Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20240622 : vimarsana

Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20240622

county ambulance transferred the boy to anova fairfax hospital where he's in a life-threatening condition. >> incredibly sad. my heart goes out for the mom and dad. but hopefully can help them out and get through. >> reporter: anna has been camping at pohick with her children since they were little. >> always have to have a hand on them because they get distracted. >> reporter: anna is a lifeguard at a local pool. she says it's often difficult to see what's under the water. >> you could be scanning the pool the whole time really attentive and never see someone at the bottom of the pool. by the time you see them it might be too late. they're already losing brain cells. >> the pool is owned and operated by the northern virginia regional park authority. executive director paul gilbert told me he thinks the little boy was there with his parents and family, but he would not answer anymore questions, nor would he do an on-camera interview. it appears to be a very tragic accident. live in lorton, peggy fox wusa 9. now to a shocking crime in frederick. a 22-year-old driver of an ice cream truck gunned down in broad daylight in front of children lined up for their treats on a humid saturday afternoon. how this shooting is impacting residents. >> it's surreal. >> reporter: a pair of scooters left behind. a white tent hastily assembled by first responders. lori prather received a frantic call from her sister. >> she said somebody got shot, somebody got shot. there's a man laying on the ground. >> reporter: the outburst of violence was witnessed by children drawn to the familiar upbeat melody of an ice cream truck. >> just a few kids and too many. too many to ever witness something like that. >> reporter: among the witnesses, a 7-year-old boy. >> when it first happened, he kept saying wipe the blood off but there was no blood. >> reporter: police say 27-year-old larnel lyles fired in to the chest of brandon brown. according to charging documents lyles told the children next to him watch it before pulling a handgun from his waist. >> it's a trauma that will take a lot of effort to get over and get beyond. we want them to have less weight on their little lives. >> reporter: the vil subject a community filled with residents who want to make a better life for themselves. neither the victim nor the suspect lives here. >> it is a loss to everyone that this happened here. >> we're praying. that's all we can do now. >> reporter: police are still investigating whether these two men knew each other. reporting from the news room, wusa 9. tonight the residents of lucas village will hold a private gathering to pray and begin the healing process. a 15-year-old is behind bars tonight charged with stabbing two men to death in a parking lot. this happened early sunday morning outside the cookout restaurant. the teenager and his buddies were at the graduation party. they got in to an argument with a group of adults who had just left jay's restaurant and lounge and things quickly turned violent. investigators say nobody from either group actually knew each other before the brawl. the victims, 28-year-old anthony jermaine carter from albany, georgia and 30-year-old mac oliver hughes of portsmouth, virginia. there are several new developments in the rachel dolezal case, the naacp official who claimed she was black even though her parents say she's white. earlier today dolezal resigned from her position of the spokane chapter of the naacp. we've learned the howards university grad once known as rachel moore sued the university for discriminating against her because she is white. that lawsuit claimed discrimination based on race, pregnancy, family responsibilities and gender. in one case she specifically alleged that her artwork was removed from a student exhibition to favor african american students over her. that case was later dismissed after the judge found no evidence of discrimination. stephanie ramirez joins us live in the news room with more on what people are saying about this story that keeps coming and coming. >> i was down in du pont circle talking to people about this. almost every person i've spoken to have heard about rachel dolezal's case, her story. those people paying close attention, they're not surprised she resigned, just not necessarily wanted her to go. >> no. shouldn't have resigned. should have just stood up for what she's done and explained the situation just come out. >> maybe people would be accepting if she just apologized. >> in the media environment we live in today her reputation is tarnished, no matter if she's a good person or not. >> reporter: but it's her own version of her past that got the now former spokane chapter of the naacp president rachel dolezal. dolezal wrote on the facebook page today it is with complete allegiance to the cause of racial injustice that i step aside from the presidency. before this she talks about issues like police brutality biased curriculum in schools says yet the dialogue has shifted internationally to my personal identity in the context of defining race and ethnicity. >> i do consider myself to be black. >> my daughter is primarily german and cheque and european descent. >> i don't know the entire story. >> i think everyone is entitled to establish their own identity but if it harms other people in the process or it's disingenuous i think there's