Transcripts For WTKR Up To The Minute 20160212 : vimarsana.c

Transcripts For WTKR Up To The Minute 20160212

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(lights flick on) parker: okay, team, listen up. we're dealing with a young man who was fighting for what he thought was right, but didn't turn out the way he had hoped. he's crash-landed, and he's dealing with a lot of shame. so kid gloves; he's at a breaking point here. he's chosen to come full circle to where it all started and thmoment that was captured on that video there was probably the last happy memory he has. (sirens wail) eddie, you spoke to ty, you run the intervention. let's hope we're not too late. (inhales deeply and exhales) (sighs heavily) ken: where is he? parker: mr. bell, we're doing everything we can to get your son out safely, but we cannot crowd him. if i could just talk to him. grace: let's let the experts handle this. ryan shouldn't even be in this situation! arthur: he's a bright- grace: i know! he's a good kid! if i- dad! please? sir, everyone's rried about your grandson. ryan's vulnerable right now. he belies he's disappointed all of you. seeing you right now might trigger him and we cannot take that chance. jules: here comes mr. family affirmation. jules, just take it easy. what, don't i get a basell bat? (forceful exhale) ed: guys... (auditorium doors open) ed: ryan, i'm a police officer, my name's ed lane. hey, get outta here! ed: i'm clark lane's dad. nice to meet you. now, leave me alone! ed: ryan, i can't. i can't just leave a guy here who's trying to kill himself. ed: i can't. ryan: just get out! ed: okay. all right. okay, i'll leave. but can you just tell me what happened here today? i don't understand what he's doing? i just talked to him. he didn't say anything about a gun. does your "man up" method encourage violen? no. i encourage the release of anger that a youth feels when his manhood is being challenged. it's a safe technique to reclaim power over this disorder. and the disorder being gay? it's not a judgment, it's a fact. i lost my own son to this. and i can't have anything to do with him. do you know what that'like? i'm tryi to help young men. i'm trying to help families. sparing them the trauma and the embarassment that i've had to endure. (takes a calming breath) well, wait here. arthur, do you wanna meet me in the truck? mr. hewson... i thought he was getting better. i want you to know that i will be here for him 'rod the clock. we're not going to lose another promising young man to this disease, i give you my word. i've gotta get inside. i can help! family only! privacy policy. (sobbing) ed: ryan. if he jumps, can we get the noose off before he asphyxiates? spike: no, it'll be too late. from that height, his neck'll snap. sam: okay, we can't just rush him, ed, so you need to b us some time. ryan: and i took joe from his friends, and he... i don't know what happened, buhe got the gun from me and then he startesaying that he was gonna send me to jail. and i don't know how he... we-we fought and then... i shot joe. i shot him. ed: ryan, it wasn't your hand on that gun. it was joe's, and he's okay. now, your folks and your grandpa, there out here and they're worried about you. ryan: (stifled cries) they're ashamed of me. they don't want me, not the way i am. that is not true. can you tell him that is not true! ryan, they are n ashamed of you. they are not ashamed of you. ed, carl's taught ryan that being gay is a sickness that destroys families. grace: the therapist taught him what? parker: that privacy policy, that didn't worry you? grace: oh god, what have i done? families just go through a little bit of strain, that's all, and i get that. no. you don't get to say you "get it" how, how could you know? okay, you're right. you're absolutely right, i don't know. you think you can you help me understand this? it doesn't matter, it's too late! ed: ryan... parker eddie, you gotta take the pressure off. ryan, you know my son, clark, right? yeah. yeah, i know him. parker: that's good, eddie, give him status. yeah, well, you know what? i thought i knew him too, but i don't. we used to trust each other and he's been keeping stuff from me and i don't know what's going on. maybe he doesn't wanna disappoint you. maybe he's scared of what might happen if you get to know him better. yeah. what's the point? if you tell the truth, it can change everything. if you could lose someone... for it. it's okay. ryan... (choked sobs) >> important message for women and men ages 50 to 85. please write d dn this toll-free number now. right now, in areas like yours, people are receiving this free information kit for guaranteed acceptance life insurance with a rate lock through the colonial penn program. if you're on a fixed income or concerned about rising prices, learn about affordable whole life insurance with a lifetime rate lock that guarantees your rate can never increase for any reason. or if you misplaced it, call this number now and we'll rush it to you. your acceptance is guaranteed, with no health questions. please stand by to learn more. >> i'm alex trebek and the announcement you just heard is for a popular and affordable life insurance plan with a rate lock guarantee. that means your rate is locked in for life and can never increase. did you get your free information kit in the mail? if not, please call this toll-free number now. in the last month alone, thousands have called about this plan with the rate lock guarantee through the colonial penn program, and here's why. this plan is affordable, with coverage options for just $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 cents a day. your rate is locked in and can never go up, and your acceptance is guaranteed. you cannot be turned down because of your health. see how much coverage you can get for just $9.95 a month. call now don't wait, call today. you won't see these folksat the post office.they have businessesto run. they have passionsto pursue. how do they avoid tripsto the post office? mail letters, ship packages, all the services ofthe post officeright on your computer. get a 4 week trial,plus $100 in extras including postage anda digital scale. go to from an independent third party. and to celebrate, we're cutting their rates in half. switch to sprint and save 50% on most verizon, at&t or t-mobile rates. and we'll cover your costs to switch, up to $650 per line. only from sprint.(trouble hearing on the phone, visit (distorted) ryan! (slicing whoosh) (distorted thunderous crash) (whimpers, startled) i got you, ryan. you're okay, come on. you're okay, come on. you're all right. (shrieking) no! no! ryan, it's okay. 