Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 News At Noon 20160303 : vimarsan

WTVT FOX 13 News At Noon March 3, 2016

Ptemperament to be president. Pafter all, this is an individual pwho mocked a disabled reporter. Pwho attributed a reporters pquestions to her menstrual cycle pwho mocked a brilliant rival who phappened to be a woman due to pher appearance. Pwho bragged about his marital paffairs, and laces public pspeeches with vulgarity. Pdonald trump says he admires utin, at the same time seas pcalled george w. Bush a liar. Pthat is a twisted example of pevil trumping good. Phes playing the members of pamerican public for suckers. Phe gets a free ride to the white phouse, and all we get is lousy phat. Pto recession. Phis foreign policies would make pamerica and world less safe. Phe has neither the temperament pfor nor judgment to be president pand his personal qualities would pmean that america would cease to promneys fiery speech came hours pbefore at gop candidates are set pto debate tonight in detroit. Pjoining us on phone is fox 13 olitical editor Craig Patrick. Pso first off, why is romney pgetting involved and do you pthink its going to make any pdifference at all . P well i think hes very pconcerned about the future of phis party as the republican pestablishment. Pbut trump is turning this into a pmovement. Phe is framed it us versus them pkind of thing. Pagainst republican the more than pfigures Republican Leaders a plike mitt romney pile on those pkinds of attacks have the otential of at least to pbackfire and continue to feed pthe trump campaign. Pif you listen to the attacks pthat mitt romney rolled out they pare familiar. Pwere heard them from from plindsay graham and a jeb bush pthe list goes on and on. Pand those attacks have a not pworked up until this point. Pbut mitt romney given the fact arty four years ago is giving a ptry. P any reaction so far from the pdonald himself . P well i think we already had preaction before mitt romneys pvote and that was by way of ptweet that donald trump claiming pthat mitt romney is a loser and pwas a terrible candidate and pdmris him as such. Pexpect more of that. Pdebate. Pwhat i thought was particularly pinteresting in the speech what pwe didnt hear was a call for pnonaddressive p. M. What mitt promney was saying go out and pvote not necessarily for one articular alternative to trump, pbut for all of it. Pso if rubio stands a better pchance of winning in florida pvote for him there kasich stands pa vert chance in ohio vote for phim regardless of which other pcandidate that you may want. Pand with that, instead of giving pout an an den doerment mitt promney is calling for prepublicans who dont want trump pto vote for one of three pdifferent alternatives. Pit will be interesting to hear psay about this and they will get pthat opportunity tonight in the pdebate. Pthank you, craig. Pwe will check back tonight at p5 oclock. Pwe want to continue our coverage pnow with choir line shively in pwashington. P this morning mitt romney said pdonald trump is playing the pamerican public for suckers. Ptrump heads into tonight debate priding high in polls but reparing for low blows. Psenator ted cruz and marco rubio phave been attacking him all pweek. Phead to head with hillary pclinton donald trump in all plikelihood loses and its a pdisaster for republicans. Phes never voted in a republican rimary in his life. Pnumber 2, to the extent he know pwhere he stands on issues they psound a lot like hillary pclinton. Promney is going further. Psaying trump is getting a free pride to the white house and on pthe public gets is lousy hat. P statements are part of larger pmovement by the gop pestablishment to block trump. Pthink outrageous you know every pone of those candidates took a pthe nominee and people are pspeaking and they have spoken. Pand now they need to all rally pbehind our republican nominee. Pwhom ever that. Pdr. Ben carson will not be on pstage tonight after a poor pshowing on super tuesday. Psaying he does not see a path pforward for his campaign. P despite his low delegate pcounty Governor John Kasich will pbe there without the insults. Pyou know what, were not pelecting class president or pclass clown. Pwe are electing the leader of pthe free world. Ptrump is taking the attacks in pstride tweeting out i am not a pmitt romney who doesnt know how pto win. Pin washington, caroline shively, pfox news. P today the city of tampa is ptaking up an ordinance pdecriminalizing small amounts of pmarijuana. Pinstead of charge offenders with pmisdemeanor police would issue pcitations. Pfox 13s Alcides Segui takes a pcloser look. P the meeting is under way pinside City Council Chambers pis caught with a 20 grams or pless of marijuana will not be parrested. Pthey are not going to jail