The Haldimand-Norfolk Health Unit reported two new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday. An additional seven people have recovered, bringing the number of active cases in the region to 44. We apologize, but this video has failed to load. Try refreshing your browser. Two new cases of COVID-19 Wednesday in H-N Back to video There have been 1,377 positive cases in Haldimand and Norfolk counties since the onset of the pandemic, with 1,290 of those resolved, and 38 deaths. Compared to the previous day’s report, the new cases involved people from Dunnville. Outbreaks are ongoing but the numbers remain unchanged at the following facilities: Cedarwood Village long-term care home in Simcoe (three staff); Norfolk Hospital Nursing Home in Simcoe (three staff); Norview Lodge in Simcoe (one resident and three staff); Edgewater Gardens long-term care centre in Dunnville (three staff) and Delhi Long-Term Care in Delhi (one staff).