world of d this morning we're hearing some chilling new details about the deadly shooting rampage in kansas. one of the survivors says that the gunman had no remorse. torez was inside the manufacturing plant thursday when she said she heard five gunshots. she then said she saw the shooter walk into the building with two guns and opened fire. >> he looked like he was ready to go do damage. he had no remorse. just bam, bam, just -- evil. he didn't care. he was trying to kill whoever he could. >> maelissa was shot in her han, hip and back. three people died and 14 were police. a search out for a 4-year-old girl reportedly kidnapped in montana. witnesses says the man took her against her will from a park. a suspect has been taken into custody. but the little girl is still missing. the fbi is now taking charge of the investigation. in the week ahead, this week we could learn the name of prince william county newest elementary school. the school board will pick a name on wednesday. among the suggestions, kyle wilson after the county firefighter who died in the line of duty in 2007 and dr. george hampton, a living african-american leader and scholar. the new school is set to open this fall in september. democratic frontrunner hillary clinton is hitting the campaign trail in virginia tomorrow. she will make stops in northern virginia as well as hachl tmpto road. all of this ahead of super tuesday. president clinton has already made stops on-her behalf. scott kelly heading back to earth after a year? n. space. when he gets back, he will have several hours of medical tests that he has to undergo. apparently he's not tired of floating around just yet, though. he said the first thing he plans to do when gets home is jump in his swimming pool. kelly has been in orbit for a year to test the effects of prolonged space flight. >> wasn't he the one going around in the gorilla suit? >> he is quite a character. 7:23 is your time now. a local college senior who grew up with a disability is using his experience to help kids dealing with the same thing. >> really sweet story. he was born with one hand and melissa mollett has more on the student's uplifting and unique undertaking. what makes trace unique is graduating from george mason this may but have found time to write a children's book that is helping kids across the country. trace wilson very much like your average 21-year-old. he loves playing video games, he's in a fraternity, into weightlifting, deejaying. but he's also incredibled a apt ta at adapting. p. >> my mom remembers me having clarity and is asked her why do i have one hand. >> reporter: the questions could be hurtful. >> i was always given a few scripted responses when anyone asked and this is how i was made or this is how i was born. >> reporter: a few years back, trace decided he wanted to help other kids like him. >> if i help one child get through a rough patch or help them understand their disability or their difference, then high goal has been head. >> reporter: the used for a book came during >> i wrote the whole story in the car and it sat in the application on my phone for i think two, three years. >> reporter: a kick starter campaign brought in about $5,000 to pay an illustrate toor and publisher. p. >> before half the dead line was up, i had raised everything i needed. >> reporter: everything he needed for uniquely me. >> once there was a little boy who only had one hand. >> reporter: the boy in the story set out on an adventure to understand why he was different. >> why don't i have two hands? >> reporter: and in the end he realized he's not different, but unique. >> they don't have to worry about being different because it's not a bad thing. it's just a different thing. >> reporter: teaching kids to accept their lim differences and giviing parents help. >> i've gotten a lot of enthusiastic responses. >> reporter: and this 4-year-old loves uniquely me. mila was born without part of her right hand. her mom says when mila first saw the book, her eyes lit up and her jaw dropped. >> we have gotten many different books, but this one she really connected to. >> reporter: the book is printed locally and is sold online. he's sold more than 700 copies so far and is planning to print 1,000 more. >> people are walking in to stores and buying. it's surreal. >> reporter: in fair income tfa melissa mollett, news 4. >> what a great message. we've posted a link to that book on our nbc washington app. just search uniquely me. 7:26. what a spectacular shot of the national harbor. warmer weather is sticking away for a while. so we'll enjoy it while it lasts. tom is tracking when some showers could impact and we're following that breaks news in prince george's county. getting new updates. an officer killed. what we're finding out about the suspect and another woman killed. we're staying on top of breaking news in prince william county. a woman on her first day on the job and two fellow officers in the hospital. >> we have officers involved in a shooting. we have three officers that have been shot. >> this morning we're hearing those dispatch calls made just moments after woodbridge man shot three prince william county police officers. officer ashley guindon died her first day on the job. a heartbreaking story to report this morning. this all started with that call to police about a domestic art at the home on lashmere court yesterday. we know gunshots were reportedly flying soon after officers