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Sorry to be the bearer of badof news this morning. News this thats okay. We need a little rain. Molitt thats true. Hatsru that helps make thingsakings grow. Good morning to you. Ni to thank you for joining us. Us. Im holly morris. Morri im maureen umeh. I maure today is thursday june 16th. 16th gary is here, erin is here. H shes following a number off issues including a portion oftio the outer loop being at a aa standstill. Growing concerns can of another isis inspireg d attackak in our region. O reg today cia director john brennan will go beforeo be congress. Hes expected to tell it that ta isis militants are planning plan more lone wolf type of typ attacks. Now, some of brennans prepared remarks for the Senate Intelligence committeenc bve been released. Hes expected to say that isisti has a large group of westernfte fighters who could carry out out those types of attacks at any a time. Time. Happening today president t obama and Vice President joece p biden will head to orlando too o visit with the families of the f nightclub shooting victims. Ti vc the white house says theays two will stand in solidarity lawmakers want a series of o facebook posts mateen madeeen me before the shooting to be t sho looked at closer. Senate leaders sent a letter to Mark Zuckerberg. In in a post he reportedly repoe pledged allegiance to the leader of isis. Isis. It was one of the longestge filibusters in history as a Senate Democrats fight to get Gun Legislation brought to the floor. Donald trump vowed to saved s americas second amendments secd rights. Jennifer davis is live fromavis capitol hill with the latest. E t good morning, jenny. En good morning to you guys. Ng to u this was actually the ninthth longest speech in modernoder senate history, 14 hours and a 50 minutes unfolding heree inside the capitol yesterdaytery and in the end senatend sen democrats say they did succeedie in getting republicans to agree to the vote on two gunn t control measures although itas t remains to be seen if theres ts enough support to get thoseo get lets talk about a filibuster for a second. Utfoa se typically it is used to trys ust and block or delay legislation but in this case senator chrisec murphy a democrat fromfr connecticut where of course 20r0 children were killed in the sandy hook massacre in 2012 he2h was using this filibuster tois try and get legislationislation considered. He was particularly interestedla in trying to get a vote on two different gun measures so hegun began his filibuster at 11 20 1 in the morning. Orni he wrapped it up at 2 11 thisis morning. In rules say you have to stand att your desk. Your des you cant sit. You have to stand whole time tim to keep control of the floor. Lo he did that and was joined by b 40 senators cspan two says helping him make that happen. T p in the end he tweeted the gop leaders agreed to allow votesot on whether to keep people one o terror watch lists fromts fm getting a gun license and whether to expand background bao checks at gun shows. Heres some of what was saidha on the floor. Actions speak louder than words. And the nation deserves action. 90 percent of the American People want common sense measures likes like background checks. This violence in our country will continue unlessnls we take measures, common senseen measures to restrict thesehese firearms going to known or suspected terrorists. Reporter now, the gun the g dentrol debate certainlyl extending to the campaigng the trail. Donald trump has been endorsedor by the nra and he has said that he opposes any tightening n of gun control laws. Un in fact, he told an audienceiee in georgia yesterday he willil work to save the second sec amendment for them but he also tweetd that he would like to lit meet with the nra to talkitthe about not allowing people onplon the nofly list to buy guns. G the nra says it will meet withew him. In fact, someone did meet withih him on tuesday although theyy did not discuss the terror terro watch list issue. Ss they said theyll meet with meeh him on the issue but they also s said they have no plans to t change their position. Heosit back to you guys. 5 04. 0 rumors are circling on who o w could be hillary Vice President pick. Oregon senator jeff america lees name have been flowingbeen around. He was the only member of th eerthe senate to formally endorse clintons rival bernieval b sanders. Hes known as a progressive liberal. Ral. Massachusetts senatorr Elizabeth Warren stirred up vp rumors last week. W donald trump wont be getting Maryland Governor gov larry hogans vote. He says he doesnt plan ton to vote for trump. Tru hogan in the past has saide pa hes no fan of trump and will al not endorse him. T en trump won marylands primarys pa back in april. Just five minutes past the hour now, 73 degrees outside and it is wet, gary. Thats right. Lingering from what we hadt we with showers andhowersnd thunderstorms did you guyss y get wet overnight. Yes. Did you hear it . Most of that has moved on but b we still have a couple showers out there this morning. Er tracking these, these havehese v been moving along the northern r tier of maryland counties. Mostly just north of interstate 70, thats where wehw find them this morning. Theyve pretty much moved intod wester c into northern and central cen sections of Baltimore County and then up towards hartfordtfor county. Right now nothing else hase has developed around the metro, okay, but that doesnt mean itom might not because we do still have more showers andnd thunderstorms creeping into the western sections of our state, northwestern neighborhoods later on. I am going to put in for thisoru mot rning until about eight or o 9 oclock at least a chance of a scattered shower or ar a thunderstorm. Th does notun mean everybody getsdt wet. Lunchtime we should be noon o we should be sunshine and warm r with a little bit of humidityhuy out there and high high temperatures today middleurod 80s. 80s. Strong thunderstorms, maybeormse even some severe weather. Re wea. Were outlooked for that latertt on today. Theres you your forecast. Ect. Erin is in with your fork. 5 i six we continue toe t track this breaking news. Outer loop remains shut downhut between georgia and you can see all the backed upac traffic