something morally off about it. >> when you lie about someone's status it's a big thing. we have past in this country and you can't just ignore the past. it's a really big thing to lie about. >> the naacp is not ignoring a certain part of dolezal's past. the group issued a statement saying one's racial identity is not a standard for the leadership. the group says they stand behind dolezal's advocacy record. in the news room, stephanie ramirez wusa 9news. >> the naacp is encouraging the fbi and justice department to take all threats seriously even if they are no longer investigating those claims of harassment that originally put dolezal in the spotlight. dc businesses that sell synthetic marijuana will be running the risk of being shut down by the police chief and fined up to $10,000. the steps to stop the sale of synthetic drugs were unveiled today. prevention experts say young people buying the drugs in convenience stores and carry outs. >> it's a cheap alternative and they have access. if i can go in a store and purchase this without having the implications of going to buy legal marijuana i'll go purchase this from the store. >> a dc council member says she would have been able to make a synthetic marijuana buy but the merchant would only take cash, not credit cards. new information tonight on frightening shark attacks. two teenagers in north carolina are recovering tonight after losing limbs in two separate shark attacks right along the same stretch of beach on sunday. we get the story from kenneth craig. >> reporter: this 13-year-old girl seen here lost part of her left arm and was bitten on her left leg. a shark attacked her in waist-deep water 20 yards offshore in north carolina. >> it looks like it is gone. >> reporter: two miles away and less than 90 minutes later a 16-year-old boy lost his left arm. >> his arm is [ inaudible ] >> coherent. took it clean off. >> reporter: investigators say it's unclear the same shark attacked the two teens. surgeons had to amputate both victims' left arms. officials say strangers nearby may have helped save their lives. >> our bystanders on the beach with both of these patients did very quick first aid the correct way. >> reporter: a third victim, a 13-year-old girl was bitten 30 miles away in the same county last thursday but escaped with cuts to her foot. her boogie board took the brunt of the attack. sheriff's deputies are looking for sharks along the coastline with helicopters and boats. >> it is out of the norm for this area. >> reporter: beaches remained open but community leaders cautioned people to be alert. kenneth craig cbs news, new york. >> both teens attacked are in stable condition. oak island does not have lifeguards on the beach. scott broom is in ocean city to check out how vacationers there are feeling about getting in the water after hearing about those shark attacks. the dc teachers union is protesting a move forcing dozens of teachers. dozens of teachers have been forced to leave ballou after the school was found to be underperforming. the process is called reconstitution and the head of the teachers union is asking school chancellor kaya henderson to reconsider this action. >> i want the chancellor to rethink, rescind the decision to do this, have her sit down with the teachers and the union. >> all the good teachers are leaving. >> 40 teachers have been forced to leave ballou high over the last five years. ballou has made strides in the classroom but there needs to be work done in the community addressing other issues like violence and poverty. we are just getting started on wusa 9news at 5:00. the tools that prison workers accused of giving those escaped killers to help them bust out of the big house. that story coming your way at 5:30. >> and topper is back with the latest on our yellow alert forecast and the severe storms possible for tomorrow. >> plus we are learning more about that man who appeared on the mtv show catfish now accused of making terror threats against metro. >> jeb bush formally launches his white house bid. the former florida governor isn't playing up his famous last name. former florida governor jeb bush has formally announced his campaign to the white house. he kicked off his bid in a rally at miami-dade community college. cbs craig boswell was there. >> i've decided i'm a candidate for president of the united states of america. >> reporter: former florida governor jeb bush made it official monday, becoming the 11th republican and third member of his family to seek the gop presidential nomination. >> we will take washington, the static capitol of this dynamic country, and turn it out of the business of causing problems and we'll get it back on the right side of free enterprise and freedom for all americans. >> reporter: the 62-year-old bush whose famous last name was left off his official campaign logo focused his speech on his two terms of governor. >> in florida number 1 in job creation and number 1 in small business creation. 