arrived. and kids were playing outside and they had to run for cover. >> we heard three to four gunshots, so we started running. and then when we got up here, we saw all the cops and we were trying to come home and they told us to go inside. >> three officers were shot and air lifted here hospital. this is the same officer where officer guindon died. the two other officers remain hospitalized this morning. the associated press also reporting that a woman was killed in the shooting. we're still working to find out how she's connected to the case. and three people are dead this morning in a car crash on river road near pyle road. parents michael and al lessanda and their 17i-year-old son lost their lives. their teen daughter is seriously hurt. and hillary clinton won the south carolina primary taking 3 delegates. bernie sanders earned 14 more delegates. later today marco rubio will be in loudoun county. he's this afternoon. this is one of four stops for rubio. it is a peaceful and serene sunday morning. i'm tom kierein. starting off with a clear sky, lots of sunshine. live view of the national harbor showing the capital wheel there. and the calm scene with the waters barely moving. just a very light breeze coming in out of the south and west. going to bring in milder air, so great day to get in a run. should be near 60 by 2:00. lots of sunshine. just a light breeze. big changes on the way for the week ahead. we'll look at that coming this half hour. happening today, neighbors in arlington meeting to talk about a gun store that is supposed to open up next month owners say they will sell sporting firearms for trap or skeet shooting. there are petitions for and against the store opening. many residents say they didn't learn about the store until last week. on the other side of the law, police officer suspended after being charged whereas sau assault. fellow officered arrested him for domestic disturbance on bring. he was off duty at the time. the victim had to go to the hospital. the officer has been with the department for three years. fairfax county police crediting the community and social media with helping help quickly arrest a sex assault suspect. officials released this sketch after a woman was raped in her own home last saturday. according to police, the man broke into the apartment on blankenship street, woke the woman up and assaulted her. on friday night they saw a suspicious vehicle in the mt. vernon writt edwin martinez inside. he is arrested and charged. >> my neighbor was thinking about moving out because she has kids. but now we feel a little more relieved. >> martinez is charged with burglary, rape and providing false identification to the law officer. police are asking you to keep an eye out for this missing teen. she's from rockville and disappeared this morning. the 15-year-old may be traveling with a 21-year-old man from owens mills. if you have any information, please call police. animal lovers will gather today for a peaceful protest against dreamy puppy. the pet shop reopened earlier this month after dozens of pets were seized. folks will be out on salem church road starting at 1:00 this afternoon. his tax returns show tha as he says he does. >> some strong words from republican presidential candidate ted cruz. he is pushing rival donald trump over the billion mayor businessman's reluctance to release his tax information. on saturday night, cruz joined marco rubio in releasing tax information. cruz says he put out just a two page summary because that's what rubio released. he says he will put or more if the florida senator does the same. a mass shooting leaves four dead in washington state. what we're now finding out about the gunman and the victims. d.c.'s new street cars get a challenge with the 51-year-old david campbell shot and killed the coroner has not identified the fourth victim. the thipython hunt is over the winner caught 33 burmese pythons. the longest one caught was 15 feet. about a third of capitcaptured are turn this had to wallets and bets and shoes. more than 1,000 people from 19 states participated in the hunt. a total of 106 pythons were caught. burmese pythons have a devastating effect on the everglades. >> did you say poor snakes? >> well, after being a wallet -- on want to visit the happiest place on earth this summer? when you go may make a big difference in how much you will pay. a calendar will tell folks which days are considered value, regular or peak day which is obviously will cost more than the others. so you can look forward to a warm sunny sunday. i like this idea. expecting temps in the 60s. storm team 4 tracking when we can expect some showers in the week ahead. and it is the biggest night this hollywood. there is oscar. the controversy over this year's academy awards and you have cancer? start with a specialist. start where you'll find advanced technology, precn treatment options and truly compassionatate care. start here with a team of experts who treat only cancer. every stage. every day. its not one thing we do. it's the only thing we do. start at cancer treatment centers of america in philadelphia. the evolution of cancer care is here. learn more at appointments available now. the "today" show is next. starts at 8:00. >> so let's get a review. erica hill and jeff rossen joining us live from new york. >> just ahead here, it may say sunday, but all eyes in the political world seem to be firmly focused on super tuesday morning after