stuck in the closure. Loe the crash involves ae cr tractortrailer and a vehicle that hit the back of ther tractortrailer. Ai Pete Piringer from Montgomery County letting us know thehe person has been extricated extrd from the vehicle. Unknown extent of injuries atur this point. Some folks are going to be a goi very late to work thisis morning. Lets take a look at our maps. A. Your best bet avoid the outerut loop exit at Georgia Avenue oreo before that point. Oint. I would suggest taking tak eastwest highway as an alternate to get around that and watch for a lot of delays growing this morning. In addition to that westbound bay bridge some good news finorr you, lets take a lookook outside, we had all lanes lanes blocked on the westbound side between kent island andn kent id annapolis. They did reopen the right laneth so as you can see theee standstill traffic that hadhat a been backed up for miles is moving but you are stilltill looking at a delay because ofauo some leftover residual delay d there but right opened, crash oe involving an overturned carned r westbound side of the bayunside bridge leading to annapolis. Nna. Well let you know when things get back to normal. Norma well check the rest of your yor morning commute and metro that all other rails on time and well keep you updated onedn the outer loop that isteloop currently shut down at georgia. Gia. Back to you maureen and holly. Y if youre looking for ways lf to get around perhaps biking might be an alternate. It is gaining popularity in growing in the midst of metros safetrack program. Rogram in virginia capitoll bikeshare says usage is up as ia much as 50 percent and in the district its up 6 percent. 6 pt capitol bikeshare says it willl allow more Choral Services servi during the second phase of theph program which actually beginsyeg this weekend. Ke capitol bikeshare has also als lowered its prices offering one way trips up to 30 minuteses for just two bucks. Ks coming up on fox newsox n morning our teenaged daughter your you i was going say wow. Shes grown up so fast. F your teenaged daughter will soon have to register at thehe Selective Service or face upserr to five years in prison. F National Medical organization wants congress tot lift a ban for preventingvein federal Health Agencie researching the impact of gun violence on the country. Oury as we head to break lookingkg outside across the d. C. Region, time right now is 5 08. 5 08. This is drake, isnt it, hisake new song . Ong . Im asking you out there because i want your feedback. Eec what do you want to hear thisis morning . Its thursday. Thursda were that much closer to thetoe weekend. En fox news morning back right after this. The vote sums as a surprisee since house republicanse use stopped the female draft provision. President obama threatened tohre votto the bill not because of be drafting women but because the e bill calls for keepingee guantanamo opened which the o president wants to close. C shooting prompted the American Medical Association to calln toc gun violence a Public Health crisis. The ama wants lawmakers to overturn 20yearold0yearo legislation which prevents the centers for Disease Control and prevention from conducting g research on gun violence. Viole medical association saysy research on gun violence would help to determine thousand reduce the high rate of gun of g related deaths and injury. No deal between boeing and bn iran. Two former u. S. Treasury. Tas Officials Say there are concerns about iranian Money Laundering and terrorism ter Financing Activities iranianin Officials Say the deal isci close. This deal could be the biggesthe between a u. S. Company and tehran since the sign of the landmark nuclear deal last year. Environmental organizations are upset withs ar Virginia Governor Terry Mcauliffe because he supports natural gas pipelineipn across virginia. A. He also supports energyts e problems they dont believe the protect the state in the facee e of climate change. Lima change. The organization gave an opene e letter to mcauliffe mca yesterday challenging him to chae they call the biggest mostst m polluting issues of our time. Go to magazines in many i m africanamerican homes in theamn last 71 years have been sold. Johnson publishing sold ebonyolo and jet magazines to an austin s texas based private equity firm. Ebb flee has been impacted ie by a decline in sales and has hs tried to evolve from print to digital platforms much no wordpt on how much the magazines solded for. R. Newly declassified report revealing some of the interrogation tactics used on detainee. De a woman claims she lostla half of her body weight byight putting down this one sugaryoneu drink. As we led to head to t break, 5 12 is our time right rg now, were at 73 degrees. Ee a little bit wet out there b this morning. It well talk more weather, weath traffic an lot more news after the break. Fox news morning back right after this. Maxx life in store and online. Find brands you love at prices that work as hard as you do. Sip up an afternoon pickmeup at dunkin. Come in for a medium freshly brewed hot or iced coffee for 99 cents from 2 00 to 6 00 p. M. America runs on dunkin. Weve got breaking news. N youre looking at a backup onkun the outer loop of the beltway. W ouch. So early for such a biguch a b problem. Problem. All lanes of the outer looput lo are shut down near georgiaeorgia avenue. Aven now, this is because of aec crash involving a tractortrailer. Trac accident between georgia and and connecticut is where it all happened. Ppened. Delays are building alreadylr back to route 29. Erin of course is going tooing have more on all of this and th more importantly the get t around in just a minute. Nd in jm all right. In before that lets check inthets with gary mcgrady for what what today hold weatherwise. They get going so earl to ear try to avoid things like that. The pavement is drying out. We havent had any new rainnt an around the metro area for thefor last several hours. Everal hours at least thats some good news there. We could have more showers, a, a couple more thunderstormseror certainly possible new york. Main event comes this t afternoon into this evening. N to heres the setup at the surface. Surfac we have this warm front and to be perfectly honest with you, y were