Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 8AM 20160223 : vima

WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 8AM February 23, 2016

Pthis tuesday. Pfebruary 23rdrd. Pwee going to get over to dave pright now for look what we can pexpect outside dpa. P yeah i cant believe its this pmuggy already. P64 is our dew point. P66 our current temperature. Pwell winds are mainly south, psoutheast about three, 5 miles er hour. Pbut, its a little juicy out pthere. Pweve got some cloud cover pmixing in. Pi think what were going to do pbring temperatures back the pupper 70s while running just a p30 percent risk of a pthunderstorm. Pim sorry a shower. Pexcuse me later this afternoon. Pthe thunderstorms are going to pbe tomorrow during the day. Pit looks like mid to late pmorning along the coast pafternoon as you go further pinland ill talk more about that pin a few minutes. Pbut yeah pretty muggy and warm pvanessa, what do you think . P yeah. Psuch a change i guess coming to pus from what where we are right pnow. Pall right 8 01 is time. Pwe want check on trouble spots phere pasco county skyfox monday pforking state road 52 appear pjack niered tractor trailer you pcan still see right there under pblocking eastbound lanes. Pthose drivers should avoid the parea either takingroad or st. Pjoes road. Pwe also are seeing westbound ptraffic, basically blocked from pentering southbound 75. Pwe were seeing some heavier jams pin the area. Plooks like that westbound ptraffic seems to have lifted if pyou do try to access 75 psouthbound from this point. Pbest bet probable head down old asco road to Wesley Chapel pboulevard entrance ramp. Plooks like still in process of pmoving that one out. Pmeantime big jams here westbound pi4 a new crash between 75 and p30 one with the center lane pblocked. Pwe do have back ups all way back ptowards man go road solidly. Pyoull probably want to exit as pfar west as that point take u. S. P92 around this crash site. P here with a developing story, pwe could see travel times pimproving a little bit if roposal to bring elevated lanes pto gandy boulevard becomes preality. Ptampa hillsborough expressway pauthority just approved p 2. 6 million for a firm to pfox 13 Shayla Reeves is live in ptampa. Pnow shayla, do you know where pthose lanes would actually pstart . P yes, good morning to you. Pthose lanes are actually going pto pick up where the selman pexpressway ends and take it all pthe way to the gandy bridge. Pthis of course, you can see pthese new lanes traveling on pthem as soon as 2020 were phearing. Pand heres what you need to know pthough if is part of your pregular route. Pin fact gandy boulevard would plikely see some elevated lanes pconstruction beginning some if i pam around 2017 towards the end pof the year into 2018. Pagain plans to wrap that up by p2020. Pthe money just approved for the roject. Pand just oh to give you an idea pof what were talking about phere, an Engineering Firm has palready been hired to put ptogether the plans a pconstruction company will need pto build a selman west pextension. Pextension is toll road. Pexperts say the lanes will help pwith congestion and also provide pmay may need to get out of area pquickly especially in case of an pevacuation. P when an evacuation should phappen, pinellas people are pgoing to come over and they are pgoing to clog gandy boulevard pwith the extension in place we pcan put all of that pinellas pcounty traffic up on the pextension, both lanes can turned pin eastbound direction. Pand that will leave all of gandy pboulevard and the regular selman pexpressway eastbound lanes for psouth tampa and gandy south of ptampa residents to evacuate. P and in addition to that, one pof the changes youll also see pis typically if you travel gandy pboulevard now the lanes such as pmanhattan low is, also west pthose. Pwell once this extension is pbuilt, youll be it i believe pskip right over those lanes on pabove. Pso this is certainly an palternative for folks that used pto using gandy boulevard to get pwhere they need to go in morning pof course well keep you posted pthank you so much. Pi know lots of folks will be pinterested to see how that story pdevelops. Pmeantime on to this crash story. Plakeland family got quite the pwake up call this morning. Pdriver of a white pick up truck pyou can see right there crashed pthrough a fence, ran right into pat front of this house. Poff of parker street. Phurt. Pthe Lakeland Fire Department is pusing a truck and a tower to pshore up the building right now. Pthey may want to make sure porch pas well roof do not collapse. Pwere hearing the driver ran paway after this crash. P a dog is missing this morning pafter a house fire in tampa. Pbut if it wasnt for a neighbor pwho was up late praying this may phave been a whole lot worse. Pthis is was scene just a few phours ago heavy smoke