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This report tonight is detailing Prince Georges County training one sexual abuse that never gae employees specific informations as to whatsp to look for in a child thats been abused or how to detect behaviors that an abuser would use to detect abusers. It was outdated given current day understanding. The task force chairwoman, president of prince georgest county defended the decision not to interview any relatives of carraways ledged victims or any sylvania woods school employee, the principles l pal, the teacher, the staff, none of thef were interviewed. The chairwoman says the taskhe force job from day one was to to make School Policy recommendations, in her words not to investigate deonte carraway. The first thing you have tot th understand is what the charge of the task force was and it was not to investigate the carrawaya situation. Understand the charges that we were given. We were given a charge to look o forward in terms of what the School System might do, could do and would do. There were also never any publii hearings for this task force. They accepted all comments online. We spoke on phone tonight witht the mother of one of Deonte Carraways alleged victims. She told us this, quote, i got t reel problem with this. If they dont talk to us, it us just looks like they are hiding something. We are life in Upper Marlboro tonight, tom fitzgerald, fox5erl local news. Lo we have afulup story tonight on something that has a lot of you talking on social media. A native American Girl inirl Charles County who was told thal she was not allow to wear moccasins during her high schoog graduation ceremony. C the principal says its becausee the shoes violate the dress today, the students mother is s appealing this decision. Sarah and lauren, the meeting that happened today at the Charles County itself districtef headquarters wrapped up with a whiling a but it finished with i no decision. Dec the districts assistant superintendent met with the student and her parents and she right now is still weighing whether or not dylan is going to be able to wear those mock since when she graduates on thursday. We first told us yesterday and she showed us the dress and t shoes she was planning to wear. She says her native american am heritage is important to her. She knew there was a graduationa dress code and girls are supposed to wear pantihose andai black shoes. She asked her pal if the dress and moccasins were fine. He said the dress was okay, but th allowed. We talked to her right after the meeting with the assistant the superintendent today. Nt i was respectful and consideratd of her to take the time to speae to us, but over all, irat rit was looking for a yes, looking for that decision am am and just for some did iation at perspective for you, these moccasins mean a lot to dylan. She wore them of a coming of age ritual when she was 11 years ola that lasted three days and she h had to run while wearing the moccasins so theyre very special to her. I just heard from a district spokesperson and she said the assistant superintendent should have a decisionsu in the next hour. So we will keep you posted on that. Dylan says she is hoping what she is going through will sparki a broader decision about abo students being able toble incorporate their religious rel beliefs as they graduate. Gra were life in look plate oh lindsay watts. Now to the district where a dream came true for discuss people who officially becamepe us citizens today. To the naturalization ceremony tooo place in dar headquarters ins in northest with. 35 people took the citizenship oath. They come from 32 didntries including gun a, in a pal just to name a few. One citizen we interviewed saids shes excited because it means she will shell be able to vote in this upcoming election. I think like things areke happening and im glad that my boys could be part of the dialogue. I think thats the most exciting thing for me. America like al from mexico. Her mothers name is rosa america. That was her name growing up asp well but she took the first namr of america because she liked it better. Now she is going to live out her dream of being an america. Con yacht ullings to her andling everybody else that oath. Officers in baltimore will be roling around in new vehicleehic also. New vehicle also following the death of freddie gray. In tonights health much what, h the feds approve a new device to convenient heroin addicts off of her wayne. Working through lunch may be hurting your health. He sue. Hey there, laura and sarah, back to work and school today and back to summerlike conditions out here. One or two rumble of thunder here and there around thed th region. Whats the latest with what was Tropical Storm upon number. Rm well have a look at that. Th fox5 local news at 5 will be be right back. In tonights health watch, thegh fda has approved a new implant to treat openy att addiction. It is inserted into a persons arm at the doctors office. It provides a low level deviceow an opioid