not e this frontal system is going g to and up late this afternoonp a but where it does end up this afternoon is going to beteit ver very important as to where thehe strongest and the severe thunderstorms will be. Torms ll b humid all around the region. Ndhr super hot on the south and and southwest side of the front. Fr. F re kind of back up here in the warm side of the front butro were still talking aboutalkinga middle 80s late thisate afternoon. Heres the setup for this thi afternoon. Rn more showers and thunderstorms in the 80s. Again along this boundary andnd south of this boundary thats t where everything is going tong be. Were going to have theg to he h potential for some severe sever weather here but the strongest, the most severeost sr thunderstorms, the potentialtore for a bit of p an outbreak outbr should be west and southwestern areas. Rn are this includes a lot of ourt o counties down here with an enhanced risk of severe deunderstorms and were talking about large hail, were talking about wind and wid were talking about theing aboue possibility, too, of maybe aoo,e few tornadoes as well so its definitely something to keeply an eye on. This weekend, though, all that h goes ay what. Goy it still looks gorgeous. Gor 81 on saturday. Satur 82 on sunday. So, happy fathers day if that applies. Looks like it will be a dry weekend. Week we get really into the heat hea again next week. Heres erin. Res eri well, right now i have breaking news for you at 5 17. 1 we had all lanes of the outerou loop shut down with a crashh ra involving a car andg a and tractortrailer between georgia and connecticut. A right now we do know one laneone is getting by. Is gting were not sure if theyrere going to be reopening thetore outer loop entirely or just letting some of the folksthe stuck between georgia and connecticut at that closuret cle point through so well keeproug you updated onll that. T regardless traffic is still atla a standstill and you have overnh a 2mile backup leadingng towards 29, the split frompl f columbia pike to colesvilleol road. My best advice use eastwest ea highway as an alternate altnate because these folks could be b facing at least a 45 minute ledelay this morning. Lay th mori back to our maps right nowight n were seeing delays there. You can see that long line of reded leading towards that location. Tc little bit of a rubber neck delay on the inner loop asthe n well. Also more breaking news with wit Montgomery County letting us know they are investigatingnvesa right now at the metro the bethesda stop on wisconsin ofiso a firefighters are out therere e with a possible arcing arcin insulator in the tunnelr inhe t between bethesda and Friendship Heights. So well keep you updated onee that but that could affect the red line. Again firefighters outer out investigating the tunnel onthe n the red line between bethesda bd and Friendship Heights. Aside from that a lane did laned open on the westbound side oftb the bay bridge so traffic oncenc again moving from kent islandm i into annapolis. Earlier overturned vehicled vehe accident had all lanes blocked. Blocke still dealing with delays on the bay bridge. So very busy morning. Morni well keep you updated. Ou uat any questions at erin fox5 f d. C. On twitter. Holly and maureen. Mau lets take a look at the stories youre engaging withg w on social media this morning. Mo for that well turn to thalo wisdom martin who is at our realtime news tracker. Good morning. First up this morning newg w declassified transcripts arefi a shedding light on detaineeaie torture by the cia. The new documents containon first person testimony about the cias torture programro which started back in 2002. In 2 enhanced interrogation programoo say it produced informationnfrm that saved lives. Meanwhile on the campaign cg trail, cnn will host a moderated town hall with libertarian president ialiden nominee gary johnson and bill al weld as well. We the network has done similarimil events with the republicansns and democrats during themo primaries but this time americas third party willthirdw take the stage. Ge. Now johnson has top double doubl digits in several polls and needs to earn at leastto ear 15 percent support in five s in National Polls to get onto the president ial stage. Ta and need a reason to ditchni your cocacola habit . Howit . W about this. This is an impressive mom who m w lost half of her body weighty wh by switching from soda to water and smooth these. Tse she also credits her dailyai hour long walks for herwalks foh incredible transformation. Nsfoat so ditch the sodas and the sugary drinks, do a little a l exercise and you should be a good to go. Od to go sugar is not your friend. R fn sugar is not your friend. Fri except when you needxcepen y energy, which is a lot for us anyway, thanks whiz. Thanks youll never believe how much you spends year year simply going back and forth to work. Could the lack of staffing s in a maryland state departmentem be responsible for schoolorch construction putting yourting yr child at risk . As we head to break heres a live look across the d. C. Region. Reon 5 20 is the time. Is e t grab your umbrella if youre ifu heading out today. He gary mcgrady is talkingcgra about rain this afternoon the. Ao more details after the break. Hek governor hogans officeov resperonded to the suggestion b noting that he hadto budgeted be for more employees to staff inspection. In maryland new questions being asked about why the governing board for the States University situationti proposed a 75,000 bonus and a 30,000 raise in a closed meeting. Critics say kerrickss evaluation was rightly privatera but the choice to offer him a hm raise should have been a public decision. Dn. Thousands of children getan free or reduced lunch theed lcht program does continue during con the summer but fewer meals are s reaching the students thats according to a new report thatet d. C. Put out. Out it saw a 10 percent decreasetece in the average number of summer meals distributed toistro children last year from theyeare year before. The city says the decline may di have something to do with lesss sites and sponsors participating last year. How much is it costing youosi to head to work . New study by Career Builder finds theinds average person spends aboute pee 276 a month or 3,300 a year ya just to go to work. O w heres how it breaks down. Ksow 25 a week on goods or public transportation. Half of all workers say they buy their lunch which equalshice 25 orr more a week. 25 ormore as much as 25 at least 500 a month on day care and for all you fashionistas out there, up to 500 on work clothes. 