Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 7AM 20160229 : vima

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 7AM 20160229

Pto get around it. Pstate road 52 is backing up as pwell because of this crash. Pdrivers are expecting to not pstay on i75 and exiting at 52 pinstead. Ptravelling from the west, you pcan use u. S. 41, maybe even the psuncoast parkway. Pfrom the east you can use u. S. P301 as an alternate. Pother bass crash is a fatal paccident that happened earlier pthis morning. Pwestbound along 118th avenue pnorth is currently blocked off pbetween 49th street and u. S. 19. Pkelly is on the scene right now. Pshe has more information for us. Pdo you know if theyve pdetermined the structural pintegrity of the pillars yet . Pi know u. S. 19 is still open, pthough, right . Preporter yes. Pu. S. 19 is still open. Pwe have not seen d. O. T. Pofficials arrive on the scene pjust yet. Pill step out of the shot. Pyou can see traffic is flowing pover u. S. 19 right now. Pdown. Pthis portion that you see pnearest to the camera, you can psee the other side is open. Pthe eastbound lanes. P but the westbound lanes are pshut down between 49th street pnorth and the u. S. 19 overpass. Ptraffic is still being stopped pfrom coming under that overpass. Pright now on the eastbound side, pits being rerouted. Pbut this, this morning, the pscene of a fiery, fatal paccident. Pwere told that a vehicle was pspeeding along 19 north frontage proad when it ran into one of pthose support structures, those illars that hold up the poverpass so as we mentioned pearlier, d. O. T. Officials to parrive on the scene to pinvestigate whether or not, you pknow, they need to shut down pu. S. 19 at all, whether or not pthere are any causes for safety pconcerns. Pright now it is open. Pyou can see that police still phere investigating. Phomicide investigators still on pthe scene. Pat least one person has died pthis morning. Olice tell us theyre not sure pif anybody else was inside that pvehicle but well know more in pthe following hours. Pso stay with us. Pwell be updating this story pabout every half hour here. Pfor now reporting live in inellas park, fox 13 news. Pback to you. Pjennifer thank you. Pwell talk again soon. Pdave 7 03. Pcloud cover will start things poff today. Pthat helped to keep us mild povernight. Pall Childrens Hospital camera, pits 61 degrees over pinellas pcounty. Ptampa under mostly cloudy skies, pstarting off at 60 so well see pa steady stream of mid to upper plevel clouds today. Phowever, its not going to stop pus from getting in the mid 70s, pa very nice day overall. Pstick around for your sevenday pforecast which well have in a pfew minutes, okay . P the republican party, the pconservative movement, the party pverge of nominating a con artist pto be the president , to be our pnominee for president. Plaura Strong Language from pmarco rubio over the weekend as phe takes aim at donald trump. Phe calls him a con artist. Pit is super tuesday tomorrow. Prussell its about half of pwhat it takes to win the partys pnomination. Ptheres a lot at stake here. Pdoug is following the race from pwashington. Pdoug, good morning. Preporter good morning. Pyou know, you look at the label. Pthis is a map for republicans. Plook at all the delegates in lay and as we get closer and pcloser to tomorrow, the attacks pare getting very personal. P donald is not going to make pAmerica Great. Phes going to make america porange. Preporter marco rubio taking a age from Donald Trumps play pbook and going negative. P2 which is why i dont punderstand why his hands are the psize of someone who is 5 2. Phave you seen his hands . Ptheyre like this. Preporter trump has legal pbattles over Trump University to pan endorsement of sorts from pformer klan leader david duke pwhich trump did disenvow but he palso celebrated a big pendorsement from jeff sessions. P we need to make America Great pagain. P i hate to say it. Pim becoming mainstream. Pall of these people are now pnoticing me. Pill tell you. Preporter texas may be the preal weak spot for trump which pis likely to go to ted cruz. Pfor republicans, the idea of pstopping trump from the g. O. P. Pconvention may be far fetched. P say he wins every place pexcept texas. Pon what basis do you get to a pcontested convention . Pdip Hillary Clinton mopped up pbig win, giving her tremendous pmomentum heading into tuesday. Popposed by the democratic pestablishment, Bernie Sanders pmay suffer four losses tomorrow, articlarly in the south. Pbut he sees no comeback. P we think were going to do pvery well in minnesota on super ptuesday, colorado were going to pdo well, oklahoma well do well. Pi think well