SUSAN JOHNS Wed, 04/21/2021 - 8:45am Wiscasset officials and other attendees take part in selectmen’s April 20 Zoom meeting. Zoom screenshot Over Zoom and Youtube Tuesday night, April 20, Wiscasset selectmen listened to, praised and talked about acting soon on teenagers’ request the town help address climate change. “Wiscasset is an amazing place. It’s beautiful. But we need to keep it that way,” Wiscasset Middle High School freshman Grace Greene said. The new WMHS group, Sheepscot Climate Action Club, was Greene’s idea, teacher Ralph Keyes said. Keyes, fellow teachers Brad Lopes and Seth Platikus, and 2020 WMHS graduate Maria West advise the club. Greene’s fellow members are freshmen Julia Truesdell, Emily Gilliam, Nevaeh Campbell and Linnea Andersson, homeschool student Bri Wright, senior Ty DeLong and junior Brianna Colson.