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Is that not true . I mean, i said that. But. You know, when i think about it, its like. Somebody said, police. I mean, i heard the word but i dont know who said it cause i was runnin. No further questions. speaking indistinctly thats not good. What . Looks like your friend threw you under the bus. What are you talking about . Well, look at him. They flipped him. Damn. Yo, tomas. Hold up. Hey, yo, man. Why dont you just leave him alone . Aint you done enough damage . Hey, we need to talk. He aint got nothing to say to you. Aunt marisol, let me handle this. What happened . You changed your story . I just wasnt sure. No. No, come on, man. You changed your story. Theyre nna kick my ass if i screw this up for them . All that cash that ricky got coming . And maybe they break a piece of that off for me and my aunt. Is that what they promised y . Man, i aint sayin nothin. Come on. I know you. You dont know me. Make a choice me or them, right or wrong. You dont know me. So, what, you fooled me, hu is that it . Huh . You fooled me . good for you. Good for you. Wake up what . Shh mmmmmm hey what are you doing . uh. Kids, go back to sleep now. Where were we, hehe. Hehehe. Lays. One taste and youre in love. I use whats already inside me to reach my goals. So i liked when my doctor told me i may reach my blood sugar and a1c goals with onceweekly trulicity. Trulicity is notnsulin. It helps activate my body to do what its supposed to do release its own insulin. Trulicity responds when my blood sugar rises. I take it once a week, and it works 24 7. It comes in an easytouse pen and i may even lose a little weight. Trulicity is a onceweekly injectable prescription medicine to improve blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. It should be used along with diet and exercise. Trulicity is not recommended as the first medicine to treat diabetes and should not be used by people with severe stomach or intestinal problems, or people with type i diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. Trulicity is not insulin and has not been studied with longacting insulin. Do not take trulicity if you or anyone in your family has had medullary yroid cancer or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2 or if you are allergic to trulicity or its ingredients. If you have symptoms of an allergic reaction, such as itching, rash, or difficulty breathing; if you have signs of pancreatitis such as severe stomach pain that will not go away and may move to your back, with or without vomiting; or if you have symptoms of thyroid cancer, which may include a lump orwelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. Medicines like trulicity may cause stomach problems, which could be severe. Tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and any medicines you take. Taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase your risk for low blood sugar. Common side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, decreased appetite, and indigestion. Some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney failure. With trulicity, i click to activate whats within me. If you want help improving your a1c and blood sugar numbers with a noninsulin option, ask your doctor about onceweekly trulicity. Valentines day is sunday . So get to kohls super saturday. And save on early birds till 1pm. Like 70 off fine jewelry. Save on dress shirts for him. Or sleepwear and loungewear for her. Plus take an extra 15 off get kohls cash too saturday at kohls. Not yet. Not yet pull the peach he hows homework, guys . Good, good. Hi. Hi. You made dinner . Ace detective work. Nice. I can. Whatd you make . The boys favorite. Taco pie. Mmhmm. Taco pie . Mmm. How bout a table for two at le madri . How bout we dont have a sitter . Done. Christina caputo confirmed for 7 00 p. M. Really . Mmhmm. Done and doner. horn honking outside hmm. What do you want me to put these in . Uh, theres a vase in the cabinet there. Come on. Got it. This better not be the sitter. honking continues its for you. What . Guess who. honking continues be right back. Marianne, what the hell are you doing . Lookin for you, obviously. Why . Well, i called you five times and it went straight to voice mail. I was gonna call you back. Youre duckin me inot ducking you. What do you want . You went by joes gym . Yeah. I went to straighten the guy out. What . Well, now hes pissed off. Yeah, hes not the only one. Hes pissed off at me o. If you didnt want my help, why did you call me . I didnt want you to go and harass him dad, whos she . Get in the house. What . Go on. You listen to me, marianne. My husband is a good man. Hes trying to honor a pledge he made to your brother. But you abuse the privilege. I aint abusin nothin. Hey, what are you doin . Take your sad little lollipop act someplace else, okay . My husband is officially offduty when it comeso you what are you doin with my phone . Danny reagan, delete groans starts engine an ambush . seriously . 