pinstead they will receive a pcitation. Pa citation that they have to pay pwithin 30 days. Pthe first time they are caught pit is 75. Psecond time 150. Pthird time, 300. Pand fourth offense, youll have pto pay 450 in fines. Panother big component under this roposal, it will no longer be a pcriminal offense. Pinstead, a civil penalty. Pthe current law considers ossession of marijuana a first pdegree misdemeanor punishable by pone year in prison or probation. Pand 1,000 fine. Pso again, this proposal is a big pdifference twt from current law. Pcity officials are quick to say pthey are not encouraging drug puse. Pthere are some sanctions in lace. Pyou have to pay a fine. Pand we just believe that for the poffense that the punishments pshould fit the offense and phaving a criminal record maybe pdoesnt fit the offense. Pinclude right here in florida phave passed similar ordinances psome argue if you have a pcriminal background, its very pdifficult to find a job in ptampa, Alcides Segui, fox 13 pknew. Pthank you, alcides. Palso in tampa police are psearching for two people after a phome invasion in north tampa. Pit happened off uconn street. Olice say two men broke into a phouse and a zip tied two people pand stole some electronic and pjewelry. Pthe victims were able to free pthemselves and a call police and pfortunate they werent haurt. Pright now police are searching pfor the two men responsible. Pthe woman accused of a hitting pand killing a tow truck driver pon the Howard Franklin bridge pwas back in court today. Etty theft charge but along pwith facing a judge she also pfaced some other tow truck pdrivers at todays hearing. Pthey protested outside the pcourthouse. Pthey say her checkered driving precord before that accident that pkilled roger perez makes her a pdanger to the public. Pthey also wanted to bring pattention to the move over law. P its extraordinarily pall of us run same risk that proger ran that night if the erson had just if individual phad just simply moved over one plane we would not be having this pconversation now. Phuff was already out on bond pwhen that accident took place. Punder staffing at the tampa irs poffice could soon be fixed lines pare still long but dont stretch pyesterday. Pmany people coming here in line pbecause someone filed taxes in ptheir names to get the returns. Pnoed for them to file pthemselves, they now have to pverify their identities in erson they cant did online or pover the phone Agency Officials pblame extended wait times on pcutbacks and not enough staff. Pand doesnt blame the irs pemployees. P if there is no money, psomeones responsible. Pyou taking tax out of my money pwhen i need services i have to pwait 24 hours in a cold weather. Pthat is not fair. Pto hire more workers but for now eople can make appointments ponline for the st. Pete office. Pthe florida strawberry festival pis under way right now in plant pcity. Pand besides delicious treats, pyoull also find some added psecurity. Pwell take a look at why. Pand howes forecast looking for pare this opening day . Pthings are looking pretty good pwe had cold front that pushed pthrough yesterday. Pbehind it a lot of high clouds. Pkind of that milky appearance to pthe sky. Pbut as you look over the pstrawberry festival right now pthings look good. Pwere continuing to see quiet pconditions for today. Pweve got a front that will be ushing through tonight and into pearly tomorrow morning. Pthats going to give us a slight pchance of a couple of showers. At Busch Gardens, our appetite for fun never ends. And now, the food Wine Festival feeds your appetite for adventure, with wild flavors. Pulsepounding rides. And concerts for every taste. Busch gardens food Wine Festival is the best way to enjoy thrilling attractions. Mouthwatering dishes. And your favorite artists live in concert every weekend, starting march 5th. So come eat, drink, and rock out now. And let cobras curse take you for a spin this summer. Busch gardens. Floridas thrill the florida strawberry festival is now open. And you pthe florida strawberry festival pis now open and you know its pgoing to be a fun and tasty. Pbut theres more than berries on pmenu this year. Pas fox 13s Shayla Reeves preports, they are also focused pon security. Pwell the idea when you come to pthe a strawberry festival is to pmake sure you have a safe and ositive experience. Pthats according to the a pHillsborough County sheriffs poffice. Pand this year deputies are ptaking some extra steps to make psure that youre safe and youre psecure when you come. Pim here with major chad pchronister with hillsborough pcounty sheriffs office. Pgood morning. Pgood morning. Ptell me a little bit about what pyou guys are doing to make sure pthat the grounds are safe that eople have a good experience. P certainly