1.3 million new jobs. >> reporter: jeb bush is entering the race as a top tier candidate, but his moderate views on immigration and support for common core education standards could cost him conservative votes. >> he has to engage the conservative movement and he has to communicate his real positions on common core, on immigration and a plethora of other issues. >> reporter: for many here in florida, one issue is most important. >> we need to fix the problem with the immigrants inside of this country and get the citizenship for 11 million people. >> reporter: bush will square off against his gop rival including fellow floridian senator marco rubio in the party's first debate august 6th. craig boswell cbs news miami. got some storms here and more on the way. >> we do. only like two little clumps of storms but they're pretty heavy. one is growing off to the north and west of town. if you're east of town, headed out 50, you'll probably get home before the storms hit. if you're going up i-270 you're headed for some storms. live look outside our live michael and son weather cam. yellow alert continues. 93 right now. dew points in the low 70s. that is very uncomfortable. that's a kind word to put it. winds westerly at about 6. here's a look at the doppler. this is the growing area of showers and storms now from frederick to leesburg. the one we've been tracking to 270 has actually weakened a little bit. we're looking around heavy activity around fredericks, poolesville and moving through leesburg. the red indicating rainfall rates of about 2 to 3 inches per hour. still pretty good rain back to the north. the heaviest rain 15 eastward, headed across the river over toward poolesville, headed toward battlefield parkway and eventually in to river road. heavy road right now in martinsburg. the rainfall rates for this particular storm, 2 and a half inches. that's pretty hefty actually. we'll put this in to the storm tracker and this is where it's headed. they're moving southeastward at about 30. headed to orangetown about 5:24 potomac at 5:34. because this storm has become a little more intense i'd expect heavy rains, flash flooding and frequent lightning. get the kids indoors. this storm is not as heavy as it was. it moved through gaithersburg and germantown. now the east side at 270. it's got heavy rain in it. it's weakened a little bit. pretty good rain still again from avery over toward norbeck as you head to 95. rainfall rates about an inch and a quarter. we'll zoom back out track this one headed to wheaton and silver spring at about 5:27 on the storm tracker. so headlines, some thunderstorms this evening and those it developed could be hefty. yellow alert through tomorrow for more storms. we're actually tracking a cold front tomorrow. it will be a slight dip in temps on wednesday. slight dip. we're kind of slicing hairs here but it's psychological if we can stay below 90. 10:00 tonight perhaps a leftover shower. 80 in manassas. 80 in leesburg. upper 70s in some of the northern western suburbs. by 6 a.m. partly cloudy skies. temperatures still in the 70s. by morning, by 9:00, back in the 80s. 84 by 9:00 tomorrow before the next round of storms rolls in. so on the day planner 78 at 7:00, then we're 89 by 11:00 and 90 by 1:00. wednesday some showers. that could be our quote, cool day. 87. then it doesn't last long. back up to 91 with more thunderstorms on thursday. next seven days, friday we're looking at temperatures kind of hovering around 90. the next few days is around 90. the exception is father's day. maybe don't make dad grill out. going to be 95 degrees. couple thunderstorms are possible. nats back in town wednesday. you can watch a game friday saturday, and sunday on 9 if you cannot make it to the ballpark. on this date in 1989, and we had doppler radar back then. we chased a heavy storm a downburst situation. 80-mile-per-hour winds plus. that's hurricane force winds over a large area. folks without power for a week. and some estimates 10% of all mature trees fell in northwest dc. if you live around northwest dc back then, it was a big tree down every side street. >> look at them driving under the tree. >> not recommended obviously. flag day storm . >> don't do that at home. >> if you want more information on this, go to our website my blog on >> you don't know what the other street looked like. that might have been the best route they had. >> little do we have in 2012, we have the same kind of damage everywhere. >> i was going to say painful memories. thank goodness that's in the rearview mirror. >> so far. the mtv reality show participant accused of making some terroristic threats against metro will remain behind bars. jerez stone-coleman also known as kidd cole appeared in court today. prosecutors say he called 911 338 times over a year making threats against metro. stone-coleman was ordered to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. he claimed to be a music producer on the show catfish. lions jaguars and bears still on the loose after a deadly flash flood in the country of georgia. the latest on a dangerous situation still unfolding. if you're out there on the gw parkway you could be getting stuck in some traffic. crews began resurfacing the road on both the north and southbound sides during nonraush hours drivers can expect to see one lane closed in each direction. this will be done by december. going to be a long haul. >> just take a real deep breath and you can get through it. the dow fell 107 points. the nasdaq was down 21. children's national medical center will pay a $12.9 million settlement to the justice department. the feds charged the hospitals admitted fraudulent billing reports to the department of health and human services and to medicaid programs in the dc and virginia areas. the false information was used to calculate reimbursement rates to the hospital. parents almost paid double to ensure their teen drivers included to an study. the report finds auto insurance premiums jump 80% for the averaged