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Particular completelyely escalates the situation. He starts yelling demanding toem be let in, demanding thatdingha students leave. Students leave from there things just get worse. Wors police end up pepper sprayingyig students on two differenten occasions. Oc the chief says he met with some of those students earlierfu today and this is what he told them. First of all i feel pain. I p as i did the morning when inghe saw the video. And secondly, im terribly embarrassed and humiliated by b the actions of our officers. Icer it shouldnt have happenede this way. Thisay. We dont often get it wrong. Wr. We did here. Here. And i stand accountable asountaa chief of police and im holding the officersers accountable. Accoun reporter when ihe interviewed chief David Mitchell he told me this wasrvas simply not racially motivated mv and i asked him today after aer seeing the officers bodyers bd camera footage if he couldou understand where these these students were coming from whencm they said that this was ann excessive use of force and and that their race was a in that. He says he can can understandan that. He says Law Enforcement has to t do better acrosstheboard and that he apologized to thoseapol students today when he met with them. T in terms of disciplinaryisciplay action taken we know there one e of the officers involved isve being suspended without payay for 80 hours and the chiefhi says it hasnt been ruled outut that there will be additionalita action taken about other oth officers involved here. D her much more to come on this on fox5 local news at 6 00 and 6 0a then later tonight at 10 000 00 and 11 11 00. A grand jury failed to indict a man for murder afterr e he he shot and killed a firefighter and woundedgh another. Firefighter John Ulmschneider um was killed last april and a kevin swain was wounded when w they responded to an emergency g call in temple hills. Hil today the Prince Georges County statesy attorneyttory announced Darryl Lumpkin thelump homeowner was indicted on sixsix Weapon Charges but not the homicide charge she was after. Fox5s matt ackland is live is v in Upper Marlboro with this. Matt. Reporter hi, sarah. Sarah you remember this was a crime wa that really, really rocked thehe area, the shooting everyone ery talking about that took place pa last april. St a this was when two firefighterser were trying to rescue someoneeo inside and that is when they w were shot. Well, the states attorney attor here in Prince Georges Countysu called a press Conference Today angela also brooksbr called the media together. Ogethe she said although the homeowner Darryl Lumpkin was not indicted on murder murder charges, she will move forwardod on six indictments for gun violations. She said lumpkin had beenlumpn a convicted of assault back in 1980 and was not permitted to have guns. Ha we asked her if she was disappointed that the jury didyd not indict for murder. Take a listen. Lis you know what, thereshat,res nothing happy about this case. As there was no good result asul far as im concerned, there ccen was really this is the kindhk of case that unless you cannles bring back the was, who lost his life ande a you can, you know, heal the hea one who died, to me its a its difficult case. Cas it was difficult when it occurred. It is difficult today. S but we rely as always on the the law to tell us what is fair based on the facts. D onhe we still stand firm thatndth our personnel did not do do anything wrong that evening. Evi we had extenuatingenua circumstances with a loved onete on the scene saying that their e brother was inside and neededee medical assistance and thats what we do. We were there to render thato rt aid. Reporter all right. Llht. Although there are no murderurr charges here that the states t a attorney will follow up on, o she told us today that theset te gun violations they couldthey c bring as many as 45 years in i jail if mr. Lumpkin is convicted on these charges. Chag at this point, no trial datealat has been set. Live from prince georgesm prine county, matt ackland fox5 f local news. Cal as we told you about yesterday, Arlington County cout police have charged a manhargan suspectd of looking under a womans skirt at thens skirt a courthouse metro station andtion taping her without her her permission. Now we are seeing the man for the first time. Sthe t here he is on your screen mario revel low of the district. Di police want to know if anyone tn else hadow inappropriate contacn with him. With Surveillance Video caught theidt whole alleged incident. Nciden police say the man used his h cell phone to photograph a woman under her skirt as she was riding up the h escalatoror yesterday. The woman confronted him andnd other metro riders came to her h aid and he was arrested. Is metro facing a death dea spiral. Debt spiral. A new study commissioned to look into metrooms safety anday financial standing was staing released today during a during finance board meeting. E rd m it revealed a troubling trendlid for metro. Etro. While compared to other biger city the middle of the pack againstgn places like boston and new york. York the authors say metro is facedro with a big i problem that spells bad news for the future. Metros expenses continue to go up, revenues continue to goeo down and the reason for