's okay. you're all right, you're all right. i got you. i got you, buddy. it's okay. subject's secure. grace: (relieved breaths) (door clicks and squeaks open) grace: ryan?! thank you. i nearly lost him. the team succeeded, eddie; that's what we take away here. all right? (exhales forcefully) (auditorium doors open) mr. hewson. carl: this is time-sensitive, he needs positive affirmation before he backslides. (irate, heavy breaths) you stay the hell away from my grandson. he nearly died today because of you. he chose to live because i showed him the right road. if he really had of been gay, he would've killed himself. which, between us... is that what you teach? if you're gay, you might as well just die? you're gonna show some respect. okay, mr. hewson... how many kids are gonna have to fall over the edge before someone stops you? i'm keeping families together. i lost my own son- no. your son lost a father. you should've been proud of him. ed mr. bell. mr. bell... let's go. your grandson's safe,it's over. (doors open) the guts it takes to feel what he feels, to... (sighs) be who he is, tell it like it is... not everyone can do that. i couldn't. you're right, arthur, the truth takes courage. you're right. i could've just opened my mouth once and said something. ryan needs you. gonna face the dark tonight gonna touch the starlight when i'm gone if i know the eling's right you're still alive, sonny. keep it that way. we've got a lot to talk about. gonna face the darkonight gonna tell him i am on the rise it's okay. love no longer outta sight silver lining's in my eyes won't you come out to play won't you come out to play i'm a little bit down again now i'm bringing it back someday say courage... good cupcakes that marina brought in this morning. yeah, it was nice of h to come by like that, thank the team. oh, boss, that wasn't "thank you"; that was a... "i wanna get me some o' that." (half laughs) she suffered a trauma. it'a textbook hero-worship. and you have a problem with that? one day she's gonna see through that and e's gonna see me. and then what? you think that she's out of your league. well, she's not. do i give you the five cents now? jules: what're you so afraid of? they will know battle's all been won buddy, i owe you an apology. it's been all about your mom and the baby lately and i, i... i took you for granted. and i took you for granted, clark, because you are such a good kid. you are such a good kid. i messed up, buddy. i'm just trying to figure it outor myself here. it's okay. (half laughs) you all right? i ever tell you about the time when your grandfather caught me and roy smoking cigars? no. well, we were drinking a little bit too, but... but he only saw the cigars. he made me smoke the whole thing right there. i can go it all the way when i'm gone and i know the morning after will brinanother day so this is my goodbye song marina, hi. it's sergeant greg parker. it's greg. it's greg. greg parker. (laughs) how are you? um... is itoo late to go to the art opening tonight? ed: stay tuned for s >> announcer: the following is a paid presentation for cize, brought to you by beachbody. this is the end of exercise. >> get ready to cize it up. [ beat drops ] [ people cheering ] are you ready to dance? 5, 6, 7, 8! >> on my way in i'ma take it >> stop exercising, people. it's time to start dancing. welcome to cize. >> announcer: cize is the all-new dance workout program that's gonna make losing weight fun and easy. >> to me, it's not even exercise because i don't want to stop. >> announcer: it's simple -- dance, have fun, and get awesome results. >> it's just like one big party turns on. it's so empowering. >> i spent many years of torturous exercises. cize, 45 pounds down easy. >> it's just fun. i think that that's the key, is that it doesn't feel like work. >> exercise is something you have to do. you won't believe what 30 days of cize will do for you. >> i feel the love >> it doesn't matter how old you are, how much weight you have to lose. it's the first program for everyone. >> announcer: shaun choreographs six routines, and breaks them down so you can go at your own pace while still getting an awesome workout. >> i'ma break it down for you step by step. every movement in cize, you've done before. >> he relates everything to everyday life, like putting a sock on. >> you go to put a pair of socks on. that's all you're doing. sock on, sock on, swing, and clap. boom. >> shaun t. dance results, like, you can't get anything better than that. >> you're gonna be so focused on learning the choreography, before you know it, you'll be drenched in sweat. >> after each and every cize routine, i was drenched. >> literally sweat my butt off every single day, but it just didn't feel like work because it was so enjoyable. >> i feel the love >> with cize, 's like a celebration. you don't realize that it's a workout. >> this is the endf exercise. but trust and believe, you will lose the weight. crank up the volume, and i just dance. >> cize is it. you dance. you get results. >> being 52 and losing 62 pounds is shocking for me. i did not think i would lose this much weight dancing. >> everything i'd done in the past didn't work. cize didn't feel like exercise at all. i'm in my living room just having a dance party. >> where i am now, i've lost 74 pounds, and i'm definitely gonna keep cizing it up. >> it's time to start dancing. no push-ups, no power jumps. this is the end of exercise. >> i'm feeling the love >> announcer: so keep watching to see why millions of people are saying goodbye to exercise and hello to losing weight the fun way with cize. >> i'm not going back to exercising the way that i used to. >> i finally found a program that i can do in my house, and it showed results. >> cize is an addiction. >> announcer: and also learn how you can try cize in your home risk-free for 30 days. >> once somebody does cize, they're gonna want to keep doing it. i don't want to stop. it's so much fun. i'm addicted to cize. >> stop exercising and start dancing. >> time to make you sweat time to clap [ shatters ] >> when i first heard about cize, i needed to do something new and get my mind off of the weight loss, because it was so consuming that i couldn't even focus on anything else. and so this was my saving grace. >> are y'all ready? let's get it! >> ready to cize it up? >> whoo! >> i just waed to get all the movements perfect. i know that's why i did lose the weight, is because i wasn't focused on losing weight. oh, god. [ gasps ] i've always been on the obese side of the scale. i lost 40 pounds in 90 days and completely transformed my body. if it wasn't for cize, i definitely just would've been still looking at the tv screen, thinking, "man i wish that could be me." and i've never danced before in my life. there's nobody else i would rather learn from than shaun, because he looks so amazing. but then you realize he's gonna teach you to look the exact same way. >> well, ladies and gentlemen, the man who is gonna make dancing accessible to millions [ cheers and applause ] >> what was amazing about developing cize is that i walk into this program already believing everyone can dance. >> not being a dancer, i'm like, "i'm not gonna be able to do that." d then i'm smiling at the end 'cause i was able to do that. >> i was a little intimidated, but the way shaun breaks things down, by the end of the workout, i am totally doing it. it really is for everyone. all ages, all shapes, all sizes, all levels of dance and non-dance. >> you might be sitting there, thinking, "there's no way i can dance like this," or, "i've been sitting on this couch for so long." cize is that something that you can do. you're not being judged. you're having a good time. like, it's easy because you're gonna love it. >> i've learned six dances. the way that the movements are broken down is not that they're dance moves but that they're daily activities. >> i shoot the ball. i shoot the ball. basketball. boom. all you're doing is walking. i always say if you can walk, you can dance. >> he would start with just the footwork. then he would add the arms. >> i'ma add some arms. >> and then he would add some, like, flavor to it. >> and you can even lifthat back leg a little bit as you move. >> you know, you're at home. dance like nobody's watching, 'cause nobody is watching. >> right. drink. again. >> it truly is the end of exercise for people as they know it. >> if i can dance and sweat and work out at the same time, especially while i'm at