win in pmassachusetts and in vermont and pbetter than people think in pother states. Preporter for republicans, pits fair to say texas, which is pthe crown jewel of super ptuesday, is a mustwin for ted pcruz. Pyou can say the same thing about pflorida, even though its not at lay tomorrow, clearly a pmustwin for marco rubio. Pshayla reaves has more this pmorning on early voting. Prussell hi. Pgood morning to you, doug. Pjust a couple of hours, early pvoting will begin for pHillsborough County and also olk county. Pthese are just the two that will pbegin that process today. Pthere are several others that pso if youre headed to the polls pfor early voting, there are a pfew things that you need to pknow, especially if youre pvoting in florida. Pfor example, you must first be pregistered to vote to rimary. Pthe deadline has already passed, paffiliation. Pthe florida primary is closed. Pthat means you must already be pregistered as a democrat or pregistered as a republican to articipate and if you plan to pvote early, you should bring two pforms was identification, pincluding one with a signature pand also a photo. Pso some examples of accepted pforms of identification include pyour drivers license, your u. S. Assport, military or student pi. D. To name a few. Pwithout proper identification, pyou can still participate in the pearly voting process. Pyou can vote with a provisional pballot. Pif you received a ballot by pmail, you changed your mind and pyou decided instead that you pwant to vote early in person, pyou can still do that. Pyoure just asked to bring your pvoting location so it can be pcancelled. Pmoving forward, early voting in pHillsborough County begins this pmorning at 10 00. Pit runs from 10 00 to 6 00 every pday, weekdays, weekends as well pand wraps up on march 13. Pfor folks in polk county, early pvoting gets underway at 9 00 pthis morning and it runs on pweekdays and saturdays from 9 00 pa. M. Until 6 00 p. M. And it also pincludes march 6, a sunday where pvoting will take place from p10 00 to 6 00 p. M. Pthese are some details you need pto know if youre planning to pvote early here in florida. Pof course, well continue to pkeep you posted if we learn panything further. Pback to you. Prussell well talk then. Pthank you. P7 08 right now. Olk county detectives are plooking for a violent thief. Plaura he had a gun when he pheld up a clerk at a quick mart pin lakeland saturday night. Pnot much of a description to go pon. Pthe clerk said he couldnt see pthe thiefs face but detectives pare hoping that someone was pwatching. Pif so, call crime stoppers. Pthat number is 1800226tips. Prussell detectives looking pfor suspects after busting a pcock fight operation in pHillsborough County. Pthey say everybody ran into the pwoods when the deputies got pthere. Pthey found cages, dozens of dead proosters on the property and psome of the roosters were still palive. Pinvestigators say they were umped with steroids, too paggressive to be kept alive. Pjust terrible. Plaura amber alert ends with a psafe return of 2monthold girl. Pshe was taken from her home near pfort lauderdale friday night. Pshe was found 18 hours later at pan apartment in orlando. Pshe was taken to a hospital as a recaution but shes okay. Pthe mothers cousin and p14yearold boy are accused of pabducting her. P9yearold with courage beyond phis years celebrates a pmilestone. Peric has a terminal heart defect phe recently got to check one pthing off the list, too. Phe sill brated his birthday with pa superhero themed party. Pthis is his First Birthday Party pever. Pat nine years old, about 500 eople showed up at old mc pmickys farm in odessa. Pnew medication is helping him pwith his quality of life and phes already more energetic. P that long, long walk would phave never happened before. Pit would have never happened. Phim coming off that truck before pand standing up where he did, he pwould have lasted maybe five pminutes and he would have been, pim tired. Phe would have gotten his pwheelchair. Pits already working. Plaura the next item on his pbucket list is a visit to pkennedy space center which im pguessing will happen in short porder. Prussell bless his heart. Pdressed too impress. Pthats usually the goal on oscar pwell have the winners and plosers. Plaura plus something that pmight be as close to perfect as pyou can get. Preporter im in new york. Ersonalized city. Pthat story is coming up. Pdave we just touched 7 11. P60 degrees outside at tampa pinternational. Pmost areas are in the 50s as we pbegin this morning. Pyou see mid 50s in one or two pspots, still 40s further north. Pwe should see some sun filtering pthrough clouds today. Penough so to