thator a is rider ship has continued to t fall dramatically over the past 11 years as safety issuesye have continued to plague the system. Anticipate there are a lotera more challenges to attracting riders. Riders maybe we were the only show inyi town for years but we want to improve our system to try to too not only retain the current passengers but get the other riders back. Ack. Officials say they hope the t current safe track repairs can reverse this trend. Okay, so you know we sing ws in the car, we eat in the carhe and we also get mad. Et mad sometimes very mad in the car. A new study takes a look at road rage and found many of us u express our frustrations in fsti different ways. The aaa study found eight outhtt of 10 drivers admit to road they expressed themselves with the angry gestures, im surem e you can figure out what thatig is and by tailgating theg the person in front of them. Hem. The study found some driverse get so angry they take their frustration to a whole nother level. E they end up bump organize oaniz ramming a vehicle on purpose. Poe wow. Researchers found most ofhe the aggressive drivers aress young men between the ages ofs 19 and 39 and they say women are bad drivers. Vers i i its the men. Ithe im surprised that they would admit to that. Why . W to ramming or bumpingping another car. Oh, well, maybe if i theyre out of anger. A some people some stories about it. I you know what that tellsls me . That its become okay in their minds. Some people are just a different animal behind theni wheel. They just are. Yeah, i know because of the anonymity. Anonym social media we have beene have harping on that the past few days but i could go on and on od but lets talk about the talk ab weather and how hot it is. Its so hot hopefully itefuli wont create more road rage r out but what are you going to do. D i can understand where it wt might because to get stuck on sk the roads on a day like this, sarah and laura, guess was just got through today. What. Hottest day of 2016. F016. Day is not over. Ove what do you mean got through. U this is one day whenme we dont complain that it might be a little bit chilly downtl here because we haventaven actually set a record in terms s of topping our highping temperature the record highe for the day which is 100 setet back in 1954 but we got toot 97 degrees today and thats a ta the hottest weve been so far in 2016. In 2016. The last time we were thiswe wes warm was june 11th when we got g up to 96. Were 3 degrees from tying the old record, 1954 when we hit 100 degrees but we just we just dropped down to 95 degrees soeeo hopefully were not going tonotg break that record. Im kind of not rooting nor n but mighty hot all over the place. Plac its 94 toward water in in annapolis and baltimore. Leonardtown 95. Hagerstown 95. Everybody is just broiling out wait until you see the heat heat index numbers. Numbers ive seen it as high as 105 and 107 in some spots. Spots now that were at theeret th 5 oclock hour coming down an little bit but still reallyll brutal, feeling like 101 inik10 the district in manassas, 103sa3 in annapolis and stevensville,te 101 in frederick, 93 forck, 93 r cumberland. Cu now we still remain under a a heat advisory until 8 oclockck tonight. Tonigh basically thats everybodyyr east of 95. It doesnt include loudoun orou western portions of montgomeryor or howard but just about jt abo everybody else because off those widespread heat index iex temperatures up and over 105. But in terms of radar not much happening. I was trackingha a pretty goodod storm down towards stafford. S that one has fizzled out but this one towards bowlingli green, beaver dam is is also als one well have to watch and a that is moving looks like itsi east and southeast. Outheast. Had a little bit of hail with bi it a little bit ago. A i think that is going to stayta well south of our area sorea s theres still a chance wehae could see something tonight ton but i think it would be pretty isolated. Ol planner for the evening. Evenin. 94 degrees if we see a ife se thunderstorm, it would betorm, u mainly south of the city and ini think theyll be fairlyairl isolated featuring heavy rain and a little bit of hail. Hail. 94 at 7 00. By 9 oclock, 89 degrees andgree by 11 oclock, 85. 8 weekend forecast any relief atfa all on there . Well talkll tal about that coming up in a few minutes. Lauer remarks sarah, back to you. Sue thanks. Straight ahead the gop ticket. News about trumps running rg mate. Hey, fitz. Hey, fitz. Reporter appears thete donald has picked the runningng mate. Ma coming up well tell you whol yo he has on tap for the bigig announcement tomorrow but but first check in on the clinton campaign. Alex standing by. Nding by. Reporter along with w senator tim kaine fuelingne f speculations about who her vp pick could be. C be. A live report coming up. G u during her visit today inoday the district Hillary Clintonic made a stop at the Law Enforcement officers memoriall to lay a wreath in honor of hono the fallen dallas polices poli officers. This. Hillary clinton is h campaigning in Northern Virginia today withilgn senatorn tim kaine. And Donald Trumps vices v president ial pick may bek may coming into focus. Team coverage on tonightsonhts political headlines. Alex limon live. Widespread reports trump will hey, fitz. Reporter good