home -- that's the best part. >> over the past 30 days, i ended up losing 21 pounds. i didn't even know i had 21 pounds to lose, but it just, like, kept melting off, and i was having fun doing it. >> i have a weight-loss goal. 10 to 15 pounds? i lost 30 pounds and 20 inches cizing it up. who does not want to work out and actually lose weight and actually have fun? my daughter would even cize it up with me. i feel like a sexy mom. >> i'm hoping to lose about 20 pounds. i never considered that 36 pounds would be what i lost. i push the couch aside, i push the coffee table aside, i crank up the vole, and i just dance. >> get ready to cize it up. and when you cize it up, that music comes on, you have to be, like, "i'm the [bleep]" like, "i'm the star right now." it feels like that's showtime. all eyes are on me. and magic happens in the living room. >> your living room is your stage, and you have to dance for your life. >> i'm out of breath. >> then at the end, he cizes it up, and he puts on the song. and i'm just like, "that's it! whoo!" i'm just going off. i lose myself in the music. >> when people talk about cize, they're like, "it's so fun. i learned this routine." and the last thing they talk about is how much weight they lost >> cize it up! >> that just happened. >> when i first started cize, i didn't believe in it. i've been a big kid my entire life. when i lost 19 pounds over 30 days just from dancing every morning, that was beyond my thoughts. >> i've always struggled with my weight, and then i found cize. with cize, it feltike a reward. i did not do one push-up. this is dance. i think, for me, the results were better because i was having fun. >> there are people out there looking for that one thing that they can do to get them started. with rachel specifically, this is something that started her journey. >> i have been overweight my entire life. when you're overweight, people see you differently. they don't see the person that's on the inside. what appealed to me about the cize program is that i could exercise and dance at the same time. because, you know, working out and getting a gym membership, it's eensive. so, i'm excited to just work out and have fun, because the weight has always held me back. the first 30 days of cize have been a whirlwind. i lost 22 pounds. i am definitely continuing to cize it up. [ laughs ] i just completed three months of cize, and i have lost 57 pounds. and i'm not gonna stop, because it obviously is working. >> i am 74 pounds down, and i feel like a different person from inside and out. i couldn't be happier. cize worked for me because it freed my mind. i wasn't thinking about the scale. so i lost the weight faster. when i was at my highest weight, i was so limited to what i could wear. i was a size 20 dress, and i'm a size 10 now. i never thought that i would lose 74 pounds in such a short amount of time. to everyone that has a lot of weight to lose, i was one of those people. i didn't think i could do it, because it's hard when you have that much weight to move. you have to believe in yourself. cize will help you do it. if i hadn't found cize, i would still be trying to figure out why i couldn't make a commitment to myself. i saw cize and was like, "there's nothing to lose." except 74 pounds! [ laughs ] >> announcer: if you're tired of your boring cardio and strenuous workouts, then stop exercising and start dancing with cize, the end of exercise, and finally look forward to your workouts. >> i love it. i get so excited to work out and to dance every morning. >> announcer: in 30 days, you'll learn to dance to six awesome routines, and the weight is gonna fall off. the dvd's over and i'm like, "okay, when can i do the next one?" >> announcer: you start with "crazy 8's." shaun teaches you his 8 signature moves in less than 30 minutes, and then you put it all together and get sweaty to "hands in the air." then you move on to "you got this," burning more calories as you cize it up to the song "treasure." >> that is what you are >> announcer: before you know it, the poundsill melt away as you continue to "full out," set to "lose my breath." >> it's nonstop. you get that cardio in without even realizing it, 'cause you're going all the time. >> announcer: and "in the pocket," set to "problem." >> there's a lot of energy involved, a lot of attitude in that one. >> announcer: with the fifth routine, shaun changes up the style and pace with "go for it." you'll be drenched as you dance to this classic hip-hop track, "pass that dutch." and then you'll complete your 30-day weight-loss journey with "livin' in the 8s," a total-body dae experience choreographed to the grammy-nominated song "chandelier." >> i felt like i w onstage. i felt like i had an audience. my head was back, my hair was going, my arms were up. >> announcer: and to help you get the best results out of the four free bonuses -- you get the cize dance cendars that show you which routine to do each day. the good news is that this is the one weight-loss program you'll look forward to doing every day. you get the cize guidebook, which helps you track your progre and walks you through the program step by step. and accelerate your weight ss with "eat up!," a perfectly-portioned, easy-to-follow weight-loss guide that lets you eat all the foods you love and still get great results. >> the "eat up!" guide was a very iortant tool to my weight loss. it retrained me how to eat. i lost 30 pounds cizing it up. >> announcer: you also get "8-count abs," a choreographed ab routine to "headsprung." >> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. i've never had that. >> announcer: imagine learning how to dance and losing weight right in your living room, not to mention actually having fun while doing it. that means no more gym memberships and no more dreadful workouts. just dancing with shaun t. and watching the pounds melt away. >> i lost 55 pounds. i look forward to cize every da >> announcer: so pick up the phone and start dancing with cize, and get all six easy-to-follow dance routines see here for just four low payments of $19.95. but wait! when you're one of the first 500 callers, shaun will include these two awesome gifts for free. shaun preaches living your life, not sacrifice. so you get his "weekend survival guide," filled with ps on what to eat and drink when you go out on the town without sabotaging your results. and jump-start your results with the "7-day cize down." it's designed to help you lose weight aittle faster. >> eight pounds! >> whoo! >> announcer: that's right, you get the entire cize program and these awesome gifts from shaun, a $450 value, for just four low payments of $19.95. but hold on, because this offer is about to get better. when you call in the next 18 minutes, we're gonna take one whole payment off the price. that means the complete cize program can be yours for only three low payments of $19.95. that's less than the price of one dance class with shaun. >> for 60 bucks, to get this result is a steal. >> announcer: and if you're not on the phone ordering yet, check this out. cize comes with a a full 30-day money-back guarantee. days, and we'll even letetou finish the entire program, and if at any point it feels like exercise or you don't lose the weight you want, just send it back for a full refund of the purchase price, no questions asked. but you can keep these gifts from shaun just for trying, so there is nothing to lose. >> even people who never danced before, i'm like, "they just need to try this." >> announcer: and we want to make sure you succeed in all of