that easy win by hillary clinton in the south carolina primary. and on the republican side, many trying to scramble on slow down donald trump. is it possible? full coverage this morning. and also ahead, all eyes on the oscars tonight. a lot of glory and some controversy expected there. we'll break it all down for you. plus when it comes to learning about the past, sometimes you only have to look as far as your own family album. a really moving interview with sheinelle's grandpas. fighting like cats and dogs out there except these con agatende are this cat and this dog. we'll bring you inside that battle for office. >> where the fur is flying. >> i love it. good stuff. >> i think most people just decided who they were voting for now. >> they may have. they may prefer that race than the other ones they're seeing. >> all right. could go all day. thanks. well, tomorrow is your next chance to ride the brand new d.c. street cars. they are going to be ready to roll again tomorrow just in time for the morning commute after many years of delays and some controversy, the street cars made their debut to a very excited crowd saturday morning. adam tuss was there. >> reporter: the street car is here. plenty of excitement. >> we've been waiting with bated breath for this to come. >> reporter: and it's opening day. >> so everybody let's ride. ♪ >> reporter: the marching band getting a big crowd warmed up. mayor muriel bowser on board a packed street car for the first trip. >> did you ever think that today would come? >> i knew it would come, adam. >> reporter: the mayor taking time for a selfie smiles all around, the mayor saying an extension already being planned into ward 7. >> our next focus will be connecting to benning road. >> reporter: and this ride was definitely the main attraction. long after the mayor had taken her inaugural ride on the street car, people are still excited, right? >> oh, yeah. >> everyone still excited? >> reporter: street car definitely catching some buzz here. this line is years behind schedule. it faced rising costs, safety concerns. but the city says it's committed to making it work. last time street cars rolled this 1962 and she sees promise. >> especially for my seniors because we're looking for another mode of transportation. >> reporter: some had to ask themselves is this really happening. yep, street cars now back in d.c. along h street northeast, adam tuss, news 4. this week we'll learn what will happen to what is a unique piece of white house history. we told you concepcion passed away in late he stood outside in a camp for 34 years. back in 81, the anti-war camp was set up. she passed away just last month. monday they will decide what will happen to the camp. ifnatalie portman and a fil crew are life of jackie kennedy. we have details about the road closures on our app, search jackie. airbnb in a big fight with the assembly. lawmakers trying to regulate short term rental websites. the websites say they want to prevent a patchwork of local regulations. both the house and senate have passed versions of a bill that would require more regulations. hollywood's biggest night, it is here. the 88th annual academy award. >> and everyone will be tuning in to see if leo finally does it. does he take home the illusive godden statue. mark barger has predictions. >> reporter: anticipation is not just about the awards. >> i'm looking forward to chris rock. i can't think of a better host. >> reporter: rock will have the academy's diversity issues likely keep it from dominating the event. >> you want to feel historic. >> reporter: and it could be for alejandro, favored to be the first back to back best director winner in 65 years, his film "the revenant." >> the first time ever that one director has directed back to back best picture winners. >> reporter: "the revenant's" competition includes spotlight and "the big short." both have shared numerous. >> i think a lot of people love "revenant," but i don't know if it's something everybody embraces. >> reporter: more certain is the love for leonardo dicaprio. it would be his first oscar. >> i think he's at home writing his speech right now. at least he should be. because i can't imagine anyone else winning. >> reporter: fe she's dominated the best actress field. >> and no other performance in that category this year that goes through wringer like her character does and she portrayed it beautifully. >> reporter: supporting actress has a tight race. >> i kind of think it will go to allessia. sylvester stallone should have won for rocky. >> reporter: winning this time could be a knockout moment on a golden night. mark barger, nbc news. >> and "fifty shades of grey" came out on top at this year's razzie awards. the adaptation of the novel scored five prizes including worst actress for dakota johnson and worst dornan. the awards were launched in 1980 as a spoof of the awards season. in going back to the oscars, i feel like if leonardo does not win, there will be a revolt. >> yeah, he's pretty loved i think. i think he's locked in. but i think the big question is, "revenant" being best picture because we've never had a director win back to back. so are will politics play into it. we'll have to wait and see. >> a lot of you will be joining us on our facebook chat at 9:00. >> so what are you hear for? >> i'm here to accept the award. >> you deserve it,tastic finish. >> i'm accepting the award for best day this february. we are starting