evening. Veng there have been hints all day about this. The biggest on e came out fromutro the prospective first son ericoi trump during an appearance onn fox business channel today. Nnel keep in mind now, the Trump Campaign whi has a reputation for surprises,or surr theyve not officially confirmed this the indianapolis newspaper starer s indicated mike pence isicated mn dropping his reelection bidn bid and is going to become Donald Trumps running mate. Mate. This news comes out as words wor here in washington spread thattt the Trump Campaign has been b reaching out to republicanso here in d. C. Today that pence te is indeed trumps pick as vice v president. Present. So, who is he he . Well, he is a familiar face on captor on cao hill. 57yearold is a sixtime former republican congressmanan and while he is currently the first term governor of indiana a he starter out as aer out a a conservative radio talk showhow host. Now, pence is a staunch conservative on social issues is like gay rights and abortion abr and his selection though wouldle go a long wayct towards easing n Establishment Republicans who have voiced concerns abouten trumps statements and trumpsta style. Speaking to fox news Brett Barrett trump downplayed theump idea law looking for ado runnini mate who was an attack dog. K dog i just want to picko pic somebody thats very good. I want to pick somebodydy who io solid, who is smart. Smart im not looking for an attackac dog. Frankly im looking forking for somebody that reallybody t reall understands what were talkingkg about because id rather haverae the whole thing be on policy pol and ive said that to youo before. Be reporter of coursere heres the thing. Res trumps choices narrowed in nar recent days with both former speaker Newt Gingrich and newich jersey governor chris christiee among the finalists. Finalists. This announcement is expectedxpe to take place tomorrow ator 11 00 a. M. At trump tower in ter new york city. New yo c lets check in on the hillary ie clinton campaign. Fox5s alexandria limon isa limi out there today where a big events with senator tim kaineim was held. H reporter tom, no big Clintons Campaign stop inn stoi Fairfax County but there wereree some big crowds. Me b were told that the main roomnoo where this event happened accommodated about 1500 10 people. That was full to capacity capact there was an overflow room with about 700 people. Peopl that was also full and werend w told about three or 400 peopleeo had to be turned away. Ne awa take a look at this video so vid you can see the crowds again ain several hundred people we areeo told had to be turned away a because the space justst couldnt accommodate the accomme people who showed up. Who sho now, clinton was introduced byce several virginia lawmakers buts taking the stage with her was senator tim kaine. Kai theres a lot of speculation that kaine is on the shorthort list for potential vp pick and this Campaign Stop fueling those speculations further. Tionr while kaine has a strongtron record as a former governorr gor here in virginia an formerorme mayor of richmond he isd i considered to be the safe choice especially compared topao some of the others that arethata said to be on the s including some hispanic and africanamerican lawmakers andri senator Elizabeth Warren whobetw would be a truly historic pickcc because that would mean an allfemale president ial ticket. Tick but rather than talking about at potential vp picks, clintoninto and kaine focused today on the issues, specifically what w separates her from presumedm prs republican candidate donaldan trump, s enator kaine said kains several times that trump wouldrw be a mefirst president and and clinton would be a family first president. De. You want a trash talker t president or a Bridge Builder president. It starts with fairness, equalee pay for women, raising the minimum wage so you can livege on it. [cheers and applause] infrastructure andre building and creating jobs andsd growing this nation and doing d in it a fairway, education educa from pre Debt Free College plan. Bt free anybody out here like debte lde free college. Fr i think what tim said d what tim said really is worth considering. Ider do you want a youre fired or or youre hired president . Doside you want a trash take or a t Bridge Builder. Ld. I like that one a lot. L do you want a me first or a a kids and family first . And i really appreciate tim laying tin out the choice like that. Hat. Reporter now we spoke topokt some of the clinton supporters r here at the event and they told us they are still hopefulof that she will be the nexthe nex president of our country. Count they said theyre not discouraged by the latest l polls that show her taking a a big dip especially in some of those key swing states. They also told us that theytolda will support her no matter who she picks as a Vice President running mate. However seeing as we are in virginia many peopleie said they do hope she selects senator tim kaine. Reporting live in annandalean alexandria limon fox5 local5 news. Ws. Fox5 has you covered. S we have complete coverage on o all of the conventions. Ventions our Tom Fitzgerald will be b live for the republicanhe Repub National Convention inntio cleveland. You can catch his reports beginning sunday morning ongunda fox5 on the hill and starting sg on