your goals, so we're also including unlimited online support, where shaun gives you the answers to all of your questions, and even get a free coach to help keep y on track. you'll instantly become part of the cize community for all the support and movation you need. and we know you're excited to get started, so now you don't have to wait two to three weeks for your product to arrive. call now and we'll also upgrade your order to express delivery, a $15 value free, so you can start cizing it up in three to six business days, guaranteed. and after 30 days, send us your before-and-after photos, and we'll send you this awesome "cize it up" tank top for free. >> i'm about to launch the cize. >> announcer: millions of people have been waiting for ze, and now it's finally here. call now a get yours, because cize is gonna be hard to keep in stock. and when you call, be sure to ask your operator how you can stream all your cize routines to any laptop, tablet, or phone for free. that means you'll be able to cize it up wherever and whenever. but you must order through this special tv offer. it's time to lose weight and get in shape the fun way. please be patient if our phone lines are busy, or go online to take advantage of this $450 value for just three payments of $19.95. >> i created this program because i just want people to move, and not think about the fact that they need to work out. one thing that is important that people need to know out there is that in this show, they're gonna see a test group of people that went through so many different emotions and feelings about the program. but all of them have one thing this is not an exercise class. yes, we're gonna lose weight. yes, we're gonna burn calories. yes, you're gonna sweat. but it's called cize, the end of exercise, because we are throwing exercise away, and we are gonna live. because the pounds that you lose are going to not only look good on you, but you're gonna feel like an enhanced version of you. >> my first 30 days of cize, i feel completely in a dream. you know, i'm 48 years old, never taken any dance lessons. i realized that in dance, there's no judgment. usuallwhen you do other programs, you're so obsessed with the scale. this was just, like, showing up, having fun. and you're like, "oh! oh, i've lost weight?" i didn't even realize i lost that much weight. 13 pounds, that's amazing. and i was just dancing. and my children have joined in. they want to do it, and it becomes this big family affair. >> and when we say "cize," it's not about a 2/4 or 11/12 or a size-34 waist. it's about living in the size that you have now so you can >> i am excited for cize, and i would like to lose around 15 to 20 pounds. i've never lost 42 pounds. i've tried a bunch of different programs. i was at the gym, i was lifting weights, and nothing just seemed to work. i was stuck at a same weight. cize came along, and i didn't have to worry about "how many push-ups am i gonna do?" or "how many burpees am i gonna do?" i could just move. >> you have to get in it. go for it. i know you're tired, but that's the time when you can really live. come on. >> i've belonged to gyms. i've bought multiple programs. so, for the price that cize is, you're getting so much more. the home-based workout, and ci is just so easy to fit into my schedule. >> three months ago, i wasn't determined, i wasn't confident, i wasn't doing what i liked. burpees, doing mountain climbers. who could do that at 205 pounds? cize worked because it was a dance routine that was easy to do. but i didn't know at the end i would be 45 pounds lighter. i'm about to be a grandmother. and i'm gonna be a hip grandma. >> if you home, dance it out. come on! come on! if i can go and dance and, like, have fun while i work out, yes. you can have fun while you work out. >> i pop in that dvd and start dancing away and give that hour to me. and i feel very sexy. >> it's time to live, all. hey! when you're waking up to do something you love every single day, why do you need to go step on a scale? because that's why people step on a scale. they're like, "i'm gonna step on a scale right now, and this is gonna be the start of my day." but what happens if you start your day by just moving and not worrying about the scale? >> my name is marcey, and i want to lose 50 pounds. i don't like working out, so this is why, when i did insanity, when i did t25, it was so hard. i didn't stick with it. i know doing the dance workout is not gonna feel like a workout. this is perfect for me. and my goal is i will be able to summertime. before i started cize, i tried to lose weight plenty of times. i've done different programs. i wasn't satisfied because i don't like working out. until cize came in. i'm cizing it up. here we go. i don't look at it as exercise. it was just like getting up and i'm going to a party, and i'm gonna hang out with shaun, and we're gonna dance and do these routines. and i just felt so alive. i didn't realize how much the weight was just coming off so easily and so fast becau i was enjoying what i was doing. being 52 and losing 62 pounds and 72 inches is shocking for me. i feel like i shaved 20 years off of my life. for 60 bucks, to get this result is a steal. i got my mojo back. i can go out now and feel more confident. for those women out there in your 50s and up that let weight hold you back from life. 'cause i got mine. >> stop exercising, people. it's time to start dancing. welcome to cize. >> announcer: cize is the all-new dance workout program that's going to get you moving and losing weight. >> it truly is the end of exercise. i have so much fun. >> announcer: dae, have fun, and lose weight right at home with six awesome dance routines all set to the hottest music on the radio. >> "crazy 8's," "hands in the air," is a very simple structure, where you kind of get your body comfortable, and they're movements you're gonna see throughout the entire program. then you move on to "you got this." "treasure" is one of those songs, it's like this little groove. you're gonna love it. and then you go to "full out," which is the song "lose my breath." when the drums come into that song, you just like -- you know it's about to go off. and then "in the pocket," but i'm actually making the choreography faster and more intricate. ba-boom, boom, boom and then, by the time you geto "go for it" and it's i can dance fast, and now i'm hitting it." once you get to "chandelier" on "livin' in the 8's" and i slow the choreography down, and you ve to live in the choreography a little longer, you're working your muscles in a different way. you have to milk the moves. i love it. >> announcer: and you may want to call now, because cize also comes with four free bonuses. you get the cize dance calendars, the "get started" guide, "eat up!" guide, and "8-count abs." cize gives you everything you need to lose the weight right at home, all for just three payments of only $19.95. >> for only $60, you couldn't even go to a couple dance classes for that. >> you have a dance instructor, one of the best, in yo living room every day teaching you the steps. the value is incredible. >> announcer: and since cize comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee, you can complete the full program. and if this isn't the most fun you've ever had losing weight, send it back, and we will refund your money, no questions asked. but wait! call now and we'll upgrade your order to express delivery, a $15 dancing in three to six business days, guaranteed. >> from the dvds to the "eat up!guide, there are so many tools and resources