filling pthe air firefighters working to ptry to get a control of it. Pwe spoke to woman who saw flames pcoming from her neighbors phouse. Pmoments after that a fire pstarted. P i jumped up and look at my pwindow as i look in my window i psee a flame and im oh my god, pmom. Pi got to go. Pi jumped the grabbed my phone i pwent for running around the pcorner. Pas im running im actually pcalling the police at the same ptime. Pso as im calling the police at pthe same time, im just freaking pout hey, hey, hey. Pits a house on fire. Pis house on fire . P three people and two dogs pwere able to get out of that phouse. Pone of those dogs is missing pright now though. P freak accident may have put a pyoung tampa bay area woman in phospital. Pbut her story we learned is far pfrom over. Pon friday 22yearold skyler and pa friend were white water prafting when a boulder fell pdirectly on her head causing a pwhole list of fractures. Pthis happened in columbia. Pdoctors in nearby town were able pto save her life. Pbut they could just two so much. Plast night sky letter was flown pto Jackson Memorial in miami pwhere shes going to have pseveral surgeries. Pflight was not covered by her pinsurance. Pfriends and family members are ptrying to raise enough money to pso far theyve raised more than p 146,000. Pthey are hoping to reach p 200,000. P every mother wants there pnewborn to be healthy. Pnot every pregnancy sadly enough pis risk free. Pbut there is a few prenatal ptest, helping to find pabnormalitiesally nine weeks pinto pregnancy. Pthis is something. Pwhat an advancement in medical ptechnology. Pwe will bring in dr. Jo to pdiscuss this this morning. Pgood morning to you. Pgood morning. Pwhat is this test . Phow does it work . Pyou know we looked at pan ra ma pbut multiple tests like verify, pharmony, whaer they are doing is plooking for fetal or mra seven pfall genetic material pcirculating in mothers pbloodstream they basically draw pblood from the mom and they look pfor these things. Pand they can determine if the pbaby is male or female at nine pweeks. Pbut then they can also look for pthings called micro deletions a iece of chromosome is missing pthose can intellectually and pneurologically challenged have pseizures. Psyndrome and other types of psyndromes where there are pmultiple chromosomes present. P i, you know think about how regnancy. Pthere is any chance that some of pthat could be wrong or possibly pyou might want to give the baby pmore time to develop before you pknow anything definitively . Pabnormality. Pgoing to trigger additional ptesting. Pyou may have for go and do some pchore antic sampling. Pand amniocentesis. Pdepending on whats happening pthey will do ultra sounds of pcourse. Pso yeah, some cases i think it pis troubling to the parent. Pthere can be some false ositives. Pthey say it 99 percent accurate pand accuracy yet. Paccurate. Pbut that doesnt mean there are pnot false positives. Pand when you look at mom who is plower risk say for down psyndrome, they are saying that pthe false positive rate can high pas 67 percent, at least when pthey are higher risk moms as pthey advance in maternal age or pdown syndrome, that false ositive rate drops to 20 ercent. Pso a huge difference there. Pso you have to know going into pthis what is going to tell you. Phow to interpret it and they phave to have genetic counselors pthere for you in the event that pyou come up that youre not pnormal risk. Pbut there are moms that are at pthat 35 year mark that may not pwant to have an amniocentesis. Pive told if this test is pnegative it is pretty much pnegative. Pand so, you can possibly skip pthat amnio when youre at that padvanced paternal age. P is there harm in doing pamniocentesis . Pthere can be. Ptheres always risk for it. Pand thats why we look at 35 as pthat one magical point where the prisk of amniocentesis is about pequivalent to risk of that down psyndrome. Pso theres kind of an pequilibration there. Pbut certainly when is warned and pneeded certainly amnios are you pknow should be done and that prisk is, you know, you take that poption. Pbut if you dont need one, why pright. Pexactly. Pyou know i listen to you talk pabout this i wonder in your pmedical opinion im sure that psometimes this might in some pcases, this might present a retty ethical issue for these pnears get news they may not want pto hear. Pabs, yes. Pone obstetricians look, knowing pahead of time ive had moms say pit doesnt matter what wrong pwith them im going through regnancy. Pbetter. Psome of genetic abnormalities pcould also mean a heart defect por Something Else wrong with in pa baby. Pso they would have the mom pdeliver it in place where ptheres a good nicu. Pthey know ahead of time they can pread, they understand what to pdo. Palso when you know ahead of ptime, then, sometimes if can pborn. Pso maybe you will