monday, youre going to to want to catch our new show sho fox5 at 6 30 for the latest lat from the campaign trail. Rail coming up, a local transgender woman who was slot on the fourth of july has died d two weeks later. Ahead, the investigation into her homicide and whatnd wha officials are saying tonight tog about it possibly being hateat crime. And another tragedy amidnoert the pokemon go craze. Oraze two men fall off a cliff while playing. That story straight ahead. He this is something i think we reallhiy need right now. Well, there are concernse cn surrounding the pokemon goo phenomenon these two the game is impacting theirs families in a beneficial way. Hey, mike. Reporter hey, sarah. Te the heat is on, no doubt about a that. That. But the pool is cool. Coo were hanging out at the yards park down in southeast d. C. D. C were staying cool. C well have some tips on hown you can stay cool right afterht the break. Bre laura. All right, mike, thanks. Tha if you cant get to a y pool, boy, this would be nice bc to get to. O. The beach at ocean city. C a lot of people on the t boardwalk today. Od. Gorgeous picture there. He it is mighty clear there and, boy, wouldnt that be nice. Much cooler at the beach ill bet, too. Too in the water if i wasf i was there, thats for sure. Yeah. Enjoy the beach, everyone. Very well be right back for more m fox5 news at 5 00 right after this. This developing tonight d. C. El police are investigating a deadly overnight shooting inighn northeast that happened on the n fourth of july. Ul the. The victim was ahe vm w transgender woman who diedr wo d from her injuries yesterday. Fox5s Anjali Hemphill joinsphil us now with more on thehe investigation. Stigion. Anjali what are we hearing now . Reporter well, its beenl, s more than a week and d. C. And d. Police still have no suspects. They are offering a reward to anyone with informationnfor leading to an arrest. Arres and we are getting our first our look tonight at a photographotra of this transgender victim on v your screen now should be b 23yearold daniqua dodd alsouao known as dee dee. D she was beat up and shot onn july 4th around the cornerhe cor from her home. From hom investigators say they arrived r to find dodd unresponsived suffering from a gunshot wounduw her neck. Her neck. She was taken to a nearbyea hospital where she died nine dd days later. Days now, her family tells meel dodds often worked late nightda as a prostitute then say the s thats what she was doing thes d morning she died. Ing dont believe this was a hate h crime but dodds aunt tells mels she believes she was targeted tr because of the way she looked. K. We do have guys out here outh yall robbing transgendersgender when they make they money, youoo know. They will come and rob them or sometime they mightometh beat them up or sometime theyety just might rob them and keep it moving. It mov you know, so, you got to worry o about that out here, too, t, being a transgender. Nsnd reporter anyone withter ant information is asked to call police. You can also text them ann anonymous tip at 50411. T 5 were live in northeastn nea tonight, Anjali Hemphill, fox5ox local news. Ews. Coming up new details in deti the freddie gray case. C closing arguments today for a therg highest ranking officerff charged in grays death. Both sides spoke occurring their arguments on whetherhe lieutenant rices actions andntt orders that morning were morninr reasonable. And its been a little over a month since a gunman opened fire inside pulse nightclub incb orlando. Now its the scene of another crime. Hey officer. Whats up, whats up, up, whats up. U how yall doing. How an officer has become aceas a social media star by promoting o Community Policing and now ali d rapper is saluting the t officers efforts with a gift g of more than 60,000. N 60,0 well be back. This is fox5 local news at 5 00. 5 00. The trial of the fourth the t Police Officer charged in theeri death of freddie gray endedray d this afternoon with each sideit arguments. Judge Barry Williams says hell return his verdict money morning at 10 00. 10 lieutenant brian rice is theri highest ranking officer accused in this case and is i facing manslaughter, Reckless Endangerment and misconduct in office. Fox5s paul wagner was in the courtroom this morning and joins us now from baltimorethroi with the story. Sto reporter lieutenantte brian rice was the supervisor on duty r ts he morning freddie gray was arrested in april of 2015. 20 in todays closing arguments both the prosecution and thend defense argued on whether orther not it was reasonable oreasoble unreasonable for the way rice acted. Acte prosecutors said it was unreasonable, that he shoulde sh have made sure that freddiesu ta gray was seat belted into thatha van that morning. Morning. It was the general order off the Police Department that all arrestees be seat belted in. I but the defense said no, it wasnt unreasonable basicallyso because there was a growing gwi hostile crowd, freddie graywdede was combative and rice wanted him out of thats lieutenant brian rice in the sunglasses leavingglses n court today. On theco morning of april 12thi1 2015, he and several other o officers were on bicycles bicyce patrolling the neighborhoodrhoo where gray was arrested. In closing arguments prosecutors Said Lieutenant vece should have known that