in the program that allowed me to have the results that i had. cize is the end of exercise. >> announcer: and when you call, be sure to ask your operator how you can stream all of your cize routines for free. cize is not sold in stores, so you must pick up the phone or go online now to get everything you see here for just three low payments of $19.95. >> initially, when i saw the commercials for cize, i was like, "oh, here we go. another dance thing." and i realized that inner voice that was going on was insecuty, because i really have it ingrained in me that i can't dance. oh, snap. the thing that i'm most drawn to about it is the idea of having fun. to be in love with working out. you really can't compare cize to working out, because for me they're not even the same thing anymore. i'm not going back to exercising the way that i used to. >> continue to cize it up and do the best that you can do. >> you know, i didn't go into this like, "wow, i can't wait to lose all this weight i've been carrying." i came into it 'cause i wanted to learn how to dance. so, for me, the weight loss was the byproduct. in 30 days, i lost 21 pounds. i wasn't stressed about if i was working hard enough or fast enough. i just had fun. i have never felt better in my entire life. and it just keeps getting better. >> when i hear the word exercise, i think hard-core work. >> exercise, i associate with running. >> gym memberships and machines. >> the gym is a little intimidating. >> burpees, doing mountain climbers. who could do that at 205 pounds? >> stop exercising, people. welcome to cize. >> cize is not exercise. >> the feeling good happened right at the beginning of the workout. >> the dvd's over and i'm like, "okay, when can i do the next one?" >> it's dancing. it's fun. it's like having a party. and i don't think i've ever felt this good in my life. >> i'm gonna be dancing for the rest of my life, because this is what gave me this body. 44 pounds at age 44. i know for a fact i really don't look my age now, and i'm proud of that, too. 'bout to cize it up. whoo! it's just fun. that's the key, is that it's really, really fun. it doesn't feel like work. >> it had been a while since i had danced when i went to cize, being miss america and going to the transition out of miss america and gaining weight and feeling lost in general. with cize, i feel like i got back to who i am. i lost 15 pounds. >> i haven't danced for 20 years. to be able to bring this part of my life back, i feel inside like i've been renewed. >> no push-ups and no power jumps. this is the end of exercise. >> no weights, no push-ups. this program is where it's at. >> shaun t. dance results, >> in cize, i always look forward to the next day, which is messed up. [ laughs ] >> that's what cize does. your body doesn't have choice but to burn the calories and to tone up. and you're not worried about the weight, because when you move, the weight's gonna come off. it's just that simple. >> before cize, i was 308 pounds. i really wasn't comfortable in my skin. i was even considering weight-loss surgery at one point. but thank god i didn't go that route, because cize was really the answer for me. ideally, i'd like to get rid of my stomach, tighten up my ches to date, with cize, i've lost 62 pounds. it's an amazing thing for me. it's because i was doing something that i really enjoyed, something that was fun. that's something that really baffles people. they think that i've been in the gym doing all kinds of crazy workouts, but i've been dancing, and i've been having the time of my life. the amount of money that was spent on cize is so much less than an unused gym membership. that person is unhappy. this is what 62 pounds looks like on me. i don't want to look like that anymore. i'ma continue to cize it up. >> announcer: if you're tired of your boring cardio and strenuous workouts, then stop exercising and start dancing with cize, the end of exercise, and finally look forward to your workouts. in 30 days, you'll learn to dance to six awesome routines, and the weight is gonna fall off. >> i finally found a program i can do in my house, and it showed results. >> announcer: you start with "crazy 8's." shaun teaches you his 8 signature moves in less than 30 minutes, and then you put it all together and get sweaty to "hands in the air." then you move on to "you got this," burning more calories as you cize it up to the song "treasure." >> that is what you are >> announcer: before you kw it, the pounds will melt away as you continue to "full out," set to "lose my breath." and th you're ready for "in the pocket," and you'll cize it up to "problem." for the fifth routine, shaun changes up the style and pace with "go for it." >> it's kind of like, if you could use "pass that dutch" and beat anybody. >> announcer: and then you'll complete your 30-day weight-loss journey with "livin' in the 8s." >> i feel like i'mctually in a music video, so i'm like, "yes!" >> announcer: and to help you get the best results out of the program, shaun is including four free bonuses -- you get the cize dance calendars that show you which routine to do each day. you get the cize guidebook, which helps you track your progress and walks you through the program step by step. and accelete your weight loss with "eat up!," a perfectly-portioned, easy-to-follow weight-loss guide that lets you eat all the foods you love and still get great results. >> it's all completely ptioned out for you. as long as you follow that "eat up!" guide, you will see results. i have lost 74 pounds. >> announcer: you also get "8-count abs," a choreographed ab routine to "headsprung." >> i have a six pack that i never had before, and i feel awesome. >> announcer: so pick up the phone and start dancing with cize, and get all six easy-to-follow dance routines and all the additional too you see here for just four low payments of $19.95. but wait! callers, shaun will include these two esome gifts for free. the "weekend survival guide" is filled with tips on what to eat and drk when you go out on the town without sabotaging your results. and jump-sta your weight loss with the "7-day cize down" for faster results in your first week. >> eight pounds! >> whoo! >> announcer: that's right, you get the entire cize program and these awesome gifts from shaun, a $450 value, for just four low payments of $19.95. but hold on, because this offer is about to get better. when you call in the next 8 minutes, we're gonna take one whole payment off the price. that means the complete cize program can be yours for only three low payments of $19.95. that's less than the price of one dance class th shaun. >> for 60 bucks, to get this result is a steal. >> annncer: and cize comes with a full 30-day money-back guarantee. try cize for 30 days, and we'll even let you finish the entire program, and if at any point it feels like exercise or you don't lose the weight you want, just send it back for a full refund of the purchase price, no but you can keep these gifts from shaun just for trying, so there is nothing to lose. >> even people who never danced before, i'm like, "they just need to y this." >> announcer: cize also comes with unlimited online support, where shaun gives you the answers to all of your questions, and you even get a free coach to help keep you on track. you'll instantly become part of the cize community for all the support and motivation you need. and now you don't have to wait two to three weeks for your product to arrive. call now and we'll also upgrade your order to express delivery, a $15 value free, so you can start