married couple after they add their teens to the policy. insurance prices increase about 90% to ensure teenaged males. for teenaged females the cost rose around 67%. cbs is expanding its pharmacy -- cvs is expanding its pharmacy. it is buying target for $1.5 billion. the deal allows cvs to operate more than 1600 pharmacies inside target stores. ikea is looking to turn around its low sales as it celebrates the big 3-0 in the retail business. the furniture chain plans to get a little more personal with its customers so company employees will fan out to hundreds of u.s. homes to look through cabinets and watch children play and figure out just what you need for your furniture. >> how about some better directions? [ laughter ] >> they'll be there to help you through the directions. scientists aided mother nature in bringing two more clouded leopards in to the world. >> two cubs born last week at the zoo in thailand. it is a result of artificial insemination performed with a whole lot of help and expertise from our own smithsonian. this marks only the second time that artificial insemination has proved successful with the clouded leopard. by the way there's only an estimated 10,000 of these leopards left in the wild. >> they are adorable. straight ahead, why demonstrators protested outside the smithsonian museum of national history today. >> as the manhunt grinds on, the woman charged with helping two convicted killers escape from a prison appears in court. i'm don champion in upstate new york with the very latest coming up. >> keeping their feet in the stand. i'm scott broom in ocean city. coming up, how people here are reacting to reports of shark attacks in north carolina seriously? you're not at all concerned? about what now? oh, i don't know. the apocalypse? we're fine. i bundled renter's with my car insurance through progressive for just six bucks more a month. word. there's looters running wild out there. covered for theft. okay. that's a tidal wave of fire. covered for fire. what, what? all right. fine. i'm gonna get something to eat. the boy's kind of a drama queen. just wait. where's my burrito? [ chuckles ] worst apocalypse ever. protecting you till the end. now, that's progressive. ♪ i am never getting married. never. psssssh. guaranteed. you picked a beautiful ring. thank you. we're never having kids. mmm-mmm. breathe. i love it here. we are never moving to the suburbs. we are never getting one of those (minivan). we are never having another kid. i'm pregnant. i am never letting go. for all the nevers in life state farm is there. why are we watching this again? i pay for all these channels, so i make myself watch them all. joey, i'll watch anything except this. except this. go back, go back, go back, go back, go back, go back. fios custom tv lets you pay for the types of channels you want, not the ones you don't. 100% fiber optics is here. get out of the past. get fios. now for $79.99 a month at call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v it's becoming a little more and more concerned about this line of showers and storms. coverage extends north of frederick and south of frederick throughout montgomery county in to the loudoun county, fairfax county border. 87 lightning strikes. you can see heavy rain now. down 270 and back on the west side of 270 extending back toward sterling. rainfall rates 2, 2 and a half inches per hour. a little bit of wind with these. don't be surprised to see pretty good winds. we've got sheer reported, 35 to 45 miles per hour. the storm itself is moving to the south and east. on our storm tracker 5:47, and over toward silver spring at about 5:54. main threat, frequent lightning and the possibility of flash flooding. we told you earlier about those two teens badly injured in separate shark attacks. >> how are beach-goers in our neck of the woods reacting? sharks all the talk of the town at the water's edge. >> or the talk of the beach. the lifeguards blew the whistle 30 seconds ago to call it a day. no advisories but just about everybody with a smart phone has been out on the beach today looking at facebook quotes, tweets news about the shark attacks in north carolina and reactions have ranged from everything from indifference to terror. >> these kids are keeping their feet in the sand today. >> i'm not getting in the water. >> reporter: dana cummings is their dad. >> i'm not scared, honestly. >> reporter: wife tammy not so worried. >> there are sharks everywhere. if it's dest ined for me to get bit i guess that's what's going to happen. [ laughter ] >> reporter: youtube provides lots of proof there are plenty of sharks nearby. here's a large sand tiger being landed north of here in delaware. here are the headlines from almost exactly a year ago. a boy attacked while flashing in the surf. then there's the 3,400-pound great white who has her own twitter page and satellite tracking device. her name is mary lee and she turned up off maryland may 6th but has bitten no one. yes, they are out there no doubt about it. >> i think they're scary but on the other hand they're cool to look at. >> we don't go past our ankles. knowing there's like 50 lifeguards today we felt pretty secure if we were to have an issue, we'd probably live. >> the statistics are on our side in maryland, two attacks on swimmers since 1848. that's not a whole lot. the last one, 67 years ago. no one has died in delaware. three attacks on swimmers including the kid last year. no people killed in those