aha new general order had been issued requiring officers toffi seat belt in police vans all suspects placed under arrestr as and as a shift commander a reasonable officer follows orders and leads by o example. Xe prosecutors also told thed judge with a small measure ofreo compassion, freddie gray wouldid still be alive. Ve but the defense said there iseri no evidence of a corrupt corpt motive. The state has not proven its i case and called lieutenanteutent rices actions that morning professional, correct andal, rrc reasonable. Rice, the defense said, wanted e to get gray out of therehe because he had becomee combative and prosecutors had failed to prove that thet t lieutenants decisions were w unreasonable. Freddie gray suffered a a catastrophic injury while in whi the police van that he died seven days later. Ler his death ruled a homicide. Omid his family has been paidai millions in a settlement with the city. It warren brown, an attorney whoney has been watching the case closely, had this to say about o the closing arguments. En the medical examiners allra over the place. La i think it comes down simply s to whether or not the judgeheorn accept the states propositionpo that simply by not belting b freddie gray in, that he is criminally responsible, thatle that in and of itself shows this reckless disregard for the welfare and health of of freddie gray. Gra reporter of the six theix officers facing trial in this case, two have been acquitteded and one trial ended in a hung iu jury. So far there has not been a a return to the looting andng a violence and rioting that we saw in the city after freddieree gray died in april of 2015. 015. In baltimore, paul wagner, fox5 local news. S. And police are investigating an overnightvern break in a this comes just a little overr a month since a gunman opened oe fire inside the club killing kii 49 people. E. The break in happened sometime after 11 oclock last nightock n shortly after Law Enforcementore turned over the property tor th itse owners. Owner the club owners say the intruder pride wood away from the entryway to get inside ofy o the building. Bing. No word yet on a suspect or a motive. Now to saint paul minnesota where it is a tough day for the friends and familyin os f philando castile. Le this morning the 32yearold2yr was laid to rest. His white casket was ledit through the streets on a horsese drawn carriage en route to saint paul cathedral. Dral castile was fatally shot and sho killed by a Police Officere oic during a traffic stop last week. His girlfriend live streamed the shootingsie aftermath on ah facebook. F his death has triggeredriggered protests around the country. Coy while Police Departmentsartmn across the United States havenis been the targets ofta anger anda protest over the shootingot deaths of black men, socialen, l media users have flocked to flok the accounts of an Police Officer who offers a starkly different view ofdient Community Policing, one that one involves snacks, dancing andng a even a slip and slide. Dlide take a look at this. Thi jordan how are you doing. E ow how you doing. Yo h whats my name. Officer norman. Orma officer norman. Ff how you been . Hi, officer. Officer norman has been part of the little rock policeko department for 18 years. Y he often shares his day to day o activities with his rapidly growing 1 million followers on instagram. Officer norman plays an activecv role in the community by com playing with local kids, sharing snacks and just beingeig an overall positive force. Well, several celebrities are showing their support ofevts officer normans work. Normans. Over the weekend rapper theper game start add he go fund mede campaign for the officer toicer help his community with toys,s, clothing and food. Foo so far he has raised nearly 70,000. 70,000. Happening now, we got nowe g ailette wave that is sweepingve many of you out there just jt trying to stay cool at thisat ts point as we take a live look loo at a pool out there that im th sure is going to be panged be pg with a few more people pretty soon. So mike thomas joining us live us l from the yards in southeastouea with tips on how to beat the heat. Heat hey mike. He mik i hope youre staying cool. Its pretty hot. Reporter sarah andter laura, im in one of the best places to stay cool. Ayoo im down at the parks park parkp here in southeast d. C. Not too. O far from Nationals Park here. Hr its one of the newer parks in washington. Its a Perfect Place to come c can and stay cool. Andtay before we get to how were how w staying cool down here i toe t want to mention a couple of things. First of all, high temperatureea today about at least l 97 degrees. Deges. Maybe 98. Mayb sue will update me on that inhai just a couple of minutes here. H but the heat index today was well above and over 95 degrees. That activates d. C. s heat. C. sa emergency plan. Pla they opened additional coolinglo centers. If you need more info on thatn head over to can check out where all ofll their cooling stations are. S are never forget you can always go to the libraries or d. C. Parksar and recs locations for some s air conditioning. Ditionin the smithsonian museums areeu always opened for airys oned conditioning. Itiong. And you know, this ishis something that he we kind ofkinf expect. Expect its july in d. C. Ituly in were used to dealing