a more enhanced psecurity. Pi think youre seeing that pthis the day and age that we plive in. Pmagnetometers s come into into pground. Pand i know well talk about some pof the prohibited items much pmore of Law Enforcement presence pyou will see deputies out on phorseback on bikes patrolling arking lot so make sure your pvaluables and belongings are psafe once you get inside erimeter deputies to make sure psomeone is not passing something pover the fence. Pyou know that who wasnt pscreened to get in here into pfestival grounds. Palong with lot more camera pangles. Pmidway. Palong with a lot of different pcamera angles and make sure we phave birds eye view of peverything going on in office. Pgoing on festival grounds. Pthats okay. Pwhen we talk about the cameras pand the security you guys have plot of camera set up here. Phere. Pthe cameras that are available pto you covering a multiple angle pacross the ground to make sure pyou guys can keep up with whats pgoing on . P correct. Robably close to 30, 35 camera pangles. Pwhat a great resource here we pcan keep generic and go to pdifferent camera angles we can ull up and going on or what we pbelief is something that could pgoing on we can zoom in and put psome of the different monitors pin and keep an eye on everything pto make sure that maybe that ptiny problem doesnt evolve into pa bigger problem. Pjust so people know, there are pdeputies that are on the grounds pthat you will see. Pbut of course, there are some arts of your security efforts pthat you may not see. Pincluding the officers that work pundercover, deputies that work pundercover, mixing with the pmost certainly. Palways have to have that covert pcomponent. Pwere so overt on any given day pthinking about 500 thousand pvisitors here to the grounds, pyou know, thats a lot of people pyou will see on some days 80 to p100 deputies on property. Povert, very large over presence. Pwith that comes covert. Pto make sure they are kind pinform shadows lurking around to pmake sure that no one does psomething they are not supposed pto be doing. Pquickly before you go, lets ptouch on some of the items that pa facebook viewer earlier asked pabout firearms. Pif you have a concealed carry ermit. Pcan you still bring them . Pwhats your answer to and what psome other items. Pno firearm just like going into pstadium concert ven venue pregardless leave it a home you pwont need it here. Pammunition, anything flammable pexplosive, the stun gun, the ptaser that one may carry or the poc or pepper spray. Pyou know you wont need it here plock it in trunk of your car pleave at home come have great ptime. Pwe talked about it all morning plong theres Great Entertainment pa lot of great food. Psome come a lot of fun and leave pus. Pall right thank you so much pmajor chad. Pof course strawberry festival pkicking off today and runs for pthe next ten days. Pstay with us and well bring you pmore updates throughout week, pguys, back to you. P thank you shayla. Pif youre planning to this year pfestival you may want to leave pearlier than expected. Pi 4 exit ramp expansion phomosassa road is still not psupposed to be completed in time pfor festival but it wont done puntil end of the month. Pit most direct route to grounds pbut traffic is known to come to pstand still in that area. Pso police are asking people to pavoid that interchange and pinstead you can use the branch pforbes exit. Phead south on state road 574 and pturn east to the festival pgrounds. P officers reminding people to pclick it or ticket. Psarasota police arent writing ptickets but they are out preminding people a gas station pthat greeted people wearing pseatbelts with full service at pthis exxon station if drivers pdid not have their seatbelt on pthey didnt get a ticket but pofficers stress the importance pwearing a seatbelt conflict or pticket happens every year they psuch an important thing to do pand it only takes a second. P Police Officers are here they pare doing it to help tell people pto wear seatbelts to save lives. Pbut you know what, it was like pmy own miracle today. Pso i am really, really pappreciative. Pwe dont want to be bad guy and pwrite somebody a ticket. Pand when you get stopped and you pdo f you do receive a citation, pyoure going to remember to put pyour seatbelt on the next time pyou start your vehicle. Psarasota officers will be pstepping up patrols until pmarch 14th officers will not ponly be looking for seatbelt pviolations but people texting pspeeding and also aggressive pdrivers. P some people go to busch pgardens others go to beach. Psome take in florida aquarium. Pmaybe youve missed some of the pmost colorful and creative psights in our area. Prussell rhodes enlightens us pcocoa josephine and i love phanging out, that beautiful iece of outdoor public art