get them into pof in a nature. Pyou know you will have to do pthose things. Pits been a benefit there. Pi have talked to someone else pwho has child with down psyndrome. Phe really wants me to tell eople that look there can be pand certainly thats another pthing to look at. Pso yeah. Pdefinitely. Pyou have to note, really have to pbe educated when you take one of pthese tests. Pdont just go into it i want to pknow if im having a boy or pgirl. Preally understand what the test pis about and understand how it pcan benefit you. Pbut understand what youre going pto do if does come back ositive. Pright. Pbecause thats kind of thing. Pif good news good news if bad pnews awfully is a long time to pbe in agony. Pgot to leave it there dr. Jo. Pdave is back in few minutes with psome rain in 7 day. Lus the event is called raise pthe roof. Pbut actually they are lowering pit. Pright, jen . Pi guess you got to raise it up pfirst to lower it. Pmaybe youre rights. Pmaybe youre right. Pyou look good in a hard hat. Pwho knows. Pwhat i do know im got hard hat pon that means were getting pready to work on this home and pfor habitat for humanity. Praising the roof lowering the proof putting on a roof i can ptell you that for sure. Pwe will talk to some of the pthats coming up after the pbreak. Pbut first, Charley Belcher. Pgood morning p. M. Hey good day pto you. Pyou know i said i wasnt going pto get on a horse but i had to pshow up alcides segui. Plast year he could hardly pcontrol his horse. Pbut ive covering charity polo pclassic for so long, i mean this pis just Second Nature for me and pold romeo here. Pwe will tell but a great event pin plant city it has become a pwonderful charitable annual ptradition d i polo. Plets go horse. Pstick around everybody. Plets have a good day as we 3 russell 2shot a tampa bay area family is about to ptampa bay area family is about pto come home to a place of their pown. Pand all thanks to habitat for phumanity. Pbut first they have to raise the proof or lower it, it doesnt pmatter at all. Pfox 13 jen epstein is live in ptemple terrace where one very pdeserving familys dream is pabout to come true. P yeah. Pgood morning, guys. Pthey are out here. Pthey just got done with a prayer pbefore they started working. Pi just heard some clapping. Pso really active morning out phere. Pas they get ready to raise the proof. Pi learned a new word, guys. Pthe word is trust. Ptrusses. Phabitat tore humanity the pdirector of all of this building ptoday ron. Pand you said well today they are pgoing to be putting on the ptrusses. Pi had no idea what that word pmeant but part of the roof and pnow i know. Pim going to move out way they pare literally bringing part of pone of those trusses in right pnow. Ptell me about the home that they pare building. P well its a three bedroom two pbath. Pabout 1340 square feet. Riscilla is our homeowner. Pthis is some new ways were pdoing things with cement blocks pand hip roof and things like pthat. Pjust making things better and pbetter as we go. Pyouve got great crew here pworking with you i know you were pout here delegating telling peverybody where to go. Pwhat is your position exactly . Pwhat are you here to do this pmorning . Pthe construction director just pand helping to oversee the whole pthing. Aul is the site supervisor. Pwere working together to try to pmake sure all volunteer punskilled know how to put in pnail and how to put it up. Pit gets built. Pyou kind of answered my next pquestion as far as volunteers go pnot everyone has to know how to pbuild a house. Pwe take everybody. Pwilling spirit good attitude we pcan do amazing things. Pwhen do you hope to have this pall complete and ready for riscilla to move in by in 10 pfor 12 weeks i know you have lot pof work to do thanks for taking pif i am and talking with us. Pgood luck everyone today. Ptheyve got lot more work to dos pa you heard hoping to have riscilla move in next couple pweeks. Pshes here this morning. Psheets got her hard hat on too. Pshe will doing some work out phere getting her own home built pand were going to talk to her pcoming up in the 9 oclock hour. Pwhat blessing that is. Pwhat a blessing. Pvery nice. Pvery nice. Pall right. Ptalk later, okay . P okay. Pall right, bye. P well so is it going to be pokay day for them to build that phouse . Pwarm and muggy outside. Pit may be the tiniest little pchance of a shower this pafternoon. Pup. Priverview camera. Pwhere pretty, we do have cloud pcover streaming in. Pand of course weve had this psoutherly component to our wind povernight kept temperatures up pinto mid 60s. Pmid 60s outside here in p8 oclock hour. Pyou know, forecast, obviously pwere looking at rain chances ptoday at about 30 percent. Pbut then tomorrow, a line of pshowers and thunderstorms going pto set up. Pthat line could actually be pstrong. Pwe do have slight risk