with the h heat and humidity. Hidity. Please check on your elderly,ly check on the very young, check c on the sick. Sic of course we always have to lt someone always does this buthis we hope we never have to he report on it. O i do not leave your pets in the car. Do not leave your kids in the car. Car. In 95degree heat it only takes about 10 minutes to geting the temperature in the car upn p to about 110 degrees plus. Lu all right, so thats it forr the psa here. H now were going have a littlea l fun. Again, this is the parks ishep the yards park down here ater a Nationals Park. Als par ive made some new friends all l of whom here are trying tore stay cool. St how is everybody doing today. Good reporter lets meet some l people. Whats your name. Mariah. Reporter whats your besides the pool here. Poole. I like to swim in thee t swi water. Reporter like to s wim inewi the water. W any pool. Who is next. Whats your name . Tammy. Reporter whats your y favorite thing to stay cool. Swimming at the pool. T poo reporter whats your name. Aviana. On. Io questi whats your favorite ice cream e flavor. Reporter vanilla and flavor. Or. Vanilla and chocolate. Chocoe reporter whats your name. Whats your favorite slushy flavor. Strawberry. Reporter whats your make. Michael. Reporter great name right here. Whats your favorite way to stay cool in the summertim er avmeim besides the pool here . Her chilling at home. Reporter chilling at home in the air conditioning. Aic one more, one more. Ore. Pick me. Reporter whats your name. Me. Jasmine. Reporter all right jasmine. Ea the three features here we got the fountains up top, wee got the was there fall and the e tidal pool here, whats yoursou favo my favorite feature is thetue waterfall. Reporter favorite feature is the waterfall. Everyone at home, you can cepomm down, you can enjoy it. Njoy this is free. Isre its opened to the public. Its not very deal. Its only about 2 feet deeptee but know that theres noheres lifeguard on duty so he doo come down with parentalh pantal supervision. All right, everybody, live from the yard park, che saraar and laura, back to you. Sarah and laura, back to t you. You. Reporter . Nicely done my end. E m theyre excited out there. E thats cxcool. C what a great place to be. B that is very, very cool. Oo great place to cool off. Indeed. Coming up, seems likep,eems everyone is getting in on pokey mania. Y mania. Yes, were talking about it again. Tmobile is offering a data d plan to help users play moreyor and spend less. And chardonnay go. Cha i heard about this. I a woman makes a hilarious pokemon go parody for moms. Mom. The video has over 7 million7 mo views. View well show it to you. Y and its gyda tonights bowie baysox game. Guess who is throwing out the first pitch. Jim lokay is going to be to b live on the field with the baysox. Well explain what hes up toai straight ahead. N ight hey, sue. Ue hey, there. Hes got a hot jim day, thatay,h is for sure sarah and laura and mike was night, 97 degrees today. This is the hotter evident day weve had since june 11th, june, 2016 and were withinithi 3 degrees of tying a record ofed 100 set in 1954. 14. I kind of dont want to tie want that record. How about you . But it feelsut t like its over 100. R00 what can you expect for the rest of this evening and over e the weekend . Well have your full forecast see my mouthou cant even work its so hot o and thats coming right up. Fox5 local news at 5 00 will be right back. Pokemon go craze is putem something people in danger. We have heard about peopleg walking into traffic bumping into objects or peoplent while theyre playing the game t on their cell phone. P well, yesterday, two men in yesw california had a really close c call. They fell off a cliff while playing pokemon go. Emon g one man fell about 80 feet,0 the other 50 feet. We dont know the extent of extn their injuries. Njuries. One thing is clear they were w not paying attention to whatatte was going on around them sound you got to be careful. Car you know, weve been bee hearing a lot of about some ofut the down sides of pokemon gook g but the game is also having an g impact in a good way. It sure is. S. Many parents say they suddenly y have a great way to bond witho b their kids on these screens. Ns doctors are seeing patientsatie who usually inactive are nowe an getting up and moving to go g catch pokemon characters. Hacter. Its not just when youre wny exercising but even afterwardsws your mood is improved andd weve found in exercise canfoun decrease rates of both anxietyty and depression. On social media and all the e tragedy thats going on this ont came and its just like and free and it gets me i gets e hanging out with my kids,h hanging out away from thefrom te computer. He so, studies show as you heard exercise and spendingnding Time Outdoors can improve yourre mood so it makes sense thaten ta pokemon go is giving some s people a boost. Meanwhile tmobile is trying to capitalize on thetalie pokemon go craze. Z the cell carrier wantsrier wan customers who are burning through their data playing the game to switch to tmobile. Ob next week is part of theof the companys tmobile tuesdays. Tay it is thanking customers withh unlimited data for pokemon go through august 2017. 7. 