precently installed on bay shore pboulevard across from academy of pholy names and monte carlo ptowers now its been in tampa psince the 90s but only recently paddress on the bay shore. Pit certainly where he intended pto be where people could walk by pdrive by. Pdrive by art work. Pnothing to be, its not pappropriate for a museum. Preally meant to be outdoors. P now, part of the reason for pthat is how the it seems to move pas you move. Pwhen you walk or drive by it, it pchanges. Pone direction it looks like pthis. Pthe other it looks totally pdifferent. Probin a manager of tampa art rograms division. Pshe finds the art, finds the pmoney. Ublic, private and grants. Pto make public art happen in ptampa. Pand she says theres a pdifference between this kind of pmuseum. Plot of it has to do with how pyoure engaged. Phow you encounter it. Pin the public its, its very pharsh conditions. Ptypically youve got sun, youve pgot wind. Pyouve got salt, water. Pyouve got other kinds of pdistractions you need to watch pthe road. Pa lot going on. Part. Psome of them you see every day. Psome of them you may be noticing phere for the first time. Pin a museum you go to the art. Pin public art, you stumble pacross it. Pit almost just comes to you. Presilient. Pthe real intent is always got to plook good. Pif it doesnt look at its best, pthen youre not a disservice not ponly to artist but the public pwho experiences it. P it was a spruced up when it pwas installed on a bay shore plooks like new again. Art of landscape here. Pand thats what public art is psupposed to be. P what would it look like pwithout it . Pi mean, if you think about it i pmean sometimes you can say you pjust miss it or you just glaze pover it. Pif it werent there, i think pyoud really notice it. Prhodes. Pwhat nice story there. Pwhat a perfect time of the year pto get out enjoy some of that poutdoor art. Pyeah. Ptimes of the year. Ptypically youve got pretty mild ptemperatures. Prelatively low humidity. Preally not whole lot of rain. Pand pretty much living up to it ptoday. Pweve got high clouds passing poverhead as expected. Pas you look out over strawberry pfestival first day of the fair pthere. Pthings going to a okay, pretty pnice looking weather out there pwith temperatures running in the plower 70s. Pgood day to get out there this pevening. Pa little maybe on the cool side. Pbut still you bring a jacket pwith you, youre going to be pjust fine. Pany rain that we see thats pgoing to through the overnight phours. Psay after midnight and then, as pwe get into the first part of pthe morning tomorrow, thats pwhen were going to start to see pmaybe a slight chance of a pcouple showers as we get into psay between about 1 to 6, p7 oclock in the morning. Pthats our best chance of seeing psome showers for tomorrow. Pnow visible satellite loop, just pcontinues to show lot of high pclouds moving over head. Pjust kind of gives that milky pthat will continue throughout pthe rest of the today. Pcold front will be working its pway down the state. Pand ahead of it temperatures not pbad. Pwere running in the lower 70s rimarily along the coastal psections. Pbut as you move just a little pbit away from the coast, you can psee were seeing temperatures palready in mid 70s. Psurprised if we get into upper p70s away from the coastline. Pbut with a front to our south, pwhat weve done is weve dried pthat atmosphere out. Pdew points which will climb back pinto the upper 60s yesterday, pwere dropping them back down pinto the 40s and the 50s. Pso it feels very, very pcomfortable outside with that plower humidity. Ptheres the front. Pkind of stalling out to our psouth. Phigh pressure sliding on towards pthe east. Pyou can see a lot of weather. Pyou can see the showers, some psleet, some freezing rain and psome snow once you head up ptowards say kentucky, indiana, pover into ohio. Pbut notice the motion with all pof this weather. Pbasically just moving right to pthe east. Pyoure not really seeing a whole pstorms. Pso as front swings into the psouth, the big push of the pweather will be to the east. Pso thats where our rain chances peven though we have a front pheading or way really only about p20 percent for early tomorrow. Ptemperatures, you can see a lot pof cold air on the map. Pwere not really drawing that pcold air further down towards pthe south. P20s and 30s across the northern ptier of states. Pnow watch it here all play out pon future cast. Phigh continues to work et cetera pway away. Ptheres a low, shifting on ptowards the east. Pcold front moves through. Pslight chance of a couple of pshowers through the overnight phours and into early tomorrow pmorning. Pthe net high builds right back pin. Pmild temperatures for friday pthrough the week

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