off kind of cold. >> speech, speech, speech! >> pr pre-gikts this forecast. you have sunshine and you need a jacket this morning, but you'll be comfortable this short sleeves this afternoon. you'll need the sunglasses and the temperatures will be quickly jumping. so a good day to get on the bike. by 9 ox, we':00, mid 40s. and in the low 60s this afternoon. a bit of a breeze. a wind out of the southwest maybe around 15,i gusting to 20. no showers or snow on storm team 4 radar. we have flowers showing up, this one taken at a yard in silver spring by our own editor, scott. and this one by mark b. in glendale, maryland, these are up and they will be popping out today, too. and we'll have the bright sunshine through the day. and then overnight tonight, we'll have insi waiting at the bus stop tomorrow morning and at the metro, you might need an umbrella, maybe a few passing sprinkles early tomorrow morning. and then during the afternoon, we'll have sunshine back and again another day with highs in to the low 60s. and then in the mid-40s by dawn today, highs tuesday into the low 60s. so enjoy these next three days. big changes are on the way beginning on wednesday. cold front comes in, increasing clouds. afternoon and evening showers maybe a few thundershowers, but not the wild storms we saw last week, not like that. but they will be coming in with some rain and maybe a little thunder. we'll be in the upper 50s before that happens. after that, it turns chilly here as we get into the first week of march. on thursday, partly sunny, morning lows near freezing. afternoon highs mid-40s. and then the end of the week, a little disturbance comes through on friday, chillier weather, highs in the 30s. clouds around ofr maybe a few flurries. likely little or no accumulation on friday. but certainly chilly. and then saturday, we'll get sunshine back with highs reaching the hid 40s next saturday afternoon. and then a week from today, next sunday looks pretty nice, too, partly sunny and rather cool, but we'll be in the mid-50s. that will be next sunday looks like a nice pattern as we get through the rest of the week, but up and down we go with a mild pattern through tuesday, chillier by the end of the week. and that is the way it looks. 7:52 your time on this sunday. four things to know. two people are dead including a prince william county police officer after a shooting in woodbridge. two other officers who were shot are in the hospital. the suspect is in custody. three people were killed in a car crash on river road they're pyle road last night. parents and their 17-year-old son were killed. the teen daughter and the other neighbor in the lyon park area of arlington are meet to go talk about a gun store that is opening next month. the nova armory will be on pershing drive. marco rubio will be in loudoun county this afternoon. he's hosting a rally at the patrick henry college in. will peyton manning be back to play next year? the new report just in. for a cup of coffee just because you're a woman. so why does congress think it's ok that women get paid 20% less than a man for doing the same job? now some politicians will belittle this as a women's agenda. more proof that we just need more women in congress. i'm kathleen mathews and i approve this message. angry tweeting . peyton manning is ready to pack up his pads according to the denver post. they say he will announce his retire chlt nement next marcwee. he turns 40 in march. if the report is true, manning will retire as the nfl all-time leading passer with over 71,000 yards through the air. a big shout out this morning, huge congratulations to the boonsboro high school cheerleaders in maryland. they took home first place to become national champions in ocean city on saturday. congratulations to the entire heading out today, going to be a nice one. >> enjoy. perfect day to get out, maybe get a n. a walk or run, hiking, biking. wonderful day p. shoot some should thathoops. march madness start and the first day of the month on tuesday, between now and then, a springlike pattern. chillier on wednesday, a little bit of rain, maybe some showers perhaps some thunder wednesday afternoon and evening. and then colder end to the week. >> going to enjoy this nice stretch. (donkey sound) (elephant sound) stretch. there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to idates. enough talk. give us a plan. - there are times when it's nice that things go up, and it's sometimes even better when things go down. novec, a not-for-profit electric cooperative, provides wholesale power to its customers at cost. any changes in that cost are passed along through an annual power cost adjustment on bills. in 2016, the average home's power bill from novec will go down by an estimated $15 a month, r power bills. good morning. south carolina smackdown. a decisive win for hillary clinton in the palmetto state, beating bernie sanders by nearly 50 points as the race now heads into super tuesday. >> we are going to compete for every vote, in every state. we are not taking anything and we're not taking anyone for granted. >> meantime, on the republican side, the insults are flying turning increasingly juvenile. >> he's flying around on hair force one and tweeting. >> thank god he has really large ears. the biggest ears i've ever seen because they were protecting him. >> voters in 12 states set to go to the polls on tuesday.

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