dependence drug over six months. The fda estimates nearly 2 Million People in the us can benefit from this implant and id will make it easier for those receiving treatment to stickg withtr the program. It reportedly costs about 6,000. Millions of children across the country adeal with attention ditches it hyper activity act disorder or adhd. D often these kids are given medicines ritalin. A new study says parents can help their kids by limiting tv or computer use to two hos a day. Make sure your kids get at least one hour of physical activity av day and limit the number of discussionry beverages and makea sure your kids get between nine and 11 hours of sleep. Changes may soon becoming to certain childrens athletic equipment. The National Operating equipment for standards on athletic activity is working to distribute materials that limitt the force of a blow to the chest. Every year anc estimated 10 to0 people suffer whats called commode just correspond tuesdayd other than known as cardiac arrest caused by severe blows to the chest. It has happened to all of us nos having enough time to step awayp from your desk to get some food. A new study is pointing out some very Serious Health which could be associated withso being stuck at your desk. 2,000 men and women who took part in thest you did i claim to never have left the office. By taking time from work youou could be at risk for Heart Disease or type two diabetes. Not getting up and getting some stretchy long with it. I agree. I heard sitting is the new smoking. Im sure its more than just thh diabetes and Heart Disease. Dise im sure theres a lot mores to i a. Theres no discuss to not go outside for a walk today. Ay. Its nice and sunny outut there. Looking from our to your cam hereyou can see the sun is still out there but we do haveo some showers, believe you, inliv the forecast. One or two. Absolutely beautiful out hereere this evening and definitelyng a warm, but not a lot of rain. Its only very spotty if we see anything tonight and pretty much that goes for tomorrow as well. I defini get out enjoy the beautiful evening. A few clouds here and there. You know what im seeing for thr first time this year, pedestrians on wisconsin avenue walking umbrellas to shieldshie themselves from the sun and i think its so smart. Smar its clearly a lot different if you have to spend a the lot of time walking on the sidewalk. Ide today weve been as warm as 86degrees, but not much in thee way of showers and thunderstorms. I had been seeing one or two Little Things down toward dalede city. It looks like its very lights down there. As we show you our biggergger picture of course some of the beach time was spoiled by an unwelcomed visitor with Tropical Storm bonnie and the remnants of bonnie are still spinning there along the North Carolina and South Carolina border so a lot of rain down in that area, even towards virginia beaches and of course our beaches. Bonnie is going to stay to theto south rather trapped with not much to push her out of the way. Clouds, some spotty fog and an isolated shower. Most of the moisture will stay w well to the south. O youll notice the humidity if if youre out and about. As a matter of fact, our temperature 85, 87 at dulles and 86 at frederick, but when you factor in the humidity you get the heat index and it takes us a up a couple of degrees. It feelsnez like 92 up towards westminster and 87 at culpeper. Its definitely toasty and were certainly thinking its going ti be fun for adams morgan movie night. Theyre showing Rebel Without a cause tonight. Us it might be a good night to sits out and enjoy that. Roughly at 9 00. 9 00 if youre by the ma right readit soccer field you can take in the movie. The temperature will be delight lful at 78degrees and i dont think youre going to need any rain gear. Heres our last stop tonight. What to expect for yourour wednesday, just a spotty showere thats about it and another vera warm day. Warm well talk about the seven dayut fo for the rest of this weekend and the weekend just a little bit later. Become in to you. The owners of a clinton kennel are vigorously defensing themselves tonight against claims they mistreated three dogs in their care. One dog got away and was later found dead. Foun the owners of maxim pet resorteo admit negligence on the part of two employees who were later fired but theyre saying the dogs were never deliberately mistreated. The owner of the dogs doesnt believe that. E paul wagner is life with the details reporter roar theres ah lot of angels to this story and yes, these owners of axiom pet resort are fighting backk tonight. They say they didnt deliberately mistreat these three pets in their care. Theyre also horrified by the threats theyre receiving. Tonight we checked with animal control. They said they found no evidence of foul play, but the other tha of the dogs see this is you go. He was being bored along with two other family doings at this kent in clinton last week after the family had an emergency and needed to relocate. Ocat on the evening