make it back up to p74 degrees this afternoon. Peven warmer tomorrow with a high pof 78. Pjennifer big backups through pflips on its side. Ponly one lane is passing. Pfour miles during this extended visit from your extended family, all you want is a peaceful moment to stream your show. And you need enough bandwidth to share with a full house of hungry users. Lightning internet from bright house networks. The speed you need. And now connect to. Standard tv and 50 megabit lightning internet. Only 94 a month ba da ba ba ba pjoich pjennifer tough morning. Pwere continuing to follow a psituation along 75 southbound pjust south of state road 52 pwhere semi truck is flipped on proadway but it is causing a big pimpact for drivers this morning. Pat one point i75 was blocked poff completely so bay flight pcould arrive on scene. Ptheyve since left the scene but poff. Pfar left lane is getting by. Plane. Pthis is about a quarter mile psouth of state road 52 and boy, pare we seeing a backup this pmorning. Pdelays extend back three to four pmiles. Pwere also seeing delays along pstate road 52 as well. Pdrivers, you can eat wait in ptraffic or your alternate, not pthat great but if youre headed pfrom the east 75, you can avoid pit by using 301. Pdrivers from the west, you can palways use u. S. 41 or the psuncoast parkway instead. Pill let you know as soon as pthat second lane reopens. Pyou can follow me at fox 13 ptraffic. Pheres a closer look at the semi ptruck involved in this crash. Pthe other issue were dealing pwith this morning is an accident pthat happened just after 4 00 pshut down westbound lanes along p118th avenue north between 49th pstreet and u. S. 19. Psingle vehicle crash and that pvehicle were hearing was ptravelling at a very high rate pof speed when it crashed into pthe u. S. 19 overpass and caught pon fire. Pso d. O. T. Is on scene assessing pthe situation, trying to figure pout whether or not there was any pdamage of the structural pintegrity of that bridge. Pas of right now, u. S. 19 is pcompletely open. Pthe only lanes that are blocked pare the westbound lanes along p118th avenue north so drivers pcan avoid it. Pinstead. Pdave . Pdave thanks, jen. Pweve got mostly cloudy skies. Pbut we are going to poke a ptoday. Ptampa cam showing you the cloud pcover. Pout to the beach, same thing. Phow about another picture this ptime over lakeland . Pmostly cloudy skies. Pbut those clouds actually help pto keep it a little bit warmer pthis morning. Pits in the 50s to near 60 new ptampa, plant city, brandon, all pmid 50s. Psame for you, west chase. Pupper 50s in most of pinellas pcounty. Pclearwater at 58. Inellas park at 57. Pthen you go a little further pnorth. Pactually you dont have as much pin the way of cloud cover. Psee the temps in the mid 40s for pcitrus county, lower 50s for pbrooksville, upper 50s, south of ptampa along the coastline. Pits actually a lot warmer than pit was yesterday overall. Pmainly mid 50s inland as well. Pnotice, wow, six to 14 degrees pwarmer than it was yesterday at pthis time. Pthat is a noticeable difference pand i think its really because phave. Pjet stream is streaming across pthe gulf and brings to us the pmid to upper level cloud cover. Pat the surface, winds are psoutheast. Pthat will tend to warm us up. Pyou get little breaks that we pit will help to warm us up in pthe mid 70s. Pi think we finish where we did pyesterday, just a different way pof getting there, right . Pwe dont have the clear skies. Pwe have the clouds and the psunshine. Pmore clouds this morning. Pwell poke out sun this pafternoon. Psame as yesterday with high ptemps about 74 degrees. Ptonight partly cloudy skies. Pwell keep it mild and seasonal. Povernight lows near 57. Pfor tomorrow, a little bit pwarmer, scattered clouds, more pof a southsoutheast wind. Pthat will warm us up to 78. Pwell go above normal for a pchange. Peast to northwest winds today at pfive knots and the winds arent pgoing to be bad. Pits going to be great to do psome boating. Pyoull have more cloud cover pobviously than yesterday. Pwere coming up on a high tide. Pnext is a low tide at a few pminutes past 11 00. P20 rain chances in there but pnotice, even behind those weak pfronts, temperatures dont fall poff all that much. Psee the 70s the next seven days pand lows primarily in the 50s as pwell. Pnot bad. Plaura does look good. Prussell thank you. Plook around. Plook around. Pyou dont have to look far to psee how Much Technology has pchanged our lives. Plaura things have gotten a plot easier, havent they . Plauren simonetti shows us what pwe can expect this year. Preporter one growth area to pwatch this year is the ersonalized city when it