250 customers will also win 100 bucks to spend on pokey p coins and five people will win l trips to another city to hunty pokemon. Now, thats quite the marketing 32. Et it is crazy. Going back to what those momsth were saying its funny iny played last night with my wh kids, it was the first time i fm had played with them, theith t first time they had even heardnd about it and we had so much m fun and so we did a little ll just a little bit but there were littleere we lit characters around the houseact and we had a blast. B well keep it in control andtr we have screen rules, no res screens, but, you know, havingwv a little bit of fun with wit adults and kids. Sure. Id love to see how long this craze lasts. Las can it go until 2017 . Thats t what i want to know. Ant know. The rules that come up, ies a keep hearing from my kidsid about camp, at camp, some ofam the counselors are playing andre some of the kids who brings wrig their devices to camp which myph kids do not do that, but, you know, the camps are trying theie figure out how to get ahold of o it before it gets too out of of control. All right. Tr, are we going straight to weather right now or ther gamers . Okay. Gamers . O lets go to the gamers who mays like this. S. Nintendo is going back to the b future with its latest gadget. T the Company Plans to release a e slim downed version of itsts classic nintendo gaming systemas and release dozens of Old School Games like mario brothers. Br the new gotaming system will gol on sale in november and sellbers for just there you have it, your y gamers block in a nutshell. Nuth lets check in with sues palka. Before we talk to her lets hert take a look outside. Out very sunny, looks nice outnice there. If you dont like the heat and l humidity you might wander to wan stay inside a bit. B sue palling. This is not the day to hunta pokemon outside. Nside. No, its not absolutely not l not. But you know what, if you loveov it so much, take a popsicle. Absolutely. Bs mike was asking if 97 wasg if 9w still the high for the day. The. I just had a chance to check che the climate data which justat came in. We hit 98 degrees today guys. Own 2 degrees away from the f record. 95 at dulles and bwi 96 so if s you didnt see what we were talking about before theg aboubo commercial break itsmmal b officially the hottest dayot day weve had so far in that 2016. 2 current temperature israture 95 degrees. Es. Its 95 in hagerstown. Westminster, 91 for quantico,uat 93 for culpeper, winchesterinchs and martinsburg as well and of o course those are airsere air temperatures. The humidity is just off theust charts. Its so high tha feels like its over 100 in100 many areas. Reas. I saw it as high as 105. A the district 101, so iss manassas, baltimore at 100. Annapolis feels like 103. Stevensville feels like 103. So, we have got quite a a scorcher under way and werend e going to have another hot dayerh tomorrow although i dont i d think get quite to 98. To mid 90s. S. Theres a possibility thelty humidity may be a little bittl lower tomorrow so it may not m feel quite as bad as today. T. Any storms tomorrow would berrod mainly south. Main weve been only seeing one oreer two storms to our south todaytht as well so they are being suppressed. For the weekend we still have h got lower 90s. 0 it beats the mid and upperid anp 90s but it will still be onll b the hot side. E s great weather at the beachest ts though with only a couple of cou chances for thunderstorms on tht saturday. There is a slight break in the n heat wave by the middle ofdle next week but toward the end of next week it starts cookingtn back up again. Aga so were really just going tongt be slogging through july on aino very hot note. N relief from Mother Nature inn terms of any cooling rain showers. There are some storms again west of interstate e 81, north of harrison burg. These have been slow movers m loaded with lightning droppingpp heavy rain. Rain. Then we had been tracking ackg a few showers that had moved across stafford and sta spotsylvania. This is whats left that of. Ft t reporter maybe spotty maybet downpours tonight. Well keep a slight chance ofe a thunderstorm in the forecast for the next few hours butut most of them have been eitherr trending far to the west ores far to the south of d. C. Now, tomorrow we have at least a very weak frontal boundaryfr thats going to try to make aak run at us. N a well still be back in the midim 90s tomorrow and it will be a little bit humid but its slightly cooler behind thatr bed front and were hoping thatd that front can get a littleweitl bit farther south as we get on t into the weekend so hereseres what the weekend is lookingnds l like at this point. S point were thinking that saturdayatua may drop to 90 if that front can get to our south. T t our sou there will still be a few be a scattered storms around onred ss saturday and maybe a and isolated storm on sunday atnday 91 degrees but i think you weve been going through that t they do tend to either hit tor the south or far to the west. W the clash of the air masseshe a continues over the weekend. Over. Were still thinking that highn pressure out to the west may drive this frontal boundary just a little farther south and thats where the l focus f would be for showers andd storms but were going to have to keep them in the forecast. One thing that i think willbe t change a little bit for theit br week were going to take thatake humidity level and trop it t down from oppressive to merelyey uncomfortable so it should sho feel a little bit better overr the weekend but, you know, the , best place to cool off like lik where mike was at the yardsar with that wonderful littleittl water park there that is freet f of charge or maybe down at the ocean where the waterwhe the war temperature is a wonderful 75 degrees. 