of may 22 avenue was fed, you go escaped from this outside kennel and wasnd never seen alive again. We assumed what he had done, he was out here because it was already opened and then he hadad either man i am i am ultimated the latch and climbed over the gait and was found he wasnt found in here and he was in thin run and we know that becauseecau there was feces down through this passway. Sway you believe he actually manipulated this latch. Latc yes. It is the kennels protocol that no dog spend overnight in the outside gauges. The now terminated employee says the dog was being aggressive. This opening at the end of thehe run. The owners didnt know it right away because a second employee who was also fired didnt check and didnt know that he was gone. We had flyers printed andnted everything right away right when we found out he was missing. We wanted to make sure that everybody in the area knew. Kn we also called all the animal shelters in the area. But hew gos kila roman doesnt think there was an dent. Dent and believes her dog was deliberately killed and dumply k ped. A lot of things dont add up. P. You know, they dont. I think maybe theyre making these discusses because they see how the public is coming througg them but im not threatening them, animal actaviss are. A spokesman for animal control says there is no evidence of foul play says it appears huge oh was hit by a car and says humanerror led to the dogs escape. Her two surviving dogs were not well when they picked them upup and thinks they were al mistreated. I wouldnt make up an injury. I dont want my dogs to be hurt. We feel so incredibly terrible c for the family. cc weve done everything in the power to help them. Weve paid for all the veterinary bills and we even offered to provide them with a new dog. Kila roman also told me a little whiling a she doesnt by this claim by the owners of then kennel that the dog disappeared on the day that it did. She believes that it disappeared the day before and she hashe evidence from a woman who says she saw the dog on the side of the road. So this a little bit mystery here, too, as well as 12 miles away. Did the doing really run that far. Again, animal control says theys have no evidence of foul play even believing that the the dog was hit by a car and the escape was a bad accident. Life in Prince Georges County,c paul wagner fox5 locale news. E. Meanwhile new t Baltimore Police are unveiling new and improved police vans. This comes just one year after freddie gray died after suffering spinal cord injuries while he was in police custody. Ten new vans and 13 older ones will be outfitted with straps and seat belts for six seats in the back instead of ate. The vans will feature an openen space instead of a defender. Theres also a new side compartment separating those in custody. Cu the vans also feature cameras three inside and one outside that can record whats president ial that. At this point Baltimore Police b wont say what led to the changes. Any time something is changedngd you can always look back onn something and say is that the t moment and is that balm ill leave that up to you guys too talk about and discuss. The thing is were movingovi forward. The new police vans will hit the streets of baltimore by the endd of july. Coming up, a man goes on rile for murder after he waster identified by a paralyzed victim with the blink of rapper troy as pleads not guiltt at a shooting at a concert. What his lawyer is saying aboutt the deadly night. Nigh plus why disney equalettes areat in a panic over the new star war film. And a Popular Airline apologizing tonight for banning a woman wearing a skimpy outfitt did her fashion pose a flightli risk . Well let you decide ahead. Vo for dominion, part of delivering Affordable Energy includes supporting those in our community who need help. Our Energyshare Program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energysaving upgrades. Its more than helping customers, stand by me tonight in Entertainment News rapper troy an has pleaded notla guilty in that deadly shooting at a ti this video shows some of theof tense moments here. Ment one person was killed than three others injured. Right now he is charged a attempted murder but that couldt be upgraded to murder after police particulars tests return. Erect leslie fired a gun fiveun times in a crowded venue. He was also shot in the leg, but prosecutors say the wound was inflicted. In a galaxy far, far away we could see later this year the first spinoff of a star wars movie. But there are reports rogue one, a star wars story is in trouble right now the film was supposed to come out later this year,crc disney executives are not happyp with how the movie has turnedas out so far and the film will need some reshoots over the summer. The movie will be directed by Garret Edwards and some say the film has fallen short of what jj williams did with it. Oprah didnt get rich by ignoring golden opportunities. P o recently made a move to expand merchandising rights of her personal operas brand to