cizing it up in three to six business days, guaranteed. and after 30 days, send us your before-and-after photos, and we'll send you this awesome "cize it up" tank top for free. >> i'm about to launch the biggest dance program ever -- cize. >> announcer: millions of people have been waiting for cize, and now it's finally here. but demand has been crazy, so don't wait. call now and get yours, because cize is gonna be hard to keep in stock. and when you call, be sure to ask your operator how you can stream all your cize routines to any laptop, tablet, or phone for free. that means you'll be able to whenever. it's time to start dancing and losing weight the fun way. this is your last chance to order, so pick up the phone or go online now and take advantage of this $450 value for only three low payments of $19.95. the preceding was a paid presentation for cize, brought announcer: you taught him how to hit a baseball. how to hit a receiver. the strike zone. the net. you taught him how to hit the upper corner. you even taught him how to hit the open man. but how much time have you spent teaching him... >> i want to welcome all our viewers from around the world. >> david: god's called us to proclaim to the world... that he is god... and there is none beside him. sound the alarm gather the people gather the elders let the ministers wail take back the yea the enemy's stolen lord, you are coming with a holy visitation >> david: he's here with u we can feel the presence of almighty god. this is your night for a divine appointment with god. [praising, applause] >> ossie: you have found campmeeting! campmeeting is a outreach of inspiration ministries and believe itr not... it's here for you. it's a moment in time where go is here, ready to meet you at the point of your need. we're in 127 countries, 1.2 billion people can see our signal. but right now, right there in your living room, right there in your hospital room, right there in youhotel room, this is for you. this is a moment, a window of time, god has set up, ordained, predestined, just for you. right now, you're, y're wondering, "what are you talking about?" this is a difficult time in our economy, in our country, in the world. and god has a word, for this moment, for you. you may be facing some very you may be climbing some incredible mountains. broken relationships... job loss... health, sickness, disease s riddled your body. your family's walked away from the cross. you're climbing some mountains. but tonight, tonight, god has set up a window, a moment in time where he can reach in and step into your circumstances. here at inspiration ministries, we're broadcasting from e city of light. it's our 93-acre campus, located just south of charlotte, in indian land, south carolina. we've been open since march of this year, and it's been an incredible privilege to see people come to our campus, and experience god in a new way. but tonight, is very special. you know, in your life, as you've grown up, there are people who have become dear to you've been around 'em a lot. you ever nice that the people you're closest to, you start acting like? you start talking like 'em. they start influencing what you do and how you dress. well, the man that i'm about to introduce to this campmeeting, and inspiration ministries platform has influenced me, my life personally. i know david and barbara cerullo, a lot of our team, our staff, our ministry, because he has helped us understand a very key principle, that if you listen tonight, you will receive something special. this principle can change how you live, how your gndchildren live, how their children live. it'll change your history and your legacy. rit now, it's with great pride and joy, on behalf of david and barbara cerullo, and all of us here at inspiration ministries, we welcome to campmeeting, dr. mike murdock. there is nobody there's nobody there's nobody like you there's nobody there's nobody there's nobody like you sweet holy irit sweet holy spirit there is nobody there's nobody like you if i was sitting there in your what's the, what's the greatest day of your life? what's the day that you would trade for every other day?" i would te you, "july 13, 1994." was a wednesday morning, at 7:00 and that was the day that i fell in love with the person of the holypirit. he is not wind. he moves like wind. he is not fire. he purifies like fire. he is not water. he cleanses ke water. and he certainly is not a little white bird, called a dove. he's a person. he's a person. he's the only person capable of being contented with you. he's the only person you're required tobey your entire lifetime. he is to us, what jesus was to the 12 disciples. what jesus is to your salvation, the holy spirit is to your prayer life. one of the greatest things, and david anbarbara, are you there? can you hear me? are you there? >> david: can hear you mike. >> barbara: hello. >> david: not only can i hear you, but boy, can we, boy can we feel the sweet presence of the holy spirit as you're ministering in song. it's thick over here. you know, mike, if i could just slip this in before you start ministering any more, i just want you to know that... and i want our viewers, and those there at the city of light to know, a few weeks ago, i had the privilege of spending a couple of days with you there at the wisdom center in dallas, and while we were together... just, maybe out of the blue, you stood up and you came over and you laid hands on me and began to pray. and spoke a word of prophecy and you said, "david, there's something you've been praying about and you don't have the answer. but i'm gonna tell you that the lord is saying to me, that before this week is over, your and i thought to myself, "sure." but i'll tell you what, mike, i want you to know, before the week was over, god answered that prayer that i've been praying for a long time, and i just wanna thank you. thank you for being faithful. thank you for spking that word over my life. and i know you're gonna speak a word over the lives of millions of people tonight as they're watching. ani believe that that same word that came to pass in my life, is going to come to pass in their life tonight, as you bring the word of the lord. so i'm so glad you're at campmeeting. i wish i was there to hug your neck. but we can feel his presence here and i know it's thick there in charlotte, at the city of light, and the presence of god is all around the world, right now. those of you that are watching in your home, just open your spirit. begin to worship the lord. get ready to receive the word of the lord from brother murdock. i believe it can, and it will, >> david: bless you mike. nobody else holy spirit does what you do nobody else holy spirit does what you do nobody else can ever take your place turn my life around through saving grace nobody else holy spirit nobody else holy spirit does what you do [applause] >> that is amazing. one of the tngs that, is not commonly known about you mike is that you have published a lot of music. original tunes. that have flowed out of the holy spirit. you can hear, there's a palpable presence of the lord in this place right now. >> when you hurt, you write. [laughter] when you hurt, you write. and one of the things, someone says, "when did you start writing songs?" "when i started hurtin'." when you hurt inside, how many has ever hurt? if you don't lift your hand, i know you're the one bringin' all the hurt to the rest of us. but pain is a conversation. pain is a conversation about order. and god's goal in our life is order. god's obsession is not winning