Transcripts For WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 20151208 : v

WTXF Good Day Philadelphia At 9 December 8, 2015

Whatever it is, the thing you open up, there is a mirror on both sides of it. Yes. You always have a mirror. Yes. I like that. A lot of people who build apartment and condos never live in them and they have the worst ideas. On the wall behind. So you can see. Get that back view. It is horrible though. I saw myself name in the bathroom. Tmi. It is so not good. Work on that. I have to do lunges, squats, situps. So sad. You cannot top john stamos. Do yourself a favor and get on line. No, no. You think we will show it. Lets just show it. Im sure it will be. Giant black bar over the the top of his head. John stamos butt shot. We all know what 50 shades of gray is a all about. Welshing it looks like it inspired some couples to get busy. Yes. What one town says happened after the movie, hit theaters, in their little town. And Jeffery Tambor is on good day and he says why his role in transparent has given him great responsibility. Ladies, so, of course, we are always trying to shorten up our beauty routine. We have help this morning, some experts are sharing their favorite diy beauty tricks. Apparently this will save you a ton of money. I need this. Im listening. It turns out woman actually dont choose jobs based on planning for a family. Researchers interviewed a hundred College Students who had a variety of different colleges and they found out most female students do not have babies on the brain when they consider their career goals. Many said, plans of having a family are not too far from the future to make a impact. It makes sense. Previous researchers claim, that women, choose more flexible, female dominated careers, so they can later raise their children. I thought no way. What about you, lauren dawn johnson. I was going to be a doctor until i flunked out and i said lets go to the communications department. Yes, where i excelled. I had no babies on the brownie said wait, 19 years old. What about a decision to go to the certain city, would that family. No, i have never done that. A alex holley. If were in this business you werent thinking bit. You get where it takes you. You have weird hours and everything. So no. Do you want children. Sure, one day, why not. You have to be more committed then that. I just feel like in time i will want it more but at this point is there so many other things i have to get together. It is far off. Is that right. I think my mom says, is what your answer today because it changes. I said maybe, but usually, consistently it is not so sure. I want to hear what jen fred did, when she was younger. Did you consider having babies, before you like took this job. In college. No, of course not. No one does. Im like lauren dawn. I was going to be a lawyer but unlike lauren i didnt flung out, daddy failed to pay. Yeah, thanks, dad. But yeah, i dont think women are thinking about their family. I dont think they should have to. I dont think any guy is thinking about what he is going to do to see if he can get home in time to take the the kids to soccer practice. I think the whole situation that were even asking this question only of women is flawed. So, it is interesting that women, right, i mean come on. No one says to bruce gordon did you think about how you have to be on a live shot until 7 00 oclock at night and yet to me they are like can you stay late . Are the kid okay. If you have kid, it doesnt matter if you are a boy or girl you should have the same responsibility. I will say, you know, this morning show situation is genius because i get to work when my kid are still asleep, right. I dont get to see them in the morning, messed up car pick up yesterday but i do get to see them and i can be home in time, wink, to be part of what they are doing, in the early afternoon and evening hours. But i didnt factor that into anything. No way. So the thing we thought about was hey i will live my life. This is what i want to do. It will all fall into place. Fit is supposed to happen, it will happen. I will not alter my life and change what i want to do based on something that will happen. You are leaving tonight gods hand. Yes. What did i just say. That will wrap this segment. Thanks, jen you mentioned jen fred a as an attorney. Or me as a doctor. I can see that. I can see that too. I could not pass biology, why dont you take public speaking. You know, i would pay you a ton of money if you would examine me. Yes, doctor mike. Oh, yeah, here we go. We will do that after the show. Really. All right. I got a click in my back. We know about what happened. All these guys went over to fight world war two, they have come back and say in 1945. Whole lot of baby making. And wow, lets