include bottled water, coconut drinksrin and lemonade. She filed docks a few days after the album became a smash hit. No word on when the beverages will role out. Does it seem that beyonce keeps getting into legal agreements with others . Any way, coming ug a new program in prince georgen county is giving some drug offenders a second chance. C were going to explain how it all works ahead. Ronica, donald trump he reveals how much money he gave to thehe veterans and hes mad atad somebody. Its us. s well have the story after the break. This is fox5 local news at 5. We are learning new details about a brazen robbery in springfield, virginia. Eld, it happened at a motel 6 on springfield boulevard. Police are telling us that they robbed a handful of. One of the suspects had a gun and another had a am hammer. The guest opened the door andhe the suspects entered and took their wallets. Police are now looking for the t persons or people responsible. In Prince Georges County a juru is now seated in the murder trial of germane hails. G he is accused of shooting melvih paint as he saturday in his carr in Capital Heights in 2010. N what makes this case so unique is how hails was identified. Bates was paralyzed in the shooting and died in 2012, but not before identifying hails asi the shooter by blinking when bl shown a police photo line up. P. The defense has asked the case a be dismissed. Hails lawyer argues pay the wae not competent after he was shot to make the identification. Staying in prince georgesg county now, states attorney angela al that is launching ag a new program she hopes to give first time drug offenders the second chance. Hanc its called back on tracktr program is to provide guidance to first time offenders and keee them from repeating the same crime. The program is aimed at young a people between the ages of 18 and 26. Under the program defendants dot not have to plead guilty and complete community service. Te c the door would be open for for workforce training and even job placementment early voting is vo now underway in the district. Registered voters can cast their ballots at one Judiciary Square northwest until 7 00 tonight. Voting opens at 8 30 in the morning. The 8 other Early Voting Centers will open on saturday. Early voting will end june 14. In january, donald trump held a fundraiser and promised millions to veterans. V when hec decided to skip a foxx news debate. Today we found how much was raised and where the money went. Ronica cleary is here with the details. Reporter after months off asking questions about how mucho money was raised and where it donated donald trump hosted a press Conference Today in new york city and announced 5. 6 million donated to variousr veterans organization. N. Now he cite itissed the media for all of the criticism and speculation over the past month about whether or not he would actually do it. Tual the press should be ashamed of themselves and on behalf of the vets the vet should be ashamed of themselves. Instead of being like thank you very much mr. Trump or trump did a good job, everybody said who got it, who got it and you makey me look bad. Publicity for doing such a goodo job. Mr. Trump went onto list the organizations and the amount to each. The Clinton Campaign showed an announcement to mr. Mr. Trumps announcements about john mccain when he said mr. Cab cane is noc a war here on. What did theyid think of his efforts to give nearly 6 million to various organizations . I was in the u. S. Army. United states army. S i did four in the amy and four in the the air force. It makes me feel pretty good. I think thats more that needs to be done for our veterans. We have a number of great num organization out there servicins the veterans, but there can be always be more. It will help the veterans get g whats missing. Mis i just think like everything eve hes done its a little bit late. He had to be reminded that he veterans. He had a big that do but howo hes going to raise all this r money andai they had to remind d to pay for it. I think hes been less than honest on everything hes done. He said there may be more mo donations in the future. He donated 1 million of his own money. Back to you. Loss for words, donald trump is also speakingpek out about the shooting of the for gill a. He was asked about the four yeae old that was dragged around by the for grill a. He said the officials had noad choice but to shoot and kill the animal. Now to the democratic raise forr the white house, california cal governor Jerry Brown Hassen doned hillary clinton. It comes before next weeks primary. On a posting online said clinton is the only person who could be she has a firm grasp of the issues and will be prepared to lead our country on day one. On meanwhile Bernie Sanders took aa break from the campaign trail to attend game seven of the nbas a western conference finals last night. The vermont senator compared the dramatic series ending to his desire to become the democraticc president ial nominee. He tweeted, last week golden g state was down