incidents. so bottom line statistically, it makes a lot more sense to worry about rip tides and the traffic coming down here. that does not keep everyone from talking about sharks on the beach with all that news in north carolina. reporting live from ocean city, scott broom, wusa 9. >> this is why i'm a swimming pool guy. the largest shark in maryland was a it tiger landed in 1983 off the coast of ocean city. the beach is now talking about a proposal that would prevent renters from using the pools in the houses they rent. town officials are looking at the drastic action because the big homes are bringing up too much noise in residential neighborhoods. the real estate industry doesn't like this plan one bit. they say not only would it cost them income but would drive away renters who are vital parts of the resort town's seasonal economy. a prison worker accused of helping two convicts escape their maximum security facility appeared in court this morning. >> reporter: wearing a bulletproof vest, joyce mitchell showed little emotion as she walked in court this morning in new york. >> i understand that bail has been set at $100,000 cash. >> reporter: court proceedings were delayed when mitchell switched attorneys. miles away in the town of dannemora the manhunt for two convicted killers she allegedly helped to escape continued for a 10th day. >> we don't know if they're still in the immediate area or if they're in mexico. >> reporter: mitchell is charged with giving david sweat and richard matt tools that helped them escape including hacksaw blades, chisels and a screwdriver bit. the district attorney said mitchell planned a life with the convicts on the run before backing out at the last second. she apparently did not want to hurt her husband who also works at the maximum security prison. >> it's potential that there will be additional criminal charges involving ms. mitchell but at this point in time those issues are being i >> reporter: the convicts may have access to power tools. authorities are installing motion detectors and surveillance cameras in the woods near the prison to try to catch the escapees. don champion cbs news plattesburg new york. >> the attorney general will investigate the murderers and their escape and a separate probe in to the criminal case. two clergy leaders turned in today. pope francis accepted the resignation of that area's archbishop john nistead and his deputy. he's the second u.s. bishop in the catholic church to resign as a result of clergy sex abuse. demonstrators gathered today outside the smithsonian museum of national history. they were calling on the smithsonian to cut all ties to the fossil fuel industry including high profile businessmen. >> they took david koch off of their board. he spent more than $79 million [ inaudible ] >> among the groups at the protest, forecast the facts interface moral action on climate and calling itself the national history museum. what a cnn anchor said about a gunman in dallas has her apologizing tonight. >> plus why the lead singer of the rock group smash mouth just went nuts on this crowd in colorado last night. trending now cnn anchor apologizes after saying this about the man who opened fire on a dallas police station. >> it was very courageous and brave if not crazy as well to open fire on the police headquarters and now you have this scene this standoff. >> frederica whitfield said later and we quote i misspoke and in no way believe the gunman was courageous or brave. a police sniper killed the suspect after a standoff and shootout. rock stars behaving badly. last night at a taste of fort collins festival in colorado, the lead singer of the group smash mouth launched in to a tirade with a whole lot of profanity in there. vendors were giving away free loaves of bread at the event. >> doesn't sound like they were loving smash mouth. janet jackson has announced the first 36 dates of her world tour. the closest location sadly to our neighborhood raleigh north carolina. however, there are more dates expected and the wusa 9 web team would like to see her come to town. they tweeted dear janet jackson please bring your world tour to dc. >> how could you not come to dc? great tour town. a town on the jersey shore is accepting tourists again after a close it up shop over the weekend. >> the mayor of belmar shut down all incoming traffic to nonresidents on route 35 because the town had reached capacity. didn't know a town could reach capacity. but 6,000 people live in belmar but according to in the summertime that number jumps by 10 times to 60,000 people all trying to have some fun in a town that's about 1.6 square miles. >> can't move in there. >> it does actually reach capacity at some point. we've all had tough experiences with the airlines but coming your way in a minute, we're going to talk about passengers on one united flight had to endure a whole lot and tonight they're mad about it. >> right after the break topper is back with more on tonight's yellow alert and the severe storms. breaking in with some news here from los angeles. l.a.x. police confirm there is a response underway for at least 13 sick passengers onboard the plane there. it's very, very hard to see but if you look closely through what looks like the fog on your screen, there is what appears to be a plane and apparently onboard that fiji air flight 810 there are 13 people who are pretty sick. that plane is on the ground at l.a.x. that is all we know right now. as the camera moves a little