go. There was a baby boom in the 50s. Now is there a baby boom of a different kind, 50 shades of gray baby boom. Oh, no. Yes. So that is the story in north text a as in dallas, a suburb, plano, doctors say they have spent a record high of 30 births in the past two days and that is usually number of babies they deliver in one week. Lets go back to nine months, right. Directly are linking the baby boom to the movies release on this time valentines day. That is true. One time of the year you might get it on valentines day. Valentines day 50 shade of gray, boom, babies and now they think they will have 400 babies, born in this month when they normally have just 200. Double. Double. Who saw that movie. I saw it. Bob lived it. Did you see it. I did not see it. You saw it. Kind of you went to the screening, but then i fell asleep. Remember that. Well, that says a lot. Alex holley fell asleep during 50 shade of gray. I felt so bad. You know i was so tired. It was the the shift, wasnt it. It was a late night airing. I was sleeping. Okay. What happened, i go to sleep, and it was awkward and then i would hear noises, like is what going on. Then they would start talking. I saw some. Yes, racey. You heard sounds and noises. Yes. The story of her life. Mike, my god. I havent seen it. I havent seen the movie. Oh, my god. Really, what was that. Clapping. Lots of clapping. He took his pants off, yes. It is not that. Some people saw the movie. Kim kardashian did you see in she just had the baby on saturday. It was a boy. Wait, she had her baby, that means hers was during that same time of the release is that right. True. She has been trying for a while. That is part of her keeping up with kardashian she was having trouble getting pregnant and she would use her other measures. They feel it was almost like a miracle that they had a kid because she has having so much trouble. Trouble getting pregnant and through delivery. And, so why not use the word a saint, that is the the kids name, saint. Saint west. That is not much to live up to, isnt it. Poor kid. Northwest and saint west. Saint west. So check out these beams, calling on kims old boyfriend, reggie bush. Oh, he used to be a new orleans saint. No, that is not why though name him saint. That is not it. Good one though. That is good. Funny. What is this. This one is like kanyes head on the baby. Yes. It looks like shes holding his hand. That is a bad looking girl. Yeah. And then son of yee zus. I think that is what it is all about. Yes. You guys heard about this is the first couple that had this baby name. Rocker guy. Pete wentz. He named his son saint last august. Okay. And so, people were putting mean once up about that one too. Dave grole has a daughter named saint. Interesting. A lot of people use it as their middle name. I never even heard of it. No, see. But heres the thing though, i still, i will call this baby easton. When we talked about this yesterday, it stuck with me. Yes. If you name one baby northwest why would you not call the the other one easton wednesday what about south, why would you leave out south. We have an airline for that. Southwest. But easton you get the east and the and in there, easton west. Do i like that. And southwest. Get a hold of kim. Maybe they will have second thoughts. Saint. That could be the nickname, easton. Easton west. Yes, middle name the rumor is, that it is, robert. For her father. Yes. Yes. Yes. Her dad, Robert Kardashian a. That is the rumor. So saint bobby. Saint bobby west. Saint bobby west. Last week i told you would i shave this thing in the back of my head if the the eagles beat the patriots. Umhmm. Well, they did, i did this. Good for you for keeping up with your promise. Hey, milky way in the control room, do we have the okay. This is what i said on the air. If we win this game up in foxboro i will shave an e in the back of my head. Will you really. And walk live on the air from here to chip kellys office at the Novacare Center will you kiss his feet. No, i will not. So, i got this, now i will do the walk tomorrow. I think we should roll out of here 8 30 at fourth and market and walk down market and then down broad street. Okay. And little quick jog over to patison. A jog. He is not jogging. 