three games to to one. On tonight they finished off a off great come back in california. A i like come backs. That was his tweet. Sanders has been campaigning across the state ahead of next weeks democratic primary. Im sure he would have been there anyway had there ben not been a big primary next week. Absolutely. Who wouldnt want to go to that. What a game. Gam were talking a little bad blood and in the the kind taylor swift likes to talk about. Between the nats and the phillies. Expect the blue birds to be out in full force. Hell ex is the harper wont be back at citizens park. Seventh incorporate bryce at pat. The pitch from helix son and f here irt goes and there it hicks him right there on the knee. It certainly looks painful and a it took time for bryce to get situated. The trainers came out, but whatt may have made the situation the worse was this. Thi it was the next batter at thehe plate, bryce is on first. F lets take a look at what happened. So he tries to pick bryce off at first even though he knows bryc is playing hurt. Hur a little more pain for himim there. What happens next . He tries to do it again. T and then he he tries to do it do yet again. Aga three times they tried picking off at first. Obviously he didnt get too far. He isolater doubled off firstff and left the game. Its yet to be seen if he might pinch hit tonight. Set curer and. What does that mean for kevin door and. He led the th points last night. They led in the first half, but the second was all curry and company. Now the question is is kc done with the thunder. He told espn that he has started to at the options. The pride of Prince Georges County have his pick of suitors no doubt including perhaps the warriors. We shall see. Caddy shack and the ground hawg Buffalo Creek golf course has this, 15 to 16foot alligator roaming the third hole. People who live by says hes been there for a while. He could be two guys in an alligator suit. Square i scary. That is huge. Some people look at that and see a couple purses and a pair of sures. Not us. Not anybody here. Her dont in situate anything. That guy is crazy[ to get thata close. Is it really worth the picture . Apparently oh can they move that fast . He does bother anybody. Ody. This looks like something out of jurasic park. Isnt that crazy . That is crazy. Its huge. Hug thanks. You got it. Got coming up too short tofully, the airline that booted a woman off a flight for wearing this outfit is apologizing tonight. From too short to too long, baffled Online Shoppers receiving freak require long jeans. It looks like he has slipperscl on. The company says its the new te style. St where im not sure. And the list of top vacations in the us might surprise you you especially when you hear you what number the nations cap l toll ranges. I think it should be pretty higy we have so much to do here but you are going to have to battle the weather. Eat we are already feeling that today. Outside right now, plenty of shun, warm remains of bonnie are out there. How this effects us in the nexte few days is coming up in your seven day forecast. Ill have that right after this h when fox5 news at 5 returns. And we just couldnt say thno to that face. Ns then we wanted more of that local flavor so betty says. Oh yeah, thats betty. Youre going to want to do this alligator thing. And betty didnt lead us wrong. A little later we passed some dancing. And who doesnt like dancing . Especially when its followed by fireworks everyones nola is different. Follow yours. Well, if youre in need of a summer escape but you dont havd the money to get a i way, a stay education may be in order. I love stay educations. Nothing more reactioning. Some cities are better than th others. Wall a has compared 150 of the nations largest stay education spots. Number five scottsdale, arizonai four utah. Tampa, florida, two, forth law dale and number one spot is orlando. No look at where we are, 59. Im actually surprised that washington, d. C. Didnt rang higher. Yeah. Thats low, i think. To me. Because theres so much to do. O if you wanted to stay if you want to live here and stay here theres so many museums to go go to. Scottsdale, Salt Lake City maybe the desert or mountains or the beaches. But the trails that we have the monuments and the. They dont know what theyre talking about. I demand a recount. No clue. O cl caitlyn i think this is the important place to have a stay education. Look at how wonderful it is. Orlando number one . Im sorry, but that is not exactly relaxing. The drives me crazy. C its expensive and so crowded. R its in the middle of there were 150 cities on that list just to put it in perspective. 