souls. obsession was even soul winning, no evangelist or missionary would ever die. god's obsession is not even worship. if it was, trees would sing. god's obsession is order. the purpose of an instruction is order. order is "the accurate arrangement of things." notice this tie? disorder distracts. >> ossie: that's right. >> disorder distracts. there's a reason your nose is not on top of your head. you would drown the first rain. [laughter] order produces five rewards. beauty. safety, protection. productivity. the purpose of god in our life, and this where wisdom is so important to me. i'm obsessed, someone says, "what got you obsessed with wisdom?" and no one's had more stupid days in their life than i have. in fact, i wake up every morning, with the thought, and i really do, "what am i doing stupid right now?" there's never a day that you're not doing something stupid, it's just how soon will you find it out? and so i... >> ossie: ...early. >> yes. and i enter every day, as a learner. i'm 10% mentor, 90% protege. a mentor is a trusted teacher. a protege is a passionate learner. and i consider that learning is my calling, and i had a, my banker asked me one day, said, "what do you for a hobby?" i said, "i learn. that's what i do. i learn." he said, "i mean for a hobby." i said, "i'm a learner." a lady one day asked me on the plane, she said, "what do you do for a living?" i said, "i... learn for a living. that's what i do. i'm a learner." i'm a learner. a minister'shild, one of seven children. my father's 92, and 92 strong. has never been sick a day in his life. never been in the hospital. pastored seven, started seven churches and a man of great prayer. prayed 4 to 10 hours a day. a holy man. a righteous man. a pure man. an integrous man. could never catch him at a lie. he was not a dangerous man. he was a good man, and still is. but i noticed, that we were broke. he couldn't put me through bible school, $4 a day, southwestern assemblies of god bible college in waxahachie, and he had no money. and so i found out early that prayer was not the seed for finances. and i've learned since that most people who pray a lot, don't so we know that prayer is not the secret to financial blessing. if it was, bill gates would be the number one intercessor in america, and for some reason... >> maybe not. >> he hadn't struck me that way. so i began to study the word of god, and i wanna just say this, right there at your house, i don't know what will happen to you, to your life, until i find out who you trust. i am here because i trusted the right woman, my mother. every man is trusting a woman. every man. that's how we catch guys that escape out of prison. we tap the phone of the woman they trust. [laughter] and he shows up. a man cannot stay away from a woman he trust. and in all of my ministry, my life, somewhere my mother that the answers to life were in, was in, all the answers were in this bible. there's 800,000 words in the bible. takes 56 hours to read it through. 1,189 chapters. and sometimes, she would not agree with my father and she would set there, and she'd say, "i don't believe him. i'm gonna try to find what god really said about that." and i would see her for hours, studying scripture, looking for the answer that she believed was there. so i fell in love with the word of god and started reading 20 chapters a day when i was 15. at the age of 23, began to read 40 chapters a day, which took me through the bible once a year, or once a month. then i began to memorize the bible, the new testament, 2.5 chapters a day under jerry lucas. and one morning, jerry lucas, the memory expert, you know the class, 12 hours a day, memorizing the new testament. he said, "the day will come... that you will have so much truth inside you, that when you hear error, a lie, anger will erupt in you." isn't that powerful? and i found that to be true. and there's, i began to study and notice that there was a difference between an experience with god, and the laws of god. and i realized that you could be a christian, but not know his laws. so that the fruit of that law was not experienced. every law has a different future. there's the law of loss. anything unprotected will be stolen. that's a law. that is a law. anything unprotected will be stolen from you. reproduction. whatever you are, you create. there is the, there's the law of focus. there's the law of reward. there's the law of servanthood. very important law. that you can only be promoted by a person who gives you instructions. the only person between you and your future is the person you serve. the person you serve controls your future. do you remember when eleazar, the steward over the wealth of abraham, was searching for a wife for isaac. abraham didn't trust his son to discern the right woman for wealth. and so he sent his son, or his servant, remember, to look for his wife of isaac. and he put a little criteria anything good, should be earned. qualify. and so he said, "god of abraham, my master, i want to know the woman that qualifies for the wealth of abraham and isaac. let her, not only offer me water, but let her be willing to spend six or seven hours here, watering my camels." >> ossie: qualify her. >> she qualified through servanthood. boaz saito ruth, "everybody's discussing you. they say that you treat your mother-in-law seven times, better than seven sons would treat their mother." who treats another woman good. you almost create a museum. [laughter] and he said, "everybody's discsing how you talk to naomi." now, naomi, first, she's a mother-ilaw. that's quite an experience. mother-in-laws are unforgettable. >> ossie: yes. >> to have a bitter mother-in-law is truly unforgettable. she changed her name. remember that? she changed her name. "don't call me 'pleasa one,' any more. call me 'miss bitter.'" she went to the courthouse and changed her name. "call me 'miss bitte'" but ruth saw past the hard crust. she was bitter. her two sons had died. her husband had died. she had nothing left and she's emttered. but ruth, saw her future in that relationship. and she said, "i'm not interested in being your parasite. protege." a parasite wants what's in your hand, but a protege wants what's in your heart. the law of servanthood. i've written a book, and i wanna share it with you, there at your house, and i want you to take a pen, and i want you to write seven laws down. seven. and i'd like for you to teach them, because they're really, very powerful. there are 7 laws you must honor to have common success. seven laws you must honor. now the reason these laws are so important is because these laws will decide the flow of favor in your lif because favor is not a miracle, nor a mystery. when you solve a problem, you create favor. everywhere you find favor, you find money. money's not a mystery, nor is it miracle. i don't pray for money, because i only pray for miracles. there are laws that work. there are laws that work. and it's important, it's incredibly important that you understand these seven laws. and i believe god's gonna give you wisdom. there's an anointing, there's an anointing even here, at campmeeting, and i don't know if the choir's feeling it. are you feeling this? there's anointing... [applause] there's a birthing for the wisdom of god. [applause] there's a birthing for the wisdom of god. we know that wisdom is the study of difference. we know that. the difference in a countenance. the difference in people. the difference in a moment. the difference in a environment. wisdom is the study of difference. time is not a teacher, so wisdom is not the product of years. i've met some people, 75 years old, still unsaved. 