WFP Mozambique Country Brief, November 2020 Format US$ 4.7 m cash-based transfers made US$ 142 m six months (December 2020 – May 2021) net funding requirements, representing 34.6% of total 724,434 people assisted in November 2020 Operational Updates • Recent weeks have been marked by a continued increase in the sophistication and geographical reach of non-state armed group (NSAG) attacks in Cabo Delgado province, leading to an increase in population displacements and humanitarian needs. • According to the Government, 565,000 people are known to be displaced in Cabo Delgado, of which some have moved towards Nampula, Niassa and Zambezia provinces. • In November, WFP experienced delays in resource confirmation, food procurement, and dispatch to Cabo Delgado and Nampula for October and November cycles. The October cycle distributions were only completed during the last half of November, resulting in a delay of November distribution into December 2020. Due to these delays, in November, WFP assisted 322,084 conflict-affected IDPs in Cabo Delgado.