500, thats it . I whats the time frame forame that . Is that per week . Per month. Per year. 500 a year . R . 03,000 a year for clothes. Total. We were just t focusing on fs the clothes thing. Th like inn youre like a tj max fashionista yourefashioniso spending more than 500. Th 50 the international spyal s museum has its eyes set on a a new location. Ocation. It plans to open in lenfant plaza. Pl the lease owe is up and the museum wants more space. Spa they plan to have a newve a theater and additional exhibits. Bits. Wow. Thats interesting. 5 24. Time to talk a little weather. Ea weve got to pay the piper the r next few days and then a greatdg weekend. That the how im looking at it. Thank you for payingin attention. Every once in awhile. Awhe. Exactly, okay. O lets look at some thunderstorms this morning outrm there now. Weve been tracking this areahia moving by to the north of us. S. Thats pretty much out ofretty here. Lets look to the northwest and see more showers and thunderstorms this morning. Its arsll lined up around a aro warm front. Warm f thats the red line you see onn radar here. So well continue to watcho this activity as its kind ofs d moving from west to east,ast, okay, and for right now its holding together. Og in terms where were going to ww be at the bus stop thisthe stop morning, i think for the thi for kiddos just watch out there, could be an errant littlerant ll shower or thunderstorm. Err th otherwise cloudy. Ud mild and muggy. Uggy after school more thunder developing 4, 5, 6 oclock. Ck. Temperatures 82 to 85. Ures 8 8 hot and muggy. Billing thunderstorms latein this afternoon. Erin is in. Very, very bg usy mornin g foring her. Hey, erin. Y, thats right, gary. 5 25 right now. Breaking news on the outerhe loop top of the beltwayop top o serious crash involving ah inv tractortrailer and a car hadtrn all lanes blocked. Blocked they have been letting one one lane crawl through. Thr folks stuck in the backup. K in closure point here we have crews out there you can see very messy situation and thatsyn one lane i as in fact getting g by. Theyre letting some of thele backup through between georgiaoe and connecticut where there closure had been in place. Had b now were still seeing traffic basically parked from columbiapa pike through this accidentt scene so i would say your bestst bet exit at columbia pike. A pik may wants to take eastwestes highway. Otherwise youll have toe you factor in 45 extra minutes tout that portion of your commute y on the outer loop. Ouon t crews working hard out there. T a lot of First Responders resndr still on site. St i want tilo take a live look in Friendship Heights right now. Sh we have the Fire Department outside the e Friendship Heights metro station. Theyre investigating arinve potential arcing insulator insua the tunnel between thennelhe bethesda station and the Friendship Heights station. Gh that will arc the red line. Il right now metro not confirmingfi any potential delays but well w keep you updated f youre fou headed out to take the red t r line this morning this is whatht youll encounter at thethe Friendship Heights metro stop. Ip we have a crew on the way there. He a lot of breaking new s wereews w tracking for you. Acking y a look back at our maps, lanes l get buying on the bay bridgeyi westbound side. Had an overturned car. All had right now traffic is movings mon once again from kent islandke il into annapolis. Intonnap busy morning. Ning any questions to get you around at erin fox5 d. C. On twitter. Itter. Holly and maureen. M coming up on fox news n morning donald trump plans to ps meet with the nra to discuss a ban on selling weapons to a a Certain Group of people. As we head to break lets take another live look outside across the d. C. Region. He. C. There you go. Ther that will get you going on aoinn thursday. Time right now is 5 27. 5 we are at 73 degrees. 7degr fox news morning back rightac r after this. Afte double down on your candy and coffee cravings with dunkins new heath and almond joy candy bar flavored iced coffees. America runs on dunkin. Straight ahead on fox newsgh morning, honoring the orlando shooting victims. Onshting v today president obama willpr visit with thees family membersm who lost loved ones durings din sundays attack. Tt gun control debate. L deba the attacks in orlando leadrlanl one u. S. Senator to hold an thod overnight filibuster in anght lu effort to discuss stricter str rules for guns. G and today were expectedweex to learn if senator bernieernie sanders will keep his vow toisoo see things through until thentit democratic nationalcraticio convention. Co fox news morning starts right now. This is fox5 news morning. Mr good morning. Thank you for waking up withwakw us. Im wisdom martin. Sdom m and im holly morris. Mri today a thursday june 16th. Un16. Gary is here, erin is here. Er we have several news breaking bn traffic issue. Ue erin will update you on all o that in first though president obamaou ghheading to orlando to honor the victims of the deadly nightclub shooting. Hoot Vice President joe biden will also travel with the president. Ls the white house says the two will meet with the victimsee families and stand in solidarity with orlando. Tyo. Mr. Obama canceled what would w have been his first campaignn stop for Hillary Clinton in order to make thathiil trip. Meanwhile lawmakers want a series of facebook posts omarsma mateen made before theteen shooting to be looked atooke closer. The Senate Homeland securityhome and governmental affairsgo committee sent a letterve to Mark Zuckerberg details thehe posts in which mateen blames the u. S. For the deaths ofs of quote innocent equipment andent children. In another post mateen reportedly pledged allegiance to the leader of isis. I this morning we are takingo a look at filibuster effortsr ef by Senate Democrats to get gunun legislation brought to theatn floor. Connecticut senator chrisctic murphy led the charge c