4 miles. You will do slow walk. Do you have the shoes. I will. What will you wear. Wear eagles colors. Wear anything you you want. If you would like to walk along or just join me on the route, market, broad, boom. You cannot have all of the fun. We will have some fun here while you are out here. Remember newt melon who would show up and get his whole head shaved. He came in last night. He said do you want me in tomorrow. We said no, do it wednesday. If he will show up, newt melon, he tweeted this morning, we would like to have you in and we will shave your head but he says because i didnt show up, you can do whatever you want to me because i didnt fulfill my promise. We will think of something good for newt. Send us idea what we should make him do, something shaving in his head or something different. He suggested throwing eggs at him. Im totally into that, that is weird. Tomorrow, so, join me i will walk to the novacare complex and hopefully chip kelly will come out and hug. Hopefully. They have practice. Practice, you talking practice. Our favorite Christmas Songs are now playing around the clock as you know on some radio stations but have you listened. It is listened. You made a list of songs and then you listened to them. Makes sense. Have you listen to the lyrics of some of these Christmas Songs that we think we know so well . Some are putting out they have a little dash of sexism. So we will show you some, first it is cold outside. Baby, it is cold outside. Very cosby christmas. I never even thought of that but you are right. What about this one, it is beginning to look a lot like christmas. What . Lets listen to it. A boys gift for girls gift. You know what this is, like sue just said these are just dated songs, they are old fashion. We live in the very p. C. World where we could say nothing. Was that Johnny Mathis. Yes, it was. Chances are. You do impressions. I have done bill clinton, i have done sammy and now Johnny Mathis. Who else do we have before the end of the show. Is Johnny Mathis still alive. Yes. Lets do santa baby. Think of all of the fellas that i havent kissed that is a short list for this woman. One of our viewers randy martin said santa baby is not sexist it is sexy. Heres the thing i never like, mixing sexy stuff with santa. I have never like that. Really. I saw mommy kissing santa claus. Leave that out. I dont want any sexy el ves. What about all i want for christmas is you. I like the sound of it but music video is a little disturbing to me. She iss running around in snow and playing around. It is like you the christmas anthem. It is about the birth of the baby jesus can you leave sex out of it. Look at you preaching this morning. Amen. Yes, because there was no sex for the virgin mary. Let me explain that there was an immaculate conception. Now were going to sunday school. Yes, can you take over before mike starts preaching. December 8th, what are the odd of me saying that. Yes. On the very day of the fe at. My goodness. Could this be happening. I was a virgin birth. Yes. The the forecast for the next seven daises very exciting, if you dont like it too cold. If you like it cold in december you will in the like this seven day forecast so lets look at it. We have 50 degrees today which is cooler then yesterday but still above average, and then in the mid 50s tomorrow and then 59 degrees, on thursday. Starting on friday we will get in the 60s on friday, saturday, sunday, by sunday we could have record warmth, record high for sun day 65. Our forecast for 64 depends how much sun, that new record could happen on sunday. Then innings comes to a screeching halt with rain on monday. That is your seven day forecast, alex. All right, thanks very much, sue. Tis the season to shop until you drop and there are app toss help with you that. We will show so that will make it easy. Of course we have kathy sloan who will show us best apps around. Good morning. How are you. Im so excited, we will do this live on the screen. What is the first one. This one is called pounds. You you can use this app through the camera to snap a picture for what you want and it will automatically buy it for you, buy it and have it sent to your door. Just like that. Yes. Here we have a little toy here. This particular magazine. This is a learning express catalogue. Any catalogue that has it, it will analyze my picture. It didnt work this time. Of course. Try it again so then what it does is it analyzes it. You have done it and it work before. I swear it worked. On this exact one. Then it tells you where you can buy it, and a few, clicks of the button, and, there we go. Yes. It shows you all of the places you can get it, click and then next thing you are buying it. You dont have to go to the store. It doesnt get more lazy then that. Kid will get a hold of these catalogues in the paper. Mommy, i like this. Exactly. Snap a picture. Now if you do secret santa in your family or do something with coworkers, there will be a way to start a group and invite everybody to the group and everyone can make their own list. That is nice. You start a group and then you can create your own list and everybody can see it, like this. Put your name up there. Put a name up there and then you have once you get your list you can make your own list you can add gift preferences. I like it. You can say