59 isnt thatted bad. T no, its not. But still, i think orlando is the last place i want to fly to in the middle of the summer. Er. Of course no offense to any floor indians who may be watching right now, really. Re is was just in orlando and there was nothing relaxing about it. Tt you were at disney. Isn maybe for kids. This is the under 12 list. I wanted to go look at all 150 of them. Get away season is upon uss for sure as the summerumm unofficially began yesterdayci with memorial daaly but we still do have a few weeks beforeefo summer officially begins. Y but it certainly feels like it. Some patchy fog is possible again. We had some this morning but iut dont think it will be as widespread. Tomorrow the set up is mostly as sunny day, a couple of showers are possible in the afternoon just like we had earlier this afternoon. Widespread. This is all courtesy of the remains of tropical rainstormc bonnie and the best chance of t showers is going theo be on friday, but the whole weekend doesnt look too bad. Bad weve got sunshine overhead in washington, most of the moisture still hanging around across the carolinas from a front that passed yesterday and also someo of bonnies moisture so still si going to be an issue really. These things can linger for days, just a shower or two thatt popped over the last couple of hours. That was about an hour or so ago. Otherwise its just a sprinkle or two. Were looking at a fairly nice evening, a warm evening, thougho warm and humid. 4 washington, 86 frederick, 87 baltimore. Its 79 in annapolis. 8 stevens villian 81 in cambridge. I really felt like it seems like a summary afternoon. Ary we had the heat, the humidity hm and the sunshine and it and definitely felt like d. C. D. C heres our service map. Mid week still loose really rea nice. High pressure in place. Gh it will be p warm again but i i think with the the next cold front while its pretty week and could spark an isolated shower or two it will reinforce the more dry flow. Heres thest up like i mentioned the remnants of what was bonnie, the tropical low system still sitting off to the south. Sou its really funny it kind of influenced sunday into monday, n then got suppressed towards our south. Here it goes again and on its real exit from the area its going to produce another round of showers. Howe theres also a cold front comino in so a couple of things in in play. Heres your forecast for tonight, a beautiful sunset picture that we got. We love getting these pictures, the days are so long. Really getting into the height a temperature of 81degrees. Thank you janet to are that picture. Sunrise at this point about 5 44 in the morning. Temperatures in the upper 60s. High temperatures for tomorrow heres what were looking at 84 in washington, a little less humid with those temperatures ie the mid 80s. Weve been showcasing eventsg e around town i know sue showed s you one at the top of the five. This h is for tomorrow, a taste of shaw. Its a wonderful neighborhood here in d. C. All the wonderfull restaurants come out that you can sample some of their cuisine. 79degrees at taste of shaw. Seven day forecast 84 for the high tomorrow, a little bita li cooler thursday and friday with the clouds and showers. Zip trip coming join the morninm team in del ray, virginia. Vir i think the rain holds off until later. Saturday looks beautiful we are watching for some rain into sunday. Next week some gorgeous early june weather with highith temperatures around 80degrees. 0 i can handle that. Washington, d. C. Sounds so nice, right. I still cant believe that. Tony and shawn have a look at at whats coming up at 6. Can you guys believe that were number 59. 59. No. I would think it would certainly be in the top 20. Absolutely right. All right, maybe well try to do our best to get it. Dont mention zika. Ntio well, speaking of zika, no concerns here. Her there are concerns about the zika virus. Theyve prompted a run on insecc propel events. I bought my last night. Yours was all natural, right. I bought two, one with dothan one all natural. Before you spend your money, though, tune at n at 6 for the safest and most effective bug sprays. Two men splash their way through a front glass of a d. C. Business. What they were after and how you can help police next at 6. 6.  heres whats out on the web web tonight. Nigh jet blue is apologize for booting a woman off a flight for wearing really short shorts. It happened on a flight from boston to seattle l. So the burlesque performer known as maggie mack money says she sa was returning home after several performers when a jet blue crew told her the outfit she was wearing was inappropriate. She was wearing a tiger sweatere with striped daisy dukes and duk thigh highs. Hig the pilot decided she needed to put Something Else on or she or would not be allow to board flight. She didnt have anything else h with her. The jet blue crew members suggested she go by something ss she ran through the airport terminal and she bought the pennsylvania jamb yeah p toes. She felt disrespected by jet blue and that their policy is unfairly subjective since the incident jet blue has apologizel to the burlesque dancer, reimbursed her for the cost of the pajama bottoms and offered to give her a credit for a a future flight. Ligh its not like she was exposing herself or anything. Is the dress questionable . Like what shes wearing, perhaps . But that is subjective. It is. It