yesterday in the fight for tougher gun laws. R gaws. Fox5s Jennifer Davis joinsvi us live from capitol hill with the very latest on this story. Jennifer. Reporter good mo you guys. G this filibuster ended whiler en most of us were probablye probay sleeping veril very early thisly morning after 15 hours of of debate. Debate. Democrats saying in the ends republicans did agree to holdo l votes on two gun control measures. Now, in case anyone needs a se anye definition onef filibuster veryv quickly, its generally ger speeches that are used to go t on for a long period of time to tryha and block legislationei but in this case, it was used to try and get legislation legli considered. It was started by democraticra senator chris murphy of connecticut. Co he says he, of course, moved m by the massacre in his state s two years ago of 20 children at sandy hook elementary. Eley. He says failure of lawmakers to do anything following that massacre is absolutelyel unconscionable so just a fewjusf days after the latest massacre a in orlando, he moved forward with this filibuster. Iluster. He began at 11 21 in the morning. Morn he wrapped up at 2 11 in the morning. Rng. Now, the rules state you needuls to stand the entire time soeim that you can maintain controln of the floor. The he did that with the help ofp about 40 senators and says in the end, he finally seeded the floor when gop lawmakersaw agreed to allow votes on vot o whether to keep people on o terror watch lists fromtsrom getting a gun license and whether to expand backgroundkgun checks to gun shows. Ec heres what was said on the floor. T floor. Im prepared to stand on this floor and talk about the need for this body to come together on keeping terroristset away from getting guns through those two measures for frankly f as long as i can. Actions speak louder thanthan words. And the nation deserves action. 90 percent of the american a people want sensible commonommon sense measures like background checks. Reporter will the wil fibu analysts say theyre not sureyr the votes are there to get it i passed. Ssed. Back to you guys. O in the wake of orlando shooting Presumptive Republican nominee donaldan nome trump says he d wants to meetts with the nra. The n he says he wants to discusso how to prevents people on the u. S. Terrorist watch list fromri being able to busty guns. G the nra responded to trump onn twitter saying they would besa happy toyi meet. M orlando gunman omar mateen was able to purchase firearms despite being the subject of o two fbi terror investigations. On the democratic side ademo federal judge says Hillary Clintons email investigation should no longer be called a scandal but rather a criminalmil investigation. Stigat the judge specifically refers to clintons it specialist who helped her set up a private setr email server when she was secretary of state. He was recently granted immunity by theas justicece department as long as he cooperates with thee investigation. Igat the state has rested itss case in a third freddie grayy trial. Tr officer Caesar Goodson is thes only officer facing murdering mr charges in grays death. Dea he was driving the police vanan when gray was placed in it. N spinal cord injury during thatyu time. Now, prosecutors say the rough ride in the van actually aua caused those injuries. Njur now, the trial resumes later l this morning. This the judge will begin by rulingul on an acquittal. Acquittal motion filed by the defense. De goodsons lawyers arguelaw theres not enough evidence for the case to moveno forward. 5 35 is our time right now. O. Gary is downstairs working hard in that weather center, c right gary . Im selling it. Li there you go. Yes. Thank you, thank you. Nk any little bit helps, holly, promise. Is listen, heres temperatures this morning. Well get to it quickly. 73 in town now its prettytty mild, its pretty muggy. Mug well heat up today. T its going to be humid. Id were expecting showers andti thunderstorms. A few possible this morning. Tmn most of this activity will be b late this afternoon into theno t evening hours. I will mention, too, there iss a Flash Flood Watch thatsd t been issued for late day into di this evening and tonight, all right. Nothing that we need toee t concern ourselves with thisrs morning. Just a few thunderstorms orersts showers possible early and earla then the bulkf late this afternoon into thehe evening hours. Hou look where we are today. We start off, its humid. Um its humid all day. s it was 72 degrees thisdegrs this morning. Again, maybe one or two otw showers or thunderstorms. Erst is it not look like a lot off coverage this morning but we tmo could have something pop up. Shg dry at noontime. Nnt some sunshine, too. Unshine, too. Thats going to elevate the the temperatures up into the midintd 80s. s some spots in the upper 80s. And again, watch out for the t thunderstorms this afternoon. Looks like the potential for t some being strong, even severeev and a lot of heavy rain as well. We thats the forecast now. s the c well get over to erin with ah look at your thursday morningy i traffic. Tr hey, erin. Eri 5 36 right now and take aak look at this. At we have a serious crash csh involving a tractortrailer anoa car outer loop all lanes hadad been shut down between georgiaeo avenue and connecticut. Onneic right now they are letting onete lane through. Lane tough. However, look at that backup. B. Traffic is basically parkedlyar from 29 towards that accidentccd scene. Speaking of the accidentking scene, it was a messy situation. A lot of First Responders aters that location aiding those folks involved in the crash. Theh one lane getting by but like iuk caution. You want to be very careful asaf you pass by that active scene. Ee if you want to get around thatra crash and the huge backupe bku thats extending past 2 miles, l i would say take 29 straight down, use eastwest highway asha an alternate and factor in a far lot of extra time to gete t g around that. T little bit of shine from rainom out there on the outer loop. He l lets move it over to a liveo av look in Friendship Heights. We are dealing with some problems right now actually weu can tell you about this from as our map. Red line right now may beay facing delays in both directions, track problem, k pro outside of Friendship Heightsp h its a potential arcing insulator and that is in theandi tunnel between bethesda and Friendship Heights. Fire department is out theretm so please give yourself plentygy much time to get around there te on the red line. L westbound side of the baysif thy bridge has reopened. Brge lanes moving between kentetweent island and annapolis but in laurel bw parkway southbound atn crash by 197 causing delays. Back to you holly and wisdom. Is coming up on fox newsup on xn morning Security Officers in aei school a few miles north of noro d. C. Find a loaded gun on school grounds. School g and the head of the Internal Revenue serviceal r facing somdi actions hes accused of takingak against tea party organizations. And as we head to break veght now a live look outside across the region. Time right now is 5 38. 