73. All the way down. Seventyfour. sighs wow. I didnt think i could do that. exhales you really inspire me. Yeah . Yeah, bigtime. I have a little problem though. Oh, yeah . Whats that . Well, whenever i work out like this, im so dead by the time i get home, i just want to go to sleep, and. I like to have energy to do stuff at night. Yeah . You do . Yeah, i do. Are there any. Supplements you take or something . What, like a vitamin pack . chuckles last year, i trained for this triathlon, and my old boyfriend gave me something called mexican dragon . That stuffas dynamite. I might know somebody. Want to meet up for a drink later . Yeah, thatd be awesome. Why do i have to hose out the back of the car . Till when . Hey, process him. And i have to do paperwork . You looking for me . Yes. They took tomas phone, and i didnt know how to reach you. Who took it . The boys who beat him. Marisol, all due respect, theres nothing i can do for him, okay . He made his choice. No, you have to help him. No, i dont. He went back to the courts what are you talking about . I dont know if they followed h or if the cisneros lawyer said something, but the word is on the street. He changed his testimony . Yes, for you. And look at what it got him. Into the hospital. Okay. Okay. Wait here. siren wailing in distance for a smart guy, you su are stupid sometimes. Yeah . Hows that . To do right by you i had to do wrong by them. Good point. Yo, some time will pass and theyll forget why theyre giving me these beatdowns. Thats no kind of life. Yeah, it is. chuckles mine. You stepped up for me. Now im gonna step up for you. And how you gonna do that . I dont know. For starters, let me getou something from the cafeteria. Come on. Ill go for a ginger ale and a straw. And barbeque chips. You got it. How long you been partners with her . About six months. Why . She any good on a sting . Shes my partner. Id like that. Sorry. Baez oh, my gosh. I am so sore. Obably need a good deeptissue massage. Definitely. I took massage. What . Theres a Massage School . No, its part of getting certified. Well, not part, but. You can add it on, which i did. Youre really a complete package, huh . I like to think so. Speaking of which, you, um. You got thathing we talked about . Which things that . You know, the. Dragon from mehico . Oh. Yeah. We talked about that. Ralphie . What . You bastard. Maria whats going on . I dont know. I think she called an audible. Ah, hold on. Give her a second. Maria, wait up. Maria. Why . So you can insult me some more . Look, im sorry, okay . What the hell does that mean, a cop . What, am i butch to you . No, n. I thought you liked me. I do. You wanted to help me get buff. I do. Here. Its on me. No, no, look, im. Im paying. Okay . Just. Start over. Even steven. All right . Uh. Have it your way. And im not a cop. Detective. Whoa. Remember me, hercules . Put the jacket down. Turn around. handcuffs clicking tt w`t3n` i njpx` p j quiet mom has a headache had a headache but now, i. Dont excedrin is fast. In fact r some, relief starts in just 15 minutes. Excedrin. Now available in geltabs. When i went on to ancestry, i just put in the name of my parents and my grandparents. And as soon as i did that, literally it was like youre getting 7, 9, 10, 15 leaves that are just popping up all over the place. Yeah, it was amazing. Just with a little biof information, you can take leaps and bounds. Whats up . Two things. One is, working with tomas lugo this past while, its really hit home how important it is to he a present father. Youve been that every single day of my life. And im grateful. Thank you. Whats the second thing . This kid, tomas. He really backed me up. Turned around and changed his deposition, told the truth. But now hes a walking punching bag for it. He needs to move. Im not a realtor. No, but you have a Housing Bureau chief, and shes got ins with the housing authority. We owe tomas. This kid got hung out to dry. We . Well, he signed up for a program that you helped devise, and one that you support. If thats the deal, then you should just 86 the whole program. Tomas ask you for the favor . No. You tell him you could make it ppen . No, thats way above my pay grade. sighs you cant save every puppy in the pound, jamie. I know it. sighs come on, were gonna get joe frye sooner or later. If you cooperate, i can talk to the da about keeping you from doing time. I told you, i aint talkin. knocking hey, partner. You get anywhere with this joker . No. Lets call it a night . Yeah. Well, normally, ralphie, you would spend the night down in central booking, but all the arraignment judges have left for the evening, so youre gonna have to wait till the morning when the corrections bus comes to pick you up. Baez well, ill take him down to holding. Actually, thats gonna be a problem, too. Ralphies just gonna have to sit here until morning when the, uh, corrections bus comes to pick him up. knocking yeah . Detective, can i leave this guy in here with you till the bus comes for your guy . Well, that sounds like a plan. Bring him in. Whats your name, big fella . Tiny. chuckles tiny . Okay. Danny well, im sure ralphie here wont mind having a Little Company for the evening aint that right, ralphie . Have a seat. Ralphie, this is tiny. Tiny, ralphie. You two gentlemen, im sure, have a lot to