When Skeletor Meets Shogun Warriors, Everybody Loses (Except Toy Fans) Share *gulp* (Image: Mattel Creations) To sign up for our daily newsletter covering the latest news, features and reviews, head HERE. For a running feed of all our stories, follow us on Twitter HERE. Or you can bookmark the Kotaku Australia homepage to visit whenever you need a news fix. When Mattel’s senior manager of Masters of the Universe Ruben Martinez applies the aesthetic of He-Man’s greatest foe to a legendary line of giant 1970s robots, two-foot-tall, $US300 ($388) Shogun Masters Skeletor is the result. Yes, his massive blue fist is a projectile. Yes, He-Man is in for an incredibly bad day. Shogun Masters Skeletor is a celebration of two of Mattel’s iconic toy properties. There’s