73 degrees is the temperature. Pe were back after this. Fthi to the women who know what real values are, you inspire us to bring you real value every day. Woman i have a masurprise for you. Are you . Man you have a surprise for me . Narrator at dominion, 1 in 5 new hires is a veteran. And when theyre away, they miss out on a lot. But they wont miss out on financial support. Because we cover any difference between their military pay and their dominion salary, and continue benefits for them and their families. Why do we do it . Because our vets sacrifice enough. Dominion. Depend on us for more than energy. Stand by me. Wearing powerful sunscreen . Yes neutrogena® ultra sheer. No other sunscreen works better or feels better. Clinically proven helioplex® provides unbeatable uva uvb protection to help prevent early skin aging and skin cancer all with a clean light feel. For unbeatable protection. Its the one. The best for your skin. Ultra sheer®. Neutrogena®. See whats possible. 5 40 is the time. Residents in parts of eastern arizona are preparing for evacuation after par a brush fir burned about 2500 acres. Ed the fire i as 12 miles south of the town of show low andw l moving north. No word on a causemo just yet j and officials have toldia have residents of at least four lst cities to get ready foready possible evacuation. Vacuio a loaded handgun was founduns on a student at a baltimorealti city school. Chool. No students were hurt when the gun was found at carverarver vocational technical high ticalh school. Noe firsnot the first time baltimore has found loadeddde handguns in its schools thischos year. The house is trying to impeach i. R. S. Commissioner byir censuring him. H hes accused of preventingrent congress from investigatingnvesa whether the i. R. S. Improperly scrutinized Tea Party Groups seeking tax exempt status ofexpa the vote if passed by congressor means his pension and othern federal benefits will be takentk away from him. Coming up locked up sex s offenders in virginia may have won the right to vote despitee p still being in prison. Pso coming up well tell you a way to predict where youre most likely to get a par ticket in the district. D hm. Thats news i could use. S i d u yeah. As we head to break, though, how about awe little L Carlos Santana to get youou going. Gog. Yes, a live look across theoss t d. C. Region. D. C. Time right now is 5 42. 4 we are at 73 degrees. 3 deee fox news morning back rightac rg after this. 5 44. Breaking news impacting the commute on the roads and rewailr take a look at your screen. K re on the left there, big backup b on the outer loop of thep of t beltway. This is because of a crashs between a car and abetwee tractortrailer that happened between georgia andgia and connecticut avenues. One person was hurt in that accident. Acci one lane is getting by they crash scene. Now, on the right of yourr screen, trouble with metros met red line. D line. Fire crews are investigating possible arcing in a tunnel tunl near Friendship Heights. P height we of course will keep youse w updated on both of these as itsi progresses throughout thehrou morning and more importantly,ta, how it will indeed affect yourae morning commute. Mo all right. 5 45 is your time. 5 45 is your m in the meantime lets talkts t weather with gary mcgrady. Mcgr. We have some rain overnight. Vert and this morning as well so wews want to see if its going to goi continue throughout the day. I think well get a little break. Theres a possibility of af shower or a thunderstorm thisr morning, okay. Were watch something stuff back out to the westly we get asoe little drying lull in thei late morning early afternoonarlo and then late this afternoonnoon and this evening more showers, more thunderstorms. I want to show you this. Flashlo afternoon through tonight. N thu very heavy rain possible with some of these thunderstormsrstos that pop up and move into our io area late today. We are definitely under theitele gun for strong showers, swe thunderstorms late thisdersrms afternoon. Here along the i95 corridor cri basically its a slight risk west, just west. Est. Really does include parts off i95 but really back out to out the west here, southwest along 66, 64, i81, thats kind of right in the bulls eye area thl of what we call aln enhanced en risk for severe thunderstorms. E. Very good likelihood wellood l have multiple events out here, severe thunderstorms, hail, hai gusty winds, possibly even a tornado and were kind ofind o living on the eastern edge hethr of thaofthat enhanced risk. K. A frontal system will be setting up in the area today. Ay. Exactly where that is, thats it where the strongest and most m severe thunderstorms will be. Ndw i think some of that will thawi actually be right here in oureno western metro area late this afternoon into the evening ening hours, okay. Ho this is futurecast at 3 oclock. Here. We could have a shower or a a thunderstorm beginning to build with the heat of theth afternoon and then through the three, 4, 5, 6 oclock hours, hu this is what happens late this s afternoon and this evening. Anths watch a strong area ofa o thunderstorms coming through. Tr this could all be severe. Sev a lot of it could be severe sev coming through late thisgh le evening and then it gets out of here. Sweel some showers andl thunderstorms continuing into the overnighs t hours and then t into tomorrow morning as well. Hopefully well end up withp w trier conditions late tomorrowoo