comes pto apartment living, small is pthe new big, buildings in some pof the most expensive cities in pamerica now offering units so ptiny that ordinances had to be pwaived to allow them. Pthe perks of micro living are plarge. Prenters are being lured in with pluxuries such as gyms, group pdecks and lounges. Pson Concierge Services allow dry pcleaning pickup and delivery. Pyour phone seems to know when pyoure hungry and what youre phungry for. Pand the phone may say, you want pto reorder the chinese again . Pthats what you got last time. Preporter the way your takeout pgets delivered may change, too. P the car too stop at the prestaurant, the restaurant could pthrow the food in the back and pit will get to you and get pdelivered in almost no time. Preporter who is driving that pcar . Pno one. Psome are seeing a world where arking lots can be moved to the erimeter of a city. Pdriverless cars will be summoned pvalet style. Pthe elderly or disabled would phave access to many more pfacilities. P if every one of those cars pwas just a data point that had pto all get to a certain position pand a big computer was saying, pokay. Pi know how to do this. Ptraffic is going to flow better. Pthings will move easier and i pthink well see a lot less paccidents. Pout of driving. Prussell travelling 143 pmillion miles in less than a pyear. Pcoming up, the unforgettable ptrip for one american. Plaura it is amazing and then pmost of us didnt win an oscar pbut they sure did make a fashion pstatement on the red carpet last pnight. Pthe best and the worst. Pwere going to let you be the pjudge. Pfirst Charley Belcher in another pcool school. Pcharley dont judge what im pwearing. Pthe Fashion Police probably have pa warrant for my arrest. Pits a private school in inellas county. Pclearwater technically very pclose to Pinellas Park. Pindividualized instruction and a ositive, safe christian penvironment. Psmall Group Instruction using pthe latest technology, top pquality Educational Services for pboth exceptional and mainstream pstudents. Plook at those faces right there. Pthey know how cool this place pis. Apparently, people think im too perky. So now im not being perky, save an average of 548 whoo i mean, whoo. Put more fun in your day with icecreamflavored coffees at dunkin donuts. Go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. Enjoy one today. Uh, hello geico . Yeah, i was just talking about your emergency Roadside Service and how its available 24 7 and then our car overheated. What are the chances . Can you send a tow truck please . Uh, the location . Youre not going to believe this but its um. Its in a tree. I wish i was joking, mate, but its literally stuck in a tree. car horn honking a chainsaw . Day or night, geicos emergency Roadside Service is there for you. The bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. America runs on dunkin. Pjennifer welcome back. P7 24. Pwere keeping you updated on a pserious situation along i75 pinvolving this semi truck that pflipped on its side. Pthis is southbound 75 about a pquarter mile south of state road p52. Pweve been watching lanes close, preopen. Pas of right now, both lanes are popen. Pyou have two lanes passing 75 pafter state road 52 but the big icture here is that tow trucks pare going to be out on the scene pand remove the vehicle from the proadway. Pwhen they do, im sure there pwill be a temporary shutdown pwhen that happens. Pas of right now, all lanes are pback open. Pthis just happened within a pcouple of minutes so that means pthe delays are still there and ptheyre pretty extensive, about pthree to four miles worth of a pbackup along 75. Pwere also seeing delays along pstate road 52 as drivers are pseeing whats happening up ahead pand theyre exiting off the pinterstate as well. Pif youre heading from the west, pyou can use land o lakes pboulevard or the suncoast arkway instead. Pfrom the east you can always use p301. Ptraffic is jammed this morning palong the southbound lanes of pi75. Pthe good news is the two lanes pare back open. Inellas county, were dealing pwith a fatal crash that has poff between 49th street and u. S. P19. Pwere telling people to use pulmerton road. Pthats causing a backup on both pthe east and westbound side. Pall the eastbound lanes along p118th avenue north are open. Pthe portion that turns into pbrian dairy road not affected by pthis. Pdrivers exiting off u. S. 19 will pnot be able to access brian pdairy road until this roadway preopens. Plaura thank you. Pbusy morning for you. P7 26. Pa Community Near washington, pd. C. Is trying to cope with ptragedy. Prussell 28yearold police poffi

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