15-year-old boy saved. so gray hair don't make you you can be 90 and still be stupid. smile unless you're the one i'm talkin' about. [laughter] time is not a teacher. sickness is not a teacher. the holy spirit is our teacher. we learn wisdom two ways. people and pain. god always sends a voice to correct us, and if we ignore the voice then he sends pain. mentors and mistakes. these are the seven laws that i feel like control your success. you must never forget these laws, if you want to unlock uncommon success, because your success is not up to god. there are 331 references to "if." isaiah 1:19, "if i'm willing and obedient." leviticus 6, deuteronomy 28. the bible is not a book about it's a book about decisions. i heard a preacher preach one night, in a campmeeting, not here, but another campmeeting. and said, and he was preaching that god's in control of everything. god's in control. and everybody shouted, ran around, danced a little. slobbered, some fell. but i went to him after the meeting, i said, "what is god in control of?" he said, "everything." he said, "everything that happens was planned by god. the will of god is done on the earth and everything that happens is in god's control." how many has ever heard god was in control of everything? oh, it's a fabulous belief. it's so comforting. you know, it removes the burden of decision making. i mean, god gets blamed for everything that happens that way. i said, "so everything that happens is planned by god." every... god... god's in control of everything that happens." i said, "so when a man rapes a girl, we can't prosecute him because god was in control." he stared at me. i said, "if a man murders somebody, we don't put him in jail because god was in control. somebody breaks into your house. i'm sure you don't use locks since god's in control." [laughter] "if someone breaks into..." this is called the anointing of sarcasm, okay? [laughter] "if someone breaks into your house, god was in control, so you don't prosecute him." he said, "i hadn't thought about that." i said, "well, if you'll think twice, you'll be the genius in your family." [laughter] >> ossie: it's thick. >> this book is a book about i sh, 'cause decisions decide seasons. some times are appointed and scheduled by god. most seasons of our life are decided by decisions. jesus had no intention of healing the won who had had a blood hemorrhage for 12 years. she was not on his agenda. he was on her agenda. jesus would have never healed the blind man, had he not cried out. reaching is the proof of passion. reaching is the proof of humility. and god won't give you anything you haven't pursued. a-s-k. ask... seek... knock. i am required to parcipate in my destiny. possibility. "well mike, the will of god's always done." the will of god is rarely done. that's why jesus said to pray for the will of god to be done. in matthew 23, jesus looked across jeralem, said, "how oft i would have gathered you, as a mother hen would gather her brood, but you wou not, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance." but they're perishing every day. i went to pray for a woman to be healed and i said, "do you believe god wants toeal you?" she says, "well, i don't really know. i think he's trying to teach me something." i said, "you believe god has put this sickness to teach you something?" she said, "yes. there's a lot he's wanting to teh me." >> ossie: oh boy. my, my. >> i said, "are you taking any medicine, trying to get well?" she said, "oh yes." i said, "naughty, naughty, naughty. if jesus wants you sick, why you trying to get well for? no. and then i had to teach her, of course, that god has never used sickness and disease to teach. he uses our conscience and the holy spirit and teachers to teach. you can live a lifetime in error. i heard a minister of 20,000 people in dallas... a man who can understand greek and hebrew, a brilliant man... publicly announce on television that jesus christ does not heal today. yet, people are being healed all over the world. see, you can have a pure heart, and have a... a dumb part of your brain. there's always something we don't know. this is why i felt so impressed to share with you these seven laws. write this down. the law of difference. the law of difference. your difference decides your importance. your difference decides who labor to understand your difference from hers. god works with the law of difference. the pharisees did not see the difference in jesus. zaccheus did. so jesus didn't spend a whole lot of time in the homes of the pharisees, but he spent time with zaccheus. jesus hung between two thieves, but one discerned his difference. in genesis, seph wakes up one morning, as the warden of the prison sees the butler and the baker and their countenance is troubled. he sees a problem and problems are incredibly important. they're the seeds for rewards. without a problem, you don't have a future. unless somebody has a problem, you won't have a job. the only people, the only reason people get married is they got a problem. [laughter] pursuit of someone who can solve our problem. when there's a problem, there's opportunity for significance. the entire world is full of problems because a problem is a gate to recognition. until there was a goliath, david had no future. i encourage people to always be sensitive. in all your conversations, listen for four things. listen for pain. listen for information. listen for the sound of honor. and listen for desires. until somebody hurts, you don't get a reward. because the problem you solve determines your value to another. you have no value until you solve a problem. joseph saw the countenance of the butler and the baker and says, "you got a problem. can i solve it?" he sawifference. the blind man cried out to jesus in jesus. his footsteps were different. they said, "jesus of nazareth is coming." you've got to discern your difference from others. if i say, "tiger woods," you're gonna say, "golf." if i said, "mohammed ali," you're gonna say, "boxing." if i say, "bill gates," you're gonna say, "computers." if you cannot tell me, in a single sentence your difference from others, then you have not yet discovered your difference and your success is produced through your difference. our sameness, and our similarity crtes our comfort. but our difference creates our reward. you didn't marry your wife because she reminded you of your first little girlfriend. she wasn't like your first little girlfriend. >> she wasn't. >> you don't go to mcdonald's because it reminds you of what-a-burger. you got to mcdonald's because it's not like what-a-burger. i'm thinkin' of several sentences but david and barbara, i don't want you to get sued, okay? you didn't buy a honda because it reminds you of a cadillac. it wasn't like the cadillac. you must inventory your life. what has god put inside... of me that's not in others? what's the difference in others? the law of difference is very critical. what makes your business unlike another? i believe the next 24 months are critical here in america and around the world. i believe the next 24 months will be an investor's paradise. i believe when the egyptians have a problem, god's people have an opportunity. i believe when there's a problem in pharaoh's house, joseph has a chance to get out of jail. i believe with all of my heart that the next 24 months for the believer is critically important, because i do believe that there's a difference.

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