afternoon so hot and muggy today, 84. To severe thunderstorms possibleori late this afternoon. On weekend still looks great. Reat. Heres erin commute. Mu very, very busy on this this thursday morning. Ursd messy situation on the rails and roads. R were going to start you offing way look at Friendship Heights i right now wisconsin avenuein a Fire Department activity. Possible arcing insulator ininsu the tunnel between bethesdaen b and Friendship Heights station. Because of that theyre single tracking on the red line son th watch for delays if that iss if part of your morning commute. C through wisconsin avenue, notice all the activity activit slowing down traffic as wells w some lanes blocked out there. O. Well move it over for a lookovl at the outer loop. At the right now two lanes areo lan a getting by serious crash thatraa had all lanes of the outerheuter loop shut down between georgia o avenue and connecticut. Neic two lanes getting by that scene where a car and and tractortrailer involved in anid accident. But traffic is almost parkedlmoa from university all way through that scene. T s to get around that exit att exi university make your way over we to eastwest highway. Well take a look at our maps or but you want to give yourselfe s plenty of extra time to get g through that area this are morning. Well certainly keep youaiy ke updated on that but the delays s do not seem to be improvingto br despite the fact that traffictrc is getting through. Ough. Aside from that, we are takingak a look at a crash that just jus cleared off to the shoulder. Sue bw parkway on the southbound soh side past 197. Past traffic is still at a a standstill from 198 through that location so if youre coming from baltimore thism bair morning, i would say 95ay 9 southbound a much better bet to get you to the beltway buty u again those outer loopthos problems are really slowingll so things down. Th taking a look at our maryland mn drive times 95 south does up however from excusexc me lot of traffic thisffic t morning from the icc to thefromc beltway. 270, 85 to the yuck scales. Cas. 50 inbound from annapolis 202 to 201 speeds under Miles Per Hour at that location. Also keep in mind red line red n right now that single tracking k between van ness and medical med center because of that trackecak problem as well and then inl th addition to that, keep in mind m the bay bridge has reopened. Ree we had an earlier overturned vehicle and that was causing tha big problems. Roems. All westbound lanes of the bayue bridge moving across b theg acro bridge just fine. Id just fin well keep you updated on all of that traffic this morning. Ics holly and wisdom. Dom. 5 49 is the time. 49 is the m a new report shows wherews youre most likely to get a parking ticket and the break the down comes as more commutersom are turning to alternativesrnatv amid construction on metro. Ructm the report shows thatort shst georgetown is the place wherecee you are more likely to get ayo a ticket. 0 parking0arki00 tickets were reportedly issuedts this time last year. The bulk of those tickets handed out right in georgetown. George beyond georgetown mosttoos tickets were given closer to downtown. To that this is misleading. Islein and its a concentrated enforcement and its in high in demand areas making parking inki the district a hassle. As we already knew this. Neth oh, yeah. Y i cant decipher the fines. R th. Pay the money and you still might get a ticket. T in Virginia Governor terry mcawfuls attempt to restore Voting Rights to convictedcted felons may have a consequence. Oe the order could give rights to 100 sex offenders who arers who still in jail because theyvese been deemed too dangerous tomed release. Those inmates are sent to a rehab sent near richmond. D. The center says dozens of them t meet the governors criteria cri to have their Voting Rightsin restored but a spokespersonkeer for governor mcauliffe denies those claims. Laim lets take a look at theke t stories youre engaging within t on social media. Edia well turn to maureen umeheee who is at our realtime news new tracker. New developments in the legal battle over twoyearold richmond girl who is on lifes l shes been on life supporteup since she choked on a piece ofo popcorn back in may anday a doctors think she is brain dead but her family now payingyy 30,000 to prevent them from thr performing a test to determine i whether that is true in anue i effort to keep her on life oli support. Pp doctors treating her say shes s past the point of recovery andov the test will prove it. In virginia a trial date d lab set for a culpeper cul grandmother charged in anarn alleged murder for hire plot. R. Authorities say the 44yearold attempted to putthte out a hit on her grandsons gras maternal grandparents after gnda she lost custody of him last h t fall but the supposed hit man hm she met with was actually an undercover cop. Op shes facing several chargesci includingng attempted capitoledp murder. Her trial begins august 1st. T 1s finally chaos in thenally a russian city of parm afterarmft renegade robot escaped itsap i test facility. Yeah, the self learning learnin machine was learning automotive Movement Algorithms s when it plotted its escape. E it rode through the streets str disrupting traffic but it didnt get too far. Its battery died. D thats like a it is. It was a movie. It was a what was it what years ago, oh, goodness. Goon what was that movie about a robot. Ro short circuit. Sho batteries not included. Thats not what i washat i w thinking. I was thinking short circuit. Ci im thinking age of ultron. N. Thats what happened withpened ultron he took over. R. Anybody knows the citys name is perm. Sometimes you need a good perm. Do people still get perms . Ep tweet us if you do. Okay. Lets go ahead and talk aadnd tl little baseball now. Nationalscubs at nats park. S it was also dustycu bakers 67tt birthday. Birt all right. Ight the nats rallied in the ninthien to force exat a innings. Iin then in the 12th michaelichael taylor comes through with a base hit. It. Danny espinosa scores. Sc game tied at four. At f jayson werth with two outs, t ot hes going drive one into deepnd right center field. T ceer fie taylor was off and running andui comes home with the gameheam winning run. Nats win fivefour in 12n 12 innings. Not a bad birthday present forrf the skipper. You know what they did. What. Thats because maureen wasen signaling me baseball baseb signaling me to do that. Me do you get, it from thet fr t commissioner. From the wing. Oh, okay, all right. [lauh,ghter] exciting news for baseball buffs in the district and an dis exhibition on baseball legend lg babe ruth is coming to the National Portrait gallery. Al one life, babe ruth will open oe next friday and feature moree than 30 objects including inclu prints and photographs and agr personal memorabilia and a select artifacts. Rtif that exhibit will be open toibit the public until may 21st, 2 2017. And speaking of baseball,eba, our very own sarah simmonsahim will show off her skills on sll the diamond tonight in honor of redhead appreciation night. It she will throw out the first our pitch at the bowie bay socks bas game. The game begins at 6 35. 