really is. Ally you may not like her style, but was she really doing anything wrong . Ive seen from our day dolphin shorts that were that short. Im sure she got some looks. Absolutely. Im glad jet blue steppedet b forward and did something about it. A hassle. Picking the right column, the right size sometimes you neverom know what youre going to get. One customer freak issuely long asource jeans. Ive never heard of this brand. It tookea the internet by storm. Took a look here. Pretty sure these are not 32inch length. He ordered the jeans with his usual 32inch in seem but he tried them on they were so far r past they looked like a pair of slippers. Apparently he isnt alone several customers have complained that the British Fashion giant is sending over sized jeans by mistake. One female customer posted thish picture here. She says her jeans were ate inches too long. Ong. They say the genes are a new style called super skinnykinn stacker trend, its a trend where the jeans are cut and designed to gather around ar the ankle. I saw these online as the company is showing them as the h stacker and they actually look t good. I did, too. It was a man that was wearing wa them. They do stack and theyre th bunched up at the bottom. The guy, they were saying he ordered his usual 32inch seem. If thats what hes ordering and theyre ate inches longer, then thats a problem. Very confusing. Yes, it is. Diamonden crusted cock dial skis her mess has broken the recordeo for the most expensive handbag. A private collector bought it it for more than 300,000 at a sale in hong kong yesterday. 300,000, can you imagine . The rare bag has solid White Hardware and ten car ats of diamonds, only one or two of the purses are made by her mess eacc year. Its pretty, but really, 300,000 . Would you no, i dont want a bag like i that. I could buy a house with out right. Its crazy. Cr i have trouble spending 100 on a purse. Coming up, a big announcement today from one of the worlds wo top restaurant rating organizations. Our Nations Capital is about to get the star treatment from michelin. How d. C. s mayor bowser is responding. Know you can see how much you have to spend and whether you should transfer funds. Know you can easily keep track of what youre putting away. And know youre budgeted for the great escape. Thanks to virtual wallet by pnc. In the disclosure, a big announcement today from one ofth thnte worlds top restaurantesta rating organizations. Org our Nations Capital is about to get the star treatment from michelin. Mich the phren of muchbased tire maker has for more than a century awarded up to three to stars to the best restaurants around the globe. Lob only new york city, san ci francisco and chicago have beene deemed michelin worthy, but nott anymore. Starting this fall michelin will begin awarding stars to d. C. s. Finest eateries. Ele d. C. Is obviously a Great International city. Its great not only from the onl standpoint of all nations are nt present in the city representing their countries in front of theh government but also the cull mary need in washington has been good. I currently have our inspectors out inspecting restaurants and s this fall youll find out all the different ratings for all the opportunities that are available here. To be included in michelins rest trait rating game added to the mix back in 2010. I like that. Ke you know what, im get over the stay education thing. Now were getting michelin stars and wall a hub. Ub. Im holding a grudge. Recount. Thank you for joining us tonight at 5. Fox5 local news at 6 starts right now. Ow. This is fox5 local news at 6. Right now at 6, a School Safety task force weighs in. It was set up after School Volunteer deon take you carrawae was arrestedon on child porn charges so why didnt the task force get any input from the victims and their families. Then a team who wants to show her navajo heritage when she graduates makes her agreements a peel. T will she be allow to walk in her moccasins . And caught on camera, two men smash their wayr into a frozen yogurt store in the district. Dis fox5 news at 6 starts right now. A tonight, im tony perkins and im im shawn yancy. We begin tonight with that child sex abuse scandal that rocked the Prince Georges Countypr School System. A l volunteer isin accused of abusing several Elementary School students. Tonight, the task force release its report. Yet they did not talk to any of the victims nor their families. Tom fitzgerald is life in upperp marlboro with the findings. Reporter it is an eye eye opening look at what this task h force called an outdated system in both in the detection and the reporting of child sexual abuse in Prince Georges County schools. Now, the task force that put this together says that they have 61 areas of consideration. What does that mean . Well, wel boiled down there were actually five recommendations to princeom georges county schools. Meols. This includes things likeike oversight and that will lead too some very big

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