talk about, so you have a great evening. Good night, ralphie. sniffing i smell chicken. I dont know what youre talking about. This your first sleepover . You know, just. Chill out. Shh. Well make it a party. Youre gonna be my date. I aint gonna be nothin. Oh, yes, you are. sniffs mmm. Mm exhales ralphie baez ahahah. Baez ounding baez baez okay. Hey, baez what is it, ralphie . Could we go somewhere and talk . You messing with me . No. Come on. clears throat nice work, detective. chuckles my pleasure, detective. Hows the wife, by the way . Shes great. Good. Ill see you at the softball game sunday. sighs these are copies . I assume so. Youd know. I am assuming the originals are somewhere in newark. That is everything i have. And w its yours. Im not sure i understand. I dont want anything to do with them. I could have just destroyed them; i just thought you should know what youre dealing with. An invasion of my privacy at a vulnerable time during a hellish divorce. Thats part of it. The part thats in the past. Whats the other part . The nypd is. Unique. Like the israeli army or the vatican, it has its detractors. Are legion, and heaven help you if they think you are monkeying with our purpose. You cant rattle me, frank. You or your legions of fanatics. Supporters. Whatever you want to call them. Ill skip the koolaid and stick with gin and tonic. Okay. But you cant wish it away. Is that why you asked me here . That was part of it. I am going to push to expand the jrip program to include the involvement of the City Housing Authority to provide relocation options. We cant ask these kids to crap where they eat. And im gonna push right back. Why . This whole program reeks of social engineering. And honestly, im surprised it has your support. This feels way out of your wheelhouse. Is that a promise or a threat . I dont make threats. The program is a waste of resources. Involving housing is only gonna compound that. exasperated sigh and thats the battle im picking. Thats yours. And anything like it that lands on my desk. I play hard, but i dont play dirty. Good to know. Danny well, it looks like joe done left the building. Hit his house . I got another idea. Marianne, this is danny. Listen, we got a warrant for your fianc\s arrest. No, were on our way to his house to pick him up now, all right . I want you to call him and talk some sense into him. Tell him to surrender we dont want anyone to get hurt. Now well go sit on her house. You sure . Yeah. I know how she thinks. Danny joe frye we need to talk. Okay, fine, you know what, come on inside, well talk it over inside. No. You can make it easy or hard, joe. Baez stop police reagan around the front hes getting away call for backup tires squeal grunting panting hold it hold it sirens approaching danny thats it. Its over, joe. Come on. grunts stopped short of the end zone again. Story of your life. Joey this is all your fault, you stupid cow hey youre talking to a lady. Knock it off. Let me go. Yeah. Marianne romano. Marianne romano . Shes still around . Yeah, like a bad cold you cant shake. I remember her. Ry pretty. In a cheap sort of way. quiet laughing i mean, they only dated for. A month. Uh, longer than that. No. Ye. How is she looking . She looks her age. Older. Jamie hey, didnt she go to l. A. Right after you guys graduated . No. Yeah, and then somebody swore that they saw her in a guns n roses video out there, too. Yeah. No, that was somebody else. Wait, who are we talking about . Nobody. An old friend of dads. But not of moms. others laughing marianne the car wash girl . laughing no, no. Come on, grandp. Linda, did you make this pie from scratch . It sure is good. She worked at a car wash . No. No, no, no, no. They were just raising money for the school prom or something. D being good grandparents, betty and i drove the buick over. Marianne was all wet from washing the cars. others laughing and betty thought that i should arrest her for indecent exposure. Well, you probably should have. You know, 14 years ago tonight, i kissed a girl on the corner of 10th street and university place, and my life was never the same. That was today . Yep. We went to the movies, we saw the cider house rules, laughs softly you kept the stubs . Yes, i did. All these years. I knew i loved you that night. And i have known that i love you every night since. That is so sweet. Nice save. Linda mmhmm. Im gonna need to see those ticket stubs. My thought, exactly. laughter captioning sponsored by cbs and volkswagen i love driving back. I looked for a place down here when i got my gold shield. So, what happened . Well, one months rent on a onebedroom costs more than my car. Yeah. Whats wrong with brooklyn anyway . Nothing, but, i mean, check this out its beautiful, its safe. Well, judging by the call we just got, i dont think its that safe. What do we got . Ted kramer, wall street guy. Gunshot to the head. Close range. They didnt take his fancy watch. No signs of forced entry . No, detective. Its a serious security system. Cop checked it. Dibled. Whoever pulled the trigger probably took care of that after this guy let him in

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