6 any fan with red hair can get g a box seat ticket for just 10 bucks. Thats good. I love it. Its a good deal. D you go sarah. Do your thing, sarah. Warm up the heater. Rm up the thats some baseball baseb terminology. Inol not at all. All right, ill move on. , ie ill move on. Ov o a for the 116th u. S. Open. Coverage begins today from today 10 00 a. M. To 5 00 p. M. On fox sports one. Then switches over right here to fox5 frohem five phenomenonvp 8 00 p. M. 8 00 p. M then means fox5 will air tonight 5 00 p. M. Newscast on wdcatv20 and well keep you up u to date on todays top storiesto and weather forecasts as well w on Facebook Live at 6 00 p. M. And theyre going to do the the same drill well do thehe same drill again tomorrow. In t do you have a painting . Hai piece of furniture . Maybeurnir some old jewelry . Some oldome coins that you think may be y tk worth something. If you do, fox5 is going tong help you find out what they are worth and it all has to do with our zip trip this week. We are heading tomorrow too kensington, maryland, where w antiques rule. Es r several appraisers are going to be enthroned check out yourro items. Tneheyll appraise from 8 00 a. M. To 11 00 a. M. In the courtyard behind 3762 howard avenue in kensington. Ensingto you better get thererly toherery line up because theyre onlybe going to be there until 11 00ca all right. You also get to meet the fox55 crew. All right. Time now to say hello to our facebook fan of the day. Bo we want you took meet vincent ve sims. Vincent says he is indeed fox5s number one fan. Man styling with the beard and a red blazer and red hang rn key. I like that. Ke t vincent says hes up at 4 155 every single morning gettingettg ready for to us come on in thenn middle of the day he goes oneoe the fox5 app to get the latest s information. Then at 5 00 and 10 00 hes h back again to be our nextur facebook fan ton compete withpeh vincent, all you got to do isoo get on our page, head on over to fox5 Facebook Page and postaa your picture below this onehion but you better bring it causets vincent is bringing it strong. [laughter] strong. Gary, vincent, hes our one person 84 for a high today. H t we could have an a. M. Showern a or thunderstorm out there but scattered late this afternoon. Ir winds out of thet he northnortheast at five tot at o 10 Miles Per Hour. 10 and it looks like sme these thunderstorms later today could certainly bein b strong even severe so lets so watch out for that flash floodto watch in effect for the entireie area late this afternoon after through the late night basically. Ba 84 hot and humid with thehhe thunderstorms. Tomorrow it looks like somelooke showers, maybe a s thunderstormm possible in the morning. N e mo drier in the afternoon. Ftno weekend still looks great. Ooks heres erin como. srin 5 56. Cant say the roads look great r right now. Take a look at this delay. Hisay two lanes are getting by ony on the outer loop. Oo serious crash involving as crasa tractortrailer and a car. Ar still a scene there. T we are stacked from university through that crash scene as you pass georgia gettingth to connecticut. Id say your best bet this morning exit at University Work your way over to east e west highway to get aroundo getd that. Otherwise you could be sitting t in about 45 extra minutes ofinut traffic. Well certainly take a look at Friendship Heights right now heg because we have some firee Wee Department activity. Part metro confirms the red line is l no longer single tracking. However, theyre vesting ann arcing insulator and the situation has not yet wrappeds d up. Police activity could be a slowing down your commute on wisconsin as well where allhe al the fire trucks are. E fi well keep you red line. You may face residual delaysl dl from the earlier singleingle tracking. More traffic in just a few. A f back to you holly and wisdom. Do ahead at 6 00, does where do you shop influence how you iency treat others . New experimentnt actually puts that question to the test. Plus an Award Winning wineningin being called the best in thed b world and it cost less than lesn seven bucks. Seven bu ill drink to that. Tha uhhuh. Water im talking about. m t were going to fill in you. L inu ill drink two glasses. Gla well head to break right now. No live look outside. Loutsid time right now 5 57. N 5 back in a moment. Sip up an afternoon pickmeup at dunkin. Come in for a medium freshly brewed hot or iced coffee for 99 cents from 2 00 to 6 00 p. M. America runs on dunkin. Also fire crews on the scene outside of the Friendship Heights metro station right now. A track issue has been causingcg problems this morning. Ms t well tell you what you needhatn to know coming up. New urgency in the fightht for gun control. Contr a filibuster on the senate sen floor ended just hours ago. Go the commitment there will be actual votes on this issue. Ss. Giving you a live lookiv outside on this thursday this us morning its june 16th. Jun16 weather and traffic for you onru the five at 6 05. 0 good thursday morning, im allison seymour. Alson seym and im steve chenevey. Welcome to fox5 news morning. Mi while you were sleeping ayou res marathon filibuster finallyin came to on end at the u. S. S senate after lasting nearly 15e5 hours. Lawmakers took a stand to pushh for new gun control legislation in the wake of

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