i like this or this. They all have to have a gift where they have to send an a email out. It will send an email out or down load app and fine that it way as well. Yes. Secret santa. Next one we have issuable blue promotion code. If you are in the store and dont know what to get and dont know if you have a coupon or not this way it aggregates 800,000 coupon from his 25,000 stores. Instead of searching for all of those you can add your favorite stores. You can say i always go to this store like target is upright now or staples and office depot. They will show you just those ones. Umhmm. It is easier then if you are going randomly searching for a coupon. Perfect. We have monday more. Last one is gift b ot. If you want to crowd source for a gift. Maybe someone wants a ipad. Everyone needs to pitch in. You create the gift fund. You put the name of it, hot gift is for and price tag. And i like it said deadline so people know when to have their money. Hey can you give me your money. I set up an ipad. Everybody can add to it, and through this a app, with their credit card, so all of the money is collect through app and automatically purchased through amazon. Com. This app will purchase the ipad, you dont have to go to the the store. No, you dont to have pay money, you dont to have do any of this. It is called what. This is gift b ot and it is free. Are all these free. They are all free. That is what i needed to hear. It makes shopping easier and everybody has that feeling where they dont know what to get the. A lot of people just dont want to get it all themselves. I love these. I will start down loading them all. Remember these we were about to show you the the recent Christmas Trees. The sue found a way to create your own recess tree and they look like tree. It is interesting. Well it be a pinterest fail or success. We will find out when we come back. Recess. This holiday, ford americas bestselling brand is giving you more. The ford holiday sales event. With 0 financing for 60 months on 2015 f150 and focus and 2016 fusion and escape. Plus 1,000 dollars Holiday Bonus cash on 2015 focus and 2016 fusion and escape. Its the best gift ever. Now during the ford holiday sales event get 0 financing for 60 months plus 1,000 dollars Holiday Bonus cash on select vehicles. See your local ford dealer. It was mary, right. Mary. Yes, she was born without original sin. She was conceived. So, katie drake was saying hold on, turf clarify this because yall want to make it clear. It wasnt jesus, but mary or conceived without original sin. We talk about reeses company at christmastime they masonriess the candy in the shape of the Christmas Tree but when you opened it up, it doesnt look like a Christmas Tree it looks more like a globe. Or an egg. Or an egg or a poop. Sue. So, we got some pictures sent to us, after that big brewaha happening and we were laughing about what a big deal it was. So we decided to make our own Christmas Tree and see if it is pinterest worthy. First we are showing you reeses that looks like a blob. I tried buying snickers one but does that look like a tree to you. What is that. It looks like city hall. We tried one of our own. Here are materials you need right here on this thing. We need icing. We need two small reeses cups, one big reeses cup and one hershey kiss. Why dont you move your decorations because maybe we can see what you are pointing the at. There we go. Okay. So i have not practice this first just to see how easy, it will be. You take one small reeses cup and turn it upside down. You take a a little bit of icing, blob it on there and then you attach the bigger reeses cup. Okay. The tree is building. And then you take the other small reeses cup and put that upside down, okay. Look at that music. Oh, Christmas Tree. It makes sense. Look at that. Yes. Then you you go and then you have to decorate. Well, this is the part. You can turn it around. There you go. You you can see i didnt do it good but you you make little curly cues all the way around. You you get the the idea. Then you take this stuff. Right, sprinkle it. This is on pinterest. And a tree. Lovely. Do you think it is pinterest worthy. Yes. Look at that. It looks good. It looks just the same. If you make this at home, take a picture and put it on my facebook sue serio fox 29. Got it, thanks sue. Really cute. I love reeses my favorite candy. It was a combination of reeses and Hershey Company coming together. True. They are all owned by the same company. Cookies. Speaking of candy, were here at bread and becks bakery in chestnut hill. Look at these guys and creations, these ginger bread houses are works of art and edible. Why did i wear my best suit. Come on back we will try my hand, at doing this. P

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