bit you can start to see that plane a bit more in focus. that's the fiji flight there 810 with 13 sick passengers onboard. we don't know what caused them to get sick but we know it is of concern to the folks there and we'll bring you more information as soon as we get it in to our news room. yellow alert continues tomorrow, live look outside. live michael and son weather cam. 93 degrees. humidity almost at 50%. dew points in the low 70s. that is uncomfortable. let's look at doppler radar. over the last hour this is a big storm that's increasing in intensity and also coverage extends to the maryland-pa border. culpeper and fredericksburg. we'll focus on these storms from fairfax to montgomery. these are very heavy rain producers. rockville up 270. slow going. they're going 2 70 north right now toward damascus and on the east side of 270. we'll zoom in a little bit and take a little snapshot of the radar. in the last 10 minutes, 45 radar strikes in this little box between clarksburg and germantown, over toward leightonsville. a lot of lightning. it also has rainfall rates of 2 to 3 inches per hour. winds maybe 30 40 miles per hour. look at all the lightning. took off the radar to show you a ton of lightning. as you go out georgia avenue and 108. we'll zoom back out. precipitation rates for this one, 4.8 inches an hour. that may be a little bit over done but you get the point. this is going to be a really massive rain producer. you may come across a flood on your way home. just don't cross it by foot or by car. it is headed southeast so it's headed toward laurel and the storm tracker about 607 fedex field about 612 headed toward downtown dc at about 5:59 a few minutes from now. expect heavy rain as you're leaving the city. we'll take a look at the satellite picture radar combined. we'll zoom in to the gulf of mexico. he's not a tropical storm yet but all things point to him becoming a tropical storm bill in the next 24 hours. but i want to emphasize, doesn't matter if he develops in to a tropical storm or not. houston and southeast texas are going to get hammered with 48 inches of rain whether it's a tropical storm or not. here are the showers and storms pushing through parts of the metro area. all the way back in to the ohio valley. we have to worry about these another couple of hours. no warnings on these but a pretty good line of showers and storms extending from fairfax through frederick up in to pennsylvania. some storms this evening heavy. yellow alert for tuesday again for more thunderstorms. better chance tomorrow. we're tracking a cold front on tuesday that could lead to a slight dip and i do mean slight dip in temps on wednesday. so day planner we're 84 tomorrow by 9:00. 89 by 11:00. and 90 by 1:00. some showers on wednesday, 87. there's our dip back to 91. hot with a thunderstorm on thursday. next seven day s, friday upper 80s. upper 80s on saturday too. nats in town wednesday, thursday friday, saturday, sunday. nats on 9 friday, saturday and sunday. father's day a scorcher. 95 a couple afternoon thunderstorms and then showers and storms again on monday with temps still around 90. you just heard from topper, disturbance in the gulf could soon turn in to tropical storm bill. residents in crystal beach, texas are getting ready for pretty nasty weather. one homeowner went above and beyond the building codes to make sure his beach front investment with stands the hurricane force winds and all that rain. >> what i understand is you can choose a two by four at 150 miles per hour at the windows and it won't go through. >> that's some space age stuff right there. restaurant owners are also gearing up to board up their windows and everybody gets ready to evacuate, that's if things really get bad. things really got bad for some travelers on a united airlines flight, and the passengers are pretty upset with how the company handled a diverted flight. they were on a plane for chicago to london that had to land in goose island, canada after mechanical problems. the people onboard had to stay overnight in a cold military barracks while the crew was put up at a nearby hotel. >> reporter: passengers aboard a united airlines flight bound this is the last place they expected to spend their friday night. >> i don't think i have all the warm clothes had not planned to get marooned in goose bay. >> reporter: unheated military barracks in rural canada as temperatures dipped close to freezing. while passengers complained about uncomfortable bed and lack of warm blankets, the crew of 11 apparently had different accommodations. a passenger tweeted this photo writing united crew arrived looking fresh from their comfy night in a hotel. #outrageous. the ordeal be gan after flight 958 left chicago o'hare with 176 passengers. three hours in to the flight, the boeing 767 was forced to make an emergency landing in goose bay canada. the airline told cbs this morning hotel space was not available so we accommodated our customers at a local military base and provided meals. passengers boarded a new plane to new jersey's newark airport more than 20 hours later. the passengers finally arrived in london sunday afternoon more than 30 hours late. united released a statement apologizing and said it's refunding the one-way tickets to london and providing additional compensation. we have seen some incredible pitching moments in the 10-year history of the washington nationals. you gut -- got stephen strasburg's debut. jordan zimmermann's no hitter on the