75 still there could be a few c bea thunderstorms saturday withto the mid 80s. Sunday should be a drier day a r and as we head our way up theayt coast you can see that once again those mid 80s ought togho feel pretty terrific. Just keep an eye on the skyn eye for saturday. Fo here is your fox5 accuweathercue 7day forecast. Plenty of 90s on this thing. Hi were still going to try to to hold off f wednesday. And thursdays temperature 90. 0. We think beyond thursday ofrs next week it stadarts gettingetg kind of hot again. So, kind of hot again. T again kind of hot again. Ind hopefully we dont have another 98 though. Her 98 were so hot. Really just takes your tes yr breath away. Yeah, it does. Yt d its like suffocating. Focang coming up, its jim day at tonights baysox game. Baysox g. And our own jim lokay is oimy taking the field. Ie well explain what hes up ton straight ahead. Straig football fans are going to gg have a new team root for the f in the district. We have more on the other side s of the break on that one. T.  i want to see that again. T aa i didnt get to see the whole so thing but as very solid first pitch. St p not too bad. N not too bad at all. A Sarah Simmons i think one of tho our coworkers, can he top it . I dont know. Kno i dont think so. I so earlier this summer, myr, pal sarah, she tossed the first pitch for redheadedhe Appreciation Night there it is. There it is again. Aga i didnt quite make it. It just a little outside outde thing. Yeah arc little bit. Ea it was definitely a strike. Yeah. I goth a compliment from the catcher so whatever. Ter. So, it was redhead Appreciation Night. Ia you did better than 50cent e did remember. I didnt throw it into the rocrowd. Steve chenevey. Stevehene ooh. So heres the deal. It is now jim Appreciation Night at the stadium, the sdium, bowie baysox will be celebrating all those named ned jim and james through music trivia and other gamee promotions. Ns fox5s jim lokay will be throwing out the first pitchhe t tonight and well be checkinghek in with him ahead at fox5t local news at 6 00. 0 im looking forward to that. Rd t i can does. Does. Football fans theyre goingns to have a new team to root foro in the district, the t washington valor, the arena are Football League team is coming i to d. C. In the spring of 2017. 01 the name logo and colors werelor unveiled today. Today the logo pays tribute to the t t bald eagle and the stars and stripes. Stripe the valor uniforms are still aoe work in progress though butess b those are expected to be readyxp to show off by the end of the summer. Summer. Awesome. Looking forward to that. Mom blogger put her own spin on pokemon go making aa version shes also a comedian, too making a a version for mothers everywheree called chardonnay go. It is so funny. Hilarious viral video that has over 7 million views. Illion vie. Well have that for you ahead. T stick around. This one is a good one. I keep hearing about it. Lets go fi lets chardonnay go. Oh, my gosh, its so closelo day. While the kids may pokemonokm go, moms can can play or nonmoms can play chardonnay go. Go. Blogger created this spoof. It has gone viral racking up u 7. 6 million views. Ws. Thats hilarious. Io its so funny. Un youve got to watch the whole thing. Well produced. All right. The news at 6 00 starts right now. We have breaking newsreakines tonight out of france. A truck driver plowed into ao large crowd that was gathered g to celebrate bastille day in the city of niece. Y of niece. There are reportedly multiple mi People Killed and manyndan injured. Red. This information is veryery preliminary. We dont have solid numbers nums yet nor do we know if this isift was an intentional act or an accident. No one knows that this point. Hio the mayor of niece is urgingrgg residents to sta homes. The attack happened at 10 30 tonight in france. July 14th is bastille day inay i france a National Holiday to to commemorate the start of thetare french revolution wellion l bring you the latest as we get t more details. Etls meantime here we are justre t days before the start of thehe Republican National conventionoo and the star of the show isw i creating quite a buzz. Buz and donald trump is not the only one. O Hillary Clinton has folks talking as well. We have Live Team Coverage for the start of what is sure toe be an explosive next fewex f weeks. Fox5s alexandria limon iss live in annandale wherele wre clinton spent the day campaigning but first letsst ls start with Tom Fitzgerald withih speculation over trumps vp pick. Pick. Tom. Reporter tony speculation has turned intoeps r developments just in the last few moments. Mts. Fox news reporting now that sources familiar with theli Trump Campaign confirming at this hour that indianandia governor mike pence has been b offered and has accepted the role to be Vice President ial v pick of donald trump iicn this i campaign as soon as tomorrowom

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