for pSevere Weather. Pthat being from i4 north. Pask i want to show you where all pthats coming from here. Pwith our radar. Psee that big, big area of recipitation in houston. Pa big piece of energy well call pthat that sliding toward the peast. Pthis is going to be responsible pfor a big Severe Weather poutbreak right along the pnorthern gulf coast for later ptoday. Pshifts to north were looking a ossibility here of a slight prisk for severe storms for us ptomorrow. Ptiming late morning into pafternoon from tampa north. Pa few strong thunderstorms. Pbut then, after the front comes pthrough, it just starts to cool poff a little bit. Pforecast brings us variable pclouds today. P30 percent chance of a shower pand high of 77. Ptonight cloudy, breezy, 67. Ptune in first thing tomorrow pmorning well be radar watching pto see where line of showers and pstorms setting up what time it pwill come through probably late pin more than after it squeezes pthrough here comes the cooler pair. Ptomorrows high 75. Pthursday is not going to all pthat school. P65 for high. Plook at the difference on friday pmorning. Plows in the 40s. Pand highs back to barely 60 pdegrees to finish off our week. Pvanessa. Pall right thank you, dave. Phere 8 19 we want to get back pover to i4 wreck not only pcausing delays in westbound planes of i carb 4 west of 75. Palso causing concerns along 75 pitself. Pso just a summarize here what pwere seeing along i4 back up pman go road. Pcenter lane still blocked in pthis area. Pbuck man highway to that 75 exit pis 29 minute ride. Pnow getting to delays were pseeing kind of as domino effect palong 75. Pwe have northbound, and psouthbound some delays papproaching i4 where of course pyou see all of that traffic is ptrying to funnel through that preduced travel lane. Pif you do have to head in those pdirections of 75 you probably pwant to take u. S. Three 0 one pinstead or very least leave ten pminutes or so early because pthats the sort of delays were pseeing in that area. Pmean if i am, speaking flooe 0 pone we do have crash reported pflorida. Phowever it looks like its going pto be more of a concern in that peastbound direction at mlk where pthis crash is reported. vo making the most out of every mile. Thats why i got a subaru impreza. Love. Its what makes a subaru, p good day tampa bay. Pim Charley Belcher coming to pyou from a plant city. Pwere an oh, look at that. Pnow that, thats the way youre psupposed to look when youre priding a polo horse. Pis it a polo horse . Pis that is what you call it . Pall right. Pthats john everybody. Pwere d i polo. Pand were out here for the polo pcharity classic. P hello. Pokay. Pall right. Pyoure working. Pthats cool. Pour spectators what you want for psee ladies in big beautiful phats, dapper guys with bow tie pand colorful clothes on. Pand a Big Charity Event phappening this weekend. Pjohn tell me about the sport of pthis is has been around for a plong, long time this sport. Pwell as best anyone can tell it p is that right . Pwatch out ladies you dont want pto be on that end romeo. Phe wants to play now. P well once he gets on polo pfoaled polo horse off polo field phes lazy. Pall right. Pall right. Pwell do the dance. Pi know which end im supposed to pbe on. Phere we go. Plook. Plook. Plook. Pgo get it. P see. Pthere he wants to go get it pdont you . Pwhat am i watching for when pwatching a polo match . Pwhoever scores most goals . Pcalled a goal . P simple as that yes. Pis like soccer or horseback. Pi like soccer is like polo on pthe ground. Pbut yes. Pand the terminate knolling that pyou got mallet in your hand. Pthe little white thing p thats a ball. Ptaking notes at home. Pa chucker is the period. Pim going to stand by you jason. Pi dont want to be behind that phorse. Olo is typically between 4 and p8 chuckers depending on the plevel being played. Phow many goals are normally you pcall a goal . P yes. Phow many goals are normally pscored in an an average polo pmatch. P well more the better. Pmore chuckers play the more pgoals scored. Pbut, probably this weekend were plooking at maybe 5 goals a side. Pokay. Pvery nice. Pand the big thing that crowd ploves is the different stomping. Pyou guys are running around and pmaking little divots and they pstomp them in with champagne. P well yeah. Papparently like right there . Pyeah i mean. Promeo champagne must be the fun art. Phe good 1100 pounds and he has plet me see, let me see you take pa shot. Pyou want to take shot on goal. Pno pressure, charley. Ponly live fv. Plets see what we can do. Pcan you head this . P no. Pthats too bad. Pyeah. Poops. Pyay. Pyoure wide right. Pvery nice. Pnow, this is a dumb question i pthink i ask it every year i pforget the answer. Ptheres no goalie, right . P no. Pi thought put some kind of pcollides clydesdale.

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