final day of the season. those may fall second and third behind the game max scherzer pitched yesterday. a complete game shutout against milwaukee complete with 16 strikeouts and only one walk. it w oh, so close to being perfect until a bloop single in the 7th inning. nonetheless, it was nothing short of impressive. >> a one-hitter with 16 strikeouts. which part of that are you maybe most proud of or happiest with? >> probably the one-hitter. the 16 punch -outs is great. just means we were doing great stuff the whole day. >> there it is. only fitting. the guy literally gets a taste of his own medicine. >> waiting for that to happen this season. scherzer brought it to dc. only fitting he got his just dessert. the his will go down as one of the best outings in mats history. another team that impressed us this year was the university of maryland women's basketball team. the had terps went uncan -- undefeated and made it to the final four. now the department has created something even more enticing an ice cream flavor named after coach brenda freeze, called brenda's peanut butter freeze. it's getting rave reviews. >> it's going to be unveiled in the fall i've heard. chocolate, peanut butter and brownie bits. >> who doesn't like that? >> if i gave it to my two boys, my son tyler said it was the best ice cream he's ever had. >> that's only opinion that matters. brownie butter ice cream, crushed peanut butter chips, brownie dough chocolate liquor and swirl. >> how are we supposed to keep working? >> going to be salivating the whole time. coming up, i've got the latest injury news for a couple national stars. when will we see stephen strasburg and bryce harper on the field? >> coming up at 6:00, find out what leaders in the district are doing about legal businesses selling synthetic pot. >> but first free range zoo animals? hundreds locked in their homes after floodwaters free dozens of dangerous animals. rescue crews in the former soviet country of georgia are searching for dangerous animals that escaped from a flood over the weekend. >> folks living near that zoo are trapped in their homes till they catch those an imals. >> reporter: police have locked down the capital city as police search for dangerous animals that escaped when the floods hit. the zoo director says many people are reported seeing wild animals roaming the city. this hippopotamus wandered around in one of the main squares on sunday after flash floods destroyed its cage. authorities shot the hippo with a tranquilizer dart and led it away. lions, jaguars and bears are still on the loose. helicopters are circling the region warning people to stay indoors. this bear took refuge on a second story air conditioner. at least 300 animals have died. many drowned including monkeys and penguins. heavy rain triggered the floods that killed at least a dozen people including three zookeepers and people are still missing. a massive cleanup operation is underway. >> some angry residents accuse authorities of going quote on safari because many of the animals were hunted down and killed but they said the flooding was the worst national disaster in recent memory. this is bruce johnson. a lot of businesses are selling synthetic drugs to young people. the mayor police chief and others announced steps to shut them down. >> a little boy sinks to the bottom of a public pool. he was pulled out and rescued but fighting for his life tonight. i'm peggy fox in lorton. the story coming up. lots of legitimate businesses in the district are making big profits selling illegal synthetic marijuana but that could soon change if the police chief is given authority to shut those businesses down. thank you for joining us. i'm lesli foster. >> and i'm derek mcginty. it is several steps in a new strategy outlined by mayor bowser and cathy lanier earlier today. bruce johnson is standing by with more on that. >> first the weather report, topper said what, 5:59 that rain would be here in the district? 5:59 the rain is here. it was just down the street not that long ago that a dc council member said a legitimate business offered to sell her synthetic drugs. the problem is she didn't have cash. they wouldn't take her credit card. it's a big problem in the city. people in position to know explained why today. >> if you look at the titles, mr. nice guy scooby snacks, k2, wtf, space cadet. >> reporter: the labels look innocent enough. >> i've been called public enemy number 1 for the last four years. >> reporter: the director for the drug prevention center says buyer beware. anybody who uses synthetic drugs is taking a huge risk. >> it's nothing like marijuana. totally different. >> reporter: last week in the single day there were 11 separate emergency runs for synthetic drug overdoses here. >> these drugs are being marketed as something that's fun and safe and you can have a good time. >> reporter: if dc mayor bowser gets her way police chief cathy lanier would be able to close businesses for 96 hours if caught selling synthetic drugs. they could also be fined it $10,000 for the first offense. >> we try to go after it aggressively we just didn't have the case to go after it. >> reporter: a couple liquor store owners had this response to the new crackdown on businesses that pedal synthetic drugs. >> i think those that are dealing in this business, they should watch out. >> be closed? >> absolutely . >> i asked for synthetic marijuana. >> reporter: board 7

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